• Advice: what you need to take with you to the bathhouse and sauna. What to take with you to the bathhouse? — List of necessary things for a comfortable stay



    To make your stay in the bathhouse as comfortable as possible, you need to take a set of bath accessories with you. It can be purchased as a kit, or you can select individual components. Avid bath attendants have a personal bath set with everyone necessary accessories and accessories. Traditionally, it consists of soap, bedding, washcloth, hat and mittens. However, you can add some things if you wish. In addition, bath sets are often sold with brooms.

    Clothes and shoes for the bath

    The selection of clothes for a bath should be approached seriously, paying attention first of all to its functionality and the requirements that are placed on it.

    Kilt for the bath

    This accessory is definitely included in the bath set for men. It is presented in the form of a kind of men's skirt and is used in the same way as a sheet. But unlike her, the kilt holds securely on the belt and does not fall off.

    A kilt is indispensable when visiting public baths, where it is undesirable to have direct contact with a regiment or bench. This accessory will also come in handy in your steam room to conveniently hide from prying eyes.

    This accessory is made from natural fabrics - linen, cotton, waffle fabric. However, the best option is a terry model. They are very practical, dense, perfectly absorb moisture, soft and pleasant to the body.

    When purchasing a kilt, please note that it should not contain any buttons, hooks or other elements made of plastic, much less iron. Having basic cutting and sewing skills, you can easily sew this product yourself.

    Steam room hats

    This attribute is one of the most important in bath procedures. The cap protects your head from overheating and your hair from drying out. It must be worn before visiting the steam room. IN otherwise you need to shorten your stay so as not to harm your health.

    Typically, bathhouse caps are made of felt or felt. In commercial steam rooms, cotton or linen accessories are often offered as an alternative, but they are significantly inferior in their protective properties to products made from thick fabric.

    As for the models of bath caps, they are traditionally presented in the form of bells, budenovkas, cone-shaped triangles, hats with brims, and caps. The last two options are preferred by women. Often, funny designs or funny inscriptions are embroidered on steam room hats to cheer up the mood of steamers.

    Proper care behind the cap involves drying it after procedures and periodic hand wash in warm soapy water. It is not recommended to machine wash felt products. They break into small pieces.

    Bath slippers

    A visit to both a home and a commercial bathhouse is indispensable without this accessory, where hygiene and safety must be taken care of first. Slippers will protect against infection skin diseases. You can move freely in them and not be afraid of slipping. In addition, in slippers you will not come into contact with the cold floor.

    The best option for the steam room - rubber or felt shoes. The latter type is usually included in ready-made steam room kits. But it is undesirable to give preference to plastic products, since they slip very much on a wet surface. When purchasing slippers, choose models that do not stick to your feet and do not rub your feet. They should be comfortable.

    Remember that steam room slippers are an item for personal use. It is not recommended to give someone your shoes or wear someone else's.

    After bath procedures, you should wear clean, changeable underwear made from soft natural fabrics, such as linen or cotton.

    Bath accessories for water procedures

    Bath sponges

    A washcloth is necessary in a steam room because it performs many functions:
    • Cleanses the epidermis of dirt;
    • Exfoliates dead tissue;
    • Gives the skin freshness and elasticity;
    • Stimulates blood circulation;
    • Provides superficial massage.
    In cheap sets, the washcloth is usually artificial. Of course, it can be used for a bath, but it is better to give preference to natural products. They are made from bast, coarse flax fiber, loofah, cotton, and Chinese nettle.

    Such washcloths have an effective antiseptic effect on the body and provide a good preventive and therapeutic effect. You need to choose the hardness of the product according to your taste.

    Brushes for the bath

    These accessories are necessary for massage. Usually several of them are purchased. Brushes with a long handle massage the back and back of the legs. Products with a short handle are suitable for massaging the abdomen, thighs, and legs. It would also be a good idea to stock up on a separate brush for your feet and heels. For these purposes, you can also use regular pumice.

