• Consolidating the topic of body parts conversation senior group. Abstract of the GCD senior group "Me and my body." develop the ability to finish lines of a poem


    Lesson summary on the topic “Me and my body”

    for older children

    Target: to consolidate children’s understanding of the structure of their own body, to give knowledge about the internal organs of a person and their purpose, to consolidate the skills of correctly constructing and using complex sentences. Expand preschoolers’ knowledge about proper nutrition, its importance, and the relationship between health and nutrition. Cultivate the desire to be beautiful and healthy.

    Material: diagram of the structure of the human body with internal organs, diagram of the human body with a labyrinth for each child, pictures of products containing vitamins A, B, C, D.

    Progress of the lesson.


    Guys, look at each other. Everyone seems to be different in appearance. But everyone has arms and legs and a mouth. Two ears, two eyes and a nose. But no matter how different they are, they are still similar in their physique. Let's remember once again what parts our body consists of.

    I have a head

    head turns

    To the right - one, to the left - two.

    from right to left, head tilts.

    She sits on a strong neck,

    Turned and turned.

    circular turns of the neck.

    Then the body goes

    hands on the belt,

    Bend back, tilt forward,


    Turn - turn.


    Everyone has skillful hands

    hand jerks

    Up - down, down - up.

    up down

    We need legs to run

    running in place


    jumps (2-3 times),

    squat, stand...

    squats (2-3 times).

    This is my body!

    With him you do everything to perfection!

    Game “Find the named body part by touch”

    (Children become pairs, one of the pair has his eyes closed. And he must find the part of the body named by the teacher. Then they change places)

    Educator: Okay, you have completed this task. Now go ahead and sit quietly in your seats. To know the structure of our body means to know ourselves. The more you know about yourself, the better. Inside a person there are organs that help a person grow and develop.

    The brain is the main command center of the body. All your thoughts, feelings, movements are controlled by the brain.It works even while you sleep. The brain is located inside the head. The brain can think. It helps build modelsput together puzzles, read. You need a brain even for the most simple actions: eat and laugh.

    Guys, put your hand on the left side of your chest. Let's sit quietly and listen to ourselves. Do you feel something knocking inside? What it is? (This heart is a very important organ)

    Right. We cannot see it, but we can hear it if we put our hand to it. chest like we just did. Who can show the heart on the diagram?

    (The child shows a heart in the diagram.)

    A man's heart is slightly larger than his fist. Clench your fist and we will see who has what heart. The heart works day and night, never stops. It moves blood like a pump throughout the body. This is a very important organ.

    Now freeze and listen to your body. What else do you feel and hear?? (We hear our breathing).

    That's right, humans have another important organ that helps us breathe and how the heart works without interruption. What kind of organ is this? These are the lungs. A person has two of them.(Shows on the diagram).

    Can a person live without breathing? Let's try to hold our breath for a few seconds. Does not work? This means that a person cannot live without breathing. Guys, when we inhale, we inhale a certain amount of air.Your lungs expand like this bag when you inhale and deflate when you exhale.

    (by using balloon check lung capacity)

    For the body to function well, everyone must eat well. Every day we eat food. From the plate the food goes into the mouth and the amazing journey of food begins. Who can tell you about this journey?

    (the child tells, the teacher shows the stomach on the diagram).

    In the stomach, food is digested and converted into nutrients.

    From the stomach, food goes on a long journey through the intestines, which is like a winding labyrinth, stretching for almost 8 meters. In it, food is finally digested and absorbed by the body.

    The stomach has a wonderful neighbor - the liver.She lives with right side from the stomach to the upper abdomen. It produces bile, which enters the intestines and helps digest food.

    And now we will rest. Physical exercise.

    Now you see. That the human body is very complex. Who knows what the body needs? For a person to be healthy, grow and develop?

    (a person must use healthy foods rich in vitamins)

    Structural unit of the state budgetary educational institution of the Samara region secondary comprehensive school No. 8 Otradny Samara region " Kindergarten No. 7"

    Integrated educational activities in preparatory group

    on speech development on the topic:

    "Parts of the human body."

