• Should you wear a bandage during pregnancy? When will you need a postpartum bandage? In what cases should you stop wearing a bandage during pregnancy?


    A growing belly while expecting a baby gives its owner not only a lot of pleasant sensations, but also some discomfort. In anticipation imminent birth the uterus of a pregnant woman begins to put more and more pressure on various organs, including the spine. In order to reduce this load, many women resort to using a special bandage. How long can this be done and is it necessary for everyone without exception?

    Such a device can not only reduce back pain and other discomfort, but also help an unborn child, as well as prevent the occurrence of unsightly scars and stretch marks. Meanwhile, you can’t wear it in every situation. There are certain contraindications for its use.

    In what cases is it necessary to use a bandage?

    How long should you wear a maternity brace to help the health of the unborn baby and its expectant mother, and not harm them? The question is not idle, because quite often ladies put on a bandage as soon as they have a small tummy. Meanwhile, a special belt or panties is not at all as harmless a device as it might seem. Most modern gynecologists believe that a bandage should be used during pregnancy only for certain indications. This:

    • threat of miscarriage or premature birth;
    • low position of the unborn baby;
    • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
    • large fetus or multiple pregnancy;
    • pain and discomfort in the back;
    • scar on the uterus after surgery;
    • pain and discomfort in the legs, varicose veins of the lower extremities;
    • swelling, inflammation, pinched nerve in the lumbar region, accompanied by pain or discomfort;
    • surgery on abdominal cavity carried out 1-2 years before the baby is conceived;
    • underdevelopment of the cervix.

    If you do not have any medical indications for using a bandage and you just want to make your life easier or use it as a preventative against stretch marks, you still do not need to wear it. In such a situation, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall will not cope with the load on their own and will become much weaker, which means it will be more difficult for them to recover after the birth of the child. In addition, sometimes bandages are not made from natural materials, therefore can provoke various allergic reactions.

    In addition, there is a contraindication in which the use of a bandage is strictly prohibited. This is the incorrect position of the fetus in the uterus after 24 weeks. Wearing such a device can prevent the baby from turning head down in her mother's tummy. However, if the fetus moves into the correct position on its own closer to birth, you will have to buy a bandage to prevent it from moving again.

    How to choose a bandage?

    Such feminine devices may be intended for the prenatal or postpartum period. Meet and universal options that can be worn at any time.

    Prenatal bandages are made in the form of special panties or a wide belt. Most often, expectant mothers choose a bandage in the form of a special belt - a tape that becomes narrower at the edges and is equipped with Velcro or any other fasteners. Depending on the size of the abdomen, the length of this device can be adjusted. The belt should only be put on and worn in a certain way, which may not be very comfortable.

    In such a situation, many pregnant women prefer to use a bandage in the form of high panties. Usually everyone feels quite comfortable in them. But this variety is not recommended for ladies who are prone to excessive weight gain.

    You should buy a bandage in a specialized store. Be sure to try it on before purchasing. The correctly selected size of this item is a guarantee that it will not harm the baby, and his mother will be comfortable in it.

    From what week should I wear a maternity brace?

    Many pregnant women experiencing pain and discomfort in the lower extremities or lower back self-prescribe the help of a bandage to alleviate their condition. Meanwhile, before using this device, it is necessary to consult a doctor to clarify for what period a specific patient should wear a bandage for pregnant women.

    Usually women in interesting position receive a recommendation to start using a bandage between 23 and 30 weeks of pregnancy. But in some situations, this device may be necessary a little earlier or later than the specified period.

    How to wear a maternity bandage?

    In order for the use of this “gadget” to bring only benefits to you and your unborn child, you need to follow the following simple rules:

    • You cannot sleep in a bandage;
    • During the day, it is not recommended to use this device for 3 or more hours in a row. After each use you should take a forty-minute break;
    • the bandage should not compress the abdominal cavity;
    • if the doctor does not give you any special recommendations, you need to use your “assistant” right up to the birth;
    • when active movements If the baby is in the tummy, panties or a belt should be removed immediately. You can use this device again only when the baby calms down;
    • Finally, you need to learn how to put on the bandage correctly.

    If it is shaped like an elastic panty, only wear it while lying down. In this case, you should place a rolled blanket, a small bolster or a pillow under your hips. The “layer” between the bandage and the body should be thin cotton panties.

    At first, it is also best to put on the belt while lying down. Once you figure out how to do it correctly, you can put it on while standing. It should also be worn in a “duet” with underwear made from natural cotton. Position the waistband so that the front goes under your prominent belly. The back of the bandage should rest on the top of your buttocks.

    Thus, acquaintance with the bandage in general cases should take place at 23-30 weeks of pregnancy. This device becomes a reliable assistant for women, providing their body with such necessary support. It is only important that the ally does not turn into an enemy and pest. And this happens when a woman starts wearing a bandage “just because,” ignoring the doctor’s recommendations and not taking into account that there are very specific indications for using the device.

    For many expectant mothers, during the period when the belly is just beginning to increase in size, the doctor recommends wearing a prenatal bandage. In some cases, it may be required after childbirth to support the anterior abdominal wall in special situations. A natural question arises: is wearing a bandage necessary or can you do without it, in what cases is it directly indicated, and when can you wear it from time to time? Let's try to understand all the nuances of choosing and using this device.

    Maternity bandage

    As the size of the abdomen and the fetus inside the uterus increases, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain correct posture, keeping your back straight and without shifting your center of gravity. Such a change in figure and distribution of the load on the spine leads to discomfort and even back pain, and wearing a bandage will help solve the problem. Due to its special design, it helps to support the stomach, transferring the load to various parts of the back, and prevents it from sagging and relaxing the muscles. But such a design does not apply to mandatory accessories for pregnant women, it is worn at will or according to indications; everyone does not have to buy it. However, if it is decided that you need to wear a bandage, it is important to choose it correctly in accordance with the period, characteristics of the figure and the size of the abdomen. In addition, it should be comfortable for the woman and not cause discomfort.

