• Family and life - Hypermarket of knowledge. Family and life - Hypermarket of knowledge A2. Social inequality manifests itself in

  • Why does the development of the everyday life become an important social task?
  • The sphere was different, even the one I wrote is closely intertwined with the spheres of trade, healthcare, transport, leisure, social security, utilities and other services. In modern conditions, home life and the service sector are interconnected and complementary areas. And if in the narrow sense the term “everyday life” is used as a synonym home life, then life in the broad sense of the word is a non-production area Everyday life, directly related to the satisfaction of material and spiritual needs, the reproduction of humans, ethnic groups, and the population of the country as a whole. GOOD LUCK

  • Help urgently! My granddaughter asked for help, but I don’t understand! Read the text and complete tasks 23. 1 -23. 6
    Every enterprise carries out marketing activities. The main task of marketing is to work with the market, create demand for the products offered by the enterprise, and ensure its sales. In market conditions, the problem of sales for an enterprise becomes the most important. It is not enough to produce a product, you need to be able to sell it, since the produced product is the manufacturer’s costs, and the sold product is already income. It is marketing activities that make it possible to turn the needs of buyers into income for the seller. Many enterprises have created special departments involved in marketing activities. Specialists working in the field of marketing are called marketers.
    In order to sell a product, it is necessary to conduct market research. It should provide answers to next questions: What should you sell? Who can I sell to? Where and how to sell? How to manage the movement of goods? As a matter of fact, work on creating an enterprise should begin with market research. Before organizing a company that will produce any product, it is worth assessing whether this product will be in demand, whether someone is already producing this product? If so, are buyers ready to purchase this product in larger quantities, and at what price can they do this? If the product is not yet offered by anyone on the market, is it needed, will buyers buy it, or will serious work have to be done to convince buyers that this new product is exactly what they have been missing for so long. What price can be set for the new product?
    But even when the enterprise is already organized and operating, marketing research does not lose its relevance. Their task is to understand what the consumer wants, what his tastes and preferences are and how they can change over time, how to improve the product to extend its “life” on the market, how to get customers to purchase it in larger quantities. In order to win over competitors, the product must not only compare favorably in terms of technical and economic indicators, but must be cheaper to purchase and more reliable in operation. At the same time, marketing turns into practical activities related to bringing the product to the consumer. At this stage, marketing must ensure the sale of the largest possible quantity of goods, the required level of profit, and maximum consumer satisfaction in order to create in him a desire to purchase this product not only today, but also tomorrow.
    (Based on materials from the encyclopedia for schoolchildren)
    23. 1. Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.
    23. 2. What is the main task of marketers? Why is their activity important to the firm?
    23. 3. What are the tasks of marketers at the stages of creating an enterprise, producing goods, and marketing goods? Indicate the task of a marketer at each of the listed stages of the company’s work.
    23. 4. How can a marketer learn about consumer tastes and preferences? Based on social science knowledge and personal social experience, make three assumptions.
    23. 5. Anna Petrovna purchased an inexpensive washing machine of a well-known brand. The machine turned out to be easy to operate and economical. Now Anna Petrovna advises all her friends to buy the same car.
    What is the competitiveness of this washing machine? Provide a piece of text that may help you answer the question.
    23. 6. There is an opinion that a skillful marketer can ensure the sale of any product, even a non-competitive one. Do you agree with this opinion? Based on the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) in defense of your position.

