• Versatile personality. What is harmonious and comprehensively developed for me?


    2.2. Comprehensive formation and development of personality as the goal of education

    Solving the problem of personality formation and development in the process of education is associated with the problem of determining its goals.

    A goal is a mental representation of the end results. Purpose of education there is a definition (forecasting) of those positive changes that should occur as a result of the formation and development of the individual in his socio-psychological qualities. It follows that the main goal of education is the comprehensive formation and development of personality. A.S. Makarenko put such content into the purpose of education: “By the purpose of education I understand the program of the human personality, the program of human character, and in the concept of character I put the entire content of the personality, i.e. and the nature of external manifestations and internal conviction, and political education, and knowledge, absolutely the whole picture of the human personality; I believe that we, teachers, must have a program for the human personality to which we must strive.”

    IN textbooks in pedagogy, the concepts under consideration are often interpreted as synonyms, and even with the addition of the word “harmonious”. However, as shown above, the concepts of “development” and “formation” have different meanings. Therefore, when we talk about the comprehensive formation of a personality, it is necessary to keep in mind the changes that occur in its knowledge, methods of activity and qualities (intellectual, moral, aesthetic and physical). Hence, comprehensive personality formation is a process of quantitative and qualitative changes that occur when a person assimilates social experience in its intellectual, moral, aesthetic and physical qualities.

    We can talk about comprehensive development when certain changes take place in all aspects of the personality (experience, functional mechanisms of the psyche and typological properties). Therefore, under comprehensive personality development one should understand the interconnected process of quantitative and qualitative changes that directly or indirectly occur in the experience of the individual, its functional mechanisms and typological properties, i.e. in all aspects of personality.

    The harmony of comprehensive formation and development presupposes the presence of integrity, uniformity and simultaneity in the formation of personality qualities and changes in all its aspects. This could never happen in reality. It should be noted that some representatives of the theory of communist education understood this, therefore they called the comprehensive and harmonious formation and development of personality the ideal of education that a person should strive for, but which can never be achieved.

    Since education is a purposeful pedagogical process formation of personality qualities, then the comprehensive education of a person includes the following components.

    This article will reveal how comprehensive personality development determines the balance of your life. As you read, you will be able to analyze your life and determine how the harmony of your life relates to the comprehensive development of your personality.

    Man is a collective being. We are developing in society. Social life is very important for each of us to one degree or another. Modern society instills in a person the values ​​of life - what is important and what is not. Each of us strives for our own happiness:

    • someone wants to be financially independent;
    • someone to find their other half;
    • someone to improve their health.

    Compromise between “should” and “I want”

    We dream, we strive to realize our desires. External circumstances dictate our living conditions. A person has to reconcile his internal aspirations with external circumstances. Not every person manages to realize his dreams, achieve his goals, become who he wants to be, live the life he likes. Life turns into a kind of compromise between “should” and “I want”. A person has to adapt to external conditions of life, give up his desires, take from social life what is offered, and not what you actually want. As a result, a person’s internal tension grows and develops into abstract dissatisfaction with the process of life. Life takes on faded colors, we begin to live an uninteresting, routine life. We gradually lose the balance of life, the fine tuning that allows us to feel joy, happiness, and satisfaction in life. The harmony around us turns into imbalance.

    Life balance – comprehensive personal development

    In order to understand what is meant when they say the balance of a person’s life, let’s consider aspects of human life in modern society.

    A person manifests himself in his life mainly in eight directions (individually there may be more):

    1. Health.

    2. Money.


    4. Personal growth.

    5. Spiritual growth.

    7. Relationships.

    Each of the above aspects has its own special balance. Each direction is associated with certain human desires. If a person cannot achieve his goals in any area of ​​his life, he begins to experience a feeling of dissatisfaction.

    For example, let’s take the “Money” aspect - if there is a lack of money and there is no way to improve the situation, then you can imagine what a person has to worry and feel every day.

    Now imagine that in every area of ​​life there is a presence of dissatisfaction. Naturally, a person becomes dissatisfied in life, begins to complain about fate, and thinks of himself as an unhappy person. Perceives life as something that brings discomfort, suffering, where it is necessary to fight for existence.

