• Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "spring is coming to us with quick steps." Outline of a lesson on the world around us (preparatory group) on the topic: Summary of GCD in the school preparatory group "Spring is Red"


    Summary of GCD

    in the preparatory school group

    Subject: "Spring is coming"

    Educational area "Cognition"

    Direction – “Cognitive and speech development”

    Goal: to promote a generalization of ideas about spring as a time of year, about the life of animals and birds, about weather conditions in spring.

    1. Deepen your understanding of seasonal changes in nature; continue to teach children to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships (the snow is melting because the sun is getting hotter, etc.).

    2. Continue to introduce children to folklore works about spring (riddles, proverbs); develop logical thinking, conversational speech: enrich and activate vocabulary, develop communication skills.

    3. To cultivate responsiveness in children, to form a positive emotional attitude towards the beauty of spring nature.



    Summary of GCD

    In the pre-school group

    Topic: “Spring is coming”

    Educational area "Cognition"

    Direction – “Cognitive and speech development”

    Integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading fiction”, “Music”.

    Goal: to promote a generalization of ideas about spring as a time of year, about the life of animals and birds, about weather conditions in spring.


    1. Deepen your understanding of seasonal changes in nature; continue to teach children to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships (the snow is melting because the sun is getting hotter, etc.).

    2. Continue to introduce children to folklore works about spring (riddles, proverbs); develop logical thinking, conversational speech: enrich and activate vocabulary, develop communication skills.

    3. To cultivate responsiveness in children, to form a positive emotional attitude towards the beauty of spring nature.

    Planned results: Children have ideas about characteristic features spring (the sun warms stronger, the day lengthens, the snow melts, the migratory birds); are able to answer fully, understand the connection between inanimate natural phenomena.


    · Pictures for the “Spring” rebus, a set of letters, pictures depicting the 4 seasons.

    · Pictures depicting signs of spring.

    · "Sun".

    Preliminary work:

    1. Examination with children of illustrations about spring, spring changes in nature.

    2. Conversations with children about caring for nature.

    3. Observations while walking, conversations with children about the signs of spring, why spring comes.

    4. Reading fiction.

    5. Memorizing poems about spring, about the spring months, asking riddles, sayings and proverbs.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Educator: Children, today we will talk about a wonderful time of year. Which one - you can guess for yourself. Guys, can you hear the music playing? Listen to the music carefully.

    Listening to the melody “Spring Drops”.

    Educator: Children, what time of year do you think this music is about?

    Children: About spring.

    Educator: Why do you think so?

    Children: Because drops are heard in music, and drops happen in the spring.

    Educator: That's right, even music can put us in a spring mood.

    Didactic game"Make a word":From the names of the pictures you must select the first sound and form a word from them.

    Children complete the task.

    Educator: What word did you get?

    Children: Spring.

    Educator: She comes kindly.

    And with my fairy tale.

    He'll wave his magic wand,

    The snowdrop will bloom in the forest.

    Educator: And today we will talk about spring.

    Educator: Answer the questions:

    After what time of year does spring come?

    And before what time of year?

    All seasons come after each other, but how many are there in total?

    Educator: Children, let's remember signs of spring , and pictures will help us with this. You need to start a sentence with the word “In the spring...”.

    (Children complete the task).

    Educator: Children, why do you think the snow and ice melt and streams flow?

    Children: The snow is melting because the sun has become warmer.

    Educator: Will spring come if the sun does not shine and warm?

    Children: No, the sun is the main helper of spring.

    Children: Something made our sun sad.

    Let's come up with something beautiful words to the sun and let's spread its rays.

    Didactic game “Choose the word”

    What kind of sun? (affectionate, yellow, warm, bright, radiant, golden, beautiful, kind, light)

    There is a proverb: “When mother is around, it’s good, but when the sun is warm”

    What a beautiful sun it turned out to be, it smiles at us, and we smile at it.

    Physical education minute

    All the people smile

    Spring! Spring! Spring!

    She's everywhere she's everywhere

    Red! Red! Red!

    Through the meadow, forest and clearing,

    It's coming! It's coming! It's coming!

    The sun is calling to bask,

    Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

    And the stream runs cheerfully,

    It's ringing! It's ringing! It's ringing!

    The river is wide over the pebbles,

    It's murmuring! It's murmuring! It's murmuring!

    And the smells are everywhere,

    Flowers! Flowers! Flowers!