  • 23. 1
    1. Implementation of marketing activities and its main tasks.
    2. Market research. The main questions facing a marketer.
    3. Criteria that allow a product to win over its competitors.
    4. The stage of transition of marketing into practical activities.
    23. 2
    Marketers are specialists working in the field of marketing. For the company, their activities are important because “it is marketing activities that make it possible to turn the needs of buyers into income for the seller.”
    23. 3
    At stages
    Creating an enterprise - market research, answering basic questions.
    Production of goods - evaluation of the product itself according to several criteria
    Sales of goods - bringing the goods to the consumer.
    23. 4
    Using sociological surveys, data from past years, and demand for similar products from competitors.
    23. 5
    “In order to win over competitors, a product must not only compare favorably in terms of technical and economic indicators, but must be cheaper to purchase and more reliable in operation.”
  • The spiritual sphere appears before us as the most sublime... Here spiritual needs are born, from the most elementary to the most refined, here their consumption occurs to a large extent... For the sake of satisfying spiritual needs, spiritual production is carried out, the single, general goal of spiritual production is the reproduction of social consciousness in its integrity. Among the functions of spiritual production, we will highlight, first of all, spiritual activity aimed at improving all other spheres of social life. However, the process of spiritual production cannot be considered complete as soon as new ideas, applied and fundamental, are obtained. Here everything is the same as in material production: the product of labor must reach the consumer, that is, go through the stages of distribution and exchange, which in spiritual production take on a specific appearance. In this regard, we can talk about the function of knowledge production. This function is carried out by general education and higher schools, cultural and educational institutions, and the media. There is another important function of spiritual production - the production of public opinion. It is not difficult to guess that this function is inseparable from the function of production and dissemination of knowledge, as if woven into it, while highlighting it as relatively independent, we emphasize the important fact that the ideological aspect is more clearly expressed in it. (S. E. Krapivensky) 4. Name three elements of the spiritual sphere public life highlighted by the author. 5. Based on the content of the text, name the goal and any two functions of spiritual production. 6. Give one example of spiritual activity aimed at improving the economic, social and political spheres of public life. 7. The author claims that in the production of public opinion “the ideological moment is clearly expressed.” Give three arguments to support this position.
  • 4. Three elements of the spiritual sphere: spiritual needs, spiritual production, spiritual activity! 5. The purpose of spiritual production is the reproduction of social consciousness in its integrity. Functions of spiritual production: spiritual activity, production of knowledge! 6. We see that there is a priest in the State Duma and that all government officials are believers. - political sphere. We also see the influence of the clergy on the government, even the management of some funds through the government! - economic sphere. We see how smart and advanced modern priests are and that they already use computers and bring enlightenment to our masses! - social sphere!

  • Part 1.

    A1. M.'s family has a five-year-old child. The grandmother is preparing the child for school. What function of the family does this example illustrate?

    1) educational 2) reproductive 3) economic 4) leisure

    A2. Social inequality is manifested in:

    1) differences between people according to natural data 2) different marital status

    3) absence of private property 4) level of income received

    A3. To the number distinctive features families like social group applies:

    1) joint activities 2) common political views

    3) common life 4) common goal

    A4. Belonging to the F. family provides its members with the opportunity to get a job in a commercial bank. This example reflects the function of the family:

    1) economic 2) social control

    3) emotional-psychological 4) social-status

    A5. Find and indicate a social group that “falls out” from the series, formed not on an ethnosocial basis.

    1) Latvians 2) Catholics 3) Estonians 4) Lithuanians

    A6. The four social groups are listed below. Three of them have a common socially significant feature. Which group is excluded from this series?

    1) children 2) elderly people 3) men 4) youth

    A7. In the list of social groups, the following are superfluous:

    1) estates 2) castes 3) classes 4) parties.

    A7. What feature underlies the unification of people and their groups into such a social community as townspeople?

    1) political; 3)professional;

    2) social class; 4) territorial.

    A8. The achieved status of a person does not include:

    1) gender 2) education 3) profession 4) financial situation.

    A9. A small social group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by a common life and mutual responsibility, is:

    1) clan 2) class 3) family 4) elite

    A10. Both adolescents and adults have a social role:

    1) a conscript serviceman;

    2) a deputy of the city duma;

    3) secondary student secondary school.

    4) consumer of mobile communication services.

    A11. The class division of society reflects

    1) type of government 2) type of social stratification

    3) the nature of economic relations 4) the peculiarity of the political system.

