• I'm tired of this life, what should I do? What to do if you're tired of living? Happy is the one who gives


    In the lives of many people there comes a period when they are tired of living: existence loses all meaning, becomes boring and dull. It seems that nothing depends on a person, and it is impossible to change your life for the better.

    Causes of depression

    Loss of meaning in life and interest in it indicate, first of all, prolonged depression. In this state, a person does not see a way out of the current situation; it seems to him that nothing good awaits him anymore.

    The reason for this condition can be either loneliness, or problems in your personal life or at work.

    The main thing is to understand why you feel unhappy.

    • If the problem is loneliness, thoroughly search for a partner, starting, of course, with yourself. If you yourself consider your life gray and uninteresting, then the chances of interest in another person are minimal.
    • If the reason for your dissatisfaction with your own life is routine and monotony, try to diversify your usual rituals. Start small. You will be surprised, but even by drinking a cup of fruit tea or cocoa instead of your usual morning coffee, you can discover a new taste for life. By walking the last stop instead of taking a stuffy bus, you'll be energized for the day and likely to see a lot of unexpectedly interesting things.
    • Purely physiological causes of depression should not be ruled out either. Get tested to make sure your body is getting enough vitamins and minerals.
    • If large crowds of people irritate you, try to get some privacy. Of course, you can’t always afford to take a week off and go somewhere far away from people, but taking work home or finding half an hour to just sit in a cozy park alone is always possible.

    How to regain the joy of life

    In order to overcome depression, you must first try to see something bright and good in your own life. It could be a loved one who needs you, a favorite place in the park or a bright sun in the sky - every person’s life is full of simple and accessible joys, but a person who is in a depressed state of mind tends to ignore all the good things that happen around.

    In order to break out of the vicious circle of depression, you need to try to at least slightly change the usual rhythm of your existence. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to jump with a parachute or go on a trip around the world. To begin with, it is quite possible to play sports, sign up for courses that you would like to take, or rearrange your home - anything that will break the established rhythm of life. Meet up with old friends or try to make new acquaintances. Work that requires concentration is also a great way to get rid of sad thoughts.

    Happy is the one who gives

    Look around you: there are so many things around you that you can change. There are people around you who need your help, attention and love. The greatest joy in a person’s life is giving love and care to others. If you let this feeling into your heart, it will save you from the dullness and dullness of boring everyday life, and your life will be filled with meaning.

    A situation where anyone is tired of living can arise in any person: depression, lack of money, meaninglessness, or living at someone else’s orders always contribute to this.

    Agree that you often exist, fitting yourself to some standards, doing what is prestigious, and not what you need. In this case, life will definitely get boring. But it is quite possible to correct this and restore the desire to live. Let's try!

    First, the reasons

    In order to understand what to do if you are tired of living, you need to understand the reasons for your apathy.

    • So, the culprit may be a problem that makes all previously planned events impossible. Another serious reason may be depression, which has dragged on for a long time.
    • Our unfulfilled expectations may also be to blame.
    • What to do? In the case of prolonged depression, go to a psychotherapist: who knows, maybe this is not a whim, but an organic defeat.

    In the case of unfulfilled expectations, it is important to understand whose they are: someone else’s or yours. So, many girls expect to get married and have a child by a certain age, and guys by a certain age plan to get a specialty and make a career. What can I say? In fact, other people set age limits, and we adapt to them. And no one knows when your finest hour will come, or when you will reach such a level of development when you are worthy of a career or a happy family. Just develop further if your expectations are not met. Well, have an alternate airfield (two are possible) or an alternate life scenario. Perhaps your self-realization should take place in something completely different, and that’s okay too.

    It’s also important to teach yourself to do what you want, and not what your parents, husband or friends demand of you. You may not have been able to master this as a child, but if you do it now, you will still have time to change your life. And finally, don’t think about how tired you are of living, but just live. There are other ways.

    Two wheels

    A bicycle or scooter will help diversify your life. This is a hobby, an extreme sport, and movement (an excellent prevention of depression). It’s because you don’t have a bike that you’re so angry, really. Try on the weekend to go on a two-wheeled friend somewhere to an interesting place in your region: five hours there, an excursion, five hours back, and the joy of life itself will return to you.

    Give up everything

    At least for a short time. If you are single, nothing prevents you from selling your property and moving to the city where it will be convenient for you. Or collect money and go on a trip for at least six months.

