• Glycolic facial peeling - what it is, the pros and cons of the salon procedure. Glycolic facial peeling - reviews and results with before and after photos


    Among women who carefully care for their skin and support new products in the cosmetic industry, there is a large number of reviews of glycolic peeling as a high-quality exfoliating agent.

    The main ingredients of any mask work more effectively if you thoroughly cleanse your face before starting the procedure. Such a remedy is considered superficial, but with increasing acid concentration it can achieve a deeper effect.

    Glycolic peeling is complex procedure, which involves superficial exfoliation of the skin and acceleration of its regeneration.

    Glycol-based acid affects the skin in several ways:

    • Relieves inflammation;
    • Starts the regeneration process;
    • Deletes dead cells epidermis;
    • Stimulates collagen production.

    Compared to their analogues, oxidized glycol molecules have the smallest mass, which allows the product to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and activate the process of its restoration in a short period.

    Glycolic peeling is classified as superficial. For easy cleaning, an acid concentration not exceeding 40% is used. The expected effect is:

    1. Improved complexion;
    2. Easy terrain leveling;
    3. Prevention of acne.

    This type of cleansing is used to prepare the skin for anti-aging, lifting procedures, or as a basic remedy for the prevention of early aging.

    IMPORTANT! A noticeable result from peeling with a low percentage of glycolic acid is visible only with a systematic approach.

    The low concentration composition actively acts on young skin to maintain tone, reduce skin oiliness and prevent minor acne problems.

    Women mature age It is appropriate to use a percentage from 40 to 70. Here the effect on the epidermis is more aggressive, since the acid passes deeper and starts the process of tissue regeneration.

    Peels with a high concentration of glycolic acid form a dark crust on the face. Gradual peeling of the crust leads to complete renewal skin. Through such manipulation it is possible to achieve:

    1. Healthy complexion;
    2. Relief smoothing;
    3. Lightening (or complete disappearance) of stains from acne;
    4. Getting rid of pigmentation;
    5. Elimination of fine wrinkles;
    6. Oval face lifts.

    Dry cleaning is a process that requires special attention. A weak concentration of acid can be used at home, taking into account all the nuances of the manipulation. At home, it is appropriate to use a 12-, 15- or 30% glycolic peeling composition, while with an acidity of 40 to 70%, according to numerous reviews, it is safer to carry out the procedure under the supervision of a cosmetologist.

    This is due to the fact that high concentration fruit acid is an aggressive product and can cause significant harm. After light, low acid brushing, some flaking is expected and will go away on its own after a few days. The use of a powerful composition leads to injury to the upper layer of the epidermis, followed by a recovery period of 7-10 days. It boils down to the fact that the areas of skin “burned” by acid are gradually exfoliated.

    After chemical peeling, it is not advisable to use a concentration higher than 40%. decorative cosmetics until fully recovered upper layer.

    ATTENTION! After glycolic peeling for the first two months, the skin is defenseless against the sun's rays. Therefore, procedures are carried out only in the autumn-winter period, and creams with a high SPF level are necessarily included in skin care.

    Carrying out chemical cleaning of the house involves sequentially performing the following steps:

    1. Thorough cleansing of the skin surface. Lotion is suitable for this;
    2. Carefully apply the prepared acid (no more than 40%). Avoid getting the product on the lips and area around the eyes;
    3. Application of a neutralizing composition;
    4. Removing product residue from the skin by washing or wiping the face with saline solution.

    This is not the first year I have been working with this drug. The result is always expectedly positive. The only thing I encountered was clients’ failure to comply with my instructions during the recovery period. For the first time, I try to convince the client to make the percentage concentration no higher than 40, since in my practice I have encountered allergic reactions to the 70% composition.

    I believe that the use of peeling, even with low acid power, can only be trusted by professionals. The cosmetologist will more accurately calculate the required dose and also give recommendations for further care.

    In my work I completely switched to peelings with glycolic acid. They work great both as a basic skin preparation and separately. I noticed that compared to other fruit acids, glycol-based cleaning gives faster results.

    I have been in the field of cosmetology for many years. I often encountered unwanted reactions to peeling compounds. Although glycolic acid is quite gentle, I prefer to do the first procedure with a lower percentage to see the individual reaction of the body.

    Glycol-based peels are the most convenient to use, as they do not cause severe discomfort to the client. Although I warn you that at high concentrations a burning sensation is felt. For those who have a high sensitivity threshold, I suggest replacing one aggressive procedure with a course of cleansing with low-power acid. If the condition of the dermis is not too advanced, the effect is obvious.

    I did glycolic peeling in a salon for the first time when I came for a lifting procedure. As the cosmetologist explained, the acid prepares the skin for better absorption of anti-aging components. I didn’t experience any painful sensations. I liked the effect as a whole.

    I had experience with 70% peeling. It stung badly, but it was bearable. After the procedure, the skin became all tight and itched all the time while the dead layer was coming off. But then there is an excellent rejuvenating effect. Small wrinkles smoothed out, and deep ones became less noticeable.

    I used glycol-based acid to combat age-related pigmentation. The spots were old and had only faded since the first treatment with the highly concentrated composition. I wanted to get rid of them forever. I underwent three such peelings with a break of a month and a half. The result is simply excellent. Not only did it get rid of pigmentation, but it also tightened the skin.

    This is how I removed acne scars. The cosmetologist advised me to take a course of 30% acid. At first I didn’t notice much effect. I did 10 procedures. The relief has smoothed out a little, but traces of scars are still visible, although not so obvious. On next year I'll try to influence them with a median cleaning of 70%.

    I'm 14 years old and I'm just tormented by acne. But the cosmetologist refused to perform glycolic peeling, citing the fact that he was too young. It turns out that he does not practice until he is 15 years old. I'll go next year.

    I used a strong concentration for rejuvenation. There is an effect, but it is quite difficult to endure the recovery stage. After two peels, my complexion became healthier, and the wrinkles around my eyes disappeared completely.