    And everything living immediately hears,

    Spring ringing!

    Educator: Guys, answer the questions:

    What is the weather like in spring?

    What are the clouds like in spring?

    What kind of spring drops?

    What is the sky like in spring?

    What clothes do people wear in spring?

    What kind of grass grows in spring?

    Didactic exercise.

    Say with the word “Spring” - day, weather, mood, thunderstorm, sun, grass, months.

    Educator: Listen puzzles :

    1. A warm south wind is blowing.

    The sun is shining brighter,

    The snow is thinning, softening, melting,

    The loud rook flies in.

    What month? Who will know? (MARCH)

    1. The river roars furiously

    And breaks the ice.

    The starling returned to his house,

    And in the forest the bear woke up.

    A lark trills in the sky.

    Who came to us? (APRIL)

    1. The distance of the fields is green,

    The nightingale sings.

    IN White color the garden is dressed,

    Birds are the first to fly.

    Thunder rumbles, guess what?

    What month is this? (MAY)

    Children repeat all the months of spring.

    Educator: And now we’ll give you a little quiz. I will ask questions and you will answer.


    1. Which trees are the first to decorate themselves in early spring? (willow or willow)
    2. And which trees remain green in early spring? (spruce and pine)
    3. Where is last year's snow? (on the ground, under the new snow)
    4. Where does snow melt faster - in a field or in a forest?
    5. Why do sinkholes form around trees in spring?
    6. Where do starlings nest if there are no birdhouses (under the roofs of houses, in bird hollows)
    7. Why do starlings sit on animals in the spring (cows, horses)? (to pluck wool for the nest)
    8. Why do birds fly behind tractors and land on plowed land? (after plowing they look for worms)

    Game "Correct the mistake"

    Spring months - December, January, February?

    Is leaf falling in spring?

    Do animals stock up in the spring?

    In spring, birds fly south.

    Children put on spring clothes in spring

    Educator: Well done! What did we talk about in class today? (about spring, about the signs of spring, guessed riddles, etc.)

    What was easy and what was difficult?

    Abstract educational activities V preparatory group“We’re saving spring!”


    To contribute to the generalization of ideas about spring as a time of year, about the life of animals, birds, about weather conditions in spring; to form a positive emotional attitude towards the beauty of spring nature.

    Educational objectives :

    Expand and activate children’s vocabulary on this topic; consolidate the skills of word formation and inflection, consolidate the ability to compose words from syllables. Work on a sentence: compose sentences from words, according to a diagram, consolidate the ability to answer questions in a complete sentence.

    R developmental tasks:

    Development of coherent speech, articulation, fine and general motor skills. Automation of correct pronunciation of words, development of coordination of speech with movement, development of memory, attention, thinking.

    Educational tasks :

    Developing cooperation skills in the game; activity, initiative, independence, creativity, imagination.

    Progress of educational activities:


    Guys, today on the way to kindergarten Lesovichok met me, he told me that there was trouble with spring, it was delayed in the forest by a strong gusty wind, he does not want spring warmth to come to the village. Vesna asked Lesovich to turn to you for help. Do you think we can help Vesna out? Let's try. And for the wind to let Spring go, we need to complete all the tasks that Lesovichok gave us. Are you ready to help?


    Yes, we're ready!


    First, you and I need to remember after what time of year spring comes, before what time?


    Spring comes after winter. It happens before summer.


    The first task is this: we need to name the signs of spring, and pictures will help us with this (presentation on the signs of spring). You need to start a sentence with the words - In spring... (Children make sentences based on pictures. In spring, the sky is blue. In spring, the sun shines brightly. In spring, birds fly from warm countries. In spring, icicles dripped from the roofs of houses. In spring, the snow began to melt and streams began to flow. In the spring, thawed patches appear. In the spring, the first flowers appear on the thawed patches, in the spring, buds swell on the trees and tender green leaves appear.


    Guys, why do you think the snow, ice melts, and streams flow?


    The snow is melting because the sun has become warmer.


    Will Spring come if the sun does not shine and warm? Why?


    And our sun, the wind bewitched, scattered all the rays of the sun, and it became sad.


    Show me how sad the sun is. But it is spring’s main assistant. Guys, what needs to be done to make the sun happy?


    Let's come up with beautiful words for the sun.

    Didactic game “Choose the word”

    What kind of sun is it? (A circle is attached to the board; children say a word and attach a ribbon-ray). Look what a beautiful, radiant sun we have, it is smiling at us. Now we have completed the second task.