    If you are a family person, change the environment often, but not for long. You can do it with your family. This way your family life will be varied.

    Letting go

    If you don’t have the opportunity to quit everything, let go of the current situation. Well, what can be changed? This means there is no need to torture yourself. Everything in life is natural to us, so we can only take everything for granted.

    Live for someone

    No matter how boring everything is, know that there are those who need you. If there is no one, try helping someone you don't know or getting a pet. Know that while they are small, they need as much attention as small children. And then they will become your real friends, and you will become interested, and with it a new circle of friends.

    Start a hobby

    No matter how trivial it may be. Yes, even if it’s banal. The most important thing is that the hobby should be, if not creative, then at least aimed at some kind of creation: if you feel like a creator, then this feeling can carry over to your whole life. And if it is in your hands, then you can change it so that you cannot get tired of it.

    Another boring platitude

    It's about setting goals. This topic has stuck and they write about it in all psychology magazines: a big goal, etc. Can you suggest an alternative? Set a small goal for a certain period of time and do everything to achieve it. You can come up with another reward. This will definitely return your interest in life, at least for a while, and then we’ll see.

    Be sure to make changes in your life

    And specifically in everyday life. Be open to new experiences every day. You don’t need to jump with a parachute or do anything else extreme, but you can add interesting things to the menu: cook dishes from around the world, for example. You can change something in your home. It is not necessary to do a major overhaul, but new curtains or bedspreads are also an adjustment. Add interesting accessories to the room as often as possible and periodically remove unnecessary trash.

    Do only what you love. You can have it in parallel with work. If desired, your favorite business can become a source of income that will make your salary seem like baby talk. Look for something you love, don’t be afraid that it’s not profitable for someone, experiment...

    Ask yourself questions

    We take a piece of paper and honestly write answers to the following questions:

    • What causes the most negative emotions and what do you want to get away from?
    • What do you want most and what do you enjoy doing?

    If possible, avoid as much as possible what causes so many negative emotions. If this is a husband or wife, then it is better to separate: there will be no happiness anyway. If it’s work, you can either leave or look for a pearl of positivity in it. Thus, one dentist hated his job, but was happy when he did teeth for young women: a woman’s smile helped him live.

    In the second paragraph you can make a list. Now cross out everything that you can call secondary. This way what you really want will remain. Let it be a couple of lines.

    But most importantly, not a day goes by without a new experience. Even to a boring job, you can go a new way every day, and this is no longer a routine. You can wake up differently every day and drink coffee differently. Or don't drink coffee at all. If we are tired of living, it is because we do not know how to live beautifully and interestingly.

    Larisa Parfentyeva, my good friend and colleague at the MYTH publishing house, wrote a book “100 ways to change your life” about how to achieve more, become happier and realize the power that we have inside. The floor goes to Larisa.


    Since I was 7 years old, I dreamed of becoming a writer, but even at school I was convinced that “writing is not a profession.” And I went into journalism. After graduating from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, I worked for various media, hosted my own program, and collaborated with Ksenia Sobchak. But one day I discovered that I was not living my life. By this point, I was so depressed that I had gained 30 extra pounds.

    In the end, I quit my prestigious job, returned from Moscow to my hometown, Ufa, and realized that it was time for a dream.

    I got into MYTH, lost weight, figured myself out, spoke at TEDx, and started helping people. Over the course of several years, I read 1,000, remembered everyone with whom I communicated during my work in the media: heroes, stars, businessmen - and this is more than 10,000 people - and created the book “100 Ways to Change Your Life.” It contains the most practical tools for starting a new life. And in this article there is a list of things that those who are tired of living in the old way need to remember.

    Okay, so what should I do?

    1. Inspiration or despair? Author and business coach Jim Rohn said there are only two reasons for change: inspiration or desperation. If you don't follow your inspiration, you will definitely fall into despair. The question is whether you will wait for him.

    2. “Okay, I’m already at the bottom.” Congratulations! Make a solid foundation from the bottom to stand on.

    3. Start with any small action: do exercises, meditate, read books in the morning, or at least make your bed.

    One guy decided to overcome the “paralysis of action” and began to thoroughly brush his teeth every morning and evening. By the time he made this decision, his life had already reached rock bottom: a destroyed business and a destroyed family.

    It sounds strange, but it's true: brushing your teeth gave the initial kick. Soon, running in the morning appeared, and then the right environment. As a result, our hero opened his own startup, which is now successfully developing.

