• Are there birth control pills for dogs? Hormonal disorders in dogs


    In this article I will talk about the types of different birth control for dogs. I will describe the actions and prices of various drugs. I'll tell you about the side effects associated with taking contraceptives.

    The relevance of contraception appears when the female dog is in heat and pregnancy is undesirable. The advantage of contraceptives over sterilization is that the medications have a temporary effect. After a certain time has passed after taking birth control, the bitch can breed and produce healthy offspring.

    Sterilization of bitches may be impossible for a number of reasons, for example pathologies, and sexual heat and aggressive behavior during estrus it is necessary to stop it using special means.

    Types of contraceptives:

    • Drops
    • Injections
    • Pills


    The drops are intended to interrupt estrus; they correct behavior and do not affect subsequent pregnancies.

    Sex control (drops) by using this method of contraception BEFORE the onset of estrus, you can avoid ovulation, but if the use began during estrus, the process stops. Sex control is a low-hazard substance and there are no side effects observed. Price: 130 rub.

    Stop-intim (drops for bitches). Megestrol acetate is a synthetic hormone that suppresses ovarian function and the production of hormones responsible for arousal and reproduction.

    Side effects In the form of serious ailments with a correctly calculated dose, it should not occur; salivation and a change in appetite may be observed. With individual intolerance to the drug, bitches suffer from vomiting, enlarged mammary glands, and skin rashes. Price: 42 rub.

    Drops enter the body through pieces of food or by instillation on the root of the tongue several hours before meals.


    Injections, as contraceptives, last longer than drops and tablets.

    Depogestone is a hormonal drug that inhibits the production of hormones in the pituitary gland. It has no side effects except for personal intolerance. An obvious advantage of depogestone is its duration of action: 5 months. Price: 580 rubles.

    It affects the body due to the hormone prolygestone.

    The drug can be used to cancel the symptoms of false pregnancy and estrus. Covinan is recommended for use in the first three. The hormone increases the viscosity of mucus in the uterus, which reduces the chances of fertilization. Price: 1200-1800 rubles.

    The first injection of a hormonal drug lasts no more than 3 months. The second is valid for an average of 5 months. Subsequent ones have a longer lasting effect and inhibit sexual activity when administered regularly 1-2 times a year.


    Pills can be both a means of contraception and drugs that are not aimed at interrupting estrus, but suppress the production of hormones.

    Progestin is intended to stop estrus for 6-8 months. Tablets are given to dogs for the first 8 days. Due to the active substance medroxyprogesterone acetate, ovulation stops and the dog’s sexual desire stops. Price: 95 rubles.

    EX-5 with the active ingredient megestrol acetate is given to bitches 1-2 weeks before she asks for a dog. With long-term use, the dog may become obese. EX-5 should not be given together with corticosteroids. Price: 215 rubles.


    1. Injections, tablets and drops, the effect of which inhibits the production of hormones, cannot be used during the bitch’s first heat, lactation period, or pregnancy that has already begun.
    2. You should consult your doctor before taking medications if there are lumps in the dog’s mammary glands.
    3. Taking hormonal hormones is contraindicated for any type of tumors.
    4. Taking birth control pills before the onset of puberty threatens the development of pathologies and improper formation of the reproductive system.
    5. For dogs with diabetes You should also not give hormonal drugs.
    6. Animals with diseases of the reproductive system contraceptives are contraindicated.

    Side effects that are observed among many drugs: breast enlargement, weight gain, changes in appetite, decreased immunity to sexually transmitted infections.

    Every dog ​​needs to consult a veterinarian before starting birth control.

    Give your pet contraceptives long time not advisable, it is recommended to take breaks. After suppressing three heats in a row, a break of two heats is necessary.

    Keeping a dog on a chain behind a high fence is not a method of contraception, and accidental mating can occur during a walk due to the owner’s oversight. The choice between sterilization and contraceptives is ambiguous, however, if the owner does not plan to get offspring, then it is better to solve the problem with sexual hunting radically (sterilization).

    The choice of the type of contraceptive should be based only on the recommendations of a veterinarian; doing anything on your own in this matter can be disastrous for your pet.

    Hormones are physiologically active substances that are normally produced in the body by certain glands or tissues and released into the blood. They regulate numerous functions, including growth and the body's responses to stress and disease.

