• The benefits of chamomile during pregnancy: recipes for external and internal use. Beneficial properties and uses of chamomile during pregnancy


    Hello, dear readers of our blog! Many expectant mothers prefer herbal treatment during pregnancy. They explain this by saying that herbs are safe compared to chemical drugs, which are not allowed during pregnancy.

    But in reality, even many herbs cannot be taken orally by a pregnant woman due to the threat to the health and life of the fetus. Some herbs are classified as conditionally permitted if used with caution, one of them is chamomile.

    Today we will look at why chamomile is harmful during pregnancy. early stages, and also what is the benefit of it.

    We all know about the benefits of chamomile in the treatment of various diseases. Since ancient times, our ancestors were treated with this aromatic herb, preparing decoctions and infusions from the flowers. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties and calms the nervous system.

    Indications for use of chamomile decoction or infusion:

    • Irritability and stress;
    • Upper respiratory tract diseases;
    • Inflammation of the oral mucosa;
    • Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa;
    • Constipation and flatulence;
    • Nausea;
    • Headache;
    • Joint pain;
    • Cuts.

    Chamomile is used in treatment and cosmetics, used both externally and internally. For internal use most often they use ready-made chamomile tea in bags, it is easy to prepare:

    In addition to ready-made tea, you can prepare your own chamomile infusion or decoction.

    To prepare decoction, you need to pour 1 tbsp. water 4 tbsp. dried chamomile flowers, put on low heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Then let it brew and cool for 15 minutes.

    Infusion It's prepared a little differently. 1 tbsp. dried chamomile flowers pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave covered for about 3 hours.

    Chamomile decoction and infusion are used more for external use.

    2. Chamomile during pregnancy

    Many mothers wonder why chamomile cannot be used during pregnancy, because it is such a harmless and useful plant. The fact is that even chamomile has contraindications, which also apply to pregnant women.

    Chamomile tea during pregnancy should be used carefully and small quantity because it has these side effects:

    • Allergy and individual intolerance;
    • Increased formation of estrogen, which causes uterine tone and, as a result, can provoke a miscarriage;
    • Weakness, headache;
    • Diarrhea.

    This side effect chamomile tea for a pregnant woman and makes it unsafe for use, especially in the first trimester.

    But, nevertheless, pregnant women can drink chamomile, only with caution; this should be done only in rare cases, such as:

    • Nervous tension;
    • Headache or stomach pain.

    If a pregnant woman is not allergic to chamomile, you can drink a cup of chamomile tea a couple of times a week, but brew it weakly:

    More frequent and safer use of chamomile for women in interesting position shown in outdoor use. When you have a cold, it is best to save yourself with a chamomile decoction or infusion for gargling, as well as for inhalation. For toothache or stomatitis, rinse your mouth with chamomile. For any wounds and scratches, you can treat the damaged area with chamomile infusion to disinfect.

    Doctors often prescribe chamomile for washing and bathing pregnant women who have inflammation of the external genital organs. It is worth noting that douching is prohibited.

    3. Reviews about the use of chamomile in early pregnancy


    I had gastritis and often drank chamomile tea. During pregnancy, I also decided to drink it for stomach pain, but it had the opposite effect - my stomach began to hurt even more. I won't drink anymore.


    The gynecologist forbade me to drink everything, chamomile, and green tea, and coffee. I still drink chamomile tea sometimes, but not strong. The benefits of chamomile are definitely greater than the harm, even than of green tea. Nothing bothers me, so I allow myself a cup several times a week.


    I got terrible nausea from chamomile and refused to drink it. I gargle as soon as it hurts - it immediately helps.


    During pregnancy, I often gargled with chamomile and applied compresses when my joints hurt - it helps. They also say that you can take baths for tired feet - it certainly won’t do any harm.

    Pharmaceutical chamomile is a traditional folk remedy that helps with a number of diseases. They treat children, adults and the elderly, considering it harmless. Few people know that decoctions of this fragrant plant can harm the health of the mother and fetus in the womb. Is it worth treating with chamomile during pregnancy and how to do it correctly?

    Chamomile - healing properties

    Chamomile flower - a real pantry useful substances. The composition contains useful organic acids, vitamins, polysaccharides, and tannins.

