• How to properly trim an ingrown toenail: a few simple steps. How to get rid of an ingrown toenail at an early stage


    Ingrown toenail (according to scientific this problem called “onychocryptosis”) manifests itself in the growth of the nail plate into the skin, accompanied by an inflammatory process. More often this problem affects the big toes.

    When an ingrowth occurs, redness appears first, but later it can develop to swelling and suppuration. Eventually, the toe may become larger and become more difficult to walk.

    According to experts, the main cause of ingrown nails is a hereditary predisposition, therefore, if one of your close relatives has had this problem, sooner or later the person will most likely also face the question “How to trim nails? " An ingrown toenail also occurs after frostbite, finger injuries, or when the nail is cut too short.

    If the ingrown toenail is at the initial stage, you can take several warm foot baths with a solution of potassium permanganate and soda, and then trim the ingrown toenail as carefully as possible. When the ingrown nail has become advanced and the finger begins to fester, it is necessary to apply special means disinfectants that draw out pus and prevent further development of inflammation, such as Vishnevsky Ointment or Ichthyolka.

    The ointment should be applied to a bandage and applied to the skin at the site of the ingrown nail, wrap the resulting bandage with polyethylene to prevent the ointment from spreading. For better fixation, you should wear a sock. It is recommended to do the dressing in the evening. In the morning, you can get confused by trimming the ingrown toenail, and then bandage it again.

    You can also use aloe leaves, peeled from the top skin, for treatment. This procedure, as well as manipulations with Vishnevsky Ointment, is best done before bedtime (after all, this time of day is best time, when you can cut your nails, because the leg is at rest), and in the morning also try to remove the ingrown part of the nail and apply a bandage with an aloe leaf.

    The popular advice associated with steaming the leg can be applied only in the absence of suppuration and bleeding. Finally, you can resort to the help of official medicine. For example, go to a medical center for surgical help. The specialist removes the ingrown nail, cleans and disinfects the wound and applies a bandage, although after these manipulations you will have to often and regularly return to the surgeon for dressings, which are done before the nail grows back.

    The newest and rather expensive way to eliminate the problem of ingrown toenails is laser correction of the nail fold, which involves laser removal of the skin around the nail, but after this type soft fabrics drag on long enough. In addition, as practice shows, laser treatment of the nail does not always lead to desired result, and after some time the ingrown nail forms again.

    Many doctors and cosmetologists believe that the most effective and sufficient in a simple way How to trim an ingrown toenail is to carefully file it down with a nail file to about half the thickness, carrying out visual inspection, continuing the manipulation until the nail bed begins to show through the thinned part.

    After this operation, the nail will “pull” towards the middle, gradually begin to take on a normal appearance, and will not grow in at the edges. Considering the speed at which the average nail grows, filing should be done once a month, when the untreated part has grown in sufficient size.

    The untreated part should also be cut down to about half the thickness, and the part of the nail that has been treated with a manicure file is quite small - it has already become quite thin as a result of previous manipulations. The notorious laser processing can be used instead of a file, but this is more troublesome and more expensive.

    Finally, we can cite several folk remedies, solving the problem ingrown nail. You can take a stick, which is put on the damaged finger over a bandage and stuffed with cow butter and put on the problem finger for several days in a row before going to bed. After the nail has softened, lift the corner of the nail, place a piece of gauze under it and bandage the finger. It is also recommended to use lamb fat, tying it to the nail for several days.

    Finally, I would like to give a few tips that you should follow to prevent ingrown nails. It is necessary to wear shoes that fit well, have good ventilation and are spacious enough. You should not wear high-heeled shoes; undoubtedly, many women will not like this advice, but it is worth remembering that high heels contribute to the problem of ingrown toenails and a number of other health problems.

    Therefore, even if a fashionista cannot completely abandon high-heeled shoes, it is necessary to at least limit their use, for example, alternating the wearing of high-heeled shoes with the wearing of shoes without them.