    Tell me, what changes occur in the life of animals in spring?


    - In the spring, bears wake up from hibernation and have offspring. The hare changes his white coat to a gray one. The squirrel becomes red again.


    All the animals on the table are mixed up, you need to choose only the animals of our forests.


    Look what kind of tree Lesovichek left us. It is not simple, but with a task (syllables hanging on a tree), you need to make words from these syllables. Children make up words from syllables (vet-ka, wind-ter, kidney-ki, lu-zha, drop-li, grass-va, sun).


    Well done, you completed this task, let's remember the poem about the beetle, let our eyes rest and train.

    A beetle flew into our group.
    He spun and sang;
    “Ju-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,
    I’m having a lot of fun twirling!”
    So he flew to the right -
    Everyone looked to the right.
    So he flew to the left -
    Everyone looked to the left.
    The beetle spins and laughs,
    He wants to sit on Ildar’s nose.
    You little bug, don't be naughty!
    Where we say, sit there.
    Beetle, here is the right palm,
    Sit on it for a while
    Beetle, here is the left palm,
    Sit on it for a while.
    The beetle flew off my palm
    And he sat down on the ceiling.
    We stood up on our toes,
    But we didn't get the beetle.
    Let's clap together;
    Clap, clap, clap,
    Fly away quickly, bug.


    What other insects do you know?


    Ants, butterflies, grasshoppers, spiders, flies, caterpillars.


    Come up with a proposal with insects according to this scheme. (Three scheme options are offered in turn).


    1. The butterfly flies. 2. Dragonfly on the palm. 3. Ladybug sits on a flower.


    Who do you think will be happy to see insects?


    Birds will be happy with insects, because insects are food for birds.


    And also, in order to help out Spring, we need to remember the birds that are returning from warmer climes, we will name them one by one and at the same time fold these leaves into an “accordion”, only very carefully they will be useful to us in the future.

    Children name the birds and make an “accordion”.

    Educator b:

    Well done, how many birds do you know, and what does our “accordion” look like?


    It also looks like wings.


    Let's make birds and decorate our tree. I think these birds will make spring a joy. (birds singing starts)


    The next task, the most important, we must solve a crossword puzzle.

    And thus we will list with you the signs of spring.


    1. Housewarming party at the starling's house
    He rejoices endlessly.
    May we have a mockingbird
    Let's make him...(birdhouse)

    2. In a blue shirt
    Runs along the bottom of the ravine. (Creek)

    3. The first to get out of the ground
    On a thawed patch.
    He is not afraid of frost
    Although small. (snowdrop)

    4. There’s someone’s house on a branch here,
    There are no doors or windows in it,
    But it’s warm for the chicks to live there
    This is the name of the house...(nest)

    5. She knocks softly in the spring,
    And the whole village can hear it. (drops)

    5. You warm the whole world,

    You don't know fatigue

    Smiling at the window

    And everyone calls you... (sun).


    So the spell of the evil wind has fallen, spring has freed itself and we will be warm.

    Guys, did you like our lesson? (children's answer).

    What exactly did you like about the activity?

    What time of year were we talking about today?

    What a beautiful time of year - spring. Poets write poems about spring, artists paint pictures, composers write beautiful music. Spring will be glad to hear you perform a song in the Bashkir language. (children sing the song “Kunelle yaz kile”).

    Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type No. 49 “Ladushki”

    Educator: Popova E.Yu.
    Software tasks:
    Part I

    Introduce children to the origins of folk culture;
    expand and deepen knowledge about the traditions of the Russian folk calendar with spring cycle holidays;
    consolidate children's knowledge about folk games;
    to form a desire to use folklore in speech;
    continue to build respect for the traditions of the Russian people;

    To foster a sustainable interest in children in oral folk art, as Russian national wealth;
    raise patriots.

    Strengthen the ability to make birds using the origami principle;
    improve paper skills;
    cultivate accuracy in the process of activity.
    Preliminary work:

    Conversations about holidays and traditions of the Russian people;
    reading works of fiction;
    memorization of proverbs, sayings, folk signs, nicknames;
    viewing illustrations;
    learning round dances and outdoor games;
    listening to music about nature;
    paper construction classes;
    holding holidays and leisure activities.

    Vocabulary work:
    Protalnik, watercourse, Aquarius, grass, birch, sunflower, rose flower, Annunciation, Easter, Palm Sunday, Candlemas, invocation, traditions.