    Traditionally they are made from wood, plastic or silicone. Natural products healthier for the body, but have short term operation. Untreated wood, under the influence of changes in humidity and temperature, will soon begin to dry out and crack. Artificial models will last much longer.

    When purchasing brushes for massage in a bathhouse, pay attention to the hardness and size of the teeth.

    Bath towels

    A bath set for women usually includes two towels - for the body and hair. For men, as a rule, one large towel is enough. To visit the steam room, it is better to choose products from natural materials.

    Please note that a bath towel must be:

    • Clean. It must be washed after each visit to the steam room.
    • Big. The towel is used to dry the entire body. The small one will get wet quickly.
    • Individual. This is a personal hygiene item that should be used exclusively by the owner.
    • Soft. The villi should not cause discomfort.
    • Good moisture absorption. Towels from natural materials perfectly absorb moisture.
    • Natural. It does not cause irritation and is optimal for visiting the bathhouse.
    Natural towels made from linen, bamboo and terry are expensive, but they will last much longer than synthetic ones.

    Soap for bath procedures

    To effectively cleanse your body of sweat and dirt, you need to wash thoroughly after the steam room. Soap is a product that everyone should choose depending on their skin type and personal preferences. However, in the bath it is better to give preference natural compositions.

    In stores and pharmacies you can purchase special bath soap made from natural ingredients. It is hypoallergenic and will not cause irritation, redness or itching. Bath scrub soap has also proven itself to be excellent. Due to its particulate content, it perfectly cleanses skin pores. Sometimes coffee or honey is used for these purposes, which effectively cope with this task.

    As for shampoo, it should be selected for your hair type. In general, the selection of any cosmetic products is very individual.

    The listed accessories are not all that is included in the bath set. Additionally, you may need various creams and lotions, which should be applied to the body exclusively after the procedures.

    Accessories for visiting the steam room

    In addition to the above items, you should worry about what to take with you to the steam room. Let's look at these accessories in more detail.

    Mittens for steam room

    Mittens are an attribute of an avid bath attendant who knows how to work with a broom and handles the firebox. They protect your palms from calluses, cuts, and burns.

    Usually there should be several mittens in the steam room:

    • Workers. You can add firewood in them, clean the heater from soot when you first supply water, open the stove door, and replace stones if necessary. They will also protect the skin from soot and ash.
    • For the steam room. To make this accessory, canvas fabric, tarpaulin, and wool are usually used. In these mittens you steam with a broom, protecting your hands from possible small cuts or calluses. Steamed skin on the palms is very sensitive.
    • Bath mitten. Used for body massage and sweat removal. The best option is a product made from natural materials. Artificial mittens can get very hot or cause irritation, so give preference to models made from coconut fibers, date stamens or horsehair.
    • Leggings. Professional bath attendants usually work in such mittens. The bells in such models reach the elbow and protect the hand completely.

    When choosing mittens for a bath, keep in mind that they should be several sizes larger so that, if necessary, they can be put on easily and quickly.

    Brooms for steam rooms

    You can prepare them yourself, purchase them separately or in a set with other bath accessories.

    Brooms for the steam room can be:

    1. Deciduous. The most popular brooms are made of oak, linden, birch, maple, and eucalyptus.
    2. Coniferous. From juniper, spruce, fir, cedar, larch, pine.
    3. Herbal. To make them, nettle, wormwood, mint, oregano, and sage are used.
    They have an excellent preventive and therapeutic effect. Proper steaming and use will improve the health of the steamer and strengthen the immune system.

    Aroma oils for the steam room

    They are usually used in steam rooms for aromatherapy. They have excellent healing effects if used correctly. Overdo it in this case not worth it. To begin with, it is important to choose the scent that you like best.

    The market offers a wide range various oils. The most popular extracts are rosemary, chamomile, mint, creeping thyme, eucalyptus, larch, and juniper.