    Hormonal medications are similar to natural hormones and have a wide range of effects. This group of drugs includes: corticosteroids, anabolic steroids, sex hormones and thyroid hormones. The most commonly used drugs are corticosteroids.

    Naturally occurring corticosteroids are life-sustaining hormones; they are produced in the adrenal glands. Corticosteroids are often incorrectly called "steroids" and are mistaken for anabolic (muscle-building) hormones, which are also often called "steroids."

    Corticosteroids reduce inflammation and for this reason they are used as anti-inflammatory and anti-itch medications. They can be used locally as part of treatment various diseases itchy skin; they can be given as an injection into a specific area of ​​the body, such as a joint or tendon, to reduce inflammation in that area. When taken orally, these drugs treat respiratory conditions by reducing or preventing inflammation of the airways. Additionally, corticosteroids can be life-saving if your dog is in clinical shock.

    There are many different corticosteroid drugs available, but choose the weakest drug available and use the lowest effective dose. The most commonly used drugs are prednisone, prednisone, or prednisolone. All corticosteroids remain in the circulatory system for a month from the moment they were introduced into the body intramuscularly.

    Risk and side effects
    Side effects when using corticosteroids in dogs develop much less frequently than in humans and depend on the dose of the drug and the duration of treatment. The main unwanted side effects from the use of corticosteroid drugs are: increased thirst, urination and appetite, and shortness of breath. Short-term individual disturbances, for example, increased irritability, may be observed. Some older dogs, especially female dogs, develop temporary urinary incontinence. With longer use, the development of weakness and obesity is possible.

    Stopping corticosteroids is not as problematic for dogs as it is for people. After long-term use (more than a month), the dose of corticosteroids should be gradually reduced over 7-10 days.

    Annual therapeutic doses of corticosteroids taken for longer than a month suppress adrenal activity; therefore, the only safe way to use corticosteroids over a long period of time is to use them every other day. At high doses, corticosteroids suppress the activity of the immune system.

    These steroids act similar to the anabolic effects of the male hormone testosterone, but their use is not associated with the development of secondary sexual characteristics. Anabolic steroids are used in geriatric medicine (for the elderly) to build tissue and increase muscle mass. They help restore muscles after injuries and strengthen bones. Steroids from this group were abused by athletes to increase energy and body strength, seriously risking their health; but if you use these medications for your dog as prescribed by a specialist, side effects will be minimal.

    The male sex hormone (testosterone) is sometimes used to treat hormone-dependent skin diseases. Female sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) are used to treat a variety of physical and behavioral disorders. All sex hormones can have unwanted side effects on dog behavior.

    Thyroid hormone is a form of thyroxine and is used therapeutically to treat hypothyroidism.

    When diagnosing hormonal disorders, owners sometimes confuse them with vitamin deficiency. Treatment must be appropriate to the cause of the disease so that the animal can live a full life.

    It is clear what to do in such cases, because only a veterinarian can help and no one else, and this article allows you to get a general idea of ​​what is done in such cases and what the causes of this problem may be.

    Hormonal disorders in dogs, how to treat them, can they be cured, why are they dangerous, are they congenital and how do they manifest themselves?

    Especially in older dogs, hormonal imbalances are common.

    Most endocrine diseases are characterized by concomitant dermatological problems.

    Therefore, if a dog loses hair during normal tests, it is necessary to suspect a hormonal disease.

    It can be caused by an ordinary collar, which puts pressure on the dog’s thyroid gland and leads to its destruction. It is the thyroid hormones that stimulate hair growth.

    Hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, Cushing's syndrome, and polycystic ovary syndrome are most common in dogs.

    The owner should pay attention to the following symptoms in the animal:
    - increased thirst;
    frequent urination;
    - change in appetite;
    - obesity or emaciation;
    - foci of alopecia (skin darkens and hair falls out).

    If a hormonal disease is suspected, it is necessary to conduct an endocrinological examination in a clinic.

    After examining blood, urine, and ultrasound of the endocrine glands, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment.

    Hormonal disease can be congenital.

    A sick animal develops slowly and may suffer from rickets.

    Diseases accompanied by a decrease in hormone secretion are best treated.

    It is more difficult to cure hyperfunction of the endocrine glands and tumors.

    Hormonal disorders in dogs after sterilization, castration symptoms

    Hormonal disturbances are observed in dogs after taking pills, which are given by the owners during estrus to make the animal endure this period more easily. Such medications can lead not only to hormonal imbalances, but also to the development of tumors.

