• How often can an ultrasound procedure be performed during pregnancy and is it harmful to the fetus?


    Is ultrasound harmful to the fetus - does this statement make sense or is it groundless, invented by yet another religiously minded public in order not to violate the “sacrament of motherhood”? In order to understand how harmful ultrasound is during pregnancy, you need to familiarize yourself with what principle underlies the research. And also what arguments for and against are provided by scientists in the fields of physics, genetics, biology and obstetrics. Based on these data, we will try to form our own picture of ideas and understand whether ultrasound is dangerous for the fetus.

    Let's start with the operating principle of the ultrasound machine. The basis of the device is its sensor, which is also the receiver. It contains a special plate, which, under the influence of a signal, is deformed and emits a very high frequency sound, inaudible to the ear of an adult.

    This sound passes through the tissues and is reflected from each of them. The reflected “echo” is caught by the same plate in the sensor, it is again deformed, and the signal is converted from sound to electrical. Next, it is analyzed by the device’s program and appears on the screen as an image.

    The frequency at which the ultrasound machine emits waves varies and can be adjusted during the examination. So, despite all the arguments of opponents, over several decades of using this examination, the harmfulness of ultrasound during pregnancy has not been proven.

    But the evidence base was provided only for the research that resulted in a two-dimensional image. The use of 3 D or 4 D methods requires an increase in the frequency of the emitted wave, which cannot but have an effect on the fetus.

    Indications for ultrasound

    The study is considered mandatory in the following cases:

    • there is a suspicion of a frozen pregnancy
    • if there are signs of ectopic fetal development
    • the woman or her close relatives have already had: fetal death before birth, miscarriages, malformations
    • suspicion of placental abruption, threat of premature birth
    • for chronic diseases of the mother and father: diabetes, blood diseases
    • with gestosis
    • in case of conflict regarding blood type or Rh factor
    • diagnostics multiple pregnancy
    • in consanguineous marriages
    • if you had rubella, or took medications “prohibited” during pregnancy, or had to take an x-ray (for example, of the lungs) during pregnancy
    • if there are diseases that are inherited in the family of the husband or wife
    • mothers who work in chemical and radiology services.

    What 3 studies are required for pregnant women?

    In our country, it is legally accepted that it is necessary to undergo the study three times:

    1. From 11 to 14 weeks of pregnancy (see.

    And . In this case, gross malformations of the fetus are diagnosed, which are dangerous to the life of the mother: “hydatidiform mole”, ectopic pregnancy. You can suspect severe and sometimes incompatible developmental defects, such as Down syndrome or others, which will help, if necessary, decide on termination of pregnancy. According to leading experts, ultrasound will be harmful to the fetus if the examination is performed before 10 weeks of gestation without serious indications, such as:

    • uterine bleeding
    • nagging pain in the lower abdomen with delayed menstruation and other signs of pregnancy
    • the abdomen is too small and does not correspond to the duration of pregnancy (if calculated by the date of menstruation).

    2. The second ultrasound is performed at 20-24 weeks ( full information according to examination). Its main task is to identify fetal malformations. Thus, you may find that the child has a severe pathology of the brain or spinal cord that is incompatible with life: anencephaly (absence of the brain) or spina bifida (spinal canal cleft). You can also identify Down, Edwards, Patau syndrome; "cleft palate" or "cleft lip". In these cases, it is still possible to cause premature delivery less painfully. This is sometimes better than raising a disabled child or seeing him die immediately after giving birth.

    3. The third ultrasound between 31 and 34 weeks should help determine the method of delivery (depending on the location of the fetus, placenta and umbilical cord). The procedure will also be able to identify some other birth defects that are most likely compatible with life but may require surgery soon after birth.

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    When to do CTG during pregnancy and after childbirth

    Arguments against"

    Whether ultrasound is harmful to the fetus has not been definitely proven. Researchers agree on one thing: nothing in the world, and especially in medicine, is absolutely safe. Since the introduction of ultrasound as diagnostic study Many experiments have been conducted around the world with the goal of finding out how ultrasound affects the fetus. They were not carried out on people, but found out the following:

    Science has long known that DNA molecules themselves have a certain sound, while the DNA of different organs and tissues differs in its own acoustic spectrum.

