• Almond peeling for the face at home. What is almond peeling


    IN last decade especially in demand cosmetic procedure is a chemical exfoliation of the skin using fruit acids. Each salon offers several types of peelings depending on the client’s request. However, almond peeling is most in demand.

    The method got its name from phenylglycolic acid, which is isolated from the fruit of bitter almonds. This component helps to carefully cleanse the epidermis of impurities and dead cells, remove blackheads, even out complexion, and smooth out fine wrinkles.

    The essence of the procedure

    Almond chemical peeling is a method of exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis using phenyl glycolic acid. This acid belongs to alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), which are also called fruit acids. Due to the fact that the mandelic acid molecule is larger than in other AHA acids, cleansing the skin of impurities is much softer and more delicate, without causing severe irritation.

    Thanks to this effect, almond exfoliation is suitable for use by people with sensitive and hypersensitive skin types, teenagers, as well as those who are not suitable for peelings with other types of fruit acids.

    Mandelic acid is particularly valued in cosmetology because it has several unique properties, which distinguish it from other acids, used for chemical peelings:

    Indications and contraindications

    Almond peeling is especially popular among people with sensitive and problematic skin, as it helps to gently and effectively get rid of any imperfections. In addition, the composition can be applied not only to the skin of the face, but also to the hands, as well as the neck and décolleté.

    In this regard, cosmetologists often recommend doing almond peeling. Indications for the use of peeling are very extensive:

    • acne;
    • oily skin prone to rashes;
    • disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, excessive sebum production;
    • post-acne, scars on the skin;
    • contaminated and enlarged pores, blackheads;
    • freckles, pigmentation of the epidermis;
    • keratosis;
    • facial wrinkles and the first signs of aging;
    • uneven complexion;
    • lumpy skin;
    • lentigo, melasma, folliculitis;
    • skin type 3−4 (according to Fitzpatrick);
    • intolerance to the components of glycolic peeling.

    Despite the wide range of indications, not everyone should undergo almond peeling. Contraindications to its implementation are as follows:

    • allergy to the components of the product;
    • inflammation and open wounds on the skin;
    • atopic dermatitis;
    • psoriasis;
    • fungal and bacterial infections of the epidermis;
    • oncological diseases;
    • tuberculosis;
    • temperature rise above 37 degrees;
    • diabetes;
    • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • frequent visits to the solarium or prolonged exposure to the sun;
    • herpetic rashes on the face.

    Pros and cons of almond peeling

    The positive aspects of the procedure include:

    Despite all the advantages, one cannot fail to note negative aspects of the procedure, including:

    Skin care before the procedure

    Pre-peeling preparation should begin 2 weeks before the scheduled session. Its essence is to introduce into basic skin care a product containing mandelic acid in a small dosage. This can be a facial wash, lotion or special cream, the acid concentration of which will not exceed 15%. Such care will help soften the stratum corneum of the epidermis and the chemical peeling procedure will become much more effective.

    Thanks to the use of these products, the skin is gradually prepared for the effects of AHA acids and the reaction to the composition during treatment will be softer.

    If the client does not have the opportunity to do pre-peeling preparation, he is offered preliminary exfoliation of the skin before the main session.

    Progress of the session

    Despite the fact that peeling with mandelic acid can be carried out both in the salon and at home, experts recommend trusting your beauty professional cosmetologist. It's easier to avoid it this way side effects in the form of burns and hyperemia.

    Procedure protocol:

    1. Cleansing.
    2. Toning.
    3. Application of acid.
    4. Neutralization of acid.
    5. Applying a face mask.

    The first step before exfoliation is to cleanse the epidermis of dust, dirt and sebum using a special product. In this case, cosmetologists prefer to use soft foam with low Ph or cleansing milk.

    After this, the skin is wiped with a tonic lotion containing a weak solution of mandelic acid, followed by treatment of the face with a pre-peeling mixture. This special solution of lactic, glycolic and phenylglycolic acids helps to achieve deep cleansing of the skin.

    Then, without removing the pre-peel mixture, an acid with a concentration of 30 to 60% is applied to the skin, depending on the client’s skin type. The acid is kept for a certain time, which should not exceed 20 minutes, after which a neutralizing tonic is applied.

    At the end of the procedure, the face is thoroughly washed with purified water and a soothing mask is applied.

    To achieve a visible effect from the peeling procedure, one session will not be enough. The average course of exfoliation takes from 4 to 10 sessions, which are carried out every 1.5-2 weeks. For each client, the duration of the course is selected individually, depending on the skin problems.

    Up to 25 years to resolve acne or other types of rashes, the procedure can be performed once every 2 months. After 26 years, one course per year will be enough. From the age of 35 years, it is necessary to carry out 2-3 courses per year of 5 procedures, with monthly preventive peeling and facial massage. After 50 years, peeling with mandelic acid will have a positive effect in combination with rejuvenating salon procedures.