    The very feeling of happiness in life is quite subjective for each person. For one person, the state of affairs may well pass for happiness, for another it may be perceived as an uncomfortable state, a lack of satisfaction.

    For example, financial wealth for each of us depends on our needs and naturally it will be different for each person, which means the degree of satisfaction will also be different.

    This is far from a complete picture - in fact, it is impossible to draw clear boundaries between aspects of a person’s life. Each of the directions mutually influences each other.

    Values ​​in human life

    Our values ​​(material, moral, spiritual) play a special role in the balance of life. In accordance with them we We try to act, to live our lives. If a person forgets about them or does not take them into account, he cannot build a happy, harmonious life.

    For example, we get a prestigious, highly paid job. At first glance, everything suits us and we are very happy, we have a good salary. Over time, our level of satisfaction may gradually change from "+" to "-". The feeling of joy from work wears off, and the routine begins to suck. Why is this happening? Where did that “+” go? Perhaps, when applying for a job, we did not take into account another of our values ​​(for example: personal growth) - we should like our work, the work environment should develop us as a person, demand from us personal development, self-improvement. Or perhaps we knew that not all of our requests could be satisfied by this work (mostly only financial ones). Then we deliberately made a compromise without taking into account our values. In any case, a person feels uncomfortable in such a situation.

    There can be two scenarios here:

    • a person begins to change the situation in accordance with his values ​​and needs, or
    • adapts, continuing to live with a feeling of discomfort in life.

    How to live, act, maintaining balance and harmony in life?

    What if the balance is upset? Where to begin? First of all, you need to consider your life as a whole, not fragmented. Do not divide it into work, everyday life, hobbies, etc. Try to see the interconnection and mutual influence of aspects of life. If we rush too hard to earn money or achieve success (without taking into account the balance of life), then we may lose in the “health” sector and we will have to spend the money we earn to restore it, or family relationships may worsen, since we have begun to pay less attention to our companion in life and their children, etc.

    The key to life balance is the comprehensive development of the individual, that is, it is necessary to develop not in one chosen area of ​​​​life (for example, business or career), but to take into account all areas of life and grow in each of them.

    It is also necessary to define our values. What is really important to us and what is not? Outline your priorities. Align our desires and actions in accordance with our value system. Start taking actions in accordance with our priorities.

    P.S. How to do this correctly and what techniques to use? We will look at this in more detail in future articles.

    We wish you Have a good mood and positive changes in life!

    Natalya Belaya (Boyarkina)
    Comprehensive development of the child’s personality through physical development

    Municipal preschool educational institution MDOU d/s No. 28 Chernyshevsk

    Subject: comprehensive development of the child’s personality through physical development


    Belaya N. M

    instructor physical education

    Chernyshevsk village


    Raising a healthy generation with a harmonious development of physical and spiritual qualities is one of the main tasks of modern society.

    For several years now, at all levels, an opinion has been expressed about the need to intensify physical education of the younger generation. In 2005, the Concept of the federal target program “ Physical development culture and sports in Russian Federation for 2006-2015".

    Within the framework of the Program, the priority area is development children's physical education and sports. Currently, stage 2 of the Program is underway. Goal and task stage: creating conditions for joining regular physical education classes, as well as creating an effective system physical education and development of children.

    At no other time in life physical education is not so closely related to general education and education, as for the first time 6 years. During preschool childhood, child laying the foundations for health and longevity comprehensive motor preparedness and harmonious personality development.

    The outstanding V. A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength in knowledge, self-confidence.

    Preschool childhood - the initial stage of formation personalities, his values, orientation in the world around him.

    Teachers and psychologists (L. S. Vygotsky, A. Vallon, M. M. Koltsova) a direct relationship has been established between the level of motor activity of children and their vocabulary, speech development, thinking.

    Many children preschool age unstable attention, which determines the memory process, the process is weak development speech breathing . Often there is no correct articulation, voice strength, expressiveness, voice rhythm, practically no developed sense of speech tempo.