    The correct design of this product does not harm the baby, making the life of the expectant mother much easier. But you need to choose it correctly.

    What is considered a bandage?

    The category of bandages includes structures made of dense fabric and elastic bands that have elasticity and a sufficient margin of safety. Worn in a special way and tailored according to special patterns, they help maintain the correct position of the baby in the uterine cavity.


    If bandages are used correctly and from an early stage, they help eliminate excessively early descent of the fetal head into the pelvic area, maintain correct posture, and reduce the feeling of fatigue and muscle fatigue in the back or legs.

    This is especially important for those expectant mothers who go to work or long time are in a vertical position. While wearing the bandage, the abdomen and back are supported, which reduces the feeling of pressure and fatigue in the lumbar region, distributing the load evenly along the axis of the spine. Products of this kind, along with many other products, help with a comprehensive effect on the skin, preventing formation in the abdomen, hips, and back.

    What types of bandages are there?

    If we divide all products according to their design, as well as according to the functional tasks assigned to them, they can be divided into the following types:

    • Prenatal bandage , it helps in supporting the back and abdomen, it is worn starting from the second half of pregnancy, during the period of active growth of the abdomen.
    • Postpartum bandage , which is needed to return to normal shape as quickly as possible after the baby is born, or after surgery. They tighten the stomach and support the muscles in the abdominal area (abs and adjacent groups).
    • Universal bandage , which is applicable both in the prenatal period and after the birth of the baby, and can also be used in the postoperative period.

    If we talk about prenatal bandages, they may look like:


    According to women, bandage panties are comfortable in the second trimester, when the belly is not yet so large, but it is more convenient to wear a belt towards the end of the period, weeks 30-32, when the belly is already voluminous and heavy.

    Indications for wearing a bandage during pregnancy

    Typically, indications appear in each specific case, but speaking in general, women will especially be advised to wear such products in the following cases:

    • If you lead an active, mobile and dynamic lifestyle.
    • If a woman goes to work and spends a lot of time on her feet, she needs to spend a fairly long period during the day in an upright position (at least two to three hours in a row).
    • If there is pain in the lumbar region, it occurred before pregnancy with frequent exacerbations, and occurs periodically.
    • Available in the area of ​​the lower extremities, pelvis or genitals.
    • It is also recommended to wear a bandage in the presence of multiple pregnancies, if this is not the first pregnancy and the muscles are weakened, especially in the area of ​​the anterior abdominal wall, back and lower back.
    • The bandage also plays a significant role in the prevention of stretch marks on the abdomen, if they have just appeared or there is a threat of their occurrence (the skin is dry, prone to formation).

    It is mandatory to wear a bandage for pregnant women who have a child at risk or have been diagnosed with cervical insufficiency (CI).

    Contraindications to wearing bandages during pregnancy

    Regarding contraindications, everything is more complicated. As such, there are no absolute contraindications; they can be relative. Thus, the doctor may prohibit wearing a bandage in case of abnormal positions of the baby in the uterine cavity (oblique, transverse), or in the presence of low placentation, placenta previa, or in other situations that are revealed during examination and examination.


    There is also the opinion of some experts that wearing a bandage is not natural to the nature of pregnancy. Young and healthy women with strong, trained muscles they can easily do without additional equipment.

    When should you start wearing a brace during pregnancy?

    On average, you need to wear a bandage no earlier than the fourth or even fifth month of pregnancy
    , as the growth of the tummy accelerates. Doctors may recommend wearing it from a period of 30 weeks or more if this is the first pregnancy, or earlier - starting from the 24th week - if this is a repeat gestation or multiple pregnancy. If you wear a bandage from an early stage, this threatens to significantly weaken the tone of the muscle frame in the area of ​​the anterior abdominal wall, which will then lead to a long period of recovery after childbirth. Also, the duration of wearing the bandage will also be the period when, according to subjective sensations, it is already difficult to walk, there are uncomfortable sensations in the back and legs, lower back, and fatigue appears at the end of the day. But, It is not recommended to wear the product around the clock; there are rules for when to use it.

    How to wear a bandage correctly?

    Whatever type of bandage you choose to purchase, it is recommended to wear it in a lying position. This is necessary so that when moving to a vertical position of the body, the muscles that are exposed to the greatly enlarged uterus do not stretch, but maintain their original position and tone.

    If the product is worn according to all the rules, it is selected strictly in size and style, there will be no feeling of discomfort or fatigue, it is not felt on the body. After removing the bandage, there should be no marks or red stripes left on the skin of the body, which indicate excessive tightening of the tissues.

    If you want to remove the product or feel uncomfortable in it, you need to take a lying position again, remove all the parts of the bandage and expand it in size. A correctly selected model will not harm the health of the mother or the fetus in any way; it does not lead to restriction in movements and does not increase the tone of the uterus.

    No matter how comfortable the bandage is, you need to take short breaks while wearing it; usually, every three hours it is removed for an hour or a little more to rest. In order to help in making the right choice and wearing, each of their certified and high-quality products is accompanied by complete instructions for putting on, wearing and washing with detailed step by step photos, which will help you avoid making mistakes in putting it on and fixing it correctly. You can also ask your doctor or health visitor for help in learning how to use the brace.

    What do you need to know when purchasing?

    When buying a bandage, it is important to choose models that look like wide belts, which especially support the lumbar and back areas, hips and abdomen. Belts that are too narrow slip or curl and may be uncomfortable to wear. High-quality products are not cheap, but they are durable and practical, wash and wear well, they are usually made in the Baltic states and Italy, although there are also domestic models that are very comfortable. Our models, although not as elegant as imported ones, do their job perfectly. When choosing, you need to rely not on beauty, but not on convenience and functionality. You need to measure the bandage, consult with specialists, and choose only those products for which there are quality certificates.

    The period of pregnancy and expecting a baby is one of the magical moments in the life of every woman.