    One small disciplined action can change everything.

    4. For those who are thoroughly depressed, you can start with an impulse. An impulse can be anything that can move you and make you feel the taste of life: a parachute jump, speaking in front of an audience, climbing a mountain. You can go through “”, which is suggested by Erik Bertrand Larssen. Momentum will give you energy for your first steps.

    5. “Can we do something less radical?” Read a lot. If you read one book a week, you will read more than 50 books in a year. This is enough to make a giant leap forward. Before writing 100 Ways to Change Your Life, I read over 1,000 self-help books. Drop by drop, books change your thinking completely.

    6. The best thing you can do is find your pack. I won’t give strange metaphors and parables about the importance of the environment, but finding “your pack” is half the success.

    7. Everyone says that you need to look for what you love. I don't like this term. A calling does not always consist of what you love. Often it grows out of a problem that a person wants to solve.

    For example, the publishing house “MYTH” appeared this way: 11 years ago the founding fathers realized that no one was publishing truly good books. Today, MYTH products are read by thousands of people.

    Sara Blakely, who became the world's youngest billionaire in 2012, started her shapewear company because she couldn't find good tights. Another girl solved her problems by losing 60 kg and found her calling helping others.

    I call this a level 80 obsession. So don't think about your favorite thing. Look for obsession.

    8. Think about what product, service, thing you would like to use? What problems of yours could you solve and help people? What people admire you (or maybe you envy them a little in a good way)? What would you do if you knew for sure that you would succeed?

    9. If you find something you like, just get started. If you decide to become, write the first chapter. Then another and another. Then a book. Most likely, if this is the first book, it will have to be thrown out. Do it all over again, and it will be much better.

    10. Nobody knows how he got to where he got to. Everyone talks about goals and achieving them, but in fact, at the beginning of the journey it is completely impossible to calculate it. The only thing left is to believe and dream. When Bill Gates was asked how he felt after crossing the finish line, he replied: “If I knew where the finish line was, I would have crossed it a long time ago.”

    11. “Black swans” are flying near us. This is the theory of scientist Nassim Taleb, according to which all key events in life happen unplanned. Many admit that their success was determined by circumstances. For example, a chance meeting with an investor in an elevator. Or the secretary who stayed late at work because she was getting ready for a date, and suddenly received a call from a major client. Our path is a “black swan”. All we can do is work hard and trust that he will take us where we need to go.

    12. “How many hours will it take for me to be noticed?” For you to start doing something tolerably, 20 hours is enough. 100 hours - and you won't be ashamed anymore. 1,000 hours - you are at the level of a good average peasant. 3,000 - you will be considered a professional. 5,000 - you can make good money in this business. The famous 10,000 hours - and the whole world will recognize you.

    13. There are four levels of implementation:

    1. The makings.
    2. Capabilities.
    3. Talent.
    4. Genius.

    Work transforms inclinations into abilities, then into talent and later into genius. Choose any area and water it with labor. Eventually you will become a genius at this.

    The famous chess player Judit Polgár was once asked: “Could you become that good at something other than chess? Maybe in mathematics? She replied, “If I spent as much time on this as I do on chess, I’d probably be great at almost everything.”

    14. Obsession works like a fire. You start to burn, and then other people, opportunities, and resources flock to this warmth. You feed on your obsession and it makes you bigger. And you become noticeable. And then money and fame come to you.

    15. At the beginning of a career, everyone imitates. This is fine. Ray Bradbury admitted that he wrote 3 million words in 8 years before he found his voice. Repeat after others, and then you will hear your voice.

    16. “What if you don’t make money from what I do?” I really like the painting “The Green Blob” by Kelly Ellsworth. It's very easy to describe. This is... a green blot, oddly enough. Just. Green. Blot. The painting was sold for $1.6 million.

    When I look at “The Blob”, it inspires me very much, because it reminds me that you can make money from everything you do truly and from the heart. Even if this “real” is not understood by the majority of the planet’s inhabitants.

    17. “I’ve been writing/drawing/running a business for a whole year and still haven’t made my million!” It is sad.

    18. There are two ways to deal with unloved work:

    1. Radical is when you leave her immediately. It only works for those who are motivated by the “burning tail.” It worked for me, but not for my friend. He quit his job at the tax office, then worked for a year delivering pizza, but ended up back at the tax office and again unhappy.
    2. The best way is to combine. Motivational writer Barbara Sher worked as a waitress for seven years as a single mother and wrote a book. Albert Einstein was a clerk in a patent office and spent his free time doing science. None of them complained about the lack of time. Get up. Don't be on social networks. What's more important: your dream or your new message?