    Domestic biologists could not believe that ultrasound has no effect at all on the genome. They isolated DNA from cells, placed them in an indifferent solution and recorded their sound spectrum: it was very large, ranging from tenths to hundreds of hertz. This suspension was then treated with ultrasound at the same frequency as the ultrasound machine emits. Then they again measured the sound produced by the molecules: it became the same for everyone - 10 hertz. And this sound lasted for a long time, several weeks.

    They concluded that ultrasound is harmful to the fetus because it increases the risk of developing a dangerous pathology. internal organs, especially when it comes to cancer.

    • Does ultrasound affect the fetus? In the human body, including the fetal body, there are small cavities filled with gas. Ultrasound passing through them causes them to burst. This in itself cannot be completely harmless. In addition, as a result of such small “explosions”, toxic free radicals are formed, which themselves have a damaging effect on DNA. This is why ultrasound is dangerous during pregnancy.
    • If we do not know or do not understand something, this does not mean that such a phenomenon does not exist. This study did not initially seek to prove the harm of ultrasound during pregnancy. It was noticed that when exposed to ultrasound, the spectrum of vibrations in living organs and tissues changes. Scientists tried to understand why a seemingly completely removed tumor can appear in the same place.

    Expert's opinion on the harmfulness of ultrasound during pregnancy

    A series of experiments showed that before the tumor was removed, it was examined with ultrasound many times, as a result of which nearby organs and tissues “remembered” the “sound” of the accumulation of pathological cells. And when the tumor was removed, it was as if something was missing, and they “recreated” the cancer in the same place.

    • There are no statistics showing that babies examined many times during pregnancy are born with abnormalities. That is, it has not been proven whether ultrasound is harmful to the fetus. However, the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has officially stated that this study must be carried out according to strict indications. And this is especially true for 3D 4D ultrasound, which uses rather “strong” radiation. It should not pursue commercial goals - to sell photographs and videos of the unborn baby that are “understandable” to parents.
    • Information has emerged that only adults do not hear ultrasound, but infants, especially when they are in an aquatic environment, not only hear a piercing sound, but also feel vibration. Researchers compare these sensations to those that might be experienced by a person on the airfield during a helicopter takeoff. Short ultrasound recordings have also appeared on the Internet: adults do not feel them, but children note an unpleasant “squeaking” in their ears.

    Arguments for"

    They mainly concern the fact that whether ultrasound is harmful to pregnant women or not is unknown, but the benefits of the study in some cases are undoubted. It is this examination, carried out in the first trimester, that will determine whether the fetus is accurately developing in the uterus, whether there is a “hydatidiform mole”, when the placenta grows in the form of bubbles instead of the child. These two diagnoses threaten a woman’s life; they need to be detected and treated in time.

    An ultrasound performed in the second trimester can tell whether the child has developed gross defects of the internal organs or whether there is any pathology of the placenta. Such diagnostics are also useful: some defects are so severe that they require artificial delivery.

    Read also:

    What is fetal cardiotography (CTG) during pregnancy?

    The pathology of the placenta can also be corrected with medication; if not, then at least the woman will know exactly what actions she will need to avoid during pregnancy in order to save the child.

    An ultrasound performed in the third trimester will help determine how and when delivery should take place so that neither mother nor baby is harmed. Thus, when the umbilical cord is entangled or placenta previa is central, a cesarean section must be performed, while low placental attachment is not a direct indication for this.

    Even those people who believe that ultrasound during pregnancy is dangerous say the following: if you are very worried, you can conduct such a study immediately before giving birth after 38 weeks. This means that at this stage all the organs of the fetus are already formed, great harm you won’t harm him, but you will know what the obstetric situation is, whether it’s possible to give birth naturally, or not.

    Is it harmful to have frequent ultrasounds during pregnancy? In any case, if the pregnancy is progressing normally, routine ultrasounds do not show anything dangerous, and there is no need to undergo the procedure again. As well as undergoing more dangerous three-dimensional studies, filming a child only for your own satisfaction with pregnancy.

