• What did Yulia Grigorieva die from? Why and how the sister of the lead singer of “Ivanushek” died


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    The half-sister of Yulia Grigorieva-Apollonova admitted that her relative was ill.

    The news was shared by Yulia’s inconsolable husband, Andrei Burdukov. In his microblog, the man admitted that he could not believe the death of his beloved. It is known that Andrei immediately came to Sochi, but experts have not yet allowed him into the house of his deceased wife - they are finding out the causes and circumstances of the death.

    By the way, nothing is known yet about the causes of death. But in a conversation with reporters, Yulia’s half-sister hinted that her relative could have died from an asthma attack, which she had suffered from before.

    “She had asthma, but no one expected it. The day before yesterday everything was fine,” the woman said.

    She also expressed her condolences to her husband Yulia, who has recently experienced many losses. Not long ago his mother died, then he passed away good friend Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov - Oleg Yakovlev. The death of his beloved wife was a heavy blow. “Poor Andrei, they loved each other very much,” the woman summed up.

    The 51-year-old sister of the musician of the group “Ivanushki International” Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov, Yulia, died in Sochi. The woman worked with the group for a long time.


    At the moment, we can state that Yulia Grigorieva-Appolonova died at the age of 52. It is known that the woman died at home, but what caused her death is not reported.

    It should be noted that Grigoriev-Appolonova’s sister directly helped her brother and his comrades in their musical activity— Julia worked as a costume designer for “Ivanushki”.

    One of the first to report the death of 52-year-old Yulia Grigorieva-Apollonova was her husband, Andrei Burdukov, with whom she lived for about 20 years. He published the sad news on Instagram that the sister of the lead singer of “Ivanushki” had passed away.

    “My beloved girl, my daughter, my happiness, my love have passed away! I can’t let you go, understand and understand the situation. I found out about this yesterday while returning from the gym with a friend, walking along Novy Arbat. Then, in a fog, I came home and took my passport and to the airport,” the man said, and also explained that “he flew to Sochi at night.”

    “I can’t get home, expert investigative actions are ongoing there. The reason for this outcome has not yet been established. I’ll write about farewells and other nonsense with the cemetery in the next post,” Andrey added.

    Let us remind you that the singer’s relative was 51 years old, she worked on the image of “Ivanushki”, and helped choose the scenery for the performers’ performances. A couple of years ago, Julia got married, her lover is younger than her. It is known that during the wedding the young man took his wife’s surname. On Instagram, Andrei Burdukov actively shared photos with his wife. He signed each photo touchingly, speaking affectionately about Yulia.

    Publication from Appolonov jr??? (@andreyallright) Jun 11 2017 at 8:16 am PDT

    Friends and fans post posts in memory of the sister of the lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International” with the hashtag #yulyagrigorievaappolonova.

    There has not yet been a public reaction from Grigoriev-Appolonov to his sister’s death.

    “This is some kind of absurdity. The day before yesterday everything was fine,” the singer’s half-sister Olga is quoted as saying on the kp.ru website. “She had asthma, but no one expected it. Poor Andrey, she and Yulia were always together since childhood, they loved each other very much friend. He recently buried his mother, Oleg was so cheerful."

    Julia was not a public person, but often helped her brother. It is known that she selected concert costumes for “Ivanushki” performances. In addition, for some time Julia worked as a doctor in a hospital.

      20.12.2016 , By

      A few days ago, Elena Vaenga caught a cold: since she was on her feet all the time during her illness, complications arose - her ligaments became inflamed. According to Elena, knots have formed in her throat that prevent her from performing, and doctors have forbidden her to sing. Following Vaenga, her young husband also fell ill, but, alas, he did not manage with bed rest, reports the News […]

    The sad news came on Saturday morning. The lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International” Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov died Native sister Julia. The young woman passed away the day before.

    The circumstances of her death are currently being clarified. It is known that elder sister Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov suffered from asthma.