    19. The emotional cycle of change consists of five stages and is similar to a sine wave:

    1. Unfounded optimism.
    2. Informed pessimism.
    3. Moment of despair (lowest point of the sine wave).
    4. Informed optimism.
    5. Success and self-realization.

    If you can pull yourself out of a “moment of despair”, you can achieve anything.

    20. Murphy's Law states:

    If something can go wrong, it will definitely go wrong.

    Over the past three years, I have launched 10 projects. Seven of them failed, three were successful. In the end, those who can pass through the greatest amount of pain and uncertainty win.

    21. “But no one believes in me!” It doesn't matter. The main thing is not to stop. The laws of physics, unlike the laws of metaphysics, are merciless: if you work hard, you will succeed in any case.

    22. "Experts say I can't handle it." The director of one of the theaters called Faina Ranevskaya “a complete mediocrity,” and Walt Disney was fired from the newspaper due to “lack of imagination.” Here's everything you need to know about "expert opinion."

    23. "My girlfriend doesn't like what I do." If you are not in the business of selling drugs or people, then I would suggest changing the girl. If your loved ones don’t understand you, if experts don’t recognize you, if no one believes in you, don’t waste your energy on resentment. You have no idea how much resources you are wasting on accusations. Spit on them. Take your energy away from grievances and spend it on achieving your goal.

    24. If you feel scared, imagine yourself as a fireman. When he enters a burning building, he is also scared. But his fear goes away as soon as he is inside, because he has to do his job, save people. Start taking action and you will have no time for fear.

    25. Some people give up halfway because they fall into a hole. For example, you start learning to draw. You very quickly become a fairly tolerable artist and are praised. You start practicing even harder and at some point you will definitely fall into the “hole” - this is a state when you are no longer perceived as a talented beginner, but at the same time you are still not up to the level of a pro.

    The important thing here is to continue to work hard, and then you will reach a whole new level. Remember: the darkest night is before the dawn.

    26. You cannot become who you want while remaining who you are. You will definitely have to make a choice. Recently, a friend of mine who desperately wants to lose weight and talks about it constantly, started eating bread with mayonnaise at midnight. I asked: “What do you want more: bread or losing weight?” She answered honestly: “Bread.” If you choose "bread" every time, then perhaps you shouldn't worry about not having what you want.

    27. “What if I don’t succeed?” Maybe it won't work out. But in any case, any action increases the chances of success.

    28. New things are invented by those who, like a child, never cease to be surprised. Change your surroundings, move, explore!

    29. If you cannot make a choice, then you have already made the decision to leave everything as it is.

    Date: 2015-02-16

    Hello site readers.

    What to do if you’re tired of living, if you’re tired and don’t enjoy anything in this life? What to do in this case? Will you really have to take your own life? Is there another way out of this situation? I'm sure there is. However, a lot will depend on you. On this page I will tell you why people lose interest in life and how to get it back.

    There are serious and frivolous reasons why a person loses interest in life. Serious reasons include life problems that have fallen on your head and unsettled you. All people react differently to problems. For some they are an exciting game, but for others they are the end of the world.

    Constantly solving problems exhausts a person, he gets tired and, out of powerlessness, begins to say: “I'm tired of living like this. How much longer can you tolerate this?. Then the person starts and the situation gets even worse: he loses control over his life, and this is terrible.

    Frivolous reasons are when a person simply does not see the meaning of his existence. He doesn’t know what interests him and what he should do in life. For him, every new day is the same as yesterday. Routine and dullness, monotony of actions and nothing new, lack of goals. Anyone here will exclaim the phrase: “I’m tired of living!!!”. But this problem is easily solved. Below I will write what to do if life is suffocating with its everyday life.

    So, how to get out of this situation? Life becomes boring when a person does what he doesn’t like. This is not surprising. Unloved activities quickly become boring and cause irritation. I'm not saying that now you need to quit your job and start looking for a new one, although you can do that. But if you can’t, then you should definitely find a business or hobby that will ignite you.

    Some people immerse themselves in reading books. It's always fun there. Someone starts to engage in winter or summer sports. After all, by playing team sports, you can always make new acquaintances. Lack of communication also makes life boring.