    Moral and ethical aspects of prenatal ultrasound diagnostics

    In the photo: a child undergoing a 3D ultrasound during pregnancy

    1. If an ultrasound is performed when there is a suspicion of pathology, this is an absolute benefit of the study. Then, for example, if a hematoma is detected behind the placenta, the woman will be prescribed bed rest, and if the cervix is ​​shortened, stitches will be placed on it, and this will give a greater chance of carrying the pregnancy to term. In this case, the possible harm from ultrasound during pregnancy is offset by its benefits.
    2. There is evidence that only 17-85% of pathologies can be detected using ultrasound. For example, Down syndrome or cerebral palsy are not always detected on ultrasound. That is, in these cases, a woman who is confident that she will give birth healthy child, turns out to be deeply disappointed.
    3. Sometimes a false positive result occurs when a pregnant woman is told that her child has some serious abnormalities, but in fact this turns out to be untrue. She ends up with a lot of pointless anxiety; this can cause divorce, deterioration of relationships with family, feelings of guilt and depression. It is not a fact that the child will not suffer from this.
    4. There are cases of false positive results when a woman goes for an abortion.
    5. Ultrasound results can also be indeterminate, resulting in multiple repeat examinations of the fetus, accompanied by maternal anxiety and depression.

    Opponents of ultrasound during pregnancy say that, even if something in the development of the fetus went “wrong,” this is natural selection, it was made by nature so that humanity continues to live as a healthy species.

    That is, even if there is a threat of miscarriage, you should not overstrain the body with medications - pregnancy healthy child It will always end well. And if the body tries to get rid of the child, it means he is sick. But how to say this to a woman whose pregnancy is long-awaited?

    Be that as it may, an examination needs to be done, and prices for ultrasound during pregnancy fluctuate:

    • Standard ultrasound up to 12 weeks: about 1200-144 rubles
    • Ultrasound after the 12th week: about 2200 rubles
    • Doppler: 1200-2000 rubles
    • 3D and ultrasound with recording on disk: 3200-3500 rubles

    Ultrasound is a rather serious phenomenon in the field of physics. Although it has not been proven whether ultrasound is harmful to the fetus or not, it should not be performed without indication more than 2-3 times during the “interesting period”. Its use is especially dangerous in the early stages, when organs and tissues are just developing.

    The frequency of the study should be determined by an obstetrician-gynecologist, but the final decision, taking into account all of the above, must be made by you. There is no need to expose your baby to additional risk just to find out its gender and breech position.. Remember that having several videos and three-dimensional photographs of the fetus in the uterus is proof that you really have a “belly” and not your own and beloved child.

    One of the most popular diagnostic methods today is sonography, otherwise known as ultrasound. The prerogative aspects of this diagnosis are:

    • non-interference with internal organs (non-invasive);
    • no mechanical damage skin;
    • painless for the patient;
    • safety (radiation does not harm the body).

    Only the attending physician can determine how often an ultrasound can be done. It depends on the symptoms, results laboratory tests, and the general condition of the subject. Ultrasonic waves and thermal effects of the sensor do not have negative influence on internal organs and does not cause structural changes in them.

    Sonography is done in the following cases:

    • detection of pathologies (diagnosis);
    • determination of the etiology of the disease;
    • monitoring the results of therapy;
    • prevention of complicated course of the disease;
    • pregnancy management and fetal sex determination.

    The procedure requires simple preparation and does not cause unpleasant physical sensations or psychological discomfort. The main advantage of ultrasound is the speed of detection of abnormal phenomena in organs and systems. The doctor assesses the condition of the organs during the examination, that is, online. The data is projected onto a monitor and can be recorded on digital media or printed.

    The time range of the procedure depends on the organ being examined. The objectivity of diagnosis depends on how high the professional level of the medical specialist is and how well the equipment is working. Decoding of ultrasound data is carried out by comparing them with standard indicators. Despite the safety of the study, it should not be abused.