    Of course, at first no special changes are visible, but already from the second half of the fourth month, a pregnant woman’s tummy quickly increases, which contributes not only to updating outfits, but also, in most cases, to wearing a bandage.

    A bandage is a special elastic device that helps not only pregnant women, but also babies in the womb.

    When to wear a maternity brace

    Only obstetricians and gynecologists can prescribe wearing a bandage. You should not resort to such a decision on your own, because this can harm the unborn child. From a medical point of view, a bandage is necessary in the following cases:

    If you complain of constant pain in the back and legs;

    In the presence of varicose veins (veins) or osteochondrosis;

    If there is more than one fetus;

    With low placement of the fetus in the second trimester;

    If there is a threat of miscarriage or childbirth ahead of schedule;

    If there are scars on the uterus.

    The prenatal bandage performs a number of functions that can make pregnancy easier, namely:

    Reduces pressure on a woman’s back;

    Prevents the appearance of stretch marks;

    Correctly fixes the position of the fetus;

    Prevents unplanned prolapse of the fetus;

    Promotes a more active lifestyle for the expectant mother.

    This wardrobe attribute will truly become an integral part of your daily toilet. Those mothers who, until the last days of pregnancy, try to go to work and do all household chores really need to wear a bandage. It will not only relieve the load on the woman’s spine and lower back, but will also help avoid premature birth if she is very active. Many women are afraid that towards the end of pregnancy their belly button may fall out or they will experience pain when bending forward. To save expectant mothers from unnecessary stress obstetricians recommend purchasing this auxiliary attribute. Doctors believe that wearing a bandage for a long time helps to permanently fix the baby in the “head down” position and will prevent the baby from turning over. last days pregnancy.

    Remember, You cannot wear a bandage all the time. It must be removed at night or when the woman moves to a horizontal position. Also, during the day, it is important not to be in a bandage for more than three hours at a time, as this can harm the baby.

    It is important to know, that in some cases the bandage is not only unnecessary, but also prohibited. If the baby is in the wrong position (legs down or across), if the mother is diagnosed with skin diseases or an allergy to fabric. If a woman is absolutely healthy and can carry a child without any problems throughout her pregnancy, there is no need to wear a bandage.

    How to wear a maternity bandage correctly: choosing a bandage

    Today there are several options for bandages. They all differ in shape and method of fixation, but their essence is the same - to properly support the mother’s belly.

    1. The most common and inexpensive option is bandage panties. It has the shape of an underwear, but with a high elastic panel that fits snugly around the stomach. This insert should tighten as the abdominal volume increases. For fashionistas who want to look sexy even during pregnancy, manufacturers have released models such as thongs, shorts or lace. But many doctors express doubts about the effectiveness of this underwear.

    An obvious disadvantage jockstrap panties is that it is actually worn without any underwear, so you have to wash it very often, resulting in loss appearance and elasticity. Moreover, such a bandage cannot be removed anywhere except at home.

    2. Another type of bandage, which is not inferior in popularity to the previous one, is elastic support belt. It is fixed on the lower back and lower abdomen. This bandage is worn over the underwear and secured with special Velcro. This elastic belt does not float and is almost invisible under clothing. Negative side is that with a huge volume of the abdomen, such a bandage may not be entirely comfortable and “cut” into the skin.

    3. The next type is a combination of the previous two. Women call him "bandage hood". This is the same elastic waistband, but with a high insert that covers the entire belly, like a real hood. This is a fairly versatile and convenient option. This bandage is worn over high underwear or simply lies on the skin and does not require frequent washing.

    4. Universal or combined bandage. This type is an elastic tape with Velcro-type fasteners. On the one hand, this tape is very wide, on the other, it is much narrower. This purchase can be used both before and after childbirth. During pregnancy, the wide side is worn on the back, and the narrow side goes under the lower abdomen, like a belt. After childbirth, the sides change so that the abdominal muscles come into shape faster.

    5. There is another, less popular type of bandage. To be honest, it is considered a relic of the last century. This - bandage with ropes, or bandage-corset. This attribute is completely inconvenient to use and cannot be put on without outside help. The material from which this type of bandage is made is inelastic, so it is impossible to wear such a brace throughout pregnancy, as the volume of the abdomen increases. Fortunately, rope braces are not common among new mothers.

    Important information! It is best to purchase bandages in maternity stores or pharmacies, where salespeople will help you choose the type and type you need. right size bandage It should be made from natural fabrics and not cause allergies.

    How to wear a maternity bandage correctly: how to put it on

    Any of the listed types of bandages must be put on and worn in accordance with the rules prescribed in the instructions for the belt. Namely:

    The bandage can be worn exclusively in a horizontal position, placing a special cushion or pillow under the lower back and butt and lying quietly for several minutes before the procedure. It is this position of the body that helps to fix the uterus at the required height and evenly distribute the weight. Moreover, the fetus itself can freely take the necessary position in the lower abdomen and not put pressure on bladder.

    Carefully and tightly fasten the bandage, but so as not to squeeze the blood vessels and reduce the flow of blood to the abdomen.

    If it is a belt, then pass it under the lower abdomen to capture the pubis.

    Carefully roll over to your side and stand up.

    You also need to remove the bandage while lying down.

    Need to know, that doctors strictly forbid putting on a bandage in an upright position. This may cause the risk of severe pressure on the uterus and baby. This type of wearing causes pain in the back and legs. Also, it is not allowed to wear a bandage for more than 7 hours a day or to put it on a naked body.

    How to wear a maternity bandage correctly: what not to do while wearing a bandage

    As for the prohibitions for women who use a maternity bandage on a regular basis, there are a number of disagreements and contradictions that we will now try to sort out. The main frequently asked questions are:

    Is it possible to sit while using a maternity brace?

    Is it possible to go to bed without removing the maternity bandage?

