• Wise sayings about mom. Mother. Wonderful thoughts about mom


    Mom’s love is a cozy courtyard, which is always warm and sunny.

    My mother told me as a child that money doesn't matter. Truth and honesty will lead to success in any field. However, she was wrong about many other things... - Barzan

    Mothers are like the police - they always appear when they are not needed. – M. Piezo

    A woman becomes a little different after giving birth. It’s as if motherhood is a membership card to some special women’s group. – D. Suzman

    My mom calls every day with the same question: “Did you just call?” – I answer no and listen to another daily phrase. “It would be worth it. I could die any day.” – E. Bombk

    You don’t understand anything in life if you don’t understand why a mother frantically waves to her child on every lap of the carousel... just like he does to her, by the way. – W. Tammeus

    Every mother is absolutely sure that her daughter’s fiancé is better than her father, but her son’s wife can never compare with herself. – M. Andersen – Nex

    Mom doesn’t worry when her daughter learns “indecency.” What worries her much more is who taught her this! – Ya. Ipokhorskaya

    Continuation best aphorisms and quotes read on the pages:

    “Mom” is a synonym for the word “love.”

    Fathers lie, claiming that they are pursuing a career for the sake of their sons. They are ashamed to admit that they do it for the sake of their mothers. – B. Pashkovsky

    Most quick way For a mother to attract the children's attention - sit down and pretend that you feel good.

    A mother's first gift is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.

    A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found. – O. de Balzac

    Now, as always, the most automated appliance in the household is the mother. – B. Jones

    I am a mother, and a mother is never lonely. – K. Deneuve

    The hardest thing for a mother is to remember that other parents also have the best children.

    The joys of motherhood are never fully realized until the kids go to bed.

    I have reached that age when a woman begins to feel that she is turning into the person she would least like to be like - her mother. – A. Bruckner

    No one can misunderstand a child more than his mother. – N. Douglas

    A mother's patience is like a tube of toothpaste - it never runs out completely.

    I want to always see your smile. The most sincere and dearest. I love you mommy*

    5 years - mom knows everything, 15 years - well, mom doesn’t know everything, 20 years - yes, what does mom know! 30 years old - I should have listened to my mother...

    The art of being a parent is to sleep when the child is not looking. – American proverb

    Motherhood is the most difficult and rewarding job.

    And only mom asked the question: How are you? and hearing in response: Everything is fine, he will ask again ten times: Exactly?!

    Mothers are like police officers - always anticipating the worst. – M. Piezo

    No one can misunderstand a child as much as his mother...

    Once you get to know people, you understand that only your mother is worth loving.

    Every mother must remember that one day her daughter will follow her example, not her advice.

    I realized that my mother could be proud of my upbringing when, having caught my heel on a step and flying half the stairs, I screamed: oh-oh-oh!

    Mom is the only person you can always ask for advice and she will answer you, and she will be right! So take care of your MOM!!! THEY are everything to us!

    My mother is a writer, my father is a candidate of sciences, and I was born beautiful and ruined both of them..

    Mom taught me NOT to ENVY: Yes, there are millions of children in the world who are not as lucky with their parents as you

    All mothers have a physical disability - they only have two hands.

    My mom calls daily to ask, Have you just tried calling me? When I answer No, she adds, So, if you're not too busy, call me while I'm still alive and hangs up. – E. Bombk

    mothers never die, they just stop being around...

    Mom taught me PERSISTENCE: You won’t leave the table until you’ve finished eating.

    Just know how to tell your mom I’m sorry and I love you, we say too many words, and sometimes that’s all they need

    Mom taught me extrasensory perception: put on a sweater - I know you’re cold

    Mom is the ship on which I have been traveling since childhood and which will later send me on an independent voyage. Mommy, I love you!

    Hello, mom, dad spilled coffee on a white towel. soak it or what? - Don't touch your father. Throw a towel in the machine, I’ll sort it out in the evening

    Every mother should carve out a few minutes of free time for herself to wash the dishes.

    A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles. (Pierre Jean Beranger)

    Just know how to say to your mother “I’m sorry” and “I love you”, we say too many words, and sometimes that’s all they need.

    If boys knew about girls what their mothers know, the world would be full of bachelors. – Ya. Ipokhorskaya

    For some reason, many women think that having a child and becoming a mother are the same thing. One could just as well say that having a piano and being a pianist are one and the same thing. – S. Harris

    My mother taught me the basics of self-medication: if you don’t stop squinting your eyes, you’ll stay that way for the rest of your life.

    my meaning in life is to hear: “Mom, you are the best!”

    Every mother hopes that her daughter will receive best husband than she, and is convinced that her son will never receive the same good wife like his father. – M. Andersen – Nex

    Oh, God, I don’t know what to say... After all, everything that’s in my heart cannot be expressed in words... I’ll just thank you endlessly... I’ll just wait... I WILL SOON BE A MOTHER!!

    What? No, mom, I don’t have a sad face... Where am I in the rain? Don't know. Don't worry, I'll just be back when the player runs out...