    Any medical examination is carried out according to indications. The question of how many times a year ultrasound is indicated for a particular disease is within the competence of the doctor.

    Frequency of ultrasound examination of individual organs

    The main areas of the body that are examined using ultrasound include:

    • heart;
    • pelvic organs (male and female reproductive system);
    • hepatobiliary system (liver, bile ducts and gallbladder);
    • thyroid and mammary glands;
    • organs abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space (spleen, kidneys, pancreas, urinary system, intestines).

    The study uses high-frequency waves that cannot be detected by the human ear.

    A separate procedure is ultrasonic cleaning faces. Otherwise, echocardiography helps to diagnose dropsy of the pericardial muscle (hydropericardium), thinning (aneurysm) or thickening (hypertrophy) of the walls of the organ, congenital and acquired defects, thrombosis, and disruptions in the circulatory system.

    A check of the pelvic organs in men is done to assess the condition of the prostate (diagnosis of prostatitis, adenoma, neoplasms). In women, this procedure helps to identify abnormalities in the ovaries and uterus, determine the presence of pregnancy early stages. When examining the hepatobiliary system, it is possible to identify functional disorders of the gallbladder and its ducts, cirrhosis, hepatitis of various etiologies, cancer and cystic neoplasms.

    Ultrasound of the mammary glands is recommended for women aged 20 to 40 years to detect possible tumors. Mammography is used for women 40 years of age and older. The thyroid gland is examined if endocrine disorders are suspected, in order to determine the size of the organ, identify tumor formations, nodules and cysts of the thyroid gland.

    If you experience discomfort in the lower abdomen, it is recommended to perform an ultrasound of the genitourinary system to diagnose inflammatory processes and the presence of stones. Kidney ultrasound is performed to determine kidney stones, abscesses and tumors, and the location of organs relative to each other. Also for hypertension, pain symptoms and abnormal laboratory values.

    When examining the spleen, the size of the organ, its structure, and the presence of abscess or cystic changes are assessed. In addition, the doctor performing the ultrasound identifies infectious lesions (typhoid, sepsis, tuberculosis). The digestive organs (intestines and stomach) are examined for the presence of inflammatory processes. At the same time, data from intestinal examinations are always more objective. For a complete picture of gastric diseases, ultrasound must be supplemented with an FGDS procedure.

    Frequency of ultrasound examinations in pregnant women

    The use of ultrasound in perinatal (prenatal) diagnostics is not dangerous for expectant mothers, and harmless for the pregnant child. Since the method is non-invasive, it is used during pregnancy throughout the entire period. Ultrasound evaluates genetic abnormalities in the child’s development, malnutrition (underdevelopment), malpresentation fetus and placenta, placental insufficiency, quantity amniotic fluid. And also the risk of spontaneous abortion, which is especially high in the first trimester.

    Using ultrasound, multiple pregnancies and the sex of future newborns are determined.

    Ultrasound of a pregnant woman and displaying the results on the monitor

    The question of how many times an ultrasound can be done during pregnancy is decided by the doctor who monitors the entire pregnancy. Performing the procedure three times is considered optimal. The time ranges for how long an ultrasound should be performed range from 8 to 12 weeks, depending on the woman’s health. You can read more about why pregnant women need to undergo an ultrasound procedure several times.

    The question often arises: is it possible to undergo the procedure in old age? Yes, you can. The examination is indicated for people of any age category. Sonography is a highly informative research technique with virtually no contraindications. Ultrasound cannot be done only in case of damage to the skin in the area of ​​the organs being examined. According to numerous medical data, everyone who did an ultrasound noted only the positive aspects of the study. Negative reviews there is no information about the procedure.

    An ultrasound examination allows the doctor to get the most complete picture of how well the patient’s pregnancy is progressing. This type of diagnostics became widely known relatively recently, after which it immediately became incredibly popular. The ultrasound method has not only supporters, but also opponents who claim that radiation can have a very negative impact on the patient’s health.

    To date, many studies have been conducted, as a result of which scientists have been able to prove that ultrasound used for diagnostics is practically harmless. Nevertheless, experts believe that ultrasound is not necessary unless absolutely necessary, especially when it comes to examining a woman.

