• The feminist described the pain points of men, and the tweeter described the pain points of girls and children. This flash mob will make you invincible. The Ministry of Justice has come to the defense of men in the “exaggerated” problem of domestic violence in Russia. There have already been several cases: an unknown person hits girls in the face and disappeared


    For example, at our school, in the late 70s, there were several such jokes. One day, after class, my neighbor at my desk came up to me and pressed me to the wall and said: “Look at this joke.” “I go into the billiards room,” she said, “I close the door behind me, (she zipped up my jacket) I turn off the light (she covered my eyes with her hands), and hit the balls! Having said this, she sharply hit me in the groin with her knee. It hurt, but not enough to make her fall or bend over, but she still giggled and ran away. I had never received such a blow before and was seriously scared, so before going home, I went to the toilet, checked the integrity of the testicles, and only after that I calmed down a little.

    One day, also at school, from the same neighbor at my desk, I wanted to take away a note and moved towards her, and she, lunging towards me, poked me in the balls with her folded fingers. It was much more painful than my knee, but I still took the note away. And also, when I went to visit my aunt in the village, I and the local teenagers were sitting on a bench under the fence. And so, standing in sports shorts near the bench and bending one leg at the knee and resting his heel on the bench, I didn’t notice, as in that joke about the chandelier, how a testicle came out of my shorts. Local friend Katya, saying “rolled it out? - roll it up!” I clicked on it and took advantage of my confusion to pull the Rubik's cube out of my hands. As I remember, I was very upset

    It cannot be said that she was, she still is, but now she is married again, Les’s girlfriend. She not only really liked all sorts of tricks with eggs, but also with her little thing))) Lesya is bigger than me, and her strong hand completely grips my balls. So, one day, having invited me “for coffee,” in bed she took the eggs in her hands and said: “I will slowly squeeze, and you will tell me when it becomes unbearable.” Since then, she began to grab them, crush them, twist them, slap them and snap them, to the point of my pain threshold and beyond. Since I also enjoyed it, our meetings became frequent. And suddenly, one day I discovered blood in my semen. The doctor said that a vessel had burst somewhere. Lesya got scared and said that she apparently pulled me hard by the balls. But it soon healed. And everything continued with renewed vigor. At the same time, she said that before me, all her men had a fear of “ball pain” and they didn’t trust her with their balls, but I helped her realize her desires.
    Once, I told her about how a classmate hit me with her knee, to which Lesya said that in self-defense lessons she was told that when a man is hit in the groin, the testicles should smack, and this sound is an indicator of pain. And then, one day at the windowsill, Lesya, as usual, came up to me, took my hands and sharply and strongly hit me in the groin with her knee. The testicles smacked, as if the shell had cracked, and tears of pain appeared in my eyes... “Should I hold you?” - Lesya asked looking into my eyes. "Quiet!" - she said smiling, “otherwise the yolks will leak out, I’m sorry, it’s me from an overabundance of feelings,” Lesya said and wiped my tears. In general, at our fairly frequent meetings, she often tried to unexpectedly hit me in the balls. In bed, she sucked them completely into her mouth, which caused some kind of animal fear in me. Several times while cleaning, she sucked my balls into the vacuum cleaner, she was very interested in it. By the way, I also sometimes suddenly lightly hit her pussy with my knuckles, the reaction to such blows from such a big and strong woman was funny. One day she threw lemon at my balls - I I almost died from the pain. And it was still very painful, once I slapped my bare balls with an open palm, calling it a “butt slap” after the type of slap in the face. Maybe it was because of her love for injuring balls that she went to self-defense? She said: “never grab a woman’s hands or tits, 90% of your bumps will suffer.”

    I'll tell you about Irinka))) Irinka, a blonde, a woman-child, a half-breed, like me, was my classmate in absentia at the academy. She was, and still is, married, therefore, she did not commit any depraved acts while sober. But she loved to drink, just like me in those years. And then, one day, in the cafe "Under the Birch" we once again got drunk after another session day, were walking home, (I accompanied her to the bus) and suddenly, she (we were kissing for some reason) suddenly tried to grab me by the balls. But the right one of the eggs miraculously managed to escape from her little fingers, and she squeezed the remaining one with such force that I almost screamed... At that time I had a Kopeika car, and when I was sober, I drove classmates, whom home, I mean to the apartment, or to the station, after the cafe "Under Berezoy". Why classmates? - I was studying to be an accountant then and out of 30 people we had 5)) So, Irina always sat in front and if she wasn’t sober, while driving, she would grab me by the balls, but one, as usual, slipped away and Irina squeezed the rest with all our might))) And so, our studies ended, and we decided to celebrate this occasion at her home. The husband and sister and her husband were present. I was the only one of my classmates. When Irinka got drunk, in the kitchen, taking a mixer, she offered me to “beat the testicles,” and at the table, when I was standing, she tried to hit them with her elbow. And when we were already leaving and her husband was already smoking on the street, she turned to me and twice, with a flourish, she hit me in the balls with her fist. I really wanted to bend over, however, thanks to alcohol, I endured it with her husband and said goodbye to her as if nothing had happened. By the way, after Irinka’s blows, my balls groaned for about a week...

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    To listen to you, you are just like that model, or training mannequin, for ballbusting. This has happened to you so many times already! But in general, judging by the intonation of your post, you were satisfied with what happened, and would not mind repeating it all if there was an opportunity. Right?) Long live ballbusting, tough nuts, and the ever-increasing number of men who want to find out for themselves what it is and what they eat it with!

    The Russian government, represented by Deputy Minister of Justice Mikhail Galperin, responded to questions from the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) on complaints from four women victims of domestic violence. One of these women is Margarita Gracheva, whose husband...