    As you know, a bandage is necessary primarily to try to minimize the pressure and load on the spine and lower back of a pregnant woman while she is in an upright position. But, according to some experts, constant wearing of a bandage is prohibited, as it interferes with the child’s blood circulation. In such cases, it is recommended to remove it every three or four hours to give the child a rest and some exercise. It is also prohibited to lean forward sharply and strongly, thereby creating additional pressure on the child.

    It is necessary to remove the bandage both during daytime and during night sleep, since it will not perform its function in a supine position, due to the complete absence of load on the back, and can only harm the child. But regarding the question of whether it is possible to sit in a bandage, there are several conflicting opinions of experts. Some fully support and allow you to sit with the bandage on, while others categorically insist on the opposite. Here the choice is entirely up to the mother. Be that as it may, do not forget that the main thing is a straight back and a feeling of comfort. If while sitting you experience discomfort, you should immediately remove the bandage and put it on only while you are in an upright position.

    If we consider postpartum bandages, then the restrictions are much more serious. This type of bandage has its own specifics and should not be worn if:

    There are restrictions in the presence of post-cesarean stitches;

    There are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

    The appearance of edema in kidney disease;

    Skin diseases and various allergic reactions.

    And finally, it is worth noting that in any case, before going to a specialty store or pharmacy for a bandage, consult your doctor. Only your doctor can give a high-quality recommendation on choosing and purchasing a bandage. Based on the characteristics of your body and analyzing the progress of your pregnancy, only he will be able to choose the type of bandage that is completely suitable for you.

    An article about how to properly wear a bandage for pregnant women and mature mothers after childbirth. We will analyze the main types of such clothing and their differences. Let's find out why such medical clothing is needed and what contraindications there are.

    In addition, we will decide which type is best for you. And also what sizes to choose, where it is better to buy such a product and at what price. At the end you will be able to see various reviews and photos.

    Prenatal bandage for pregnant women - types and which one is better to choose

    Prenatal bandages for pregnant women can be various types and designs. We will look at them below. Which one is better to choose is up to you. Just try on each type, and you yourself will understand which one is most comfortable.

    Prenatal bandage

    Comfortable - this means that the clothes do not restrict movement, do not rub, do not cause sweating or irritation on the skin.

    Just because the fetus is still inside does not mean that its opinion should not be taken into account. If the child pushes hard when you put on the bandage, then the design does not suit him.

    Please note that before wearing such medical clothing, consult your doctor first. Perhaps you may have some contraindications.

    How long does it take to wear a maternity bandage?

    So, from when to wear a bandage for pregnant women? Usually the doctor recommends wearing it from the second trimester, that is, from 20 to 25 weeks. But this is very individual. After all, sometimes exact date may be incorrectly defined.

    If there is a threat of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy, the doctor may advise you to start wearing a bandage from the very beginning.

    Why do you need a bandage during pregnancy?

    Let's talk about why a bandage is needed during pregnancy. It is worth saying that the doctor may prescribe wearing such clothes after an initial examination for various medical indications. Now we will look at them.

    Premature birth

    The threat of premature birth can occur at any stage of pregnancy. Proper distribution of the load on the body will help maintain good health while carrying a child.

    If you have weak abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, then wearing a bandage during pregnancy is mandatory. Such clothing tightly fixes the position of the uterus and prevents its premature prolapse.

    Against the formation of scars (stretch marks)

    Due to the increase in weight and size, tension skin on the stomach and upper legs increases. In addition, any skin of even the most trained woman stretches. This leads to the formation of unsightly scars (stretch marks).

    Pregnancy scars

    Scars are very difficult to fade from the skin. In some cases, this memory of pregnancy can last a lifetime.

    Low location of the placenta

    This is when the fetus is implanted in the lower part of the uterus. In order not to provoke placental abruption with a sudden movement, it is recommended to fix the abdominal wall.

    Breech presentation of the fetus

    The child lies head down. There's nothing wrong with that. If the fetal position is already stable, then you can wear a prenatal bandage.

    If the situation is unstable, then it is better to try to turn the fruit over. For this there are special exercises. In this case wearing a bandage is contraindicated.

    The exercises helped or the child himself took the correct position - only a doctor can make these conclusions. But this medical clothing for expectant mothers will help to fix the correct position of the fetus.

    Increased amount of amniotic fluid

    Polyhydramnios is diagnosed using ultrasound. The reasons that cause it can be different:

    • Various chronic diseases
    • Unusual fruit size
    • Multiple pregnancy

    It is worth noting that at such moments the belly can grow to a very large size.

    Repeated pregnancy

    If the interval between pregnancies is very short, then stretch marks on the skin may still persist. The abdominal cavity is weakened by previous births.

    Also, after a previous birth, a scar could remain from caesarean section. In general, the experience of your previous pregnancy will help you determine from what time to wear a maternity bandage.

    Back pain and osteochondrosis

    The spine experiences increased stress during pregnancy. There is a shift in the usual center of gravity of the woman’s entire body.

    If future mom moves a lot during the day, the load on the musculoskeletal system increases. Back pain can lead to persistent sleep disorders. This is unacceptable for a woman.


    Restructuring of internal organs with enlargement of the uterus causes problems with blood circulation in the pelvis. The entire circulatory system experiences additional stress, as it must supply oxygen and nutrients to the growing body.

    Varicose veins on the legs

    Signs varicose veins appear in the form of stars and strings of blue color on foot. Capillaries and small vessels cannot withstand and stretch. It happens that this leads to their complete rupture.

    The compression bandage will reduce and correctly distribute the load on the lower limbs. But remember that this is only one of the measures to prevent varicose veins. There are many other ways to combat varicose veins.

    What else do you need a maternity bandage for?

    Why else do you need a bandage for pregnant women? In addition to medical indications, such clothing helps relieve stress on the spine, internal organs and skin.

    By supporting your belly, it helps relieve fatigue and heavy legs. This is important when maternity leave It’s still a long way off, but the belly is starting to grow rapidly.