    If you do not plan to breed dog offspring, it is better not to torture the animal and have it spayed or neutered. This operation is safe for the life and health of the animal. It will have a positive effect on the dog’s character, the dog will become calmer, and there will be no attacks of aggression during hormonal imbalances.

    Many doctors are of the opinion that it is better to spay and neuter an animal before the onset of puberty at the age of 4-6 months. But it's not too late to do this after a year.

    A corneal ulcer causes pain and suffering to the animal. It can occur in a dog or cat of any age and any breed. Regardless of the reason...

    False pregnancy– this is not a disease. This is a complex psychophysical deviation not only in the animal’s hormonal system, but also in the body as a whole. The consequences of this condition become pathology. Manifests in various types animals, but specifically in canines this condition is most pronounced. And in a breed such as the dachshund, pseudo-pregnancy is generally unofficially considered a breed feature.

    The essence of the condition, the causes of its occurrence

    False whelping (or, as dog handlers more often call it, “spoon”) occurs after the end of estrus, on average, after 4-8 weeks. Also, a similar condition is observed after an unsuccessful mating, when fertilization has not occurred. The dog's body begins to produce the same set of hormones that are usually produced when real pregnancy. In parallel with this, internal changes are accompanied by corresponding symptoms - the bitch exhibits signs of “nesting” in her behavior, the mammary glands swell, colostrum begins to be released, and even milk appears from the nipples during a false pregnancy, as during natural successful fertilization.

    If we do not take into account the historical prerequisites for the occurrence of hormonal pregnancy, then the main cause is considered to be disturbances during the sexual cycle. The cycle itself is divided into 4 main periods:

    • Proestrus (the period of time before estrus when the body prepares eggs for potential fertilization).
    • Estrus (heat period).
    • Metaestrus (the time after estrus when the corpus luteum regresses in the absence of fertilization).
    • Anestrus (a period of hormonal rest when females have no sexual activity).

    A “disruption” in the hormonal system is observed during the period of metaestrus. Physiological feature dogs is during the period of regression of the corpus luteum, equal to the period of pregnancy. Those. the corpus luteum functions fully at the time of regression over the next 2 months, regardless of the presence of fertilization or its absence. Also during this period, the same hormones are produced and in approximately the same quantities. The slightest deviation in their work, and the level immediately leans towards the “pregnant” side, increasing the production of progesterone. After the failure, after the indicated 2 months, prolactin is added to progesterone, which stimulates milk production, because the body begins to prepare for feeding the supposedly born puppies. Here’s the explanation: there are hormones, but there are no puppies.

    Absolutely all bitches are prone to this condition, regardless of size, age or breed, i.e. Potentially every dog ​​is on the verge between a false or natural pregnancy.

    The main clinical symptoms of false pregnancy, its consequences

    The intensity of the clinical manifestations depends on the intensity of the hormonal imbalance. The main thing to note is that the more symptomatically pseudopregnancy manifests itself, the greater the danger this condition poses to the health and life of the dog. Clinically, changes manifest themselves in two directions - behavioral and physiological. With a false pregnancy, the symptoms practically coincide with normal pregnancy, and only the absence of fetal movements will “tell” that the pregnancy is not real.

    How long does a false pregnancy last in a dog? Without complications, on average, this condition lasts about 2-3 weeks.

    The main physiological symptoms include:

    • swelling of the mammary glands, production and further release of colostrum and milk;
    • enlargement and swelling of the loop, serous-mucous or brownish discharge from it (although, in general, discharge during a false pregnancy is not necessary);
    • decreased or increased appetite, signs of toxicosis;
    • increased body temperature;
    • slight increase in abdominal volume;
    • signs of pseudo-labor with pseudo-contractions are possible.

    Specific behavioral signs:

    • increased anxiety, whining;
    • decreased vital activity, apathy (the animal refuses to run/jump/play, is passive, cannot be trained);
    • signs of “nesting” are clearly monitored (the dog persistently builds a “nest” for future puppies, hides in sheltered places);
    • dragging into the "lair" soft toys, behavior with them as with puppies (licking, protecting, laying them out near the stomach);
    • transfer of maternal instinct to other small domestic animals or even humans;
    • aggressive defense of the “nest” (in severe cases).

    The state of imaginary puppiness itself does not directly threaten the dog with anything. The consequences are dangerous and can cause significant harm to the animal’s health with a certain probability of death.

