• In fact, Evgenia Shamaeva. On Channel One, Stepan Menshikov learned that his wife had cheated on him: a DNA test confirmed that the child was not his... Secret DNA test


    October 11 in the program Actually, how Stepan Menshchikov lured his wife into a polygraph 10/11/2017 watch online today showman Stepan Menshchikov is undergoing a lie detector test. He claims that he is not the father of his youngest daughter, and explains the striking resemblance to a phenomenon called telegony. This is when the child resembles not the biological father, but the mother’s previous partners. Today in our studio, the unsuspecting Evgenia Menshchikova will find out why Stepan actually brought her to the program, why Evgenia so vehemently refused examinations, and whether Stepan Menshchikov is the biological father of his children?

    A revolutionary talk show that helps people sort out their relationships. He experienced the loss. Survived deception and betrayal. And now he knows for sure - the one who was condemned by the crowd will never judge others. He is ready to help his heroes talk frankly so that the truth becomes inexorably obvious.

    I always wanted to host a talk show on Channel One. The time has finally come for it to happen. I am going back home.

    "Actually" is a revolutionary new talk show. A confrontation between people who were once close. The lie broke this relationship, but could not break it completely. And only the truth can change the course of this personal story. It can separate people forever, or it can unite them. Because even the participants in the events sometimes do not fully understand how everything really happened.

    Channel One, Dmitry Shepelev, Russia

    Dmitry Shepelev returns - with personal experience.
    He experienced the loss. Survived deception and betrayal. And now he knows for sure: the one who was condemned by the crowd will never judge others. He is ready to help his heroes talk frankly so that the truth becomes inexorably obvious.
    "Actually" is a revolutionary new talk show. A confrontation between people who were once close. The lie broke this relationship, but could not break it completely. And only the truth can change the course of this personal story. It can separate people forever, or it can unite them. Because even the participants in the events sometimes do not fully understand how everything really happened.
    Presenter: Dmitry Shepelev

    In fact - the story of one betrayal

    The famous showman Stepan Menshchikov came to the studio to sort out the relationship with his wife Evgenia Shamaeva and find out the whole truth. Did the spouses cheat on each other and is Stepan actually the father of four-year-old Ivan? Only a lie detector can reveal the truth.

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    Watch online show Actually today's episode 11/10/2017 on any mobile device (tablet, smartphone or phone). Regardless of the installed OS, be it Android or iOS on iPad or iPhone. Open the series on your phone or tablet and immediately watch it online in good quality HD 720 and absolutely free.

    The showman and his wife Evgenia Shamaeva became the heroes of the show “Actually,” in which they found out each other’s personal secrets.

    Stepan admitted that he fraudulently took DNA samples from the children. Evgenia said that her husband does not pay attention to his family, but lives with his own worries. The woman said that she tried to change him, but he spends a lot of time at work and does not strive for a home.

    “I want to know if he cheated on me during the years that we were together. I would like to understand if he loves me,” said Evgenia.

    According to Stepan, his son is not like him. He remembered such a phenomenon as telegony and believes that the children showed genes from other sexual partners of the spouse. However, experts in the studio began to argue whether this was possible, but did not come to a consensus.

    Menshchikov and his wife answered several questions about marital fidelity. Evgenia admitted that when she was in a quarrel with Stepan, she had other suitors. At the beginning of their life together, the woman admitted that she did not feel love for Menshchikov. However, this did not stop them from having two children and hoping for a happy future.

    Menshchikov was aware of this situation, but hoped for a favorable outcome. Stepan admitted that he cheated on his wife and was not ready to give up his family for the sake of his career.

    Menshchikov’s mother revealed details of her son’s relationship with his wife. According to her, Evgenia broke up with Stepan because he did not earn at least half a million rubles a month.

    The host of the show “Actually” brought the results of a DNA test to the studio.

    “The probability that Stepan is Ivan’s father is zero percent,” the man said.

    Menshchikov did not hide his disappointment. He admitted that he had hoped for a different result. Evgenia did not deny it and assured that she would discuss this issue personally with her husband. The woman admitted - she knew this fact from the very beginning.