    Maybe we should turn off the lights and sit with candles? As in childhood. Look, your tea is getting cold. Mom, do you know what I dream about at night? It’s so scary in real life, believe me, it doesn’t happen.

    The worst pain in your heart is when you see your mother crying and you can’t do anything.

    Mom's love is a garden in which the sun always shines and the season is always spring.

    Dear mother, I am writing to you, I feel very lonely here on Earth. You are probably in light clouds now, And the smile on your lips is trembling. I just beg you, support me, Your image hovers, beckoning behind you. I know you see everything: how difficult it is for me, And what a wound in my heart

    Mom taught me to overcome the impossible: shut your mouth and eat soup

    Mommy is the kindest, dearest, for the sadness, for all the sadness, for all the pain, forgive me for God’s sake!

    My mother taught me to look boldly into the future: just wait, I’ll talk to you at home

    You become an adult not when you stop listening to your mother, but when you realize that she was right!

    Thank you mom for yours nice words. For dedicating yourself to me. You are the only one for me. You are my family.

    Mom, I went to my friend’s house to spend the night. Okay daughter, when you come write to me in contact that you got there well; D

    It’s not what worries the mother about what the young girls know, but how they knew it. – Ya. Ipokhorskaya

    Our life is priceless! Tell your moms: Thank you!

    The most expensive necklace on a woman’s neck is the arms of a child hugging her!

    Mom is the only deity on earth who does not know atheists. – E. Legouwe

    Mom always said that honesty is best policy, and money is not the main thing in life. She was wrong about other things too. – J.Barzan

    Every person says that their mother is the best in the world. Almost every girl becomes a mother. This means women are the best creatures on earth.

    Let my mother hear, Let my mother come, Let my mother take me from the mentoring...

    Mom, you are thousands of kilometers away from me and you think that you know better?.. well, you have good eyesight!

    It became sad. I went to my mother's to sleep. Even in my sleep, she checked with her hand whether I was covered with a blanket... Here it is - love!

    Mommy, forgive me, my dear, my unlucky daughter. That I was not restrained with you, that I did not accept your advice. And now I'm paying for it.

    Children are the anchors that hold the mother in life. – Sophocles

    If you want your children to finally grow up, try to grow up first.

    You really don't understand human nature if you don't know why the kid on the carousel waves to his mom every lap, and why his mom waves after him. – W. Tammeus

    And I promised to be happy - I gave my word to my mother...

    Mom, Tanya and I decided to get married! -Where will you live? -Mom, Tanya is emo, she doesn’t want to live at all!

    A person who sincerely loves me.. who will support and reassure... WHERE ARE YOU????... No, mommy, I didn’t call you, thank you...”

    You will not stop being a child as long as you have a mother. – S. Jayet

    Motherhood is the most emotional experience of a woman's life. Each joins a kind of female mafia. – D. Suzman

    And you try, when it’s bad, just spend time with your mother more often, just communicate. Personally, it helped me, and she was pleased. After all, mother is the most precious thing! And we pay so little attention to her!

    We do not inherit the earth; we borrow it from our children. – J. Brower

    Mommy... I know that I often hurt you... I know that it is difficult for you to accept that I am already an adult... But I still love you!

    Mom is the kind of person who will replace everyone. But no one will replace her.

    They ask their son in kindergarten: “What do your parents do? – “Dad works, mom is beautiful!!!)))

    Your girl has grown up, mom, she has grown up. And he never reproaches you or reproaches you with your past or judges you for your mistakes.

    Mother is the only deity on earth who does not know atheists.

    No matter what anyone says, but dear MOTHER- this is the only person who truly loves you simply for being you. Only mom will never betray and is ready to sacrifice everything for you... Only mom always needs you, only mom will always understand... only mom!!!

    Mom, I'm not having fun. I'm living.

    A woman is like tea leaves. You will never know its strength until it boils. – N. Regan

    Where there is no family values, there is no point in maintaining a relationship... it is like the slow death of the soul.

    A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found.

    Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, statuses about mom.

    1. The most excellent of women will be considered the one who is able to replace her

    children of a deceased father.

    I. Goethe

    2. Give us better mothers and we will be better people.

    J.-P. Richter

    3. Every mother should carve out a few minutes of free time for herself to wash the dishes.

    4. Mother's love is omnipotent, primitive, selfish, and at the same time selfless. She's not from anything


    Theodore Dreiser

    5. For some reason, many women think that giving birth to a child and becoming a mother are the same thing. With the same success

    one could say that it is the same thing to have a piano and to be a pianist.

    S. Harris

    6. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

    Peter de Vries

    7. Children are the anchors that hold the mother in life.


    8. The most excellent mother is the one who can replace the father for children when he is gone.

    I. Goethe

    9. The mother always seems one step closer to decadence than the son: since in the latter it is inevitable

    the father's disgusting will is present.

    Evgeniy Bagashov

    10. Mom is the only deity on earth who does not know atheists.

    E. Legouwe

    11. When you think about the tsunami, you immediately really want to go to your mother.

    Inna Veksler

    12. My mother was the most beautiful woman I knew. I owe who I have become to my mother. All mine

    success in this life, moral intellectual and physical education I give credit to my mother.

