• Introspection class hour friendship begins with a smile. Class hour "Friendship begins with a smile." A student reads the poem “Friendship”


    Development of a class lesson “Friendship begins with a smile...”

    Explanatory note

    The class hour “Friendship begins with a smile...” was developed and conducted in 5th grade as part of the implementation of the educational program class “Parenting with success.” In the 5th grade, it is very important to teach the team to be friends, since it is at this age that the concepts of friendship, mutual understanding, mutual assistance are formed, and children learn to build relationships with each other.

    The purpose of the class hour: the formation of moral qualities of students: the ability to make friends, cherish friendship, communicate in a team.
    expand children's knowledge about friendship;
    develop the ability to argue your point of view;
    promote integrity and respect for each other;
    promote the formation of a friendly team;
    When developing the class hour, the technology of “ethical dialogue” was used (author A.I. Shemshurina). It is through dialogue that the understanding of morality, the construction of interpersonal relationships takes place, the joint process of children’s mental activity is born, it promotes interaction with others, in which each student is an equal participant in this process and can demonstrate their individual capabilities and creativity.

    Structural components of ethical dialogue
    Semantic characteristics of the structural components of ethical dialogue

    1.Bringing students to the problem
    Hello guys!
    My name is Ekaterina Alexandrovna and I am very pleased to meet you.
    Look at these two portraits: on one the face of a healthy person, and on the other a sick one.
    -What is the difference between these two portraits? (the main difference is the smile).

    A smile is a sign not only of physical health, but also of spiritual health. You’ve probably heard the expression: “My soul hurts”? Something happened to such a person; maybe he was offended, he quarreled with someone, but a smile is still a sign kindness, love, friendship.
    Dear guys! Look into each other’s eyes, smile, pass on a piece of your goodness to another and say: “I wish you...”.

    You see, from our smiles and kind words, the classroom became warmer and more comfortable.

    2.Building a logical chain of thought development.
    And now I will ask you to make a word from the letters that are in front of you: “zhabdur” (leaves on the board).

    What word did you get?
    - “Friendship” is the topic of our meeting today.

    I really love cartoons, I hope you do too. Let's remember who was friends with whom:
    1.Green Crocodile Gena and (Cheburashka).
    2. Trusting Pinocchio and (Malvina).
    3.Funny bear Winnie the Pooh and (Piglet).
    4. A boy named Malysh and (Carlson).

    Do you remember what the cartoon character Little Raccoon said about friendship?

    -(Friends are found by those who greet them with a smile. Friendship begins with a smile).

    Do you think friendship always begins with a smile?

    Tell me how friends are known: in happiness or in trouble?

    Do you enjoy it when your friends share your joy? What about troubles?

    Do you have friends? Now we will check it.
    Drawing “Tree of Friendship”
    -Your task is to draw as many roots of this tree as you have friends (finished drawings are attached to the board).

    Let's look at your drawings.

    There is a very true and wise proverb: “A tree has strong roots, but a man has friends.” And judging by your drawings, you have a whole forest of friendship, and if you draw one big tree, then it will have many roots, because you have many friends.

    3. Appeal to the child’s personality.
    And now I offer you sayings about friendship, and you try to explain their meaning:

    1. A cowardly friend is more dangerous than an enemy.
    (in difficult times, a friend may get scared and let you down).

    2. Not the friend who indulges, but the one who helps.
    (when a person indulges you in everything, he doesn’t care what you really are. The best friend is the one who will help you improve and become better).

    3. If you want friendship, be a friend.
    (When you yourself learn to be friends, then friends will appear. Each person appreciates the good qualities of a friend in another).
    Well done!
    Now let's remember how your friendship with the person closest to you began?

    4. Climax
    At all times and among all peoples, friendship, loyalty and devotion have been highly valued. “Whoever does not seek friendship with a loved one is his own sworn enemy,” wrote Shota Rustaveli back in the 12th century. A friend should suit you in character, temperament, and hobbies. You must fit together like a “puzzle.”
    I invite each participant to write an advertisement on the topic: “Looking for a friend!”
    For example: “I’m looking for a friend with whom I can go hiking!”
    “A modest, shy girl loves poetry and is looking for a friend.”
    "A cheerful, cheerful person - a boxing fan looking for a friend."

    Each of you has colored leaves. You are given 2 minutes.
    -Please, whoever wants to read out their announcement (children read out at will and attach it to the notice board. In the classroom there is a board with the inscription “Bulletin Board”).