    Amazing effect from a course of 30% glycolic acid. No discomfort and gentle gradual exfoliation.

    Daily care for a woman’s face is a multifaceted and responsible undertaking. It is a mistake to rely only on everyday cosmetics; it is important to maintain the health and elasticity of the epidermis. But sooner or later the time comes when you cannot do without skin rejuvenation procedures.

    Representatives of the fair sex come to the aid not only of highly qualified specialists from beauty salons, but also of their own skills, knowledge, and abilities. And every lady consciously decides whether to spend money on the services of expensive cosmetologists, or engage in skin rejuvenation on her own. As practice shows, with a competent approach, even without the help of a professional, you can achieve impressive results.

    Principle of action on the skin

    Glycolic acid (fruit “alpha” hydroxy acid (AHA)) belongs to the relatively new components used in the modern “beauty” industry. We are talking about an organic compound present in sugar cane, beets and unripe grapes. The fruity base can be easily identified by the aroma of burnt sugar.

    The main feature of natural AHA acid is the small mass of molecules, due to which they easily and quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. In tissues, the substance fights inflammation and activates the synthesis of elastin and collagen.

    The plant base actively breaks down dead skin cells, which promotes the regeneration of the skin and the growth of “living” tissue volume with new cells. Chemical peeling with glycolic acid provides not only a rejuvenating effect, but also a number of other effects on the skin:

    • the elasticity of the epidermis increases;
    • protein synthesis is stimulated;
    • are eliminated dark spots;
    • depressions and folds in the skin are quickly smoothed out;
    • cell regeneration is activated, which delays the aging of the skin;
    • the relief and color of the cover are leveled.

    Exfoliation (regular exfoliation of dead cells) is an effective and efficient measure of natural healing and rejuvenation of the dermis. For sensitive skin prone to acne, this process is a real lifeline. If you enhance it with glycolic acid, the results will be impressive.

    Degree of exposure and acid concentration

    Cosmetologists recommend carrying out home and salon procedures in autumn and winter, when the intensity solar radiation minimal. It is important to take into account the type of peeling, which can be deep, medium and superficial. For each of them, a substance of different concentration is used. We are talking about formulations where the percentage of glycolic acid content varies from 5-10 to 70.

    The concentrated substance is suitable for deep treatment of the epidermis. But the procedure traditionally begins with peeling with a 5-10% composition.

    Chemical peeling with 5-10% fruit acid creates an addictive effect on the body. If necessary, the cosmetic procedure can be stopped in a timely manner, minimizing harm. During exposure to glycolic acid, patients most often feel a slight tingling sensation on the face.

    Surface treatment

    It is better to clean the keratinized layer by surface action. It is also used to prevent acne. The advantages of this method are the tenderness and softness of the skin treatment, with minimal injuries. After the procedure, wrinkles are smoothed out, the microrelief of the dermis is improved, freckles disappear, and age spots are eliminated.

    Median impact

    As for medium peeling, it affects the deeper layers of the skin. In some cases, the effects affect structures located near the basement membrane. The acid almost completely dissolves the epidermis.

    Cosmetologists recommend carrying out the median effect only in a beauty salon, under the supervision of a specialist. It is used to smooth out deep wrinkles, skin creases, and eliminate scars. The duration of the rehabilitation period varies from 7 to 14 days.

    Deep peeling

    Deep chemical peeling glycolic acid is considered the most aggressive and at the same time the most effective. The fruit base (up to 70%) affects the mesh layer of the skin, which contributes to its intensive restoration. This procedure is used to eliminate deep folds and wrinkles of the dermis, smooth out scars, and get rid of hyperpigmentation.

    We are talking about a surgical intervention (from a formal point of view), carried out in specialized medical institutions, in a strict hospital setting. For patients with delicate and sensitive dermis, local or general anesthesia. This method is used to correct individual areas of the body or problem areas on the face.

    After the procedure, patients recover within 20-40 days under the supervision of a doctor.

    The benefits and harms of dry cleaning

    Chemical facial cleansing is considered the most effective and safe method of getting rid of skin defects. But experts state that we are talking about a regular cosmetic procedure.
    Despite the fact that it is considered relatively new in the “beauty industry”, such an effect has not only “pros”, but also “cons”. Let's look at them in more detail.

    Benefits of peeling with fruit acids:

    • minimal pain during the procedure, rehabilitation period;
    • rapid smoothing of shallow facial wrinkles;
    • the results of the impact are noticeable after a few hours;
    • elimination of pigmented neoplasms;
    • surgical recovery;
    • improvement of elasticity and skin tone.

    There is no ideal cosmetic rejuvenation procedure yet. Even the most modern solutions have a number of disadvantages, and peeling with glycolic acid, judging by patient reviews, is no exception.

    Disadvantages of this type of cleaning:

    • the high cost of the procedure (here we are talking about the cost of services in beauty salons);
    • in some cases there is no visible result;
    • possible accompanying complications (peeling of individual areas of the skin, redness in the treatment area);
    • at home it is problematic to adjust the dosage of the substance;
    • the likelihood of causing increased pigmentation.

    Few people will like the listed complications, and therefore it is better to delegate the relevant procedures professional cosmetologists. If you decide to peel at home, it is better to consult a dermatologist. Take care of your skin, health, nerve cells and money!

    Indications and contraindications

    • activation of skin aging processes;
    • shallow wrinkles;
    • scars left after acne;
    • peeling and dryness of the skin;
    • presence of stretch marks;
    • oily skin;
    • as a preparatory stage for deeper laser exposure;
    • pigmented neoplasms (except for those that formed after chronic diseases);
    • sagging skin.

    In the absence of the above problems, it is not advisable to use glycolic acid peeling. It will not be possible to completely eliminate deep wrinkles or scars using the procedure in question, but it will make them almost invisible.

    Cosmetologists also focus on a number of limitations of this product. They must be carefully studied before resurfacing your face.