    I, too, am constantly bored with life, and therefore I try in every possible way to diversify it. I don't like boredom. It’s not for nothing that one of my friends said that I do 33 types of activities at the same time. And indeed, I recently quit dancing and began to study vocals, five months later I began to study the piano. I recently bought myself a synthesizer and now I play it at home.

    That is, you need to do the same. You must constantly look for something new. This process must be continuous throughout your life. Then life will not bore you (if only from an oversaturation of new events).

    I concluded that all people lack new emotions. Most people live by the principle: work – home. and boring, life gets boring quickly, and all because there are no new emotions. Man is first and foremost an emotional being. No new emotions - no interesting life. In general, boredom should motivate you. It’s stupid to sit still and whine from powerlessness.

    Recently, my brother and I decided to go to Moscow for four days. In general, we wanted to attend the show: "Peter Pan", which was supposed to take place on February 6-7-8 at the Olympic Sports Complex. But when I bought tickets to Moscow and back, I suddenly received a message that the show was cancelled. Here they are, I thought. However, this did not mean at all that you should not go to Moscow. We arrived in Moscow and on the first day we visited the Tretyakov Gallery, on the second day we visited the musical "Beauty and the Beast"(we were delighted), on the third day we went to the Moscow Zoo, and on the fourth day we visited McDonald's. We just walked around Moscow. Everything was so new and unusual. We arrived delighted.

    As you understand, you need to constantly invent something new. But there is another way that helps color life - having a goal. Agree that life gets boring when there is no... And there is no meaning in life when there are no goals. I remember how my life took on new colors when goals appeared. For example, create this website that you are reading now, fill it with useful materials, create and maintain it. I got up early and went to bed late. The goal always lights up.

    Sometimes it happens that this feeling when life gets boring is a temporary feeling. Sometimes you just need to take a break, give yourself time. My life is varied, but this also gets boring. Everything gets boring, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Time will pass and everything will work out on its own.

    Reading time: 4 min

    Modern society suffers from irritability and aggression, all this is routine life in a hurry and without respite. Quite a large number of people live in a state of aggression, irritability, depression and don’t even know what to do about it if they’re tired of everything. Any episodes of manifestation of these states can be attributed to the world around us; after all, it may be a matter of the person’s lifestyle itself. Sometimes even small trifles irritate and enrage, nothing brings joy, people and everything around irritate. People in a state where everything infuriates them and they are fed up, incur huge psychological problems, which often only a psychotherapist can help them cope with.

    What to do if you're fed up and tired of everything?

    Sometimes people ask this question every day, while a person may be aware of the specific reason for his condition, or the reason for his hatred of others may be unconscious. Often, a person’s fatigue from worries and daily inventing life goals leads precisely to a state of annoyance and irritation. In such an environment, you can get angry at absolutely everything: people, public transport schedules, store assortment, weather, government, even your own behavior. A person with such a rhythm of life spoils his relationship with the people around him, even with his loved ones, the most important ones, conflicts at work, everyone gets tired of him, and even the subject himself.

    The state of being fed up with everything and tired of everything is accompanied by the lowest emotional emotion – . So anger, anger or hot flashes tend to break out, a person experiences these emotions and gets rid of them in a timely manner. Irritability is an emotion that tends to stretch out, lasts a long period of time, it is like charcoal - it will smolder for a very long time. The reasons for the occurrence of a state where everything is fed up and tired are often increased stress on the individual’s psyche, the consequences: family troubles, problems with friends, at work, all this reboots and drains our nervous system.

    Violation of the adequate functioning of the human nervous system leads to disturbances in the mental state and the occurrence of increased irritability of the individual. Immediately at this moment, everything infuriates and bothers you, even the rustling outside the window or behind your back. A fundamental role in the period when everything is fed up and infuriating can be played by emotional overstrain, fatigue at work, lack of sleep, dreams that have already come true, lack of rest, sexual dissatisfaction, and hormonal disorders. The manifestations of such a state occur in each individual in their own way: someone, actively gesticulating, expresses their state by changing their vocal tone (sharp transitions from a high tone to a low one), someone flares up like a match at absolutely the slightest provocation, someone restrains everything emotions in himself, tries to avoid others, always grumbles. The consequences of such a nervous disorder can be catastrophic for the individual.

