• Care for the intimate area. Vagina - care tips


    Improper care intimate places for women can lead not only to discomfort (redness, itching or burning), but even to diseases. Discomfort and illness are unpleasant in themselves, but we must not forget that a woman’s purpose is to give birth to children, and for this it is desirable to have good health.

    What are the rules of intimate hygiene for women? They are simple and not burdensome, but neglecting them can lead to dire consequences.

    First of all, I want to say about women's underwear - panties must certainly be made of natural fabrics and should not be overly tight. Natural fabrics absorb sweat and moisture well and allow air to pass through. Synthetics, on the contrary, do not absorb sweat and moisture well and do not allow air to pass through, which leads to overheating of the body in the intimate area, creating a greenhouse effect, which contributes to the development of pathogens. When buying panties, you need to make sure that at least the gusset is made of natural fabric. Panties need to be changed daily. Under no circumstances should women’s underwear be washed with socks or trousers.

    Modern girls wear panties - laces. Of course, they are convenient in the sense that they do not stand out under tight trousers or a skirt. However, from the point of view of female intimate hygiene, they are completely unacceptable:

    • firstly, they do not protect intimate parts at all,
    • secondly, they cut into the body and irritate mechanically delicate intimate surfaces - skin and mucous membranes.

    Now girls and young women are actively using critical days tampons. I agree - it’s convenient, protection against leakage is more reliable than with gaskets. However, we need to think about this: is it good to retain inside the body what should be removed from it? And what happens to the body at this time? I'm sure it's not good! The recommendations of gynecologists are clear: tampons, panty liners, gaskets from synthetic materials are extremely harmful and should be used in extreme cases for a very limited time (no more than 3 hours).

    We all know from childhood that after visiting the toilet, we must wash our hands. I would like to say that before visiting the toilet you should also wash your hands, especially if you have been outside, in public place where there is a lot of infection. Visiting the toilet is a rather intimate matter and requires special cleanliness. I'm not even talking about changing a pad or tampon - before this procedure, you need to wash your hands thoroughly, I hope this is obvious to everyone.

    Of course, you need to be careful when visiting a swimming pool, bathhouse, or gym. Intimate areas must be as closed as possible and should not come into contact with public seats.

    Intimate hygiene items must be separate for each family member, not to mention strangers. These items include: a towel, intimate gel, razor, etc.

    And finally, let's move on to the question.

    Most women try to take care of their face and body - they are visible. However, not everyone pays due attention to female intimate hygiene: many women do not know how to properly care for intimate area. Some people believe that it is enough to wash themselves once a day using regular soap. This is completely wrong!

    While we are young, the body has a high self-healing ability, that is, regeneration. But with age this ability decreases. Long-term use of soap (even if high quality) leads to persistent destruction of the mucous membrane intimate places women, and can also lead to a disease - thrush. This is why you need to use special means For intimate care, the acid-base balance of which is as close as possible to the balance of the mucous membranes of a woman’s intimate area.

    IN mature age Many women feel discomfort in intimate places; the slightest friction causes abrasion and burning. It is wrong to think that only at this age it is necessary to pay increased attention to female intimate hygiene. To have good women's health in adulthood, intimate body care must begin literally from the very birth of a girl.
    Basic intimate care consists of daily washing.

    You need to wash yourself twice a day: morning and evening. Warm water is used - not cold or hot, it is better to use boiled water - it is softer. To wash, we use special products for intimate hygiene - intimate cosmetics. I highly recommend Oriflame intimate hygiene products - these are natural remedies wide range at affordable prices.

    We will talk in detail about intimate cosmetics in the article. In it, I talk in as much detail as possible about the composition, properties and methods of using this or that feminine intimate hygiene product.

    When washing, you should not use a washcloth. Firstly, it can mechanically damage delicate skin and mucous membrane. And, secondly, it may contain pathogenic microorganisms that will not cause harm to the skin of the body, but may be harmful to the vaginal mucosa and cause disease.

    When wiping, do not rub the intimate area, only blotting movements. For drying, it is again better to use a towel made of natural fabrics. The towel should be washed periodically (it is advisable to change the towel every week). Let me remind you - each person should have an individual towel!

    There are situations in every woman’s life when she needs to refresh her intimate area, but there is no opportunity to wash herself: for example, while traveling or at work. In this case, they will come to your aid wet wipes, but not ordinary ones, but for female intimate hygiene. For this purpose, it is also good to use an intimate hygiene spray.

