• You're right, we need to part prose. Honesty is the best policy. Farewell letter to a man who offended


    If you haven't seen your boyfriend for a long time, then writing to your loved one while apart in your own words will help rekindle your feelings. With its help you can brighten up even a long separation. This is a way of maintaining the fire of love since ancient times.

    How to start a letter to your loved one when you are apart?

    The beginning of your message could go something like this.

    My dear... I am writing you my news. Read it to the very end, and try to understand me and my entire inner world...

    I don’t know where to start... this whole situation and my silence on the phone pushed me to this message. I won’t look for an excuse or any excuses, I just want to try to explain to you what’s going on inside me.

    My dear, you are my boyfriend, and I hope that you will remain so. Because at the slightest hint or phrase about breaking up, I get all shaken up. I can’t imagine myself now without you, without your kisses.

    I can't imagine myself without your smile. Especially when you start talking about love or words that are very pleasant to me, when I start to get embarrassed, such moments remain with me forever, and your smile is also special. And our walks, although always with some adventures and misunderstandings, are memorable. And personally, I really like to remember them.

    Romantic continuation of the letter in your own words

    We have a lot of pleasant moments to remember. I would like to list them all. But this will take a lot of time. I’m not even talking about the photos on the wall in my apartment... I can’t even raise my hand to take them off after I saw the look on your face when you first noticed them.

    My friends really like you. And every time they ask about you. I don't always tell you this. But it is so. They are always interested in how we are doing... And now, remembering all this, I understand that you are a dear person to me. You are like a member of my family to me.

    Today I looked at your photos three times and guess what? Yes you are crazy handsome guy! I don’t understand at all why I’m so lucky with you? You are so cute, just so cute. Your eyes are big, your lips are tender...

    I have never known anyone like you, and I probably never will. I value you very much and appreciate you! I don’t know what’s happening to me now, why I’m behaving this way. But I really regret it, I’m incredibly ashamed of myself. It’s a shame when you say that you’re bored with me, it’s a shame when I deceive you, and it’s not even a shame in front of you, but in front of yourself...

    And then I think, what an idiot I am for doing this... I guess I thought that you wouldn’t get away from me, that you would always be there. But today I felt like an electric shock. Yes, you can leave me at any moment without explanation, and you will be absolutely right. And no one will blame you for this. My dear, I don’t want to lose you! I love you madly! You may not believe me, but I can prove that this is exactly the case! And you will definitely trust me, you will see.

    We're coming to an end

    The result of a letter to a beloved guy during separation may be a mention of difficulties and overcoming them. For example, you could write the following text:

    Unfortunately, we are far from each other now, but I will definitely wait for you! Every day I remembered, and will remember you. If I somehow miss you, I will never forgive myself. You always think about us, not about yourself, but about us. You don’t see yourself and me separately, for you there is only us, and I really like it.

    Yes, it takes a long time for me to get it, sometimes too long, but it will definitely get there. And we won’t be bored anymore, I don’t want this everyday life, and this is not because you told me, but because I want it myself.

    I want you to feel happy when you see me. I want you to always smile with all your teeth next to me. I will try to make you the happiest!

    When creating their “we,” it is unlikely that a man or woman thinks that for some reason their unique fairy tale may one day end. However, life sometimes takes turns worse than an experienced slalomist. And now, alas, you have a reason to write a farewell letter to your loved one in your own words. How to do this with dignity?

    The art of saying goodbye beautifully

    Talking about love relationships, we most often mean the dating stage, “candy and bouquet meetings” and the decision to become a couple. But quarrels and partings are also important milestones of fate, and one cannot do without them. You can find a lot of advice on how to win a man and make him happy, but a scenario for a beautiful end to a relationship is much more difficult to find.

    One of these ways to maintain dignity, not to humiliate either the guy or yourself, and not to break into reproaches, hysterics and, perhaps, threats, is a farewell letter to your beloved man in your own words. It can move you to tears, cause indignation or indifference (this, unfortunately, also happens), but one thing is certain: thoughts formulated in writing will be recorded and clearly structured. This means that the former other half will have the opportunity to read them more than once (or even more than twice!), comprehend and draw conclusions. Not only will you be able to avoid an unpleasant scene of a showdown, but you will also save face in your own eyes (of course: deciding to write requires no less courage than saying the same thing tête-à-tête!).