    5.Summary of the dialogue
    I think you will agree that the best thing in life is friendship. Friendship should be valued.
    Please split into two groups. You are given petal cards with the definition of friendship: help, eternity, kindness, attention, responsiveness, trust, honesty, joy, anger, boasting, rudeness, indifference, envy, selfishness. Choose those that relate to definition of friendship.
    -Please, the first group is your petals!
    What words did you not choose for the flower? Why? (Guys’ answers).
    -Please, the second group is your petals! What words did you not choose for the flower? Why? (Guys’ answers).
    So, what defines friendship? What qualities?
    Now you know a lot about friendship. But there are still rules of friendship that you must remember to use in life:
    Help a friend
    To be honest
    Give in
    Don't be afraid to ask for forgiveness
    Don't be rude
    Don't be greedy
    Don't get angry
    By following these rules, I think you will never lose a friend. Be kind, friendly, sensitive, polite to each other. Don’t be arrogant, sneaky, protect your friends from wrong actions, come to the aid of each other and then you yourself will be called a true true friend.
    Guys, let's say to each other the words of the famous hero, the kindest and most patient cat Leopold: - Guys, let's live together!

    Thank you very much for the lesson.

    Class hour on the topic: "Friendship begins with a smile"

    Goals and objectives:

    Develop the communication abilities of schoolchildren, the ability to communicate in a team;

    To foster moral values, respect for girls for boys, boys for girls, children for adults.

    Come on people
    Be friends with each other
    Like a bird with the sky,
    Like grass - with a meadow,
    Like the wind with the sea,
    Fields - with rains,
    How friendlySun
    With all of us!..

    We discussed the situation about students’ knowledge of each other.

    WITH situations during the discussion of which children try to learn about each other.

    Questions for girls:

    1. You caught a goldfish, but it will only grant you one wish. What will you choose?

    Go to the circus

    Meet a good friend.

    Buy a beautiful doll.

    2. A boy offended you. What will you do?

    Ask someone for help.

    You will cry from resentment.

    Explain that they don’t do that to girls.

    3. The boy invited you to his birthday party. How will you choose a gift?

    What do you like.

    What he likes.

    What do parents suggest?

    Questions for boys.

    1. You like the girl, you want to play with her, but your mother calls you home. What will you do?

    You'll go home.

    Pretend you didn't hear mom.

    Ask the girl to come again.

    2. The girl you like was called to the board to solve a problem, but she couldn’t do it.

    You will give her hints.

    You can help me figure it out after class.

    You won't do anything.

    3. The girl didn’t have enough chair in the dining room.

    You bring her a chair.

    Give her yours.

    You will leave it unnoticed.

    If you value friendship...

      friendly relations are relations of mutual assistance, mutual understanding, mutual respect for each other.

      The most important thing in friendship is to be able to be happy for your friend.

    – At the school of the Soviet teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky, the children left their laws of friendship. Let's get to know them.

    The laws of friendship, compiled in the school of the great teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky:

      Don't leave a friend in trouble. To be faithful to friendship means to share with a friend not only joys, but also sorrows. A friend may have mistakes, difficulties, trials. If you see that a friend is in trouble, go to his aid. Turning away from a friend in a difficult moment for him means morally preparing yourself for betrayal.

      You care what your friend is like. Friendship is the moral enrichment of a person. By finding a reliable friend, you multiply your strength, become morally purer, richer, more beautiful.

      Friendship is, first of all, faith in a person, demanding of him. The deeper your faith in your friend, the higher your demands should be, the more you must, you must.

      Friendship and selfishness are irreconcilable and incompatible. Friendship teaches a person to give spiritual strength and wealth, care.

      Friendship is tested in trouble and danger. War is a mortal misfortune and mortal danger. You must be spiritually prepared for this great test.

      Be able to live in such a way that you and your friend are united by unity of spirit and ideals. True friendship protects against selfishness and teaches one to despise selfishness.

      To be demanding in a friendship means to have the courage to break it off if a friend betrays what the friendship was built for. Unscrupulousness destroys friendship.

      A smile is the key to success, health, people communicate through a smile,

      With a smile you can support a person.

      A smile can be kind, cheerful, but also evil.

    And in Ozhegov’s dictionary this word is practiced like this:

    A smile is a facial movement of the face, lips, eyes, showing a disposition to laugh, expressing greetings, pleasure or ridicule and other feelings.