    For maximum effect We use oils in this way:

    • Dilute a few drops of the desired aroma in water.
    • Let it brew for about 20 minutes.
    • Rinse the stones plain water and immediately serve the flavored one.
    Aromatherapy has a sedative effect on the nervous system and is good for preventing diseases of the respiratory system.

    The bedding is most often taken with you to public baths. It is necessary to protect the body from contact with the shelf, because no one is sure about the health of previous visitors. Hygiene in such steam rooms is worth paying attention to Special attention. The best option is a bamboo mat.

    Drinks for the bath

    Properly selected drinks in the bathhouse effectively tone up and replenish water balance and quench your thirst. This is especially important when visiting a dry steam sauna or infrared cabins. Drinks are drunk between visits and after procedures.

    The best options for the steam room are:

    1. Herb tea. Melissa, calendula, knotweed, thyme, chamomile, nettle - this is not the entire list of useful herbs that can be used to brew herbal tea. However, please note that herbs must be used according to the dosage. It is better to sweeten this tea with honey.
    2. Green tea. This tea should not be brewed with 100-degree boiling water. It’s better to wait until it cools down to +80-85 degrees. In this case, the drink will be more useful. Green tea contains a lot of theine, which has a tonic effect. It is also rich in tannins, which relieve inflammation in the body.
    3. Vitamin collection. To “feed” the body with vitamins as much as possible, you can prepare a decoction of green oats, rose hips, currants, sea buckthorn, strawberries, and raspberries. You can also add herbs to this composition: mint, cornflower, St. John's wort, oregano. A simplified recipe for vitamin collection includes lemon, cinnamon and ginger. This decoction is very good for the heart.
    4. Juice. It is very useful to drink fresh juices (freshly squeezed juices) from carrots, beets, and grapes in between procedures. Pasteurized and boiled juices are not recommended to be taken in a bathhouse. They will not bring the desired effect.
    5. Natural kvass. This drink is considered almost traditional for the Russian bath. Rye, bread, honey or berry kvass is perfect to quench your thirst. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself from water, rye bread, sugar and yeast.
    6. Mineral water. Perfectly quenches thirst, contains salts and minerals. However, only water without gas is suitable for a bath.
      It is best to bring hot drinks with you to the bathhouse in a thermos so that they retain their temperature, or brew them directly on the spot, if possible.

    It is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages in the bathhouse. This can not only make the procedures useless, but also harm your health, because alcohol dilates blood vessels and, together with the influence of high temperature and humidity, puts a greater strain on the body. cardiovascular system. This could even result in a stroke. Carbonated drinks are also not suitable for a bath.

    What to take with you to the bathhouse - watch the video:

    Selecting bath accessories is a serious process. Each individual accessory must be practical, natural and safe. Recommendations from experts and photos of the bath set will help you select all the components of the set so that your stay in the bathhouse is as comfortable, safe and healthy as possible.

    To the bathhouse? "What's so difficult?" - you ask. Warmed up, washed, and went to the table with some soft drinks. This is actually too simplistic. Our Slavic ancestors knew a lot about the art of bathing. Today we decided to collect all their experience so that you can use it. There are a huge number of nuances, failure to comply with which leads to the fact that you do not heal your body, but, on the contrary, cause harm to it. Therefore, if you plan to take a broom to the steam room, then first read our article and find out how to go to the bathhouse correctly.

    Preparing for the bath ritual

    It can be called that way. For the Slavs, the bathhouse was an almost holy place. Sick people were brought here to heal them, a newborn child was washed in the bathhouse so that he would grow strong and healthy, the bathhouse was also flooded at the moment of a person’s death to wash him. Today we go to the steam room purely for pleasure, because every home has a shower and hot water, but the smell of warm wood and an oak broom cannot be replaced by anything else.

    So, how to go to the bathhouse correctly? First of all, you should not eat enough before visiting the steam room. The last, light snack should take place no later than 1.5 hours before the event. Take some kvass with you, mineral water, compote or natural juice (for example, birch). But you need to forget about alcohol on this day.