    In accordance with official documentation and orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, ultrasound examinations must be done exactly 3 times throughout the entire period. If necessary, the doctor can increase the number of studies, but it is still not recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination unless necessary.

    If a woman really wants to undergo an ultrasound, and this often happens when the sex of the baby was not determined during a routine examination, then she can do this on a basis. Nothing bad will happen if this becomes just an exception to the rule. But it is important to understand that this should not be done unless absolutely necessary.

    Timing of ultrasound

    Doctors perform routine ultrasound examinations once a week. The first ultrasound takes place at 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, the second examination at 16-20 weeks, the third at 30-34 weeks. This means that the woman must be tested at specified intervals. Only a doctor can more accurately recommend when to perform an ultrasound.

    If there is any suspicion of ectopic pregnancy or other pathologies, the gynecologist sends the woman for an ultrasound scan, regardless of the generally accepted schedule for examinations.

    As a rule, additional ultrasounds are prescribed at the very beginning and at the end. An ultrasound examination carried out directly is necessary so that the doctor can finally decide whether it is possible to in this case natural delivery, or the patient needs to have a cesarean section. If such issues have not arisen throughout pregnancy, then this test is not necessary.

    Pregnancy is a joyful event that every woman looks forward to. Before invention modern methods ultrasound examination, young parents could not see their baby until the moment of his birth. Now this is possible from the very early stages pregnancy, when the child begins to acquire characteristic features.

    However, the role is by no means limited to simply confirming the fact of pregnancy. This procedure allows you to monitor the process of fetal development and assess its health, as well as timely identify various pathologies in its formation and anatomy.

    Despite the lack of documented evidence of the influence of ultrasound, every woman is concerned about how many times ultrasound can be done during pregnancy. It is believed that this procedure should not often be done in the early stages of pregnancy without special indications, since at this moment all the main organs and systems of the unborn baby are formed. During this period, any influence on the fetus should be avoided in every possible way.

    Reasons why it can be used several times in the early stages (as directed by a doctor):

    • The presence of nagging pain in the lower abdomen when confirming pregnancy by other methods.
    • Uterine bleeding or the presence of “smearing” marks.
    • Suspicion of failure to develop pregnancy.
    • Ectopic pregnancy.

    Planned ultrasound examinations are carried out three times:

    • At 10 - 14 weeks.
    • At 20 - 24 weeks.
    • At 32 - 34 weeks.

    An ultrasound can also be performed immediately before childbirth or “ caesarean section" It will help to accurately determine the exact location, identify its size and the possibility of passing through the birth canal, their readiness for the birth process, as well as the presence of entanglement in the umbilical cord of the fetus, which may pose a risk to its health and well-being during the birth process.

    This frequency of testing is used for normal, healthy and uncomplicated pregnancies. The frequency of ultrasound can be increased as prescribed by a doctor in the following cases:

    • If there is a threat of pregnancy loss.
    • If you suspect a frozen pregnancy.
    • If there is any doubt about the results of previous examinations.
    • To exclude pathologies of fetal development, if there is reason to suspect them.
    • If traces of blood suddenly appear or in a pregnant woman.

    At the moment, there is no information about the effect of ultrasound on the condition or development of the fetus, however, doctors always try to minimize any effects on pregnancy and do not send the woman for an ultrasound again.

    Preparation and procedure

    Having learned how many times an ultrasound can be done during pregnancy, a woman should know how the procedure itself is performed and how to prepare for it.

    The ultrasound procedure can be performed transvaginally and transabdominally. In the first case, the sensor is inserted into the vagina and makes it possible to clearly determine not only the fact of pregnancy, but also to diagnose numerous important data that will help the doctor plan pregnancy management in the future. Such an examination is most often prescribed in the early stages or is used additionally if transabdominal studies do not show a clear picture.

    The most common type of ultrasound is transabdominal, that is, through the abdominal wall.