    Skin care after almond peeling

    Post-peeling care is no less important stage of the chemical peeling procedure than any other. The final result of exfoliation and the condition of the epidermis after it depend on it.

    This type of care can be done both in the salon, supplemented with products for home use, and independently.

    Rehabilitation after almond peeling is carried out:

    During post-peeling care, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist and monitor hygiene. Within 5 days after a chemical peeling session, epidermal cells are in the renewal stage, so the skin requires more attention. At this time, it is advisable to use gentle creams and facial skin care products. The best option would be to use cosmetics from the same line that were used during peeling.

    Post-peeling care involves the same steps as with the usual use of skin care cosmetics:

    1. To cleanse the skin, use milk or gentle foam without soap.
    2. To moisturize and nourish, gels and creams are used to actively saturate the epidermal cells with moisture.
    3. The most important stage of post-peeling care is the use of sun protection creams with a factor of at least SPF 30.

    If the client is unable to use special means to restore the skin, you can replace them pharmaceutical ointments Traumeel, Bepanten, Solcoseryl.

    Typically, post-peel care is carried out for 4-5 days, which is again followed by 1-2 weeks of pre-peel preparation. The cosmetologist selects a skin care regimen depending on how many almond peeling sessions are included in the course.

    Side effects

    Sometimes complications occur after the procedure. Hypersensitivity, peeling, redness, dryness and tightness skin- common phenomena for the epidermis, which is restored after chemical peeling.

    These side effects go away within a few hours to a few days. Inflammation can occur due to poor hygiene during post-peel skin care, as can hyperpigmentation. Do not forget about using cosmetics with high level protection from ultraviolet rays. A herpetic rash can appear as a skin reaction to stress. Skin burns are extremely rare, usually due to the acid's exposure to the epidermis for too long.

    If one or more post-peeling complications occur, you must urgently contact a cosmetologist.

    Thus, almond peeling will become an excellent remedy to combat a wide range of skin imperfections. The gentle composition of the peeling allows it to be used at any age and at any time of the year. The main thing is to follow all the rules of skin care after using the product and your skin will be transformed.

    More and more often, girls and women include almond peeling in the list of their favorite facial treatments. It can be done both in a beauty salon and at home. Peeling mixtures almost do not injure the skin and differ various properties: durability of the result, degree of impact, composition.

    This cosmetic service provides a superficial, relatively mild effect, but the result delights many cosmetologists and their clients. It has been popular for more than ten years, although other techniques have appeared during this time. Why is this remedy so attractive, how effective is it, when can it be used, in what cases is it contraindicated - all this information will help determine whether such mixtures should be used.

    Let's find out what almond peeling is: it is the removal of the superficial, keratinized layer of the epidermis due to the action chemical composition cosmetic product. Phenylglycolic acid (Mandelic Acid, fruit acid, obtained from almond fruits) is the main active ingredient in such mixtures. Its large molecules cannot penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, affecting only the upper part of the epidermis. A description of the process and results of almond peeling will help determine in what cases it should be performed. Exfoliating almond peeling gives an effect that is noticeable even to the naked eye in just a couple of sessions. Although, if there are serious problems, a course of procedures is carried out to achieve and maintain results.

    Did you know? Peeling compositions with phenylglycolic acid are used even in the warm season. You should not use this service only on hot days, and after the session you should avoid active tanning. This is an undoubted advantage of such mixtures, since more aggressive peeling cosmetics are prescribed in late autumn and winter. In warm weather, it is prohibited to use many products of this kind.

    Almond facial peeling is a superficial, gentle method of cleansing. The epidermis is polished due to the action of the substances of the mixture on its middle and upper layers. The composition exfoliates dead cells. The session produces the following results:

    • slowing down skin aging;
    • absence of severe irritation (when compared with other peeling agents);
    • after removing the keratinized layer of cells, the tone of the face is evened out and it becomes lighter;
    • cleansing, shrinking pores, reducing sebum secretion;
    • the antimicrobial effect of almond peeling was noted;
    • relieving inflammation;
    • activation of cell renewal, tightening, lifting, disappearance of fine wrinkles.

    All these properties of almond peeling make it a favorite of many young and middle-aged beauties. It applies:

    • As self-care;
    • As a preparation for more aggressive peeling agents, before laser resurfacing.

    The effect is noticeable after 1-2 sessions, but when the course is carried out, the result of using almond peeling is better visible.

