• How to treat colds on the lips during pregnancy: effective and safe remedies. Treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy


    The appearance of herpes on the lips during pregnancy causes serious concern for almost every woman who is soon preparing to become a mother. If in other periods of life tingling blisters caused only some inconvenience, but did not cause much fear, then during pregnancy they can greatly frighten a woman (as practice shows, special concerns arise in cases where characteristic ulcers appear on the lips in the first trimester of pregnancy) .

    The explanation for this anxiety is simple: after all, herpes is a viral disease, and many women believe that the virus can infect the fetus, leading to disturbances in its development. Therefore, for some, a cold on the lip is a reason to immediately consult a doctor, while others immediately seek to begin self-medication.

    However, are such fears really justified?

    Review: “Girls who had herpes on early stages? Usually I don’t pay any attention to it at all, but now it’s the twelfth week, I’m afraid it won’t be dangerous. It's a virus after all. A friend calmed me down, she said that on the lips it is harmless for the baby, but I still feel uneasy. Tell me, who had this, did any complications occur, what was the treatment?” From correspondence on the forum.

    Indeed, the herpes simplex virus, which also causes colds on the lips, is known for its high teratogenicity (the ability to cause congenital deformities).

    If the fetus is affected in the early stages of pregnancy, the most severe disturbances in its development are possible, including microcephaly and serious heart defects. Primary infection of the mother during pregnancy often leads to fetal death and spontaneous miscarriages.

    However, all of the above is relevant only for genital herpes, in which the virus is localized in tissues close to the placenta and birth canal. Here, during primary infection (and to a lesser extent during reactivation of the virus in the body), virions can infect the fetus. A cold on the lips does not threaten the fetus with such dangers, and only in extremely rare cases can it lead to undesirable consequences.

    The relative harmlessness of labial herpes during pregnancy is explained by the tropism of the virus to nerve cells and only local spread in the body.

    When you have a cold on the lips, viral particles actively multiply in skin cells and tissues that are not very deep underneath it. Those virions that infect the processes of nerve cells introduce their genetic material directly into their replication centers, located in the nerve ganglia far from the site of symptoms (usually this kind of “refuge” is the cells of the spinal cord, which, however, are not seriously affected by this) .

    The virus infects tissues only where its manifestations are visible. With a cold on the lips, it is the facial tissues and facial nerves that are affected, but in abdominal cavity, and, moreover, viral particles do not penetrate into the uterus with a developing embryo.

    Two important consequences follow from these theoretical premises:

    1. A herpetic infection that appears on a woman’s lips is not dangerous to the fetus and cannot lead to its infection;
    2. In addition, the normal course of pregnancy is not disrupted in any way.

    Therefore, in most cases, cold sores should not be a serious cause for concern for a pregnant woman.

    Note: According to statistics, 90% of women aged 16 to 49 years have discovered herpetic rashes on their lips at least once in their lives. Every third pregnant woman experienced symptoms of labial herpes at one time or another.

    However, in some situations, the development of a herpetic infection can pose a danger to a pregnant woman and her unborn baby.

    1. For example: When initially infected through the lips, the virus can spread throughout the body, causing generalized symptoms and rashes in different parts of the body. In this case, the mother’s body does not yet have a ready immune response to infection with the virus, and before immunity is formed, the infection can affect any tissue. Although in reality this almost never happens, since immunity is formed quite quickly, and for this short term
    2. In the presence of immunodeficiency conditions, both primary infection with herpes and relapse of the disease can lead to damage to the fetus. This is due to the fact that the spread of the virus in tissues in such a situation is practically not restrained, and immunity to the virus is not formed. The course of the disease in the mother’s body, weakened by immunodeficiency, is fraught not only with damage and death of the fetus, but also with a fatal risk for the pregnant woman herself;
    3. With a cold on the lips, it is possible to infect the pregnant woman’s sexual partner, and subsequently transfer the virus from the lips (during oral sex) or the partner’s genitals to the genitals of the expectant mother. As a result, genital herpes may develop, the consequences of which for the fetus are very dangerous. However, such a situation is quite unlikely. If a pregnant woman already has immunity to the herpes simplex virus, then infection with it through the genitals is almost impossible.

