• Why did the child start crying while bathing? The baby cries while bathing. What to do


    The long-awaited day has come when you and your baby returned home from the maternity hospital. Relatives and friends congratulated you, gave the newborn a lot of gifts... It would seem that the worst is over. However, you shouldn’t relax, because the most interesting things are yet to come. Sometimes even experienced mothers can encounter some surprises. For example, a baby may not like the bathing procedure. So, let's figure out why a baby cries when bathing, and what measures to take to correct the situation.

    There may be several reasons for a child’s deafening crying during bathing. Below are the most common causes and recommendations for eliminating them.

    Fear of water

    From the very beginning, newborns are not afraid of water. The aquatic environment reminds them of where they were in their mother’s tummy, where it was safe and so comfortable. Many little ones splash around in the water with great pleasure. And the reason for the fear of water is the mistakes of parents. For example, the baby drank a little water because the mother did not keep an eye on him, or the baby does not feel reliable support when sliding along the bathtub. The child has a fear of choking, and the instinct of self-preservation is triggered. Because of this and panic attacks during bathing, crying and roaring. To solve this problem, it is recommended to purchase special slides for bathing newborns. They will reliably support the baby and minimize the likelihood that he will drink water again.

    Abrupt change of space

    Another mistake mothers make is abruptly immersing the baby in water. The baby may not like this very much, and it will also scare him. You should lower your baby into the bath very carefully and smoothly.

    Water too cold or hot

    Normal temperature for bathing a newborn, thirty-five to thirty-seven degrees is considered. It is recommended to use a thermometer to accurately determine the water temperature. Some experienced mothers They know how to set the temperature by dipping their elbow into the water.

    Perhaps the child is hungry

    You carefully measured the temperature, immersed your valuable cargo in water with extreme caution, but the baby is still crying? Maybe he's just hungry. The most the best remedy in this case, it is, of course, my mother’s breast.

    Choosing the wrong time to take a bath

    This may also be the reason why the child is hysterical. Perhaps it is at this time that the baby wants to sleep and he does not at all like trying on the role of a diver. Clearly monitor your baby's daily routine and, if necessary, stagger the bathing procedure.

    Presence of an irritating factor

    Perhaps the baby is in pain, for example, his stomach is bothering him. In this case, gymnastics and massage will eliminate this problem. Dr. Komarovsky strongly recommends resorting to these procedures before taking a bath.

    It often happens that the baby begins to be capricious immediately after bathing, although before that he splashed around in the water with great pleasure and joy. The explanation for this phenomenon is very simple. The child might be tired of water procedures, since they are extremely energy-consuming for a newborn. To eliminate this reaction, add soothing herbs to the bath or reduce the time of water procedures.

    Now you are familiar with the reasons for the rebellion of your treasure during bathing, and you also know what needs to be done to ensure that the baby loves water procedures. Don't forget to turn bathing into an interesting game, giving your baby the opportunity to play with his favorite rattles while taking a bath. Talk to him and under no circumstances leave him alone.

    Bathing infant for many parents it turns into a whole ritual. Who will bathe the baby for the first time after arriving from the hospital? What time of day should this be done? How often should I bathe? What a bath would be better suited? This is only a small part of all the questions concerning the organization of such an important process as bathing a baby. And, undoubtedly, when the baby is first immersed in water, the whole family will be present, including grandparents, aunts and uncles. And everyone will consider it their duty to give valuable advice, where to pour it, what to bathe in, how to wash it off, etc. And everyone will be touched and rejoice, watching every movement and sigh of the baby.

    Most children happily wait for the moment when they are bathed. While some children, while taking a bath, scream as if their lives are in danger. And how can you explain to an unintelligent creature that it is just water, and that there will be no harm from swimming, but just the opposite?

    So, all children react differently when they see a bath. Some enjoy being in the water and are outraged when you try to get them out of there. Others are categorically against water procedures. There are also kids who are delighted with bathing one day, and terrified the next.

    But what should those parents do for whom bathing an infant turns into a test for everyone? What to do if, at the sight of only the bathroom, the baby begins to become hysterical, and the child’s crying cannot be calmed down? And all children need to be bathed, regardless of their preferences.

    Some parents don't want to see a problem with their child not wanting to bathe. They simply grit their teeth and, with the words: “the job must be done,” carefully but persistently immerse the screaming child in the water. Adults soap, foam, water and rinse the frightened and heart-rendingly screaming baby. Ten minutes of screaming from the child and irritation from the parents, and the job is done. And no one seemed to have been hurt, and the infant’s daily routine was followed. Is it so? Hardly.

    Do not force or force your child into the bathroom. Some children are able to forget such unpleasant moments, while others may be permanently traumatized. And in that case, there is Great chance that your baby will stop believing you. It is very easy to lose a child's trust, but getting it back is not so easy. Such a baby may also develop a fear of water.