    Dangers of an imaginary pregnancy:

    • persistent, irreversible nervous disorders (literally the dog can go crazy);
    • purulent mastitis (inflammation of the mammary glands due to milk stagnation);
    • endometritis, turning into chronic sepsis (inflammation of the uterine mucosa, turning into chronic sepsis);
    • pyometra (purulent inflammation in the uterus - the most dangerous consequence with a high mortality rate in dogs);
    • oncology of the mammary glands and reproductive system organs.

    First aid for pseudopregnancy and prevention of occurrence

    State imaginary pregnancy It usually goes away on its own within a few weeks and often does not require any special action. The owner of a pet can only alleviate its condition somewhat with simple manipulations. If a false pregnancy occurs in a dog, what every owner of a bitch should know to do:

    • exclude all dairy products from the diet and limit access to liquid in doses so as not to stimulate lactation;
    • transfer the bitch from dry food to regular food in order to eliminate the additional stimulus of thirst, as well as reduce the consumption of protein products, including meat;
    • decrease standard size portions of food given;
    • try to physically exercise the dog - walks, active games with a ball or a stick, etc. This will help her distract from the imaginary care of non-existent puppies;
    • It is forbidden to express milk, so as not to provoke its additional production. Stop the dog’s attempts to lick (suck) milk from its nipples on its own (you can wear a special bandage or blanket);
    • remove from sight toys and, if possible, small pets that the bitch perceives as imaginary puppies;
    • when there is engorgement of the mammary glands, you can make compresses from bread crumb and honey, aloe juice or cabbage leaves (preferably at night).

    For minor clinical manifestations In case of imaginary pregnancy, all of the above actions will help the dog survive this unpleasant period without any particular harm to health. It is also possible to speed up the process of its return to normal. If the symptoms persist or even intensify, it is quite possible that the animal will not be able to be helped without medication.

    All of the above measures are also suitable for preventing the occurrence of hormonal imbalances in bitches. Starting from 9-10 days after the cessation of estrus, you need to reduce food portions and the amount of water consumed, exclude meat and dairy products, and increase physical activity. In other words, conditions are created for the animal that will be perceived by the hormonal system as unfavorable for the birth of offspring. All this will mitigate or completely eliminate false pregnancy syndrome.

    IMPORTANT: if the first signs of a false pregnancy have been detected in a bitch, the owner should under no circumstances scold the animal or punish it for unusual behavior. The dog cannot control its instinctive state, because... everything happens at the hormonal level. But such an attitude can bring the state closer nervous breakdown at the pet's.

    If the animal does not represent any pedigree value and the owner’s plans do not include regular mating and breeding of puppies, sterilization is considered one of the most reasonable and humane ways to prevent exacerbation of the pseudopregnancy condition, as well as other gynecological problems and even problems with oncology. It is important to have time to perform the operation in a state of hormonal rest (anestrus period) or immediately after a false pregnancy, removing both the uterus and ovaries. It is impossible to sterilize at the very peak of the “false” state.

    Some breeders use pseudo-pregnancy for good - for example, they feed puppies of other bitches who, for some reason, cannot do this themselves. In such cases, this condition may drag on, although it will cause less harm to the dog’s health than treatment.

    Drug assistance for false pregnancy

    In the event that a dog has a false pregnancy, only a specialist can tell you how to treat it. For treatment, medications are selected only by a veterinarian and only after preliminary appropriate studies: ultrasound, blood test for hormones and a smear to monitor vaginal flora.

    When prescribing medications, the following are taken into account:

    • breed, weight and temperament of the animal;
    • severity and duration of “imaginary” symptoms;
    • how many times the condition occurred;
    • whether further mating of the bitch is planned;
    • state of the reproductive system and hormonal levels.

    Medicines are hormonal and homeopathic. Hormonal drugs have a lot of side effects, and their use is associated with some risks. Homeopathic medicines have fewer side effects, but their use takes longer and is more expensive. Throughout the treatment, the dog must be under veterinary supervision, because... Any drugs - be it hormonal or homeopathic - can have specific side effects, which must be identified in time and their consequences prevented.

    Homeopathic remedies

    • Ovariovitis
    • Ovarium Compositum
    • Phytoelite Cytostat
    • Gormel
    • Galastop


    Complex homeopathic medicine that restores hormonal background, normalizing sexual cycles and neutralizing mental disorders. For the treatment and prevention of pseudopregnancy in dogs.

