• How to choose the diameter of a hair curling iron. Which curling iron to choose for large curls


    A curling iron can instantly transport you to the past or the future, making you a modern lady, an 18th-century lady or an alien. Who do you want to be today?

    Which brand of curling iron is better?

    Professionals praise the Valera and BaByliss curling irons, but they are not always available for sale. Well-deserved popularity comes from curling irons from the famous companies “Bosch”, “Philips”, “Rowenta”, “Remington”. You can easily buy devices from these manufacturers in most stores.

    What to look for when choosing a curling iron?

    • Plate coating. The safest coating for hair is ceramic, tourmaline or Teflon. Ceramic and tourmaline curling irons last a long time without loss of quality, but their price is significantly higher. This type of curling iron is suitable for daily use. Teflon ones are cheaper, but this coating wears off with prolonged active use.
    • Nozzle diameter. What kind of curls do you want - large curls or small curls? The thinner the rod, the denser the curls, and vice versa. If you want to amaze others with a variety of hairstyles, choose a curling iron with a set of attachments.
    • Ability to select a mode, adjust the temperature. Nice models allow you to set the temperature within a wide range (50-200°). Thin, sensitive, weak hair needs a gentle treatment and low temperature. Coarse, thick hair that is difficult to curl requires more heat.

    Which one to choose? We present the 12 best curling iron models of 2018 that can be found in our stores. When compiling the rating, we were based on the opinions of customers and the availability of a specific model for purchase.

    “Straighten curly hair, curl straight hair,” this is the motto of almost all women, because every representative of the fair sex has a desire to constantly change her hair. appearance. A curling iron, a multifunctional device that allows you to create magnificent styling and hairstyles, copes with this task perfectly. The most important question that often worries many girls is how to choose a hair curling iron, because functionality alone is not enough: it must also be of high quality, affordable, safe and as harmless as possible to the hair. Do you need to take into account the individual characteristics of your curls when choosing? We have to figure all this out.

    Types of curling irons

    When choosing a curling iron for curling your hair, pay attention to its shape, as it significantly affects ease of use. It is better, of course, to give preference to universal devices that have a wide variety of attachments in their arsenal. Let's take a closer look at what types of curling irons there are and which one is most suitable for you.

    Curling iron with clip (classic)

    A regular model with a clamp is quite convenient to use: the tip of the strand is clamped and wound around the base with rotational movements, or vice versa. Such curling irons may have clips different lengths. If you prefer this option, then it is better to purchase a device with a short clip - you will not have to forcefully remove the curls from under it, thereby injuring them.


    The principle of working with a cone device is completely different - there are no clamps in its design, so you need to wind the strand yourself, holding it with your hand. When working with them, you will have to deal with an increased risk of burns, but, as a rule, the kit comes with a special protective glove, the use of which should not be ignored.


    Spiral curling iron models – perfect solution For short hair. The heated base is protected on top by plastic in the form of a spiral. This way, you simply place the strands into the holes, absolutely avoiding burns. For more long hair This option is not suitable, since the entire strand simply will not fit.

    Double and triple

    Models with a double or triple design look quite unusual due to their design, which provides 2 or 3 rods, respectively. You need to get used to such a curling iron and get the hang of styling it. Strands with the help of this curling iron turn out to be very impressive, original and unusual. If you want to buy a curling iron of this type, be sure to choose a device with the deepest waves, this will make your hairstyle more expressive.

    Corrugated tongs

    Corrugated curling irons are a separate type of curling iron because they produce very small and strong waves, which gives thin hair incredible volume. A similar result can be seen after wearing thin braids for a long time.

    The choice of the optimal shape depends on the length of your hair and the expected result. Thus, a spiral model is perfect for a short hairstyle. The easiest way to curl long hair is with classic curling irons with long clips, and hair middle length Excellent curling with a cone-shaped device.