    The most important thing in this problem is to understand the reason for the child’s hatred of bathing. For example, the temperature in the bath may be either too hot or too cold for the baby. Try to make the water temperature as comfortable as possible for your baby.

    It's possible that your baby doesn't like being left alone in the bathtub and feels abandoned and lonely. In this case, the most the best option there will be a shower. Or bathing in a large bath with mom.

    Maybe your child feels uncomfortable in a small, enclosed space. After all, most adults close the bathroom door while bathing their baby. Try to open the door. And if possible, change the location by placing the bath in a large room. In warm summer months, if you live in a private house, you can even move this procedure to the yard.

    Also make sure that the products you use to bathe your infant are safe for her. After all, shampoo or soap can irritate if it gets into the eyes, thereby killing the child’s desire to bathe forever.

    The baby can also be frightened if you plunge him into the water too quickly and abruptly. In such a situation, you should start bathing very slowly. First, gently sprinkle water on the child's feet, then on his knees, and thus slowly but surely rise up.

    The most important thing in this matter is to make bathing fun for your baby. Let taking a bath be an exciting adventure for him. Nowadays there are many toys for bathing and bathing: these are all kinds of waterfalls, glowing fountains, floating animals and much more. Choose the ones you and your child like best. Even a beautiful colored bottle of shampoo can be a wonderful entertainment during bath time.

    A child can also enjoy foam in the bath. You can play with her too. Try to cheat bubble, this can also distract the baby from unpleasant memories.

    Turn on music or sing yourself.

    When the child begins to sit, you can also purchase a bathing chair. Most of these chairs are equipped with various entertainment elements, and even restless infant will find something to do.

    Perhaps your baby needs space, and a small bath, even an orthopedic one, is not a joy for him. Purchasing an inflatable ring for the neck can radically change your child's ideas about water procedures. With the help of such a circle, you can let your child frolic to his heart's content in a large bathtub for adults. It is possible that the presence of an adult in the bathroom will also have a beneficial effect on the baby’s initiation into bathing.

    Entertain the baby, throw toys into the water, play with a washcloth, the child won’t even notice how clean he becomes. And let the baby splash, splash water and wet everything around! It’s okay, because the main thing is that whatever your child does brings joy to you and your baby.

    If nothing you do helps and your baby also cries during bath time, don't be upset. Perhaps this is just such an unfavorable period for the child, and he just needs to get through it. At such moments, you can introduce the child to alternative water procedures, for example, wiping. Your baby will definitely outgrow his dislike of water, and bathing an infant as a parent will be an enjoyable time for everyone. You just have to be patient.

    Bathing a child is a responsible process that should be taken quite seriously. His further behavior in the bath depends on how much the baby likes the procedure. It is no secret that most children love water procedures and enjoy spending time in the water, especially if it is warm. But sometimes a child behaves completely differently than usual. He begins to cry, thus expressing his protest against any actions. There are, in fact, quite a few reasons that can make a baby cry.

    How to properly prepare for swimming

    At first, young parents worry quite a lot about their incorrect actions when bathing. Therefore, they feel insecure, it seems to them that they missed something, did something wrong. This is why it is important to approach bathing your baby responsibly.

    First of all, you need to check the water temperature, it should be about 37 degrees. It would be nice to wrap the baby in a diaper, so he will feel more comfortable in the water. A rag roller must be placed under the baby's head. The movements of the mother bathing the baby should be smooth; there is no need to frighten the child with sharp gestures. The voice of those present during bathing is also important. The baby may be frightened by loud speech. It is best if the mother communicates with the newborn in a gentle and confident tone.

    Another point concerns the thoughtfulness of the process. First you need to prepare everything you need: swimwear, a towel, toys, a ladle and water for rinsing. This is necessary so that the mother does not leave the child for any reason, no one knows what tragedy the situation may turn into.

    What to do if your newborn cries while bathing

    It is completely unacceptable to bathe a crying child. Whatever the reason, it must be eliminated and the baby calmed down. When a baby cries a lot, water can be irritating rather than pleasurable. Subsequently, he may associate it with a negative factor and will refuse to take a bath.

    One of the most common reasons for a baby crying during water procedures is the feeling of hunger that the baby experiences. As a rule, parents try to first bathe the newborn, then feed him and put him to bed. But not all children are tuned to exactly this rhythm. If your baby is one of them, it is better to let him eat, and after half an hour you can bathe him. If the reason is only hunger, the child will be happy to bathe.

    Examine the child, maybe he has some kind of rash that worries the baby. In this case, you can try adding antiseptic decoctions of herbs, such as string or chamomile, to the water. You should not use various detergents more than once a week; they dry out the skin.