    A12. Social role, characteristic of both a teenager and an adult:

    1) graduate of a vocational college; 3) football fan;

    2) a candidate for deputy of the legislative assembly; 4) serviceman - contract soldier

    A13. Which of the following social groups is distinguished according to economic characteristics:

    1) Muscovites 2) engineers 3) Muslims 4) landowners

    A14. Are the following judgments about social status correct?

    A. Social status is a person’s position in society, which gives him rights and responsibilities.

    B. All social statuses people acquire from birth.

    A15. Are the following statements about social conflicts true?

    A. The divergence of interests of social groups can lead to social conflict.

    B. Interethnic conflict is a type of social conflict.

    1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

    A16. Are the following statements about the family true?

    A. The family regulates the behavior of family members.

    B. The family provides economic support to minors and disabled family members.

    1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

    There are more tasks in the attachments

  • 1. Salesperson in a commercial bank!

    5. 4, 3, 1, 2, 5

    1. Patriarchal, nuclear

    2. Demographic revolution

    3. Self-determination

    4. Housewife, raising children, beloved

  • Check mine homework, just the mid-term grade for this assignment makes a huge difference!

    The task itself:

    “In Russia, the transition from full and unconditional employment in social production, which corresponded to the universality and compulsory nature of labor under socialism, to a system of economic activity that meets the criteria of a market economy, has taken place. More than half of the economically active population does not work for state structures, but for themselves, work for enterprises and private-corporate organizations. At the same time, 15% are employed in small businesses. About 9% are classified as unemployed according to the ILO methodology.

    The proportions of the distribution of employed people have changed in favor of those industries whose business activity has increased due to market transformations: trade and public catering, logistics and trade intermediation, lending, finance and insurance. .. In terms of the share of unemployed in the total economically active population, our country has practically caught up with the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden.

    The visible metamorphoses of employment reflected changes in the nature and content of “direct social labor.” From collective forced activity for the production of planned products and services of a given quantity and range, labor becomes a way of existence for economically independent commodity producers. Public and collective labor is being replaced by private individual labor.

    The revolution in property and the accompanying institutional transformations in the economy led to the fact that millions of people, previously engaged in systematically organized professional work for the state, tested their strengths and abilities in hitherto persecuted entrepreneurship and in small business, where labor, property and management are fused together ( control). Almost 1/4 of those employed in the private sector are self-employed. Their activities combine professional and innovative work in very different proportions and, at the same time, management work with executive work."

    1. What are the problems in the social and labor sphere of life? Russian society highlights and considers the author?

    2. Name the changes that have occurred in the content and nature of social labor, the position of the employee as a result of market transformations.

    3. What does I. Zaslavsky mean when he states: “In Russia there is a transition from full and unconditional employment in social production. .. Towards a system of economic activity that meets the criteria of a market economy, has taken place”? Based on the text, find explanations for this statement.

    1. 1) Half of the economically active population does not work for the state.

    2) Public and collective labor is being replaced by private individual labor.

    2. The command economy has been replaced by a market economy.

    3. I. Zaslavsky meant that there would be changes in the system of economic activity, that is, “from full and unconditional employment in social production” (command economy) “to the system of economic activity” (to the market economy).

    Did I answer the questions asked correctly?

  • In 1 - 2) rather not a problem, but an addition to question 2

    1) answer from 1 is correct + another problem - unemployment,

    correct, but add 2) from question 1

    the organization of labor became more complex, private entrepreneurship expanded, business activity increased in such industries as trade, supply, lending, insurance, and the number of unemployed increased


  • Need to make a thesis plan?