    - Friendship is a science, friendship is an art,
    Friendship is a wonderful, kind feeling.

    Irina Sakharova
    Class hour “Friendship begins with a smile”

    OGKOU "Ivanovo Regional Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support"


    Classroom hour

    « Friendship begins with a smile

    2- 3 Class

    Prepared and carried out:

    primary teacher classes

    first qualification category

    Sakharova I. V.


    Formation of social ideals to encourage self-education.


    Encourage students to comprehend universal human values, to develop a personal attitude towards them, to understand their own internal position and life values;

    To form in students techniques and methods of constructive, communicative, cognitive activities;

    To promote diverse creative self-expression of students, their creative attitude towards their own lives;

    Develop students’ ability to work in a team;

    To stimulate in students the internal contradiction between the achieved and the required level of personal development.

    Progress of the class hour.

    Guys, come to us today class time, guests have arrived. Turned to them smiled. It's winter outside. And in class We feel warm and bright because of yours smiles. What are we going to talk about today?

    I have prepared a riddle for you. Place the letters in numerical order and get a word.

    A U J D B R


    So, today we will talk about friendship in the form of an oral journal. Leafing through its pages, we we'll find out: What is it? friendship? Why is she begins? Who can be called a true friend? We will try to answer these questions with you.

    1page "What's happened friendship

    On the test he will let you write it off,

    It's always easy to chat with him.

    If necessary, he will give advice,

    Knows my every secret.

    He shares his joy with me,

    Always stand up for me.

    If trouble suddenly happens,

    The faithful one will help me. (Friend)

    They say we are alike.

    We answer: "So what?".

    They say they are inseparable.

    It's really boring without each other.

    They say we are chatterboxes.

    So what! After all, we are. (girlfriends)

    He's at his desk alone

    He's been sitting with me for a whole year.

    Give me a pencil, give me a pen,

    You will never get bored.

    And there is no one more reliable,

    It's on my desk. (neighbour)

    We are no longer friends

    You left, I'm offended.

    We quarreled seriously

    They called each other names,

    Well, now I'm sad.

    Come, I’ll forgive you.

    Agree, because of nonsense

    This one grew up. (argument)

    What, girlfriend, I suggest

    Forget our quarrel.

    I take a step forward,

    I want to be with you be friends.

    Stop doing that, girlfriend, get angry,

    I suggest. (make peace)

    If the friend is not yet close,

    Then, perhaps, he is not a friend.

    Suddenly he does something base

    Or he will suddenly refuse the request.

    In the meantime, I'm talking to him,

    Lots of things in common with him.

    I'm turning into a friend myself

    From the number. (comrades)

    This word is called

    Everyone who studies together.

    Comrades, friends, pranksters,

    Of course it is. (classmates)

    We help each other in times of need,

    We do homework and play together,

    We go for a walk and to the store together.

    When you are not there, I am alone.

    Come quickly, I miss you

    I don’t even play with my favorite tank.

    I really need communication with you,

    And you also need a man's one. (friendship)

    Guys, what do you think the word means? « friendship» ? (This is when people want to be together, when they are interested in each other, trust each other, etc.)

    What about friendship says dictionary?

    Friendship- These are close relationships based on mutual trust, affection, and common interests.

    2 page "Why friendship begins

    Let's remember the cartoon about Little Raccoon

    Did a stick, a stone and a terrible grimace help Little Raccoon defeat the one who was sitting in the pond? (children's answers)

    How did he manage to deal with it? (children's answers)

    That's right, guys, just smile was able to perform a miracle, because in response to Baby Raccoon's smile, the one who sits in the pond, smiled in response and stopped scaring the baby. It was a good lesson for the little raccoon.

    What lesson did you learn from this? (children's answers)

    Smile- our most important decoration. Smile- this is not just a sign that you are in a good mood. This Means that you are a friendly, friendly and well-mannered person. If the conversation starts with smiles, it will not harm a person and will not escalate into a quarrel. It’s not even very pleasant to talk to a gloomy person.

    Look at these photos. We see children from different countries of the world. They are distinguished by skin color and eye shape, but their faces have something in common. How are children's faces similar? (smile)

    A smile is that, which unites people of all nationalities. Even without knowing a foreign language, a person will not be lost in a foreign country if he asks for help with smile on your face.

    In what other cases does it help us? smile? (children give their own examples)

    3 page "Tales of friendship»

    Remember the fairy tales that talk about friendship.