    The real danger is posed by a virus on the lips not of a pregnant woman, but of her sexual partner, provided that the woman herself has never had herpes before. Oral sex in this case can easily become the cause of primary infection with genital herpes with a high probability of damage to the fetus and termination of pregnancy.

    Inadequate treatment of the disease can also be dangerous. Taking some medicinal antiherpetic drugs is sometimes much more harmful in its consequences than the disease itself, and therefore in many cases, when treating during gestation, it is necessary to limit oneself to only local remedies and symptomatic therapy. Moreover, with a cold on the lips, such measures are usually quite sufficient.

    Review: “I will share my experience of treating herpes on the lips when I was pregnant. Everything appeared at 24 weeks. As usual, as soon as I saw the bubbles, I began to smear them with Acyclovir, and additionally used a lidocaine solution for pain relief. A day after starting to use the ointment, all the bubbles dried up and crusts formed. The pain went away, so I stopped using lidocaine. I didn’t take the usual Valtrex because the doctor forbade it. He was against Acyclovir, but he said that if you apply it for up to 4 days, then it’s ok. I smeared it for 3 days, then there was nothing left to smear, and I treated the crusts with simple Aevit.” Sveta, Uman.

    Deterioration in the health of the expectant mother during illness can affect the condition of the fetus. However, this effect is usually quite small. If a woman does not become seriously depressed about the ulcers on her lips and does not panic too much about the associated inconveniences in communication, then even a short-term increase in body temperature and headaches will not harm the embryo.

    In other cases, the effect of lip ulcers on the pregnant woman’s body is minimal, and the infection does not threaten the fetus at all.

    Onset of the disease in the first trimester

    According to statistics, colds on the lips most often appear in the first trimester. This is due to the phenomenon of the so-called natural immunosuppression of the mother’s body (suppression of immunity) - in order to avoid rejection of a fetus that is not genetically identical to her.

    It is known that relapses of herpes most often occur precisely when the immune system is weakened. In normal condition immune system Protective cells constantly destroy viral particles produced by infected nerve cells, and the infection exists in the body in a state of a kind of dynamic equilibrium that does not manifest itself in any symptoms.

    Early in pregnancy, the interaction between the invading cells of the embryo and the maternal cells of the uterine lining is critical for the further development of the fetus. The attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus and the formation of its membranes, on the one hand, must be stimulated, and, on the other hand, strictly controlled by the depth of penetration into the endometrium. In addition, the fetus itself, as a carrier of paternal genes foreign to the mother’s body, must be protected from the immune system of the mother’s body by an appropriate immunosuppressive barrier.

    Thus, in the early stages of pregnancy, functional immunosuppression develops, providing control over gestation without immunological conflict. Weakened immunity at this time does not always have enough resources to control the virions emerging from the cells, which successfully move (“roll down”) along the axons of nerve cells to peripheral tissues and re-infect them in those areas where the primary infection once occurred.

    According to statistics, of all cases of herpes developing on the lips in pregnant women, more than 72% of relapses occur in the 1st trimester. This confirms the theoretical basis of the entire process.

    At the same time, reactivation of a herpetic infection even in the early stages of pregnancy is not dangerous: the virus cannot spread beyond the tissues in contact with infected nerve cells, and the likelihood of the infection spreading to the abdominal cavity or genitals is almost zero.

    Impact of infection in later pregnancy

    In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, colds on the lips develop much less frequently than in the first weeks. The woman’s immunity is normalized, and the risk of developing a relapse of the disease is reduced.

    An uninfected mother has the same risk of contracting the virus during this period as in early pregnancy. However, both in the 2nd trimester and in the third, herpes on a woman’s lips does not pose a danger to the fetus.

    In the 3rd trimester, a cold on the lips is dangerous if it develops in parallel with the onset of labor and delivery of the child. last week gestation.

    A mother can easily infect her newborn baby by kissing him and caring for him with the hands that previously touched her lips.

    Moreover, the most dangerous situation for a child is when the primary herpetic infection is asymptomatic, and the mother does not even suspect that she can infect the baby. In this case, the child does not receive antibodies from the mother in milk (since during the initial infection these antibodies are not yet in the mother’s body), and doctors cannot even assume that the mother may be the source of infection.