    When looking for a solution to problems with irritability, you should often turn to. The essence is the emergence of a state when everything is fed up and infuriates you, it can be hidden in dreams that have already come true, after the fulfillment of which, the meaning of life is supposedly lost. A person, dreaming about something, experiences an incredible feeling of satisfaction and a thirst for life, realizing that this dream will certainly come true. After experiencing success and the excitement of a forgotten dream, a period of emptiness sets in, as if something was stolen from a person’s life. The subject feels the need for a new goal, and begins to invent it; having achieved it, he again feels upset. This whole path to the implementation of the plan, of course, contributes to the improvement of the personality, its development, helps to become more successful, more purposeful, but it always leads the person to a dead end - when everything infuriates and gets boring. What should I do? You need to come up with a dream that you should strive to achieve throughout your life, and all the small goals that have been achieved along the way to the grandiose dream will be like steps to success. And a subject on the path to greatness will not perceive the satisfaction of these goals as a disappointment, but will perceive it as experience and another plus to success. It is important that this grandiose goal becomes the meaning of life for you, captivates you and pushes you to move forward.

    A person, a creature for whom something is never enough, he always strives to achieve more and more. If you lack desire and opportunity, analyze what you have and love it. Many people around you don't even have a fraction of what you have. A person should learn to be happy that he has achieved something and that he has the opportunity to achieve even more. As the subject's capabilities increase, the number of needs also increases. Accordingly, it is easier to learn to enjoy life by limiting yourself to something not so important.

    What to do if everything quickly gets boring

    With the help of irritability, our body often calls us to action; it hints that we need to listen to ourselves. People are often forced to change jobs frequently, have various novels, move places of residence, and change hobbies five times a week. Sometimes a person enthusiastically takes on a new business, giving it the status of the most desirable, and immediately switches to something else, in a completely different direction. Such people say that they quickly get bored with everything, and they chase impressions and run away from everyday routine. Why does everything get boring so quickly, is it worth resisting? After all, many scientists say that by changing your job or place of residence, you can get rid of the feeling of irritability and still love life. But isn’t it a mistake to make such frequent changes in life?

    Often everything gets boring for people who have lived an uncertain life since childhood. For example, a baby is sitting, playing, laying out blocks, and then they tell him that he needs to go get ready because he needs to go for a walk. When a child shows his creation (drawing, plasticine figurine, construction set) to his parents, he expects praise, but instead of deserved attention, not allowing the child to enjoy success, parents switch the child’s attention to the creativity of others. Or they often say that they need to try to do better next time. Imperceptibly, the baby gets used to situations where his achievement, in principle, has practically no meaning; say, if he has achieved something, he already needs to strive for another action. Growing up, all this worsens even more, and already in adulthood a person ceases to appreciate what he has. Under any conditions, he sees a catch, a flaw and begins to find fault with little things, this quickly gets boring and the person strives to start something more.

    There are many examples of such behavior during the period of raising a child; often he simply does not know his daily routine, what his responsibilities are and what awaits him as a result of the task completed. From this time on, the subject develops the ability to do everything very quickly, grab everything on the fly and run, because he is aware in the depths of his soul that he can be interrupted at any moment. Instantly during this period, a huge amount of adrenaline enters the blood due to increased energy costs. In the presence of adrenaline in the blood, the subject acts at an accelerated pace, over time there is a decrease, the previous balance in the body is restored and, accordingly, the person loses all interest and gets bored with everything. Since the individual’s body requires a new surge of adrenaline, he changes his actions and looks for something else to do.

    Such people have problems with their personal lives. A person falls in love very quickly, builds a perspective for the future, and just as quickly becomes disappointed in his partner, as a result the couple quickly separates. According to the famous psychoanalyst Jean-David Nasio, a person does this unconsciously. This behavior is typical for individuals who were attached to one parent in childhood. When such an individual grows up, he unconsciously denies the feeling of love for a person who is able to take the place of his mother or father in his soul. Loneliness is the path of life to which such an individual condemns himself, without accepting an emotional attachment to the subject of his passion.

    What to do if you're fed up and tired of everything? First, assess the current situation. Find out what exactly the problem is, if your friends, loved one, absolutely everything bother you, then maybe the root of the difficulties lies precisely in your actions. Determine the level of the problem, how much its consequences can be destructive or interfere with the lives of people around you. After this, you should decide whether you can cope on your own or whether you need to see a psychotherapist.