    Women, as well as men, should not wear shoes with pointed toes, and, if possible, avoid periods of too long continuous standing or walking. You should also adhere to the rules of hygiene - use only your own foot towel and regularly wash your feet before going to bed. In swimming pools and other similar places, you should wear appropriate shoes, such as flip-flops; it is absolutely unacceptable to wear someone else's shoes.

    A pedicure should be done carefully, and you should not trim the edge of the nail too much. As a last resort, it is better to turn to professionals and go to a pedicure salon, where everything will be done in the best possible way.

    An ingrown toenail is chronic illness, at which due to various reasons the growing nail plate penetrates into the soft tissues of the lateral ridges of the finger. Exist various techniques conservative and surgical treatment of this disease, but in the initial stages, before complications arise, you can try to treat an ingrown toenail at home.

    The first “big” toe is most often affected. The disease occurs in several stages. It leads to discomfort and pain when walking, and subsequently to inflammation of the tissues, their redness, the release of light serous and bloody fluid, and swelling. The affected area may increase significantly in volume. With the subsequent addition of a staphylococcal infection, suppuration and other (often serious) complications occur that require emergency medical care. Complications are especially dangerous for people suffering from circulatory disorders in the lower extremities and diabetes mellitus.

    How to treat an ingrown toenail at home

    First of all, one of the ways to both prevent and treat the disease is to properly perform a pedicure, especially paying attention to the correct cutting of the nail. It is necessary to cut at the level of the top of the soft tissues of the finger at a right angle to the side edges, slightly rounding or grinding off the edges with a nail file so that there are no sharp corners left. Do not cut the nail plate too short.

    If the soft tissues of the side cushion hang over the sharp edge of the nail, but they are not inflamed, it is necessary to carefully, without injuring them, move them away and cut off only the sharp corner of the nail plate. To make caring for an ingrown toenail easier, you can use one of the following: pharmaceuticals, softening the nail plate:

    1. "Nogtinorm" - nail balm. It is applied to the nail and surrounding skin according to the instructions daily 1-2 times a day.
    2. "Uroderm" is a water-based ointment containing carbamide (urea). It has a keratolytic effect and slows down the formation of the stratum corneum, which reduces the pressure of the ingrown nail on the tissue. The ointment is applied for 3-4 days before the pedicure.
    3. “Nogtimycin” - applied for 3-4 days to the nail only in the area of ​​its ingrowth. Then, after preliminary steaming in a soda solution, its softened section is cut off.
    4. "Scholl" is a liquid that should be applied 2 times a day for 1 week.

    These tools not only make it easier to process nail plate, but by softening it, they contribute to the emergence of the edges from under the tissues of the periungual fold during growth.

    What does an ingrown toenail look like?

    Treatment for inflammation

    Treating a toe with an ingrown toenail and wearing shoes is sometimes difficult due to the pain. In these cases, the question arises of how to numb an ingrown toenail. The pain is caused mainly by the resulting inflammatory phenomena, which are accompanied by swelling. Often, with light pressure on the roller, light, slightly bloody or purulent discharge may appear. Therefore, to relieve pain, measures are necessary to reduce swelling and inflammation of tissues, which will also help prevent complications.

    At home, for this purpose, thermal procedures in the form of foot baths with antiseptic solutions should be carried out daily. As the latter, you can add a solution of Chlorhexidine to warm water, use lightly colored warm solutions of potassium permanganate, solutions of furatsilin, warm infusions of herbs (chamomile, calendula, peony, celandine, St. John's wort, eucalyptus leaves) at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons of dry herb per 1 liter of water.

    After the foot bath, you can try to cut off only the sharp edge of the nail. At night, it is advisable to apply a bandage to the inflamed area with an ointment or emulsion containing antiseptics or antibiotics - Syntomycin emulsion, Levomycetin ointment. To reduce pain, you can also use antiseptic dressings, but they also contain lidocaine (a local anesthetic). The inflamed edges of the rollers hanging over the nail are carefully moved with a stick with cotton wool wrapped around it or a thick swab and a gauze flagellum, previously soaked in an ointment or emulsion composition, is placed under them.