    If the mother has already developed herpes before or during pregnancy, then the risk of infection of the child from the mother, even with characteristic rashes on the lips, is small. Note: a pregnant woman with clear signs

    herpes on the lips may be referred to the infectious diseases department of the maternity hospital. Most women are afraid of this direction, and therefore in the 3rd trimester it is useful to follow the rules for the prevention of herpes as diligently as possible.

    Primary infection

    1. Primary infection of the lips with herpes during pregnancy is dangerous in three cases:
    2. The infection occurred in the last week of pregnancy - and the risk of neonatal infection of a newborn from a sick mother is very high;
    3. The pregnant woman and her sexual partner continue to practice oral sex. If the partner has not previously been infected, then there is a possibility of infection and transfer of the infection to the genitals of the expectant mother with the development of genital herpes. In this case, it is highly likely that infection of the fetus may occur in the early stages of pregnancy, and in the later stages it will be indicated C-section.

    Primary infection more often than relapse occurs with complications. clinical picture. In this case, normal symptoms are:

    1. A characteristic rash on the lips with severe pain;
    2. Increased body temperature;
    3. Headache;
    4. Nausea;
    5. General malaise.

    In the hospital, blood tests can be taken from the pregnant woman, and based on the results of an immunological examination, it can be determined whether the infection is primary or recurrent. However, in practice this is done extremely rarely due to the harmlessness of colds on the lips for the fetus.

    Sometimes the primary infection of a pregnant woman is asymptomatic, or the signs of the disease are blurred. For example, there may be no rash on the lips, but the patient’s general condition will temporarily worsen and her body temperature will rise. The frequency of asymptomatic herpes is approximately 43% of cases.

    If a pregnant woman does not have immunodeficiency diseases, then even primary infection of the lips with herpes will most likely not harm the fetus.

    Recurrence of herpes during gestation

    Reactivation of the herpes simplex virus in the body of any healthy person in most cases is much milder than the initial infection. Generalized symptoms are almost never observed, and the rash on the lips spreads only over relatively small areas.

    In more than 50% of cases in pregnant women, relapse is asymptomatic, and the women themselves do not even know about it. Such a relapse does not pose a risk to the fetus, since the mother’s existing immunity reliably protects the fetus from infection.

    But treating herpes with certain drugs can have very serious consequences for the embryo. Therefore, doctors almost always recommend not treating herpes on the lips during pregnancy at all, or using only topical products.

    Management of pregnancy and treatment of the disease during this period

    Fundamentally, the tactics for treating colds on the lips during pregnancy are similar to the management of the disease outside the gestation period, differing only in a few nuances:

    1. During pregnancy, medications for systemic use are contraindicated - tablets Valtrex, Famvir, Zovirax, injection drug Foscarnet, etc.;
    2. Antiherpetic ointments should be used strictly with the permission of a gynecologist;
    3. System Tools symptomatic treatment used only when absolutely necessary;
    4. If the disease appears frequently, you should undergo examination at a clinic and find out the cause of weakened immunity.

    First-line drugs for the treatment of colds on the lips are ointments based on acyclovir - Acyclovir-Acri, Herperax, Zovirax and others, Panavir gel, Fenistil Pencivir, ointments of general antiviral action Viru-Merz Serol, Priora, Erazaban. Any ointment from this group acts locally, and its components practically do not penetrate into the blood. However, the risk of developing side effects These drugs are also available, so they should only be prescribed by a doctor.

    Review: “At the eighth week, herpes appeared. He was gone for three years, and then he appeared on you. At the pharmacy I took Zovirax - tablets and ointment, but did not use it immediately, but called the gynecologist. She immediately forbade me to take the pills and asked what herpes itself looked like. Looked bad all over upper lip It was broken, it even went a little onto the right wing of the nose. The doctor allowed me to smear it, but said that if there were only a few bubbles, then I could do without it. After two days, all the blisters were covered with crusts and no longer hurt. But I applied it strictly according to the instructions for 5 days...” Alla, from correspondence on the forum.

    Apply each of the above ointments to the affected surface in a thick layer, rubbing the product into the skin. As the product dries, the area with the ulcers needs to be smeared again. Treatment should continue for at least 5 days, even if the papules have crusted over and dried out.