    Numerous studies indicate the primary role of movements in the development of mental functions child. There is a close connection between the indicators physical and mental qualities in preschool children (G. A. Kazantseva 1993, V. A. Balandin 2000, N. I. Dvorkina 2002)

    Currently, there is an urgent task of understanding the characteristics of mental development of modern children, in particular, their emotional stability, which ensures positive results communication, learning and socialization. An emotionally stable person is productive and successful.

    Physical and mental health is the most important prerequisite for the correct formation of character, initiative development, talents and natural abilities. It is especially important to emphasize that physical education is not only development musculoskeletal system and physical qualities, it is also a means of promoting development all areas of the brain child. In progress physical Education creates a variety of situations, including conflict situations, in which the preschooler’s relationship to society, to people, and to himself is revealed and changed. Motor activity against the background of strong emotional arousal teaches one to subordinate personal interests to the interests of the team, control oneself, show discipline, honesty, courage, determination. There is a relationship between the state of psychomotor development and manifestation of difficulties in emotional, communicative child development. Performing its specific functions, physical development objectively connected with such priority areas as mental, moral, labor and aesthetic education.

    In this regard, the purpose of my research was to determine the possibilities physical culture , as a means comprehensive development of the personality of a preschool child.

    Object of study is: process physical education

    Subject: program sections "Childhood" and resulting from them

    educational and educational tasks

    First steps into mathematics

    Speech development

    Theatrical activities

    Ecology- child and the natural world

    Social-emotional development

    Hypothesis: Let's pretend that physical education , carries the function comprehensive development of the child’s personality.


    Conduct an analysis of literary sources on the problem under study (sections of the program "Childhood")

    Determine the relationship physical education with the educational objectives of the Program and the possibility of solving them

    To study the existing experience of implementing educational - educational objectives in process physical education.


    Literature analysis

    Learning from experience


    Diagnostic test



    1. Sections of the program "Childhood"

    2. Educational tasks of the sections of the Program implemented in the process physical education

    3. The role of outdoor games in comprehensive development of the child’s personality.




    development of recitatives, elements of psycho-gymnastics, breathing exercises, relaxation, facial exercises

    sample projects


    1. Educational sections of the program "Childhood"

    1 First steps in mathematics

    2. Speech development

    3. Theatrical activities

    4. Ecology- child and the natural world

    5. Social-emotional development

    2. Educational tasks solved in the process physical education

    First steps into mathematics:

    Orientation in space and identification of spatial relationships;

    quantitative and ordinal counting and number;

    determination of equality and inequality of objects on a specific basis (big-small, long-short, high-low, thin-thick);

    difference geometric shapes and their correct name;

    formation into groups of 2, 3;

    reproduction of claps, movements by ear

    Speech development:

    Development of tempo, rhythm, timbre and intensity of speech;

    improved articulation;

    prevention various violations of the sound culture of speech;

    formation of artistic and speech performing skills;

    communication development, monologue and expressive speech.

    Theatrical activities:

    development creative imagination and fantasy;

    imitation, improvisation and expressiveness of movements;

    ability to transmit through movement emotional state;

    the ability to enter an imaginary situation;

    development gestures, facial expressions and pantomimes;

    education of aesthetic feelings

    Ecology- child and the natural world

    mastering the basics of environmental safety;

    names of the inhabitants of the flora and fauna;

    through movement, creating your own image for the portrayed character;

    development of aesthetic feelings.

    valeological basics:development interest in active physical activity;

    instilling healthy lifestyle skills (prevention and elimination of bad habits

    increasing the body's reserve capabilities (resistance and hardening).

    raising in children the awareness that man is part of nature and society;

    habit training personal hygiene;

    Social-emotional development

    Self-esteem "I";

    education of moral and volitional qualities: goodwill, mutual understanding, determination, honesty, balance;

    fostering mutual assistance and the ability to unite;

    development communication skills and tolerance education;

    development volitional skills and overcoming difficulties

    mental and moral education;

    labor education: diligent and careful execution of instructions, careful handling of objects and equipment, cleaning and arrangement of physical education aids;

    From work experience

    Childhood is a unique period in a person’s life, during which not only health is formed, but also comprehensive personality development.