    It is better to postpone the procedure if there are such contraindications:

    • acute phase of herpes;
    • the presence of a fresh tan on the skin;
    • a large number of warts;
    • pregnancy;
    • purulent inflammation;
    • increased body temperature, fever, cold;
    • oncological diseases;
    • diabetes;
    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • asthma;
    • individual intolerance to fruit acids.

    The optimal time for cleansing the skin is autumn, winter, when activity ultraviolet rays minimal.

    Peeling with glycolic acid at home

    Procedures in beauty salons are expensive, but this does not go away from the desire to look beautiful, fresh and young. That’s why women often carry out peelings at home, using special masks, creams, lotions and scrubs. You should not personally prepare high-concentration glycolic acid, since you will have to work with a chemical hazardous to health.

    For peeling at home, 10-25% acid, sold in pharmacies, is ideal. However, it all depends on the type of planned effect on the skin.

    Types of glycolic peeling

    At home, only superficial and mid-level cleaning is carried out. They differ in the depth of penetration into the epidermis. The more concentrated the composition, the more deep grinding he provides. But it is important not to overdo it with the main active ingredient, since there is a high risk of harming the dermis.

    1. For superficial exfoliation, a consistency is used that contains 15-40% fruit acid, while the pH level varies from 2.4 to 4.5. With its help, the facial oval and the relief of the skin are smoothed out, and dead cells are removed.
    2. As for the median effect, this is already a salon type of procedure, because solutions with high acid concentrations are used - from 40 to 70%. In inexperienced hands, this “explosive mixture” can harm the skin. Professionals manage to solve serious problems with its help.

    The best option from the point of view of safety and effectiveness is superficial exfoliation.

    Preparatory stage

    Regardless of where glycolic acid peeling is performed, it is important to prepare the epidermis for the procedure. The duration of the preparatory stage in each case is determined individually, but often from 2 to 4 weeks.

    Proper preparation of the face for peeling with glycolic acid is the key to the success of the cosmetic procedure.

    During the specified time, the face is treated with special creams and tonics with 4-5% glycolic acid. Due to this gentle effect, the top layer of skin softens and becomes thinner, which subsequently ensures high cleaning efficiency.

    Glycolic peeling: main stage

    On the day of the procedure, the skin is left clean, without cosmetics. For a home session you will need the following medications:

    • soothing face mask;
    • degreasing lotion;
    • moisturizing base;
    • acid neutralizer;
    • peeling composition.

    After preparing everything necessary, proceed to the main stage of influencing the epidermis.

    1. Using a scrub, residual cosmetics and fat are removed. Pharmacies sell specialized gels for washing before acid treatments.
    2. A lotion is prepared with glycolic acid (maximum concentration - up to 40%).
    3. The main active ingredient is applied to the face with a cosmetic brush, and it is important to distribute the composition evenly over the skin.
    4. In the first procedures, the duration of exposure is limited to 5-7 minutes.
    5. Using an alkaline solution, the effect of fruit acid is neutralized.
    6. The epidermis is moisturized nourishing masks or creams, apply sunscreen.

    In some cases, the procedure is canceled due to the high sensitivity of the dermis. At the first sign of facial swelling or redness, the session is stopped.

    Skin care and recovery period

    After completing home resurfacing of the epidermis, you should follow a number of skin care recommendations.

    1. Minimize outdoor exposure during periods of high ultraviolet radiation activity. Be sure to protect your delicate skin with sunscreen.
    2. For 3 days, do not apply decorative or any other cosmetics, so as not to create additional stress on the dermis.
    3. An elevated temperature can provoke the opposite effect, and therefore it is better to refrain from visiting a bathhouse or sauna.
    4. Provide your skin with additional nourishment in the form of nourishing bases, masks and lotions.

    The key to success of peeling with glycolic acid is careful preparation for the procedure and recovery period after her.

    Results, before and after photos

    The results of the superficial effect appear immediately upon completion of the first session. On the 2-3rd day, the skin becomes softer, its structure is evened out. The most impressive results are provided by peeling with glycolic acid, reviews and photos of patients are clear confirmation of this.

    How often can it be done, average cost

    The average duration of exposure to the skin with glycolic acid is from 5 to 12 sessions. Each next procedure chemical peeling is carried out 10-14 days after the previous one. The epidermis takes up to 2 weeks to fully recover and get rid of any remaining active substance.

    For normal skin, 2-3 procedures are sufficient for noticeable rejuvenation.

    As for the average cost of a cosmetic procedure, it is 2,500 rubles. The price tag largely depends on the region, the complexity of the defects, the depth of exposure, the drugs used, the reputation of the clinic and the qualifications of the specialist. In the capital, the maximum cost is 7,000 rubles.

    Cosmetics with glycolic acid

    Fruit acid is widely used in modern cosmetology, it is presented in serums, tonics, gels and creams. Almost all drugs can be purchased in specialized salons or pharmacies. The following cosmetic compositions deserve special attention:

    • Peeling gel “Pleyana”. The concentration of the substance does not exceed 10%, which automatically implies a gentle type of peeling.
    • Lotion "Jean Klebert". Nourishing composition for combination and oily skin. The concentration of glycolic acid is 14%.
    • Kodaly mask. Used to increase the elasticity of the epidermis and correct skin color.

    Today, leading manufacturers of cosmetic skin care products produce entire series of products based on fruit acids.

    Video: superficial glycolic peeling

    The video below demonstrates the process of facial peeling with a solution of glycolic (20%) and salicylic acid in a beauty salon. A cosmetologist talks about the features of chemical cleaning of the epidermis.

    Glycolic peeling is the most popular type of acid exfoliation. The gentleness of its effect, combined with high efficiency, captivated patients of cosmetic clinics and beauty salons. Peeling with glycolic acid is indicated for any age (from 16 to 80 years) and is suitable for combating acne, post-acne, pigmentation and age-related changes skin.