    To solve the problem yourself, you need:

    – learn to beware of anticipations and adventures;

    – be able to, through awareness of the problem, continue to act contrary to one’s desires;

    – whenever you want to start a new business, remember that it is human nature to idealize what you want; in fact, everything will end the same way;

    – accustom yourself to set specific goals and not invest high hopes in them, realize from the beginning that the goals will be achieved, and you will need to create new tasks;

    - noticing that everything around you is changing quickly, set an ultimatum, agree with yourself to stay at work for more than a year, finish the job you started and take on the next one, do not run away from a love relationship.

    It is useless to be angry at the world and people around you or at yourself. After all, human life is interesting precisely because it has ups and downs, mistakes, failures and disappointments. Due to the strong expenditure of energy, the human nervous system is rapidly depleted, therefore, you need to learn to control your behavior. Psychologists recommend spending some period of your life playing, forgetting about time, defusing the situation, having a blast, like in childhood, looking at life from a different perspective. After this, reconsider your life position and goals. They will need to be adjusted and live without trying to please anyone.

    Many people occasionally fall into a kind of emotional vacuum, when only bad thoughts enter their heads, and everything simply falls out of their hands. What to do if you're fed up and tired of everything? This question has been asked by everyone at least once on the path of life. Such situations often appear as a result of serious troubles, disappointment or loss of direction in life. Those most susceptible to this condition are people prone to depression. In this case, the choice of specific lines of behavior depends on the individual, and the result of resolving the problem depends on the degree of effort and desires put into correcting the situation. If a person intends to correct the situation, he freely moves towards the problem that worries him. Without striving for goals and solutions to difficulties, the subject develops a state of apathy, everything is boring, life is insignificant. A person who lives in harmony with himself and the outside world will not suffer from feelings of irritability, boredom and apathy.

    A person can regain interest in life in various ways. The most desirable option is to change everything. Change the direction of seeing objects and situations. A person who often finds himself in the place of a victim must learn to take responsibility for his life. Change your job, appearance, social circle, wardrobe. Often, instead of taking action towards solving a problem, a person closes himself deeper and deeper within himself, moving away from those around him. Analyzing the reasons for your actions, turning inside yourself is difficult, but really useful.

    People will say: “It’s good for those who have the opportunity to give up everything and change their lives when they’ve had enough of everything, what should those who do not have financial stability or have loved ones who cannot stop caring about do?” In such conditions, psychologists recommend that another good option for solving the problem is to “let off steam”, to release all negative emotions and aggression. You cannot completely surrender to the desire to express everything to everyone; everything must be rational. Take a shower, scream at the water, there is an option to go to the forest to break a couple of plates and scream into nowhere, to relieve your soul.

    Changes are needed in yourself. Why change yourself if a person is satisfied with everything in his own behavior? Perhaps, if everyone is annoying and everything is wrong, the person is annoying himself? As a result, it is necessary to change the attitude towards the individuals surrounding the subject, towards the environment in which he lives. In fact, it's much more complicated than just changing jobs or places of residence. The subject’s worldview is changeable, but this will require a lot of strength and persuasion with oneself, while internal changes in the personality will not harm the people surrounding the person and the reputation of the individual himself.

    Please note that if we see in another person what we cannot afford, it irritates us and leads us into a state of apathy. Perhaps the reason is that a person has surrounded himself with strict boundaries and does not allow himself to do something crazy: a hairstyle, a tattoo or a piercing. It is possible to move from a state of excitability and hatred of everything in life, but this is all individual. Each individual decides for himself what to do and what to leave for later, to live in depression constantly. Change your own life from the inside.

    Start with the basics:

    – a new breakfast, drinking coffee or tea from an unfamiliar mug;

    – find an activity that relaxes you: a swimming pool, a simple bath, a massage, a walk;

    – it’s definitely worth adjusting your sleep schedule;

    – take up your favorite sport. Initially, realize that it is health that affects your internal state, physical activity daily increases the amount of happiness hormones in the subject’s body;

    – get busy, work on your thoughts. Learn to be tolerant and tolerant;

    – it’s time to make the daily routine route to work creative or useful: write poetry, make plans for your life changes;

    – call your friends and loved ones to help you, do not hesitate to admit your despair.

    The most important thing is that under any circumstances it is strictly forbidden to sit still and remind you of troubles that have occurred or may occur. This is just a waste of precious time. Healthy sleep, simple walking, meaningful walks are all that will help and will bear fruit very quickly. Appreciate what you have. A person's life is short and unexpected to waste time on and irritation. In any situation, time is needed and everyone can find a path that suits their personality.

    Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

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