    I work in preschool educational institution head By physical culture. Before that I worked as a teacher for many years and therefore I know well psychophysiological characteristics of a preschool child. In the process of my work I had to educate myself and re-read a large number of different methods, programs and technologies from which I learned a lot of new and interesting things. I came to the definite conclusion that physical education should not be reduced only to muscular activity. I was especially interested in “Pedagogy-health program” edited by V. Kudryavtsev. Indeed, motor activity is a wonderful basis for other types of educational work. And improving old and creating new organizational and methodological approaches (traditional and non-traditional) allowed to ensure improved results in upbringing and education.

    In the process of researching my pedagogical work, as a physical education instructor, analyzed all the motor activities of children from a new point of view. I came to the conclusion that with the introduction of new methods and technologies into physical education and health work with children, it became possible to solve related problems of an educational and educational nature. Such How: first steps into mathematics, speech development, theatrical activity, ecology, valeology, social-emotional development.

    Mathematics and physical culture... It would seem that it is impossible to draw any parallels here, but in reality this is not at all the case. Already in the first stages of training child Walking and the first results can be seen. For example, walking at a count of 1.2-3.4. And if you pay deep attention to the software requirements for physical education, then you can trace how mathematics problems are solved in different types movements.

    walking with orientation in a given direction (diagonal, middle of the hall, "snake"

    counting walking “10 steps on toes, 8 steps on heels”;

    walking with a task “depict the parts of the day”;

    walking to recitatives “one step and two steps, left-right boot”;

    various rebuilding and building 3, 2, "in pairs", V "circle";

    calculations for 1-2;

    turns right, left;

    jumping with a task through"low bench", through"high" bench;

    jumping, bending. turns, exercises for arms and legs according to the named number or the number shown;

    steps and jumps one more or one less

    jumps with turns of 900-1800

    You can give children exercises to learn the size of objects and compare specific lengths through motor analyzer

    For example, we invite children to walk along "wide-narrow", "short-long" path. Step over through"wide", "narrow" trickle. Children analyze where it is more convenient to walk. run "slow-fast".

    Give tasks for throwing, catching and throwing balls and various items . Throw further, higher or in the indicated direction. Along the way, determine what shape the ball is and its properties.

    In the organisation various relay games for children We suggest determining the number of objects, grouping them by shape, or comparing objects by size. For example, each team member queues you have to jump to right leg to the hoop, put 5 small cubes and 3 large ones in it, or remove the extra ones from the laid out geometric shapes. Give the children cards with geometric shapes and form into groups "squares", "triangles", "circles"-whose group is the fastest. I made cards with geometric shapes, the children receive a task depending on the one depicted figures: "square"-walking, "circle"-jumping "triangle"-squats. We decorated the interior of our gym various geometric shapes. They painted the floor and walls with squares, circles, and triangles of different colors and sizes. Teaching children different types of walking and running, I propose to navigate by geometric figures: “we walk to the square, turn at the triangle”. I give tasks for development of the eye“Hit the ball into a circle, square, triangle”.

    To relieve tension and fatigue in children, I use various types of exercises with reproduction of clapping, movements by ear. For example, I suggest playing "raindrops"- children clap their hands according to text:

    “It started to rain and one drop fell -1 clap

    2 drops fall - 2 clap

    3 drops fall - 3 clap

    and so on until 5 or 10 drops, then count down

    “The rain ends - 5 drops fell - 5 claps

    4 drops fall - 4 pops”, etc.

    Exercises for fine motor skills of the hands contain mathematical check:

    (children fold their palms, beat off the claps with their fingers, pressing the lower parts of the palm tightly to each other friend: 1,2,3,4 who lives in our apartment? 1,2,3,4,5 I can count them all - fingers press and clap palms "dad, mom, brother"… etc.)

    When organizing outdoor games, we select a leader according to various counting rhymes, which contain a mathematical account. (one two Three.)