    What kind of peeling is this

    Glycolic peeling involves exposing the skin to a concentrated solution of glycolic (hydroxyacetic) acid. This acid belongs to the category of alpha hydroxy acids (known as AHA acids, fruit acids). Under the influence of glycolic acid, the production of fibroblasts and its own collagen is activated, metabolism in cells is improved, the skin is cleansed of dead, non-functioning cells and filled with young and elastic ones.

    Glycolic peeling improves the quality of the skin, restores lost tone and turgor of the skin, refreshes and partially whitens the face. After a course of peelings, patients look 5 years younger, the aging process of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles slow down.

    Glycolic acid has a gentle effect on the skin, but this does not prevent the desired effect from being achieved. It is recommended to carry out this type of exfoliation in courses; this will provide a more pronounced and lasting final result.

    Glycolic facial peeling is indicated for any age, but not younger than 15 years. In each case, it will be useful, will have a positive effect on the quality and condition of the skin, and will prevent the occurrence and complication of skin problems.

    From the history of glycolic cleansing

    The first beginnings of glycolic peeling are found in Ancient Egypt. Then sugar cane juice was used to cleanse and preserve youthful skin. It has been noted that glycolic acid is also found in unripe grapes and beets.

    Science and cosmetology developed, and in the 70s of the 20th century they first learned about glycolic acid. In the course of these studies, scientists learned that glycolic acid molecules actively act on keratinized layers, weaken the bonds between dead cells and accelerate neocollagenesis (the formation of new collagen molecules).

    In 1996, glycolic acid concentrate was tested on human skin for the first time, its result determined what glycolic peeling is and the principle of its action. 41 patients participated in the experiment of various ages with skin problems. Its essence was the regular exposure of the skin to a chemical ingredient; once a week, the patient’s brush and half of the face were treated with a 50% solution of glycolic acid.

    After 4 weeks, scientists noted noticeable changes in the condition of the skin: an increase in active living cells of the epidermis, a decrease in horny layers and photosensitivity of the skin, and fine wrinkles completely disappeared. This result was observed in 90% of people, which made it possible to confidently use the glycol composition in beauty salons.

    Properties of glycolic acid and benefits for the skin

    Glycolic (hydroxyacetic) acid is used for glycolic peeling. You can get it without any problems from natural products(sugar cane, grapes and beets).

    Hydroxyacetic acid is involved in rejuvenating and cleansing the skin, treating and improving it, thanks to the following properties:

    • rejuvenating effect - the acid penetrates into the skin and stimulates the active synthesis of collagen and fibroblasts. As a result of this activity, the turgor of the epidermis increases, the relief of the skin is smoothed, deep and medium wrinkles are less noticeable, and small ones disappear altogether;
    • deep penetration and cleansing - the hydroxyacetic acid molecule has a very small molecular weight compared to other fruit acids, so it penetrates deeper. The exfoliant reaches deep layers, where it actively acts, destroys connections between dead cells, and fights keratinization;
    • provides a lifting effect - after exposure to hydroxyacetic acid on cells and intercellular space, they swell. Thus, the elasticity of soft tissues increases, the relief is smoothed and the depth of wrinkles is reduced;
    • anti-inflammatory – glycolic peeling is used for medicinal purposes against acne and acne. The exfoliant prevents the development of the disease, reduces inflammatory processes, which leads to the extinction of infected lesions on the face;
    • moisturizing – after exfoliation with glycolic acid, the skin becomes soft and moisturized. The acidic ingredient normalizes the pH balance of the epidermis, enhances metabolic processes and the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which has a positive effect on the general condition of the skin.

    Ease of penetration and effectiveness are the main features of glycolic acid. Behind short time you can brighten your skin, cure problematic acne, refresh your face and whiten age spots and freckles.

    Chemical peeling with glycolic acid very rarely causes an allergic reaction in the patient. The main component of the product is easily perceived by epidermal cells and corrects their work without complications or unpleasant consequences.

    Types of acid exposure in the salon and at home

    Peeling based on glycolic acid can be different types. It depends on the percentage of the main ingredient. Modern beauty salons offer clients chemical facial peeling in the following options:

    • Superficial peeling - involves a concentration of glycolic acid up to 40%, the pH level varies between 2.4–4.5. Superficial glycolic peeling has an effect on the upper layers of the epidermis and has an active exfoliating effect. After the procedure, the skin texture is smoothed, the complexion is evened out, it becomes fresh and brightened, and a healthy glow appears. Glycolic peeling 25% is recommended to be performed in at a young age to correct minor skin problems or to combat increased oiliness of the epidermis.
    • Medium peeling – characterized by an increased concentration of acidic ingredients (up to 70%). Glycolic peeling 50–70% is performed to solve age-related skin defects, therefore it is recommended for patients over 35 years of age. With its help, you will get rid of residual marks from acne and acne, smooth out the relief of the epidermis and activate the skin regeneration process.

    Glycolic peeling 70% is the deepest and most effective type of chemical treatment. It triggers neocollagenesis in the deep layers of the skin, guaranteeing the removal of dead particles collected in keratinized layers. Be prepared, such a chemical effect is accompanied by active peeling and the formation of a crust on the surface of the face, the development of erythema and will be quite painful.

    If you are unable to perform a glycolic peel at a salon, you can do it at home. For this, a minimum acid concentration of 10% is used. Cosmetic companies offer a fairly extensive selection of such products for home peeling. If you correctly follow the exfoliation protocol and the manufacturer's recommendations, the effect will definitely please you.

    Glycolic peeling 10% will refresh the face and give it healthy shine, will get rid of comedones and clogged pores, partially smooth out the relief and post-acne. For wrinkles, deep acne marks and other complex defects, such cleaning will be useless.

    Regardless of the chosen concentration of glycolic acid, it is important to complete the full course of treatments. This will consolidate and enhance the achieved effect. Compliance with the recommendations of specialists during the post-peeling period is also important; violation of them can lead to additional troubles.