    A hot shower is enough to keep your body clean. The bathhouse is completely different, it is a place of power. The Russian bathhouse is highly hygienic and has medicinal value. However, you should not visit the steam room too often. It’s not for nothing that there is a generally accepted standard of going to the steam bath on Saturdays. Once a week is the optimal frequency. Moreover, the meaning of such an event is much deeper than simple washing of the body. Such regularity will help strengthen the body and avoid many diseases in the future.

    Primary ablution

    Speaking about how to properly go to the bathhouse, it is necessary first of all to emphasize the importance of preparing the body. That is, you don’t need to go straight to the steam room - first rinse yourself in a hot shower. In this case, the water should be warm enough. The optimal temperature is 38 degrees, this is enough to prepare the body for the upcoming test of high temperatures.

    At this stage, the task is precisely to warm up skin, so save the soap and washcloth for later. The fact is that soap actively destroys the lipid layer, which is designed to protect our skin. By washing away this barrier, we leave the skin defenseless against the high temperature of the steam room, which will dry it out to parchment.

    Cool head in a hot steam room

    We continue to tell you about how to properly go to the bathhouse and take a steam bath. It is very important to keep your head dry. That is, when taking a shower, you should absolutely not get your hair wet. If you neglect this rule, you can easily get it. In general, all avid bathhouse attendants know that you need to put a hat made of natural wool or cotton on your head. By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to soak it in ice water and squeeze it out properly. This will provide even better head protection and prevent accidents. Now you are ready to meet the hot climate of the Russian steam room. Don't expect to sit here for a long time right away. This is not only unnecessary, but even harmful. During the entire time you are in the bathhouse, it is better to make 5 to 10 visits to the steam room, and spend the rest of the time in the pool or in the relaxation room.

    What do we take with us?

    Let's dwell a little more on what to take with you. It’s better to think about this in advance so that you don’t forget anything in a hurry at the last moment. First of all, you will need a towel and a mat for the steam room, as well as a special hat. Don't forget flip flops that are easy to put on and take off. It would be a good idea to bring a comb and hairdryer, soap, shampoo, shower gel, and clean clothes.

    For women, the list expands even further with the addition of cosmetics, which fully reveal their properties in the bath. These are masks and scrubs, peelings. However, keep in mind that there are certain standards for how to properly go to a public bath. In your personal you can apply any cosmetical tools in a free sequence, but going into a public steam room with a mask on your face or a scrub on your body is disrespectful to others. You can apply them, but be sure to wash them off in the shower before using the steam room. But this does not apply to hair masks. Choose nourishing formulations, apply to strands and cover it all with a shower cap. And put it on top special hat for the steam room.

    Steamed skin is ideal for applying moisturizing creams and masks, anti-cellulite and firming products. Therefore, take them with you to the bathhouse too. While the cream is absorbed, drink green tea, mineral water or juice. But it is better not to drink coffee and alcohol.

    Getting used to the heat

    Today we are talking about a classic steam room, where water pours onto the heater and the dizzying smell of leaves from a broom. And in order to easily endure the heat, you need to know how to properly go to a Russian bathhouse. In order for you to have the most pleasant impressions, you need to make the first adaptation run. The optimal temperature in this case is +60 o C, that is, the bottom shelf of the steam room is suitable. Lie on it and get used to the conditions. The first run usually lasts 3-10 minutes, so don’t be too zealous. For now, you just need to steam the broom, the most important thing is yet to come.

    Second call: moving on to bath procedures

    After you've had a good rest, it's time to go to the steam room again. Now the period of stay there can be extended to 10-15 minutes. During this time, you can not only sweat, but also try the healing power of a broom. To do this, it is best to go to the bathhouse together. Don’t forget: we take a steam bath correctly. Soaring with a broom (we'll tell you the rules now) is a procedure that not many people know today. At the same time, the expression “whip with a broom” is completely inappropriate here. For the procedure to be useful and enjoyable, you must first study this sacrament.