    D. Washington

    13. A mother’s heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles.

    P. Beranger

    14. The first gift of a mother is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.

    15. The baby was born very quickly, without outside help. The baby was probably very afraid to do this to his mother.


    16. A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found.

    O. de Balzac

    17. Caring is when you think about others. Example: one woman shot her husband with a bow just to

    don't wake the children.

    Yanina Ipohorskaya

    18. I am a mother, and a mother is never lonely.

    DENEV Catherine

    19. A single mother gives birth, so she is not alone in suffering.

    20. The most excellent of women will be considered the one who is able to replace her

    children of a deceased father.

    I. Goethe

    21. In the first years, the mother is the most important person in her child's life, and if she is a good mother, she

    perhaps he will be able to become the stupidest person, in his opinion.

    Mary Kay Blakely

    22. Under no circumstances should you be a failure as a mother; there is nothing worse for children.

    G. Shcherbakova

    23. The one who has no longing for the past did not have a mother.

    Gr. Nunn

    24. Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness...

    Victor Marie Hugo

    25. Everything beautiful in a person comes from the rays of the sun and from the Mother’s milk.

    Maksim Gorky

    26. The good parts of motherhood are never fully realized until the kids are gone.


    27. If evolution really works, then why do moms still have two hands?

    M. Burley

    28. The first gift that a mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.

    Donna Brower

    29. Now, as always, the most automated device in the household is the mother.

    B. Jones

    30. I am a mother, and a mother is never lonely

    K. Deneuve

    Sayings about mom.

    31. Mother is the only deity on earth who does not know atheists.

    E. Legouwe

    32. A mother’s heart is the only fireproof capital that can always be repaid at any time


    33. Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness...

    Victor Marie Hugo

    34. The first gift that a mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.

    D. Brower

    35. Mothers are like police officers - they always anticipate the worst.

    Maryo Pyozo

    36. Motherhood, of course, gives inexpressible happiness, but this happiness in love or marriage must be redeemed

    at such a price that I would not recommend it to anyone.

    37. My reward is not in my crown.

    Motto of Anne of Austria - regent for the young Louis XIV

    Anne of Austria

    38. Mother is the only deity on earth who does not know atheists.

    E. Legouwe

    39. Every little son belongs to the category of those boys with whom his mother forbids him to play.

    40. If you have never known what it is like to hate your own child, then you have never been


    Betty Davis

    41.All mothers have a physical disability - they only have two hands.

    42.You really don't understand human nature if you don't know why the kid on the carousel waves to his mom every lap, and why his mom waves after him.
    W. Tammeus

    43.You will not stop being a child as long as you have a mother.
    S. Jayet

    44.Children are the anchors that hold the mother in life.

    45.Motherhood is the most emotional experience of a woman’s life. Each joins a different kind of female mafia D. Suzman

    46. ​​I have reached the age when a woman begins to feel that she is turning into the person she least wanted to be like - her mother A. Bruckner

    Mom always said that honesty is the best policy, and money is not the main thing in life.

    47. She was wrong about other things too J. Barzan

    48.You really don't understand human nature if you don't know why the child on the carousel waves to his mother every lap, and why his mother always waves after him W. Tammeus

    49.I am a mother. I fall asleep with this thought and wake up with it.

    50.If you want your children to finally grow up, try to grow up first.

    51. All mothers have a physical disability - they only have two hands.

    52.A mother’s first gift is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.

    53. For some reason, many women think that having a child and becoming a mother are the same thing. One might as well say that having a piano and being a pianist are one and the same thing. S. Harris

    54.We will not inherit the earth; we borrow it from our children D. Bauer

    55.The fastest way for a mother to attract the attention of her children is to sit down and pretend that you are happy.

    56.The art of being a parent is to sleep when the child is not looking.

    57.Claudia...remembered that when she gave birth to her first child, she was surprised to realize that the beautiful couple consisted of mother and child, and not, as she had always assumed, of man and woman A. Ellis

    58.Now, as always, the most automated appliance in the household is Mama B. Jones

    59.My mom calls daily to ask, “Have you just tried calling me?” When I answer, “No,” she adds, “So if you're not too busy, call me while I'm still alive,” and hangs up E. Bombk

    60. A woman is like tea leaves. You will never know its strength until it boils N. Regan

    61.The pleasant aspects of motherhood can never be fully realized until the children go to bed.
    62.Summer camps for children are the best vacation for mother E. Klinger

    63.Mom’s love is a garden in which the sun always shines and the season is always spring.

    64.A mother's patience is like a tube of toothpaste - it never runs out completely.