    Everything in this fairy tale together help extinguish the cat's house. ( "Cat house",

    Everything in this fairy tale together pulled out a yellow vegetable. ( "Turnip",

    Everything in this fairy tale walked on water together. ("Fear has big eyes")

    In this fairy tale, a little girl, in order to save her friend, visited robbers in the forest and even in the far north. ( "The Snow Queen")

    In this fairy tale, the cat saved his friend from the red-haired cheat. ( "Cat, Rooster and Fox")

    A game "Find a Friend"

    You probably know many cartoon characters who have friends. Name them. (cards on the board)

    1. Dead princess and... 7 heroes

    2. Snow White and... 7 dwarves

    3. Winnie the Pooh and... Piglet

    4. Baby and... Carlson

    5. Pinocchio and... Malvina

    6. Crocodile Gena and... Cheburashka

    7. Naf-Naf and... Nuf-Nuf

    4 page "Proverbs about friendship»

    You guys have heard and know that proverbs contain folk wisdom.

    I suggest you work in groups.

    You have envelopes on each row, you need to assemble the correct proverb from individual words and choose the one who will read it.

    1st group “Money can’t buy a friend”.

    2nd group « Friendship is more valuable than gold» .

    3rd group "A friend in need is a friend indeed".

    4th group "You will not get to know your friend without trouble".

    5th group “If you don’t have a friend, look for him, and if you find him, take care of him.”.

    I suggest you remember or learn more proverbs about friendship, which were invented by our wise Russian people.

    5 page "A true friend"

    Who is he, a true friend? Now we will do one exercise.

    Exercise "Guide"

    One student is blindfolded, another student helps him pass. "obstacle course". The teacher shows how to pass "obstacle course" and tells what words can be used to guide a blindfolded student. This exercise is performed by all students in turn.

    Friends take care of each other, help in difficult times and share joy in moments of happiness.

    I suggest you now do some research on question: “What kind of a true friend is he?” and compose "The True Friend Model".

    A game "Friend - or foe"

    I name the qualities of a person, if this quality suits a good friend, you clap your hands, if not, you stomp your feet.


    Doesn't admit his mistakes

    It won't do to be the first to put up

    Support in word and deed

    Won't tell the truth

    Together in sorrow and joy

    Helps you out in difficult times


    A game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.”

    1. Let's ask now everyone: who here loves dancing and laughing?

    2. Who goes to school every day in a cheerful band?

    3. Answer in unison instantly: Who is the main spoiler here?

    4. Who is used to your routine and does exercises in the morning?

    5. Which of you, brothers, forgets to wash?

    6. And one more question: Who doesn’t wash their nose?

    7. How many of you keep your pens, books and notebooks in order?

    8. Which of you is such a good sunbather and wears galoshes?

    9. Which of you, I want to know, will clap for me now?

    Can hands make friends?

    What are our hands like? (good, evil)

    What kind of hands does an evil person have? What about the good one?

    Can an evil person be a good friend?

    Practical exercises. "Bridge friendship".

    The teacher asks the children to form pairs if they wish, to come up with and show a bridge (using arms, legs, torso). Then “build” a bridge with three, four, etc. The exercise ends with everyone joining hands, making a circle and raising their hands up, depicting a “Bridge” friendship".

    6 page "Laws friendship»

    Did you know that psychologists studied the rules friendship among the peoples of different countries. It turned out that, despite different skin colors, different upbringings and living conditions, there is much in common in what people think friendship. They took me out

    10 laws friendship. Read them eyes:

    Help a friend in need.

    Know how to share your joy with a friend.

    Don't laugh at your friend's shortcomings.

    Stop your friend if he is doing something bad.

    Know how to accept help and advice.

    Don't deceive your friend.

    Don't betray your friend.

    Treat your friend like you treat yourself.

    Learn to admit your mistakes.

    Always keep your promises.

    It's time to close our magazine. I am pleased to see your cheerful faces.

    If you liked our cool hour - clap your hands.

    I think the result of our conversation may be words: « Friendship starts with a smile» . Smile, and you will have many friends. To remember today's conversation, I will give you a reminder "10 laws friendship» .