    Broom massage

    First of all, plowing of the person lying on the shelf is performed. In this way, the injection of hot air is achieved. The massage continues with shaking. This is shaking a broom under the ceiling of the steam room and briefly pressing it on the feet, lower back and shoulder blades. Now you can move on to whipping and light blows to the skin. It is imperative to alternate them with lingering strokes. An excellent type of massage is a compress. A hot broom is lowered onto the skin with firm pressure for 4-5 seconds. Do not forget that although this procedure is pleasant, you should not drag it out too much. 5-7 minutes is enough, after which you need to lie down for another 2-5 minutes, relaxing as much as possible, and only then you can get up and go to rest.

    The bath evening continues

    You don't have to go home at this point. Use the cosmetics you brought with you. Drink tea, relax, rinse in the shower - and you can go to the steam room again. Each subsequent visit may be longer. But each person is individual, watch your feelings and don’t try to stay there for too long. Maximum time in the steam room - it's 20 minutes.

    Extreme temperature changes

    Since today we are talking about the body, we must definitely talk about the favorite entertainment of the Russian people. This means diving into an ice hole, wiping yourself down with snow, and at worst, you can pour ice water on yourself from the gang. But! We must remember that this is a lot of stress for the body, so if you have just recently started going to the steam room, you should not test your strength. Start by swimming in the pool; the water in it is usually just cool. Gradually lower the temperature of the water used for contrast procedures. Hardening is a process that is designed to be beneficial, so approach it wisely.

    Bathhouse - an assistant in the fight for a beautiful figure

    All women have probably asked this question, so finally we will look at how to properly go to the sauna for weight loss. How can a steam room help you lose weight? It turns out that it is very simple: under the influence high temperatures there is a process of heavy sweating. The fluid leaves, and the body makes up for its deficiency by melting it from fat deposits and muscles. This starts the process of breaking down and removing fat through the pores. Of course, you won't lose much, and besides, strong thirst will force you to drink enough a large number of water, which compensates for the loss. But the running process is very beneficial for the whole organism. Today, the program has proven itself to be excellent, which includes a visit to the Russian steam room, then a cleansing peeling of the whole body and a manual anti-cellulite massage. This procedure ends with mud or

    To summarize, I would like to add that the Russian people have honored the bath traditions for centuries, which means that it is very useful for us to continue the traditions of our great-grandfathers and go to the steam room. At least a couple of times a month. The bath strengthens the body and relieves numerous diseases, gives a second youth, lifts the mood, and has an effect on the skin almost the same as expensive salon treatments. Therefore, if you are still in doubt, heed the advice: go to the bathhouse!

    A visit to the bathhouse is a unique opportunity to undergo a set of relaxing and wellness treatments at any time of the year.

    This is a special ritual that requires proper preparation and compliance with all prescribed rules.

    And in order to ensure maximum comfort and coziness, the bathhouse should contain a whole arsenal of necessary bath accessories and accessories.

    When choosing accessories for a bath, first of all you should pay attention to their quality and functionality.

    Modern bath accessories can be made of plastic, wood and metal. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages.


    Bathroom accessories made of wood are aesthetically pleasing, environmentally friendly and safe. They are often made of oak, linden and cedar. When heated, such products emit a soft aroma of essential oils.

    In order for wooden products to last for many years, it is necessary to provide them with proper care. They should not be doused with boiling water or cleaned with aggressive household chemicals.

    To store such accessories, you should choose dry and well-ventilated areas, away from open heat sources, to prevent them from drying out and cracking.


    Made from plastic, they are more practical and durable than their wooden counterparts. They are resistant to aggressive influences, easy to use and do not require maintenance. Plastic products are made from heat-resistant and non-toxic polymers that are resistant to mechanical damage and overheating.


    Metal bath accessories are becoming increasingly popular for use in modern baths and saunas due to their practicality, durability and wear resistance. Often, such products are used in dressing rooms or washing departments with moderate air heating temperatures.

    To ensure the aesthetic appeal of bath rooms, it is recommended to choose accessories in the same style.