    “I am a strong person, I can handle it, this will not change my attitude towards my son, I love him, I will raise him and support him,” Menshchikov said.

    Stepan was delighted when he found out that he was little Varya’s biological father. The showman's wife tried to justify himself for finding out the truth under such circumstances. It was difficult for Evgenia to contain her emotions - she almost cried and spoke about the past in a trembling voice.

    “At that moment it was my decision that Stepan would be Ivan’s father. He told me that it was important to him if he took a woman with a child. This was just the beginning of our relationship; I had been in a relationship before. The first year I lived in Ivanovo - Stepan was on his own, I was leaving home, and thus Ivan appeared. But it was my decision that I stayed with Stepan,” the woman admitted.

    She thanked Stepan for everything he did for her. The showman was at a loss and could not believe that Evgenia was deceiving him. Nevertheless, he assured his former lover that he would forgive her and would not hold a grudge.

    Stepan Menshchikov and Evgenia Shamaeva. The story of one betrayal. In fact

    The showman does not hide his disappointment - after all, for four years he raised the boy and could not have imagined such a turn of events. When the editors of the “Actually” program suggested doing a DNA test, he did not suspect anything and considered the analysis an empty formality.

    “I think there is no point in lying to them. Moreover, this was confirmed not only by the test, but also by the polygraph, and by Zhenya herself. She didn't even try to justify herself or explain. I don't know the potential father. I can't even imagine who it could be. But I would like to know who it is. I’m interested,” admitted Menshchikov.

    Now Stepan was thinking about how he would present this news to the baby. He believes that it will no longer be possible to hide this fact from the child - after all, the statement was made to the whole country. The showman promises to find a way out of this situation and teach his son not to react to negativity towards him from spiteful critics.

    Despite the fact that his wife hid such important information from Menshchikov, he does not intend to deprive himself of communication with the child. In his opinion, Vanya is not to blame for anything, and therefore should receive maximum attention, love and care. Having learned the results of the DNA test, he did not change his attitude towards his son.

    “I will always love him, raise him, support him and take care of him. I don’t refuse child support, much less paternity. I doubt that at a conscious age the son will look for his biological father. Why is this necessary? - says Stepan.

    Recently it became known that the star of the reality show “Dom-2” Stepan Menshchikov broke up with his wife Evgenia. This came as a real surprise to the couple's fans.

    After all, recently a second child appeared in the Menshchikov family and they looked like happy parents. According to Evgenia, the reason for the separation was Stepan’s infidelities, his passion for his career and reluctance to take care of his family.

    Stepan Menshchikov and Evgenia Shamaeva announced their separation back in September, but fans of the couple hoped until the last that the situation would change, the spouses would find a common language and be able to save the family. To finally clarify the relationship, the former lovers came to the “Actually” program.

    Shortly before filming, Stepan Menshchikov and his eldest son underwent a DNA test. The results were announced in a program broadcast throughout the country.

    The results of the examination clearly showed that the former participant in the television show is not the biological father of the child. This came as a real shock both for those who follow Menshchikov’s personal life and for himself.

    Stepan Menshchikov, DNA test: Stepan’s wife accused him of infidelity

    “He thought he would make money from the program, but here it is,” a source close to the couple quotes.

    Fans still hope that the couple will be able to maintain their relationship, but after the unexpected results of a genetic test, some began to doubt the outcome for the family.

    It is noteworthy that earlier Evgenia Shamaeva accused her husband of infidelity. She also complained about lack of attention.

    “Stepan is not present in the family at all, leads a wild lifestyle and does not want to change anything. He cares only about himself and his own affairs. We have been living like strangers for a long time,” said Evgenia Shamaeva.

    Then everything began to happen, just like in Hollywood films. Evgenia accused her ex-husband of infidelity. She said that Stepan was only focused on his career and was rarely with his children. Menshchikov himself did not say anything bad about his wife. Exceptionally good…

    The clarification of the relationship has gone very far... or rather, to a DNA test. Stepan Menshchikov learned that his eldest son Ivan was not his own child. An examination showed that the man is not the boy's father. He didn't expect to find out this.