    The sooner the use of antiherpetic ointments is started, the less pronounced the unpleasant symptoms will be and the faster they will pass. If you start applying the ointment to the skin at the stage of characteristic tingling, then bubbles on the skin may not appear at all.

    If severe pain occurs on the lips, they can be treated with products such as Menovazine or benzocaine ointment. Moisturizing lip creams protect the crusts from cracking, and some folk remedies such as aloe or sea buckthorn juices can enhance the effect of antiherpetic ointments. But the use of these drugs without antiviral therapy will have virtually no effect on the course of herpes.

    To avoid consequences for the fetus and complications, it is necessary to maintain immunity healthy eating and taking vitamin complexes, refrain from oral sex. If herpes appeared in a pregnant woman in the last week and its symptoms did not completely disappear even after childbirth, then you should not kiss the baby until the crusts are completely peeled off, and breastfeeding should be done in a cotton-gauze bandage.

    Be healthy!

    Useful video about the serious problems that the herpes virus can create for your sex life

    How dangerous colds on the lips can be and how to treat them correctly

    This problem ruins the plans of ordinary women, causes psychological discomfort, and also causes anxiety in pregnant women. What are the dangers of herpes on the lips during pregnancy? What to do in such situations, what can be treated?

    What is dangerous about herpes on the lips in the early and late stages: consequences

    Statistics say that more than 90% of women under the age of 49 have experienced such rashes at least once in their lives. Symptoms of herpes appeared on the lips of every third pregnant woman. different dates. Only in isolated cases can a herpes infection cause expectant mother and fetal danger. If we are talking about primary infection through the lips, then the disease can spread throughout the body. It can cause generalized symptoms in different parts of the body. In this case, the mother’s body does not have a ready immune response to infection with the virus. Before immunity is formed, it can infect any tissue. But practice shows that this rarely happens, because immunity is formed quickly, and the virus simply does not have time to infect large areas of tissue and individual nerve cells. So, only the primary infection of the expectant mother with the virus in the first trimester, when all the organs and tissues of the fetus are formed, can pose a danger. If the mother is diagnosed with an immunodeficiency state, then both primary infection and recurrent herpes lead to damage to the fetus. This is due to the fact that the spread of the virus is not restrained in the tissues, and immunity to it is not formed. Again, it is rare for an expectant mother to have an immunodeficiency. That's why healthy women Those who had outbreaks of rashes on their lips before pregnancy do not need to worry too much about their reappearance during pregnancy. A recurrent disease is not too dangerous in the second trimester. In the third trimester, herpes infection is dangerous if it develops in parallel with labor and in the last week of gestation. A mother with herpes on her lips can infect her newborn very quickly. And this is the main danger.

    How to quickly cure herpes on the lip during pregnancy

    Doctors state that the appearance of blisters around the mouth during pregnancy in most cases indicates an exacerbation of the disease. That is, the disease is chronic, and this is only a relapse. Given the situation, a woman should give up her usual medications, because not all of them are safe during pregnancy.

    For recurrent forms of the disease, doctors prescribe local antiviral drugs. This could be oxolinic ointment, alazarin ointment, Zovirax. Expectant mothers are strictly prohibited from using tablet forms of antiviral drugs. We are talking about Foscrenet, Acyclovir, Penciclovir. These popular medications may have negative effects on intrauterine development future child.

    This viral disease needs to be treated at any stage of pregnancy. And the sooner you start this, the better it will be. At the same time, it is necessary to more carefully adhere to the rules of personal hygiene to avoid spreading the virus to other parts of the body. The use of local medications will help quickly get rid of the rash around the mouth and eliminate aesthetic discomfort.

    What can you smear with?

    Most often, doctors recommend using ointments for herpes during pregnancy based on acyclovir - Acyclovir Acri, Herperax, Zovirax. You can use Panavir gel, Fenistil Pentsivir. Antiviral ointments suitable for expectant mothers: Priora, Erazaban, Viru-Merz Serol. All of the above drugs are intended for external therapy. Their components do not penetrate into the blood, so they are safe for the health of the expectant mother and fetus.

    Many women on initial stage illness, lubricate the blisters with Acyclovir ointment, and when the crusts heal, use Aevit oil capsules, which help avoid the appearance dark spots on the skin.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    In case of relapses of herpes infection, which occur in expectant mothers, you can safely use herbalists’ recipes. So, at the initial stage, when tingling is felt on the lips, it is recommended to lubricate the rash with Corvalol or Barboval. These products are dried and disinfected.