    There is another factor that many do not take into account. We are talking about the negative experience of the baby. For example, he choked during his last swim and now it seems to him that everything will happen again. In the bathroom, the child reacts to literally everything, including a new washcloth, the sound of water, the sound of a ladle. Even a bright light bulb that shines into his eyes can irritate him. By eliminating the cause, you will make bathing your baby a truly joyful experience.

    Why does a child cry after bathing?

    Often a baby takes a bath with pleasure, but after this procedure he breaks down screaming. The mother begins to get nervous because, due to his anxiety, she cannot dress the newborn, she worries, movements become uncertain and the child cries even more. There can be many reasons why a newborn may cry after bathing.
    You just have to imagine yourself in his place. The baby is taken out of warm water; he hardly likes the temperature change. For example, the temperature in the bathroom may be 36 degrees, but in the room where you brought him to dress him, it is only 20. It is clear that such discomfort causes indignation in the child, which he expresses.

    The same can happen in a situation where the water temperature is too high. Pediatricians say that the baby’s body should not turn red when bathing; if this is your case, then the reason may be the baby’s poor health, which cannot stand the heat. Your newborn may cry after you have dressed him. Then it's a matter of too warm clothes, which make him feel hot.

    What will stop a child from crying?

    Hunger and thirst are two more reasons for a baby to cry. We have already talked about this, you just need to satisfy the baby’s physiological needs, and only then start bathing. The most common reason for crying is basic fatigue. It’s hard for us adults to understand, but water procedures for a child involve a lot of energy consumption. While he is playing with his mother in the bathroom and having fun splashing, the baby does not feel tired. But as soon as he is taken out, he realizes that he wants to eat and sleep and persistently demands what he wants.

    In the case of a child under three months old, it is quite possible that bath time coincides with colic. And they torture the child almost every evening. In warm water, all the baby's muscles relax, the spasm goes away and the baby feels comfortable. But as soon as he is taken out of the warm bath, he immediately kicks his legs. In this case, pediatricians recommend giving the baby a massage while bathing. It will relax the child and the pain will not torment the newborn so much.

    Well, in the end, the baby may just be capricious. He does not like that the process is completed, he demands that the procedure be continued, and maybe he is annoyed by getting dressed.

    Most babies enjoy splashing around in warm water, but some mothers are faced with a situation where babies suddenly start crying a lot for no apparent reason. Don't be scared or upset: there is an explanation for this. Bathing, especially the first one, is a crucial moment in the life of a baby and his parents, because it is an important hygienic procedure. How a child gets acquainted with water affects his further behavior in the bathroom. But although mothers make a lot of efforts to make water procedures as comfortable as possible for the baby, some babies begin to scream as soon as they are lowered into the water. Let's talk about why a newborn cries during and after bathing.

    The most likely causes of crying

    It is known that infants fear of water is completely absent, because for nine months intrauterine development they were in the amniotic fluid. This means that water is the ideal environment for newborns in which they feel as comfortable as possible. What is the reason for the baby’s dissatisfaction during water procedures? There are several factors that can cause a child to scream and cry while bathing:

    1. Fear due to the fact that there were cases of falling into water.
    2. Too high or low temperature water.
    3. Feeling of discomfort from getting bathing products in the eyes.
    4. Sudden immersion in water.
    5. The child is sleepy or hungry - the time for taking water procedures is chosen incorrectly.
    6. Severe itching with skin manifestations of allergies, pain during teething.
    7. Problems of a neurological or digestive nature that require additional consultation with specialists - a gastroenterologist and a neurologist.

    Let's swim without tears!

    Let's try to figure out what a mother should do if the child cries non-stop while bathing and how to organize water procedures in such a way that they bring joy to both the baby and the parents.

    1. All necessary means for bathing the baby must be prepared in advance: a thermometer, baby shampoo that does not irritate the eyes, a plastic visor to prevent water or soap from getting into the face, a towel.
    2. If your baby cries while bathing, you can try taking a bath with him - this will calm the newborn. In addition, bathing together can solve another problem: give breastfeeding if the baby is hungry, or give a bottle with formula. If mom is busy, then dad can also bathe with the baby.
    3. You should lower the baby into the bath slowly, holding it under the head with one hand and under the back with the other. For greater comfort, you can pre-wrap your baby in a diaper. Be careful not to let water get into his nose and mouth.
    4. Pediatricians recommend adding decoctions of various herbs to water, but unless they contain allergic reaction. They have a calming effect and improve sleep.
    5. It is very important to choose the right time for water procedures. The right decision will have a bath in the evening, after which he will feed the baby and put him to bed. If you bathe your baby after feeding, make sure that at least half an hour passes between eating and washing.
    6. And finally, the main thing: under no circumstances leave your child in the bathroom alone without adult supervision.