    Menshchikov himself spoke exceptionally good things about the mother of his heirs:

    “Evgenia is a wonderful mother and housewife. Our house was always clean and comfortable. My wife was a real cook, and while cooking she sprinkled in such witticisms that any comedian could be jealous,” Stepan told reporters.

    Recently, the former spouses took part in Dmitry Shepelev’s “Actually” program. Before the broadcast, Menshchikov and his eldest son, 4-year-old Ivan, took a DNA test, and then it suddenly turned out that the boy was born from another man, the site reports. “He thought he would earn money from the transfer, but here it is,” said an acquaintance of the couple.

    Previously, Stepan said that even after breaking up with Evgenia, he would take care of his former family and help financially, but now it is unknown whether they will be able to maintain a good relationship.

    Stepan Menshchikov, in turn, blamed the financial issue.

    “As the economy sags, so I am bad. Well, you won’t be nice by force. “I was just a ticket to Moscow for her,” he complained.

    However, for the most part he tried to talk about his beloved in a positive way.

    “Zhenya, thank you for being in my life! For your wonderful taste, for your care, affection and attention, and for the children that you gave us. Be happy,” he addressed his wife in a farewell message.

    Not long ago it became known about the separation of Stepan Menshchikov and his wife Evgenia. The showman's wife took their two children, Vanya and Varya, and moved to another apartment. A former participant in “House-2” began to suspect that his son was not born from him. Stepan and Zhenya came to the “Actually” program. A man asked his wife for forgiveness for fraudulently taking DNA samples from children.

    The showman's wife said in the studio that the man does not pay attention to his family, but lives with his own worries. The woman said that she tried to change him, but he spends a lot of time at work and does not strive for a home.

    “I want to know if he cheated on me during the years that we were together. I would like to understand if he loves me,” said Evgenia.

    According to Stepan, his son is not like him. He remembered such a phenomenon as telegony and believes that the children showed genes from other sexual partners of the spouse. However, experts in the studio began to argue whether this was possible, but did not come to a consensus.

    Menshchikov and his wife answered several questions about marital fidelity. Evgenia admitted that when she was in a quarrel with Stepan, she had other suitors. At the beginning of their life together, the woman admitted that she did not feel love for Menshchikov. However, this did not stop them from having two children and hoping for a happy future.

    “There was passion, but there was no love, we thought that it would come someday,” said the showman’s wife.

    Menshchikov was aware of this situation, but hoped for a favorable outcome. Stepan admitted that he cheated on his wife and was not ready to give up his family for the sake of his career.

    Menshchikov’s mother revealed details of her son’s relationship with his wife. According to her, Evgenia broke up with Stepan because he did not earn at least half a million rubles a month.

    The host of the “Actually” show, Dmitry Shepelev, brought the results of a DNA test to the studio. “The probability that Stepan is Ivan’s father is zero percent,” the man said.

    Menshchikov did not hide his disappointment. He admitted that he had hoped for a different result. Evgenia did not deny it and assured that she would discuss this issue personally with her husband. The woman admitted - she knew this fact from the very beginning. “I am a strong person, I can handle it, this will not change my attitude towards my son, I love him, I will raise him and support him,” Menshchikov said.

    Stepan was delighted when he found out that he was little Varya’s biological father. The showman's wife tried to justify himself for finding out the truth under such circumstances. It was difficult for Evgenia to contain her emotions - she almost cried and spoke about the past in a trembling voice.

    “At that moment it was my decision that Stepan would be Ivan’s father. He told me that it was important to him if he took a woman with a child. This was just the beginning of our relationship; I had been in a relationship before. The first year I lived in Ivanovo - Stepan was on his own, I was leaving home, and thus Ivan appeared. But it was my decision that I stayed with Stepan,” the woman admitted.

    She thanked Stepan for everything he did for her. The showman was at a loss and could not believe that Evgenia was deceiving him. Nevertheless, he assured his former lover that he would forgive her and would not hold a grudge.

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