    In order to carry out the procedure, a woman must perform the following steps:

    • Prepare and take with you the following items and accessories: a diaper that will be placed under the pregnant woman, wipes to remove contact gel from the abdomen, shoe covers for the legs and a condom that is placed on the transvaginal sensor.
    • Before the procedure, a thorough hygienic procedure of the external genitalia and perineum is performed. There is no need to remind that the pregnant woman herself must monitor the cleanliness of her own body, since germs from it can penetrate inside and cause many problems. It is also important to follow hygiene recommendations and regarding underwear. It is advisable to use lightweight cotton underwear without coarse elastic bands that interfere with blood circulation, and regularly change it to clean ones.
    • The study is carried out in full bladder, so a pregnant woman needs to abstain from or drink about 2 liters of water about an hour before the procedure.

    The examination procedure for the expectant mother is very simple and comfortable:

    • She lies on her back on a pre-made diaper on the couch, bending her knees slightly.
    • The ultrasound technician applies a small amount of special gel to the pregnant woman's abdomen and moves the device's probe over it.
    • A picture appears on the monitor screen, from which the specialist assesses his age, his condition and can determine his gender. The condition of the uterus, its size, the presence of pathologies, the level of development and place of attachment of the placenta, and the possibility of normal delivery are also assessed.
    • If it is necessary to obtain more accurate information, a specialist can use a transvaginal sensor.
    • At the end of the procedure, the pregnant woman should wipe off the gel from her stomach and get dressed. She receives documents about the operation performed, as well as the first photos of her baby.

    If parents wish, the entire study can be recorded on disk. These same records can later help compare data from different studies if any anomalies are found.

    When future parents figure out how many times an ultrasound can be done during pregnancy and go through the first procedure, they begin to wonder what the data in the study means and what they are used for:

    • First study (10 - 14 weeks).This is one of the most exciting events in the life of future parents. During the first ultrasound, the condition of the fetus is assessed and exact date pregnancy using special tables, the presence of multiple pregnancies is detected, and specific measurements are taken to show the presence or absence of anomalies and pathologies. The measurement is very important - its thickening may indicate the presence of Down syndrome and other possible genetic disorders.It is also very important to determine the place of attachment to the wall of the uterus of the placenta, the tone of the uterus, the presence of pathologies, for example, partial opening, which threatens miscarriage. The volume of amniotic fluid is also determined and calculated approximate date childbirth
    • Second study (20 - 24 weeks). During this period, it is already possible to accurately determine the sex of the fetus, assess the condition of the amniotic fluid, the work and correct formation and functioning of a number of internal organs of the unborn baby. At this time, the presence or absence of genetic pathologies, developmental disorders, deformities and anomalies is finally determined, and signs of a threat of miscarriage are assessed.
    • Third study (32 - 34 weeks). It demonstrates the possibility of developmental defects that develop in the later stages of fetal formation. Usually their presence is the basis for surgical intervention after the birth of the child or at a later date. At this time, the size of the fetus, its location in the uterus, as well as the placement of the placenta and umbilical cord are assessed. This is necessary in order to make a decision on whether to carry out natural birth or plan surgery.

      Conducting ultrasound in pregnant women is a modern effective method diagnostics and monitoring of the condition of the fetus and the course of pregnancy, which allows you to quickly, efficiently and painlessly monitor the progress of the process using a compact device.

      By using Ultrasound can provide extensive information about fetal development and reveal a number of dangerous pathologies and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

      Also, this type of study can prevent the loss of a child, since in the event of threatening symptoms, the necessary information will immediately be visible on the monitor screen.

      Knowing how many times an ultrasound can be done during pregnancy, how it is performed and why this manipulation is needed will help a woman feel more relaxed about the procedure, not worry and look forward to each new chance to happily communicate with her unborn child.

    Mothers begin to protect their babies from the moment they learn about pregnancy. They are more careful when choosing food, try to be emotionally calm, and avoid lifting heavy objects and other overloads.

    When a gynecologist prescribes an ultrasound (ultrasound) examination at a regular appointment, women sometimes refuse it for fear of harming the fetus. Currently, medicine has no evidence that this procedure poses a pathological danger to the mother and child, but it is not worth conducting research without the need.