    This approach to organizing physical activity allows children to better understand mathematical representations and solve, to some extent, problems associated with mastering the assigned program tasks mathematics: quantitative and ordinal counting, counting backwards, names of geometric figures, orientation in space, etc.

    The relationship between general and speech motor skills has been studied and confirmed by the research of many major scientists, such as I. P. Pavlov, A. A. Leontyev, A. R. Luria. The higher the physical activity child, all the better his speech is developing. Precise, dynamic exercises for the legs, arms, torso, and head prepare and improve the movements of the articular organs (lips, tongue, lower jaw, which are leading in the formation of correct sound pronunciation. On the one hand, physical activity helps to increase intensity develop a child's speech, on the other hand, the formation of movements occurs with the participation of speech.

    There were difficulties in walking in a cross step, so she suggested that the children take these steps as a nursery rhyme "A fox walked through the forest"... the result was obvious, I was able to form a movement with the participation of speech.

    I noticed that the less motor experience children have, the smaller their vocabulary. I came to these conclusions when I began to use it in my practice. "recitatives". And the special object of study was development speech of children at the time of motor activity. Recitatives combined with movements make it possible to intensify the speech activity of children. Developing the relationship between speech activity and movements. Children quickly transition to active speech, and speech itself improves. As a result of accompanying movements with poetry Children's verbal skills develop, voluntary and involuntary memory. Walking to chants and recitatives develops pace, rhythm, timbre and intensity of voice child.

    Through outdoor games with text accompaniment monologue speech develops, artistic and speech performing skills. In children with speech defects, articulation improves, and violations of the sound culture of speech are prevented. An excellent remedy for development Russian folk games are creative speech activities, since almost all of them contain literature.

    Such positive dynamics make it advisable to use "recitatives", various outdoor games with words and texts, in the physical activity of children.

    IN various types of exercises and actions with objects develops fine motor skills hands. General developmental exercises with handkerchiefs, cubes, flags, balls, rings and balls strengthen the hand child and develop motor skills. Various colors of flags, balls, and aids shape children’s perception of colors. Color palette the painted walls and floor of the gym are pleasing to the eye child and helps distinguish shades of color.

    The most important feature of a preschooler’s creativity is its saturation with bright, positive emotions, due to which it has great attractive force and leads to development new motives of activity that form a heuristic personality» ( Development creativity of preschoolers. M. ed. knowledge, 2007).

    Theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions provide a huge potential for energy and emotional reserves for children's activities. In physical education and health work with children, new non-traditional forms and methods of organizing physical education classes - thematic, plot-based, game-based. As a result of this innovation, a unique opportunity emerged to solve problems and theatrical activities. With the introduction of your work into practice various trainings, relaxation exercises, psycho-gymnastics, came to the conclusion that such non-traditional forms involuntarily contributed to the creation "small physical education theater". Children really enjoy doing "imitative" movements on cards that depict animals or objects.

    For example, I distribute cards to everyone to kid, he doesn't show it to his friend. Then I ask for each child's turn depict in motion what is drawn on his card, everyone must guess and name what it is or who it is.

    Thus, develops creative imagination and fantasy child.

    Carrying out entertainment, leisure activities and holidays of a physical culture and recreational nature, with the participation of fairy-tale characters, make it possible to reveal artistic abilities in children. Children participants, during entertainment, become real little actors and actresses.

    The world of ecology is also, in some form, a field of activity physical culture. To maintain interest in physical activity, I made a selection of poems and quatrains for general developmental exercises, the introductory part of the lesson and gymnastics. Children enjoy moving while reading poems with a plot. Through Poetic form in combination with movements, children replenish their knowledge about different types of inhabitants of the animal and plant world, create their own images for the characters. Through elements of psychogymnastics exercises in children, are developing aesthetic feelings: "sun-bell", “we are warm, gentle rays”, « beautiful flowers» . Relaxation to the sound of an audio recording - the murmuring of a brook, the voices of birds, the sound of sea waves - evokes an emotional response in the hearts of children. Elements of relaxation activate the nervous system, regulate mood and the degree of mental arousal, and help relieve mental and muscle tension caused by stress.