    1. Using the examples of stories and poems read, students can formulate an idea of ​​true selfless friendship.

    2. Cultivate mutual respect and polite behavior of children to each other.

    Equipment: proverbs about friendship are written on the board, songs on the computer; paper daisy for the game "Chamomile"

    Progress of the class hour:

    Teacher's opening speech

    Today we will talk about friendship and also discuss the following questions (written on the board)

    * What is friendship?

    *What do you like about your friend?

    * Why are you sometimes offended by him?

    * How do you feel about your friend?

    * Did you help a friend when he was having a hard time?

    * Did a friend help you in difficult times?

    * How would you like your friend to be?

    What is friendship?

    Teacher : There are many proverbs and sayings about friendship. Here are some of them. (students read proverbs from the board and explain their meaning)

      If you don’t have a friend, look for it, but if you find it, take care!

      Friend is known in trouble.

      The enemy agrees, and the friend argues.

      It's more fun with a friend when you're lucky, and easier when you're in trouble.

      Friendship is different from friendship, but at least leave another.

    How did it all start? How did the word “friend” come about? Let's listen to a poem called “The WordFriend »

    When no one knew a word yet -

    Neither “hello”, nor “sun”, nor “cow”,

    An ancient man was accustomed to showing his fist or tongue to his neighbors

    And make faces (which is the same thing),

    But the word became a guttural sharp sound,

    More meaningful face, smarter hands,

    And the man came up with the word "friend"

    He began to wait for his friend and grieve in separation.

    Thanks to him for my friends.

    How would I live, what would I do without them?

    Friends - people I love

    I will never do anything to offend you.

    This is not why our ancestor walked through the darkness,

    So that when I meet a friend, I shout “Fool!”

    Showed tongue or fist

    And made faces (what,

    essentially the same thing).

    And I will save an evil word,

    Let the enemy get it.

    Introduction to literary works about friendship.

    Teacher: Unfortunately, sometimes we hear rude words in our class, and sometimes it happens like in the poem “Two Goats.” Maybe after listening to this poem, someone will recognize themselves. And having learned, he will try not to be like these characters.

    Two goats.

    One day two goats had a fight on the lawn.

    They fought for fun, not out of spite.

    One of them quietly kicked his friend,

    Another of them lightly butted his friend.

    One kicked his friend a little harder,

    Another one butted his friend a little more painfully.

    One got excited and kicked as hard as he could!

    The other one grabbed him under the belly with his horns!

    Who is right and who is wrong is a confusing question,

    But the goats fight not as a joke, but seriously...

    I remembered this fight when in front of me

    During recess at school, a similar battle broke out.

    Teacher: Yes, such relationships cannot be called friendly. It's better if everything happens as in the song...

    Students (sing a song in chorus)“If you go on a journey with a friend”

    Dramatization of the story

    Teacher: V.I. Dal in his famous “Explanatory Dictionary” gives the following definition of the word “friendship”: “disinterested, persistent affection.” The famous scientist and writer puts selflessness first.

    Watch a dramatization of the story“Neither for this nor for that.” It will help you understand what selflessness is.

    (Students act out a skit.)

    Leader: Kostya made a birdhouse and called Vova.

    Bones: Look at the bird house I made.

    Leader: Vova squatted down.

    V about in a: Oh, what! Totally real! With a porch! You know what, Kostya, make me one too. And I’ll make you a glider for this.

    Kostya: Okay, just give me neither for this nor for that, but just like this: you make a glider, and I’ll make a birdhouse.

    Conversation about selflessness

    Teacher: What is selfless friendship? (Children answer.)

    Can the heroine of this poem be called selfless?

    Need a friend.

    Everyone is living, not bothering, but they are not friends with me.

    Katya has a painted bow, red tights

    And the character is meek. I whisper: "Be friends with me,

    We're the same age. We are like two sisters

    We are like two doves from the same shell.”

    I whisper: “But remember - you must go in everything

    To make concessions to a friend."

    I suggest to Ilyina: “You are the only one who can be friends with me!”

    Ilyina has a rank and a sports sweater,

    And a retinue of girls.

    If I make friends with Ilyina, I will become famous!

    Svetlova Nadya has all fives to one.

    I ask: “And you make friends with me at least for a day!

    You and I will get along:

    If you save me, you’ll let me write off the test.”

    And the girls are on their hind legs! They say: “Keep silent!”

    Don’t get on your knees and persuade your friends...

    I’ll write an ad “Friend urgently needed!”

    So why didn't anyone want to be friends with this girl? Would you become friends with the heroes of these poems?

    Sonechka. Greedy.