    Chamomile is a source of:

    • flavonoids and essential oils that provide effective fight with viruses and inflammation;
    • glycosides that cope with spasms and have a diaphoretic effect;
    • fernesene - this substance heals wounds and scars tissue;
    • herniarine - another powerful antispasmodic, relaxes and allows you to get rid of unpleasant sensations;
    • bisaboloxide A - fights inflammation and spasms;
    • vitamins A and C, essential acids and polysaccharides, which stimulate the immune system and strengthen the body.

    We can say that chamomile is universal remedy, which should be in home medicine cabinet. Several medicinal forms of the plant are used in treatment: infusion, extract, tea, essential oil. In addition, dried flowers are included in creams, lotions and shampoos.

    When is chamomile used?

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    Chamomile, used in folk and traditional medicine, helps pregnant women cope with:

    • diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, biliary system;
    • cramps, diarrhea and increased gas formation;
    • diseases of the genitourinary system;
    • ARVI, flu, colds;
    • painful menstruation;
    • inflammation in the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease);
    • skin problems (acne, burns, frostbite, ulcers, eczema);
    • sleep and appetite disturbances, exhaustion and overexertion.

    For a woman during pregnancy, chamomile is useful, first of all, as a remedy for eliminating nausea and abdominal cramps. It is recommended to drink the plant extract for inflammation of the joints, skin, genitals and mouth, to get rid of gastritis, colitis, headaches and nervous tension, relieve anxiety, stress, and normalize gas formation. In addition, chamomile is a valuable source of calcium necessary for the expectant mother.

    Can chamomile be consumed during pregnancy?

    During pregnancy, the health of the woman and the fetus is especially vulnerable. Gargling or nasal rinsing may not be as harmless as is commonly believed.

    Drinking or otherwise using chamomile is harmful due to side effects:

    • allergies;
    • individual intolerance;
    • headache;
    • weaknesses;
    • diarrhea.

    Excessive consumption can provoke accelerated formation of the female hormone estrogen. Change hormonal levels can lead to severe nausea and dizziness, swelling, a sharp increase in pressure, tumors, and profuse rashes. Increased uterine tone can provoke miscarriage or premature birth.

    • In the first trimester there is a high risk of losing your baby. A woman may not even understand what happened - in the early stages, a miscarriage is similar to heavy menstruation.
    • In the third trimester, especially at 37–39 weeks. On later the drug can provoke early labor.

    It is advisable not to rinse your nose with chamomile or add it to the inhalation solution. Why were such restrictions introduced? Once in the respiratory tract, the drug can cause an effect similar to oral administration and cause allergies. It is better to use this product for rinsing and hygiene procedures after consulting a doctor.

    Chamomile decoction can be prescribed while the child is waiting for baths and washing, but not for douching. For stomatitis, gingivitis and other inflammations, you can rinse your mouth with this folk remedy; for a runny nose, rinse your nose.

    However, you should not completely exclude this useful plant from the list of medicines. After making sure that you are not allergic to chamomile, drink up to 4 cups of weak tea per week for headaches, stomach pain, or nervous system strain.

    How to prepare infusion and decoction for oral administration and rinsing?

    For sore throat and other inflammatory processes, you need to gargle with brewed chamomile. For effective and safe treatment you need to brew the flowers in a certain way:

    • To prepare the decoction, take 20 grams of dried flowers, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Then the broth should be allowed to brew for 15 minutes and strain.
    • To prepare the infusion, take 3-4 teaspoons of dried flowers, pour them into any hermetically sealed container (preferably a thermos), pour 1 cup of boiling water, close tightly, place in a warm place or wrap in a towel. You need to infuse the medicine for 3 hours, then strain and use.

    The decoction and infusion should be used warm. Under no circumstances should you use a product that is too cold or hot. It is recommended to gargle with an infusion with the addition of 2 tablespoons of honey or 3 to 5 drops of iodine.

    Gargle for no longer than 3 to 5 minutes at a time. Repeat the procedure every 2 hours, 15 minutes before or a quarter of an hour after eating or drinking. Carefully strain the brewed medicine before rinsing - this will help avoid small particles getting on the mucous membrane and vomiting. Store chamomile in the refrigerator for no longer than 24 hours.

    Chamomile tea: preparation and daily dose

    Chamomile tea helps with colds, acute respiratory viral infections, coughs, poisoning, toxicosis, headaches, intestinal spasms, excessive tension, anxiety, and sleep disorders. Rules for preparing chamomile tea:

    • rinse the teapot with boiling water;
    • put 1-2 tablespoons of dried flowers in it;
    • pour 300 - 500 ml of hot (but not boiling) water;
    • close the lid tightly;
    • leave to brew for 10 – 15 minutes;
    • strain.