    Friends and acquaintances of the young woman report the death of Yulia Grigorieva-Apollonova in their microblogs. They are horrified by what happened. The sudden death of a close relative of the lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International” plunged the singer’s entourage into a real shock.

    One of the first to report the death of 51-year-old Yulia Grigorieva-Apollonov was her husband, Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov Jr. Two years ago, the lovers got married, and the man took his wife’s surname.

    “My beloved girl, my daughter, my happiness, my love is gone! I can’t let you go, understand and understand the situation. I found out about this yesterday, returning with a friend from the gym, walking along Novy Arbat. Then, in a daze, I came home, took my passport and headed to the airport. I arrived in Sochi at night, I can’t get home, there are expert investigative actions going on there. The reason for this outcome has not yet been established,” the man wrote on the microblog.

    Everyone who knew Yulia Grigorieva-Apollonova mourns her untimely death and talks about how wonderful, kind and a bright person there was this woman. Friends and fans post posts in memory of the sister of the lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International” with the hashtag #yulyagrigorievaappolonova.

    “I can hardly believe that Yulia is no longer there... My condolences to all my friends and loved ones... Rest in peace,” wrote singer Sati Casanova. She also posted the sad news of Yulia’s death on her microblog.

    “I don’t want to believe. Yulechka, rest in peace. You were incredible, kind and one of those who could call at any time of the year and day just like that, for no reason and ask: “Omarchik, how are you?” It hurts inside that such cheerful and kind people leave suddenly,” her acquaintance Omar Bayramov mourns the untimely death of the woman.

    A sad post about the death of Yulia Grigorieva-Apollonova was posted on her microblog by Alexandra Kutsevol, the common-law wife of Oleg Yakovlev, who recently passed away. “Julia... Less than forty days have passed since Oleg left... And now... How can this be! A little over a day ago, the day before, we talked for an hour on the phone, about everything, as always... And about completed missions in this world... Julia... Ulya - as Oleg called you, and you are also recorded in his phone. .. You loved him, called him “my little mouse,” and he loved you. Everyone loved you... Yulaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Farewell,” wrote Alexandra Kutsevol.

    “Yulia Grigorieva-Appolonova has passed away. Yulechka, may you rest in peace. Many fans of the group know Andrei’s sister; she was a second mother to the guys and fans. Personally, always looking at Yulia, I wanted such a friend - light-hearted, cheerful, kind, even from afar you can feel the light and warmth... Too early and unexpected..,” wrote one of the group’s fans on her official fan page on Instagram. .

    “This photo was taken on the 20th anniversary of the group “Ivanushki International”. “I’m waiting for the phone, but here’s a camera, how unusual,” she said then, laughing... Yulia, so kind and open, never passed by... Andrey, hold on,” she mourns along with the relatives of the deceased women photographer Gulshat Abyzova.

    Not long ago, Yulia Grigorieva-Apollonova and her husband Andrei celebrated their anniversary family life. On June 10, 2015, the singer’s sister married her lover, with whom she had previously lived in a civil marriage for 15 years. The couple registered their relationship at the Sochi registry office. Yulia's brother Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov took an active part in organizing the wedding of his beloved sister, with whom he had very warm relations. The woman worked as a costume designer in his group.

    Singer Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov seems to be haunted by evil fate. Recently, the man has experienced several difficult losses. The vocalist’s mother passed away not long ago, and less than a month ago he buried a friend. Ex-soloist of Ivanushki International Oleg Yakovlev died after an illness.

    And now Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov’s sister has passed away.


    Yulia, the 51-year-old older sister of Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov, vocalist of the group Ivanushki International, died in Sochi under unclear circumstances. Her young husband, Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov Jr., who took his wife’s surname, announced this on his Instagram.

    My beloved girl, my daughter, my happiness, my love is gone! I can’t let you go, understand and understand the situation. I found out about this yesterday while returning with a friend from the gym and walking along Novy Arbat. Then, in a daze, I came home, took my passport and went to the airport. I arrived in Sochi at night, I can’t get home, there are expert investigative actions going on there. The reason for this outcome has not yet been established.