    When going to the bathhouse, you should prepare the basic minimum of accessories that will be required for health procedures.

    Bath brooms

    The key accessory of a Russian bath is a broom. Without it, it is difficult to carry out any wellness and relaxation procedures. Bath brooms can be bought in specialized stores, or you can make them yourself.

    When buying brooms for a bath, you should consider the type of material from which they are made. This is what determines therapeutic effect products on the body.

    The most popular types of brooms are:

    • Birch – for traditional bath massage and muscle pain relief;
    • Oak – for strong steam, relieving emotional and physical stress, treating skin diseases;
    • Juniper and fir - for aromatizing the air and preventing respiratory diseases, strengthening the immune system;
    • Wormwood – for relaxation and relieving physical fatigue;

    A broom for a bath is selected together with a special device - a steamer, which is a wooden container with a lid. The steamer is intended for high-quality and safe steaming of brooms.

    All kinds of buckets, ladles and buckets, which will create a special atmosphere of comfort during bath procedures, will not be superfluous.


    This is a special basin (barrel) made of wood, with a volume of 6 to 65 liters. It is used for ablution, and in some cases for steaming bath brooms. In private baths, it is recommended to provide each family member with a bath, taking into account the size and design of the product. In public baths, the number of wooden piles is determined by the area of ​​the washing area.


    In public baths there are two buckets - for the washing room and the steam room. In the washing room, a large-volume ladle is used to collect water into basins or bowls; in the steam room, a small-volume ladle with a long handle is used for safely watering the heater. For those who like pouring, it is additionally recommended to purchase a 2-liter ladle.

    The best option is a ladle made of wood or metal with a wooden handle. Plastic buckets are only suitable for wash bays.

    Don't forget the washcloth

    When carrying out basic and auxiliary bath procedures, it is difficult to do without a washcloth. A washcloth is used to cleanse the skin and perform a light tonic massage.

    In the bath you need to use washcloths made of natural materials - loofah, bast and sisal.

    Such products help improve blood circulation, gently cleanse and rejuvenate the skin. For young children and teenagers, it is better to use natural sea sponge.

    In addition to the traditional washcloth, you can purchase a massage mitten. With its help, it is more convenient to massage all areas of the skin.

    When performing individual bath procedures, it is recommended to purchase a medium-hard massage brush with a long handle. It is quite effective for self-massage.

    Hats and shoes

    To protect the head from heat stroke during procedures, special headgear is provided - made of felt, flannel, wool, linen and cotton.

    A correctly selected hat should be soft and pleasant to the touch, not cause allergic reactions. Before visiting the steam room, the headdress should not be wetted with water to avoid overheating the scalp.

    The hat needs to be washed periodically. Woolen and felt products are washed only by hand in warm water with the addition of a soap solution. You can unscrew the product with terry towel, dry - in a well-ventilated area, flattened.

    Slippers are a must on the list. necessary accessories. A slipper for bath procedures can be made of plastic, rubber or foam. They are comfortable, practical and hygienic. It is better to choose models with a special grooved sole.

    Products made of felt, felt, bast, sisal, straw and even wood are suitable for saunas. Caring for such shoes is the same as for hats - they must be washed in warm soapy water.

    Towels and washing accessories

    You can also use special towels with hidden Velcro as bath clothes. Such clothing is aimed at men and women; it may have special protective straps and patch pockets.

    When carrying out any bath procedures, it is impossible to do without auxiliary accessories - soap, shampoos, shower foams, brushes, sponges and oils.

    Soap and shampoo

    When choosing cosmetic bath products, it is recommended to pay attention to their smell and quality. Bath cosmetics should not contain dyes or fragrances. It is better to give preference to completely natural ingredients that will not cause allergic reactions. The best option for a bath is tar, birch and milk soap. If desired, soap can be replaced with soft gel or shampoo.