    An aromatic and tasty drink can be improved with fresh or dried mint, a slice of lemon or natural honey– this drink is great for coughs. For greater effectiveness, the daily dose of the drink (1 glass) should be divided into 4 parts and drunk half an hour before meals. Tea bags can harm the health of a pregnant woman.

    Are there any contraindications?

    It is strictly contraindicated to use chamomile if a pregnant woman notices pain or stiffness in the lower abdomen, as well as unusual discharge. Before using infusions or decoctions from this flower, study the list of contraindications:

    • Allergy (see also:). Expecting a child is not the most comfortable period in life, you shouldn’t make it worse allergic symptoms: itching, rash, red spots.
    • Threat of spontaneous abortion. A sharp jump in the hormone estrogen, provoked by chamomile, can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.
    • Acute phase of gastric pathology. Gastritis, ulcers or severe and frequent diarrhea may become worse when treated with chamomile.

    If any unusual symptoms (abdominal pain, rash, discharge) occur when taking chamomile medications, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. Use while expecting a baby essential oils and alcohol tinctures are prohibited.

    A threat to the health and normal course of pregnancy occurs most often in women who do not follow safety measures: they drink too much chamomile teas and decoctions, and brew them very strongly. In addition, women often use chamomile without consulting their gynecologist. Self-medication is always dangerous, and especially during pregnancy. Therapy can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous - you can harm yourself and your child.

    This popular folk remedy will not harm your health if you follow the basic rules for its preparation, administration and storage. Consulting with your doctor, brewing or infusing chamomile according to a prescription, using the resulting product no more than 250 ml per day, carefully monitoring the body’s reactions is a guarantee of your safety and the health of your child.

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    During this difficult period for women, they must deny themselves many things. These restrictions apply to food and various drinks. Therefore, if you like to drink black tea, which contains caffeine, then it is better to replace it with herbal chamomile, because it is absolutely harmless and has a lot of beneficial properties. Thanks to its unique composition, chamomile during pregnancy benefits the expectant mother and her baby. And if you have a cold, then herbal infusion will be an excellent alternative to expensive medications.

    Beneficial properties of chamomile tea during pregnancy

    Chamomile tea during pregnancy is one of the safest drinks, which is prescribed from the first months of pregnancy. Its anti-inflammatory effect helps well in the treatment of small cracks, wounds, and ulcers.

    Chamomile infusions are very effective in treating inflammation of the mucous membranes, as rinses, douches and baths.

    Chamomile tea has a sedative effect, so it is prescribed to pregnant women for insomnia. Because almost every woman suffers from depression during pregnancy and cannot sleep, chamomile tea will be an excellent help in solving this problem.

    During colds Chamomile decoction will help, start drinking it at the first symptoms of a cold. It can also be used to gargle a sore throat. Pregnant women often experience problems with teeth and gums, and herbal tea kills bacteria in the mouth and strengthens tooth enamel.

    Drinking chamomile tea relieves women from nausea in the first months of pregnancy

    Chamomile tea helps restore function even during pregnancy digestive system. Pregnant women complain of increased gas formation, heaviness in the stomach and frequent constipation. Chamomile tea will help eliminate gases in the intestines, reduce muscle tone and improve your general condition.

    How to brew chamomile tea

    You can buy chamomile flowers at any pharmacy. The box usually indicates how to prepare the decoction. But, if such information is missing, you can brew it like this: pour two teaspoons of dried plant flowers into a container and pour one glass of boiled hot water. Do not pour boiling water into the grass; it is better to wait a couple of minutes after the water boils. Cover the container with a lid and wrap it in another towel for twenty minutes. Strain the infusion and drink warm before each meal. It will also be useful to add honey or dried fruits to chamomile tea.

    Chamomile is not only sold in bulk, it can also be bought packaged in bags. This way you can prepare the drink more conveniently and quickly by brewing a bag with one glass of water.

    External use of chamomile

    Very often, pregnant women in the early stages are concerned about candidiasis, so the gynecologist may prescribe douching with chamomile decoction. Douching should be carried out only after a doctor’s prescription, so as not to aggravate the situation.