    Indications for use

    Glycolic peels are not capable of dramatic changes in appearance and solutions to complex skin defects. This type of exfoliation is gentle. The indications for glycolic peeling are as follows:

    • non-systemic hyperpigmentation caused by pregnancy or as a skin response to sunlight;
    • comedones and sebaceous plugs in the pores;
    • dryness, peeling of the epidermis;
    • thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis (hyperkeratosis);
    • residual marks from acne, post-acne;
    • shallow stretch marks (striae);
    • seborrhea, increased oiliness of the skin, impaired functioning of the sebaceous glands;
    • the first signs of skin aging;
    • a network of small wrinkles on the face;
    • decreased skin tone and turgor.

    Exfoliation with hydroxyacetic acid is done for prevention early aging skin. In some cases, the procedure is allowed. How preparatory stage, before surgery, to enhance the effect of laser therapy or mechanical resurfacing of the epidermis.


    Chemical peeling is a responsible and serious process, regardless of the concentration of acid used. Violation of procedure technology, improper care during the recovery period, they can significantly harm the skin and cause unnecessary hassle and problems. It is equally important to study the contraindications to peeling; neglecting this point may result in complications and a protracted post-peeling period.

    Glycolic peeling has the following contraindications:

    • foci of inflammation in the treated area;
    • allergy and hypersensitivity to the drug used, its components separately;
    • presence of wounds, abrasions, scratches;
    • herpes in acute form;
    • warts and various types of neoplasms on the skin;
    • fresh tan;
    • chronic diseases;
    • high level of skin photosensitivity;
    • patients with Mongoloid, Negroid skin types (peeling can provoke hyperpigmentation; the treated and untouched areas on the face will differ in color);
    • recent hair removal, eyebrow correction (small wounds may have formed in this area).

    Contraindications for chemical exfoliation apply to pregnant and lactating patients. However, in the case of performing a light superficial peel with a glycolic acid concentration of 10%, this is a controversial issue. In such an amount, the acid cannot affect the condition of the fetus or enter the mother's milk, but the effect may be unexpected; it is not known how the altered chemical process will react hormonal background patients. In any case, consult a cosmetologist, because the health of you and your baby depends on it.

    If you take retinoids (medicines with vitamin A and its derivatives), you also need to be careful. Retinol has the ability to enhance the effect of chemical exposure, and for sensitive skin this fact will not be reflected in the best way.

    When is the best time to do it?

    For glycolic peels, as for most chemical facial cleansers optimal time The year remains winter and late autumn. During this period, solar activity is somewhat reduced and the chances of developing hyperpigmentation after glycolic peeling are minimal.

    If you decide to do a cleansing procedure in the spring, be prepared to constantly use the sun protective equipment with maximum level of ultraviolet protection.

    Stages of cleansing

    Facial peeling using glycolic acid is performed in a strict sequence of actions. Deviation from the procedure protocol, exceeding the established exposure time or, conversely, reducing it is unacceptable.

    This type of cleansing involves 3 main stages: preparation, peeling itself and the rehabilitation period. Let us analyze in detail each of the stages of exfoliation.

    Preparing for exfoliation

    The preparatory stage for cleansing with hydroxyacetic acid is required. It involves the gradual addition of a small percentage of active acid to cosmetic skin care products.

    It is necessary to begin preparing the skin in advance, 1–1.5 weeks before exfoliation. To do this, add preparations with glycolic acid to your care (its content in the product should vary between 5–10%). It is important to monitor the pH level of such cosmetics; it should be within 3–5. The use of such cosmetic products will even out the water-alkaline balance of the skin, have a softening effect on the epidermis and adapt it to the chemical component.

    Cosmetologists have developed a scheme for the use of acid-containing preparations during the preparatory period, depending on your type of epidermis:

    • fat, combination skin– during the first 7 days it is enough to apply such cosmetics once a day, after 7 days double the number of applications (during the morning toilet and in the evening);
    • dry - it is enough to use such products once a day throughout the entire preparatory stage;
    • normal – it is recommended to apply products containing hydroxyacetic acid 2 times a day (preferably in the morning and evening). If dryness occurs, reduce sessions to once.

    48 hours before acid exfoliation, apply a small amount of glycolic peeling product to the inner crease of your elbow. Watch the reaction. Swelling, itching or severe burning are unacceptable phenomena. These are signs of an allergy to the drug. In this case, you will have to reduce the acid concentration, replace the procedure (try almond or milk peels) or postpone it altogether. The cosmetologist decides what to do correctly.

    Direct peeling

    The acid attack process is performed in the following order:

    1. Remnants of makeup, particles of sweat, dust and dirt are removed from the surface. To do this, the cosmetologist uses cleansing milk, gel or lotion.
    2. Degreasing – fatty particles hold hydroxyacetic acid molecules on the surface, preventing them from passing deep into the epidermis. In this case, it is pointless to expect a good result, so before applying the acid composition, the cosmetologist wipes the patient’s face with a degreasing lotion. Particular attention is paid to the mouths of the sebaceous ducts.
    3. The cosmetologist pours into a separate container required amount acidic agent. Then two cotton swabs it distributes the liquid onto the surface of the face. This is done quickly to ensure uniform penetration of the composition into the skin. For confidence, a light massage is performed.
    4. To reduce pain (possibly tingling and burning), a stream of cold air is directed onto the patient’s face.
    5. After a few minutes, depending on the selected percentage of acid and the pH level of the solution, the cosmetologist neutralizes the acidic product. As a rule, an isotonic (in other words, physiological) solution is used for these purposes. It stops the effect of acid and stabilizes the water-salt balance. The absence of discomfort and burning indicates complete neutralization of the acidic effect.
    6. To soothe the skin after glycolic peeling, apply to the face special mask. After 5 minutes, it is washed off and the skin is treated with nourishing and sunscreen.

    At this point, exfoliation in the beauty salon is over and begins new stage– rehabilitation. It determines how easily and quickly the restoration of the skin will take place, as well as the final result of the chemical exposure.