    There is no clear answer to the question of how often an ultrasound can be done during pregnancy. It all depends on the course of pregnancy and the woman’s health.

    Principle and types of diagnostics

    IN Russian Federation According to the law, women must undergo an ultrasound procedure at least three times during pregnancy. These studies are used to determine the condition of the baby and mother, as well as to fill out documents attached to maternity leave.

    The device is designed on the principle of echolocation. Using a sensor, moving over the pregnant woman’s belly, the doctor directs waves with a frequency of 2 to 8 MHz to a specific place in the body. They penetrate inside, collide with an obstacle and are reflected back. Various reflections from hard and soft tissues, air and liquids are processed by a device that gives a clear information picture on the monitor screen.

    During the procedure, the subject does not experience any discomfort or pain.

    Types of sensors

    Ultrasound during pregnancy is performed using two types of sensors. Depending on the gestation period, the following are used:

    • Transvaginal (internal) sensors.
    • Transabdominal (external) sensors.

    Internal ones are used in the early stages, starting from the 2nd week, to determine the presence of pregnancy. The sensor, with a condom on it and a special gel, is inserted into the vagina.

    External ones are used on later(starting from the 10th week) and are carried out through the abdominal wall also using a gel. The gel improves glide and ensures contact between the sensor and organs. Its composition is absolutely safe.

    Projection methods

    Modern screening studies allow parents to look not only at a black and white flat image of the unborn child, but also to see the baby in 3D and 4D volume.

    Ultrasound features:

    1. 2D ultrasound is included in the list of mandatory medical procedures prescribed by the doctor observing the woman. The patient herself cannot always understand what she sees on the screen, but the doctor, deciphering the image, learns about the size of the fetus, the structure of the organs, and can see the face and limbs. The number of 2D ultrasound procedures is determined by the Ministry of Health and does not exceed three times during the entire gestation period during normal pregnancy. The duration of the procedure is approximately 10 minutes.
    2. 3D ultrasound presents a three-dimensional image, scanning tissue in 3 planes. Procedures are carried out for a fee in perinatal centers or special rooms at the request of the patient. At the same time, the body, arms and legs with fingers, and the child’s head are clearly visible on the screen.
    3. 4D ultrasound is the same as 3D, only in time. At the request of the parents, the doctor records the baby’s movements on a disc, where you can see how he moves, sucks his thumb, moves his arms and legs. The duration of 3D and 4D ultrasound is from half an hour to 50 minutes.

    The last two types of examination can be prescribed by the observing gynecologist, along with the first, if he suspects any pathology in the baby before birth.

    This is sometimes necessary to confirm or refute the suspected diagnosis.

    Today, it is mandatory for every woman who is registered with a pregnancy to undergo an ultrasound during pregnancy. antenatal clinic. The minimum number of procedures is calculated to range from 3 to 5 times. Often this is enough to have a complete picture of the health of the unborn child and the woman’s readiness for childbirth.

    They are carried out according to time intervals as follows:

    • The first is to establish the fact of pregnancy (from the 2nd–3rd week).
    • The second is from the 10th to the 14th week. It looks at the fact of pregnancy (if this is the first ultrasound), and the child’s compliance with accepted development standards. The absence of chromosomal diseases, hydrocephalus and Down syndrome in the fetus is determined. Placental abruption and ectopic pregnancy may also be seen. Sometimes, if the patient has no complaints about health and well-being, doctors skip the examination during this period of time.
    • The third from the 20th to the 24th week. The most important thing for the entire gestation period. During this period, you can see the baby’s gender, fingers on the limbs and assess the condition of the internal organs. Determine the presence or absence of pathology in the uterus, fetus or placenta. Using an ultrasound machine, Doppler measurements (assessing the intensity of blood flow in the vessels of the umbilical cord, placenta and uterus) and cardiotocography (cardiograms of the baby’s heart) are simultaneously performed.
    • The fourth, from the 31st to the 34th week, shows existing developmental defects, which can already be affected in utero with the help of medications. Early treatment of anomalies reduces the risk of having a physically and mentally handicapped child. Based on the location of the placenta and the position of the fetus in the uterus, the doctor can decide to deliver by caesarean section. During this period, you can determine the presence of low or polyhydramnios.
    • The fifth is prescribed just before childbirth at the discretion of the gynecologist. It is performed in case of transverse or pelvic position of the child or in case of multiple pregnancy. The doctor receives data on the correspondence of the baby’s head to the size of the birth canal, the presence or absence of entanglement with the umbilical cord, and the readiness of the mother’s body for labor.

