• Szondi projective test - fate analysis test. Sondi test, take online for free with transcript Tests based on photographs


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    Sondi test, take online for free with transcript

    History of the test

    This technique was first introduced in the 30s of the 20th century by the Viennese psychologist Leopold Szondi. It was he who, in the course of many years of research, discovered the subordination of human selectivity in communication to a certain pattern. Thus, his observations showed that patients in a psychiatric clinic are more willing to make contact with people suffering from similar diseases.
    At the same time, the scientist explained this phenomenon by genetic predisposition, i.e. choice of environment at the genetic level. The material he collected in the laboratory of endocrinology and constitutional pathology formed the basis for the creation of the “8 drives test.” His interpretation (or fate analysis) was based on the theory of the unconscious and psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud.


    The Szondi test, you can take it online for free with a transcript on our website, the test is based on the fact that various personality structures are represented by combinations of eight drives. Each of them can indicate the presence or absence of any underlying psychological problem in the subject. According to Szondi, photographic portraits that most fully correspond to the needs of the individual, his genetic and dynamically relevant inclinations have the most psychodiagnostic value. As evidence, he presents the results of his text and many years of clinical observations.

    How to pass the Sondi test online for free with transcript?

    The subject is offered for review 48 portraits of people suffering from various types of mental illnesses:
    • homosexuality;
    • depression;
    • hysteria;
    • catonic form of schizophrenia;
    • mania;
    • paranoid schizophrenia;
    • sadism;
    • epilepsy.
    They are presented to him in 8 pieces, with 1 portrait from each of the above categories. The task of the person taking the test is to choose the two most attractive and least attractive portraits from each eight.

    Take the Sondi test online for free with transcript

    Involves completing two parts of the study. The first part involves choosing 12 attractive and, conversely, portraits that evoke negative emotions. Its task is to diagnose impulsive drives and ego functions that come to the fore.
    “First run” is what this part of testing is called. In this case, the “first approach” profile is called the “foreground profile” (FPP). To determine it, only 24 portraits are used out of the 48 available.

    The background profile (BRP) is determined using the remaining part of the portraits (24 previously not selected). Based on the results of their choice, the specialist judges the impulsive drives of the individual.

    This test was created more than a century ago. Leopold Sandi was a famous Hungarian psychologist who seriously studied the deep impulses that are under the yoke of the individual. In order to draw appropriate conclusions, the subject did not need to undergo countless tests. It was enough just to look at a few photos specially selected by a psychologist and say exactly what feelings this person’s appearance evokes.

    According to Sondi, we tend to project the traits that we ourselves have onto other people.

    It is important!

    The test results in no way classify you as one of the selected characters, be it an epileptic or a sadist. The purpose of taking the test is to identify your individual prerequisites for suppressed internal impulses.

    In the original, the test looks somewhat expanded. It consists of six sets of eight cards. There are only eight photos in our test, but even with that many photos you can learn a lot of interesting things about yourself.

    How to take the test?

    Carefully study the presented 8 portraits of people. Don't try to find similarities or differences between them. Choose a portrait of a person whose appearance evokes the most negative emotions in you. Who would you never want to meet in your life? Who causes you disgust, disdain and even fear?

    Szondi test. How can you learn a lot about yourself from a portrait of a complete stranger?

      Created June 25, 2017

      Test result

      1. Sadist

      Your subconscious constantly suppresses negative, offensive impulses towards other people. This does not mean that you are constantly angry, not at all. You do not harm anyone and at the same time do not strive to perform those actions that do not cause you delight. For example, if your boss asks you to do some routine or unattractive work, you will never refuse him. On the other hand, you will do everything to create artificial obstacles on the way to achieving your goal. For example, being late for meetings, filling your schedule with other things. Moreover, you will not do this on purpose, your subconscious will work for you.

      Created June 25, 2017

      2. Epileptic

      Before you is a portrait of an epileptic. If you chose this particular image, then, most likely, in childhood or early youth you suppressed the manifestation of such traits as increased impulsiveness, irritability, anger, and aggressiveness. But this does not mean at all that these feelings will manifest themselves in you in adulthood.

      Today you are the very peacefulness and standard of calm. It is completely useless to try to piss you off, because doing so will be very, very difficult. Your relationships with yourself and other people are strong and stable, and you make connections quickly. Your second having is “self-control”!