    In recent years, the bikini area has become popular among young women and girls. I won’t comment on whether it’s beautiful or not, sexy or not—it’s a matter of taste. But, if you do not follow some rules of intimate hygiene during this procedure, you can get health problems: through microcuts, pathogenic microbes easily penetrate into the skin and can cause the appearance of papillomas and warts.

    Razor should only be intended for shaving the intimate area. It is better to use men's razors, or, as a last resort, replaceable cassettes for men's razors. After use, the razor should be thoroughly rinsed with water and dried.

    To avoid cuts and subsequent ingrown hairs, shave only in the direction of hair growth. For easier shaving and softening of hair, you must first apply shaving product, preferably men's, to the skin. After shaving, you should definitely use cream, again it’s better to use men's cream— it is designed taking into account daily shaving and possible micro-cuts.

    So, if you perform daily intimate care and follow the rules of intimate hygiene, then you will for many years preserve your health, and with it feminine attractiveness, and sexuality.


    Every woman strives for the ideal appearance both in the eyes of men and women. Only a few do not resort to cosmetics to give greater expressiveness to their facial features. The image of a woman has become a kind of ideal in our hearts; a girl should always be irresistible, clean and smell delicious. But in reality appearance The boundary of the personal hygiene circle does not end. Any girl should pay attention not only to the external component, but also to the intimate area of ​​her body. Surprisingly, not every woman in these places can boast of cleanliness. Even today, seemingly well-groomed ladies do not pay any attention to the hygiene of the intimate area; some do not even know that some care is also required there. Even those ladies who keep their vaginal area clean make a number of mistakes and do it completely wrong. And only a few take proper care of the vagina.

    Therefore, the topic of our article will be devoted to female intimate hygiene, rules of vaginal care, mistakes and consequences of incorrect or impaired vaginal hygiene.

    What is feminine intimate hygiene and why is it needed?

    Caring for the intimate area is not just regular washing of the vagina, which, by the way, many do fundamentally wrong - it is a whole series of actions aimed at maintaining the cleanliness of the intimate area, and the list is not limited to water procedures. Parents should instill intimate etiquette in girls from childhood. This will, in particular, help avoid many diseases that develop due to improper hygiene of the intimate area. But bad luck, often even parents have an erroneous idea about these procedures.

    So if washing your pussy is not enough, then what else should you do? Hygiene of female genital organs is a whole system, a single cycle of interconnected things that must be observed:

    • Of course, washing is one of the main actions that must be performed every day. But everyone has their own opinion about how this should be done. Below we will dwell on this point in more detail and tell you everything
    • Maintaining hygiene during menstruation - as it turns out, some women have no idea what this means. Many people think that you just need to wear pads for everything. But this is far from true
    • Compliance with the rules of wiping both after urination and defecation
    • It is necessary to choose the right underwear. It also plays a significant role in the hygiene of your intimate area.
    • It is necessary to find a compromise between fashion and comfort when choosing clothes. You also need to follow the rules of wearing clothes
    • Long hair on women is beautiful only on the head. But in the intimate area they are not only not aesthetically pleasing, but also create a favorable environment for the development of bacteria
    • Proper sexual hygiene will also reduce the risk of developing a number of unpleasant diseases of the female genital organs
    • Physical exercises aimed at maintaining vaginal tone
    • Nutrition. At least periodically you need to eat foods that help maintain proper microflora inside the vagina

    As you can see, intimate hygiene is a whole complex. But this does not mean at all that you need to abandon everything and focus only on the vagina. These procedures do not take much time. Below we will talk in more detail about each of the above points and find out what is included there.

    Vagina care rules

    Water procedures

    Of course without water procedures can't get by. But many people do it wrong. The vagina has its own microflora, which is not recommended to be disturbed. There is no need to wash anything inside, just wash the outside of the pussy. If you wash the inside of the vagina, you will disrupt the microflora, making the organ more vulnerable to bacteria, which can contribute to the development of various diseases. If it is necessary to wash the penis from the inside for any reason, then there is no need to use soap, it upsets the natural balance and pH. An imbalance, as we have already said, leads to infections. There may also be irritation and allergic reaction. You can say that you always do this and nothing happens, everything is fine with you, but it doesn’t happen every time.

    The water must have an optimal temperature and be running. It is not recommended to wash yourself in a basin, since with this approach bacteria and feces particles can get inside the vagina, causing microflora disturbances. Surely you have seen advertisements on TV for anti-thrush products; this disease appears precisely because of this.