    65. Mothers are like policemen - they always anticipate the worst M. Piezo

    66. Every mother should carve out a few minutes of free time for herself to wash the dishes.
    No one can misunderstand a child more than his mother N. Douglas

    67. A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness can always be found O. de Balzac

    68. Every mother hopes that her daughter will get a better husband than her, and is convinced that her son will never get as good a wife as his father M. Andersen-Nexe

    69.Fathers lie, claiming that they are making a career for the sake of their sons. They are ashamed to admit that they are doing it for their mothers B. Pashkovsky

    70. It takes two to get married - a lonely girl and a concerned mother.

    71. If young men knew about girls what their mothers know, the world would be full of bachelors Ya. Ipokhorskaya

    72. The most terrible thing in a divorce is that somewhere far away two mothers, nodding their heads, say: “Well, see? I told you"

    73. A man is rarely as good as his mother thinks he is, and as stupid as his mother-in-law thinks he is.

    74. It’s not what the young girls know that worries the mother, but how they knew it Ya. Ipokhorskaya

    75. Every mother should remember that one day her daughter will follow her example, not her advice.

    76.The most difficult thing for a mother is to remember that other parents also have the best children.

    77.Children are the anchors that hold a mother in life Sophocles

    78.Mama is the only deity on earth who does not know atheists E. Legouwe

    79.You will not stop being a child as long as you have a mother S. Jayet

    80. I am a mother, and a mother is never lonely K. Deneuve

    81.A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found. O. Balzac

    82. Under no circumstances should you be a failure as a mother; there is nothing worse for children. G. Shcherbakova

    83.A mother’s heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles. P. Beranger

    84.Women are so unhappy in the decline of their beauty only because they forget that the dignity of a mother is intended to replace the beauty of a wife. P. Lacretel

    85.Mother is the only deity on earth who does not know atheists. E. Legouwe

    86.The future of the nation is in the hands of mothers. O. Balzac

    87. The mother loves the child more than the father, because she knows that the child is hers, and the father only assumes that the child is his.

    88. N It doesn’t matter how old you are or what you have achieved: you still need a mother. I am no exception: I need it too. So don’t quarrel with her seriously and listen to her advice - it’s better to lose an argument than to regret later that you won

    89.If I cried, she cried twice as much. If I was upset, her heart would break into pieces. This is what it means to be a mother.

    90. It’s easy to offend your mother. She won't notice the insult. And he can only tell you: “Don’t catch a cold, son, it’s windy today.”

    Statuses about mom with meaning.

    1.A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found.

    2. Mommy is the kindest, dearest, for the sadness, for all the sadness, for all the pain, forgive me for God’s sake!

    3. I still can’t forget my mother’s eyes: blue as the sky, tender as a flame... I will carry the light in my soul through the years, I want you to know, mom, I love you!

    4. Give me your hand! Mommy, dear! After all, I am now alone with trouble! And you hear everything, you know everything, mom! And like salvation you reach out your hand to me.

    Mom is the word that everyone understands. Everyone remembers something about him. All our days are connected with our mother. They will not let us forget our mother.

    5. Never be angry with your mother, do not say words that could upset her or break her loving heart. You only have one, make her happy as she wanted it for you!!!

    6. Dear mother, sometimes we didn’t quite understand each other, we even quarreled, severely wounding our souls, just know that for some reason your worries and sorrows are getting closer to me now.

    Grace, strength, beauty, tenderness, pride, grace, brightness, intelligence, the great creation of God - Woman.

    Mom is the most beautiful word uttered by a person.

    Let's say thank you to our mothers for carrying us under their hearts.

    My mother gave birth to me beautiful, but life made me a bitch...

    I have two parents. But mom tried harder than dad.

    I bow my head and pray to the Almighty. I don’t ask for fame or heaven, I just ask the Almighty to take care of you, Mom!

    The most hard work in the world - the most honorable! Thank you mom!

    I love you so much, Mom! Aphorisms, beautiful quotes, sayings about mom.

    Show your tears to your mother, in a week the whole city will console you.

    We all come up with something, dedicate statuses to mom, but you only need three simple words: mom I love you!

    You should kiss your mom every day, not slobber on your boyfriend.

    Thanks to his mom!!! Just because he is in my life!!!

    Mom, you are the closest to me!!! Take care

    A girl's happiness is to be a beloved and only wife and a caring mother!!!

    Mom gave birth to twins, first laziness, and then me)))

    Mom taught me not to swear, life taught me not to swear in front of my mother...

    And even a million of the most beautiful statuses won’t tell you how much I love you, mom.

    It’s better to remain silent than to offend your mother.

    My mother always told me: a person learns all his life. So I’m studying, I’ve already graduated from 5 institutes.

    I dreamed of becoming a model, but I became a mother!!!

    There is a lot of everything in life; There is little in life, but the main thing, forever, will remain - mother.

    Don't forget mom! After all, we owe them our lives!!!

    For your love that fills your heart, for the happiness given, just... LIVE. For the warmth that heals the soul, mother, I thank you! Sometimes it’s difficult for me in this world in a series of countless problems. Only your wing will protect me from the sight of life’s dilemmas!!!

    Mommy! You are the best, thank you for being there!

    The best cure for anxiety, problems, depression and suffering is a home warmed by mother’s warmth, affection, kindness and understanding...

    Mom comes home, and near the freezer her daughter is mannerly eating raw dumplings... - Can I boil them? - WHO IS THE SMOKED ONE?! AM I SMOKED?!