    For inflammation and swelling of tissues good effect(even in the presence of purulent discharge) are treated with Vishnevsky ointment or Levomikol. Ointment or emulsion dressings are applied overnight and then changed in the morning.

    All these procedures must be continued until the inflammatory phenomena are completely eliminated.

    It happens that the question of how to remove an ingrown toenail at home on your own takes a person by surprise, because the toe is on fire, the skin at the edge of the nail is red and the feeling of pain is increasing. In this case, it is worth finding out what needs to be done to remove discomfort and prevent development dangerous disease called onychocryptosis.

    What is an ingrown toenail

    Narrow shoes bring a lot of inconvenience. It can often be the cause of onychocryptosis. You can understand that a person has acquired this disease when painful symptoms appear and the wound suppurates. This is the stage when you need to remove an ingrown toenail. You cannot hesitate when the first signs of onychocryptosis appear, since every lost minute can lead to the need for surgical intervention.

    With prolonged close contact with the skin of the finger, the edge of the nail plate digs inward and begins to go deeper into the nail bed. There is a gradual ingrowth. In this case, the human body “identifies” the corner of its own nail plate as a foreign body and tries to get rid of it - the inflammatory process begins. At the edge of the nail that has dug into the skin, redness is first observed, then swelling appears. From this moment on, the person feels pain at the site of inflammation.

    If on initial stages If you do not take any action against the disease, pus will form in the inner layers of the skin of the nail fold. Suppuration is very dangerous, because infection can get into the blood. The area of ​​injured skin has a bluish color. Chronic onychocryptosis can lead to osteomyelitis or gangrene of the leg.

    Why do nails grow in?

    When wearing narrow shoes with high heels, the forefoot is subjected to heavy load. If these factors influence long time, a hallux valgus deformity may occur. It becomes bent and a lump forms on the outside, which increases the likelihood of acquiring onychocryptosis. In addition to improperly selected shoes, the causes of onychocryptosis can be:

    • genetic predisposition;
    • improper cutting of the nail plate;
    • toe injuries;
    • excess weight;
    • professional activity;
    • some diseases.

    Some professions require a person to be on his feet for a long time. Inconvenient, incorrectly selected shoes can provoke the formation of onychocryptosis. This disease may be a consequence of diabetes mellitus due to impaired blood circulation and insufficient work of the leg muscles. The nail plate is easily injured in diabetes mellitus, and microcracks that form on the skin take a long time to heal. Excess weight a person can make this problem worse because the pressure on the legs increases, leading to swelling of the limbs.

    With flat feet, the tendons are weakened, which causes the muscle tissue of the legs to sag. This position of the foot leads to additional stress on it and increased pressure on the toes, often provoking onychocryptosis. Fungal diseases of the feet are often the cause of infection. skin nail fold. Nail plates affected by fungus become exfoliated, deformed and often go deeper into the skin. thumb legs, less often - on the other toes. There are cases of this disease on the little toes and fingers of the upper extremities.

    How to treat an ingrown toenail

    It is necessary to treat onychocryptosis yourself at home immediately after the first symptoms appear. It is necessary to carry out all the necessary hygiene and procedures, carefully remove the part of the nail plate that has dug into the skin, treat with antiseptics until the wound heals. Feet must be kept clean at all times to avoid infection. If your feet become infected with a fungus, you must begin appropriate treatment at home. You cannot use decorative varnish if you have the listed diseases.

    Removing an ingrown toenail

    If there is no result from the measures taken to independently treat onychocryptosis, you must urgently contact a surgeon. Promptly remove an ingrown toenail surgical treatment can be done in several ways:

    • using a scalpel;
    • laser;
    • radio wave method.

    Each of these methods is used depending on the complexity of the course of onychocryptosis, the frequency of relapses of the disease, the general health of the patient, the list of contraindications for use, the desire and financial capabilities of the patient. Operation by any of the above methods involves rehabilitation period, so you shouldn’t let the disease get worse surgical intervention due to their own negligence and failure to comply with basic hygiene standards.