    You can use tea tree oil - it has powerful bactericidal properties.

    Lubricating the bubbles with aloe and Kalanchoe juice helps a lot.

    At the healing stage, rosehip or sea buckthorn oil is suitable.

    Especially for - Diana Rudenko

    Pregnancy is not an easy period in a woman’s life. The usual way of life is changing, there is a need to be responsible not only for your body and its condition, but also for the proper development of the unborn baby. Herpes on the lips during pregnancy can not only darken its appearance, but also pose a threat to the unborn child.

    Low immunity disease acyclovir
    Prevention of virus reproduction Dangerous virus
    difficult to determine during pregnancy

    Herpes is infection viral etiology. Its causative agent is herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2. One type is more common; it often causes an inflammatory process to appear on the lips or oral mucosa. Once in the human body, the infection can remain there forever. The main feature is that the virus may not manifest itself for a long time. A woman can be a carrier, and during pregnancy the disease becomes more active.

    Infection can occur:

    • by airborne droplets;
    • through contact and everyday life;
    • after close contact with a patient.

    Herpes on the lips during early pregnancy can occur in several forms:

    • the primary form of herpes, when infection occurs during pregnancy and the body lacks the necessary antibodies;
    • recurrent type - infection occurs to an interesting point, decreased immunity only “awakens” the infection;
    • asymptomatic type of disease - the virus spreads throughout the cells of the body, but does not cause symptoms and does not harm the course of pregnancy.


    During pregnancy, primary infection can be the most dangerous for the fetus; secondary manifestations do not pose a particular threat.

    Primary infection with herpes is dangerous in the 1st trimester to the 12th week. When a woman develops inflammation on her lips during pregnancy, this can harm the development of the fetus.

    In the second trimester, the danger is the same as in a severe form of the disease. There is a threat of miscarriage, the development of pathology in the child, or the formation of congenital diseases.

    In the third trimester, the virus is more easily transmitted, but, nevertheless, there is a possibility premature birth or brain damage and other pathologies, including stillbirth.

    Causes and symptoms of the disease

    The main cause of herpes infection is considered to be a decrease in the immune system, but there are other factors that contribute to the appearance of herpes on the lips of women during pregnancy.

    Those who don't get enough rest often suffer from lip inflammation. Overwork and stressful situations have a bad effect on both a woman’s health and her appearance. Hypothermia or, conversely, overheating of the body also causes the development of infection. The reason may be:

    • taking certain medications;
    • hormonal imbalance;
    • vitamin or nutrient deficiency.

    Domestic chronic diseases and a long-term illness can also intensify viral activity.

    Herpes appears at the beginning as severe itching, small bubbles (sometimes watery) gradually appear. The process itself is very painful, your mood deteriorates because you can’t even eat well.

    The main reason is low immunity

    If a pregnant woman does not treat the inflammation in any way, the blisters may not go away for a long time and may appear again. If herpes appears on the lips, this often indicates some kind of disease, so you need to contact a specialist for diagnosis and qualified treatment.

    Danger in the last trimester

    When infected with a disease later the protective proteins that the immune system produces do not have time to form, and viral infection penetrates to the unborn child.

    Many people assume that the appearance of a rash on the lips before childbirth can lead them to the infectious diseases department. But only those pregnant women who have a genital type of pathology receive such a referral. In this case, it is prohibited to give birth on your own.

    The appearance of primary herpes in the 3rd trimester is dangerous when a woman is 34 or 38 weeks pregnant. The consequences are:

    • the likelihood of entering the placenta;
    • infection can be dangerous for the child;
    • fetal rejection may occur;
    • premature birth.

    The recurrent virus is not dangerous at any week of pregnancy, but, nevertheless, a woman can infect her baby after childbirth by touching her lips with her hands. If you suspect a cold, timely treatment is necessary.