    Material of manufacture

    To choose correctly good curling iron, it is very important to consider the material from which it is made. Devices are of the following types:

    • metal
    • Teflon
    • ceramic
    • tourmaline

    Metal devices the most affordable and most common. They are characterized by a huge number of disadvantages and, first of all, this is a high temperature that cannot be regulated. Due to the nature of the metal, the hair literally “sticks” to it, and therefore suffers significant damage. In addition, when using such a curling iron for long hair, be prepared for uneven heating and insufficiently impressive curls.

    Teflon model - the same metal device, but with a significant advantage in the form of a Teflon coating. It is necessary to protect hair from harmful effects. high temperature. Thus, the hair does not stick to the surface and becomes smooth and shiny. The curls are heated more evenly, becoming denser and more beautiful. The disadvantage of a Teflon device is its short service life - about one year, subject to active use.

    Among professional curling irons, the most common are ceramic devices . Such devices can be made entirely of ceramics or have only a ceramic coating. A ceramic coating, like Teflon, also wears out quite quickly, and an all-ceramic product can serve long years. It is worth noting the high cost of such models. The material causes much less damage to the hair compared to others.

    Tourmaline models appeared quite recently. They have a large number of advantages. According to reviews, curls with the help of such a curling iron are the most elastic, shiny and beautiful. During use, many negative ions are released, which is beneficial for hair. Thus, this material is the least harmful to hair, but its price is much higher compared to other varieties.


    According to this parameter, devices are different, but best option– power 25 – 50 W. If the model has less power, it is better not to buy it. The heating time is only 1 minute. It is desirable to have a special indicator indicating that the device is connected to the network.

    The presence of a thermostat

    When choosing an inexpensive but good curling iron, be sure to make sure that it has a temperature regulator, since this is not a common feature for budget curling irons. The optimal temperature for curling is considered to be 150-170 degrees, but this mode is not suitable for everyone, for example, for fine hair, damaged or colored curls need to be installed more low temperature– 130 degrees.

    The thermostat can be equipped with a wheel or buttons to set the desired mode. According to experts, it is better to choose a curling iron with buttons, since with the help of such a thermostat more precise adjustment is possible. In addition, most often there is a button lock function to prevent accidental temperature changes.

    How often do you forget to unplug a device from the power supply? The function of automatically turning off the curling iron when the maximum temperature is reached is sure to come in handy for safety purposes.

    Curling iron diameter

    On average, the diameter varies between 10-32 mm, but larger models with a diameter of about 40 mm can also be found. To make your curls beautiful, bouncy and hold their shape for a long time, it is better to buy a curling iron that has the parameters ideal for your hair type:

    1. Curling irons with a small diameter of up to 19 mm are ideal for short hair (shoulder length or above). A model that is too thin is not suitable for long hair, as the strands will heat up unevenly.
    2. Wide diameter curling irons (from 25 mm) are used to create the effect of waves or large curls, and not for stubborn curls.
    3. Classic models with a diameter of 19-25 mm are the optimal choice for hair of any length and hardness.

    Cord length

    The optimal cord length is 2-3 m. Such a cord does not limit the action and does not interfere with the installation process. A cord up to 2 m long makes using the device very inconvenient. According to expert advice, it is necessary to choose a curling iron in which the cord is not fixed at the base, but is held on a hinge. It allows the cord to rotate freely, so it does not interfere with work.

    Number of nozzles

    We have considered the most basic issues, all that remains is to decide which is better to buy a curling iron with a solid rod or with a design that provides the ability to change attachments. Is a large number of attachments really necessary? As the experience of specialists and those who have already acquired entire sets (the main device complete with attachments) shows, most often most additional curling devices lie idle. Preference is given to one nozzle, the rest are almost never used. If you set your sights on purchasing just such a set, then it should contain a main attachment, a straightening curling iron and a spiral attachment. Otherwise, the choice of a good curling iron depends on your preferences: for large curls or for root volume, a nozzle with a wide diameter is required.

    From too large quantity It is best to discard the attachments. Firstly, most likely they are not of sufficient quality ( good set is quite expensive). Secondly, frequent changes of attachments can lead to damage to the place where they are attached to the base.

