• Paper construction in kindergarten: types of crafts and methods of conducting classes in different groups. "Magic origami" group senior group


    Samoilova Maria

    Summary of GCD on origami in senior group : « Bookmark - pencil» .

    Target: teach how to create crafts using technology origami. Develop imagination and memory.

    Tasks: Continue to improve your paper folding skills. Foster a desire to make crafts yourself as gifts for younger children.

    For work we needed: one-sided colored paper A-4, glue.

    1. Take paper width 85mm; length-22mm.

    2. Fold in half heightwise. White side on the inside, colored side on top. Make a fold line.

    3. Unfold, place the white part up, fold the strip on the narrow side (about 1 cm.)

    4. Turn the colored side up, fold the corners at the top into a triangle towards the fold line.

    5. And bend the corners again, making a sharper corner.

    6. Turn over to the white side.

    7. Fold the bottom approximately in half.

    8. Turn over again, fold the sides towards the middle. You can glue the wrapped side parts with a little glue.

    9. Flip and Wonderful pencil bookmark ready.

    But what happened with the guys, they are very tried!

    Publications on the topic:

    Abstract of the GCD “Lacy bookmark for books” (application) Abstract of the GCD “Lace bookmark for books” (application) Objectives: to introduce children to the purpose of the bookmark, with methods of cutting out patterns (geometric.

    "Tale of Origami". Abstract of GCD on artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group TOPIC: "ORIGAMI TALE". GOAL: to introduce children to a new artistic creation - origami. OBJECTIVES: - teach children how to make a toy fox.

    Summary of an origami lesson in the senior group. Irina Belyakova. Purpose of the lesson: To introduce children to dividing a circle into 4, 8 parts; Pin.

    Relevance of the practice: Preschool age– a bright, unique page in the life of every person. It is during this period that it is established.

    GCD for FEMP “Visiting artist Pencil” Objectives Exercise the ability to reproduce the specified number of movements (within 5). Learn to navigate in a given direction (forward,...

    GCD for artistic and aesthetic development in the older group of children with mental retardation using the origami technique “Pot of Flowers for Mother’s Day” Goal: To form artistic and aesthetic perception through introducing children to appliqué classes and improving the ability to create.

    Educator: Guys, this is Princess Origami herself, the mistress of the country of Origami. But why is she so sad? Let's ask her!

    Princess Origami: How can I not be sad! Guys, I really love birds!!! There were so many of them in my kingdom and I called them origami birds. But the evil witch brought gray clouds to my kingdom, and you know that where there are clouds, there is rain, and my kingdom is made of paper... my origami birds did not have time to hide and... (cries)
    Educator: Guys, I don’t understand anything, what do birds and rain have to do with it? What could have happened? Why is the princess crying?

    Educator: Guys, in order to find out exactly what misfortune happened to the birds, I propose to conduct an experiment! Let's take paper and drip water on it, like rain dripped on paper birds, and everything will become clear right away!
    (children, together with the teacher, conduct an experiment, make sure that the paper is damaged)
    Educator: Guys, it seems to me that we can help Princess Origami! How do you think we can do this?
    Educator: That's right, after all, in design classes we learned how to make paper crafts, and I think that we can easily help the sad princess!
    Preparing to make crafts. Working with the diagram. (The teacher sits the children at tables and distributes operational diagrams)
    Educator: Look at the diagrams first. What basic model do we need? Right, " Kite" Who will tell you how to do it?
    Educator: All this is shown in the figure. What happens next with the base model?
    What do we do next? Tell me, what does the following picture tell about?
    Educator: Invites children to choose necessary materials and get to work).

    Educator: Perform crafts according to the diagram.
    We will need square sheets of colored paper - bright, perhaps not monochromatic, decorated with patterns. Paper sizes can also be different - from 20*20 cm to 13*13 cm. Then we will get both large and small origami birds.)

    Operational diagrams.
    1. Place the paper with the colored side down, away from you. Fold the square diagonally, exactly matching the opposite side corners. Make a clear diagonal fold, then unfold again.
    2. Place the square with the colored side down so that the diagonal fold is vertical. Fold the top sides diagonally.
    3. We repeat the same operation with the lower sides - bend them to the diagonal line.
    4. Bend the workpiece in half along a vertical diagonal, matching the opposite side angles.
    5. We bend the upper corner first away from ourselves, then towards ourselves, making clear folds. Then we tuck it inside the workpiece.
    6. We do the same with the acute angle of the bent part: we bend it towards ourselves, then away from ourselves, then tuck it inside the workpiece.
    7. The operation is repeated with the lower corner: it is bent towards itself and away from itself along the dotted line, then tucked inside the workpiece.
    8. Now you need to add bright details to the birds: make a comb and wings, glue on the eyes.
    (at the same time, it is important to provide children with the opportunity to show their imagination and apply the skills that they have already learned).
    Educator: Well, we did it! Guys, while you were putting birds together from a square, I found the most beautiful tree in the land of Origami! I propose to use it and place our birds!