    Teacher of the joint venture GBOUSOSH No. 8 named after. S.P. Alekseeva kindergarten No. 7

    g.o. Otradny, 2016

    Topic: “Parts of the human body”

    Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the structure of the human body.

    Integration of educational areas: "Speech development", " Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".

    Tasks in areas of development:

    Tasks"Speech development"


      Enrich children's vocabulary;

      Improve your grammatical vocabulary.

      Strengthen the ability to form plural nouns;

      Strengthen the ability to form nouns with diminutive and augmentative suffixes;

      Exercise children in agreeing nouns with numerals;

      Draw children's attention to the polysemy of words

      Learn to write a story about yourself based on a diagram


      cultivate the habit of speaking grammatically correct.


      develop verbal communication skills;

      develop coherent speech;

      develop speech creativity;

      develop visual attention and thinking.

    Tasks"Physical development":



      Develop a conscious attitude towards performing movements in accordance with the text


      Cultivate goodwill and contact in relationships with peers.

    Tasks“Social and communicative development”:


      Contribute to enriching children's experience through the development of play activities.


      Develop communication and speech skills.

      To develop children's attention and interest, emotional responsiveness.


      Cultivate a desire to communicate among peers and with the teacher.

    Tasks"Cognitive development":



      Practice the ability to correctly name body parts.


      Cultivate a desire to communicate in a group of peers.

    Methodical techniques:

      Visual: ( display, demonstration);

      Verbal: ( fiction, conversation, question-answer);

      Gaming: ( the appearance of a fairy-tale character, a surprise moment);

      Pedagogical technologies: ( personality-oriented, gaming);

      Health-saving technologies: ( change of activities, breathing exercises, relaxation " Balloon» ).

      Preliminary work: viewing the encyclopedia: “What do I know about myself?”, conversations about the structure of the body, modeling the structure of a person from geometric shapes, laying out a man from sticks,reading the story “The Giant and the Mouse” by A. Freudenberg, “Tom Thumb” by C. Perrault.

    Equipment: projector, projector screen

    Using outdoor games during educational activities. Develop a conscious attitude towards performing movements in accordance with the text

    Develop coordination of movements.

    Develop creativity, independence, initiative in motor actions, and a conscious attitude towards them.


    Games with didactic rules:“Say a word”, “Call it kindly”, “Count it”

    Cognitive - research

    Development cognitive activity children. Development began logical thinking, abstract imagination, figurative memory and associative thinking.


    Improving speech as a means of communication, teaching, more accurately characterizing an object, situation, making assumptions, expressing your thoughts clearly for others, developing in children a sense of empathy, a desire to help each other.Contribute to enriching children's experience through the development of play activities

    Perception of fiction

    Formation of logical thinking and perception skills when solving riddles.Practice reasoning and the ability to prove.


    Be able to work in pairs to solve certain problems


    Consolidate the acquired knowledge with children through a set of games and practical exercises; help improve the overall performance of children, relieve mental stress, fatigue, and easily switch from one type of activity to another.

    Progress of the lesson

    1. Organizational mom

    Educator : To be polite,

    You need to say “hello”

    Everyone I meet

    Children know this.

    You say: “Hello!” and in response

    It will sound: “Hello! Hello!".

    Guys, let's say hello.

    Hello, palms! (children clap their hands: clap-clap)

    Hello boots! (stomp: stomp stomp)

    Hello frogs! (croak qua-qua)

    Hello, cuckoos! (cue: ku-ku)

    Hello, ringing heel! (click their tongue: clink – clink)

    And baby firefly! (while exhaling they say: s-s-s)

    Hello, nimble breeze, (blow)

    The train is long at the platform! (pulling: tuuu)

    Good afternoon to the wrist watch, (ticking: tick-tock)

    Children stand in a circle with the teacher.

    ( children clap their hands: clap-clap)

    (stomp: stomp stomp)

    (croak qua-qua)

    (cue: ku-ku)

    (click their tongue: clink – clink)

    (while exhaling they say: s-s-s)


    (wagging tongue: bl - bl)

    (pulling: tuuu)

    (ticking: tick-tock)

    Motivational stage .