    In medicine, there is no clear answer to how many times an ultrasound can be done during pregnancy. Currently, there is no exact data on how harmful the procedure is for mother and child. But experience has been recorded that indicates many positive effects, when it was possible to identify pathologies in the development of pregnancy and prevent them in time.

    Additional ultrasounds

    When the life of the mother or child is in danger, the woman does not think about whether screening can be done frequently. The benefit from it in this case outweighs the possible harm.

    Indications for additional prescriptions may include:

    • Ectopic or frozen pregnancy.
    • Placental abruption.
    • History of missed pregnancies or miscarriages.
    • The presence of severe hereditary diseases in close relatives or parents.
    • The presence of Rh conflict in mother and child.
    • Multiple pregnancy.
    • Pregnancy from a close relative.
    • Rubella acquired by a pregnant woman.
    • Pain in the lower abdomen.
    • Action of harmful factors.
    • Bleeding.
    • Injuries.

    If there is a need to preserve the fetus or the health of the mother and baby, the screening will be repeated several times. But since this is still a medical procedure, it is not recommended to do it whenever you want.

    Additional ultrasound is performed only in certain cases as prescribed by a doctor.

    Benefits and harms

    There are no medical contraindications for the study, but 15 years ago the procedure was not mandatory. There may be a possibility that there are some hidden risk factors. Therefore, it is risky to overuse ultrasound.


    The ultrasound examination method is not as dangerous as it is dangerous Cell phones. Planned timely procedures, on the contrary, can help both mother and child. The effect of the waves is minimal, the fetus will not experience any noticeable effects during the procedure.

    Having found out how many times an ultrasound is performed as prescribed by the Ministry of Health, the expectant mother must independently decide on the number of procedures she needs. She has the right to refuse them completely, but before that she must weigh all the positive and negative sides research. It should be noted that classic 2D ultrasound has less effect on the fetus than the newfangled 3D and 4D.

    Safety, ease of preparation and high information content, together with low cost, make the ultrasound examination method accessible and high-quality in determining the condition of the mother and the unborn child.

    Doctors widely use the method because of its ability to diagnose changes occurring in the mother's body over time. Using an ultrasound examination, it is possible to monitor the dynamics of fetal development and prevent (reduce) the risk of developing pregnancy pathologies.

    Sometimes women sign a waiver of medical prescription for Doppler testing.

    Few people prefer to use fetal dopplers - home devices whose effects on the body are comparable to professional laboratory ones.


    Back in the 1970s. Doctors conducted studies aimed at identifying the harmful effects of ultrasound on the fetus. During the work done, no dangerous factors were identified that would impede its use. The information that women undergoing ultrasound examinations are more likely to be left-handed has not been scientifically confirmed.

    A little later, in the 1990s. Candidate of Biological Sciences Petr Garyaev becomes the founder of the “Wave Genome” theory. According to it, the fetus, while in the womb, begins to “mutate” under the influence of radio waves. But he could not confirm his theory with significant evidence and it was recognized as pseudoscientific.

    The same Garyaev made the assumption that ultrasound in the early stages causes autism in the child. However, observation was carried out on children with a congenital disease. Healthy children were not included in this group.

    Impressionable mothers think that the procedure is unpleasant for the baby, because he begins to turn away, hide and behave restlessly.

    The mother’s excitement has a much greater effect on the behavior of the fetus; her condition is instantly transmitted to the baby, stimulating the unformed nervous system.

    Doctors around the world still do not find sufficient reasons to refuse ultrasound examination, each time coming to a common opinion regarding the safety of the procedure.

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