    One aspect of small group learning is group integration(from Latin integer - whole) - a state of a group characterized by signs of psychological unity, its integrity as a social community.
    The degree of group integration is associated with the level of development of the group as a community. Researchers consider a developed group to be a small group in which, firstly, a fairly differentiated system of all types of relationships discussed above has developed, and secondly, these relationships are moral, consistent with social norms and meet the requirements imposed by society on the individual and social association .
    According to the theory of the modern Russian psychologist A.V. Petrovsky, a group can be conditionally represented as consisting of three layers. Each layer is associated with a special principle of building relationships between group members and their corresponding level of development, and therefore the degree of integration. In the first, superficial layer, there are direct contacts between people, based on the emotional perception of each other, acceptability or unacceptability. This layer corresponds initial stage group development. In the second layer there are relationships based on joint activities. In the third layer, relationships develop based on the acceptance by all members of the group of common goals of group activity. This layer corresponds highest level group development. Based on ideas about the three layers of the group, ideas about group integration are built. Thus, group integration is evidenced, on the one hand, by the emotional identification of a person with the group and its members, i.e., the consciousness and experience of belonging to the group (manifestation of the first layer), on the other hand, by the optimal combination of individual actions in the conditions of specific joint activities, consistency functional-role behavior of group members when solving common problems (manifestation of the second layer). Finally, another indicator of group integration is the degree of coincidence of ideas, orientations, positions, and opinions of group members in relation to objects that are most significant for group life (manifestation of the third layer).

    Group integration is manifested in the relatively continuous and stable existence of the group. Important, constantly operating factors of group integration are processes of cohesion, leadership And leadership. You will learn about them in the following paragraphs.
    According to experimental data, the processes that promote group integration include the emergence of a sense of “We” and its tangible strengthening, for example, in situations of intergroup competition. In addition, group integration is always affected by conflict situation, reinforcing the importance of group norms and rules of behavior.
    It should be remembered that group integration has a downside. There is a process associated with it deindividuation of the individual in the group, when the feeling of “We” becomes stronger than the feeling of “I”. This can lead to a weakening of individual responsibility for their behavior. For example, sometimes people do things together that they wouldn't do alone. (If anyone had to run away from class, remember whether this happened alone or in the company of classmates. To what extent were you aware of responsibility for your actions in either case?) Personal deindividuation manifests itself, in particular, in groups of an antisocial nature, which will be discussed in a separate paragraph.
    Integration in groups based on humanistic values ​​is associated with the formation and development of good personal, emotionally favorable, trusting, and friendly relationships. Friendly relationscharacterized by deep emotional attachment of people to each other. Such relationships are ensured by attention, goodwill, tact, respect for each other, support in difficult situations, empathy for each other’s joys and sorrows.
    Friendly relations in a small group are one of the main features of interpersonal relationships in adolescence and older school age. Almost all children, teenagers and young men belong to friendly and friendly groups. The older the student, the more urgent his need for such groups, since in them he gets the opportunity to feel equal, accepted, and valuable.

  • 1) Group integration.

    2) In a developed small group there is a differentiated system of all types of relationships that correspond to social norms.

    3) Three component layers of the group according to the theory of A.V. Petrovsky.

    4) Processes of cohesion, leadership and leadership - important factors group integration.

    5) Group integration is associated with deindividuation of the individual in the group.

    6) Integration is associated with friendly relations - emotional attachment to each other.

    7) Friendship is one of the main features of interpersonal relationships in adolescents.

  • Are the following judgments about trends in the development of the social sphere correct?