    Why are you crying? -Mom called my father a goat and dad told her that she was a sheep! -And what? -Who am I?

    Call your mom, talk to her, come over, hug her, tell her how much you love her. It costs you nothing, but for her it will be another reason to live!

    The morning separated me and my mother... I hugged her at the door. Growing up, for some reason we all feel ashamed of our tenderness.

    Until you become a mother yourself, you will not understand how much she loved you.

    It's so nice to see mom happy.

    The meaning of life is the smile of parents!!!

    Just one child's smile. And it’s already spring in the mother’s heart.

    There are two most holy words in the world - God and Mom.

    Someday you and I will be walking... And five meters away from us a little miracle will run and shout, “Mom, dad, stop! My shoelace is untied.”

    How big is your heart, Mom. Aphorisms, beautiful quotes, sayings about mom

    Children are the anchors that hold the mother in life...

    Mommy, dear, gentle, you are the most precious person on this earth! Let the whole world know how much I love you! Your daughter...

    Mom, why in washing machine Does the drum spin one way or the other? Probably to prevent the laundry from throwing up? ...

    Today, many European countries celebrate Mother's Day. Love and take care of your dear mothers! Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her!!!

    I love my mommy very much, and I’m glad that I have her... she is my most beautiful and beloved!!! and I’m ready to give my life for her.....

    Mom, I love you, and that’s why everything is always fine with me... when I don’t answer the call, I just don’t want you to hear my pain...

    There are so many statuses about our beloved mommies, but our daddies are the best too, right?)

    The Lord cannot keep up everywhere at the same time, and that is why he created mothers.

    Listen only to music, heart and mother. Everyone else is talking nonsense.

    Take care of your mother, every tear from her eyes that falls because of us will then fall as an unbearable burden on our souls...

    When you are completely tired, call, and I will come, as I did in childhood. Do you remember that mother's love has a secret healing power!!!

    My mother will be a good mother-in-law. She already feels sorry for my future husband!

    The most powerful thing in the world against evil is a mother's prayer.

    Most best friend- this is mom. She never envyes, does not wish bad things. And love and pride for her child sparkles in her eyes.

    Only such a wonderful mother like MY...maybe such good girl, like me!))

    Mom always said: “Don’t go barefoot, you’ll catch a cold!” But it was necessary to warn: “Don’t go with an open soul - you will be bitterly disappointed...”

    What is the best kiss for me? A slobbery and inept kiss from my baby!

    Mom will never leave... no matter what happens, no matter how hard it is.

    I look at myself in the mirror and say “who will get such a miracle...”, my mother shouts from the kitchen “God give him strength, health and patience”...

    Mom, what time was I born? - At twelve at night. - Oh... I probably woke you up! :)

    Never complain about your husband to your mother. You and your husband will quarrel, make peace and forget, but mom will never forget.

    Sometimes just drinking tea with your mom and chatting is better than any feast with friends... Don't waste time!!!

    Mothers are like buttons, everything hangs on them... Aphorisms, beautiful quotes, sayings about mothers.

    A mother's patience is like a tube of toothpaste - it never runs out completely.

    What did your mother give you for your birthday? - LIFE!!!

    I don’t care what you think, but my mom says I’m sunshine!

    The mother of a newborn baby is naive and inexperienced, like a recruit in the army. The mother of a two-year-old baby is calm and confident, like a demobilizer. The mother of a three-year-old child is SPECIAL FORCES.

    Love your mom. She is a saint to everyone! Do not cause pain by needlessly offending!

    Thank you, MOMMY, for the life, for the world that you gave me! For affection and love, for the tenderness of hands, for every day and hour! I love you, dear! Happy Mother's Day, my MOMMY!!!

    A loving mother will never abandon her child. It's like amputating yourself. It doesn’t matter whether the child is smart or stupid, whether he has friends or not...

    A mother is the most hopeless optimist of all: she believes to the last that her child is the best.

    Mom's support is the best sedative)))

    Mom - one word, 4 letters, eternal meaning!

    The house is never as clean as before mom comes home from the parent-teacher meeting.

    I cannot love any man as much as I love my little son.

    Without lies, betrayal and deception, only MOTHER is worthy of love.

    Do you want to hang yourself? Die? Kill yourself? And think about the one who gave birth to you for almost a day, and not about those who drove you over the ears a couple of times.

    The only one I will run after will shout to me “catch up, mom.”

    Impeccable and free, eternal and irresistible, absolute and all-consuming love of a woman for a man is not just possible, but real. If he is her son.

    The older I get, the more often I want to go back to childhood and be in my mother’s arms.

    If mom laughs at dad's jokes, it means there are guests in the house.

    Mom is the only person who knows you 9 months more than everyone else.

    When you are a mother, the concept of “being alone” does not exist...

    Without lies, without tears and without deception, only Mom is worthy of love!!!

    It’s as if the world is collapsing, and I so want to go to my mother, so that at least for the evening I can be a child, so that I can drink tea and cookies with her in the kitchen in woolen socks and my favorite pajamas...