    Laws of the genre

    In love, as you know, there are no laws. But in composing farewell letters there is! Moreover, many of them have a precedent basis, that is, they are chosen for a specific situation that has developed in a couple and caused the need to come up with a similar essay. Here are some important aspects:

    • brevity is the soul of wit. The peculiarity of male perception is that they do not recognize lengthy messages. So try to express everything you have in mind briefly and succinctly;
    • plan. Of course, a farewell letter is not school essay, but the structure and consistency of presentation are just as important here. Therefore, you should not start with the words “We are no longer together. Period,” since it is quite possible that after this the recipient will not want to continue reading. It is better if at the beginning there is something that will attract his attention other than the very fact of receiving a letter from you. This could be some kind of affectionate address, a quote or a brief (after all, we are writing about a breakup, not confessing) description of our own feelings;
    • literacy. No comments;
    • taboo on swearing. You should not humiliate yourself or him by stooping to insults. Even if he committed a very unseemly act. Even if you really want to. Then it’s better to meet and talk “from the heart”;
    • decor. Pen with ink of one rich color, a flat sheet of good paper and the absence of drawings in the margins - in this regard, the genre has very strict rules.

    Examples of letters for different situations

    How many couples there are, so many reasons for separation: betrayal, insults, thoughtless words... So it is impossible to come up with one template that is suitable for all situations. Maybe just write “Goodbye”. However, our task is not just to report the breakup, but also to do it beautifully. So you'll have to try.

    If you quit

    Writing a letter if you are the initiator of the termination of the relationship may seem like a simple undertaking. But it is not so. It is necessary not only to adequately justify such a decision, but also to present everything in such a way that an already offended man will not be offended even more.

    • “You are a gift I don't deserve. These are not nice words, it prevents me from sleeping and doing my usual things. But it so happened that we had to part. I don’t want you to be hurt, although I know what will happen... Don’t be angry with me and forgive me. Goodbye".
    • Sometimes people are separated by kilometers, and then you have to write a letter in your own words to a loved one who is at a distance. "What could be more painful than being hurt? to a loved one? Probably nothing. Sorry for the pain, for the words that hurt, but we need to part. You can't build relationships at a distance, that's not for me. May I suggest we remain friends and hope for a positive response?”

    If the initiator is he

    Farewell letter to a beloved man who abandoned him is a moot point. On the one hand, it is clear that you are no longer together, but on the other hand, you have the right to present your vision of the situation, without even hoping to return your lover.

    • “I know you don't love me. But for the sake of everything that happened between us, I want to say that I will not forget this time. I hope that in life you will have a worthy woman next to you, and I will meet my one and only man. Be happy. Goodbye".
    • “How difficult it is to say goodbye! That’s why I chose this way to talk to you, my recently-favorite! You left, nothing connects us, but for the sake of what happened between us, I want to say that I don’t hold a grudge against you. Be happy. Just let's agree to do everything not to meet again. We shouldn’t give our passion a reason to flare up with renewed vigor, because then it will definitely hurt...”

    If the reason is treason

    This is the most common reason why a woman writes: “I would not like to start by asking for forgiveness, especially since I know that you will not forgive. “I am guilty before you, and there are no words of excuse, but if you can, forgive and be happy.”

    When he breaks the oath of allegiance, you should not make the letter a list of reproaches. You can express all the negativity to your girlfriend over a glass of wine, but the message has a different purpose - to inform about the breakup. “I hope she’s better than me, I hope you really love her and won’t regret betraying us!” Do not see you again!".

    Goodbye. Sorry. I say the words
    Shrouded in mysterious pain,
    Farewell, do not be consoled, but praise be to you too,
    Because you let go without a fight.

    Goodbye. Sorry, because in the middle of years,
    Everyone feels the breath of the surf,
    Breath of love and thirst for change,
    Which is what affected us. Let's not argue.

    I'll tell you, I'm sorry, because in the middle of years,
    You feel a thirst for change
    And a new dream came from afar
    AND new love there was a knock on our door.

    I'll tell you, goodbye, be happy and live,
    It's like you feel the thirst for life,
    Farewell, my love, forgive me for everything.
    Sorry for the dreamless dreams.

    I'm glad that you forgot me,
    The fire in your soul has almost cooled down,
    I rarely see you in my dreams,
    And you don’t dedicate the songs to me.
    May those days give us happiness
    But only your humiliations,
    Resentments, counting bitter tears,
    Let another woman suffer better.
    I don't need to be next to you,
    I will not serve you all my life.
    You and I have different paths,
    And we must pass them with dignity.
    Let me forget about what happened
    About how I suffered and loved.

    Parting is not a reason to be sad,
    The main thing is to understand and forgive,
    May a good life await you,
    And you hold on to your happiness.

    Let there be true love
    Sincere, life-giving,
    Boy, strive for your cherished dreams,
    Create your future the way you want.