    But a bandage alone won't prepare your abdominal muscles for childbirth. Ideally, you should start strengthening your muscles long before pregnancy.

    But for those who did not have time to do this, there are various exercises for pregnant women. It is important to do them regularly. You can do the exercises while wearing a bandage.

    Until you give birth, it will be an item in your wardrobe. If such clothing is worn for medical reasons, the period of its use will be determined solely by a doctor.

    If clothing helps you withstand physical activity and makes you feel comfortable, then wear it as needed.

    Some expectant mothers do not stop exercising during pregnancy. The abdominal muscles must be kept in excellent shape. The bandage will help you perform all the exercises in training without experiencing pain in back.

    How to wear a universal bandage for pregnant women correctly

    Many people do not know how to properly wear a universal bandage for pregnant women. Let's fix this problem. It is worth saying that this model consists of two strips of stretchable material. You can wear it both before and after childbirth. Hence the name - universal.

    Universal bandage before and after childbirth

    Before giving birth worn as follows. A wide band is fastened along the back to relieve it, and a narrow band is placed under the stomach. The tension of the tapes is adjusted with Velcro.

    The sides of the tape are reinforced with an elastic band with flaps. This allows you to adjust the tension without undoing the entire bondage. After childbirth he is simply turned over with the wide part onto his stomach.

    The disadvantage of this type is its bulk. It may protrude from under clothing. Velcro sometimes ruins clothes and tights.

    Bandage panties for pregnant women

    Bandage panties for pregnant women are sewn like regular panties, only with an elastic insert in the lower abdomen. An elastic insert at the back runs along the lower back. It is narrower in the front to support the tummy from below. The wider the elastic insert, the more effective action bandage

    Bandage panties for pregnant women

    Briefs may have fasteners on the sides to adjust the size. There is a fastener at the bottom for convenience when visiting the toilet.

    Model in shape panties for pregnant women is usually sold with decorations: ruffles or lace inserts. If you are not going to deny yourself beautiful underwear because of your position, then you can also choose a color. It usually has warm pastel colors.

    Bandage thong panties with lace for pregnant women

    If you plan to wear these panties instead of underwear, you will need to wash them frequently. So buy a few in advance.

    At high magnification weight in the last trimester, such maternity clothing can cause severe chafing and irritation.

    Panties come in different designs:

    • classic
    • shorts
    • thong

    But any doctor will advise you to choose classic version. And shorts are very good for winter. During the cold season they are much warmer.

    Maternity belt

    The maternity belt is a wide elastic band. It is worn along the lower back and lower abdomen. Secure with Velcro, while adjusting the degree of tension.

    Bandage belt for pregnant women

    You need to wear such a bandage belt over underwear and tights. Velcro can be on the sides and front. The side ones are fixed once at the beginning of the socks and then adjusted as the belly grows. Daily adjustments are made using the Velcro front flap.

    In summer, the belt does not completely cover the stomach. As a result, the expectant mother does not suffer from heat and excessive sweating.

    Nowadays the model with a hood is very popular. This is the same elastic band, but in the upper part there is a kind of elastic hood for the tummy. This model slips less during everyday wear.

    Special models are produced for summer with a mesh hood or a slit on the convex part of the abdomen.

    How to wear a maternity bandage correctly

    Another important question: how to wear a maternity bandage correctly? It should be noted that wearing such medical clothing all the time is not recommended. After 3 - 4 hours you need to remove it for 30 - 40 minutes. At this time, it is better to lie down or sit in a comfortable chair.

    If you or your fetus experience any discomfort while wearing the bandage, it should be removed immediately. The child can force you to take off such clothes with active pushes. I also recommend taking it off during night sleep or daytime rest in a supine position.

    How to wear a maternity bandage correctly

    Your doctor should tell you how to properly wear a brace for pregnant women. And not only tell, but conduct the first training session.

    Bandages are usually put on and taken off in a supine position. This is not very convenient. But everything has its own explanation.

    Lying on your back, you need to slightly lift your pelvic area up. In a horizontal position, the load on the abdominal cavity is minimal. Also, the uterus does not fall down under the influence of gravity.

    Sometimes you won't always have the opportunity to lie down. In this case, you need to sit down and lean back as much as possible. Then use your hand to slightly lift your stomach. In the pressed position, you can fasten the bandage.

    Postpartum bandage

    The postpartum bandage is intended for different purposes compared to the prenatal bandage. Do not rush to put it on and consult your doctor in advance.

    Postpartum bandage

    Postnatal bandages have the same varieties as prenatal ones. But the specifics of the design are determined by their functionality.

    They are designed to restore a slim figure and muscle tone after a difficult period of gestation and childbirth. Such clothes are made more dense and elastic.

    Contraindications for use

    There are various medical contraindications for using such a bandage after childbirth. Therefore, I will start this important section of the article with them.

    Slow contraction of the uterus after childbirth requires close monitoring by doctors. Its main part is adjacent to the abdominal wall. The uterus remains mobile due to its distension after pregnancy.

    The tone of the ligamentous apparatus here is reduced. Therefore, you should never make your own decisions about wearing such clothes.

    Stomach and kidney diseases after childbirth they can enter the acute stage.

    C-section also plays a role. During this operation, the bandage provides fixation of the suture and the entire abdominal wall. This is important to ensure the healing process. But if the seam is non-standard (longitudinal), then such clothing is contraindicated.

    Bowel prolapse may be caused by changes in the location of internal organs and weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. Therefore, wearing such clothing is prohibited.

    Allergic reactions and skin diseases are also included in the contraindications.

    You should not wear a bandage after childbirth without your doctor's permission. He will take into account the progress of labor and general condition after the examination. This can happen on the day of birth or the next day. But still, among the obligatory list of things to go to the maternity hospital, it is better to take such clothes with you.

    How to wear a postpartum bandage correctly

    Now let's talk a little about how to wear a postpartum bandage correctly. Depending on the indication, it is usually worn until 6 weeks after birth (postpartum period).