    The problem of preserving and strengthening human health is becoming increasingly acute, requiring serious pedagogical reflection and solutions. Due to this physical education through instilling the basics of valeological culture is relevant already in preschool age.

    Valeology is the science of how to live today in order to have a chance to see tomorrow. Valueological education should be deeply national, that is, based on the cultural experience of the people, their traditions, customs, rituals and forms of social practice.

    Increase in diseases "civilization" urgently requires the formation in children, starting from preschool age, of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. They stand before us tasks: to teach children to love themselves and others, their body, their organism, to form ideas about the structure of their body, to form an attitude towards their own health as a whole. Needs to be taught child from early childhood treat your health wisely, respect physical culture, harden your body, eat rationally. The implementation of a set of these measures ensures optimal physical development and good health of children.

    Working in this direction, I try to instill in children an interest in active physical activity, instill skills in healthy image life, which contributes to the formation of valeological foundations in children, increases the reserve capabilities of the body, resistance to disease, hardening develops. In class, while performing physical children get exercise elementary representations about the structure of your own body, functions and purposes internal organs and body systems. Through system special exercises and games, children become familiar with the signs of health (correct posture, gait, learn to protect themselves from germs, avoid dangerous places, and, if necessary, provide basic assistance to themselves and others.

    Formation personalities preschooler in progress physical culture, another task that is solved in the process of motor activity. the main objective personality development – ​​the child’s realization of his"I", as well as experiences as an individual - can be successfully resolved in the process of performing physical exercise.

    “Movement, even the simplest, gives to kid food for children's fantasy, develops creativity, which is the highest component in the structure personalities, is one of the most meaningful forms of mental activity child, which scientists consider as a universal ability that ensures the successful performance of a variety of activities.

    Engaged in self-education and studying the materials of the training course by V. G. Alyamovskaya, « Modern approaches to the health of children in preschool educational institutions", I was interested in the lecture with the topic “ psychophysical and socio-psychological factors of health.” I agree with the statement that “health is not a sign of spirituality”, in other words you can be physically strong person, but at the same time mentally damaged" (V. G. Alyamovskaya). And in my practical work I try to create conditions that provide both mental and physical health of children.

    I organize the process of teaching children in such a way as to evoke interest and an emotional response. I pay a special role to gaming motor tasks, outdoor games, entertainment, which are always interesting to children, because they have a great emotional charge. To a large extent, this is facilitated by exciting motor activity associated with a clear focus on results (dramatization games, sports and outdoor games, sports exercises, relay race games). And if my pupils ask: what game will we play,” there is no doubt - will answer: "Nikanorihu" or "Boyars". After all, these are the games that evoke positive emotions. Folklore is an emotional and figurative means of influencing children. The joy of movement is combined with the spiritual enrichment of children, forming in them a stable attitude towards the culture of their native country, creating an emotionally positive basis for development patriotic feelings.

    Physical education lays the foundations of labor education child. The children help me prepare equipment for classes - they arrange benches, lay out aids and attributes. WITH younger age I teach children to take care of equipment and be sure to clean their work area at the end of the lesson.

    When performing such tasks, children develop positive habits: diligence, diligence, accuracy.

    Many times I have had the opportunity to observe how children try to overcome certain difficulties associated with performing motor tasks and exercises for long, repeated and monotonous repetition. For example, exercises with objects that require efforts:

    Do 8-9 squats, turns, bends ( “We bend over, but don’t bend our knees”) etc. Mastering new material also requires child of certain physical and mental efforts. Especially when doing exercises for joint flexibility. The child evaluates his"I" by the direct efforts he made to achieve his goal. Due to development of self-esteem develops such personal qualities like self-respect, pride.

    Physical education has enormous potential in the aesthetic education of a preschooler - it shapes the beauty of a person’s physique and movement.

    Classes physical exercises create favorable conditions for aesthetic education. During classes, beautiful posture is formed, harmonious development of body shapes, an understanding of simplicity and grace of movements is brought up.

    children. An art and sports club was created at the preschool educational institution "Herringbone". The focus of which is aesthetic development in collaboration with physical education.