    You're leaving me for a long time.
    I will be very alone and sad.
    You don’t know how difficult it is for me now.
    How I want to not let you in.

    I will think about you often
    And you remember me too.
    Everything will pass, I know that perfectly well.
    But how long should I wait and suffer?

    How sad partings are,
    The ones that separate two lovers!
    Bitter, difficult goodbyes
    Sometimes in life, unfortunately, it happens.

    Separation is destined, my dear, for you and me,
    Whether we will meet again - no one knows.
    Tests, apparently, are given to us by fate,
    It's like our feelings are being tested.

    But the separation also ends,
    Nothing lasts forever in our life.
    People, parting, meet again,
    This means that after farewell there will be a meeting.

    How hard it is to be apart from you,
    How unbearable this torment is.
    It breaks my heart into pieces,
    It separates me from you!

    Don't leave me, dear.
    Dearly beloved, my angel.
    I can't live without you
    And I will not bear this pain.

    Please stay a little longer
    And let the anxiety subside.
    Put your hand around me
    Take it with you forever!

    My soul hardly hurts.
    And my eyes haven't cried for a long time.
    The birds have flown south
    Life has gone behind the birds.

    You said goodbye to me forever
    In autumn, in the rain.
    He said that he fell in love again.
    And you two feel good.

    What was it then?
    When alone for me
    All your songs and thoughts
    Sounded under the full moon?

    When I opened my soul,
    And let spring into your heart?
    When did you fall in love so much?
    What to do with us? I don't understand...

    I just can't believe it
    I don't know how to accept
    What's on my doorstep
    You won't appear again.

    And you won’t smile joyfully,
    And the eyes will not shine.
    Won't you tell me: "My baby,
    There’s no way we can be apart!”

    There will be no more smiles
    Happy moments together.
    We made so many mistakes!
    But all my thoughts are about him.

    How can I learn not to think?
    How to stop dreaming.
    I'm so happy
    Can't imagine anymore?

    And in my thoughts you are still nearby.
    And my whole life is in you.
    And with every awkward glance
    I'm looking for your shadow on the ground.

    I can hear you breathing
    I feel your pain
    It's like you're still around.
    It's like it's still mine.

    It's ridiculous, I can't believe it
    And I can't accept
    That it's so easy for you
    It's nice to hug her.

    But everything turned out the way it turned out.
    And now I have to live with this.
    Only a heart burned with pain
    Can't love anymore...

    It's so sad to leave again,
    When will we see each other again?
    Or maybe you can stay?
    After all, we appreciate our love!

    But I know it's time to say goodbye
    We will mentally be together!
    You are the first thought in the morning,
    Last thought before bed!

    Whenever we get the chance,
    We will meet again with you!
    Know, dear, that I am for our sake
    I'm ready to wait forever to meet you!

    We're parting - it's painful
    Together we learned the salt of life,
    We couldn't save our feelings,
    And we look forward to new meetings.

    I wish you sincere, big love,
    A desired companion by your side.
    Let there be no hard feelings between us,
    May the Angel protect everyone's life!

    No matter how painful it is to say,
    I can't love you.
    Yes, you are dear, but understand,
    I don't want to be with you.

    I need someone else in my life,
    Well, don't be bored.
    Find yourself any “thing”
    Don't think about me!

    We are parting with you, my love...
    I don’t know how I will live without you.
    I don't want to say goodbye, my dear,
    But fate itself separates us.

    I hope to meet you
    This thought will calm my soul.
    And that wonderful evening will come,
    When will you be with me again?

    In this bustling world, one day two halves meet - He and She. Each couple has its own scenario for the development of relationships: a love story begins, unfolds and, sadly, comes to an end.

    There are many reasons for separation: misunderstandings, accumulated grievances, betrayal, and simply a feeling that the relationship has reached a dead end.

    Almost all stories nice start, however, not everyone is able to put a beautiful point. It’s difficult to gather your thoughts and say calmly: “I’m sorry, we need to break up.” The voice may tremble treacherously, and tears will flow from the eyes.

    If separation is inevitable and you are thinking “how to break up with a guy without offending him?”, try writing a farewell letter to your boyfriend or beloved man.

    Girls, of course, are delicate creatures, but often they are the ones who take the courage and say the last “Goodbye”. It's much easier to talk about a breakup in writing.

    You can write the message in your own words or use the samples that we have prepared for you.

    Farewell letter examples

    For example, this:

    “Hello, bunny. You will probably be surprised that I am writing you a letter. We are used to talking to you. True, lately all our conversations end in quarrels. I thought for a long time, understood myself, analyzed our relationship and realized: this cannot continue.