    Slide 2. Teacher: Guys, listen to the riddle:

    He is the strongest on Earth,

    Because everyone is smarter.

    Who do you think it is?

    Have you guessed who we will talk about today? (about a human)

    Ethat's a person.

    We will talk about a person.

    Practical stage

    Educator: I wonder who came to us?

    Koschey . Who was talking about me here? And you are the smart kids here, well, then guess my riddles, and if you don’t guess, I won’t show you anything.


    1. Two neighbors are restless.

    Day at work, night at rest.(Eyes).

    2. Between two lights, I am alone in the middle.(Nose)

    3. All their lives they have been racing,

    But they cannot overtake each other.(Legs) .

    4. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have said anything.(Language).

    5. Two mothers have five sons each,

    One name for everyone.(Fingers, hands).

    6. Everything we put in our mouths will end up in our...(stomach)

    7. The pot has seven holes in it.(Head).

    Koschey: - Oh, how smart and amazing you are here. I don’t like such children, I’ll go and look for other children. Look at your pictures.

    Slide 3. Exercise “Remember.”

    Educator : Remember what Koshchei’s riddles were about. (Eyes, nose, legs, tongue, fingers, hands, belly)

    Slide 4. Next game “Say the Word”

    Educator : - I start the sentence, you finish it.

    What are we doing with our heads? (we think).

    What are we doing with our ears? (listening).

    With your eyes? (we look).

    Nose? (breathe, smell).

    With your mouth? (eat, drink, talk).

    With your hands? (take, hold).

    Fingers? (touch, stroke, draw).

    With your feet? (walk, run, jump).

    Educator : Well done! Right!

    Slide 5.

    Educator: Look, children, what fairy tale characters came to us? The grandmother loved her granddaughter very much and affectionately called her granddaughter. Let's imagine how a grandmother tells us about her granddaughter.

    Game “Name it kindly.”

    Educator: - My granddaughter doesn’t have a hand, but a pen, etc.

    Now, try to talk about your granddaughter using the words: leg, shoulder, finger, nose, hair, head, cheek, ear, belly, eye.

    Well done, everyone completed the task!

    Slide 6.

    Educator: Look, a ruddy bun has rolled towards us. Guys, why is he so scared! Who scared him so much? Let's imagine that he met a giant in the forest and tells us about him.

    Game "Tell about the giant"

    Not hands, but... hands; not eyes, but little eyes; not lips, but... destroyers; not fists, but fists; not elbows, but elbows; not legs, but knives; not nails, but fingernails; not teeth, but teeth; not hair, but hairs; not eyebrows, but... eyebrows; not the stomach, but... belly.

    Slide 7.

    Educator: A boy in walking boots came running up to us and offered to exercise a little.

    Physical education minute.

    Naughty feet walk along the path

    The neck turns the head to the right, the turn to the left.

    Show me where your tummy is?

    Our body has become toned, like a birch tree is slender

    My back became straight

    And now everyone has caught up

    And they smiled at each other

    Slide 8.

    Educator: Guys, our next guest has come to us, Dunno. He asks you to tell and show what parts of his body he has. Shall we show? Repeat the words of the poem and show yourself body parts

    There are nails on our fingers. We have it on our heads

    On the hands - wrists, elbows, two ears and two lobes

    Crown, neck, shoulders, chest. Eyebrows, cheekbones and temples

    Hips, heels, two feet. And the eyes that are so close

    There are knees and a back, cheeks, a nose and two nostrils

    But she's only one Lips, teeth - look

    The chin under the lip, that's what you and I know.

    Slide 9.

    Ball game: "Think and answer"

    Educator: Guys, look at the screen and tell me which fairy tale our next guests Buratino and Malvina are from?


    Pinocchio: Malvina asked me questions, but I couldn’t answer them, please help me, otherwise she’ll ban me from the closet.

    Educator : I will throw a ball to each of you, asking Malvina’s question, and you will throw the ball back to me, answering the question.

    How many eyes do two children have? (two children have four eyes).

    How many ears do three boys have? (three boys have six ears).