    • Dosage: intramuscularly or subcutaneously 0.1 ml/kg body weight once daily for 7-10 days - treatment; in a similar dose 1 time every 3-4 days for two weeks - prevention.
    • Price: 10 ml bottle: 250-350 rub., 100 ml: 1350-1500 rub.

    Ovarium Compositum

    A complex homeopathic remedy that normalizes hormonal levels and restores sexual cycles. Used to eliminate behavioral changes during pseudopregnancy and neutralize its clinical manifestations.

    • Dosage: intramuscular, intravenous or subcutaneous 1-4 ml (according to dog size) daily for 4-5 weeks.
    • Side effects and contraindications: -
    • Price: 5 ampoules/2.2 ml solution: 1000-1250 rub.

    Phytoelite Cytostat

    Herbal medicine for the prevention of mammary gland cancer in animals against the background of mastitis and pseudopregnancy.

    • Dosage : from the 1st day of estrus for 3 weeks, 1 tablet/10 kg of body weight 2-3 times/day.
    • Side effects: Allergies are possible.
    • Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
    • Price: pack of 50 tablets: 100-200 rub.


    A homeopathic remedy prescribed for any hormonal disorders in animals, including false pregnancy.

    • Dosage: subcutaneously, intravenously, intramuscularly 1-4 ml (according to the weight of the animal) once a day every 4 days for 3 weeks; 7-12 drops of drinking solution according to a similar scheme.
    • Side effects and contraindications: -
    • Price: 5 ampoules/5 ml solution: 200-350 rub.


    Herbal solution for regulating milk secretion and treating mastopathy and mastitis in animals. Affects the level of prolactin production.

    • Dosage: 3 drops/kg of animal weight with food or in the mouth once a day for 4-7 days. Repeat the course if there is no visible effect or symptoms of pseudopregnancy continue to appear.
    • Side effects: drowsiness, apathy, inactivity, loss of appetite.
    • Contraindications: pregnancy, postoperative period.
    • Price: 7 ml: 600-700 rub., 15 ml: 1050-1150 rub.

    Hormonal drugs

    • Naloxone
    • Bromocriptine
    • Nonestron


    Hormonal drug for the correction of sexual cycles (regulation of sexual desire, as well as prevention and treatment of false pregnancy and/or pseudolactation).

    Dosage: strictly subcutaneously once 1-3 ml (weight up to 20 kg - 1 ml, up to 40 kg - 2 ml, over 40 kg - 3 ml).

    Side effects: local irritation, hair loss at the injection site, in about 1% of cases the risk of developing pyometra and endometriosis.k

    Contraindications: cannot be used by truly lactating and pregnant women, with inflammatory problems of the genitourinary system, as well as by dogs that were treated with progestogens and estrogens the day before for false pregnancy.

    Price: 1250-1880 RUR/fl 20 ml.


    Morphine antagonist, prolactin hormone inhibitor. The drug exists separately for humans and separately for veterinary medicine - as long as the dosage is maintained, it does not matter which one is used. It is often difficult to tolerate; antiemetic drugs are given 40 minutes before the injection.

    • Dosage: intramuscularly 0.01 mg/kg body weight daily 1-2 times for 5-7 days until noticeable results.
    • Side effects: vomiting, lack of appetite, general depression.
    • Contraindications: Do not use in the first heat and immature bitches.
    • Price: 10 ampoules/1 ml solution: 180-250 rub.


    Hormonal drug, prolactin antagonist. Human drug. Heavy on the dog’s body, it requires preliminary antiemetic prophylaxis 30 minutes before giving.

    • Dosage: oral tablets at the rate of 0.01 mg/kg body weight, 1 time per day until signs of false pregnancy are completely eliminated (an average of 2 weeks).
    • Side effects: depression, vomiting, lack of appetite.
    • Contraindications: Cannot be used on immature bitches, or during their first heat.
    • Price: 30 tablets: 250-350 rub.


    A hormonal contraceptive that prevents pregnancy and prevents the development of signs of false pregnancy.

    • Dosage: orally on the 1st day of estrus, 1 tablet/5 kg of dog’s weight once a week.
    • Side effects: -
    • Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, diabetes, metritis. Do not combine with androgens.
    • Price: 10 tablets/10 mg: 100-200 rub.