    • Folliculitis, comedones, acne - it is effective for any of these forms of diseases;
    • Paleness - blood rushes to the surface of the skin, saturating it with oxygen, restoring a healthy appearance;
    • Severe oiliness, seborrhea, enlarged pores - the work of the sebaceous glands is regulated, the pores narrow;
    • Hyperpigmentation (lentigo, melasma, etc.) – skin, age spots lighten;
    • Post-acne, small scars, unevenness - polishing makes the scars smoother and invisible;
    • Flabbiness, withering, the appearance of wrinkles - the composition tones, increases the elasticity of the epidermis, and activates cell regeneration.

    Contraindications to chemical almond peeling:

    • Allergy to almonds or other substances included in the mixture;
    • Fungal, bacterial, viral diseases of the epidermis;
    • Psoriasis;
    • Diabetes;
    • Pregnancy, breastfeeding;
    • Wounds, scratches, purulent pimples, violation of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​​​planned exposure;
    • Fresh tan;
    • Oncology;
    • Tuberculosis;
    • Increased body temperature;
    • Severe somatic diseases;
    • Recent ultrasonic cleaning.

    For problem skin, almond peeling has become a real salvation: it effective method combating juvenile acne, blackheads, and blackheads. After 25 years, the procedure is also carried out to prepare for the effects of more aggressive compounds.

    Attention! Please note possible consequences: firstly, almond facial peeling has a drying effect. After a couple of days, the dryness goes away if you remember to periodically apply moisturizer. Secondly, after the session, redness, itching, and peeling of the skin may occur. These manifestations disappear within 1-2 days and do not require treatment.

    The answer to the question of how often almond peeling can be done depends on the type and condition of the patient’s skin. The classic course consists of 6-10 sessions, which are carried out once every 7-10 days. Incorrect application composition leads to undesirable consequences. Therefore, almond peeling for the face is prescribed by a cosmetologist, which helps to avoid such manifestations as severe irritation, redness, prolonged peeling. The specialist prescribes a course of procedures. His recommendations must be followed, then almond peeling will be very effective for your indications.

    What drugs are used
    Peeling with mandelic acid is complemented by other acids, such as lactic and salicylic. This softens or enhances the effect of the composition.

    • Almond peeling can be hydroalcoholic or gel based. The degree of influence of the hydroalcoholic composition depends on the number of layers that were applied, and the depth of penetration of the gel depends on the time of its exposure;
    • Almond- milk peeling cleanses the face more gently. Some products with these acids are used for pre-peeling;
    • Almond-salicylic peeling is more aggressive. It is effective for acne, post-acne, wrinkles on the face, décolleté, and hands.

    Pros and cons of procedures - cosmetologists tell

    Almond facial peeling has the following advantages:

    • Rapid skin restoration;
    • Comfort – virtually no pain, discomfort;
    • Versatility - peeling with mandelic acid is effective for all skin types, both on the face and in the décolleté, neck, hands - the product gives a noticeable rejuvenating effect;
    • No swelling – within a day you can return to your normal lifestyle;
    • Safety, minimal restrictions - there are many fewer contraindications to almond peeling than to products with other fruit acids;
    • Can be held at any time of the year.

    However, there are also disadvantages:

    • Light burning sensation - eliminated by applying moisturizing creams, masks, serums;
    • Peeling of the skin is its natural reaction to such exposure; the cream will also cope with this phenomenon;
    • Unpleasant odor – there is no need to worry about this, the procedure lasts only about 15 minutes;
    • The need to protect the skin from the sun;
    • Short-lived effect - when compared with other formulations, products with phenylglycolic acid give a less lasting result.

    According to many cosmetologists and patients, the advantages more than outweigh the disadvantages, because the inconveniences are short-lived.

    Important! Cosmetologists recommend starting to prepare your face for the course one and a half to two weeks in advance: morning and evening, apply milk containing 15% phenylglycolic acid to it. . This will prepare the selected areas for the concentrated treatment in the salon. This preparation is most important for those with sensitive skin.

    Attention! The lip area, moles, warts are pre-lubricated with a rich cream.

    Almond chemical peeling is carried out in several stages:

    1. Cleansing the skin of impurities and makeup;
    2. Applying a pre-peeling composition with 5% acid content - if there is no irritation, proceed to the main procedure; the pre-peeling mixture is not washed off;
    3. If there is no reaction, the main part is performed - applying 30% acid to the skin (action time is approximately 15 minutes). The product is poured into a glass container and distributed over the selected area using a brush;
    4. Next, the composition is removed (usually with an alkaline solution) and a post-peeling cream or nourishing mask is applied.

    Renewal of the epidermis is associated with exfoliation of the upper, keratinized layer of cells, which is one of the benefits of a procedure such as almond peeling. With minimal trauma and discomfort, a visible result is achieved.