    If the doctor did not prescribe wearing such clothes immediately after childbirth, then to restore your figure, you will be able to wear them no earlier than after discharge from the maternity hospital.

    Remember that such medical clothing alone will not cope with increasing the tone of the muscles and skin of the abdominal wall. Therefore, be sure to perform sets of exercises, while gradually increasing the load.

    How to put on a bandage after childbirth

    Some people may have difficulty putting the brace on correctly after giving birth. It must be put on while lying down. Then the pressure in the abdominal cavity normalizes. And the muscles relax as much as possible and are effectively fixed.

    Immediately after giving birth, you need to get back on your feet very slowly. You may feel dizzy or faint. Therefore, be careful here.

    The size for a postpartum bandage is selected according to the size before birth. If you gain more than 10-12 kg of body weight over 9 months, you should take a size 1-2 larger than usual.

    Bandage panties for postpartum woman

    Some manufacturers can offer special bandage panties for postpartum women. This model usually has a reinforced insert in the abdominal area.

    Postpartum bandage panties

    Sometimes they make a design similar to a corset. More rigid bone plates are sewn into the fabric from the inside different lengths. In this case, the height of the bandage increases. You can wear such a model with plates no earlier than 30 days after birth.

    Pants - shorts

    Various manufacturers offer bandage shorts or Bermuda pants. This type of clothing supposedly makes the figure slimmer. The hip line is also corrected. The buttocks and upper legs are tightened.

    Bandage pants

    You should not abuse such corsets. It is better to go in for sports and quickly regain the shape lost during pregnancy.

    The bandage belt is worn around the waist after childbirth. It is secured with Velcro. Modern belts, as a rule, have several additional fasteners on the side to adjust the tension.

    Postpartum bandage belt

    The disadvantage of this type of clothing is that it slips. It usually slides upward. Therefore, such a belt is not very convenient to wear with trousers. Sometimes, in order to prevent folds from forming on the sides of the belt, additional inserts-bones are made.

    Due to its density, such clothes do not highlight the waistline. It not only pulls in the stomach, but also the buttocks, which visually spoils the figure.

    Many people may not know how to wear a universal bandage after childbirth. It is usually worn upside down. The wide strip should fall on the stomach, and the narrow strip should support the back. This design is more resistant to slipping.

    Universal bandage after childbirth

    However, this type of model is quite voluminous and can be visible from under clothing. After giving birth you will have to be patient and wear loose dress. But after a month and a half, you will regain your shape and be able to wear your favorite tight dresses and skirts.

    Postpartum bandage after caesarean section

    A postpartum bandage after a cesarean section covers the entire area from the waist down to the pubic area. It is equipped with a fastener across the entire width of the belt. Made to be softer than regular postpartum clothing.

    Postpartum bandage after cesarean

    This model, in addition to strengthening the abdominal muscle, prevents the formation of postoperative abdominal hernias.

    Can be worn over a sterile bandage with a suture. You should also wear it until the scar is completely formed and its shape is completely restored.

    Where to buy a maternity bandage and how much it costs

    Some may wonder where to buy a bandage for pregnant women and mothers after childbirth, and also how much it costs. It is sold both in specialized stores and in pharmacies. Sometimes they can sell it directly at the women's clinic.

    It is best to buy in specialized stores that have fitting rooms. Pharmacies may not allow you to try on clothes. And it’s better not to buy it without trying it on.

    In this case, it is better to try it on with outerwear. The bandage should not be visible under the dress. Velcro can get into inconvenient places and ruin your clothes.

    You can also buy such products in online stores. However, I recommend making such purchases only for an already familiar model. For example, if you needed another one of a certain model to replace it.

    How much it costs?

    I will say that the price in pharmacies and stores ranges from 300 to 3000 rubles. It mainly depends on the type of clothing, size, brand and quality of the material itself.

    Which bandage for pregnant women is better to choose?

    Which bandage for pregnant women is better to choose - they will tell you at specialized sales points. Important before purchasing medical clothing be sure to try it on. Try on all the models available in the store.

    After putting on a bandage in the fitting room, do not rush to take it off. Stay in it for at least 10 - 15 minutes. Be sure to complete most of your daily movements. Clothes should not press or rub you. It should be comfortable.

    It is better to choose models with several rows of fasteners. This will give more precise tension adjustment and will be useful when going up in size.

    When buying clothes for pregnant women or after childbirth, it is better to try on the bandage you are wearing. He will help you choose the right size of clothing so that it is not too noticeable.

    The designs of the models are determined by when they are used: during pregnancy (prenatal) or after childbirth ( postpartum).

    There are also universal bandages. Its versatility allows you to save on purchases, as you can wear it before and after childbirth. But if you expect to use it after childbirth, it’s better to buy two. After all, the entire wearing period can take a whole year.

    Bandages are made of the most ergonomic and hygroscopic modern materials. High-tech materials allow you to create the effect of a second skin. Natural cotton is ideal for skin. But inserts made of elastane, microfiber or microfiber cannot be avoided.

    Cheaper models are also available for sale. They are made from synthetic materials. But it’s better not to save money and choose natural materials.

    Maternity bandage with lacing

    Elastic fabrics have replaced lacing on bandages. Although models with laces, like those of our mothers and grandmothers, are still produced. It is impossible to quickly put on and take off such a bandage. The lacing is also often located on the back. We need to call someone for help.

    In the summer, it is better to purchase a bandage with perforations in the upper part. This creates additional ventilation and...

    How to choose a maternity bandage by size

    Now let's talk about how to choose a maternity bandage by size. Naturally, you need to buy a new one, not a used one. If you will wear it constantly, it is better to buy several pieces per change. After all, as you wear them, the elastic parts can stretch.

    Clothing sizes should also vary. This cannot always be done using fasteners and Velcro. On different terms During pregnancy, the belly has different sizes.