    Most best men taken by our mothers)

    Mom is the first word of a child, Mom is the first steps in life, Mom is the most sacred thing in the world, Mom, take care of your Mom.

    Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her!

    My wife believes that I am with my mistress. My mistress thinks that I’m at home with my wife... And I’m sitting with my mother... happy - we’re drinking tea!

    If my mother taught me to be sweet, gentle, and cultured, this does not mean that I will not kick you in the eye, as my father taught me.

    Our mother cries loudly that everyone in the apartment is acting like a pig. Hush, mommy, don’t cry, others have the same problem.

    When you finally realize that your mother was usually right, you yourself have a daughter growing up, confident that her mother is usually wrong.

    Love your child in any way - untalented, unlucky, adult. When communicating with him, rejoice, because a child is a holiday that is still with you.

    Being a mother is not just a job, Being a mother is not just a dream... I remember beautiful morning That day I gave birth to my son! And I accepted as a reward a priceless gift from heaven. And mom doesn’t need fur coats, rings, or miracles to be happy!!!

    It was worth being born a woman just to hear the cherished words: “Mom, mommy, mommy”!!!

    Mom, can I jump from the 5th floor? -Have you done your homework?

    And remember, girls, our mothers, when asked: “Why are you so worried about me,” said: “If you have children of your own, then we’ll see...” Well, and how? Have you looked?
    Mommy! Yes, compared to me, you were a giant of calm, patience and equanimity...

    They say your best friend is your mom... yeah now, tell her... Your second friend Dad will know everything in the morning...

    Every mother has the most beautiful child in the world! Aphorisms, beautiful quotes, sayings about mom

    Missed calls: Beloved (1), Dad (1), Brother (1), Mom (48) - that's who really loves you!!! Take care of your mothers! they are the best in the world!!!


    In all the languages ​​of the world, crossing the oceans, the first word of a person is the word Mom... ⓒBeat Hoween

    Only MOTHER deserves love!

    A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles. (Pierre Jean Beranger)

    The child's claims to the mother's love are immeasurable, they require exclusivity and do not allow sharing.

    The most difficult profession in the world is being a Mom.

    When you become a mother, you can only talk about your children.

    Dad can be anyone. Only a mother, only a mother CANNOT BE!

    “Oh, how I want to go back, oh, how I want to burst into” my mother’s belly...

    I bow my head and pray to the Almighty. I don’t ask for fame or heaven, I just ask the Almighty to take care of you, Mom!

    Show your tears to your mother, in a week the whole city will console you.

    MOTHER is the most touching thing in the world. MOTHER means to forgive and sacrifice oneself.

    Mom, you are the closest to me!!! Take care of yourself.

    A girl's happiness is to be a beloved and only wife and a caring mother!!!

    Is there a place in the world where happy children laugh? Yes, and it’s not a secret - it’s mom’s hug!

    Mom gave birth to twins, first laziness, and then me)))

    God is our life, and Mom is the best thing in this life... God is the Holiness that we feel... Mom is the Holiness that we see...

    As I grew up, I realized the value of parental advice...

    Good education is second necessary thing in life after a strict mother.

    The first and most important teacher is mother

    Boys! Don't offend my little girl!! For her I will destroy and tear you!!! Mother.

    It’s enough to say “Yes” once and then someone else’s last name becomes your own, and then your own life becomes unimportant, because now you are a MOTHER

    Indeed, it makes your soul feel better when you hug Mom...

    We are in a hurry to live and time is breathing on our backs... And you won’t always have time to call your mother... Oh, how I would like... to hear your quiet voice... I understand now... But I should have... then...

    I want to plunge into childhood, where there is no envy and sadness, where it is always light, I want to go back to my childhood, to my mother.

    I don’t know about you, but I’m scared to death of my mother: COME HERE!!!)))

    Moms, love, kiss and hug your children while they are small, only then will our children be kinder!

    The morning separated me and my mother... I hugged her at the door. Growing up, for some reason we all feel ashamed of our tenderness.

    MOTHER cooks the most delicious delicacies!

    Do you think you don't have a guardian angel? Yes, he is small and calls you MOM!

    The meaning of life is the smile of parents!!!

    The best friend is a mother and a pillow.

    Sometimes you just want to tell everything to hell, hug your mom tightly and cry on her shoulder...

    Never be angry with your mother, do not say words that could upset or break her loving heart. You only have one, make her happy as she wanted it for you...

    - Mom, why does it taste so good when you pour tea?
    - Son, mom always pours the most delicious tea in the world. It's a pity that we sometimes realize this too late.

    Him: You are beautiful! Me: This is my mother’s merit. She did everything to make me look like dad...

    Grace, strength, beauty, tenderness, pride, grace, brightness, intelligence, the great creation of God - Woman.

    No matter how old you are and whoever you are - a man or a woman, sometimes you really want your mother to come up, like in childhood, pat your head, smile, kiss the top of your head...

    Happiness is when you wake up and realize that you are not alone, that you have that very little man for whom you are ready to do anything, because you are his mother!