    After almond peeling, the skin requires special care. Attention! Enhanced care must last at least 4 days, including:

    • Washing with acidified water;
    • Moisturizing creams several times a day;
    • Use of cosmetics that protect from the sun (SPF value not less than 30);
    • Solariums, active tanning, and open sun are contraindicated.

    Care after the almond peeling procedure also includes applying nourishing masks for the face: they moisturize it and supply it with necessary substances.

    Cost of procedures

    As a rule, almond peeling is prescribed as a course. However, you can limit yourself to 1-2 sessions, it all depends on the condition of the skin and the wishes of the patient. The price of one procedure is from 700 rubles in the regions to 7,000 rubles in Moscow. It all depends on the salon and the chosen cosmetics. An almond peeling course will cost a minimum of 7,000 rubles, a maximum of 70,000. These amounts usually do not include the cost of pre- and post-peeling; they cost approximately 5-10,000 rubles per course. At the client’s request, the cosmetologist can select medications for self-use.

    Interesting! Products designed for home use, is less aggressive, so if you violate the instructions, the consequences will not greatly affect your appearance and condition. Find necessary cosmetics You can buy it in pharmacies, cosmetic stores, or order it online.

    To illustrate the effect, we present photographs of patients. For minor problems, only a few sessions can be performed to obtain a noticeable effect.

    Pictures taken before visiting a beauty salon demonstrate existing problems. In the photo after almond peeling, there is a noticeable reduction in pores, reduction in acne and post-acne, smoothing and improvement of complexion, smoothing out fine wrinkles.

    Review from one of the lovers of peeling procedures with phenylglycolic acid:

    “In combination with other methods, the use of almond (very cool!) peeling helps to maintain facial skin in excellent condition.”

    The face after almond peeling requires careful care. Many manufacturers of peeling mixtures produce special products for post-procedure skin care. A smart solution is to purchase the entire line of products from one brand. This will provide favorable conditions for the restoration of the skin.

    The procedure exfoliates the epithelium, so after almond peeling you should not use scrubs - they will damage the renewed skin. Touch your face as little as possible to minimize the risk of scratches and damage. In addition, cosmetologists recommend using less decorative cosmetics. All these recommendations should be followed for 2-3 weeks after the last session. During this time, the skin has time to fully recover.


    In the absence of contraindications, you can safely perform almond facial peeling. Thanks to it, many manage to keep their skin in good condition, improve blood circulation and complexion, smooth out wrinkles, eliminate pigmentation, acne, blackheads and other imperfections. Only after testing products with phenylglycolic acid on yourself can you decide whether their further use is advisable.

    Taking care of your facial skin can be very different. A great many ways have been invented to prolong youth and deceive the inexorable time, but the effect they provide varies greatly. “Harmless” masks and scrubs prepared at home are considered almost universal, the indications for their use are the broadest, but the result is most often no more than satisfactory. Yes, and the recipes that are in large quantities can be found on the Internet, upon closer examination they often turn out to be very dubious. Even less effective is general advice suggesting that women, for example, normalize their daily routine or observe personal hygiene rules. No one will argue that these recommendations are certainly useful, but for objective reasons they are not able to help, for example, with rosacea, an extensive network of wrinkles around the eyes or enlarged pores. What can those women do who cannot afford expensive procedures in the salon, but are not ready to risk their health and test questionable recipes at home from their own experience, reviews of which, to put it mildly, do not suffer from objectivity? Unfortunately, you won’t be able to do without spending at all, but if you have a certain desire to save money without compromising your health, you can still save money. And peeling with mandelic acid is one of possible options. Interested? Let's figure it out together.

    Client reviews: After the procedure in the salon, it was as if I was born again. And although the course of treatment has not finished yet, I already like the effect. And the price is relatively low (and the drug was branded and not purchased at a pharmacy). In a word, I am very pleased. Marina, 25 years old.

    Almond peeling: what is it?

    The answer to this question can be either detailed or condensed. But in order not to overload you with unnecessary ordinary life information, we decided to limit ourselves to only useful facts, leaving dry theory outside the discussion brackets. So, almond peeling is a highly effective procedure that cleanses the facial skin. The main chemical component of the working mixture is mandelic (phenylglycolic, mindal acid) acid. Due to the rather large size of the molecule, the effect on the facial skin is limited only to the surface layer of the epidermis. Thanks to this, almond peeling is considered one of the most gentle and safe (if, of course, all contraindications are taken into account and the procedure is carried out in a salon and not at home). But in case of inadequate preliminary preparation and ignoring basic safety rules, the consequences can be very sad, and skin care after the session will turn into real torture and will require many months of rehabilitation.