    Recovery phase

    The rehabilitation period after peeling lasts 7 days (with normal skin renewal). During this time, the skin will regenerate, the peeling and redness that are usual for acid peeling.

    • For the first 5 days, regularly use sunscreen products to prevent the appearance of excessive pigmentation;
    • spend less time in the sun, outside in general;
    • Avoid visiting bathhouses, saunas or solariums. Experts advise staying at home during this time;
    • use for a week cosmetic products, appointed by a cosmetologist. They, as a rule, have increased regenerative properties and stimulate active renewal of the epidermis;
    • put off physical stress and sports, they provoke an increase in temperature and a rush of blood to the face;
    • skin renewal will be accompanied by active peeling, dead tissue will hang down. You can’t rip them off, you can carefully trim them with scissors, but no more!

    The better the quality of skin care during the rehabilitation period, the faster and more effective the final result will be. The slightest deviation in restoration requires immediate consultation with a cosmetologist.

    How many procedures will be required and how often?

    The cosmetologist will answer the question of how many procedures will be required. This setting depends on individual characteristics patient and the effectiveness of the first cleaning. On average, up to 5 sessions of acid peeling are required for the results to be noticeable. However, the full course can be up to 10 exfoliations.

    Each subsequent peeling is performed only after complete restoration of the skin. This takes 7–10 days. If we are talking about medium glycolic peeling, then the interval between procedures can be increased to 3 months.

    The cosmetologist determines whether the next peeling can be performed based on the condition of the skin. The outcome of exfoliation depends on his professionalism, so take your choice of a clinic or beauty salon seriously.

    Unpleasant consequences after peeling

    Glycolic peeling is considered one of the safest among chemical cleansers. But even this has complications and unpleasant consequences. What it is?

    • A 1st or 2nd degree burn is a consequence of an incorrectly selected acid concentration or an increase in exposure time. If you suspect that the situation is out of control, immediately neutralize the effect of the acid, apply anti-burn cream and rush to the doctor. Subsequent cleansing procedures are performed after complete recovery and healing of the affected areas.
    • Hyperpigmentation is a sign of increased photosensitivity of the skin or a violation of the rules of behavior during the rehabilitation period. Before cleaning, carefully study the contraindications and advice from cosmetologists on how to behave in the post-peeling period. This will eliminate the appearance of age spots on the face.
    • An allergic reaction (irritation, itching, rash) is again a violation of the peeling technology. Before use chemical agent Be sure to do an allergy test. If the reaction is accompanied by severe swelling and difficulty breathing, call an ambulance. If the reaction is mild, neutralize the acidic effect yourself and go to the doctor.
    • Increased dryness of the skin - consult a cosmetologist. He will prescribe additional moisturizers.

    Remember! Compliance with the rules of preparation, peeling and rehabilitation period reduces the risk of complications. Your health and the final result of the procedure depend on this.

    Price of the procedure

    In the modern beauty industry market, the price for glycolic peeling can vary between 1,500–5,000 rubles. It depends on the brand of the drug used, the class of the beauty salon and the professionalism of the cosmetologist. As a result, the course of procedures will cost at least 7,500 rubles.

    Before choosing a clinic, be sure to read reviews about it. Trust your face only to professionals - and it will shine with health and youth!

    Glycolic peeling is a superficial skin peeling using glycolic acid, its purpose is to renew the skin and make it younger and healthier. In this article we will look at all the nuances of this peeling, the features of its implementation in the clinic and at home, reviews, cost and much more!

    Glycolic peeling is considered painless, and after 2-3 sessions you can see significant changes.

    Not only in modern world, but even in ancient times, people were eager to rejuvenate themselves, or rather their skin. This action is called peeling. Peeling is aimed at removing old dead skin in order to improve it appearance. The ancient Egyptians resorted to using wine for this procedure. In the modern world, they resort to different acids. In particular to glycolic acid.

    This is a superficial facial peeling that is carried out using a weak composition of glycolic acid. This drug is recommended for removing fine wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead, as well as depressions, and for small skin defects after a rash.

    Who is glycolic peeling suitable for?

    And yet, let's figure it out one by one, who should do glycolic peeling?

    Indications for glycolic peeling:

    a) oily skin; b) wrinkles

    • Removing pigment from the skin.
    • Vulcanic skin structure.
    • Post-acne syndrome.
    • Minor wrinkles.
    • Consequences after acne and other skin diseases.
    • Excessively oily skin.
    • Freckle removal.
    • Red spots on the skin.
    • Scars on the skin.

    How glycolic peeling is performed in the clinic

    Typically, the glycolic peel procedure takes place in a clinic. A weak solution of glycolic acid is first applied to the skin; this is done to degrease the skin and soften it. Afterwards, apply an even layer of glycol gel to the problem areas. After a few minutes, everything is washed off with a solution that neutralizes the effect of glycolic acid.

    Based on the problem being solved, the peeling course can last from three to ten procedures. With an approximate interval of ten, fourteen days. During the intervals between procedures, you should hold off using cosmetic products supporting the peeling effect.

    The use of glycolic acid and drugs based on it is completely painless. The only possible inconvenience may be a slight burning sensation, but this is only during the main gel procedure. This disadvantage is eliminated by directing a stream of fresh air to the face or another area.

    After glycolic peeling, you may observe slight redness; it will last from an hour and a half to a maximum of a day. The occurrence of edema is very rare.

    Facial skin care after glycolic peeling

    Don’t forget to moisturize your skin after using the glycolic gel and if crusts suddenly appear, you don’t need to remove them or peel them off with your own hands.

    If you decide to peel with glycolic acid, make an appointment with a cosmetologist a week and a half in advance to prepare your skin well. This way the result will be better and safer.

    By the way, regarding safety. It is not recommended to use the glycolic peeling method if there is an exacerbation of herpes or the presence of warts; do not risk having a violation of the integrity of the skin (scratches, wounds). If you have recently undergone a course of chemical or hormonal therapy, you should also refrain from using glycolic peels. And if you have dry and sensitive skin, then you should protect yourself from this procedure. At least without consulting a doctor or at least a specialist, you shouldn’t do anything on your own.