    Use of drugs for treatment

    Product nameIndications for usePrice
    AcyclovirUsed to treat skin infections and mucous membranes caused by Herpes viruses. Used for prevention and complex therapy.86 rubles
    PanavirAn excellent remedy that can be used to treat herpes on the lips, it is also suitable for treatment during pregnancy (consult a specialist). The drug has antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. Used for the treatment of primary, secondary herpes, cytomegalovirus infection.300 rubles
    Erythromycin ointmentAntibacterial drug. It has an effect on many gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.36 rubles
    ValaciclovirUsed to treat herpes on the lips, genital herpes, herpes zoster. Reduces the risk of transmitting infection to a partner.480 rubles
    Tetracycline ointmentSuitable for the treatment of purulent soft tissue infections, furunculosis, acne, with herpes. Broad spectrum antibiotic.25 rubles

    Application of preventive measures

    Having studied the main reasons for the appearance of herpes on the lips, it will not be difficult to understand, firstly, whether the disease is dangerous during pregnancy, and secondly, how to cure or prevent the recurrence of the infection.

    To do this, you just need to follow basic preventive measures. It is important to keep your immune system normal and follow some rules:

    • should be adhered to healthy image life, spend a lot of time on fresh air, walk more, move;
    • take your diet seriously and diversify it fresh fruit, vegetables, herbs, berries and nuts;
    • to harden;
    • visit a specialist more often and get tested on time;
    • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
    • in case of illness, timely treatment is necessary, do not start the disease and do not allow the disease to become chronic;
    • when planning a child, it is necessary to be checked for all existing diseases that may harm him in the future;
    • try to rest more, avoid stressful situations, overwork.

    03.09.2016 10579

    It is a common disease caused by viruses. It is unpleasant when herpes appears on the lips during pregnancy.

    The disease manifests itself in the form of blisters. The causative agent is considered to be the common herpes virus.

    This disease affects 90% of the world's inhabitants. Only for many it is in a hidden form.

    What is herpes?

    This is a hidden disease. Most often, colds appear in the nasolabial area or on the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth.

    Herpes on the lip is characterized by itching, sores and blisters. An additional symptom is muscle weakness, heat and feeling tired.

    It is worth considering that burst bubbles are considered to spread this virus. A crust appears at the site of the wound, which subsequently disappears.

    The disease worsens during cold periods. It is generally accepted that it has a direct relationship with cooling. But the real reason the occurrence of inflammation is reduced immunity.

    Herpes occurs during pregnancy. This is due to a deterioration in the functioning of the immune system due to intoxication of the body in the early stages of pregnancy.

    For any type of disease during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor.

    The main symptoms are:

    1. The appearance of burning and itching.
    2. Redness in the inflamed area.
    3. Sores appear that look like yellowish blisters with liquid.
    4. The temperature rises and malaise appears.
    5. Also, herpes on the lips in pregnant women is characterized chronic fatigue and drowsiness.

    The disease that appears on the lips occurs due to the penetration of type 1 herpes into the body.

    Causes of herpes

    The main cause of the disease is the HSV 1 and 2 viruses. They get on the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes or mouth. In this case, epithelial cells are affected. After a certain time, symptoms of the disease appear.

    After the first infection, immunity to such viruses appears, but the consequences of herpes remain and periodic relapses occur.

    Herpes in pregnant women occurs due to various reasons:

    1. Lack of vitamins and microelements.
    2. Hypothermia of the body.
    3. The influence of stress, as well as physical weakness.
    4. For certain medical procedures: abortion.
    5. Dieting.
    6. Various immunodeficiency conditions.
    7. Changes in hormonal levels.
    8. Intoxication.
    9. The occurrence of allergic reactions.
    10. Herpes on the lips during pregnancy appears after various illnesses.

    Often the disease manifests itself due to a lack of vitamins. This happens in winter time or at the beginning of spring.

    More than 40% of people no longer experience symptoms after their first infection. This happens thanks to strong immunity. Also, the virus does not have time to gain a foothold or passes without symptoms.

    The first infection is due to the following reasons:

    • with a variety of bodily contacts: handshakes, kisses and sexual intercourse;
    • if personal hygiene is not observed: use shared utensils or household items;
    • damage also occurs through airborne droplets - when coughing or sneezing;
    • Herpes occurs during early pregnancy.