      Created June 25, 2017

      3. Catatonic

      Catatonic syndrome is a psychopathological syndrome, the main symptom of which is the presence of characteristic movement disorders.

      Before you is a portrait of a catatonic person. The distinctive features of this pathology are excessive imagination, which interferes with normal life, and denial of everything that happens. hyperactivity, which interferes with normal existence and gradually leads a person away from real earthly existence.

      You are a person who loves to make plans and strictly follow them. Any deviation from the planned program causes fear, indignation, and confusion. Your conservatism and non-acceptance of anything new are strengthened more and more with each passing year. You are not inclined to trust people and rely only on yourself. You are timid and often lack self-confidence. Being touchy about every little thing and being tight-lipped prevents you from truly opening up. The worst thing for you is to move away from your own plans and lose control over what is happening.

      Created June 25, 2017

      4. Schizophrenic

      Does a tensely smiling man with a thin “Salvadoran” mustache and bow tie evoke negative emotions in you? When you saw his portrait, small flocks of annoying goosebumps ran all over your body?

      The feelings and thoughts of a schizophrenic are a real mix of combinations of incompatible things. Apathy, wariness, distortion of reality. If you were frightened by the portrait of this particular person and his appearance seemed to you the most unpleasant of all those presented, then in childhood you had problems with communication. Most likely, you have suppressed feelings of indifference towards the people around you. You were afraid to escape reality and fall into the world of your own illusions.

      Without a doubt, today you are the soul of any company. You have no problems communicating with people around you. You are sure that man is a social creature and he certainly needs communication. It is communication and networking that plays a significant role in your life. And yet, there is a possibility that behind the mask of a sociable person there is a closed nature. Your relationship with the people around you can be compared to a theatrical performance: you perfectly perform your role, while no one knows what is really in your soul. Very often, when you are alone with yourself, you realize that you don’t really need this communication.

      Created June 25, 2017

      5. Hysterical

      Emotional instability, excessive love for yourself and your appearance, a complete lack of profundity... The woman in the portrait you have chosen has all these traits, because she is a hysteric. Denial of her appearance in particular and her image in particular suggests that you are eager to attract attention to your person and strive to exalt yourself at the expense of other people.

      People around you consider you a modest and even timid person, but nevertheless not devoid of self-esteem. However, you would like to occupy a completely different position in society, namely to be popular and attract the attention of people around you. That is why, unconsciously, you are very picky about your own appearance. You think through your image down to the smallest detail. Perhaps your profession or the thing that you sincerely love is unusual and uncommon.

      Created June 25, 2017

      6. Depressed person

      Depression, lack of self-confidence and strength, a feeling of guilt for what has been done and not done - all these emotions are experienced by a depressed person. If you chose the portrait of this particular person, it means that deep down in your soul you are somewhat similar to his condition, but at the same time you are outwardly trying to keep the situation under control.

      You radiate a sea of ​​positivity, healthy optimism and activity. You are easy-going and always ready for any adventures and challenges. However, sometimes hidden depression still makes itself felt, and you withdraw into yourself and try to communicate with other people as little as possible. Nevertheless, your condition allows you to understand other people's problems very well, so your family and friends often turn to you for advice.

      A split or even a personality disorder is called dissociative. In this state, several personalities coexist in one person, very often conflicting with each other. If you chose a portrait of this particular person, then as a child you were probably afraid to understand who you really are.

      As an adult, you want to prove to everyone that you truly are who you are. For men, this is expressed by the manifestation of their masculine self: “I am a real man and I can do everything that depends on me to demonstrate it!” In women, this manifests itself in excessive femininity, a constant desire to flirt and emphasize their sex appeal.

    This script for automatic calculation of the Szondi test (online Szondi test) is based on the projective technique of L. Szondi, which reflects deep mental processes and human drives. In particular, the following sources were used when writing the script: “Textbook for experimental diagnosis of drives”, Sondi L. Per. with him. – M.: Kogito-Center, 2005; "", Sobchik L.N., - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2010. We recommend that you turn to these sources to understand the methodology and interpret the results.

    This script for automatic calculation of the Szondi test is intended for independent research and independent interpretation. An online test cannot reflect the fullness and depth of the methodology. And also cannot give an interpretation of the same level as a psychologist who has undergone special training within the framework of Szondi’s fate-analytical approach can give.