    Video presentation with illustrations of spring, birds, music center, audio recordings, colored paper, scissors, felt-tip pen.

    Progress of the lesson:
    Part 1 of the lesson.
    Music is playing.
    Children sit on chairs.
    Slide 2.
    Teacher: “She comes with affection
    And with my fairy tale.
    He'll wave his magic wand,
    The snowdrop will bloom in the forest"
    Educator: - Who guessed? What is this riddle about? (about spring)
    Educator: - Spring... Perhaps the most favorite time of the year for most people. A symbol of warmth, the awakening of nature, hopes for a future harvest and
    good weather.
    The people of Rus' revered traditions and noticed all the changes in nature. And we still compare our lives with folk signs, which were passed down from generation to generation and came down to you and me.
    Setting the goal of the lesson: - Today we will talk about spring folk holidays and customs, let us recall the works of Russian folklore.
    Educator: - What spring months do you know? (March April May)
    Educator: - “March, March has come
    The white snow has melted.
    And behind it is April,
    He opened the window and door.
    And May came after him
    Invite the sun into the tower!”
    Educator: Mother spring, it’s beautiful to everyone!
    Slide 3.
    Educator: - Name the first month of spring? (March)

    Slide 4.
    Educator: - What names did the month of March have in the folk calendar?
    Children: Protalnik, water flow, drip, spring, gardener, morning of the year.
    Educator: - It also happened that March came, but the weather did not always please people, often winter did not want to go away. So people had to invite spring to visit. Let us also remember the calls of spring.
    Children: “Oh, my spring
    You little freckle!
    Because of the dark forests,
    Come from beyond the blue seas!
    The sun, illuminate with light!”
    Spring, spring is red,
    Warm sunshine
    Come quickly
    Keep the children warm!
    Come to us with joy,
    With great mercy,
    With tall flax,
    With deep roots,
    With rich bread!

    Educator: - Spring was celebrated in Rus' three times, when?
    Children: February 15 - Candlemas (winter meets summer);
    March 22 - on the day spring equinox(day and night are equal);
    April 7 - Annunciation.
    Educator: - Despite the vagaries of changeable spring weather and difficult workdays, people found time for creativity, writing riddles about spring, poems, and proverbs about spring. He also diligently wrote down the signs of spring.
    Educator: - What are the signs of March that you know?
    Slide 5.
    saw a rook - welcome spring;
    dry March - fertility, rainy - crop failure;
    March is dry and May is wet, they make good bread.
    Educator: - Well done! Name the second month of spring (April).
    Educator: - What names did April have in the folk calendar?
    Slide 6.

    Children: - Vodogon, Aquarius, pollen, birch, steam room, sunflower.
    Educator: - Why do you think they called him that? (Children's answers).
    Educator: - Okay, that's right. What holiday did people celebrate in April?
    Children: - Annunciation - the third meeting of spring.
    Educator: - What interesting things do you know about this holiday?
    Slide 7.
    - At the Annunciation, spring defeated winter.
    - Birds in captivity were released on Annunciation Day. Slide 6.
    Slide 8.
    - There was a custom to bake “larks” for the Annunciation, homemade cookies in the shape of birds with outstretched wings, as if flying. They were baked for all family members, with nuts and raisins baked in them.
    - People noted:
    thunderstorm on Annunciation - to the mushroom harvest;
    As you spend the Annunciation, it will be the same all year.
    - People sang chants and called to birds.
    Slide 9.
    Educator: - Can you call the birds now?
    Children: “The larks will come,
    Take away the cold winter,
    Bring warmth to spring:
    We're tired of winter:
    We ate all our bread!”
    Larks, quails,
    Birds, swallows!
    Come and visit us!
    Clear spring
    Red spring
    Bring it to us!
    Educator: - What other holidays did people celebrate in April?
    Children: - Palm Sunday celebrated on the last Sunday before Easter.
    Slide 10.
    Educator: - What signs do you know associated with willow?
    without willow it’s not spring;
    the willow leads to muddy roads, drives ice from the river;
    if the willow blooms well, there will be successful arable land.
    Educator: - Children, what other spring holiday that we will celebrate on Sunday have we not talked about? (About Easter.)
    Educator: - Easter is a great holiday of the Orthodox calendar, solemn and joyful. Tell us what you know about him!
    Slide 11.
    - Colored eggs and Easter cake were a mandatory part of the Easter table.
    - An egg is a symbol of the birth of a new life.
    - By old tradition People exchanged colored eggs during the holiday as a sign of love and unity. They were given to friends and neighbors as congratulations on the holiday.
    Slide 12.
    - The entertainment of the village youth was playing with eggs during Easter week. The players lowered the eggs from tubercles or special wooden trays.
    - There was a game of cue ball. One of the players held the egg in his hand, the other hit it with his own. The winner was the one whose egg remained intact.
    Educator: - Well done, children! How much do you know about national holidays!
    Name last month spring? (May) What was May called in the old days?
    Slide 13.
    Children: - Grass, rose flower, pollen.
    Educator: - What did people say about the month of May?
    May decorates the forests, summer awaits visitors;
    May is cold - a grain-bearing year;
    a lot of May beetles - to drought;
    the nightingale sang - spring began to wane, and summer began to profit.
    Educator: - Okay, children. You correctly remembered the signs of spring and named the folk spring holidays. And now I want you to play the Russian folk game “Zarya, zaryanitsa.”