    Man has an inherent desire for happiness and freedom. Therefore, the social ideal of the individual has always been associated with these concepts. But what is necessary for human happiness? In what actions does he feel free? For pedagogy, these questions are important because the answers to them reveal the content of the purpose of education, and therefore the content of education itself to a significant extent.

    philosophy provides answers to questions about the essence of happiness and freedom, but there is no single teaching about ethical categories in philosophy, as in other sciences.

    The most ancient philosophers believed that the goal of education should be the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, the central qualities of which are wisdom, health, and nobility. In Plato's Dialogues we find the statement that only a wise person can be happy. Wisdom is not only in philosophical reasoning, but also in the correct use of things based on knowledge, combined with the ability to do something and use what has been done. Wisdom can be learned, it will not come by itself (see: Plato. Dialogues. - M., 1986. - P. 113-135).

    A master of the flute, a grammarian (a master of writing and reading texts), a skilled helmsman, a military commander, a doctor and a carpenter can be wise, and therefore happy. Diligence as the ability to complete a chosen task, as voluntary patience and an impeccable ability to work should also be inherent in a person (see. right there.- P. 429).

    The harmonious development of a person’s spiritual and physical abilities, in which the ancients gave preference to the spiritual (for Aristotle, human thinking is the highest bliss, the joy of life), was the goal of education. Her achievement was served by teaching children, which developed vision and hearing, plasticity of the body, the ability to reason, do calculations, strengthen willpower, etc. The cult of beauty and harmony in everything that reigned in Ancient Greece was the basis of the idea of ​​harmony of physical and spiritual qualities, coinciding with the concept of goodness as the goal of education.

    In the Middle Ages, almost everywhere on Earth, the subordination and service of man to God prevailed. To a large extent, ^a has been preserved in a slightly modified form to this day.

    e Ni. Various religious teachings - Buddhism, Mohammedanism, Christianity, Judaism, etc. - have their own characteristics. General

    I Them in relation to the goal of education is submission to

    thoughts and deeds of men in the service of God. Education to form such a person who would devote all his thoughts and deeds to serving the Lord and preparing for eternal Life in heaven after moving to another world. True happiness lies in eternal life. Earthly life is just a preparation for it. And it is determined by divine provision. Humility, dedication of one's affairs to the church, zeal in the performance of religious rituals, perseverance in faith and upholding its interests, hope for divine help, salvation and understanding of the inevitability of punishment for sins. Education in all religious schools is based on these provisions.

    During the Renaissance, poets and artists (Dante, Raphael, etc.) again turned to the idea of ​​man, the elevation of his role in society, the proclamation of the limitless possibilities of the will and mind of the individual, as opposed to the doctrine of asceticism and subordination to the church. The great geographical discoveries in astronomy and biology gave a powerful impetus to the development of the philosophy of the emerging bourgeoisie - the philosophy of active transformation of the world, initiative, enterprise, and individual responsibility.

    During this period, there was a return to the idea of ​​harmonious development of personality, which in its final and philosophical and pedagogical version was formulated by K. Marx. He most fully revealed the essence of bourgeois socio-economic relations and analyzed the place of the individual in capitalist society. Subsequently, the doctrine of the comprehensive and harmonious development of personality was developed by Soviet teachers (N.K. Krupskaya, A.V. Lunacharsky, A.S. Makarenko, V.S. Sukhomlinsky, etc.).

    The need for comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual is justified by the fact that in an era of intensive industrial development and periodically recurring crises in the economy, the comprehensive development of the personality of each member of society becomes not a good wish, but an objective need. On the one hand, this need is due to the high demands of technical and economic development on the personal qualities of a person, and on the other hand, the need of the person himself for the comprehensive development of his inclinations in order to adapt (survive) in the conditions of the struggle for existence in the rapidly changing world of technology and social relations.

    The personal psychological basis of this goal is a person’s natural desire for improvement and perfection.

    This is rightly considered a necessary basis for the subsequent development of any specialty.

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