    Removal at home

    If a person feels constant pain at the edge of the nail plate and when pressing painful sensations intensify, and the symptoms determine onychocryptosis, you need to urgently remove the ingrown nail. When the form of this disease is not advanced, you can relieve pain by resorting to self-treatment at home. The main thing is not to be negligent about the manifestation of the first symptoms of the disease.

    If there is no suppuration of the cushion yet, you need to steam the leg in a bath with soda, salt and laundry soap. To do this, you need to dissolve half the bar in 2-3 liters of hot water. laundry soap so that when it dissolves, a white solution is obtained. Add a handful of baking soda and sea ​​salt. Wait until the water temperature becomes acceptable and steam the affected area. The procedure should last 15-20 minutes.

    A good treatment result will be achieved by a hot bath of medicinal herbs. You need to pour 2 tablespoons of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort into a container and pour boiling water over it. Let the solution sit for 30 minutes. Then you need to strain it and add hot water from the kettle. You need to steam for 20 minutes. Try to move the skin away from the inner edge of the nail bed and treat the ingrown toenail with antiseptics.

    How to cut out an ingrown toenail

    You can move away the inflamed area of ​​skin using an antiseptic-treated toothpick or other sterile instrument. Using scissors with sharp rounded ends, pre-treated with alcohol, you must carefully remove the edge of the ingrown nail. Then treat this area with any antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green).

    At night, apply a compress with ichthyol ointment to the inflamed area to prevent suppuration. You can remove the bandage with ointment after the wound has healed. If the nail plate is thick, and immediately after steaming its ingrown edge cannot be removed, you need to push back the skin of the nail fold. Then insert a piece of bandage moistened vegetable oil, into the space between the skin and the nail so that the ingrowth process does not continue.

    A compress of butter placed on the nail plate will help soften it. Wrap the finger with the compress in plastic wrap, bandage it and put a finger cap on top, and a warm sock on the foot. If after 12 hours you cannot soften the ingrown toenail, you need to wear the bandage with a compress longer. Then steam the sore finger again and remove the edge of the nail plate, which creates pain. Surgery to remove an ingrown toenail is inevitable if part of the plate is pulled out without steaming.

    Resection of the nail plate

    There are often cases when self-treatment of onychocryptosis at home leads to repeated ingrowth of the edge of the nail plate into the skin of the finger. How can I remove an ingrown toenail in the hospital? When a patient consults a doctor with onychocryptosis, he may be prescribed resection of the nail plate - partial or complete removal of it surgically. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Depending on the complexity of the disease, resection can be:

    • Wedge-shaped (partial) – when it is necessary to remove the edge of the plate at an angle.
    • Mixed - when you need to remove not only the edge of the plate, but also part of the matrix (nail root).
    • The entire nail plate - you can remove it quickly, but there is no guarantee that the new one, growing, will not dig into the skin again.
    • Complete removal matrix. This method of solving a problem is resorted to in extreme cases, when all other methods are ineffective. In this case, the nail plate will never grow again.

    Laser removal

    It is impossible to get rid of the problem safely if there is an inflammatory process, especially if there is suppuration. The surgeon examines the problem area and determines the condition of the nails on other fingers. Provides the necessary treatment with antiseptic drugs to relieve inflammation. If there is a fungal disease, he prescribes appropriate treatment. Takes additional tests for the presence allergic reactions patient on pain medications.

    An ingrown toenail can be surgically removed using a laser using several resection methods, depending on the established degree of onychocryptosis. They can remove only an ingrown nail, part of the nail plate with a section of the growth zone, or the entire nail along with the matrix. After local anesthesia The patient undergoes laser correction. The laser beam acts through a special tunnel and bloodlessly “burns” the nail plate or part of it, while simultaneously disinfecting and cauterizing the wound.

    Not all people are recommended to treat onychocryptosis with a laser. The following contraindications for laser resection exist:

    • poor blood clotting;
    • intolerance to the anesthetics used;
    • the presence of diabetes mellitus in the patient;
    • advanced age of the patient.