    Which brand to choose a curling iron

    As with all other products, a reputable manufacturer is a guarantee of excellent quality, although the cost of the product is much higher. It is better to choose a curling iron based on the budget allocated for it, and the following rating of companies will help you navigate popular manufacturers:

    • Babyliss, Valera – professional devices of the highest quality
    • Philips, Rowenta - models from the middle price category for home use
    • Polaris, Vitek, Scarlett are the most affordable devices.

    Rating of the best curling irons of 2017

    Sometimes it is very difficult for girls to choose the optimal device for themselves that will include all the most necessary attachments and functions, but at the same time correspond to the price and quality. Of course, we cannot determine which curling iron will be 100% best for each girl, this is still an individual matter, but we can present to your attention the rating best models curling irons for 2017, which have become quite popular. Choose the device that will satisfy all your wishes.

    1. Philips HP8618
    2. Remington S8500
    3. Scarlett SC-HS60004
    4. Philips HP8344
    5. Rowenta CF 3345
    6. BaByliss BAB2269E
    7. Braun ES2 Satin Hair
    8. Polaris PHS 2405K
    9. Moser 3303-0051
    10. Panasonic EH-HV51


    Despite the fact that manufacturers regularly invent completely new models, experience shows that ceramic devices are the best in terms of cost and quality. As for the remaining parameters, the choice depends on the buyer’s requirements, expected budget and individual characteristics. Now you know exactly how to choose a hair curling iron that will become an excellent, indispensable assistant in terms of hair care, and will not harm your hair’s health and beauty. And if you have to choose between certain curling iron models, be sure to study their detailed reviews and read the tips on the user forum.

    Modern hardware stores offer a huge range of hair styling curlers. All of them differ not only in their design, but also in functionality, temperature conditions, thickness of the curling iron and their direct purpose - for example, for creating small or large curls.

    There are a number of parameters that you need to pay attention to when choosing a curling iron to create a chic hairstyle.

    Let's find out what parameters you need to pay attention to in order to choose the perfect curling iron for you.

    What is a curling iron and how does it differ from curling irons and straighteners?

    Professional conical curling iron Babyliss Pro 32

    A curling iron (or curling iron) is an electrical device designed to create wavy curls on hair by applying temperature.

    It differs from irons primarily in its purpose. A curling iron is needed to make your hair wavy. Irons are used to straighten curls. Well, tongs, in fact, are one of the types of curling irons. The curls in them are not wound onto the device, but are clamped between two relief surfaces. Most famous example– corrugated tongs.

    This is interesting: It should be noted that girls in the vast majority of cases call both irons and curling irons curling irons.

    What to look for when choosing?

    Before buying a curling iron, you need to decide for what purpose you plan to use it - that is, understand what type of device you need. Well, directly in the store you can compare analogues by comparing such parameters as the material of the working surface, its size, the presence of nozzles, temperature conditions, etc.

    Type and purpose

    Curling iron BaByliss Triple Barrel Waver Titanium-Tourmaline BAB2269TTE

    There are many types of curling irons - for example, cone-shaped, spiral, with a clip, etc. Let's talk about the most popular varieties and their purpose:

    • Clip-on devices are the most popular option today. Suitable for both long and short hair. They are simple and completely safe to use. Such curling irons are a solid metal rod, inside of which a heating element is installed. There must be a clip used to secure the curl. It is enough to take a strand of hair, pinch the ends with tweezers, turn it around the axis, wait a few seconds and release. You don't need to put any effort into creating beautiful curls.
    • Using a cone-shaped curling iron, you can create curls that look more natural. It is most convenient to use it on long and medium hair. This device does not have a clamp, and with its help you can independently adjust the thickness of the selected strand. But this option is not suitable for every girl - many of the fair sex find a cone-shaped curling iron uncomfortable. Let's dare to argue with them. Although there is no spin in these models, and the strands must be held until the hair curls, this is not at all a sign of inconvenience. You can get used to a cone-shaped curling iron in just a week. A distinctive feature of this device is that its tip (holder) does not heat up, which makes it easy to fix and hold the strands. The cone-shaped curling iron comes with a special heat-protective glove that will protect you from burns.
    • Curling irons for root volume. Suitable for any hair length. Get beautiful curls, using such tongs, you will not succeed, because their purpose is different - to create volume at the roots. No shampoo or hair conditioner will give you such noticeable results in this regard as such curling irons.
    • Double (triple) curling irons are often called double-barreled or triple-barreled curling irons. It is most convenient to use them on long hair. These tongs received this name for a reason - they have several parallel rods. Purpose – to create zigzag curls. To avoid accidentally burning your fingers, it makes sense to use a thermal glove when using double or triple curling irons.
    • Corrugated tongs are an excellent choice for girls looking for golden mean between lush curls and smooth ones smooth hair any length. They allow you to create small waves on your curls, and their amplitude may vary. It is determined by the number of irregularities on the surface of the plates. In addition, corrugated tongs are sometimes used to structure only some strands.
    • Hair straightening irons have two smooth parallel surfaces, each of which has a heating element installed. The strand is clamped between them. The curling iron should be used from the roots of the hair to the very ends to completely straighten it. Hair length doesn't matter.
    • Curling irons with rotating pressing surfaces are devices in which the top bar rotates along its own axis in two directions. Suitable for medium and long hair. Thanks to this feature, when using the tool, the strand is simultaneously ironed and curled. This avoids hair tangling. If you have the proper experience, you can curl one strand in about 5 seconds. There is no need to untwist the curls additionally. After scrolling, they “slide” off the curling iron on their own.

    This is interesting: Many people believe that creating beautiful curls with a curling iron is a long process. Previously, in order to use a curling iron, you had to turn it on in advance and wait until it warmed up. Now devices are being produced that are equipped with a fast and uniform heating system. Therefore, you can use the curling iron within 10–15 seconds after turning it on. In addition, they heat up to such a temperature that curls are made in just a few seconds. The curls look elastic and beautiful and last quite a long time.

    Diameter and length

    Curling iron Erika LCM 025 with a working surface diameter of 25 mm

    When choosing a hair curling iron, be sure to pay attention to the diameter of the curling iron. The size and shape of future curls will directly depend on it.

    Useful information: If you want to curl large curls (Hollywood), then give preference to a curling iron with curling irons with a diameter of 32–40 millimeters. For curling medium-thick curls, a curling iron with a 25 mm attachment is suitable, but for small curls (lamblets) it is better to buy a device with curling irons 19 mm or less. If you are a happy owner of long and thick hair, pay attention to the length of the nozzle. The larger it is, the more evenly you can curl the strands.

    Work surface material

    TICO Wide Crimper with ceramic coating

    Currently, a wide variety of types of curling irons are produced, differing not only in shape and characteristics, but also in the material of the working surface. The following types of surfaces are found:

    • Metal;
    • Teflon;
    • Ceramic;
    • Tourmaline.

    Devices that have a metal coating are the cheapest. The surface is heated unevenly, and the hair is literally attracted to the surface. Thus, the curls get burned, damaged and become brittle, and the surface of the curling iron quickly becomes contaminated with sebum and styling products.

    If you decide to purchase a Teflon-coated curling iron, keep in mind that you will have to protect your hair from drying out. The downside of Teflon devices is that after some time their coating can deteriorate and simply wear off. A metal layer located under the Teflon layer will begin to appear on the surface.

    The optimal coating material is ceramics. These curling irons are durable and easy to use. When heated, ionized ceramics produce a special charge that “seals” unevenness in damaged hair.

    Thanks to this, the curls do not lose moisture and remain healthy.

    It is best if the surface of the nozzle is completely made of ceramic, and not just covered with a thin ceramic layer. Otherwise, it can wear off just as easily as Teflon. The main disadvantage of ceramic curling irons is their fragility. If you accidentally drop it on a hard surface, part of the coating may break off. Tourmaline coating produces greatest number negative charges in comparison with analogues.

    This curling iron is very gentle on your hair – no worse than a ceramic one. Unfortunately, the high price of tourmaline-coated devices discourages most buyers.