    Action of mandelic acid

    • Exfoliating (keratolytic). Thanks to it, the upper layers of facial skin become softer and dead cells are removed. A similar effect, by the way, is provided by chemical apple peeling (the composition of the working mixture, with the exception of the main component, is almost the same).
    • Anti-inflammatory (bacteriostatic). The risk of inflammation and infection of the skin is significantly reduced. Macrolide antibiotics have a similar effect on the body, although their composition and properties are slightly different.
    • Pull-up. It stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, and the effect after the session lasts quite a long time.
    • Whitening. Numerous reviews confirm that almond peeling ensures the removal of the upper stratum corneum of the skin and, as a result, its smoothing and lightening (even if the procedure was done at home and not in the salon).
    • Antioxidant (cytoprotective). Binding of free radicals and ions heavy metals provides an excellent healing effect, similar to that provided by citrus fruits or.
    • Comedolytic. Blackheads on the face are one of the most annoying cosmetic defects. And mandelic acid helps eliminate blockage of hair follicles, reduces the secretion of sebaceous glands and narrows the pores of the facial skin. In addition, after the session you can count on the disappearance of acne and a general improvement in the structure of the epidermis.

    Almond peeling during pregnancy and lactation is not the best good idea, even if reviews on the Internet say otherwise.

    Indications and contraindications

    How to ensure that the risk of side effects is minimized, and the procedure is not only effective, but also safe? Firstly, it is not recommended to do it at home, since the savings will be insignificant. Secondly, remember: taking care of your skin requires understanding what you're doing. Thirdly, we should not forget that almond peeling is, first of all, a medical, not a cosmetic procedure. This means that she has certain indications.


    • acne (acne);
    • seborrhea and post-acne;
    • expression wrinkles;
    • impaired skin smoothness;
    • expansion of the network of facial vessels (this often happens with rosacea);
    • freckles and age spots;
    • pore expansion;
    • folliculitis;
    • large areas with blackheads (comedones);
    • low skin tone and loss of elasticity.


    • severe allergic reaction to one of the components of the mixture;
    • herpes in the acute phase;
    • increased body temperature;
    • any damage to the skin (abrasions, open wounds, inflammation, ulcers);
    • prolonged exposure to hard ultraviolet radiation.

    About the fact that during pregnancy you should agree to any kind of traumatic cosmetic procedures highly not recommended, we have already mentioned, but in in this case It would be worth repeating. Believe me, your baby absolutely does not care how smooth and velvety skin mom's face. But if after the procedure an infection enters her body or burns appear on the skin, he will feel it “well”. It seems to us that the risk in this case is absolutely not justified!

    Customer reviews: Almond peeling - I did it! The peeling of the skin has gone away, and acne has practically disappeared. I did it at home, but when I found out that it cost a little more than 2 thousand in the salon, I went there - and did not regret it. Now I’m thinking about taking a course of apple peeling, although my husband says that this is too much. Alina, 32 years old.

    Almond peeling: stages of the procedure

    Facial skin care does not always require thorough preliminary preparation. But if you decide that almond peeling is a harmless and non-binding procedure, then the consequences can be very sad. Especially if you decide to make it at home. Therefore, it is worth understanding the technology of its implementation (what to do before, during and after the session): this will allow you to avoid the most obvious mistakes, achieve the best result and make the mandatory subsequent facial skin care as effective as possible.

    Preliminary preparation

    • cream with phenoxyglycolic acid (concentration - 10-15%) - 1-2 weeks;
    • gel peeling with fruit acids - 2-3 times a week;
    • the day before the procedure, if possible, refrain from taking any pharmacological or using cosmetics.

    Facial cleansing and makeup removal

    • a mixture of cosmetic milk with 10% mandelic acid;
    • thoroughly cleansing the face of dirt and residue decorative cosmetics.

    Final skin preparation

    Special degreasing and tonic agent (consult with the specialist who will take care of you).


    In the salon where you go, various preparations can be used for this, but most often a mixture of glycolic, phenoxyglycolic and lactic acids is used (it is almost impossible to select the required concentration at home).

    Basic peeling

    The procedure itself is not anything remarkable. First, the first layer is applied, then with a short break - several subsequent ones. But the concentration of mandelic acid and the duration of the session can vary significantly depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the recommendations given by the manufacturer of the composition. Sometimes to achieve desired result auxiliary components can be added to the active substance (for example, Apple vinegar). The average concentration of mandelic acid is from 30% to 60%, the procedure time is from 10 to 25 minutes.

    Final procedures

    First of all, the cosmetologist will neutralize the acid with a special composition, after which he will wash your face with enough warm water. The first point, by the way, is not considered mandatory, since almond peeling is a very gentle procedure, but in reputable salons they still do it “the old fashioned way.”

    Final processing

    • soothing mask with extracts of aloe, calendula or chamomile (there are practically no contraindications for its use);
    • moisturizing cream.