    Danger during pregnancy

    Women have a question: is herpes on the lips dangerous during pregnancy? Medical studies reveal antibodies to the simple virus in 80% of patients. This worries women, but there is no danger in this result:

    1. The study identifies protective antibodies, not the virus itself.
    2. The existence of such antibodies does not pose a threat to the fetus, but indicates immunity in the mother.

    Herpes is dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy during the first infection.

    Pregnancy in the first months with such infection may be at risk. There is a risk negative influence for the fruit.

    A woman who has already had herpes and gets sick again during pregnancy has antibodies that protect the baby.

    Often, during exacerbation of the genital form of the disease in pregnant women, a cesarean section is recommended to avoid infection of the baby while passing through the birth canal.

    If a pregnant woman had herpes before pregnancy, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this.

    Modern medicine is not capable of providing complete recovery. Medical measures are aimed at maintaining the immune system and suppressing the main symptoms.

    If an ulcer or other manifestations of herpes appeared for the first time during pregnancy, then you should urgently visit a doctor and get tested.

    During the first episode of herpes during pregnancy, the infection is transmitted through the blood vessels of the placenta or through the fallopian tubes.

    For recurrent types of herpes, vitamins are taken, and comprehensive treatment of the disease is carried out.


    Herpes on the lips, especially in pregnant women, should be treated as prescribed by a doctor. Important for diagnosis of this disease accept Urgent measures to reduce the risk to the unborn fetus. It is determined whether there are any concomitant diseases, for example, a cold. For this disease, antiviral drugs are prescribed. During pregnancy, herpes on the lips. In this case, the medicine is applied several times a day. It is believed that such drugs will not cause harm to the health of the mother and baby.

    Among the medications used are acyclovir, as well as tetracycline, erythromycin and oxolinic ointment for herpes.

    To heal wounds, cauterization of ulcers with interferon or vitamin E is used.

    Immunoglobulins are also used.

    Treatment of colds on the lips at home is carried out after consultation with a doctor. There are the following remedies for the disease:

    1. Propolis tincture cauterizes wounds.
    2. Tea tree and fir oils are used.
    3. For numerous rashes, a composition of interferon and vitamin E is used.
    4. Lotions are made from a soda solution.
    5. Gum resin is used to lubricate inflamed areas.
    6. Aloe juice is effective.
    7. Sometimes a mixture of ash, garlic juice and a teaspoon of honey is used.
    8. The lip is treated with a mixture of Vaseline and calendula tincture.

    During pregnancy, topical medications are prescribed. An ointment for herpes such as acyclovir is used. Alternative drugs are Zovirax, Ciclovir, and Viralex. Along with ointments, agents that activate the immune system are prescribed. This is echinacea or ginseng.

    During treatment, additional measures should be taken to enhance immunity:

    • consume a large number of liquids;
    • switch to a healthy and balanced diet;
    • observe hygiene procedures and do not touch your face with dirty hands.

    To avoid the need for treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy, the following preventive measures should be taken:

    1. Before planning a pregnancy, examine your body.
    2. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system.
    3. It is worth getting rid of bad habits.
    4. It is also worth taking multivitamin complexes and an immunity booster.
    5. It is recommended to get tested for the presence of herpes.
    6. In difficult cases, plasmapheresis is used.

    Self-medication is contraindicated for pregnant women. The exact diagnosis and recommendations are determined by the attending physician.

    Is it necessary to treat?

    Any reasonable woman understands that even the most harmless ailment during pregnancy can cause irreparable harm to the health of her unborn child. Therefore, it is imperative to treat herpes that occurs at any stage of pregnancy! Another thing is that the degree of danger of this virus for a pregnant woman depends on whether the disease is primary or secondary. If herpes on the lips has occurred before, then you can breathe a sigh of relief - the risk of complications for the baby is minimal. But even in this case, one should not take the disease lightly and let it take its course. If a woman first “met” herpes on the lips during pregnancy, then such an acquaintance cannot be called pleasant, because in some cases this leads to various complications of pregnancy and childbirth, the appearance of pathologies and malformations in the fetus. It is especially dangerous to get herpes for the first time at the beginning of pregnancy, when all the organs of the unborn baby are formed. Therefore, it is advisable for every woman, already at the stage of pregnancy planning, to know for sure whether she has had herpes before, since primary infection with the virus in an “interesting position” significantly aggravates pregnancy.