    A. Post-industrial society is characterized by the growth of the middle class.

    B. Social differentiation of society decreases during the transition from a command economy to a market economy.

    1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

    2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

  • In this question, only a is true, which means the correct answer is 1).
    During the transition from a command economy to a market economy, social differentiation does not decrease. A striking example of this is the collapse of the Soviet Union, after which Russia switched to a market economy. But this did not entail a reduction in social groups and classes.
  • Absolutism - (absolute monarchy) - a form of feudal state in which the monarch has unlimited supreme power. Under absolutism the state achieves highest degree centralization, an extensive bureaucratic apparatus, a standing army and police are created; the activities of class representation bodies, as a rule, cease. The rise of absolutism in Western countries. Europe falls on the 17th-18th centuries. In Russia, absolutism existed in the 18th and early 20th centuries. in the form of autocracy. From a formal legal point of view, under absolutism, the fullness of legislative and executive power is concentrated in the hands of the head of state, a monk; he independently sets taxes and manages public finances. The social support of absolutism is the nobility. The justification for absolutism was the thesis of the divine origin of supreme power. Magnificent and palace etiquette served to exalt the person of the sovereign. At the first stage, absolutism was progressive in nature: it fought against the separatism of the feudal nobility, subordinated the church to the state, eliminated the remnants of feudal fragmentation, and introduced uniform laws. The absolute monarchy was characterized by a policy of protectionism and mercantilism, which promoted the development of the national economy and the commercial and industrial bourgeoisie. New economic resources were used by absolutism to strengthen the military power of the state and wage wars of conquest. As capitalism developed and strengthened in European countries, the principles of the existence of an absolute monarchy, which preserved archaic feudal orders and class barriers, began to come into conflict with the needs of a changed society. The strict framework of protectionism and mercantilism limited the economic freedom of entrepreneurs, who were forced to produce only goods beneficial to the royal treasury. Dramatic changes occur within the classes. From the depths of the third estate grows an economically powerful, educated, enterprising class of capitalists, which has its own idea of ​​the role and tasks of state power. In the Netherlands, England and France, these contradictions were resolved in a revolutionary way; in other countries there was a gradual transformation of an absolute monarchy into a limited, constitutional one.

    Questions to the text:

    C1 Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

    C2 What signs of absolutism are mentioned in the test? Name at least three. How is their relationship accomplished?

    C3 How is the progressive influence of absolutism manifested at the initial stage of its formation? In what ways is absolutism regressive? In both cases, name at least two signs.

    C4 What class grows out of the “third estate” under an absolute monarchy? In what two ways are the contradictions between it and absolutism resolved?

    C5 In Russia, during the reign of Peter I, the economy was dominated by the policy of mercantilism and protectionism. Explain how these facts are related. What role did this economic course play at that time? Provide a piece of text that will help answer this question.

    C6 One of the ideologists of the Russian autocracy gave the following assessment of the parliament: “Parliamentary figures belong, for the most part, to the most immoral representatives of society; with extreme limitations of the mind, with the limitless development of selfishness and malice itself, with baseness and dishonesty of motives, a person with a strong will can become the leader of the party and then becomes the leading, dominant head of a circle or meeting, at least to him) to the meeting over which he dominates) belonged people far superior to him in mental and moral qualities. “Do you agree with this point of view? Provide at least 2 arguments to support your opinion.

  • The state reaches the highest degree of centralization; an extensive bureaucratic apparatus is created; The activities of class representation bodies are terminated.

    Absolutism fought against the separatism of the feudal nobility, subordinated the church to the state, eliminated the remnants of feudal fragmentation, introduced uniform laws - this was the progressive initial influence. And the regressive influence - the strict framework of protectionism and mercantilism limited the economic freedom of entrepreneurs, forced to produce only goods beneficial to the royal treasury.

    Under an absolute monarchy, a capitalist class will arise “from the 3rd estate.” Contradictions are resolved between it and absolutism in two ways: by revolutionary means or by a gradual transformation into a limited, constitutional monarchy.


    1. A certain group of people united for communication and joint activities is

    2 . Similarities in animal behavior and human activity

    1) goal setting 2) expediency 3) creative activity 4) transformation of nature

    3 . Are the statements true?

    A. The diverse connections that arise between social groups in the process of economic, political, and cultural activities are called public relations.

    B. A person can independently determine or change the goal of an activity.

    4. Are the statements true?

    A. Material culture includes scientific theories, works of art, and morality.

    B. Social sciences include archaeology, political science, aesthetics, and social psychology.

    1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

    5. Sign of society as a system:

    1) constant changes in social life 2) the presence of spheres of society 3) degradation of elements of society

    6 . A part of the world isolated from nature, but closely connected with it, which includes ways of interaction between people and forms of their unification - this is

    1) active community 2) scientific association 3) society 4) stage of historical development

    7. Differences in animal behavior and human activity

    1) goal setting 2) expediency 3) care for offspring 4) self-preservation

    8 . Are the statements true?

    A. In a broad sense, “culture” is everything created by man.

    B. Both animal behavior and human activity are appropriate.

    1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

    9 . Are the statements true?