    How often can you do almond peeling? If the cosmetologist does not offer any special scheme that takes into account the individual characteristics of your body, then get ready for the course to be from 6 to 10 procedures with a 7-10-day interval between them. But you need to understand that facial skin care should not be limited solely to almond peeling (the treatment, by the way, can be repeated, but not earlier than a year later).

    Skin care after almond peeling

    You can also do it at home. It is difficult to give specific recommendations in this case, since companies producing compositions for almond peeling themselves necessarily offer consumers appropriate auxiliary preparations, the regimen of which may differ quite significantly. In general, the tasks of post-peeling rehabilitation are as follows:

    • reduction of discomfort after the procedure;
    • reducing the likelihood of side effects;
    • skin regeneration and active moisturizing;
    • additional protection of the face from adverse environmental conditions and harsh UV radiation.

    All this will make skin care after the procedure as effective and painless as possible.

    Review from a cosmetologist

    Almond peeling has acquired a popular reputation as an effective and at the same time absolutely safe procedure, and therefore many women, after “consultation” with friends, decide to do it at home, but somehow “forget” that it has certain contraindications, and it is almost impossible to select the required acid concentration without proper experience. As a result, for some “lucky” people, almond peeling ends in a hospital bed, and facial skin requires long and very expensive rehabilitation.
    This approach could be justified by an understandable desire to save money, but in this case this argument is completely untenable, since peeling with mandelic acid is a fairly inexpensive procedure, accessible to almost everyone. Is it worth saving a couple of hundred rubles at the risk of getting a bunch of health problems as a result? It seems to me that the answer to this question is obvious.

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    Almond facial peeling

    Almond peeling- This is a superficial chemical peel. It affects the upper stratum corneum of the skin before reaching the vitreous layer. The composition of almond peeling mainly includes mandelic acid, 2-hydroxy-2-phenylacetic acid or phenylglycolic acid, which belongs to alpha hydroxy acids (they are often called fruit acids), obtained by hydrolysis from bitter almond extract. The diffusion of this acid into the skin tissue occurs to a much lesser extent due to the large size of the molecule compared to other alpha hydroxy acids, and therefore almond facial peeling can be considered one of the most gentle, just like milk peeling. It is suitable for people with different types skin, including very sensitive, thin skin, and it is also possible to use it in the summer, since the risk of developing hyperpigmentation after the procedure is minimal.

    Indications for almond peeling

    Almond peeling helps get rid of the following phenomena:

    Or citric acid for easy skin lightening, correction of the activity of the sebaceous glands, regulation of skin pH and its restoration after tanning.

    Or adding an alcohol component to eliminate dull color face, treatment various forms acne, seborrhea and folliculitis.

    6. Neutralization

    The action of the drug is aimed at neutralizing the activity of mandelic acid in exfoliating and dissolving horny scales. The neutralizer is applied to the face and then thoroughly washed off with cool water.

    Depending on the manufacturer, acid concentration, ph, exposure time, number of layers applied and skin characteristics, the cosmetologist may decide not to use a neutralizer, but only wash the face well with water, since almond peeling is very light and gentle and does not react with water.

    7. Soothing and moisturizing the skin

    At the end of the procedure, you should use a soothing mask (it’s good when such a mask contains extracts of calendula, aloe or chamomile). Exposure time is about 20 minutes. And then apply a post-peeling moisturizer.

    Post-peeling care at home

    Post-peeling care is one of the most important stages during peeling. The final result and the absence of possible complications depend on the correctness of its implementation.

    Post-peeling rehabilitation may include 1-2 procedures in the salon if you have very sensitive and problematic skin, and it is imperative to use home care products.

    Post-peeling rehabilitation is aimed at:

    Reducing the patient’s discomfort after the procedure,
    - preventing the development of inflammatory reactions,
    - protection of the skin from UV and adverse exogenous factors,
    - stimulation of epidermis regeneration and its active hydration.

    Every self-respecting manufacturing company has preparations for special post-peeling care, and you can easily purchase them from the cosmetologist who did the peeling for you. Post-peeling products have a pronounced moisturizing, regenerating, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, soothing and vitaminizing effect.

    Stages of post-peeling skin care

    1. Cleansing
    A gentle cleansing milk is used to remove skin impurities.

    2. Moisturizing and nutrition
    Creams and gels are used for your skin type with all the positive effects.

    3. Protection
    Mandatory use of cream with sun protection factor not lower than 30 SPF and lotions and creams with bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory effects.

    Post-peel care is carried out daily for 4 days after the peel and can be increased depending on the reaction of your skin to mandelic acid. After post-peeling rehabilitation, we again begin pre-peel preparation.