    Girls, don't forget that this strange woman who always pokes her head into your life with advice, knows everything better than you and constantly fights with you for your husband... just his Mom

    When we find happiness, we call our friends less often; when we become unhappy, we call more often... to our mother.

    True friend- will never judge! A faithful friend will always be there! A faithful friend is mom! This is how it is and how it will ALWAYS be!!!

    Mother is the only deity who not only gives us life once, but also protects us untimely.

    If you are a Mom, then you are already doing well, because next to you is your main achievement in life - your child.

    It’s always like this, when you can’t find something and you go to your mom, she says that if she finds it now, you’ll get it)))

    My mother will be a good mother-in-law. She already feels sorry for my future husband!

    Only such a wonderful mommy like MY... maybe such a good girl like ME!))

    I have two parents. But mom tried harder than dad.

    MOTHER - many people understand how much she has done for us only when they lose her... People, appreciate your parents...

    Without sleep, many of your nights have passed, You can’t count the worries and worries for us, I bow to you, dear MOTHER!!! For the fact that you exist in this world!!!

    If I’m lonely, I really want my mother, mommy, mommy to be nearby... and it’s such a pity that she’s far away... I went to write her an SMS that I miss and love her...

    When you were a child, did you always say, “Walk so that I can see you”? It turns out that our mothers did not leave the window!

    You should kiss your mom every day, not slobber on your boyfriend.

    The first gift that mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.

    It’s better to remain silent than to offend your mother.

    Mom’s eyes glow with delight... A little happiness Next to her, always! And let there be peace on Earth, dear, SO THAT MY MAN ALWAYS LAUGH!!!

    There is a lot of everything in life; There is little in life, but the main thing, forever, will remain - mother.

    The main thing in life is SHE and once again SHE, the one who gave birth and was able to raise!!!

    The song that a mother sings at the cradle accompanies a person all his life, until the grave.

    The cheaper the love of men and women, the love is dearer maternal...

    The main thing in life is she and once again she, the one who gave birth and raised her - Mom!

    No matter how old a mother is, she never ceases to look for signs of change for the better in her thirty- to forty-year-old children.

    To the question “What is love?” my son answered: - Love is mom.

    It's so nice to see mom happy.

    Just one child's smile. And it’s already spring in the mother’s heart.

    A delightful moment when you press to your chest a creature that until recently was a part of you. And it seems as if you have one heart for two...

    How big is your heart, Mom.

    There is something that cannot be bought, this is happiness... when, in addition to your heart, another small heart beats inside...

    We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother.

    I am afraid of only one thing in the world, that I will come home one day, say, “Mom, I’m home,” and in response I will only hear silence.

    How was it before? Mom, can I not spend the night at home today, but now more and more often: “Mom, can I spend the night with you today?”

    You know, mom, I’m sorry that I’m drunk and for clenching my fists, I just miss her hand sleeping on my chest, whatever one may say...

    Happinnes exists! It's here! Just listen! Here! it runs barefoot and screams MOTHER!

    The most powerful thing in the world against evil is a mother's prayer.

    I am the happiest just because I am a MOTHER!!!

    My main treasure in life is my little mischief makers who turn the house upside down and shout “catch up mommy”

    There are so many statuses about our beloved mommies, but our daddies are the best too, right?)

    God bless every Mother whose children I call friends.

    If you come home tired from work, and a woman says to you: “Are you tired, dear? Go, eat, have a glass, and go to bed...”, then this is YOUR mother.

    Listen only to music, heart and mother. Everyone else is talking nonsense.

    Only one person can forgive absolutely everything - mother.

    There is nothing more valuable than a mother's tears...

    When you are completely tired, call, and I will come, as I did in childhood. Do you remember that mother's love has a secret healing power!!!

    Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness; Children sleep well in these arms.

    Every day, looking at how my mother is aging, I want to do as much kindness and light as possible for her, so that she is happy!!! After all, it is so IMPORTANT to give your warmth to the one who loves you so reverently, tenderly and selflessly... no matter what!!!

    Mom always said: “Don’t go barefoot, you’ll catch a cold!” But it was necessary to warn: “Don’t go with an open soul - you will be bitterly disappointed...”

    Mom is the most expensive luxury in the world. So please, appreciate it!

    - Mommy, I got married! - I don’t know anything, when it gets dark - go home.

    Mommy, Happy Mother's Day to you! You are the most dear person to me, I'm sorry that sometimes I'm such a fool...I love you!

    You become an adult not when you stop listening to your mother, but when you realize that your mother was right!

    I’m not looking for a soul mate, it just so happens that my mother gave birth to me intact!

    The world would be a better place if everyone acted like our mother was watching us.

    Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her!

    You become an adult when you change “mama” to “mommy” in your phone!!!

    Once you get to know people, you understand that only your mother is worth loving.

    I want to always see your smile. The most sincere and dearest. I love you mommy!

    I live for Mom, because... she lives for me... And I’m ready to give my life for Mom, because she’s ready to give it for me!

    A mother's love is the only love from which you cannot expect betrayal...

    A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found.

    Mom taught me to overcome the impossible: “Shut your mouth and eat soup.”