    Surgical laser treatment can be performed on an outpatient basis. The operation takes 15-20 minutes. The advantages of laser correction include:

    • High efficiency of the operation - about 1% of relapses of onychocryptosis;
    • Laser precision – this technology does not damage healthy finger tissue;
    • Short postoperative period. Healing of the operated area occurs very quickly.
    • Good aesthetic appearance. Correction with a laser looks visually neater than with a surgical scalpel.

    Removal by radio wave method

    Onychocryptosis can be cured using the radio wave method - orthonyxia, this is a high-precision method of non-surgical treatment. You can remove ingrown areas of the nail plate and excess overgrown, rough skin tissue of the nail fold using the directed action of radio waves. During this operation, healthy tissues of the finger are not harmed; there is no need to apply sutures to the cut tissues of the nail fold, as with the usual surgical method.

    The advantages of this method include:

    • negligible likelihood of disease recurrence;
    • no complications after surgery;
    • rapid wound healing process (up to 7 days);
    • the procedure takes up to 5 minutes;
    • the ability to remove only the ingrown part of the nail.

    This method of surgery is not suitable for all people. There are a number of contraindications to its use. Doctors will not undertake to correct an ingrown toenail using the radio wave method if:

    The main disadvantage of this method is the possible incompetence of the doctor who performs the operation. If the power of exposure to radio waves is incorrectly calculated, the result will be undesirable: if the power was insufficient, a relapse of the disease is possible; if it is more than necessary, deformation of the nail will occur. It is worth finding out how experienced the surgeon will be to perform the operation in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

    Prevention of onychocryptosis

    Every person should be attentive to their body and prevent the manifestation of onychocryptosis in the following ways:

    • wear loose comfortable shoes;
    • wearing shoes on high heels alternate using shoes with medium and low heels;
    • prevent fungal foot infections preventive methods;
    • if you are predisposed to the disease, use special braces that will be installed by a podiatrist;
    • carry out daily hygiene care behind the legs;
    • get a professional pedicure.

    When the nail grows into the skin, its corners begin to cut into the skin of the toe, causing swelling, pain and redness. The medical term onychocryptosis is not familiar to everyone, but an ingrown toenail is already familiar and understandable to many. Most often, nails grow in thumbs feet, but in general it can happen on any other finger, both toes and hands. Typically, an ingrown toenail is easy to treat. However, the recovery process can be very painful. If you have an ingrown toenail, you can use home remedies to relieve the pain. If the pain is very severe or you notice worsening symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor.


    Diagnose an ingrown toenail

      Look at the toe and determine if there is swelling on the toe. The most common sign and symptom of an ingrown toenail is a swelling at the corner of the nail. Compare a toe with an ingrown toenail to a toe with healthy leg. You will most likely notice a difference.

      Pay attention to the painful sensations. The skin around the nail is very painful. Gently feel the area around the nail with your finger to determine the cause of the pain.

      • An ingrown toenail often leads to the appearance of pus.
    1. Examine the nail. If you have an ingrown toenail, you will likely notice that the edge of the nail has grown into the surrounding skin or that you may have trouble finding the top edge of the nail.

      When treating, take into account the presence of chronic diseases. As a rule, this disease can be successfully treated at home. But if you have diabetes, you shouldn't treat an ingrown toenail on your own. You should consult your doctor.

      Consult your doctor. If you are unsure whether you have an ingrown toenail, consult your doctor. The doctor will not only make a diagnosis, but also prescribe appropriate treatment.

      Don't let the problem get worse. If you think you have an ingrown toenail, you need to start treatment immediately. IN otherwise, you risk making the problem worse. Infection is often observed.

      Repeat the procedure daily. Thanks to this, you can cure an ingrown toenail. As it heals, the pain from the ingrown toenail will become less and the swelling will subside.

      • Change the gauze dressing daily. Thanks to this you will prevent the occurrence of infection.

    Seek professional help

    1. Contact us for medical care, if three days of treatment at home were unsuccessful. If your home treatments do not work within three days, seek help from your doctor.