    If for some reason you do not have access to post-peeling care products, you can purchase products with similar effects at the pharmacy. Among them are: grape seed oil, Skin-Active cream, Vitamin F99 Cream, Solcoseryl, Curiosin solution or gel, Bepanten, Traumeel ointment.

    Almond peeling is carried out in courses. One course consists of approximately 6-10 procedures, the interval between procedures is usually 7-10 days. A cosmetologist can change this scheme depending on the characteristics of your skin.

    The course can be repeated after a year. In some cases, one-time maintenance procedures are possible, but not earlier than 2 months after peeling. Almond peeling receives quite positive reviews; for young skin it is one of best options peeling

    Complications that may occur after almond peeling

    1. Skin hyperemia (redness caused by blood flow) during and after the procedure. Goes away after applying moisturizer within 30-60 minutes.

    2. A burning sensation may occur during the procedure, but it goes away after using a moisturizer.

    3. The skin may be too dry and tight the day after the procedure. To eliminate this effect, use post-peeling care products. Plus, you can add a cream or mask with collagen, lactic acid or algae extract. And then you should use creams with a fatty structure containing hyaluronic acid, aloe extract, shea butter (shea butter). And don’t forget about sunscreens with an SPF filter of at least 30.

    4. Peeling is not always observed; it may occur 2-3 days after the procedure. It goes away within 1-3 days.

    5. Increased skin sensitivity most often occurs in people with thin skin and poor regeneration ability. To eliminate this phenomenon, use preparations containing shea butter, black currant, evening primrose, grape seeds, as well as omega-6, ceramides, phospholipids, waxes, hyaluronic acid, placenta extract, panthenol.

    6. Skin rashes most often occur due to misuse post-peeling care products, hormonal disorders, the use of new decorative cosmetics, gastrointestinal diseases, failure to take into account contraindications, etc. The main thing is to find out the cause of the occurrence, and then take appropriate measures. You can try restorative products lipid barrier, improving trophism and tissue regeneration, as well as having anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effects. For example: Skin-Active cream, Vitamin F99 Cream, Solcoseryl, Bepanten.

    7. Infection is possible if the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are not followed during the procedure or due to improper post-peeling care. For treatment, antibiotic ointments are used, and in severe cases, oral therapy.

    8. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation can very rarely occur after a course of almond peeling; this is due to increased synthesis of melanostimulating hormone by keratinocytes. The reasons may be: genetic predisposition, changes hormonal levels, ultraviolet irradiation, inflammatory processes in the skin. Treatment and elimination age spots should be performed by a cosmetologist. Tyrosinase inhibitors, anti-inflammatory drugs, antioxidants, and bleaching agents are used.

    9. Herpetic infection. If you suffer from exacerbation of herpes infection 2 times a year or more often, then you need to carry out preventive therapy before peeling. But if a rash has already appeared, then you should use Acyclovir or Valtrex once a day for 1-5 days until the rash goes away.

    10. Pastosity and swelling of the skin is very rare in areas with thin skin (eyelids, neck). Hormonal ointments help a lot.

    11. Allergic reaction may occur due to the components of the drug. To prevent these consequences, you need to conduct a sensitive test before almond peeling. And if such problems have already arisen, then antihistamines and ointments with hormones will help.

    12. Burns can occur when individual characteristics the patient's skin or non-compliance with the exposure time, when switching to cosmetics from another company and not receiving sufficient information about the product. To prevent such consequences, the acid should be tested in small areas. Panthenol and Olazol will help eliminate burns.

    Women use many different creams, serums and other cosmetic products. Moreover, these products often contain acids, which have a more aggressive, but also more effective effect on the skin. For example, mandelic acid is considered almost the safest among the others.

    This fruit acid is a representative of alpha hydroxy acids, like glycolic and lactic acids. But unlike them, mandelic acid acts more gently on the skin, which means that side reactions such as redness are reduced to almost zero.

    The most common cosmetic product of this kind is peeling. Although in different creams, even for daily care Now mandelic acid is also added. But only in this case the acid concentration will be lower.

    You may be surprised, but it is produced not only in liquid form, but also in powder form. This powder is used for various purposes, such as as an antibacterial agent to treat infections urinary tract. It can also be taken orally as an antibiotic.

    But we will try to discuss the application specifically liquid form mandelic acid.

    From this article you will learn:

    What is mandelic acid?

    It also has other names, such as mandelic acid, amygdalinic acid or phenylglycolic acid. This is one of the representatives of aromatic hydroacids.

    It is obtained from bitter almonds. It is used in medicine, pharmacology and cosmetology. It is especially good for the skin, because it has antibacterial properties.

    Even structurally, mandelic acid resembles the antibiotics that are used to treat bacterial infections. Amygdalic acid was initially studied in clinical trials to determine an effective antibacterial agent for skin healing after laser resurfacing.