    How many fingers are there on your left hand? (there are five fingers on the left hand).

    How many noses do three girls have? (three girls have three noses).

    Thanks guys.

    Slide 10.

    Educator: Look, a little goat has come to us. He loves to count everything. He's bored alone, and he wants us to count with him.

    Game "Count"

    One eye, two eyes, three eyes, four eyes, five eyes. (Similar to the words nose, ear)

    Educator: How fun it was for the little goat to count together with you!

    Slide 11.

    Polysemy of words.

    Educator: Guys, Znayka came to visit us, do you know what fairy tale he is from? He wants to introduce you to words that sound the same but have different meanings. For example, the word nose has different meanings:

    The nose is on an airplane, on a ship, on a teapot;

    Name the different meanings of the words: handle, eye, neck, back, legs.

    Well done! You completed my task.

    Gymnastics for the eyes.

    "Curious Barabara"

    Curious Barabara

    Looks left, Looks right,

    Looks up, Looks down,

    I sat down a little on the ledge,( look at the tip of the nose)

    And it fell down from him, (look at the floor).

    Slide 12. Compiling a story about yourself according to the scheme.

    Educator: Well done guys, you coped with all the tasks of our heroes. And now I suggest you try to tell about yourself, based on the diagram that is on the screen.

    First I will tell you about myself, and you listen carefully to my story.

    The teacher talks about himself using a diagram. Now, who wants to talk about themselves?

    Slide 13.

    Educator: Well done guys, you made some really good stories!

    Koschei the Deathless.

    Children solve riddles

    Children's answers:

    Koshchei's riddles were about eyes, nose, legs, tongue. And also about fingers, hands, stomach.

    Children's answers:

    We think with our heads.

    - We listen with our ears.

    - We look with our eyes.

    We breathe through our nose.

    We eat, drink and speak with our mouths.

    We take and hold with our hands.

    We touch, stroke, and draw with our fingers.

    With our feet we walk, run, and jump.

    Little Red Riding Hood came to us.

    Children talk about their granddaughter.

    My granddaughter has not a leg, but a leg, not a shoulder, but a shoulder, not a nose, but a spout.

    My granddaughter has not a hair, but a hair, not a finger, but a finger, not a head, but a glans.

    My granddaughter has not a cheek, but cheeks, not an ear, but an ear, not a belly, but a tummy, not an eye, but an eye.

    Children say:

    The giant has not arms, but hands, not eyes, but eyes, not elbows, but elbows.

    The giant has not lips, but lips, not fists, but fists, not legs, but knives, not nails, but fingernails, not teeth, but teeth, not a belly, but a belly.

    Children do physical exercises.

    Children's answers:

    Yes, let's show Dunno parts of his body.

    Children show body parts on themselves, repeating the words after the teacher.

    Our heroes from the fairy tale: “The Adventures of Pinocchio.”

    Children's answers:

    Two children have four eyes.

    Three boys have six ears.

    There are five fingers on the left hand.

    Three girls have three noses.

    Children count together with the baby goat:

    One nose, two noses, three noses, four noses, five noses.

    One ear, two ears, three ears, four ears, five ears.

    Children's answers:

    Znayka came to us from a fairy tale: “The Adventures of Dunno.”

    Children call different meanings words:

    The peephole is in the door, near the potatoes;

    The neck is at the bottle, at the child;

    The back is near the chair, near the child.

    Legs - on a chair, on a mushroom, on a child.

    Children listen to the teacher's story.

    Children, if they wish, talk about themselves according to the scheme


    Exercise "Balloon".

    Educator: In a standing position, close your eyes, raise your arms up, take a deep breath and draw in air. Imagine that you are a big balloon filled with air. You need to fixate in this position for 1-2 minutes. Now imagine that a small hole appears in the ball. You should slowly release the air while relaxing the muscles of the body: the hands, then the muscles of the shoulders, neck, body, legs, etc.

    Result: Well done to all of you today! We completed all the tasks! What did you find difficult? What did you like most? Thank you all for your attention!

    Children with a teacher perform the exercise “Balloon”

    Children's answers.