    The ECHR, among other things, asked whether the Russian authorities recognize the seriousness and scale of the problem of domestic violence and related discrimination against women. The Justice Ministry's response states that "the scale of the problem, as well as the severity and extent of its discriminatory impact on women in Russia, are quite exaggerated," while "it is logical to assume that male victims suffer more from discrimination in such cases."

    The response to the European Court also states that the four women are trying to “misinterpret the general situation with domestic violence in Russia” and “undermine the legal mechanisms already in place in Russian legislation, as well as government efforts to improve the situation.”

    Lawyer Olga Gnezdilova, in turn, noted that “the victims filed complaints independently of each other, even in different years", and "The ECtHR decided to combine the complaints and ask about them general issues parties,” as women “talk about similar violations.”

    The lawyer does not agree with the response of the Ministry of Justice. “Practice shows that existing legislation is not enough to protect women. The cases of these four applicants demonstrate the inefficiency of the system,” Gnezdilova said.

    Another lawyer, Marie Davtyan, called Halperin’s response “some kind of trolling that cannot even be discussed seriously.”

    Among other things, the court asked whether in Russia there is “ the legislative framework to punish all forms of domestic violence and provide safeguards for victims.” The ECHR also inquired whether the Russian authorities recognized the seriousness and scale of the problem of domestic violence and related discrimination against women. The last question on the list: is there a systemic problem of violation of women's rights in the country and does it require general measures?<...>

    Document [ECtHR response] to English language signed by Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation Mikhail Galperin. It states that “an assault on an individual is punishable regardless of the gender of the victim and whether it was committed by family members, partners or third parties.”

    The authors of the response acknowledge that in Russia domestic violence “has never been considered as a separate crime,” but point out that the Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “contain more than 40 criminal and at least five administrative provisions relating to various acts of violence against individuals.” As an example, they cite “deliberate infliction of harm to health” of varying severity, “battery,” “torture” and other articles of the codes.

    The government acknowledges that “the phenomenon of domestic violence unfortunately exists in Russia, as in any other country”, but emphasizes that “the scale of the problem, as well as the severity and extent of its discriminatory impact on women in Russia, have been quite exaggerated.”

    Speaking about discrimination, the authors of the document make a surprising conclusion: “Even if we assume that the majority of people subjected to domestic violence in Russia are in fact women (although there is no evidence for this assertion), it is logical to assume that male victims suffer more from discrimination in such cases. They are in the minority and are not expected to ask for protection from abuse from family members, especially if they suffer from someone of the opposite sex.”

    The document also states that according to statistics on violent crimes resulting in serious health consequences or death, “the majority of victims are men.”


    The first applicant is Natalya Tunikova, whom her husband beat and tried to throw from the 16th floor. Resisting, the woman stabbed her husband with a knife. She was found guilty of intentionally causing grievous bodily harm, but was later granted amnesty.

    Elena Gershman was also beaten by her husband. In addition, he kidnapped her daughter, took her to another country and did not allow the mother to see the child for a year and a half. The third applicant, Irina Petrakova, appealed to the ECHR due to beatings and violence.

    The fourth complaint is from Margarita Gracheva. Her husband took her into the forest and cut off her hands. He received 14 years in prison strict regime.


    Currently in Russia a bill on domestic violence is being developed, which, in particular, promises to spell out the concept of “persecution” and introduce a procedure for protective orders. It is expected that the document will be submitted to the State Duma for consideration by the end of 2019.


    November 19, 16:27 The Ministry of Justice stated that the journalists distorted the essence of the position of the Russian authorities, stated in the ECHR, and incorrectly translated excerpts from the procedural position from English into Russian.
    “The position set out in the memorandum sent to the ECHR is that the serious problem of violence is common to many countries, including Russian Federation. At the same time, the state is obliged to provide unconditional protection from violence, regardless of who the victim is: a child, a woman or a man,” the Russian ministry explained the essence of the answer. “The statements of the applicant’s representatives about the presence in the case under consideration, including a violation of Article 14 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, which prohibits discrimination, do not correspond to the practice of the European Court itself,” the Ministry of Justice noted.

    The ministry explained that, despite the absence of a separate crime for domestic violence, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for more than 40 criminal codes for qualifying facts of domestic violence and at least 5 administrative offenses prohibiting various shapes acts of violence against individuals, including those committed by members of their own family. At the same time, the Ministry of Justice emphasized that this “does not exclude further improvement of legislation in this area to protect the rights of citizens.”

    / This is an identikit of a man who hits girls in the face in the Dnieper and disappears (REPOST)

    This is an identikit of a man who hits girls in the face in the Dnieper and disappears (REPOST)

    Maria Kozkina
    2 months ago, 15:10

    Dnepr police are actively looking for a hooligan who has already attacked 6 girls. The suspect simply punches the women in the face and runs away. A sketch of the suspect appeared.

    Reposting information is important!

    There is also a description of the suspect:

    Signs of the suspect

    The man is about 170 cm tall, thin, sunken cheeks, pronounced cheekbones, black hair, black or dark blue jacket.

    “Based on the results of the analysis, we have created mobile groups that patrol the areas where crimes are committed.

    In addition, operatives are involved who, using an identikit, are looking for the criminal.

    Currently, criminal proceedings have been initiated under Part 1 of Article 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine,” said the head of the Dnieper police department, Sergei Bukhinnik.

    The police are checking people who are registered with law enforcement agencies or doctors.

    There have already been several cases: an unknown person hits girls in the face and disappears

    In the Dnieper on the Left Bank, on Kalinova and Kosior streets, an unknown man attacks women. He's coming up to his victim and hits him in the face in broad daylight.

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