    Slide 14.
    The p/i “Zarya, zaryanitsa” is held (2 times)

    Part 2 of the lesson.
    Slide 15.
    Children sit at tables:
    Educator: - We talked about how people welcomed spring, how they called to spring, to birds, you said that families baked “larks” cookies.
    Today we will make such birds out of paper. You know how to make crafts using the origami method.
    I suggest everyone make their own bird.
    Take your time, think about what kind of bird you want to make, choose the color of paper that you need.
    Remember where you will start working, in what directions you will fold the paper, try to work carefully.

    Independent work of children. Teacher's help.
    Slide 16.
    Educator: - Well done, children! Look what wonderful birds we got. What kind of bird did you make? And you? Name your bird? (Children name their bird). Everyone's birds turned out different.
    Educator: - Now let’s “release our birds into the wild” - we’ll give them to our guests, with Best wishes spring and warmth. (Children give birds to guests).
    Educator: - Our lesson is over.
    Slide 17.

    Children's mastery of basic logical techniques on the topic "Spring"

    Working with children with general speech underdevelopment, I generalized methodological developments on the issue "Development logical thinking in preschoolers with general underdevelopment speeches." The developments were presented with systematized lexical and illustrative material on all lexical topics, which was intended for working with children, both speech therapist and educators. I conducted this lesson with children (7 years old) who attended my “Entertaining Logic” club. Russian folk tale“How Spring Overcame Winter” was remade; the presented games were developed and decorated with picture material myself.
    Target: children’s mastery of basic logical techniques: inference, systematization, limitation.
    - enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Spring”;
    - consolidate productive and motor activity;
    - develop the ability to reveal causal connections between phenomena of the surrounding reality; isolate objects from many different objects according to a characteristic common feature, quality, property; develop skills of consistent actions.


    Teacher:“Guys, I know that you all love listening to fairy tales. And today I will tell you a new fairy tale. Sit back and listen carefully.
    Fairy tale “How Spring overcame Winter”
    Once upon a time, Mashenka lived in a village. One early spring morning she sat by the window and thought about spring.
    Masha is waiting for a warm, kind Spring, but she is neither seen nor heard. It's winter
    He’s not going to leave, Frost is forging everything. Everyone is tired of it, cold and icy. What to do here? Trouble!
    Masha decided to go look for Spring. I got ready and went. She came to the field and called the Sun:
    Sunny, Sunny, Golden Bucket,
    Look out from behind the mountain, illuminate everything in the area!
    The sun peeked out from behind the mountain, Masha asked:
    - Have you seen, Sun, the red spring?
    The sun says:
    - I saw it and I’ll tell you where to look for Spring, just complete my task first, then I’ll tell you.
    - Children, Mashenka can’t cope alone. Let's help her?
    I will begin the phrase, and you will finish it with the words that are necessary in meaning.
    D/i “Finish the phrase” - inference.

    - Well done guys, they helped Mashenka. Now listen to what happened next.
    The sun says:
    - And now, Mashenka, go further, when you see a green forest in front of you, look for Spring there. Yes, call her to your lands.
    - Masha went to look for Spring. How long did it take Mashenka to walk? Suddenly a green forest appeared before her.
    Masha walked and walked through the forest, completely lost. She had just sat down on a tree stump to rest when she saw:
    The dead wood began to stir. From his winter sleep, Father Bear woke up.
    And he appeared in front of Mashenka.
    - Hello, girl, why did you come to me in the forest?
    - I, Father Bear, am looking for Red Spring. I want to invite her to our region.
    - Okay, Mashenka, I will help you, but you will also serve me faithfully:
    - Place the chips in empty cells so that they are not identical to each other.
    D/i “Fill in the empty cells” - systematization.