    Intimate vaginal hygiene during menstruation

    During menstruation, it is recommended to pay more attention to vaginal hygiene. Wash frequently and change pads or tampons promptly. Quite often, the rules for using these products are violated; girls do not observe the frequency of changing pads and can wear one all day long. If you don't have copious discharge during menstruation - this does not mean that replacement should be made only when it is completely wet. Even if the gasket appears clean, it must be replaced. Replacement must be done every 2-3 hours. Blood in the vagina disrupts the internal balance, you already know the consequences. It also promotes the development of various kinds of microorganisms, and with prolonged contact of your pussy with the pad, they can penetrate inside.

    Rules for wiping

    After you pee, you need to get rid of any remaining urine. To do this, a girl should always have sanitary napkins with her. Give preference to non-scented products, since chemicals and perfume components entering the female genital organs is extremely undesirable. you need to strictly point towards the anus, this way you will avoid getting feces inside.

    What underwear helps maintain intimate hygiene?

    The intimate area must be ventilated. There are a lot of sebaceous glands and elevated temperature, together these factors create a favorable environment for bacteria. Therefore, you need to choose underwear from natural materials- made of cotton. It is not recommended to wear tight pants; give preference to something more spacious and comfortable. underwear. Panties should always be dry; if you are wet to the skin, then if possible you need to change clothes; wet underwear contributes to the development of fungal infections.

    What clothes should you prefer?

    As mentioned above, the intimate area needs ventilation. But not all clothing meets the requirements for caring for the intimate area. Try to wear tight clothes less often and give preference to loose-fitting clothes. Wear skirts more often.

    Pay attention to pubic hair

    Long hair in the intimate area is not only unsightly, but also unhygienic. Bacteria linger on the hair. Also, excessive vegetation in the genital area creates a greenhouse effect and increases the temperature, preventing ventilation. Especially on hot days, due to densely growing hair, active reproduction of microorganisms begins.

    It doesn’t have to be bald, you can just shorten them with scissors, which will be good.

    Maintaining hygiene before, during and after sex

    If this is not possible, then use a condom. Many people think that it is only intended to prevent unwanted pregnancy or reducing the risk of contracting certain types of sexually transmitted diseases. But in fact, it can also save you from other diseases associated with poor intimate hygiene.

    After sex, you also need to take a shower and pee. During sexual intercourse, microorganisms enter the urethra and can provoke inflammatory processes - urine will wash them away.

    If you do not use a condom, then it is necessary to wash the sperm from the vagina after the end of sexual intercourse. The fact is that it changes the microflora inside the female genital organs, and we have already talked about the consequences of these violations more than once.

    Train your vagina

    Vaginal care includes more than just measures to keep the intimate area clean. You also need to pay attention to the physical shape of your genitals. With simple exercises you can strengthen your vaginal muscles. In turn, stronger intimate muscles will make you sex life more bright.

    To do this, you need to do the following: imagine as if you need to interrupt the process of urination. At this time, exactly the muscles that we need are activated. Try to train every day by tensing your vagina, first for 3 seconds, then for a longer time. Over time, you will begin to feel and control these muscles better.

    Trained intimate muscles allow you to forget about such a common problem among women as.

    Nutrition to maintain vaginal microflora

    The majority of diseases occur precisely because of microflora disturbances. Therefore, it is necessary not only to take measures to prevent uninvited guests from entering your cave, but also to strengthen the defense, so to speak. To do this, you need to eat foods that help maintain microflora, and these are yoghurts and other dairy products.

    Eating garlic is useful not only in preventing the appearance of worms, but also in preventing the development of fungus in the vagina.

    As you can see, the range of vaginal care is very wide, but despite the fairly large number of procedures necessary to maintain the hygiene of a woman’s intimate area, they will not take much time. Remember that hygiene of the female genital organs is, in particular, the key to the health of your reproductive function.

    On the air and we are always glad to see you.


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    Women often share their experiences and their faces and hair, but very rarely the rules of intimate hygiene become a topic of conversation. Maintaining hygiene in intimate areas is very important for women, not only to feel clean and well-groomed, but most importantly to avoid health problems. Below you will see 10 basic rules for intimate hygiene; try to always adhere to them so that you do not experience health complications.

    Regular soap or regular shower gel is not suitable for washing the female genital organs. The fact is that regular soap or gel is designed to maintain the skin's natural pH level (5.5), while the vaginal pH level is between 3.8 and 4.5. Using regular soap can lead to disruption of the natural microflora of the vagina, thereby creating the opportunity for the development and spread of harmful bacteria. This may cause irritation, itching, odor, pain, abnormal discharge or infection. Therefore, be careful when choosing intimate hygiene products. Most gynecologists advise using regular hot water, but if you feel that this is not enough, then use only those products that are intended for intimate areas.