    If you are taken by surprise by a cold and have a runny nose and cough, herbal inhalation will help a lot, as it does not give side effects, unlike taking medications. You can buy a ready-made herbal mixture, which includes other herbs in addition to chamomile. Such procedures using a nebulizer are especially effective.

    Pregnant women often experience hair loss and nails become brittle, so we advise you to wash your hair with chamomile infusion and make hand baths. You can rinse your mouth with chamomile tea for stomatitis.

    Taking the herb is prohibited if you are hypersensitive. Do not brew a strong infusion and do not abuse it, as it produces estrogens in the body of a pregnant woman. In case of an overdose, a woman may experience headaches, irritability, and skin rashes. You should stop drinking tea if you have gastritis and stomach ulcers.

    During pregnancy, you should not drink chamomile in any form. If they enter the bloodstream, the active components of chamomile preparations can have undesirable effects on the uterus, which can lead to a threat to the pregnancy itself.

    Taking chamomile during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage and premature birth

    Likewise, pregnant women should not add chamomile to inhalation solutions, since the active components of the plant from the lungs can also enter the bloodstream and lead to similar dangerous side effects.

    During pregnancy, chamomile can only be used externally to treat skin and hair. It is also allowed to wash the labia majora with it, rinse the mouth and instill chamomile preparations into the nose and eyes.

    Theoretically, a doctor may decide to prescribe a pregnant woman to take chamomile orally if the benefits of such use outweigh the expected risk. However, such a prescription is almost never made, since the benefits of chamomile for any disease are not so significant that one could risk the safety of pregnancy for its sake.

    Most reputable sources on remedies traditional medicine, indicate pregnancy as a clear contraindication for taking chamomile preparations. WHO reports that chamomile has no effect on the fetus, but does not recommend drinking it for pregnant women.

    How can chamomile be dangerous during pregnancy?

    Chamomile, when taken orally and when its individual active components enter the bloodstream, can stimulate the activity of the uterus and contractions. According to researchers, chamomile preparations can lead to miscarriages and cause premature birth.

    The birth of a child weighing less than 2.5 kg is a possible consequence of taking chamomile preparations in late pregnancy.

    This outcome is possible if chamomile decoction, tea or infusion enters the digestive tract and its components are absorbed into the blood.

    A similar effect can be observed when chamomile is added to an inhalation solution in a steam inhaler or nebulizer. At the same time, when entering the lower respiratory tract, some active components of chamomile can also be absorbed into the blood and have the same effect as when entering the digestive tract.

    According to WHO, chamomile preparations do not have any teratogenic effect, either when taken orally or when used as an inhalation agent. Consequently, these drugs have no effect on the fetus, and their main and currently only known danger lies in the possible stimulation of the muscular activity of the uterus with all its undesirable consequences.

    In rare cases. Such situations are very rare, but possible and are regularly documented. Despite the fact that this plant is often used to relieve allergy symptoms, some pregnant women may experience hypersensitivity to its active components, and even applying chamomile to the skin, not to mention taking it internally, will cause a characteristic reaction.

    At what time is this remedy especially undesirable?

    It is most dangerous to use chamomile in the early stages of pregnancy and in the last trimester.

    In the first trimester of pregnancy, chamomile tea, decoction or infusion can lead to a miscarriage even before the woman herself realizes that she is pregnant, when the miscarriage itself can be difficult to distinguish from heavy menstrual flow. However, there are known cases of such involuntary termination of an already identified pregnancy.

    In later stages, chamomile can lead to premature labor activity and the birth of a child ahead of schedule. Often in such cases it is necessary to refer the mother for preservation in order to ensure full maturation of the fetus and its birth at normal times. Throughout the 3rd trimester, the likelihood of such an undesirable effect from taking chamomile preparations is very high, but it increases as labor approaches. At 38-39 weeks it is especially high, and drinking chamomile tea at this time is strictly prohibited.

    Which types of chamomile are more dangerous?

    Roman chamomile differs from pharmaceutical chamomile in having less tall heads of inflorescences

    It is believed that the most dangerous during pregnancy is Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile), a species related to chamomile and having similar pharmacological properties. Its stimulating effect on the uterus is so pronounced that its drugs are officially included in the list of contraindications for use in pregnant women by the US National Institutes of Health.