    This means that mandelic acid is quite a promising product in cosmetology!

    What are the features of mandelic acid?

    Its structure is chiral, that is, the molecule, when separated, forms a mirror image.

    The chemical formula of mandelic acid is C6H5CH(OH)CO2H with a molar mass of 152.15 g mol-1 with a density of 1.30 g/cm3.

    Like other alpha hydroxy acids, it is often used in the beauty industry for skin care and in the production of anti-aging products. A special difference, for example, from glycolic acid lies in the size of the molecules.

    Mandelic acid molecules are usually larger in size compared to glycolic or lactic acid molecules. That is why such peeling does not irritate the skin much.

    However, the visible effects of mandelic acid appear slowly compared to more aggressive alternatives. Although it also rejuvenates the skin itself, nourishes it and fights its imperfections.

    Another feature of it is that it dissolves in oils. Other members of the hydroxy acid family are insoluble. Thanks to this, mandelic acid can penetrate into the pores of the skin and deeply saturate it.

    It helps in treating acne and scars. Mandelic acid is also used to treat hyperpigmentation and melasma. This is a skin condition caused by exposure to sunlight, resulting in dark spots on the skin.

    What are the benefits of mandelic acid?

    It is considered as effective as other alpha hydroxy acids, but is more gentle. That is why it is better tolerated by people with sensitive skin. Irritation almost never appears.

    In addition, mandelic acid does not cause significant redness or peeling of the skin. Most often it is used for the following problems:

    • Treatment of acne and congestive spots

    Since mandelic acid has an antibacterial effect, it has already become practically the ideal remedy For . She gently exfoliates dead cells skin and cleanses pores.

    Its action can be compared with salicylic acid with just one drawback. It does not penetrate deep into the skin like salicylic acid. This may be why you can often find combined peels of mandelic and salicylic acids.

    This combination is great for treating acne at home, but only in lower concentrations.

    • Wrinkle reduction

    This product is incredibly effective against skin aging. Mandelic acid increases cellular turnover by dissolving the bonds that hold skin cells together.

    All this allows you to quickly remove dead cells from the stratum corneum of the skin. As a result, the skin becomes young, smooth and radiant.

    In addition, mandelic acid helps increase collagen production in the dermis of the skin. Collagen is the main protein that maintains skin elasticity and structure.

    So you can get an anti-aging effect with minimal or no irritation.

    • Lightening pigmentation

    As you age, dark spots or hyperpigmentation may appear on your face. Mandelic acid can reduce the appearance of these signs of aging. She brightens brown spots from sun rays and even large freckles.

    In fact, it is great for women with dark skin tones because it does not cause skin discoloration, unlike glycolic acid.

    In addition, you can choose any product with its composition. This substance is added to eye creams, moisturizers and cleansers, tonics, etc.

    • Daily care

    Mandelic acid is the mildest of all AHAs because it has largest size molecules. By its nature, it is absorbed into the skin more slowly, thereby causing less irritation, redness, peeling and dryness of the skin than other acids.

    It is well tolerated by almost all skin types. Even people with acne, sensitive skin and rosacea can benefit from mandelic acid.

    Plus - one of the biggest benefits of these peels is that the more you do, the better! With continued regular use, they not only provide excellent results, but also help maximize the benefits of other serums and moisturizers you use.

    So we can safely say that mandelic acid is suitable even for everyday use, but only in a low concentration of no more than 30%.


    Although mandelic acid is considered gentle, it is still necessary to use sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 at the same time as it can make the skin very sensitive to sunlight.

    How to do peeling at home?

    Step one: Cleanse your face with a cleansing balm, foam or toner. Disinfect with alcohol (optional).

    Step two: apply 1 - 2 drops of mandelic acid to a cotton sponge and gently rub over the entire face.

    Step three: After the peeling has taken effect and you feel a slight tightening on the skin, apply moisturizer.

    Depending on how your skin reacts to AHAs, mandelic acid can be used almost every day. If any sensitivity occurs, take a break for a day. And be sure to use sunscreen when going outside.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Amygdalic Acid

    1) How long do you need to use mandelic acid to feel the positive effect?

    It will take about 2 - 3 weeks for the effects to be noticeably felt on the skin.

    2) Is it necessary to use sunscreen together with mandelic acid?

    Such peels do not cause too many side effects, but you cannot go out in the sun in the summer without sunscreen. Otherwise, you risk getting unnecessary pigmentation. In winter, use at your discretion.

    3) Is there an age limit for using such peels?

    There are no age restrictions.

    4) Will it help in treating acne?

    Typically, acid only works on common acne and will hardly help treat other types of acne.

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