    Wash only the outside of the vagina, moving from front to back, that is, from the pubis to the anus. Washing the inside of the vagina is not necessary, and is even harmful, as it can lead to serious illnesses. It is, of course, recommended to wash yourself after each visit to the toilet, but if you cannot wash yourself regularly, then wash your genitals at least 2 times a day.

    When taking an intimate shower, do not use sponges or washcloths. The fact is that you can damage the delicate skin of the genital organs, and this will lead to various infections and diseases; you just need to wash it with a clean hand.

    Do not direct the stream of water directly into the vagina, because this can wash away the protective lubricant and cause an infection. When performing intimate hygiene, direct the water so that it flows from above along the genitals.

    Buy yourself a separate towel for intimate hygiene. It should be soft and absolutely clean. Only you should use this towel, and also do not forget to change your intimate towel for a new one every 2-3 days.

    It is better to wear underwear made of cotton or linen rather than synthetics. Cotton clothing allows your skin to breathe. And underwear made of synthetic materials, unlike cotton or linen, blocks air circulation and increases humidity in intimate areas, thereby creating an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria. Nice synthetic underwear can be worn, but it is recommended to wear it only when really necessary.

    Wash your private parts before and after. In addition, this is important not only for your intimate hygiene, but also important for the health of your partner.

    Sex during menstruation carries increased danger for various infections. It is best to abstain from sexual intercourse until your menstruation ends.

    During this time, it is necessary to change pads every 2-4 hours, depending on the discharge. Remember to change the gaskets to prevent odor and block the spread of bacteria. Before using tampons, remember to wash your hands first before inserting it into your vagina. It is necessary to change the tampon every 2-3 hours to avoid stagnation of discharge. Also, do not use tampons while sleeping at night.

    Inflammation, itching, irritation in the area genitals quite common in many women. What is this connected with? Doctors say this is due to ignorance of personal hygiene rules. Because of improper care the number of beneficial microbes in the vaginal mucosa noticeably decreases, after which the protective barrier against infections weakens. As a result, active proliferation of fungi and bacteria begins. Avoiding such problems is very simple - learn to care for your intimate area using special cosmetics.

    Previously, only one could be found on store shelves intimate hygiene product– liquid soap, enriched natural oils and herbal extracts. Nowadays you can find hundreds of different products for hygiene of intimate areas on sale: foam, soap, gel, wipes and cream. All of these products are different from regular soap. They do not disturb the microflora, do not dry the skin and do not irritate the vaginal mucosa. In many products you can find lactic acid, which supports the vital activity of beneficial microorganisms. Most of the products presented also contain extracts and components of medicinal plants.

    Cleanse the genitals it is necessary in three cases: after intimate contact, after waking up and before going to bed. It is advisable to use cosmetics only once a day, this will be quite enough. You shouldn’t get carried away with various gels and wipes - you won’t become cleaner, and the microflora can be destroyed, despite the promising inscriptions on the labels, which indicate that the product can be used in unlimited quantities. Do not direct a stream of water into the vagina. The powerful pressure washes away the lubricant, making it easy for harmful bacteria to get inside. To cleanse the genitals, use only warm water.

    For intimate hygiene, you should have a separate towel. Make sure it is very soft and clean. After washing, do not wipe the skin dry: just blot it so as not to touch the mucous membrane. During critical days, you need to be especially careful about hygiene. Try to wash at least three times a day, as blood is considered an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. Do not visit the bathhouse or sauna, or the swimming pool. Change pads every three hours, regardless of the amount of discharge.

    Wet intimate care wipes can only be used on special occasions as they are not intended for daily use. Use them only when you do not have the opportunity to take a shower, for example, on a long trip or in the country. The wipes are soaked in a special solution: moisturizing oils, lactic acid and extracts from medicinal plants.

    Doctors do not advise doing this vaginal douching. This is a special procedure that can be prescribed by a doctor according to medical indications. If the microflora is normal, douching is not done. This will not only disrupt the microflora, but will also lead to dry mucous membranes. An inflammatory process or bacterial vaginosis may appear.

    It is better to buy any cosmetic products at a pharmacy or specialty store. When purchasing, check the expiration date of the product. Always study the composition of an intimate hygiene product: it should not contain alkalis, fragrances or dyes. It is best to choose a product that contains aloe or chamomile among other ingredients. Extracts of these plants protect against infections and moisturize the mucous membrane.

    Anna Mironova

    Reading time: 12 minutes

    A A

    As a rule, until quite recently, talking about intimate hygiene was considered inconvenient and even indecent. However, today we have stepped far forward - this applies to medicine, body care issues, and the production of products for creating comfortable conditions to a woman in the most vulnerable area for her - the sphere of intimate hygiene.