    Evgenia Dolezhal
    Lesson in the senior group “Man and the structure of his body”

    Subject: Man and the structure of his body.

    Program tasks: clarify and expand children’s ideas about structure human body and the names of individual parts body;

    Corrective tasks: learn to listen carefully to the speech therapist’s questions and answer them accurately, use an accessible form of speech; introduce pictograms; develop fine motor skills of the hands, teach to distinguish between different emotional states.

    Equipment: table with outline, schematic image human body, bibabo doll, demonstration pictograms and sets of handout pictograms.

    1. Organizational moment:

    Speech therapist gives instructions to children: “The one with the bows sits on the chair. The one who has red in his clothes will sit on the chair. The one wearing shorts, etc., will sit on the chair.” A doll comes to visit the children (articulating doll like Parsley). The doll greets the children and says that she walked to them for a long time and was tired. The speech therapist invites the doll to sit on a chair with the guys. Then the speech therapist suggests doing the exercise together with me:

    Squeeze your fingers into a fist with me tighter (exercise "cams"). Your hands are tense! Your hands are tired, stop squeezing your fingers and straighten them. The hands are resting.

    Imagine that we put our feet on springs. These springs jump out of the floor and push the toes of our feet so that the feet come off the floor and rise to the top, and the heel continues to rest on the floor. Do as I do (exercise "springs").

    2. Breathing exercises:

    Doll:- And I can speak sound "A".

    The speech therapist turns the doll towards the children, opens the doll’s mouth wide and pronounces a long sound "A". The speech therapist suggests that children learn to pronounce sounds, but first they need to learn how to inhale correctly.

    - “Look, children, to make a sound "A", the doll makes the right one first inhale: her shoulders are slumped, and her tummy is inflated like a balloon.

    When the doll exhales, the balloon slowly deflates. Let's take a breath, too. We use our palm to check how breathe: if you inhale correctly, your stomach will inflate like a balloon; when we exhale, this ball slowly decreases. Inhale and exhale.” The exercise is repeated 3-5 times.

    3. A table with a contour diagram is displayed human body.

    Speech therapist: "Who is this?" - Human(children's answers).

    Name what parts you know human body?. (children's answers).

    Name the parts of the head? (children's answers).

    -“That’s right, the head also has eyebrows, eyelashes, cheeks, chin, forehead.”.

    Likewise the torso, arms, legs.

    - “U humans have paired body parts, two at a time. Name them."

    - “Children, what parts animals don't have bodies, but there is person

    The speech therapist begins the phrase: animals do not (children add one word at a time) face, chin, palms, fingers, nails, elbows, arms, shoulders.

    Speech therapist: Each part a person needs a body.

    What do we breathe, smell? -...

    What do we breathe, eat, talk?

    How do we work, sew, write, draw?

    How do we walk, stand, run, walk?

    What do we chew, bite, talk with?

    What do we think, nod?

    4. Physical education minute:

    They play a game to music “We won’t tell you what we did, we’ll show you”. One presenter is selected to show the movements. Children show these movements.

    After the game, the children perform finger tapping gymnastics:


    “The sun rose early in the morning and caressed all the children.”.

    (Palms crossed, fingers spread wide, forming a sun).

    2. "Trees".

    “Hello, forest, dense forest, full of fairy tales and miracles”

    (raise both hands with palms facing you, fingers spread wide).


    “The gray bunny jumps deftly, he has a carrot in his paw.”.

    (rest your elbow on your other hand, index and middle fingers spread apart, squeeze the rest into a fist).

    5. Development of the prosodic side speeches:

    Speech therapist: People have different feelings (emotions): joy, sadness, surprise, resentment, anger, fear.

    Look at these pictures (pictograms are hung on the board - joy, sadness, anger, fear).

    What do you think this emotion is? (joy) Right.

    Cheerful eyes "mouth to ear"

    When man is sad, then the eyebrows and the tips of the lips are lowered.

    Where is this one Human?

    What kind of face is this? You like? Is it beautiful?

    This the man was afraid of something: mouth open, man screams?

    "A! Afraid!" His eyes become big.