    Touch it accidentally - immediately Who holds his candy in his fist, --- Guard! Olga Nikolaevna, he pushed me! To eat it secretly from everyone in the corner,

    I got something in my eye, it won’t let me ride a bike,

    I'll complain about you! Who chalk, rubber band,

    At home again complaints: - My head hurts... with any trifle

    I would lie down - my mother doesn’t tell me, I’ll never share it with anyone in class?

    The boys agreed: - We will open an account, a suitable name has been given to him,

    Let's count the complaints - how many will there be per year? Not even a name, but a nickname: GREEDY!

    Sonechka got scared and sat quietly. I don't ask the greedy for anything,

    I won’t invite a greedy person to visit.

    A good friend will not come out of greed,

    You can't even call him a friend.

    So honestly, guys, I’ll say:

    I never make friends with greedy people.

    So what should a true friend be like? Maybe like in the song called “True Friend”. (Song plays)


    Teacher: Think and say what Sonya did towards her friend in the story “Identical”.

    There lived two inseparable girlfriends - first-graders. They were both small, pink-cheeked, fair-haired, they looked very much alike. Both mothers dressed the same, both studied only with straight A's.

    We are the same in everything! – the girls said proudly.

    But one day Sonya, that was the name of one of the girls, ran home and boasted to her mother:

    I got an A in arithmetic, but Vera only got a C. We are no longer the same...

    Mom looked at Sonya carefully. Then she said sadly:

    Yes, you have become worse...

    I? – the girl was surprised. – But it wasn’t me who got the C!

    Teacher: Why did mom condemn Sonya? What would you tell Sonya? What can you say about the hero of the next work?

    A friend reminded me yesterday

    How much good he did to me:

    He once gave me a pencil

    (I forgot my pencil case that day)

    In almost every wall newspaper

    He mentioned me.

    I fell and got wet

    It helped me dry out.

    He didn’t spare even a pie for his dear friend -

    He once gave me a bite,

    And now I counted it.

    Doesn't attract me guys

    No more attraction to a friend!

    Can such a person be called a true friend? If not, why not?

    Game "Me and My Friend"

    Teacher: Most often, friendship is strong, faithful and long-lasting if people have the same interests, tastes, like the same games and activities, if they are kind, sympathetic, and unselfish. Now let's play the game "Me and my friend." Anyone can take part in it, but only in pairs. I will ask questions and offer three answers to them. Each of you writes down the answer that he likes best. After the game, let's check: the pair with the most answers will be the winner.

      What's your favorite color? (Red, yellow, green)

      What do you like best? (apples, bananas, pears).

      Which subject is your favorite? (Mathematics, Russian, reading).

      What do you like to ride more? (Skating, skiing, sledding).

      What do you like to draw with? (Colored pencils, paints, felt-tip pens).

      What season is your favorite? (Winter, spring, autumn).

      Which do you prefer? (Cake, chocolate, candy).

      What are you doing in your free time? (Walking with a friend, watching TV, reading)

      What's the best gift for you? (Toys, books, clothes).

      What's your favorite day of the week? (Friday Saturday Sunday).

      Who would you like to have at home? (Cat, dog, parrot)

      What holiday is your favorite? (New Year, birthday, friend’s birthday).

    Group work

    Teacher: I suggest playing the game “Chamomile”. You will fill the petals of this beautiful flower with words. But not just with words, but write on each petal one of the most important qualities, in your opinion, without which friendship is impossible.

    (The students are divided into groups. Each group is given three petals, each group writes secretly, and then attaches the petals to the board. All together, using a daisy, answer the question “What qualities should a true friend have?”


    Today, guys, our class hour is called: “Friendship begins with a smile.” We will talk about friendship, mutual assistance, and how to get to know each other better. I want to offer you different life situations. Our program also includes songs about friendship and quizzes.
    Let's start our game by singing a song about friendship "True Friend"

    When no one knew a word yet,
    Neither “hello”, nor “sun”, nor “cow”,
    The ancient man got used to his neighbors
    Show fist or tongue
    And make faces (which is the same thing).
    But the word became a guttural sharp sound,
    More meaningful face, skill of hand,
    And the man came up with the word "friend"
    He began to wait for his friend and grieve in separation.
    Thanks to him for my friends.
    How would I live, what would I do without them?
    Friends - people I love
    I will never do anything to offend you.
    Don't stand aside indifferently
    When someone is in trouble.
    You can rush to the rescue
    Any minute always.
    And if it helps anyone
    Your kindness and your friendship,
    You are happy that the day was not lived in vain!
    You don't live in vain!
    Be cheerful so that you become happier
    To the one with whom you become friends,
    So that everyone has enough in life
    Wonderful human kindness.
    You will hear someone's song,
    And it will become brighter all around:
    The most magical miracle
    It’s not for nothing that we call it friendship.