    However, chamomile (most often used in Russia and the post-Soviet space) should also not be taken by pregnant women, since the consequences of taking it differ little from those of Roman chamomile. In all literary sources, it is chamomile that is described as a remedy that is contraindicated during gestation.

    Which plant preparations and in what use are clearly prohibited during pregnancy?

    During pregnancy, the expectant mother is strictly contraindicated:

    1. Drink chamomile tea or decoction (essentially the same thing), including those purchased and brewed in bags;
    2. Take chamomile infusion internally, both aqueous and alcoholic, or on any other basis;
    3. Drink various teas and decoctions that contain chamomile as one of the components. For example, very popular recipe tea with propolis, sage, marshmallow and chamomile should not be consumed during pregnancy;
    4. Breathe chamomile over the pan or add its preparations to the solution for inhalation with a nebulizer. In both cases, it is possible for the active components of the drug to enter the lower respiratory tract, but when inhaled with a nebulizer, this probability is much higher (the nebulizer is designed specifically for treating the lungs and bronchi with a medicinal solution);
    5. Do enemas with chamomile;
    6. . The dangers of these procedures include the possibility of miscarriage or premature birth, and in the fact that when douching, pregnant women are more likely to give birth to a child with low weight (less than 2.5 kg) than when refusing to carry out such procedures.

    It is important to understand that the amounts and concentrations of chamomile preparations taken by a woman affect the likelihood of unwanted effects. The more often a pregnant woman drinks tea or infusion and the stronger it is, the more likely miscarriage or premature birth.

    This, however, does not mean that if you drink chamomile infusion rarely, it will be relatively safe: if such a drink is not habitual for the body, it can act even in minimal doses and concentrations.

    How can pregnant women take chamomile?

    During pregnancy, chamomile can be taken in all forms that involve applying preparations to the skin or external mucous membranes. For example, with the same chamomile decoction or infusion you can:

    1. Chamomile poultices are quite acceptable during pregnancy, as long as they are not used to warm the abdominal cavity.
    2. Lubricate various rashes and abscesses on the skin;
    3. Treat skin for allergies;
    4. Rinse your mouth and throat without swallowing the broth itself;
    5. Rinse your nose, wipe and rinse your eyes, wash your hair;
    6. Treat wounds and ulcers, extinguish the edges of deep tissue cuts;

    Make lotions, baths, poultices; Simply put, procedures are acceptable in which chamomile does not enter the digestive tract or respiratory tract. Provided that the pregnant woman is not allergic to chamomile, such procedures will be harmless and safe for both the fetus and the pregnancy itself. If during such procedures there appear characteristic symptoms

    allergies, the use of chamomile should be discontinued.

    At the same time, the inadmissibility of using chamomile during pregnancy is not at all critical. Today there is not a single disease known that could not be cured without chamomile; chamomile itself is not an essential medicine for almost any pathology. This means that during gestation it is quite possible to do without chamomile tea or infusion and giving them up will not lead to any significant consequences.

    Nasal rinsing is a normal daily practice for yogis. If you carry out such procedures with chamomile decoction, they will provide prevention bacterial infections and cleansing the nasal mucosa from contaminants and allergens.

    For example, for a cold (acute rhinitis), taking chamomile tea internally does not have any therapeutic effect. For this disease, rinsing the nose with chamomile decoction and gargling with it can be useful; they help reduce inflammation. But such washing and rinsing is quite acceptable and permitted during pregnancy.

    For coughs associated with inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, inhalations with chamomile help to slightly reduce the inflammation. However, during pregnancy, chamomile for such procedures can be replaced by many other anti-inflammatory drugs based on herbs or pharmacological drugs. In addition, today there is no evidence of the effectiveness of chamomile when used for coughs: there are suggestions that it can help, but it is not used as a primary medicine for any reason causing cough.

    Therefore, if chamomile is not used during pregnancy, this will not affect the success of treatment of any pathologies. This means that you can be away from it during this period without any consequences.

    What do different authors and researchers say about the use of chamomile during pregnancy?

    The inadmissibility of using chamomile internally during pregnancy is indicated by most authors of works and books devoted to medicinal plants.

    V. G. Kukes in the reference book “Phytotherapy with the Basics of Clinical Pharmacology” indicates pregnancy as a clear contraindication to taking chamomile.

    James A. Duke, in his Handbook of Medicinal Plants, indicates that chamomile tea or infusion should not be used during pregnancy, but mentions Lininger's Natural Pharmacy, which indicates the possible permissibility of these remedies for some indications.