    It’s not been 5 years now, but I still run and look in my bag when my mother comes, suddenly there’s something tasty there.

    I came home wearing fins, a mask and shorts. Hello mom, had a great graduation!

    Give us better mothers and we will be better people.

    They released their children into their lives like white doves into the sky! But those who have managed to forget their father and mother are not destined to fly!

    Just know how to say “I’m sorry” and “I love you” to your mother; we say too many words, and sometimes that’s all they need.

    Does your mother need a son-in-law?

    Mom, your eyes should shine! Don’t cry, don’t suffer!

    Mom and Dad wanted me to get better. Well, the point has come out, but the stupidity remains.

    The word “MOM” is precious! Mom should be treasured! With her affection and care
    It’s easier for us to live in the world!

    The worst pain in the heart is when you see your mother crying and you can’t do anything.

    -And yet mom is my best friend! -Why? -She will never take your boyfriend away.

    - I love only my mom, dad and sister - What about me? - And you are not them...

    I will give everything, if only My Mother was happy, and also cried only from happiness.

    Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness... (Victor Marie Hugo)

    No one can misunderstand a child as much as his mother...

    The meaning of life is a mother's smile.

    Only Mom will understand me...

    Love your mother, because your mother is alone. She will not forget you until she closes her eyes.

    Remember that treating your parents well is the key to good attitude your children to you.

    When mom is in a bad mood, dad and I go out for the whole day to buy bread.

    - Mom, why does the bed squeak every night in your and dad’s bedroom?
    - I just can’t sleep, and dad has to rock me to sleep!

    For many, happiness is two liters. And for many it’s only two grams. And for me, happiness is seeing my Mom smile!

    Protect your mothers like flowers from a cold blizzard: their love is a hundred times hotter than that of friends and beloved girlfriend.

    - Mom, I want a tattoo.
    - Bring the belt, we’ll fill it now..

    He doesn't love me, mom...

    Our life is priceless! Tell your moms: “Thank you”!

    How many times did my mother tell me: Don’t fall in love, daughter, it’s too early. I didn’t listen to my mother, and now I love Roman!

    Let's say thank you to our mothers for carrying us under their hearts!

    Nothing shortens a message like a mom standing behind you.

    The phone rang, I shouted to my mother “I’m gone!”, Mom from her room “me too”))

    My daughter comes home from graduation. Her mother asks: Have you been drinking? Daughter: No, mom, I’m an axe!

    The best and beautiful statuses about mom

    Quotes about mom with meaning - The heart of a woman who gave birth and raised a child is capable of creating real miracles for him.

    Mom, forgive me, I'm stupid. You never gave me bad advice. And I ignored them... and now I’m crying!

    The art of motherhood is to teach a child the art of life (E. Haffner).

    Give me your hand! Mommy, dear! After all, I am now alone with trouble! And you hear everything, you know everything, mom! And like salvation you reach out your hand to me.

    Mom, I haven’t forgotten that loneliness is a garden where nothing grows. Even if I live without her today, I will never be lonely again as long as she exists somewhere.

    He who has no longing for the past did not have a mother (Gr. Nunn).

    What is most sacred in our hearts? There is hardly any need to think and guess. There is the simplest and most sublime word in the world - Mother!

    Only a mother can ask how you are doing twenty times in order to hear the truth for the twentieth time... and console!

    Mom will always make us feel like people of a higher class than we really are (J. L. Spalding).

    Alas! You have to constantly fight with those you adore - both in love and in motherhood.

    Mom is the word that everyone understands. Everyone remembers something about him. All our days are connected with our mother. They will not let us forget our mother.

    All mothers have one physical defect: they only have two hands.

    Mom is the most beautiful word spoken by a person.

    People!!! Take care of Mommies... There is no such word as without them... words hard, bad, bad will not say anything.

    And when mothers kiss their children and when they scold them, they love them equally.

    Where is the person who will support Hard time. pull me out of the hole when I feel bad, where are you??? - oh, my mommy, I didn’t call you just now! Thanks of course though!

    Mom, I trust you to shelter my defenseless boat from the dangers of this treacherous world. I owe all my happiness to your maternal tenderness.

    The older I get, the more often I want to go back to childhood and be in my mother’s arms.

    The child must be with his mother, even if the next step is uncertainty.

    I live for Mom, because... she lives for me... And I’m ready to give my life for Mom, because she’s ready to give it for me!

    Protect your mothers like flowers from a cold blizzard: their love is a hundred times hotter than that of friends and beloved girlfriend.

    The first gift that a mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding. (Donna Brower)

    All my life my mother instilled in me that a person should be useful. She was sure that giving love is much more important than receiving it.

    In our family, our father's word was law. Mom's word was another law. Sometimes these laws contradicted each other, and only a scandal helped determine who was right and who was a fool.

    The phrase: “Eh, my mother told me...” can only be understood at a certain age, having a fair amount of life experience... Not at 16, not at 16, no matter what my mother says :)

    I understand my mother better now. Parenting is a profession in which it is impossible to succeed. We must limit ourselves to causing as little harm as possible.

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