    I have already forgiven you. And goodbye!

    Farewell letter to the man you love

    “Dear, good, beloved! I pulled myself together and decided to write to you in a letter everything that I could not express in words when we met. Our love has turned into some kind of one-sided ugly entity. I see that my efforts to improve relationships are leading nowhere.

    You rarely call and perceive our meetings as a heavy duty. I’m not made of stone, and I feel it all. It hurts, it’s hard, I won’t pretend to be strong. I will cry, miss and worry about you.

    But, so be it, I’m letting you go free. Fly towards your happiness. Unfortunately, I couldn't make you happy. May everything work out for you with another girl. Maybe you already have someone, but you’re afraid to say it. Fly, my dear, fly!

    I'm letting you go. Forever. Goodbye!"

    Farewell letter to a man who offended

    "Hi baby. I am writing you a farewell message in prose. Not enough poetry and rhymes mental strength. My strength left along with the tears, which I stopped with great difficulty in order to put an end to our story.

    We began to quarrel often and say hurtful words to each other. We became strangers and incomprehensible to each other. The hands have ceased to be affectionate, there are no former strong hugs and... there is nothing at all.

    Let's admit to each other that our love has turned into nothing, we destroyed it with our efforts. My resentment is too great to continue the relationship.

    We are parting. Sorry and goodbye!"

    Farewell letter to the man who cheated

    "My dear! How difficult it is for me to gather my thoughts and tell you everything. Even in a letter, when you don’t see my tear-stained face. I know that you betrayed me. No not like this. You betrayed our love, our beautiful days and nights. Your action showed that I mean absolutely nothing to you.

    Apparently I've become your habit. You call out of habit, you come out of habit, and you even apologize out of habit. You manage to do this somehow insensitively and insincerely. Why do we need unnecessary problems? We both need to change something in our lives. You've already started.

    Have a nice journey, dear! I forgive you and let you go. Forever."

    Farewell letter to ex

    "Hi Hi! I don’t even know how to contact you now. Your heart beats and shouts to you “beloved”, “dear”, “only”, and your mind sobers up and says “former” about you. Yes, you were a wonderful, wonderful moment in my life. Now it seems that everything was a dream. Morning came and our love dissolved.

    After our separation, days and nights ceased to exist for me. I lived as if in some impenetrable fog. But the heavenly forces have had mercy, the fog is slowly dissolving, I see the outlines of the horizon. This means that I live and breathe deeply again.

    You may no longer be in my reality, but no one will tear you out of my heart. Memories of our meetings will always warm and encourage me. Forgive me for all. Remember us. There was love. Goodbye!"

    Farewell letter to my beloved husband

    "My dear, dear person. Life has decreed that you and I have turned from two halves into two loneliness. I think about you every minute, my heart lives only with you. How did it happen that we are breaking up?

    Do you remember our first meeting - our burning eyes, excitement and unquenchable desire to be together. Do you remember our days and nights? Do you remember how we missed each other?

    Is love really doomed to death, like all living things in this world? If I love, how can you not love? This is somehow wrong, unfair. The feelings must be mutual.

    Maybe you have been overwhelmed by so many problems that you have stopped hearing the voice of your heart? I will pray to heaven that your heart will be freed from captivity, that love will be resurrected in your soul. I wish you goodness, light, warmth and, of course, love!

    I'm sorry. And goodbye!

    Farewell letter to a married man

    “Good, not my man. How difficult it is to write a letter to someone you still love! I had no right to fall in love with you, but I could not resist the surging feelings. It's surprising that you couldn't resist either.

    I don’t know what to call our relationship, but it was beautiful, like a dream. As sad as it is, the time has come for both of us to wake up, look into each other's eyes for the last time, embrace each other for the last time and part.

    You are married, return to your family, gather your strength and solve all the problems that have befallen you like a man. At first it will probably be difficult, you will rush back, but this is a path to nowhere. The wonderful dream dissolved in the rays of the clear sun, it was time to face reality.

    Be happy with the one who is your legal wife. After all, you loved her once. I wish you reunion, understanding, warmth and light. I no longer want to be the cause of your quarrels and pain.

    Forgive me and let me go"

    Farewell letter to the man who left

    "My love! I'm sorry, I can't call you anything else, because I love you and will always love you. It hurts me, I'm offended to the point of tears. Burning tears are what warms me in last days and weeks. And before, your hands and lips warmed me.

    My heart rejoiced and did not believe in my happiness. It was beating like a free bird, ready to escape from chest. And now it beats dully and doomedly, as if forever imprisoned.