    This script allows you to conduct a one-time foreground study, as well as multiple studies (up to 10 times).

    Repeated research (10 times) makes it possible to obtain a profile of attraction. The result is a table of the intensity of drives, the percentage of symptom reactions, the ratio of indicators of intensity of tendencies, as well as a ranked series of degrees of intensity of tendencies. Based on these data, you can independently interpret the results, create a formula of drives, etc.

    All results are saved on the server and can be accessed by you at any time. So, after passing the test, you will receive a permanent link to the result, which you can always return to for further analysis, comparison, etc.

    If you decide to conduct a multiple study (10 times with a frequency of 1 time per week or 1 time per day), then you need to additionally fill out the form fields below: “E-mail:” and give “A unique name for your series of multiple studies.” Do not forget the data you entered, because... When taking the test again, they are required. So, for example, having decided to undergo multiple examinations (for 10 days, once a day, or for 10 weeks, once a week), you indicate your gender, enter your full name, age, education, address email and any series name, for example: “ball”. When you subsequently take the test as part of a multiple study, you will only need to enter your email and the name of the “ball” series. Once you complete the series and receive the results, the series will close. However, you can always start a new one.

    [Attention!] If while working with the script you find errors in the calculations, we ask you to inform us about this in the appropriate thread of the psychological forum, the errors will be corrected.

    Test instructions

    To get started, fill out the form data: indicate your gender, full name, age, education. If you are starting a multiple research series, please provide an email address and give the series any name you like.

    You will be offered portraits, 6 series of 8 portraits each. Look at them carefully. First, select the one that you at least relatively prefer over the others (the most attractive), and then another, also preferred, but slightly smaller than the first. If even this is difficult to do and you don’t like any of them, then choose the one you don’t like the least, and then the next one.

    Then you will need to choose the most unsympathetic portrait (most unpleasant), and then the most unsympathetic portrait of the remaining ones. This will need to be repeated six times.

    Szondi test developed by a Hungarian doctor and psychologist Leopold Szondi(Léopold Szondi) in the 1930s.

    In the process of clinical work, he discovered a certain pattern that governs a person’s selectivity in communicating with others. Assuming that unconscious attraction to people like oneself is genetically determined, and based on the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud, Szondi developed the concept of “fate analysis,” and extensive data from clinical genetic studies formed the basis of the “eight drive test.”

    The testing method consists of asking a person to choose the most and least attractive portraits of different men and women. Each portrait reflects in the most acute form the manifestation of one of the eight basic human drives and reveals a particular problem or pathology of the subject. For many years, the Szondi test has been used by psychiatrists and psychologists as a projective personality test. It allows you to find both social and asocial, healthy and pathological tendencies of subjects. Since the structure of drives underlying the technique is universal, the Szondi test is suitable for people of any nationality and social background.

    In Russia, the method was modified by L. N. Sobchik as the “method of portrait elections,” where Szondi’s eight factors-attractions were compared with the individual typological approach of the theory of leading tendencies.

    The interpretation is given in two forms: psychoanalytic (short meanings of drive vectors according to Szondi’s textbook) and individual-personal (summary personality characteristics based on pronounced factors using the portrait selection method). We must remember that a full interpretation of the results of the Szondi test in all their relationships and in comparison with the results of other methods and observations is a task for an experienced psychologist-psychanalyst. Online testing gives a superficial result and is more a demonstration of the capabilities of the technique than a diagnostic tool.

    Portraits redrawn specifically for the MPV technique by the talented artist B.I. Ensky were used as stimulus material, preserving their psychological essence and similarity to the original. But it should be noted that not all experts have a positive attitude towards redrawn portraits; some consider such a change in test materials unacceptable. If you wish, you can take the Sondi test with original cards (unfortunately, the quality of the photographs leaves much to be desired). The difference between this option is only in the images; the interpretation does not change.

    Implementation features:
    • high-quality, clear, large-sized portraits;
    • interpretation of all 4×16 vector values ​​using the Szondi method;
    • interpretation of individual factors using the portrait selection method;
    • the opportunity to take the test with original photographs;
    • all calculation details are available for use for educational purposes;
    • For each result, a short link is generated that can be shared;
    • completely free and anonymous, no registration required.

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