    Teacher: And now you can call the princess! I really want her to never be upset again! Let's call her!
    (Princess Origami returns to the hall)
    Princess Origami: Guys, did you call me? For what? What's happened? Has something really changed?
    Princess Origami: What a beauty!!! It can not be!!! What kind of miracles? How did you do it?
    Educator: Princess, now the guys will sing ditties and you will understand everything yourself!!

    Princess Origami: so you created this miracle with your own hands?
    Princess Origami: Then I can consider you our guests of honor, you can come to our country whenever you want to fold something beautiful out of paper again! Our doors are always open for you! And as a token of gratitude, I want to give each of you the keys to my kingdom, you can hang them like medallions around your neck and at any moment, taking the magic paper square in your hands, with its help you will make the best crafts! (Princess Origami hands over the magic keys )

    Elena Podkhvatilina
    Summary of an origami lesson in the senior group “Cat”

    Subject: origami« Cat» .

    Target: learn design using origami technique.

    Tasks: develop accuracy when doing work, develop activity and creative thinking, strengthen the ability to work with paper, development of fine motor skills.

    Progress of the lesson:

    1. Introduction to the game situation.

    Educator: Guys today we have group guest, let's guess who it is?

    2. Motivational game.

    Even on an iron roof

    He walks quietly, quieter than a mouse.

    Will go hunting at night

    And, like during the day, she sees everything.

    Often sleeps, and after sleep

    She washes herself.


    3. Difficult in a gaming situation.

    Educator: Right! This cat. Guys, now let's play a game with you "Find the Sound"(a chain of words is pronounced to the children; if the children hear the hidden sound in the word, they must clap their hands)

    Educator: Well done, everyone coped with the task.

    Look, while you and I were playing, we got a letter to group. Let's read it. Sent a letter cat Marusya asks us to help her make her portrait.

    Physical education minute.

    « Cat habits» .

    We'll show you a little (Children walk silently, on tiptoe).

    How he steps softly cat.

    Barely audible: top-top-top,

    Tail down: op-op-op.

    But, raising your fluffy tail, (Children jump easily on the spot).

    Cat It can also be fast.

    Daringly rushes upward.

    Here's a jump, another jump,

    Either forward, or rebound.

    And then he meows: “Meow!

    And he runs away to his house." (Run to their places).

    4. Finding a way out of a difficulty in a game situation.

    Educator: Shall we help? (Yes) Take a seat at the tables.

    Educator: Fold the sheet diagonally. Next, we make two folds on the sides. Wrap two layers of paper. Turn it over. The cat is ready. Now all that remains is to draw the stripes.

    5. Summary classes.

    Educator: Guys, ours the cat is ready. Well done everyone. Do you have houses? cat? Tell me what is she like?

    Publications on the topic:

    Summary of an open lesson on speech development in the senior group. Compiling a story based on the painting “Cat with Kittens” Abstract open class on speech development with children of the senior group Goal: preparing children to compose a story based on the plot picture “Cat.

    Summary of an origami lesson in the senior group: “Box with tulips” Goal: Continue to teach children how to fold paper figures on their own.

    Summary of an origami lesson in the senior group. Irina Belyakova. Purpose of the lesson: To introduce children to dividing a circle into 4, 8 parts; Pin.

    Summary of a lesson on speech development: “Cat” in the 1st junior group, using folklore works. Objectives: continue to introduce children to folklore works; form cognitive activity; introducing kids to the national one.

    Program content: Purpose: To teach children to recognize the characters depicted, to notice the characteristic features of the characters and to accurately label them.

    Lesson summary for the junior group “The cat is sitting on the window” Lesson summary “The cat is sitting on the window” Objectives: Educational: to develop the ability to draw with semolina; apply a design over the entire surface.

    Lesson summary for the second early age group “Reading G. Sapgir’s “Cat” Program content: Introduce children to a new poem. Explain to children how different they can play with a toy and talk.

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