    Why did you go away? He didn’t explain anything, didn’t say goodbye, didn’t hug. He just disappeared from my life and that’s it. I can't believe that Life is going, but you are not around, and will not be anymore. I believe in a miracle that you will come to your senses and want to return. Know, my dear, that I will always open my arms to meet you. I will be faithful to you until the end of my days.

    Remember this. And be happy!

    Farewell letter to a man you don't love

    "Dear friend! I am glad that I met you on the path of life. You are a wonderful, sincere, interesting person. You know how to love and look after beautifully. I'm sorry I can't reciprocate your feelings. My heart does not respond to the call of your heart. You can probably guess this yourself.

    I can no longer date you and continue this deception. Thank you for the love and warmth that you generously give, but believe me, I am not the one who will reciprocate your feelings. Let's part as friends before our relationship reaches a dead end. Keep this farewell letter and remember that I was honest with you.

    Forgive me a hundred thousand times and let me go once. Goodbye!"

    It is difficult to decide and send a goodbye letter to a guy, even if it has already been written. In any case, it is better to throw out your pain and resentment on paper than in the face of your loved one.

    Who knows, maybe this message will take your relationship to a new level, help resolve accumulated misunderstandings and mend faltering relationships. Be happy!

    Parting is the beginning of a new life,
    Let a lot have passed and lived,
    But experience has been gained, and good luck,
    Let's spread our wings and banish sadness!

    I wish you love, goodness to you,
    And the best person in fate,
    And a bright, unusual life,
    Strength and success, have a great career!

    I can't say goodbye to you
    I'm holding your hand.
    I'm afraid to let you go
    Will I be able to see you again?

    Cold sweat breaks through me,
    Separation tortures the heart.
    Love screams: "Don't go away,
    Please take me with you!”

    Bitter separation has come to visit us,
    And separates our tender hearts.
    And mercilessly hits our feelings,
    She cannot be defeated, she is strong for us!

    I can’t imagine how I can live without you!
    To survive the separation, where can I get the strength?
    I suffer a lot from these thoughts,
    Please help me find the answer!

    It will all end, you know it will end,
    Our romance has come to an end
    And there’s no turning back,
    And I don't love you now.

    Forgive me for causing pain
    I'm sorry I'm leaving
    You and I are too different people
    I just can't be with you.

    Sorry, goodbye, it's all over, it happens
    I do not love you anymore,
    Over time, all feelings cool down,
    And I'm leaving forever.

    You might hate me
    Perhaps you can forgive
    You will still meet your destiny,
    You will arrange your own life.

    Sorry, goodbye, we're parting,
    My love is over
    We won't get along with you anymore,
    We won't be together with you again.

    It hurts so much to let you go
    I understand that you will be back soon,
    But this time will be without you,
    Write when you get there.

    And in general, write to me more often,
    I will be sad, I will miss you,
    I wish I could get into your suitcase,
    Remember that I love you and will not forget.

    Hands were held
    Each other for so many years.
    And now we found out
    That there is no more love.

    Now we're parting
    Mutually, there are no grievances.
    We swear our love to others,
    We want to be with others.

    Where did the feelings go?
    How did you miss them?
    Let each other down
    Not parting for a moment.

    Maybe we'll regret it
    Well, for now, let's go
    With others, holding hands
    Without regretting anything.

    Again roads, again separation,
    I'll have to leave again.
    Breaking up again is such a torment,
    I will only think about you.

    Just remember that the day will come,
    And you and I will have a meeting.
    And she will drive away sorrows,
    And I will see your dear gaze.

    You and I are parting forever,
    The whole soul is torn to pieces!
    Pain pierces the heart, a cry breaks out,
    Well, tell me, how can I survive this moment?

    I can't be separated from you.
    From now on I won’t be able to live without you!
    I pray you, help me quickly,
    Save me from burning separation!

    There is no autumn, trickier torment,
    To dot all the i's,
    To acknowledge the inevitability of separation
    And dispel your doubts.

    It's unusual to lose the habit
    To be together and not to see the face,
    Well, life rolls on wave after wave,
    Turning inevitability into a ring.

    Don't look at me so sadly
    Let the dream remain in the past.
    Everything was there, but it floated away somewhere
    We part... And that's all... Vanity...

    Don't be afraid of parting, I ask you
    I'll come to you again soon,
    I will hug you tightly and tenderly,
    And summer will come again in my soul!

    You wait and don’t be sad,
    Time flies by so quickly
    Just write to me more often, please,
    Very soon, I will come to you!

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