• Scenario for ransoming a husband for a wooden wedding (5 years). Wooden wedding - the first anniversary of family life Script of congratulations on the wedding anniversary 5 years


    The fifth anniversary of family life is the first significant anniversary for a young couple. People rightly call 5 years of marriage a wooden anniversary, because during this period the family union has become strong, like a mighty tree, and the relationship has been polished to a shine. This is a serious date that requires a celebration thought out to the smallest detail. And so that this day leaves good and cheerful memories in your memory, you can create a cool scenario for a wooden wedding.

    Preparing for the celebration

    It would not be a bad idea to send invitation cards to your loved ones, designed in the general style of the holiday, for example, with elements of green and brown colors. In your invitations, you can ask guests to complement their outfit with details in these colors.
    You need to prepare a wedding tree on which wishes will be hung. You can buy it in a store, make it yourself, or use a live home flower. This bright custom will allow you to preserve memories of this day when the celebration is over.

    Where to mark?

    The choice of location for the holiday depends on the time of year and personal preferences of the celebrants. A dacha, a house in the village (your own or rented for the evening), a cafe outside the city - will ideally suit the theme of the celebration. And if the weather does not allow an outdoor picnic, then you can celebrate the anniversary at home.

    Room decoration

    Country cafes and restaurants are often already decorated in a rustic style, so no additional decor is required. And at the dacha or in a country house, the beauty of nature can be emphasized with wildflowers, burlap elements and wooden utensils.
    If the anniversary celebration is planned in a city apartment, then wooden or wicker furniture, wood panels and decorations made from natural materials, twigs, and pine cones are perfect. Green or brown balloons and wooden interior details, such as photo frames or beautiful wicker vases, will create forest coziness.

    Musical accompaniment

    The ideal music for a wooden anniversary would be songs performed on wooden instruments. You can download them on the Internet or invite musicians who play the violin, balalaika or guitar. The theme will be complemented by songs about trees: “There was a birch tree in the field...”, “Red Viburnum” and others.
    At the beginning of the evening, all guests are given wooden spoons with which they play the wedding march. To this accompaniment, the “young people” come out to the guests and the celebration begins.

    Wooden wedding scenario

    In order for the celebration to go perfectly, it would not be amiss to invite a toastmaster. His role can also be played by one of the friends of the heroes of the day, dressing up as Pinocchio, Leshy or the Forest Fairy.

    After the heroes of the occasion appear, everyone is invited to the festive table. According to a long-standing tradition, a wooden jug of wine is passed around in a circle, from which each person present takes one sip. The one on whom the contents of the vessel ends makes the first toast. Congratulations are heard and gifts corresponding to the general theme are presented. These can be wooden boxes, figurines, paintings, flowers in pots, watches and pieces of furniture - anything that corresponds to wooden symbolism.
    After the first feast, guests are invited to the dance floor, and after the second, you can offer several fun competitions and rides on wooden sleighs or carts.

    At the end of the evening, guests are offered tea with a birthday cake and given small wooden keepsakes - magnets, pendants, bracelets. Then, to the sound of wooden spoons, the “young” leave the holiday, followed by the invitees.


    1. Competition for newlyweds. Each spouse must use burnt matches to write the word “love” on a wooden plank. The winner is named by the guests.
    2. Musical competition. Those present are divided into two teams (bride and groom) and guess the song about trees based on the initial chords. Whose team says the name of the song first gets a bonus point. Up to five songs guessed by one team are played.
    3. Lumberjack If the celebration takes place outside the city, you can organize comic lumberjack competitions. Men who wish are given an ax and several logs. You need to cut the largest amount in a certain time.
    4. Matryoshka. Parts of nesting dolls of different sizes are placed in a large container. The one who collects the most dolls will become the winner and the future parent of the same number of children.
    5. Compliment. Guests are divided into several teams. Each group is given a couple of seconds to come up with a compliment that characterizes one of the spouses. The team that misses its time is eliminated.
    6. Plant a tree. Two groups of five people are given a flower pot, an artificial plant, sawdust and a watering can with water. You need to plant five trees as quickly as possible while blindfolded.
    7. Wooden house. In 5 minutes you need to build a house, mansion or castle from plasticine and matches.
      A wooden wedding is the first round date in the life of the spouses before a long series of subsequent anniversaries. Therefore, it needs to be celebrated cheerfully and brightly in order to leave an unforgettable impression on everyone for many years to come.