    The size will be selected for you in a specialized department of a pharmacy or store, if your doctor has not taken care of this. To determine the size, measure the volume of the hips under the abdomen with a centimeter. Sometimes you also need to additionally measure your waist circumference.

    How to determine the size of a maternity bandage?

    In general, sizes are indicated corresponding to hip volume 90, 100, and so on. 1, 2, etc. may be indicated. In this case, 1 corresponds to 90, 2 - 100 and then in increasing order.

    The size can be indicated in Latin letters or numbers, like regular clothes. In this case, the size of the bandage is determined by your pre-pregnancy size. A table of correspondence between Latin letters and numeric values ​​can be found in any reference book.

    Example of a size chart for a maternity bandage

    Bandage for pregnant women photo

    Below I suggest you look at photos of several models of prenatal bandages for pregnant and postpartum women. Click on the picture to enlarge.

    Panties before childbirth

    Panties after childbirth

    Postpartum shorts

    Belt after childbirth


    Now you know how to wear a maternity bandage correctly and which one is better to choose. There are two main directions - prenatal and postnatal. Then there are various models.

    Before wearing, be sure to consult your doctor, as there are various contraindications. If you have already decided on the model, then buying it will not be difficult for you. Pay attention to the size and especially the quality of the material. In general, be healthy!

    For this to be useful, let’s figure out how to choose it and use it correctly.

    A bandage in medicine is a special belt for holding the anterior abdominal wall and internal organs in a normal position. It is used in postoperative period, for hernias, pregnancy and the postpartum period. The bandage helps a woman feel better during pregnancy and recover faster after childbirth.

    What is a bandage for?

    The expectant mother needs a bandage not only to preserve beauty and health - it helps to maintain the quality of life to which the woman is accustomed. With each month of pregnancy, the load on the spine, back muscles and anterior abdominal wall increases. This leads to frequent lower back pain and fatigue. A properly selected bandage provides support for the abdominal muscles without squeezing it, distributes the load on the spine and back muscles, relieving back pain. In addition, it protects the skin of the abdomen and thighs from overstretching, preventing the appearance of stretch marks, and also reduces the load on internal organs, including the bladder, relieving the woman of the constant urge to urinate.

    The bandage is recommended to be worn from the moment of pregnancy, when there is active growth of the fetus and, accordingly, the abdomen. For most women this happens around the 20th week, sometimes later. For some expectant mothers, such as those expecting twins, indications for wearing a bandage may arise earlier than 20 weeks. The use of a bandage is recommended regardless of the size of the abdomen - as soon as it begins to grow.

    • back pain, including the lower back, during pregnancy, curvature of the spine, osteochondrosis: the bandage relieves the load from the lumbosacral spine, which will relieve the woman from daily pain during last months pregnancy;
    • weak muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and pelvic floor, predisposition to stretch marks - stretch marks of pregnant women: the bandage will prevent excessive stretching of the skin and muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, due to its design evenly distributing pressure over the entire surface of the abdomen;
    • repeated pregnancy, during which the abdominal wall stretches faster and stronger - the bandage will prevent overstretching of the skin and muscles and will reduce the risk of weak attempts during childbirth;
    • excessive enlargement of the uterus, polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies, big sizes fetus - in all these conditions, the bandage reduces overstretching of the skin, protects the spine from overload;
    • threat of miscarriage in the second and third trimester, isthmic-cervical insufficiency - a condition in which the cervix dilates long before the due date: the use of a bandage in this case can significantly reduce the pressure of the presenting part of the fetus and amniotic fluid on an incompetent cervix;
    • low position of the fetal head up to 36 weeks of pregnancy - the bandage fixes the baby higher and prevents him from falling down prematurely;
    • placenta previa or low position - the role of the bandage is reduced to the prevention of premature birth, it reduces pressure on the cervix from the presenting part of the fetus and the placenta;
    • a scar on the uterus after a cesarean section or removal of uterine fibroids - the bandage prevents the abdomen from overhanging the seam, reduces pressure on the scar area;
    • changing the position of the fetus in the uterus from pelvic to cephalic - the bandage fixes the fetus in the correct longitudinal position;
    • leg pain, swelling, varicose veins– the bandage reduces the pressure of the growing uterus on large venous vessels running along the spine, thereby reducing venous congestion and swelling;
    • active image life, when the expectant mother is in an upright position for 3 hours a day or longer - the bandage helps to bear the load more easily.


    Some doctors believe that wearing a bandage causes the abdominal muscles to become “lazy” and more difficult to recover after childbirth. However, a significantly larger number of specialists are in favor of the bandage. The obstetrician-gynecologist prescribes its use taking into account the mother’s age, gestational age, fetal position and the number of previous births. Therefore, before making a purchasing decision, you should definitely consult your doctor.

    • abnormal position of the fetus after 30 weeks of pregnancy. The bandage fixes the baby's position, and in a pelvic or transverse position it will be almost impossible for the baby to turn, which means the risk of complications and surgical intervention during childbirth increases. For correction incorrect positions the bandage is canceled and special gymnastics are prescribed, stimulating the fetus to take the correct position. Once installed cephalic presentation fetus, the woman is immediately again prescribed a bandage to wear continuously until the due date;
    • surgical intervention in the abdominal area during pregnancy: friction of the suture will lead to delayed healing and infection of the wound;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: for example, with constipation and bloating, the bandage can interfere with the movement of intestinal contents, increasing discomfort;
    • skin and allergic diseases, such as reactions to products made from synthetic materials. For eczema, moles, wounds, the bandage will injure the painful area and increase discomfort;
    • kidney diseases accompanied by swelling.

    What are they?

    The most common are three types of bandages: prenatal, designed to be worn by pregnant women, postpartum – in the first weeks after childbirth. The combined bandage can be used before and after childbirth: just turn it the other way.

    The bandage can be made of cotton, elastane, microfiber or mixtures thereof.
    Among the bandages, the following models are most often found:

    Bandage panties with an elastic support insert in the front under the abdomen. This type of bandage resembles high-top maternity panties with an elastic band sewn into the belly side. In cool weather, you can also wear it over underwear, which makes it easier to care for the bandage.