    Myths about treating herpes

    There are drugs that can cure herpes once and for all.

    This is wrong. Although medicine does not stand still, a fundamental cure for herpes has not yet been invented. Treatment is aimed at relieving the acute manifestations of the disease and reducing the frequency of possible relapses.

    Herpes that appears during pregnancy will be inherited by the child.

    This is wrong. Herpes during pregnancy cannot in any way be inherited and will not predispose the unborn child to this disease. On the contrary, the baby receives the appropriate antibodies and develops immunity to this type herpetic infection.

    Treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy should be carried out only in the second and third trimesters.

    This misconception is associated with the common opinion of ordinary people that even minimal medical intervention in the first months of pregnancy negatively affects the health of the unborn child. However, it should be remembered that unattended herpes on the lips in in this case much more dangerous than the use of harmless ointments and products traditional medicine.

    Algorithm of actions in case of herpes on the lips

    1.First of all, you need to make sure that herpes on the lips is not due to another concomitant disease(colds, for example). It may be that it is not just herpes that will need to be treated.

    2. For proper treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy, you must consult a doctor and follow all the recommendations received. As a rule, the doctor takes into account " interesting situation» woman and does not prescribe her aggressive antiviral drugs in tablets (Acyclovir, Penciclovir, Foscranet and the like), since all of them can have a pathological effect on the fetus. The use of such drugs is limited to strict indications.

    Basically the same number medical appointments includes:

    • means for drying emerging herpetic blisters (brilliant green solution) are used at the very beginning to reduce the number of rashes and stop their spread;
    • antiviral and other medicinal ointments that are not absorbed into the blood of a pregnant woman and therefore do not cause any harm to the unborn child: Panavir, Bormenthol, salicylo-zinc and oxolinic ointments. They should be applied 4-5 times a day to moisturize the skin at the site of drying ulcers;
    • means to strengthen the immune system and vitamins are prescribed by a doctor: immunocorrectors (Viferon, Genferon), immunomodulators of plant origin (Echinacea, ginseng, Eleutherococcus), vitamins C and E;
    • For frequent and severe rashes, the doctor may prescribe cauterization with a solution of interferon and vitamin E.

    3. It is necessary to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene:

    • do not touch herpes blisters with your hands to reduce the risk of spreading the infection to other parts of the body;
    • wash your hands with soap before and after handling herpes rashes;
    • do not kiss while sick;
    • do not use someone else’s cutlery, someone else’s lipstick, etc.;
    • do not open herpes blisters and do not pick off scabs, so as not to aggravate the course of the disease;
    • Do not get herpes rashes wet.

    4.You should adjust your diet to increase immunity and resistance to the virus:

    • drink drinks rich in vitamin C: cranberry juice, rosehip decoction;
    • exclude raisins and chocolate from the diet, since the amino acid arginine they contain creates an environment comfortable for herpes in the body;
    • eat more chicken, dairy products, fruits and vegetables - these products contain the “anti-herpes” amino acid lysine.

    Secrets of traditional medicine in the fight against herpes on the lips

    The best thing about all the products listed below is that they are absolutely safe for a pregnant woman. In addition, in most cases, traditional medicine recipes are very effective, especially if used together with traditional medications.

    • To get rid of herpes within a day, you should apply a piece of luda from the freezer, wrapped in a napkin, to the affected area as often as possible. Such treatment is more effective the earlier it is started.
    • Fir, sea buckthorn, rosehip oils, tea tree and bergamot oils accelerate the healing of post-herpetic ulcers. Essential oils Before applying to the skin, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.
    • Among the strange ones, but nevertheless effective recipes for herpes on the lips includes smearing herpetic rashes with wax from your own ear or raw egg white.
    • Celandine juice is used in the form of lotions 3-4 times a day.
    • Calendula tincture, which is sold in pharmacies, is very effective remedy in the treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy. This is due to its non-toxicity, antibactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. It is necessary to lubricate herpetic rashes with it 3-4 times a day.
    • To strengthen the immune system, traditional healers recommend eating onions and garlic, grapefruits, and drinking lemon balm tea.

    In general, I would like to wish all pregnant women not to waste their energy worrying about herpes on the lips, because if detected and treated in time, it becomes harmless for the unborn baby. Be healthy!

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