    Then the children are given sets of pictograms and the speech therapist gives exercise:

    Show me the evil one person

    Show me joyful person,

    Show scared person,

    Show me the sad one person.

    Speech therapist: «- Human depending on how he feels differently speaks. If he is happy, then he speaks cheerfully, his voice is clear. And if he is sad, then his voice is sad. Now I will speak in different voices, and you must determine which one I have. mood and show the corresponding drawing.”

    The speech therapist pronounces a phrase "Vanya went home" with different intonations, and the children show pictograms.

    6. Summary classes.

    The speech therapist suggests remembering what you met at class? What feelings can you experience? Human and what parts of the face express them?

    Program content:To give initial ideas about the structure of the human body and the functions of its organs, teach to listen to the work of your body, and consolidate knowledge of how to take care of your body and your health. Exercises in using complex sentences in speech. Development of logical thinking and long-term memory. Consolidating the formation of nouns with a diminutive meaning. Preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children. To promote the development of coordination of words with movement. Continue the topic of drawing a person. Develop children's creativity and imagination. Strengthen the ability to draw a human figure, convey the relative size of an adult. Learn to arrange objects on a sheet according to the content. Determine the location and size of images. It is easy to draw an outline with a simple pencil and paint over it. Dictionary: Skeleton, spine, body parts, bones, heart, lungs, internal organs. Preliminary work:Examination of illustrations and diagrams of the human structure. Studying the human model. Paper tinting.Equipment and material:Schematic representation of the human structure, model of a person, cards depicting body parts. Tinted paper, brushes, brush holders, napkins, water glasses.

    Lesson structure: Today I will tell you a wish interesting riddle. Think about who it is? Two stilts, two waving, two looking, one nodding? Children's answers. That's right, this is a man. He has two arms, two legs and a head. Now look at this unusual photograph (showing a schematic representation of the human structure.) Who do you think it is? Children's answers. Do you remember how they did fluorography at the clinic? You stood up to a special device, it took a picture of your body, and the result was this photograph. These photographs are usually examined by doctors to determine a person’s disease, and you and I will look at the photograph to find out how our body works. Examination of the diagram accompanied by a story. The body is given shape by the skeleton. It consists of many bones, and each has its own place and its own “responsibilities”. All bones are attached to the spine. Try to find each other's spine. To do this, run your finger from the base of your neck down your back. This is the main core. Ribs are attached to it, like parts of a construction set from which you made cars. Feel your sides and find your ribs. They protect internal organs - heart, lungs. At the bottom, the pelvic bones join the spine and protect the intestines. The head rests on the spine. What other bones does a person have? Children's answers. Touch your arms, legs, feel where the bones are located. All these bones make up the human skeleton. Place your hand on the left side of your chest. How do you feel? Children's answers. It's the heart that works. It’s like the engine of a car, only the engine drives it, and the heart pumps blood. Remember what happens if you injure your arm or leg? Children's answers. That's right, blood comes out. What is “blood”? There is a fairy tale about this. We lived in a fairyland funny people. They were of different colors and were engaged various jobs. The red men delivered oxygen and food, the purple men removed everything unnecessary, kept the country clean, and the white men defended the state from enemies. This country is our body. Red men are red blood particles, they give the blood its color. Red particles carry oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. If you get injured, purple particles come into play. They block the entry of microbes into the body, form a clot, you call it a “sore”. If the microbes manage to penetrate the body, white particles come out to fight, but if they do not immediately cope with the microbes, the person gets sick. From this fairy tale we learned why our blood is red. Now think about what needs to be done to make our body healthy, strong, strong, and beautiful. Children's answers. Right. We need to play sports, and therefore, now we will have a physical education session.Physical education minute.To begin with, you and I. We only turn our heads. We also rotate the body, we can do that, of course. And now we squat. We understand perfectly well: You need to strengthen your legs, One, two, three, four, five. Finally, we stretched up and to the sides. We caved in. We got flushed from the warm-up, caught our breath and sat down. What other condition must be observed in order to be healthy and strong? Children's answers. Yes it proper nutrition, rich in vitamins. Let us remember two conditions for keeping our body in order. What condition have we not talked about yet? Children's answers. Well done! You must keep your body clean. And why? Children's answers. So that there are no germs on the skin. There is a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”. Let us remember the words: “We must, we must wash ourselves in the mornings and evenings, and shame on clean chimney sweeps.” Well done! Once again, let us remember the three conditions for keeping our body in order. Children's answers. Fine. Now let's play. First game: “Name the parts of the head, torso, arms, legs.” Children's answers in order: Parts of the head: hair, face, eyebrows, eyelashes, nose, cheeks, mouth, lips, teeth, chin. Parts of the body: neck, shoulders, chest, stomach, back. Parts of the hand: shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist, palm, fingers, nails. Parts of the leg: thigh, knee, shin, ankle, foot, toes, nails, sole. The next game is called “Name it kindly.” I will tell you the parts of the body, and you will give an answer in an affectionate manner. For example, hair-hairs. Words for the game: head, forehead, eyelashes, eyes, cheeks, nose, mouth, tongue, throat, teeth, lips, hands, elbows, fingers, nails, shoulders, neck, ears, chest, back, stomach, legs, knees, heels. Well done! Another game is called “Name what each person has two of.” What does it mean? You must name paired body parts. For example, eyebrows. Children's answers. Words for the game: eyes, cheeks, ears, shoulders, arms, elbows, palms, legs, knees, heels, feet. Right. We also coped well with this task. And let's play another game. It's called "What does a person need for what?" Think and tell me why a person needs a mouth. Give your answers in complete sentences. Children's answers. Words for the game: nose, hands, feet, ears, teeth, head, lips. Well done! The answers were given correctly. We tried. Today in class we studied our body. Let's remember once again what gives our body its shape. Children's answers. What does the skeleton consist of? Children's answers. What are the bones attached to? Children's answers. Well done, but our work doesn’t end there. Now we will take brushes and draw a person. We will place the person on the entire sheet, to his full height. Let's remember the proportions of an adult's figure. The teacher shows this in himself. Children, tell us about the sequence of work. Children's answers. The figure must first be drawn with a simple pencil, and then carefully painted over with paints. At the end of the lesson we will analyze the work. Well done! Everyone did it.