    A. Spiritual culture includes household items, railways, and enterprise equipment.

    B. Social sciences include cultural studies, jurisprudence, economics, and history.

    1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

    10 . Sign of society as a dynamic system:

    1) the presence of spheres of society 2) constant changes in public life

    3) man is a universal element of society 4) presence different groups

    11 . A holistic idea of ​​nature, society, man, which is expressed in the system of values ​​and ideals of an individual, social group, society is

    1) nature-centrism 2) science-centrism 3) worldview 4) sociocentrism

    12 . The process of mastering knowledge and skills, ways of behavior is called:

    1) education 2) adaptation 3) socialization 4) modernization

    13 . The form of interaction with the surrounding world inherent only to humans is

    1) need 2) activity 3) goal 4) program

    14 . A person’s definition of himself as an individual capable of accepting independent decisions, enter into certain relationships with other people and nature:

    1) socialization 2) education 3) self-realization 4) self-awareness

    15. The form of interaction with the surrounding world inherent only to humans is

    1) need 2) activity 3) goal 4) program.

    16. The term "society" Not includes the concept:

    1) A form of unification of people

    2) Parts of the material world

    3) Natural habitat

    4) Ways of interaction between people

    17 . The transition from slash-and-burn to arable farming is an example of the relationship:

    1) Society and nature

    2) Societies and cultures

    3) Economics and religion

    4) Civilizations and formation

    18. All examples, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of “social needs”. Provide additional examples.

    Creation of cultural values, work activity, communication, social activity,

    participation in the game, sleep.

    19. Complete the sentences:

    1) According to the need for reproduction of the species, a social

    institute -….

    2) Man is a product of biological, cultural and social….

    3) That which is most dear is sacred both for one person and for all humanity

    4) In accordance with social needs, social... have developed.

    5) The origin of man is called….

    6) Perfection, the highest goal of human aspiration is...

    20. Spiritual and physical in man:

    1) Precede each other

    2) Connected to each other

    3) Oppose each other

    4) Independent of each other

    21. A distinctive feature of a person is

    1)Satisfy your needs

    2) Adaptation to the environment

    3) Understanding the world and oneself

    4)Use of tools

    22 . Gennady has the knowledge and ability to protect personal rights, respects the rights of others, strictly fulfills his duties, and complies with the laws of the country. What qualities does Gennady have?

    1) Citizenship

    2) Conscience

    3) Patriotism

    4) Responsibility

  • 1) - active society
    2) - transformation of nature

    3)a and b-correct

    4) only b is true
    5) constant changes in social life

    6) stage of development of society

    7) expediency

    8) only a is true

    9) only b is true

    10) presence of spheres

    11) worldview

    12) adaptation


    14) socialization

    13.-2 14.-4 21.-4

  • In the course of people's daily lives, everyday relationships develop. Household relations are a stable system of everyday non-productive connections between people regarding the satisfaction of their primary needs (food, clothing, housing, health maintenance, child care, as well as communication, recreation, entertainment, physical and cultural development).

    Based on your life experience, you can give examples of everyday communication and joint affairs of neighbors, young people or older people living in the same yard, and, of course, family members.

    One of the aspects of the scientific study of everyday life is the study of time spent on meeting everyday needs.

    Another aspect of studying everyday life is the responsibilities of spouses. Research data show that among young married couples, the number of husbands who cook dinner, wash clothes, walk with children, and accompany children on trips is growing. kindergarten or a nursery, buy groceries, wash dishes. This indicates an emerging trend of more active participation of men in household chores. At the same time, the average duration of women's domestic work is incomparably higher than that of men. Every third of young husbands and every fifth of middle-aged spouses does not do household chores.

    In many families, the problem arises of the responsible participation of children in household chores: preparing dinner, cleaning the apartment, etc. Research proves that only with the active participation of children in organizing the family’s everyday life do they develop their personality, assimilate the principles of respect, equality, and mutual support. Mutual assistance in the process of everyday work gives family members a sense of community, a sense of community, responsibility for each other and for the family as a whole.