    For safety reasons, it is better to use special slides to support a newborn or an anti-slip mat that is placed at the bottom of the bath.

    The baby's bathing went smoothly, and the happy mother wraps her baby in a towel to carry out caring procedures. But suddenly the baby starts crying. What caused the baby’s dissatisfaction this time? There are several factors that cause a baby to cry after bathing:

    1. High water temperature in the bathroom. If it is significantly higher than the air temperature, then when you try to remove the baby from the water, he will feel cold and scream.
    2. Elevated water temperature can also cause overheating of a newborn. If you notice that during the bathing process your child begins to behave restlessly and his body turns red, this means that he is hot. Remember that the water temperature in the bathroom should not exceed 37 degrees.
    3. The baby is hungry. Bathing is a useful procedure, since moving in the water, the baby tenses its muscles, and therefore consumes a lot of energy. Therefore, the feeling of hunger that appeared during washing is completely understandable and completely normal phenomenon. Feed your baby after bathing and he will most likely calm down and fall asleep quickly.
    4. The newborn is thirsty. If your baby has been in the water for a long time and has been actively moving, try offering him water.
    5. The child is tired. Some mothers say that their babies enjoy being in the water so much that they fall asleep right in the bath. This is because warm water relaxes the body, bringing a feeling of comfort and peace to the baby. When mom tries to take him out of the bath, the baby begins to protest against the changes.
    6. Most infants may experience colic in the evening. Warm water helps to relax the whole body, relieve painful sensations and spasms. But it is possible that the child will cry again after bathing and before bedtime, after being pulled out of the bath.
    7. The baby was scared. A change in the situation in the bathroom, the sound of water flowing from a tap, any shadow, a sudden movement, and even the moment when he is taken out of the water - all this can be a reason for crying.

    How to calm a crying baby after bathing?

    It should be remembered that the cry of a newborn is the only way to communicate early stage development, but an attentive and caring mother will always be able to understand the reason for the baby’s crying and eliminate it in a timely manner.

    In addition to the above reasons for dissatisfaction - hunger, thirst, fatigue - it is worth remembering that you do not need to dress your child too warmly after bathing, as this will only increase overheating.

    If you cannot find out why the baby is crying, you should stop the procedure immediately. It is important to remember that they bathe the baby only when he is in a cheerful mood and in good spirits. Gradually, the baby will get used to daily washing, and this procedure will become a pleasant pastime for him.

    First, it is important to remember that children of any age elevated temperature, acute infectious diseases, as well as for a number of other diseases.

    If there is even the slightest doubt that the child is healthy, it is better to postpone bathing.

    For some, swimming, according to some experts, can be quite a stressful situation. In this case, parents need to be patient and have a thermometer to clearly know the temperature of the water. Perhaps the baby’s discomfort is related specifically to the temperature of the water; it is worth raising or lowering it by 1-2 degrees, and this will help the child get used to bathing.

    There is also a diametrically opposite opinion, according to which water is a “completely natural environment” for children, and everyone experiences true bliss in the bathroom. Unfortunately, in reality everything looks a little different, and many parents are faced with the fact that their children cry while bathing.

    A gentle voice, a favorite toy, and the warm and caring hands of a mother will help to overcome psychological discomfort.

    It is very important not to go too far when teaching a child to bathe, so that a negative reaction to water does not take hold. IN otherwise The baby may simply begin to be afraid of water. If problems with the baby’s health are excluded, it is necessary to carefully analyze the daily routine. Perhaps the baby is overtired or hungry, or perhaps, on the contrary, too little time has passed since the last feeding. In this case, experts recommend slightly shifting the time of bathing or feeding. If the situation continues to repeat itself, you need to look for the real reason the problem is something else.

    The first bath is stressful for parents too

    Parents also need to remember that small children, not yet understanding words, perfectly grasp the mood of their mother and father - by the timbre of their voice, intonation, and even (as recent studies have shown) Scientific research) by the rhythm of breathing and heartbeat. Therefore, before starting, it is very important for parents to bring themselves into good mood, be calm and confident that everything will work out.

    For older children you can come up with fairy tale story associated with taking a bath. In problematic cases, psychologists recommend not putting pressure on the child, but trying to interest him. For example, today they won’t wash Masha in the bathroom - she will wash her doll Polina herself. Mom, naturally, should prepare for this scenario in advance and prepare a suitable toy.

    If, despite all efforts and adjustments to the daily routine, the child continues to cry during bathing, parents should consider visiting a specialist. First, it is necessary to exclude all physiological prerequisites (for example, skin diseases or any individual health problems), and secondly, an experienced doctor, having assessed a particular situation, in most cases is able to give good advice young parents.

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