    Newall in Herbal Medicine describes in detail the effects of chamomile on menstrual cycle and the ability to cause uterine contractions and early contractions. The book strictly states that the use of chamomile during pregnancy should be avoided.

    1. During pregnancy, chamomile should not be drunk, used as a solution for enemas and douching, used rectally or as a component of solutions for inhalation;
    2. Chamomile can be used topically during pregnancy by treating the skin, various rashes on it, rinsing the mouth, rinsing the nose and using it to wash hair;
    3. Chamomile preparations should not be taken during pregnancy at any time, but they are most dangerous at the beginning of pregnancy, when they can lead to miscarriage, and in last weeks when they can provoke premature birth;
    4. Avoiding chamomile during pregnancy is not at all critical in the treatment of any diseases. If it is not used, any pathologies can be eliminated without it.


    • James A. Duke - Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. Second Edition. - CRC Press, 2002.
    • Herbal medicine with the basics of clinical pharmacology. - Edited by Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V. G. Kukes. - Moscow, “Medicine”, 1999.
    • Newall, C.A., Anderson, L.A., and Phillipson, J.D., Herbal Medicine - A Guide for Health-Care Professionals, The Pharmaceutical Press, London, 1996.
    • Lininger, S. et al. Eds., The Natural Pharmacy, Prima Publications, Rocklin, CA, 1998.

    Medicinal or pharmaceutical chamomile: in what cases is it used? Is it possible to drink chamomile during pregnancy? In this article we give clear, unambiguous answers.

    Is it possible to drink chamomile during pregnancy?

    Chamomile officinalis (mother herb, camila) is annual plant, has long been famous for its medicinal properties, the main ones of which are:

    • anti-inflammatory;
    • antispasmodic;
    • carminative.

    In addition, chamomile is used as a sedative and hemostatic agent. With its help, many diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract are treated, including gastritis, colitis, duodenal and stomach ulcers, and other diseases. This plant is excellent in treating diseases of the throat and respiratory tract. If your gums are inflamed, rinsing with chamomile infusion will help.

    This well-known antiseptic is also indispensable for the treatment of gynecological diseases (cystitis, thrush, cervical erosion). If you strictly follow your doctor’s recommendations, chamomile during pregnancy also does not pose any health hazard. expectant mother and proper fetal development.

    If necessary, it can be used as remedy in any trimester of pregnancy.

    Chamomile decoction during pregnancy

    Since the use of medications during pregnancy is strictly limited (especially in the first and second trimester of pregnancy), chamomile during early pregnancy is almost a panacea for all problems associated with various inflammatory processes. It is used for indoor and outdoor use. Decoctions and infusions are effective for the following ailments:

    • chronic and acute colitis;
    • colds;
    • headaches, including migraines;
    • flatulence and dyspepsia;
    • bladder diseases,
    • kidney and liver problems.

    During pregnancy, chamomile infusion is used to make lotions or compresses for hemorrhoids and conjunctivitis. Treated in the same way inflammatory diseases skin. During pregnancy, chamomile decoction is used to wash the lesions. skin and purulent wounds.

    Chamomile baths are useful for vaginal inflammation or hemorrhoids. However, in order not to cause uterine tone, the water temperature in them should not exceed +400C.

    During pregnancy, gargling with chamomile decoction is indicated in case of inflammation of the mucous membranes. Rinsing the mouth relieves inflammation of the gums and stomatitis. It must be done once an hour, as well as after each meal. For respiratory diseases effective means are chamomile inhalations during pregnancy.

    From frequent unwanted “companions” of pregnancy - constipation and increased gas formation Tea with chamomile helps get rid of it. It also has a calming effect, relieves depression, helps overcome insomnia, nausea, and toxicosis.

    Chamomile tea should be weakly brewed and should be taken warm, no more than two glasses per day.

    Chamomile during pregnancy: contraindications

    Chamomile has virtually no contraindications during pregnancy. The only thing that can prohibit its use during pregnancy is an allergy to the flower. In other cases, when correct use This plant is completely harmless throughout the entire nine months. Chamomile will be your salvation in the treatment of many diseases when the use of other drugs is prohibited.

    When asked whether chamomile can be used for douching during pregnancy, the answer will be a categorical “no.” Here we are not even talking about the drug itself, but about the procedure.

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