    Before and after the procedure.

    Homemade glycolic peeling

    Glycolic peeling can also be done at home. But the warnings are common to everyone. Moreover, when you do this at home, and especially for the first time, take care that you do not have wounds, warts, or dry skin. And other contraindications.

    When performing a glycolic peel at home, begin preparing your skin about one and a half to two weeks in advance. Lubricate your skin in the morning with revitalizing creams with fruit acids. Before going to bed, apply cleansers based on natural ingredients.

    Before the peeling itself, remove all your “makeup” from your face using cosmetic pads. Use makeup removers that already contain glycolic acid. Such preparations cope with persistent types of cosmetics and are well suited for sensitive and delicate parts of the skin. After removing makeup, rinse your face thoroughly. Use a glycolic acid-based cleansing gel. It will promote more thorough and deeper penetration of the active elements of the acid into the skin.

    Skin after peeling

    After your face is dry, apply a moisturizer to the surface of your skin. Try to ensure that all products used are based on glycolic acid.

    Next, apply the glycolic gel to your face using the brush that comes with the kit. First you should apply it to your forehead, then apply it to your temples, nose, cheeks and neck. The last one will be the chin.

    As soon as you feel a slight tingling and burning sensation, the process has begun. But if the burning sensation turns out to be quite painful, then wash off the mask. Perhaps you have gone too far with the concentration of glycolic acid. If everything goes according to plan, and the discomfort can be removed with the help of a fan or a fan, then after two or three minutes neutralize the glycolic acid using a special liquid.

    There is no need to wash off the gel with water. The water will react with the acid and you may get burned. After neutralization with the necessary solution, remove the mask with water. If you feel a tingling or burning sensation somewhere, reapply the neutralizer to that area and rinse again with water.

    Apply a post-peeling mask for ten minutes. After rinsing, use a cotton pad soaked in cold water to moisturize the skin with cream.

    Cost of glycolic peeling

    Peeling from a cosmetologist will cost you from 600 rubles to 4,000 rubles, although it varies everywhere. In the modern world there are no cost restrictions. It depends on the city, the salon and your specific situation.

    When peeling at home, use glycolic gel, it can be from 10% to 70%, the percentage is the amount of acid in the solution.

    For the first time, of course, use a weak solution (10%). Its price is approximately one hundred and twenty rubles.

    35% costs about 600 rubles. A 50% solution will cost approximately 800 rubles. Check prices with consultants.

    Contraindications to the procedure

    Despite all the advantages, glycolic peeling has its contraindications.

    To avoid harming yourself during and after the peeling procedure, look at the following restrictions:

    a) pregnancy; b) lactation period

    • The use of this peeling is prohibited at any stage of pregnancy.
    • During feeding.
    • Skin damage and diseases in the area of ​​peeling.
    • Allergic reactions to the components of the composition.
    • Chemical therapy, or rather, after it.

    Don't be lazy to check full list contraindications and consult a specialist.

    4 749 0 Hello! Today we will talk about another type cosmetic procedures- peeling with glycolic acid. This type of peeling allows you to rejuvenate your facial skin, improve its condition and get rid of some of the problems that will be discussed in the article.

    Types of glycolic peeling

    Peeling with glycolic acid is a salon procedure, but it can also be done at home in compliance with all safety standards. Also for home use You can purchase a ready-made composition in the form of cream peeling or gel peeling.

    Glycolic peeling is carried out with different concentrations of glycolic acid, based on the characteristics of the skin and its condition, and the developed procedure regimen.

    There are two main types of glycolic peeling:

    • surface;
    • median.

    Superficial peeling carry out formulations with a concentration of glycolic acid up to 40%, the optimal is 12% glycolic acid or 30% glycolic acid. At the same time, the Ph level does not exceed 4.5 (from 2.4). This peeling allows you to even out your tone and get rid of problem skin, eliminate or dryness. The effect is on the upper layer of the epidermis. The quick effect of superficial glycolic peeling will help you prepare for an important event, going out in a short time.

    Medium glycolic peel carried out only in salon conditions, so the concentration of glycolic acid is more aggressive - from 40 to 70%. The Ph level in such peeling compositions is significantly lower - up to 2.8. This type of peeling affects not only the upper layer of the epidermis, but also the middle layers and allows you to eliminate more serious problems - shallow wrinkles, acne marks, age spots, unevenness.

    Carrying out glycolic peeling

    Before the peeling procedure with glycolic acid, it is necessary to take into account some of its features:

    • In any case, before the procedure, it is necessary to consult a specialist who will determine the problem of the skin, determine the concentration of the composition, the required course and duration.
    • a preparatory period is possible a few days before the start of the peeling course using preparations with 3-10% glycolic acid to adapt the skin. It depends on the individual skin and is prescribed only by a specialist.
    • Glycolic peeling is best performed in autumn and winter to avoid negative impact ultraviolet radiation after peeling.
    • No anesthetics are used for the procedure, peeling is safe if precautions are taken.
    • glycolic peeling cannot solve serious problems with severe rosacea, deep wrinkles and old scars.
    • The course of procedures is determined by a specialist. On average, 3 to 10 sessions are required. The optimal effect is achieved after 4-5 procedures.
    • It is not recommended to apply the peeling composition to the eyelids and lips due to the increased sensitivity of these areas.