    Summary of the final lesson

    on cognitive development

    "Human. Body parts"

    in the older group

    Integration of educational areas:social-communicative, cognitive-research, speech.

    Integrative tasks:

    • develop cognitive interest in a person;
    • consolidate children’s ideas about the structure of the human body, the basic human senses and their meaning, clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about parts of the body; enrich the vocabulary of preschoolers;
    • form grammatical categories Russian language: formation of plural forms. from nouns in singular; formation of forms of TV.p. units and plural nouns;
    • develop attention, thinking, articulatory motor skills, tactile sensations, auditory and visual perception;
    • expand vocabulary, develop children’s coherent speech;
    • to form children’s value attitude towards their own body;

    Demo material:illustrations depicting a person without ears, eyes, nose, mouth, children's musical instruments (tambourine, rattle, whistle, bell).

    Handout:dummies of vegetables and fruits, jars with the smells of garlic, onion, tangerine, slices of lemon, pickled cucumber, chocolate slices.

    Equipment: medical gown, cap, glasses, suitcase, pouch, markers.

    Methodical techniques:finger gymnastics, game exercises, looking at illustrations, physical education, sayings, breathing exercises.

    Progress of the lesson.

    Organizing time

    Breathing exercises:starting position - arms in front of you, inhale through the nose - arms spread to the sides, exhale slowly - hands are brought together so that the palms meet. (O. I. Krupenchuk)

    Children stand in a circle. All people are not alike, but all peopleidentical body structure. What parts does the human body consist of?

    Emotional mood. Game “Show me what I’ll name”

    Everyone should have a very smart head.

    I I turn her around as best I can, my head sits on my neck.

    The tummy, the back, the chest, they are all called the torso.

    I ate all the food, and now my stomach was full.

    When walking, don’t forget to cover your chest from the wind.

    To caress hands, to work, to drink water from a cup.

    There are boys sitting on the hand, very friendly fingers.