    • pseudopregnancy is not a disease, it is, in fact, a feature of the dog’s hormonal system;
    • Treatment is not always required, sometimes everything goes away naturally;
    • To drug treatment resorted to in the most extreme cases and only under the strict supervision of a veterinarian;
    • sterilization at the right time of the reproductive cycle can be effective and in a humane way prevention.

    Metabolic disorders are quite often observed in dogs, the cause of which is diseases of the endocrine glands that produce hormones. Hormones are substances that regulate the functions of internal organs. All hormones are interconnected: if the production of one of the hormones is disrupted, the content of others in the body changes, and this can cause serious changes in the animal’s life. for example, a lack of thyroid hormones causes growth retardation, the skin becomes rough and dry, and higher nervous activity is disrupted.

    The state of hormonal imbalance in the body in animals is quite difficult to diagnose. Not all clinics carry out analysis of hormone levels in the blood. The main symptom of endocrinological diseases is changes in the skin and coat. Such conditions are often diagnosed as “vitaminosis”, although in fact true vitamin deficiency in animals is rare. These diseases are difficult to treat, even if the diagnosis is correct. In some cases, medications are prescribed for life. Treatment of endocrine diseases is complex and complex and should only be carried out by a specialist.
    The main changes in the skin and coat of dogs with various hormonal disorders are presented in the table (according to V.N. Mitin, 1990).

    Hormonal disorders Leather Wool Localization Clinical signs Laboratory blood test results
    Estrogenemia (feminization syndrome) hyperkeratosis and pigmentation, rash appearance continuous shedding, brittle, sparse hair, baldness back (“glasses”), genital area, armpits, groin weakness, depression, exhaustion, disruption of the sexual cycle (estrus). Bitches often develop uterine diseases, and feminizing syndrome in males. ESR: normal or ++, leukocyte count: normal or ++, leukogram shift to the left, urea: normal or +, creatinitis and cholesterol: normal or +
    Hypo- soft, wool neck, ears oppression, eosinophilia,
    gonado- thin, thin, groin, tail sometimes obese cholesterol:
    tropism pliable- silk of course tion. In bitches - normal or +

    wai later vista
    lack of technology

    dry, she- depig-
    check, at Kobe-

    peeling menta-
    leu - atrophy

    (“breadbread- tion,

    ment") hair loss

    Hyper- thin, wool back temperature blood sugar:
    adreno- dry, dry soft, (sides), bottom body and skin normal or +,
    corti- barking, sometimes rare, belly, downgraded alkaline
    cism (Cushing's syndrome) yes pigs are observed the hair is not brittle, but “pulling” tail increased urination, obesity, phosphatase +, cholesterol + OR++
    mental ongoing"
    swelling of the bottom


    Hypo- thickened dry, back severe depression ESR: ++, ho-
    thyroidism nay, husk- dumped- nose, neck, tenie (lethar- lesterine++

    sewing shaking, croup, main gia),

    non-elas- dim, praise demotion

    tic, rare. that smell temperature

    cold Bald chest, bottom bodies, brady-

    tion belly cardia, at a late stage of the disease - obesity
    Diabetes weeping eczema hair loss eassian strong thirst and increased blood sugar + or ++, sa-