    Philips curling iron and attachments included

    Another factor that can sway your preference towards one or another curling iron model is the presence of special attachments in it. They will help you create curls of an original shape.

    Let us note that recently double and triple curling irons, which differ from the usual ones by the presence of an additional rod (or two), have become extremely popular among the fair sex.


    The most important thing is that the curling iron you are going to buy has a temperature regulator. With its help, you can set the styling temperature at your discretion. If your hair is thin or weakened by frequent dyeing, it is advisable not to heat the device to more than 130–140°C.

    For those with coarse and unruly curls, the optimal temperature is 190–200°C. Fortunately, temperature controllers are present in almost all models on the market, even inexpensive ones.


    Useful information: The simplest large curls are easily created at low temperatures (below 120°C). If you want to curl small, thick curls, you will need to heat the device to maximum.

    Professional curling iron Diva with 90 Watt power The power rating determines how quickly the tongs heat up. The larger it is, the less time you will need to perm. The power of curling irons on the market ranges from 20 to 90 watts.

    For home use, 50 watts will be sufficient; models with higher performance are suitable for professional salons.

    Cord length and thickness A cord that is too short or, conversely, too long can cause some inconvenience during operation. The first one will hamper your movements, the second one will often get tangled or cling to any ledge. The optimal length is considered to be 2–3 meters.

    Make sure that the cord is thick enough and rotates around its axis. Then it will not twist or fray even with constant use.

    Extra options

    • Curling iron Saturn ST-HC7365 with ionization function and ceramic coating
    • Ionization. Some modern curling irons have an ionization function. Such devices are gentler on the hair, help relieve static tension from the curls, and with prolonged use they also improve the condition of the scalp.
    • Automatic shutdown. Almost all curling irons in the highest price range have this feature. They automatically turn off after a certain time after starting work. So even if you leave the house without turning off the device, a fire will not start.
    • Weight and size. The device should fit comfortably in your hand. And how quickly your hand gets tired of holding the curling iron depends on its weight.

    Cost and brand

    Rowenta CF 4032 curling iron with attachments is an excellent device for home use

    The cost of curling irons on the modern market varies widely - from 800 to 5 thousand rubles and more. The price of the device is determined by the material from which it is made, functionality, temperature range, etc.

    The brand also plays an important role.

    The most popular manufacturers of curling irons for a wide range of consumers are Rowenta, Remington, and Philips. But if you are limited on a budget, you can always choose a cheaper model from a less “promoted” company, which is in no way inferior in terms of performance characteristics to the above brands. By the way, remember that there is no particular point in buying a professional model for home use. If you are looking for a curling iron for the salon, pay attention to the products of BaByliss, GaMa, Hairway, Moser

    . These devices are used by professionals in the lion's share of domestic beauty salons.

    Video. How to choose the right hair curling iron A curling iron is a simple device that will help you transform your image in a matter of minutes and create stylish hairstyle

    . When going to the store, remember our recommendations, and you can choose a curling iron that meets all your needs without overpaying for unnecessary features. In the women's arsenal there are many tools designed for curling, curling, and straightening hair. The choice of hairstyle depends on the lady’s mood and the natural need to change and look stunning. Those with straight hair dream of curls, airy curls , A curly girls On the contrary, they want to have smooth shiny strands. There are many ways to transform. These include not only perm or curlers, but also special irons and curling irons. Both devices are universal, which allows you to achieve desired result

    however, they still have a few differences.

    Description of devices There are several tips to achieve the right size

    • , volume of curls:
    • for spiral curls, the strands are wound vertically;
    • wavy curls cannot be combed; the strands can be separated light hands movement;
    • Fixing varnish is applied to small quantity, otherwise the product will stick the hair together, resulting in a hard straw effect.

    Using curling irons and flat irons for styling allows women to experiment and create new looks. A professional tool, the quality of which is the responsibility of the manufacturer, will help you create luxurious hairstyles. It is enough to choose the most suitable brand for yourself and decide on the size and shape of the curls, so that you can special effort change and transform.

    Useful videos

    How to curl beautiful curls with an iron.

    How to make curls with a curling iron.

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