    Very fast legs are running along the path.

    I tripped over Genka and hurt my knee.

    Do you know the names of body parts, but can you guess the riddles about them?

    My brother lives behind the mountain -

    Can't meet me. (Eyes)

    Always in your mouth, never swallowed. (Language)

    Five brothers are equal in years, but different in height. (Fingers)

    All their lives they race, but to overtake they can't do each other.(Legs)

    Educator: Guys, Masha is interested in:

    How many legs does a person have? (2)

    hands? (2)

    fingers on one hand? (5)

    on two hands? (10)

    on one leg? (5)

    eye? (2)

    ears? (2)

    noses? (1)

    hair? (a lot of)

    Fizminutk a.

    Game "What are we doing with what?"

    Educator: Let's tell you what we do and how we do it.

    What are we looking at? (with eyes)

    are we listening? (ears)

    shall we clap? (with hands)

    are we eating? (mouth)

    sniff? (nose)

    are we chewing? (with teeth)

    Game "One-many"

    One mouth, but many? (Mouths)

    One nose, but many? (Noses)

    One eye, but many? (Eyes)

    One ear, but many? (Ears)

    One is a neck, but many (Necks)

    One shoulder, but many? (Shoulders)

    Game "Wonderful bag"

    Children take turns determining by touch what is in the bag, taking out the object, and naming it.

    Educator: How did you determine the contents of the bag?
    (using hands)

    Why do people need hands? (we use our hands to dress, hold objects, draw, etc.).

    Hands are also our main helpers

    Educator: Guys, look carefully at the items youtook it out of the bag. What color are they? (Tomato – red, lemon – yellow, cucumber – green, etc.)

    How did you determine the color of objects? (using eyes)

    Why do people need eyes? (With the help of the eyes, a person sees objects, their colors, shapes, sizes. The eyes help a person move in the right direction, etc.)

    Educator: What should we do to keep our eyes healthy? (Take care of your eyes, train them - do eye exercises, eat foods containing vitamins, etc.)

    Educator: And now gymnastics for the eyes so that your eyes can rest

    There's something edible in my suitcase. Try to guess what, but to do this you need to close your eyes.

    Children taste foods: slices of lemon, pickled cucumber, chocolate slices and determine what it is and what taste it has (sour, salty, sweet)

    Educator: S How did you determine what these products are and what they taste like? (Using tongue)

    This means that language is another of our assistants.

    The mouth is completed in the portrait.

    Educator: Let's play with our tongue. I'll start for us, and you continue.

    Sha-sha-sha - I have...noodles.

    Sa-sa-sa - a wasp flew to us.

    If only there were... pillars in the yard.

    Ta-ta-ta – hot...stove.

    Educator: I brought these mysterious scented jars with me. Try to guess whose smell is “hidden” in each of them.

    Game "Guess by smell"

    Children identify the product (garlic, onion, tangerine) and name it.

    Educator: How did you guess what was in the jars?
    (Using your nose)

    Why does a person need a nose? (To breathe; the nose protects our body from dust and germs, etc.)

    And it is also needed in order to speak beautifully. Pinch the spout with your fingers and repeat no-na. What happened? Now tell me ma-ma.

    Educator: We also need to take care of our nose, because it helps us so much.

    Breathing exercises:

    1. Inhale deeply and exhale for a long time through the nose. Mouth closed.

    2. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

    There are also wonderful things in my suitcase. Now you will hear them.

    Children , sitting with their backs, guess the sounds of a tambourine, rattle, whistle, bell.

    How did you hear sounds? (using ears)

    How should you take care of your ears? (wash, clean, put on a hat if it’s cold, etc.)

    Game "Guess what it is"

    Breathes, sniffs... nose.

    Breathes, eats, speaks... mouth.

    They work, sew, write, draw -... hands.

    They listen, they hear - ... ears.

    They see, they look - ... eyes.

    So we have learned what irreplaceable helpers a person has, so take care and protect them.

    Correction exercise fine motor skills. Tracing your palm.

    Guys, our palms are a sign of our friendship with her. You can color them any and all colors.

    The teacher notes the children who were the most active.

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