    sti on
    new yr in urine

    place ek-


    Diabetes mellitus is chronic illness, which increases the concentration of sugar in the blood. Diabetes mellitus occurs when the pancreas does not secrete enough of the hormone insulin or the body's cells are unable to process insulin. Insulin is necessary for the utilization of glucose by the body's cells and fat metabolism in the liver. In both humans and dogs, this disease occurs in the same way and there are several types of diabetes, which are caused by different reasons. a brief description of diabetes is presented in the table. - In case of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, the dog is prescribed insulin for life. Currently, insulin is administered not only in the form of injections, but also in the form of capsules (orally), suppositories (into the rectum), nasal drops, etc. It is also recommended to keep in mind that diabetes mellitus often occurs together with other endocrine diseases and diseases of internal organs of various etiologies (pancreatitis, hepatitis). Diabetes mellitus in dogs is characterized by extreme thirst and increased urination. The dog is depressed, quickly gets tired, severe itching is observed, the dog scratches itself until scratches become infected and multiple purulent dermatitis occurs, which is almost not amenable to drug treatment. Diabetes mellitus is often complicated by other diseases: cataracts, nephritis. The diagnosis is made by blood and urine tests: the sugar content in the blood is very high, and it is present in the urine. Treatment is prescribed depending on the type of diabetes (insulin-dependent, non-insulin-dependent) and the concentration of sugar in the urine. The dog needs a complete diet with a reduced amount of meat. Insulin therapy is continued until the dog stops thirst under the supervision of a veterinarian. Methionine, cocarboxylase, and special antidiabetic drugs are also prescribed. If the dog's general condition is good, with proper treatment and diet, it can live for quite a long time.
    Diabetes insipidus syndrome is a decrease in the production of the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin. This causes a disruption in the water-salt balance of the body, the kidneys lose the ability to concentrate urine, and to compensate for the loss of water and salt, the animal drinks a lot. Dogs experience excruciating thirst if there is no water, they can drink their own urine. At the same time, the appetite is reduced, the coat is dull and easily separated. Diabetes insipidus syndrome is a hereditary disease, so affected dogs should not be used for purebred breeding. The disease can also develop due to trauma to the skull or inflammatory diseases brain The diagnosis is made based on pronounced clinical symptoms and urine analysis. Prescribe pituitrin or adiurectin. Young animals can recover (sometimes spontaneously); older dogs are prescribed additional therapy.
    Cushing's syndrome is associated with increased levels of glucocorticoid hormones. This disease often manifests itself as skin symptoms (hair loss and baldness) that are detected by the pet owner. In some cases, there is increased thirst and appetite, and the abdomen may become enlarged. Diagnosis of osnbvan on clinical examination and special tests. The disease can be caused by internal causes, when excessive secretion of hormones occurs due to disruption of the adrenal cortex (tumors, kidney inflammation, etc.). Excessive concentrations of hormones in the body can also occur when they are used excessively (for example, prednisolone) in veterinary practice. Cushing's syndrome, caused by the introduction of medicinal drugs into the body, usually goes away after stopping the drugs. Treatment of Cushing's syndrome depends on its cause: hormonal medications are discontinued. In case of excessive secretion of hormones, chloditan is prescribed (this medicine suppresses the secretion of hormones).
    Vitamin deficiency diseases. According to the latest data from veterinary science, “city” dogs rarely develop vitamin deficiencies and hypovitaminosis in pure form. Most often, symptoms of metabolic disorders are observed, which are accompanied by vitamin deficiency. Changes in the physiological balance of vitamins are caused by antibiotics and some other drugs. In addition, it is recommended to remember that many vitamins are absorbed only in combination with other substances or vitamins. for example, vitamins A and D are absorbed by the body only in a certain ratio. Clinical signs of vitamin deficiency are very diverse and can be observed not only with vitamin deficiencies, but also with other diseases (for example, anemia is characteristic of vitamin deficiencies B6 and B12, as well as with internal bleeding and iron deficiency). Quite difficult based on clinical signs distinguish vitamin deficiency from hypervitaminosis, and an excess of vitamins is just as dangerous to health as a deficiency. Thus, the prescription of vitamin injections both for the prevention and treatment of “vitaminosis” and other diseases is not always justified. If the dog receives ready-made food, it does not require any other vitamin supplements. Otherwise, the introduction of vitamins into the diet is best done under the supervision of a veterinarian.
    Thyroid diseases. The thyroid glands secrete hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine) that regulate the rate of metabolism in the body. Low levels of the hormone cause the cells and organs of the body to work more slowly. Then, with normal nutrition, the dog becomes lethargic and develops obesity. Hair falls out on the back and sides. Purulent dermatitis is often observed. Hypothyroidism occurs as a result of dysfunction of the thyroid gland, which may be the result of a disease (autoimmune thyroiditis), tumor or congenital disease. This disease not only has skin manifestations, but also affects all body systems. There are primary (congenital) and functional (complications of other diseases, the effect of medications) hypothyroidism. To confirm the diagnosis, a blood test is performed, based on which the required dose of thyroxine is selected. There is also a pathological enlargement of the thyroid gland (goiter), in which the production of thyroxine may not be impaired. This disease occurs in certain geographical areas where there is insufficient iodine in drinking water. A goiter is detected by palpation of the lower part of the neck (swelling and hardening of the gland). The goiter can grow significantly and put pressure on the esophagus and trachea. Young animals are prescribed iodine preparations, and for old animals or if drug treatment is ineffective, surgical removal of the gland is recommended.
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