    Bandage belt. This is a very popular model of a bandage in the form of an elastic band. It is used both before and after childbirth. During the prenatal period, the wide part of the belt strengthens the back, distributing the load, and the narrow part is secured under the abdomen. After childbirth, the belt is turned the other way around: the wide part holds the stomach, the narrow part holds the back. Such bandages have 3 joints - one in front and two on the sides. The length of each of them can be changed using Velcro. The side joints are reinforced with an elastic band. If during wearing it turns out that the bandage has begun to put more pressure on the stomach or, conversely, has become stretched, then the side flaps allow you to adjust the diameter without unfastening the bandage. This model is preferable for back problems, especially if support is not needed throughout the day.

    The support belt is worn over the underwear. Some manufacturers have perforated tape: thanks to the holes, the material “breathes” and it is not so hot in the bandage. Some belt models have an elastic part that covers the abdomen, designed to better fix the bandage in the desired position.

    Some models of bandage belts can be used both during pregnancy and after childbirth. In the first case, the product is put on so that the wide part is at the back, in the second - at the front.

    Postpartum bandages. These bandages are not suitable for pregnant women. Wearing a postpartum bandage is not mandatory. Doctors recommend using it after childbirth to quickly restore the tone of the abdominal muscles and after a cesarean section to fix the suture and support the abdominal wall. Pull-up postpartum bandages-pants usually look like a wide ribbon, the same in width. They tighten the stomach quite well. Some postpartum bandages are high-rise panties with fastenings on the sides or both sides of the abdomen, often with a lower fastening, like a bodysuit, which allows you to keep them on if necessary, for example, to go to the toilet.

    Postoperative bandages are designed specifically for women who gave birth by caesarean section. They remind very much wide belt– from the waist and almost to the pubis (20–30 cm wide), with a fastener along the entire height. This type of bandage is softer than a regular postpartum bandage and is designed specifically for wearing after surgery. It secures the postoperative suture and supports the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. It is recommended to wear it while lying down.

    Some women believe that the bandage puts too much pressure on the abdomen and harms the fetus. It is not true. It is absolutely safe for both mother and child, provided the size is correctly selected. If the bandage fits a woman, it does not put pressure anywhere, but, on the contrary, causes relief.

    Usually, when prescribing a bandage, the doctor helps the patient choose right size. If you choose the size yourself, contact a consultant at the point of sale for help. The bandage belt is selected as follows: you need to measure the circumference of the hips under the stomach with a centimeter tape - this figure will be the size of the bandage. So, with a hip circumference of 85–95?cm, the size of the bandage will be 90, or 1st; with a circumference of 95–105, respectively, 100, or 2nd, more than 105–115?cm - 110, or 3rd. Some manufacturers recommend selecting a bandage based on the circumference of both the hips and waist: the number of sizes in the line in this case can be up to six. Sometimes the size of bandage belts is indicated in Latin letters or the usual numbers of clothing sizes: in this case, the size of the bandage corresponds to the size of clothes before pregnancy: S (42–44), M (46–48), L (50–52), XL (52– 54), XXL (56 and above). To find out the size of the panty bandage, you should add one more size to the “pre-pregnancy” size of the underwear.

    It is advisable to purchase underwear where you can try it on. It's best to try on several options and settle on the one in which you feel most comfortable.

    Bandages for pregnant women are sold in pharmacies and stores, where you can also buy clothes for pregnant women.

    How to wear a bandage

    A doctor should show you how to put on a bandage correctly, since the illustrations on the packages are not always correct. Often the underwear is placed too high on the model: in this case, it can squeeze the fetus.

    It is necessary to put on the bandage while lying on your back, slightly raising your hips: in this position, the fetus does not put pressure on the anterior abdominal wall, as it is higher. When a woman stands, the uterus drops under its own weight, and by fixing it in this position, we will only aggravate the problems that the bandage is designed to combat. It is also more convenient to remove the bandage while lying down. It is quite difficult to comply with the “take off and put on lying down” rule outside the home. In case there is nowhere to lie down, lean back, slightly lift your stomach with your hand and press it, then immediately secure this position with a bandage. It is better to wear a bandage on your underwear: this makes you feel more comfortable and extends the life of the bandage.

    A correctly applied bandage should not exert excessive pressure. The bandage belt is put on obliquely: it should go up the lower back, upper part of the buttocks, then below the stomach, resting on the hips, and in front - grab pubic bone. If you put on the bandage correctly, then after some time you will simply stop noticing it and feeling it on yourself. While lying down, fasten the front flap of the bandage belt. The tension of the bandage is adjusted while standing using the side flaps. In the future, the side flaps do not need to be unfastened and fastened every day - you only need to adjust the degree of tension of the bandage as the abdomen grows.

    A feeling of discomfort will indicate that the bandage is not worn correctly. However, it is often necessary to get used to the new sensations during the first 2-3 days, only after that the stay in the bandage will become more comfortable.

    Despite all the advantages of a bandage for pregnant women, you cannot stay in it for 24 hours. Every 3-4 hours you should take a break of about 40 minutes. The bandage must be removed when the expectant mother goes to bed at night or rests lying down during the day.

    If the bandage is prescribed by a doctor for medical reasons, then you need to wear it until the very birth, especially if you spend a lot of time on your feet. If you use it only for improvement general well-being, then you don’t need to wear it all the time.

    To prepare the muscles of the uterus and abdominal muscles for childbirth, wearing a prenatal and postpartum bandage must be combined with special physical exercise. Whether to wear a bandage during fitness depends on the woman’s condition. If you are used to leading an active lifestyle, have strong abdominal muscles and a healthy back, you may not need a bandage at all. For other women, a bandage during training will allow them to feel more confident and eliminate possible Negative consequences: Since the muscles will be actively working, back pain may occur without a bandage.

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