    Video on the topic of the article.

    Description: holiday scenario - the anniversary of 5 years of married life for a couple is conducted by one male host! The script includes songs, competitions, congratulations, a skit. The presenter must be able to sing.

    Leading: Hello, dear guests. We are opening our holiday. This song is as famous as the essence of the holiday. A tree gives life to our planet... It is no secret that without trees there would be nothing to breathe. And without air nothing can live, not even water.

    Scene: “Tree of Love”

    There should be free space in the middle of the stage. In the middle of the stage is a mound of earth. There are two rings attached to the curtain - a symbol of marriage and love. A husband and wife enter the room.
    The guests applaud. They go up on stage.

    Wife: Look like it's the first time. Everyone is looking at us. There are two rings.
    Husband: Where is the symbol that we have been together for 5 years?
    Wife: A tree, perhaps? So he needs to be imprisoned.
    Husband: Oh, what kind of hill is this?
    Wife: What a hill, what a hill. There's a watering can, there's water. Forward.

    Music from the animated series "Aladdin" is playing. Lyrics:

    10 years are behind us.
    What else can I say?
    It's time to celebrate the anniversary.
    Those who have realized their dream can move on.
    So our family grew up in the middle of the courtyard.

    And the tree grows
    The family lives
    Years pass
    Together forever
    Love will save us.
    Both night and day -
    It's always the two of us.
    We will raise our own family.
    And further, forward.
    And we'll sing a song.
    And in the rain and in the snowstorm
    Believe in personal happiness,
    Don't ever forget about him.
    The wind lives in the leaves
    And in the spring everything blooms.
    And the bad trouble will pass.

    During the song, the husband and wife water the mound. A tree begins to grow from it. The tree grows to the ceiling. This is a good dummy; you just pull it out from below or pull it up so that the workpiece “grows”.

    Wife: That's how great we are.
    Husband: Yeah. The leaves are rustling. Birds are singing.

    The sounds of the forest are played behind the stage.

    They look around. Then a shoe falls from above.

    Wife: A! There is a third person in our tree.

    A man is climbing down the trunk of a tree./tree - maybe a chair or a stepladder/

    Husband: So. What is it?

    Human: I am the leader. You hit me with a tree.
    Husband: A! Well then, lead the way.

    The husband and wife leave the stage for the table.
    The tree on the stage is temporarily covered with a curtain/screen or behind a curtain/

    Leading: I propose to congratulate our young people. Who wants to speak first?

    Everyone starts raising their hands.

    Leading: I'll start.

    Congratulations from the presenter:

    5 years - family name day.
    What can you accomplish in this time frame?
    Your marriage is beautiful – like a picture.
    I wish you continued happiness.


    End of introductory fragment. To purchase the full version of the script, go to cart. After payment, the material will become available for download on the page with the material, and via a link that will be sent to you by e-mail.

    Price: 199 R ub.

    Anna Lyubimova

    The five-year anniversary of marriage is one of the important stages of married life, which is called the Wooden Wedding. Wood is a durable material, unlike paper and fabric, which are symbols of previous anniversaries. This solid natural material has been valued at all times; it provided shelter, warmth, and comfort; household utensils and interior items were made from it.

    Spouses who have reached their first anniversary have already settled into everyday life, acquired their own home and household, and in most cases, offspring

    How to celebrate 5 years of marriage after marriage

    How to celebrate a wooden wedding anniversary so that the celebration leaves the most pleasant memories and a charge of energy for a future cloudless family life?

    Following folk wisdom, a man should plant a tree, build a house and raise a son. And if all this is still ahead, at least the first point can be accomplished at a wooden wedding. On this day, spouses must plant a tree. This can be either one common or planted by husband and wife in accordance with the Druid horoscope. Another folk ritual is going out into the forest together and tying five red ribbons on the trees you like.

    The celebration can be celebrated noisily and cheerfully with many invited relatives, friends and everyone who was present at the first official wedding ceremony. And lovers of tender romance and warm home comfort can spend a wooden wedding anniversary in the family circle, gathered by the fireplace, with regularly crackling firewood, or setting a large wooden table in the garden, if you are lucky enough to celebrate a wooden wedding anniversary in the summer.