      • If you notice red streaks extending from your sore finger, you should see a doctor immediately. This is a sign of a severe infection.
    2. Tell your doctor about your symptoms. Your doctor will tell you when you noticed an ingrown toenail, when inflammation began, the finger turned red, and swelling appeared. Your doctor will also ask you if you have any other symptoms, such as heat. Mention all symptoms.

      Get a prescription for antibiotics. If you develop an infection, your doctor may prescribe a topical or internal use. This will reduce the spread of infection.

    3. Let the doctor try to lift your nail. Your doctor will strive to use the least invasive procedures to lift the nail away from the skin. If he can do this, he will most likely place a piece of gauze or bandage under the nail.

      • Your doctor will give you clear instructions on how to change the bandage every day. Follow these instructions and you will see positive results.

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    Many people suffer from this seemingly trivial illness.

    It would seem like a small thing, the nail has grown in, and not the whole one, but only the edge. But the body, mistaking this for a foreign body, sends “white blood” there so that phagocytosis occurs. As a result, the sent cells die, forming pus.

    Constant aching pain is not so bad; it can end in phlegmon, gangrene, and best case scenario amputation of a finger, or even an entire limb. And with diabetes, this is generally a disaster.

    Why does a nail grow, how to avoid it, and what needs to be done to forget about such a painful inconvenience? Let's start in order.


    Ingrown toenail (onychocryptosis) is a disease that is quite common in everyday life. With this pathology, the edge of the nail grows into the outer or inner edge of the nail bed. What reasons contribute to the occurrence of this pathology? There are several of them: 1. heredity, 2. incorrectly selected shoe size, 3. fungal infection, 4. injuries, 5 improper trimming of nails.

    What is meant by heredity? The fact that the predisposition to ingrown nails is inherited, due to an innate genetic feature of the direction of its growth, or there is longitudinal and transverse flatfoot with a curvature of the big toe on the outside.

    If a person wears tight shoes with a pointed toe, and his profession involves long periods of standing or walking, due to the constant pressure of the edge of the foot on the surrounding cushion in the form of a skin fold, ingrown toenail disease may also occur.

    A fungal infection that affects the nail itself, making it thick and rough, injuring the nail fold, or affects the epidermis of the nail fold, causing felon.

    As for injuries, this cause is understood as the occurrence of illness after frostbite, bruises, cuts, as well as finger injury (including due to improperly selected shoes).

    Improper nail trimming is the most common reason emergence of this disease. By cutting your nails too short or cutting off deep corners, a person ultimately has a 100% guarantee that he will have this problem in the near future.

    Symptoms of the disease

    There are many sensitive nerve endings in the tissues of the fingertips, and an ingrown toenail, especially when walking in tight shoes, makes itself felt with sharp pain, sometimes causing a person to limp. Growing into the surrounding soft tissues, the lateral edges of the nail plate irritate and damage them until the formation of ulcers, accompanied by the proliferation of granulation tissue - the so-called “wild meat”. And this, in turn, increases the pressure of the nail on the tissue, even accompanied by suppuration. Not only does the smile on the patient’s face disappear, even at night the touch of a sheet to the sore toe causes pain, from which the person immediately wakes up.

    The constant inflammatory process leads to the fact that the nail loses its normal shine, thickens on the side, and sometimes peels off. And in patients, for example, with diabetes mellitus or obliterating endarteritis, these phenomena can lead to the development of foot phlegmon or gangrene.

    We heal ourselves

    What needs to be done to fix this problem? At the beginning of the development of the disease, you can try to get rid of it at home. Treatment at home may be successful enough to prevent surgery. Wash your foot, including the affected area, twice a day with soap. Keep your feet clean and dry all day long. Do not wear high-heeled or narrow shoes - if possible, wear sandals until the ingrown toenail gets rid of it.