    Publication from Appolonov jr

    Yulia’s half-sister also cannot believe what happened and says that a few days before her death everything was fine with Grigorieva-Apollonova:

    This is kind of absurd. The day before yesterday everything was fine. She had asthma, but no one expected it. Poor Andrey, he and Yulia have always been together since childhood, they loved each other very much. He recently buried his mother, Oleg. Yulechka was so cheerful.


    Yulia worked in the group “Ivanushki International”, helping its members select concert outfits and decorations for the show. Yulia signed with Andrei Burdukov in June 2015. Before the wedding, the couple dated for 15 years, and Julia’s husband even became godson red-haired “Ivanushka,” which is why he took his family surname.


    The wedding was celebrated in Sochi - the celebration was more than magnificent. The bride's outfit alone cost the couple almost 200 thousand rubles. All of Yulia's relatives and friends cannot believe that she is gone. Friends and fans post posts in memory of the sister of the lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International” with the hashtag #yulyagrigorievaappolonova.


    Posted by goldenlook (@goldenlook) Jul 21, 2017 at 11:44 PDT


    Publication from Bayramov Omar! (@omarbayramov) Jul 21, 2017 at 11:14 PDT

    Alexandra Kutsevol, Oleg Yakovlev’s common-law wife, also mourns the loss. In a commentary to MK, she stated that Yulia died of acute pulmonary failure:

    Yulia died of natural causes and was diagnosed with acute pulmonary failure. She had had asthma for a long time, but did not take her health seriously. We talked to her a few hours before her death. There were no signs of misfortune. We talked about the mission of people on earth. She said that Oleg completed his mission before anyone else. Now I understand that these conversations were not accidental. For all the soloists of “Ivanushki” she was like a mother. She took care of everyone as if they were her own children. She did not have her own children. It seemed to me that she was worried about this.


    Posted by Alexandra Kutsevol (@sashakutsevol) Jul 22, 2017 at 4:03 PDT


    Doctors are fighting for the life of former lead singer of the group “Ivanushki” Oleg Yakovlev: the musician is hospitalized and is dying


    Former lead singer of “Ivanushki” Oleg Yakovlev died in Moscow from pneumonia: colleagues claim that he never had any health problems


    Oleg Yakovlev ended up in intensive care along with Garik Sukachev. Both singers were diagnosed with alcohol intoxication

    Yesterday it became known that the sister of the lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International” Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov died in Sochi at the age of 52 Julia. Information about her death became a real bolt from the blue for the relatives of the star family. At the moment, the cause of death is being established. According to one version, Julia could have suffocated from an asthma attack.

    “My beloved girl, my daughter, my happiness, my love is gone! I can’t let you go, understand and understand the situation. I found out about this yesterday while returning with a friend from the gym while walking along Novy Arbat. Then, in a daze, I came home, took my passport and went to the airport. I arrived in Sochi at night, I can’t get home, there are expert investigative actions going on there. The reason for this outcome has not yet been established. I will write about farewell and other organizational issues with the cemetery in the next post,” wrote Yulia’s husband Andrey in his microblog on Instagram.

    This information caught the lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International” Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov in Prague, where he went on vacation with his wife. The singer has not yet given any comments regarding what happened. It is worth noting that Julia was associated with the concert activities of the musical group for a long time, as she was involved in the selection of costumes for the trio members.

    Let us remind you that on June 29, Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov learned about another tragedy - ex-soloist died in one of the Moscow hospitals " Ivanushek International» Oleg Yakovlev. Initially, information appeared in the press that the singer died of cardiac arrest. Yakovlev was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia. Organ edema occurred against the background of liver cirrhosis. According to doctors, the musician’s condition was critical, so he was immediately connected to a ventilator. However, it was not possible to save the artist’s life.

    Yulia Grigorieva-Appolonova

    Yulia Grigorieva-Appolonova with her husband

    Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov with his wife Marina, sister Yulia and her husband

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