    But many women have a superficial understanding of how to care for the intimate area in order to ensure not only cleanliness, but also the maintenance of the correct acid-base balance, as well as the necessary microflora. Often known to everyone inflammatory diseases female genital organs are a consequence of improper or insufficient care of the intimate area, so the issue of hygiene for modern woman is, neither more nor less, her question women's health.

    Myths about the benefits of panty liners

    Panty liners are known to every woman; they are advertised everywhere and sold in any store or supermarket that has a personal care products section. Just a few years ago there was a stir about these seemingly irreplaceable products feminine hygiene– manufacturers have proven their multifaceted benefits, emphasizing that with “daily clothes” a woman will feel comfortable everywhere, in any situation.

    Over time, competing companies began to produce huge variety of women's panty liners - any shape and thickness, with the scent of flowers and moisturizing cream, antibacterial, for any shape of panties, from a variety of materials and with different fillings, in a variety of colors... Manufacturers, of course, continue to claim the benefits of these feminine intimate hygiene products , but here gynecologists are increasingly talking about the dangers of “daily exercises” for women's health.

    It's impossible to say for sure , are panty liners harmful to women's health if used constantly? But gynecologists say that healthy woman who pays enough attention to intimate hygiene, does not need such means of maintaining cleanliness and freshness – she only needs a shower and clean linen. No matter how subtle it may be, daily the gasket creates a “greenhouse effect” in the most delicate area female body – and this contributes to the rapid proliferation of microbes.

    Lactobacilli, which are beneficial for the female body, exist and multiply only with free access to oxygen, and Pantyliner prevents this , forming a barrier to ventilation. Panty liners are necessary when a woman is expecting menstruation, or when she has mucus. cervical canal on ovulation days - on other days it is better to avoid using them.

    To prevent panty liners from harming your health, you should follow basic rules for their use:

    • Panty liners should be certified, made from environmentally friendly materials .
    • Herself package "daily" must be airtight , preventing moisture and bacteria from entering.
    • As part of the "daily" shouldn't be no synthetic materials.
    • A woman should give up colored panty liners , because the dyes in their composition can cause allergies.
    • Daily gaskets need to be replaced every 2 hours, maximum 3 hours. Within 6 hours of daily use, pathogenic microflora develops that are harmful to a woman’s health.
    • Panty liners cannot be used during night sleep, they can cause harm as a result of prolonged use and become a source of inflammatory diseases of the female genital area.
    • It is best to choose daily pads without various perfumes . Large quantity aromatic components may cause severe itching, allergies, cause irritation of the delicate mucous membrane.

    Tampons or pads - that is the question

    On days when a woman requires special care and protection, namely during menstruation, she can use sanitary pads and sanitary tampons to absorb discharge. But which intimate hygiene product is preferable, or rather safer, more reliable and more comfortable?

    Advantages and disadvantages of hygienic tampons:

    Undoubtedly, when the production of tampons became widespread, and women had the opportunity to compare them with pads, many were convinced of their undoubted benefits before the last ones:

    • If the tampon is selected and inserted into the vagina correctly, it will absorbs well menstrual flow and doesn't let through them out.
    • Tampons completely invisible under clothes , a woman can wear tight and light-colored clothes on her menstrual days.
    • Using tampons during menstruation makes a woman freer – she can dance, swim, take a bath, play sports.
    • Tampons are much smaller in size than pads, and therefore they are more convenient to carry with you .

    Unfortunately, using tampons has flaws , which a woman needs to know about when choosing:

    • Tampon absorbs not only menstrual flow, but also secret from the walls of the vagina - this is causes their dryness . Some women report pain when removing the tampon due to dryness.
    • Tampon necessary replace new every 4 hours . But he is not noticeable even to the woman herself, and she can easily forget about him. Using a tampon for more than 4 hours causes the growth of pathogenic bacteria in it, which can cause inflammatory diseases of the female genital area.
    • There are known cases of a very serious disease - toxic shock syndrome in women while using tampons. These cases are quite rare, but every woman should be warned about this risk.

    Advantages and disadvantages of women's sanitary pads:

    Today, there are many more types of feminine sanitary pads than there are types of tampons. Many women prefer them because they consider them more hygienic or comfortable. Is this true?

    Today, a huge number of types of pads for intimate hygiene of women are produced, they can be with wings, “breathable”, discrete, flavored, embossed and... Compared to tampons, pads have a number of benefits .

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