    WARM-UP "Bananamanama"

    Game with the audience: Competition of proverbs about friendship.

    The presenter starts, the audience ends.

    If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but... (and if you find him, take care of him).
    Don’t have a hundred rubles, but... (but have a hundred friends).
    One for all and… …(and all for one).
    A man without friends is like… …(like a tree without roots).
    Friendship is like glass: … …. (if you break it, you won’t put it back together).

    Song "We are little children"

    Competition "Find Yourself a Pair"

    Participants in the game are given 8 tokens - flowers, on the back of which are written the names of characters from different works.

    For boys: Santa Claus, Prince, Pinocchio, Carlson.

    For girls: The Snow Queen, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Cinderella.

    All the names of fairy-tale heroes are reported to the audience and it is found out which pairs of heroes “live” in the same fairy tale (Prince and Cinderella). Then, to the music, the players approach each other and become pairs. If the required heroes match, then this pair of children advances to the finals. If the heroes do not match, the game continues.

    To the music "School Waltz"

    MINI THEATER(characters are selected who perform actions during voice acting)

    One day two goats had a fight on the lawn,
    They fought for fun, not out of spite.
    One of them quietly kicked his friend,
    Another of them quietly butted a friend,
    One kicked his friend a little harder,
    Another butted a friend a little more painfully,
    One got excited, kicked as hard as he could,
    Another one caught him under the belly with his horns.
    Who is right and who is wrong is a confusing question,
    But the goats fight not as a joke, but seriously.
    I remembered this fight when in front of me,
    During a school break, a similar battle broke out.

    Poem "About Camp"

    Game with the audience

    Game with the audience
    Friends! I'll ask you a question
    And think about it,
    Think one of two things -
    Yes or no - answer out loud.
    If you are fully resourceful,
    Rhyme will help, but it-
    We are so cunning
    Which can be confusing at times.

    A GAME

    Tell me, when greeting the dawn, does the mustachioed catfish sing? (No).
    And when cutting through the surface of a pond, can geese swim? (Yes).
    And if the sun warms the snow, will it become cold ice? (No).
    Answer, can mignonette bloom in the garden in winter? (No).
    Can a crocodile collect a bouquet of white lilies? (No).
    Can a camel, give me the answer, go three days without food? (Yes).
    Are people respecting those who always work? (Yes).
    In the end, it was time to ask - did you like the game?


    Who fervently believes in friendship,
    Who feels the shoulder nearby,
    He will never fall
    He won’t get lost in any trouble,
    And if he suddenly stumbles,
    Then a friend will help him get up!
    Always a reliable friend in trouble
    He will extend his hand.

    If there are friends in the world -
    Everything is beautiful, everything is blooming.
    Even the strongest wind
    Even a storm won't bend you.
    We are in the rain, and in the snow, and in the cold
    Let's walk happily.
    We are friends in any weather -
    Our friendship cannot be broken.
    And any of us will answer,
    Everyone who is young and brave will say:
    You and I live in the world
    For good, glorious deeds.

    Competition "Dance"
    The whole hall is playing. While the melody is playing, they dance, and when the melody changes, the movements change. The task is to identify the best dancer (if there are difficulties in determining the best, then with the help of applause for the proposed candidates)

    Game with the hall “Keep our heads together”
    Children stand in pairs and, while dancing, must hold an apple or inflated balloons with their foreheads. The couple that holds the apple or ball the longest and dances the best wins a prize.

    Song “You, yes I, yes you and I”


    Sometimes voices are heard
    That there are no miracles,
    There are miracles on our Earth,
    But they must be found, of course.
    Friendship is always the main miracle,
    One hundred discoveries - the present for everyone
    And any trouble is not a problem,
    If you have real friends nearby.
    A friend won't look down on you
    He will learn your character by heart.
    You have to believe that a friend's hand
    It will definitely help you out in difficult times.
    So let's, let's be friends
    Let us remember the poems more than once.
    If you always value friendship,
    Then any wish will come true.

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