    Well done boys! And our fairy tale continues. The bear thanked Mashenka and gave her a magic ball.
    “Wherever he goes,” says the bear, go there too.
    How long did it take for Mashenka to walk, she was completely tired, she just wanted to rest...
    As she sees, the beautiful swan is flying: she releases silk grass across the meadows, spreads pearl dew, and merges small streams into fast rivers.
    That swan was Spring.
    Here Masha began to call Vesna:
    - Oh, Spring-Spring, good mother! You go to our lands, drive away the fierce Winter.
    - Let us, together with Masha, call for the red Spring.
    Speech with the Vesnyanka movement
    - Vesna Mashin heard a voice and said:
    Fulfill my request, then I will come to your region and drive away the fierce winter.
    - Cover the “extra” picture with a chip.
    Close what never happens in spring.
    D/i “The fourth odd one” is a limitation.

    “Spring has come - make way for spring”

    Types of children's activities:Motor, play, communication,educational, reading fiction.

    Integration of educational areas:“Communication”, “Cognition”, “Reading fiction”, “ Physical Culture", "Health"

    Target: Compilation descriptive story according to the picture.


    1. Consolidate knowledge about spring, signs of spring.

    2. Develop the ability to answer questions with complete answers, compose a collective story based on the picture;

    3. Develop children's speech, memory and imagination;

    4. Foster a culture of communication, the ability to listen to the stories of comrades

    Methods and forms of work:didactic games, conversation, looking at a picture, artistic expression,

    Preliminary work:planting seeds, decorating a “Vegetable Garden on a Windowsill”, listening to musical compositions on the theme “Spring”, looking at paintings on the theme “Spring”, guessing riddles on the theme, memorizing poems about spring, reading stories and poems about spring, observing signs of spring in nature.

    Equipment and materials:painting by A. Savrasov “The Rooks have Arrived”, children’s music – “Spring Song” from the series “Songs without Words”, laptop, containers with soil, small spatulas, rippers, seeds, watering can with water, fortified rosehip drink, yellow cardboard circles, counting sticks for each child.

    Progress of direct educational activities.

    Educator: The children stood on the meadow and made a circle.

    The children's music composition “Spring Music” from the “Songs Without Words” cycle is played, and a video presentation “Spring” appears on the projector.

    The teacher reads a poem about spring by S. Ya. Marshak

    The snow is no longer the same -

    He darkened in the field,

    The ice on the lakes is cracked,

    It's like they split it.

    The clouds are moving faster

    The sky has become higher

    The sparrow chirped

    Have fun on the roof.

    It's getting darker every day

    Stitches and paths,

    And on the willows with silver

    The earrings glow.

    Run away, streams!

    Spread out, puddles!

    Get out, ants,

    After the winter cold!

    A bear sneaks through

    Through the dead wood,

    The birds began to sing songs,

    And the snowdrop blossomed.

    Educator: What time of year is this poem talking about?

    Children: About spring.

    Educator: Well done. What signs of spring can you name in this poem?

    Children: In spring, the sun warms up, snow and ice begin to melt. Birds fly from warm regions. Animals are waking up from hibernation. The first flowers appear.

    Educator: Fabulous! You are well versed in the signs of spring. I suggest you make a sun from scrap materials.

    (children lay out the sun using a yellow cardboard circle and counting sticks)

    (Alarming music sounds. A frightened Mishka runs in)

    Misha: Guard, guard, I can’t understand anything what’s happening! Help, help!

    Educator: Bear, what happened, why are you so scared?

    Bear: I'm afraid, I'm scared, when I woke up after hibernation, I saw that something incredible was happening in nature. Everything is noisy, everything is humming, pouring, running. The bright sun blinds the eyes. Deep puddles appeared from somewhere, and the snow was melting before our eyes, turning into a gray mass. Birds chirp and chatter overhead tirelessly. Who will explain to me what happened?

    Educator: Bear, calm down, sit down on a chair, catch your breath and relax. And the guys and I will try to help you and explain everything. Will the children help Mishka figure out what is happening to our Siberian nature?