    Household relationships depend on the way the household is run. IN modern society There is a tendency to reduce labor costs and time to satisfy household needs through the use of modern household appliances. This is typical for both urban and rural families, despite significant differences in the life of villagers and city dwellers. Unlike rural areas, enterprises, institutions and organizations are more developed in cities consumer services, or, in other words, the sphere of consumer services. It includes consumer service factories with branches and collection points, repair shops, rental shops, sewing studios, dry cleaners, laundries, hairdressers, and photo studios.

    The sphere of everyday life is closely intertwined with the spheres of trade, healthcare, transport, leisure, social security, utilities and other services. In modern conditions, home life and the service sector are interconnected and complementary areas. And if in the narrow sense the term “everyday life” is used as a synonym for home life, then life in the broad sense of the word is a non-productive area of ​​everyday life, directly related to the satisfaction of material and spiritual needs, the reproduction of a person, an ethnic group, and the population of the country as a whole.

    Once upon a time, bread baking left home life for the production sphere. Cooking, washing clothes, cleaning, sewing clothes and some other household chores are partially transferred to the sphere of public household services. The purchase of partially prepared food - semi-finished products - is becoming increasingly common. Today, the basic goods used in everyday life are the result of social production.

    An organized life improves health and mood, frees up time for joint recreation in nature, visiting theaters, cinema, exhibitions, improving professional level, spiritual and physical improvement of adult and young family members.

    What contributes to the process of globalization in the modern world? 1) development of means of transport and communication 2) growth of the middle class

    3) development of the service sector

    4) deepening social differentiation

    century. From this point of view, our century can also be defined as the century of globalization. Therefore, the lessons of the 20th century are especially significant and important for understanding its prospects.

    Historians and politicians will argue for a long time about the rich heritage of the outgoing century, but its ideological and political results are unlikely to be revised in the foreseeable future. Briefly, they boil down to the following: human rights are fundamental, democracy is stronger than tyranny, the market is more effective than a command economy, openness is better than self-isolation. This system of values ​​and attitudes, the creator and active promoter of which was historically the West, has become widespread and recognized in the modern world... For the first time in history, the absolute majority of people living on Earth are gradually developing a common understanding of the basic principles of life.

    Just like one hundred and two hundred years ago, the end of the century is marked by a new scientific and technological revolution. Intelligence, knowledge, and technology are becoming the most important economic assets. In the advanced countries that are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, more than half of the gross domestic product is created in intellectually intensive production. The information revolution, based on connecting computers with telecommunication networks, is radically transforming human existence. It compresses time and space, opens borders, and allows you to establish contacts anywhere in the world. It transforms individuals into citizens of the world...

    Among the impressive range of problems that require the combined efforts of the inhabitants of the Earth, the state of the environment undoubtedly comes first. Today it is so alarming that the survival of humanity as a highly developed, civilized community is in question. The situation is aggravated by the great inertia of processes in the biosphere. Stopping and reversing destructive trends requires the mobilization of enormous resources over many years.

    The unprecedented intensity of connections between people, individual groups, nations, states, and civilizations makes individuals humanity and opens up universal space for the forces of good and evil. Globalization is undermining the foundations of “island consciousness.” With all the desire in the Modern world, it is impossible to isolate yourself from global problems for a long time, much less forever. If the world becomes interdependent, then it means that it is also mutually vulnerable.

    (V. Kuvaldin)

    C 2. What ideological and political results of the 20th century did the author give? Name any four. What term do social scientists use to describe the process of implementing the new system of values ​​that developed by the 20th century?

    C4. Based on the content of the text, explain the term “island consciousness” used by the author. Based on the text, course knowledge and facts of social life, give two manifestations of “island consciousness” in the modern world.

    From 5. What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “interpersonal relationships”? Drawing on knowledge from the social science course, compose two sentences containing information about interpersonal relationships.

    From 6. Every person in his life is faced with economic phenomena that have a significant impact on him. Give three examples of the impact of economic phenomena on human life.

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