    Procedure steps:

    1. Preparatory — preparation for the procedure does not take a long period and consists of conducting an allergy test and cleansing the skin. An allergy test is always necessary to identify individual intolerance to the components of the peeling composition. It is carried out on any part of the hand, the bend of the arm. After that, if not allergic reaction, cleanse the skin in the peeling area with lotion or other cleanser.
    2. Peeling application — the composition is applied to the face starting from the forehead and ending with the chin. The area around the eyes remains untouched. Application in several layers is acceptable. The composition is applied with a special spatula or brush. The number of peeling layers and exposure time depend on the individual characteristics of the skin. It must be remembered that the more layers are applied and the longer it is left on the face, the more deeply the composition acts. In this case, it is possible discomfort burning, tingling. To relieve these sensations, directed cold air is used. The procedure must be strictly controlled in terms of exposure time to avoid chemical burn. The first procedure lasts several minutes, subsequent ones - with increasing time.
    3. Neutralization of peeling - carried out with an alkaline composition that neutralizes glycolic acid. Can be washed off with cold water or an aqueous solution with baking soda. Then possible treatment of the skin with saline solution.
    4. Post-piling care — consists of applying a soothing mask or special serum immediately after the procedure. Then post-peeling care must be carried out at home - caring cosmetics, protective products with a UV factor, cream with hyaluronic acid to enhance the effect. Care products should be recommended by a specialist. It is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics and visit a bathhouse or sauna for the first few days.

    The glycolic peeling procedure is considered gentle and safe, although skin redness may occur in the first days. Sometimes crusts may form, which under no circumstances should be removed on your own. Otherwise, scars may occur.

    Possible complications

    If precautions are not followed or the procedure is carried out incorrectly, or insufficient post-peeling care, complications may occur:

    • swelling;
    • redness with crusting;
    • chemical burn.

    If these phenomena are detected, you must immediately contact a specialist to develop recommendations for treatment and minimize the consequences.

    In addition to these phenomena, after peeling with glycolic acid, exacerbations of acne, pigmentation, and herpes may occur.

    Glycolic peeling at home

    This peeling can be done at home. There are special kits for sale for home glycolic peeling. The steps of the procedure are the same as in the salon.

    Before the procedure, you must read the recommendations in the instructions for the peeling composition. The concentration of glycolic acid in home remedies is lower, so the course of procedures will be from 10 to 15.

    Before home procedure you need to consult a cosmetologist.

    The most important thing when peeling at home with glycolic acid is to take precautions, since the effect of the acid can be aggressive for the skin. If redness and pain appear immediately after applying the composition in several areas, it is necessary to immediately neutralize it. Wash off home peeling with cool water.

    An important place is given to the recovery period after home glycolic peeling. Immediately after the procedure, it is enough to apply a soothing mask or moisturizer. In the future, use protective levels of at least 30%.

    If you have purchased a special set of products for glycolic peeling at home, then you just need to follow the instructions for it and follow the sequence of manipulations. It is best to purchase products for home glycolic peeling in pharmacies or specialized cosmetic stores. Below we will tell you where you can buy everything you need for home glycolic peeling.

    Peeling with glycolic acid at home is most suitable for women.

    There is an analogue of glycolic peeling that you can prepare yourself. For this you need cane sugar, water and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Dissolve two tablespoons of sugar in two tablespoons of water and add lemon juice. Apply to face, leave for 5-10 minutes, rinse with cool water.

    Compatible with other procedures

    Glycolic peeling is compatible with a number of cosmetic procedures that complement each other and enhance the effect. The ideal option would be hydration - mesotherapy, hardware introduction of moisturizers. There is a procedure combining glycolic peeling and mesotherapy called mesopil.

    Moisturizing is necessary when recovering from glycolic peeling, and to achieve the best result, you need to use moisturizing masks and care products.

    Glycolic peeling is also compatible with ultrasonic peeling. As a result, it is achieved best effect from both procedures. One of latest news In cosmetology, hardware glycolic peeling with ultrasound has become popular.

    Indications and contraindications

    Indications for glycolic peeling are:

    • skin pigmentation;
    • acne and post-acne;
    • correction of shallow wrinkles;
    • smoothing the skin texture;
    • hyperkeratosis;
    • elimination and minimization of stretch marks;
    • oily or dry skin;
    • photoaging of the skin.

    Glycolic peeling can also be used in preparation for other more serious cosmetic procedures.

    Glycolic peeling is suitable for any skin. It will be most relevant for the age category from 25 to 50 years.


    • viral and infectious skin lesions;
    • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • presence of herpes;
    • skin damage in the form of open wounds, abrasions;
    • individual intolerance to the composition;
    • the presence of warts and neoplasms.

    Glycolic peeling should be used with caution when chronic diseases in the acute stage, when taking corticosteroid drugs, as well as during recent tanning or a solarium session. After other types of cosmetic procedures, glycolic peeling is used after a certain period of time and only after consultation with a specialist.

    In addition, you should take into account the time of year when peeling is carried out. It is not recommended in spring and summer, when the sun is most active.

    Why is it effective?

    Peeling with glycolic acid is classified as superficial. The main element of this peeling is glycolic acid from the class of hydroacids. The main source of glycolic (hydroxyacetic) acid is sugar cane. It also contains grapes and sugar beets.

    Glycolic acid has a low molecular weight and therefore, even in very low concentrations, easily penetrates the skin. It has a safe effect, easily dissolves in water, alcohol and other liquids. In addition to peeling compositions, caring products are produced based on glycolic acid - cream, lotion, gel. They contain 3% and 10% glycolic acid.

    Glycolic peeling is a gentle manipulation and has a rapid exfoliation effect. Glycolic acid, penetrating under the skin, destroys intercellular connections in its upper layer, stimulating cell regeneration and affecting fibroblasts. Activates subcutaneous nutrition, slows down the production of melanin, and is capable of destroying melanin in the area of ​​increased pigmentation. As a result of exfoliation, the overall skin tone is evened out, tone is tightened, and regeneration and blood circulation are enhanced.

    Where to buy homemade glycolic acid peeling product

    • Light glycolic peeling with chitosan(10%, pH 2.8) MEDICAL COLLAGENE 3D Easy Peel (Russia)
    • Peeling “CALLUS STEMPEEL AHA” with glycolic acid HISTOLAB (South Korea)
    • Lotion "QUADRO MULTI-APPLICATION" with glycolic acid GIGI(Israel)

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