    Children: Of course we will help.

    Educator: We will show Mishka the painting “The Rooks have Arrived” and tell him what time of year is depicted in it and describe this time of year in words.

    Educator: (shows a picture, children look at and answer questions about the picture)

    - Do you like the picture?

    - What exactly do you like about her?

    — What time of year did A. Savrasov depict?

    — By what signs can we say that spring is approaching?

    — Why are bird tracks in the snow so clearly visible?

    —Where are the birches? Describe them.

    — Why are the branches on birch trees bare?

    - We don’t see the artist, we don’t hear his voice, but how did he tell us about the beauty of nature? (Brush and paints)

    — What colors predominate in the picture?

    - What is written blue? (Which is gray, which is brown?)

    — What would you call the picture?

    — How does this picture make you feel?

    - What do you want to do while looking at her? (I just want to get into a birch grove, breathe in the smell of melted snow, earth, stand quietly and watch the efforts of the restless heralds of spring) So what time of year is depicted in the picture?

    Educator: And now our guys will tell you, Mishka, something else about spring, but only in poetic form.

    (children recite poems about spring)

    Educator : Guys, what happens to the bear in the spring?

    Children: He wakes up, just like nature, but only from hibernation.

    Educator: Of course, when a bear wakes up, the first thing he does is exercise.

    Physical education lesson “Bear”

    The bear crawled out of the den,

    I looked around on the threshold. Turns left and right.

    He stretched out of sleep: Stretching, arms up.

    Spring has come to us again.

    To quickly gain strength,

    The bear's head was twisting. Head rotation.

    Bent back and forth, Bends forward and back.

    Here he is walking through the forest.

    The bear is looking for roots. Tilts: right hand touch

    And rotten stumps. left foot, then vice versa.

    They contain edible larvae -

    Vitamins for the bear.

    Finally the bear had his fill

    And he sat down on a log. (Children sit down)

    Educator : Bear, the kids in our kindergarten also get vitamins. And we want to treat you to them.

    (They are treated to a fortified drink - rosehip decoction).

    Children tell us what other fortified drinks they receive in kindergarten.

    Educator : Mishka, we want to tell you one secret, spring has come not only to our native land, but also to our kindergarten. Look how the “Vegetable Garden” has blossomed on our windowsill. And the guys and I would like to teach you how to properly care for the first shoots and sow the seeds of future plants.

    (The teacher, together with the children and Mishka, loosen the soil of the seedlings, water it, sow new seeds, while simultaneously pronouncing what is necessary for any plant - sun, warmth, water)

    Educator: In 6 days we will see what we have done.

    Children: The first shoots will appear, and previously planted seedlings will grow and become stronger.

    Misha: And now, guys, I want to play interesting games with you.

    1. “Call it affectionately” (with nouns of this topic, throwing the ball to each other)

    snow - snowball water - water

    stream - stream sun - sunshine

    boat - small boat ship - boat

    tree - sapling Bird - bird

    2. Didactic game “Continue the thought”

    The teacher asks the children to logically complete the sentences they started about spring. The kids complete the proposed task.

    The harsh winter has passed, and... (Spring) has come to us

    Spring is the time when everything... (comes to life, awakens, rejoices, grows)

    The sky in spring... (Blue, high, clean, clear)

    It shines welcomingly for us... (Sun)

    It has already risen... (Higher)

    The sun warms the earth with its... (Rays)

    Streams are running everywhere as it melts... (Snow)

    They will soon return from warmer climes... (Birds)

    Spring will turn green on the hills... (Grass)

    The first spring flowers will bloom... (Flowers)

    Bear: Our meeting with you has come to an end. I was very glad to meet you today and am sincerely grateful to you that you guys were able to explain to me what spring is and with what changes in nature it comes to us. See you soon!

    (Children say goodbye to Little Bear).


    Educator: Guys, what did we do today?

    Children: We talked about spring, studied the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived,” and helped Mishka.

    Educator: Did you enjoy the meeting with the forest guest?

    Children : Yes, I really liked it.

    Educator: What did you enjoy most today?

    Children: Look at the picture and tell Misha about spring. Treat Misha to a drink. Do some gardening.

    Educator: Was there anything difficult for you to do today? Were there any difficulties?

    Children: No, everything was easy and interesting.

    Educator: Well done boys. Thank you very much. Let's go drink a vitamin drink.

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