    Scrubs and masks

    A visit to the bathhouse is an excellent opportunity to combine wellness and wellness. Enlarged and cleansed pores respond well to any cosmetic products, so you need to use special cleansing scrubs and nourishing masks for skin. After using such cosmetics, the skin becomes smooth, elastic and cleansed.

    And according to tradition, any bath procedure ends with tea. The best option is green tea or any herbal drink. For brewing the drink, herbs that promote maximum relaxation of the body are suitable - mint, lemon balm, chamomile. This drink will fill the body with vigor and energy for the whole day.

    It's no secret that for many people, a bathhouse is a great way to relax, relieve stress, and improve their health. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows what exactly needs to be taken with them when planning to take a steam bath. So, let's look at what to take with you to the bathhouse for both girls and men.

    Sheet, towel and bedding

    Out of ignorance, some of us take a sheet with us to the steam room as a bedding, which we will then wrap ourselves with. However, this cannot be done. The bathhouse requires a special bedding. This can be a large piece of fabric, preferably cotton, linen or flannel. This fabric will perfectly absorb the sweat generated in the steam room.

    After the bath and in between steam baths, a sheet is just necessary. A large terry towel will come in handy after a shower.


    After each visit to the bathhouse, for hygiene purposes, the bedding should be boiled and ironed with a hot iron.


    You simply cannot do without this item in a bathhouse. After all, rubbing ourselves with a washcloth brings tangible benefits to our body. This excellent massager perfectly massages the skin, increasing blood circulation (especially in fatty deposits) and having a tonic effect. Experienced bathhouse attendants advise taking a natural, moderately hard washcloth with you to the steam room, for example, one made from loofah (the dried fibrous fruit of a plant).

    But with the help of plastic corrugated palms that are fixed on the wrist, or hard terry mittens, you can effectively remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, making it softer and smoother. A special bath brush made from pork bristles is also perfect for this; it is attached to a small wooden board. For convenience, it is sometimes made with a long handle so that a person can rub his own back without turning to the help of others.

    Soap and shampoo

    What soap do you take with you to the bathhouse? Probably an ordinary toilet that you use every day. But real bath lovers know very well that there is a special bath soap. It differs from the toilet one in that it contains fewer perfumes and aromatic additives that can irritate sensitive, steamed skin.
    Bath soap may contain: natural ingredients And medicinal herbs, which, in turn, has a healing effect on the skin.

    You can revive and nourish dry skin with strawberry soap containing vitamin C and essential oils. Cleanses and disinfects pores well oily skin soap based on calendula extract. Find " mutual language» with mixed skin Raspberry soap will be able to, while leveling the pH balance and making it less sensitive.

    Apple soap is suitable for any skin type. It gives the skin tone and improves its color. Soap with celandine and pine needles extract has a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect, which is good for problem skin.

    As for shampoo, take with you the one you usually use at home.


    You should not wash with a washcloth and soap before visiting the steam room. If you do not adhere to this rule, then hot steam will only harm your skin: after all, skin that is actively washed with soap and a washcloth becomes degreased, irritated and becomes drier.


    A bath cap protects our hair from strong steam and dry air. The best option will be if you choose a hat made of wool or felt. Although some people prefer to wrap their head in a terry towel. True, at the most inopportune moment such a “turban” can come undone, and you will have to build it again. And it often happens that a person has to adjust his headdress several times, and this, you see, is very tiring and distracts from the main procedure.


    Many people take rubber slippers with them, but such shoes are not advisable for a bathhouse, as you can easily slip in them.

    Slippers should perform two tasks at once: reduce the slipping effect and protect feet from fungal diseases. Therefore, it is better to give preference to closed models with a textured sole.

    Honey and butter

    After a bath our skin needs good hydration and nutrition. For example, pamper the skin of the face and neck honey mask. As for the body, oils (walnut, almond, pine, etc.), which can make the skin smooth and velvety, will have an excellent effect on it.


    During and after a hot bath, this tonic drink will help you maintain the balance of moisture in the body, increase sweating and quench thirst. It is better if you brew green tea instead of black tea and replace sugar with honey.

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