    Try lifting the corner of the nail that is cutting into the skin. Then take a small piece of cotton wool or gauze and roll it between your fingers to make a small swab. Then place the pad between the nail and the skin to keep the nail elevated. This will cause pain, but such manipulation is important part treatment at home. After each foot bath, try to move the tampon further. Change your tampon every day. Getting rid of an ingrown toenail so that it no longer cuts into the skin using this method can take 7-15 days.

    But you should immediately know that all these manipulations are very painful! Therefore, before placing a tampon, you need to soften the nail by applying cow oil to the sore finger - in the form of a compress for 3 days. And remember: if your finger is very inflamed, do not try to take hot baths or a warm compress, this can instantly lead to phlegmon. You can take acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain relief. If you do not see improvement after three days, contact your doctor.

    Medical intervention

    If the doctor does not detect an acute infection, a conservative method of treating the ingrown toenail will most likely be required. It consists of warm baths, special shoes and frequent nail cleansing. Sometimes doctors recommend using splints. Several types of tires can be used. They vary in type, but all protect the skin from the sharp angle of the nail. Some of the most common types of splints include cotton swabs, plastic strips, plastic tubes, and various resin adhesives.

    Sometimes your doctor may try bending or cutting the nail toward the center to change the shape of its growth. A piece of hard plastic may be glued to the nail to help it grow more evenly. If additional tissue has formed around the inflamed area of ​​skin, your doctor may remove the tissue to remove more fast healing. If an infection is present, surgical removal of part or all of the nail and drainage of the fluid from the abscess may be necessary. The surgery is performed in a doctor's office or emergency room.

    Simple rules

    As you know, it is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it. Therefore, to avoid the occurrence of ingrown toenails, do not wear tight narrow shoes, do not cut your nails too short, cut them, especially the nail on the big toe, straight, without any curves. Do not cut the nail at a deep angle, damaging the natural edge of the nail.

    And of course, try to let your toes breathe as much as possible. In the summer, whenever possible, give your bare foot the opportunity to come into contact with Mother Earth. Then you will forget not only about the ingrown toenail, but also, thanks to earth massage, about many other diseases.

    Folk remedies

    Traditional medicine is good because its recipes have been tested by time and people. Official medicine, in conjunction with folk medicine, recommends treating an ingrown toenail in two stages. The first part of the treatment should be aimed at freeing the ingrown corner of the nail from the finger, procedures are carried out daily, usually for about 2 weeks, until the corner of the nail grows to a safe length. Do not cut off the freed part of the nail under any circumstances! If you have not severely developed an ingrown toenail, treatment with folk remedies will eliminate onychocryptosis forever, but the healing process lasts up to 6 months, so be patient.

    Tea mushroom. Infuse until acetic acid tea mushroom and put a piece of pulp from it on the ingrown nail. Cover the top with plastic wrap, bandage it and leave until the morning. By morning the nail will soften and can be easily trimmed.

    Soda solution. Soak the ingrown toenail in warm water for 20 minutes, add 1 tablespoon of soda to 3 liters of water. Then try to bring out the edge of the already more flexible nail, take a piece of toothpick or elastic paper and bring it under the edge of the nail, leave it overnight, securing it with a bandage or bandage.

    Butter. Soak the nail in a soda solution and apply a piece of oil, cover with a napkin and then with film, and bandage the finger. After 24 hours, remove the bandage, again steam the ingrown nail in a soda solution, lift the edge of the corner of the nail and place a piece of cotton wool soaked in butter under it. Cover with a napkin, film and bandage. This procedure should be repeated daily for two weeks until the nail grows back.

    Aloe. Cut a fingernail-length piece of aloe leaf in half lengthwise. Hold over the fire, cut each half upwards and place the softened leaf on a piece of cloth on the ingrown nail (you can simply peel the aloe, chop and slightly dilute the mass with warm boiled water), cover with film, bandage and leave overnight. Try to bring the edge of the nail out in the morning.

    Honey with onions. Peel a medium onion, chop and mix with a tablespoon of honey. Soak the nail in a soda solution and apply a honey-onion compress overnight, wrap the finger in film and bandage it. In the morning, try to bring the edge of the nail out.

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