    14 Sep 2018 at 2:41 PDT

    Outdoors or at home

    If the spouses decide to celebrate their 5th anniversary in a magnificent and solemn manner, it is necessary to think through a number of aspects.

    First of all, venue of the holiday. It is very symbolic and natural if you manage to celebrate your fifth wedding anniversary outdoors: in the forest on a picnic, or in a simple country wooden house or cottage. But if home conditions allow, then an ordinary city apartment will do. Wherever the celebration takes place, the interior should be decorated in accordance with the wooden theme. These can be fir branches and cones, wooden dishes, and various wooden decorative items. Things that bring happiness, mutual understanding and increased prosperity to the house are spoons, boxes, beads, and wooden figurines. An invariable attribute that protects the house from evil and trouble is a horseshoe over the entrance doors, which must also be carved from wood.

    Celebrating a wooden wedding anniversary - wooden horseshoe

    The interior design can be supplemented with green and brown balloon compositions, wall panels, wedding statuses, collages of photos of spouses in wooden frames, and be sure to prepare themed accessories for use in a family photo shoot. Will complement the decor beautifully delicate bouquets of wild flowers, placed on tables.

    Celebrating a wooden wedding anniversary - a bouquet of flowers

    Ideas for a scenario for celebrating a wooden wedding with competitions

    You also need to pay attention to the menu, especially the anniversary cake. It is customary to serve simple folk cuisine, red wines, cognac in barrels, and barbecue is welcomed. A the cake must be original and is crafted to match a tree theme - such as a large tree stump or log cabin.

    Celebrating a wooden wedding anniversary - photo of a cake in the shape of a tree

    At this holiday it is customary to have fun, come up with different fun, dance, in a word, to fully enjoy the joys of life. If there are going to be a lot of guests, it would be a good idea to invite a host or choose someone you know who has the talents of a mass entertainer. To make the holiday multifaceted and not boring, you should think through and discuss in advance ideas for a scenario for celebrating a wooden wedding with competitions, dance breaks and various entertainment for adults and children between the stages of the feast.

    The appearance of the spouses can be accompanied by a Mendelssohn march, and it will be impressive if the guests beat the march to the beat with wooden spoons. The spouses exchange wooden rings, after which comes the moment of congratulations and presentation of gifts. Traditionally, the husband should be the first to give a gift to his wife. This can be any practical utensils carved from wood. The wife covers it with varnish, which symbolizes harmony and peace in the family.

    Also, at the time of presentation, the spouse can place a wreath woven from oak branches on her husband’s head, as recognition of the strong support and reliability of the head of the family.

    Wedding anniversary competitions

    Competitions for celebrating the 5th wooden wedding anniversary should be selected taking into account the different age categories of those present. Dynamic games such as leapfrog or dance competitions in the rock and roll style are suitable for young people. For older people, for example, the “Guess the Song” competition is suitable. To do this, a musical soundtrack is turned on from a selection, for example, songs where trees are mentioned, and the participants must guess the composition.

    Here's a fun competition in which two teams of five men of any age can participate. They are given skirts and scarves, after which “There was a birch tree in the field” is played. The team that showed the most wins originality in dance movements. Another competition is “build a house in 1 minute.” Two teams of five receive boxes of matches and play dough. The task is to distribute among the participants the creation of parts of the house, which are then assembled into one whole. The team with the most acceptable option wins.

    Holiday for two

    Undoubtedly, celebrating a holiday in a noisy company is fun, but if it is not possible to organize such a celebration, the spouses should consider an unforgettable option for how to celebrate together after the wedding. This could be a wonderful romantic dinner in a restaurant or a trip to the country for a picnic.

    You can book an adventure for two, for example, horse riding together, go on a romantic trip on a ship, or organize a joint trip to the sauna with a massage. Or just spend the evening at home by candlelight, enjoying each other’s company and organizing a cool photo shoot.

    January 30, 2018, 11:20 pm

    After five years of marriage, the first serious anniversary comes to the house of the young spouses -. The symbol of the holiday is much stronger than those that marked previous anniversaries - chintz, paper, linen, wax. An original wooden wedding scenario with fun competitions, interesting games, tasks, and beautiful congratulations will help you celebrate your anniversary.

    Preparing for the celebration

    Organizing a wooden wedding anniversary is a responsible task that should be entrusted to the closest people or real professionals in their field. In order for the wooden celebration to go perfectly and be remembered for a long time by the guests present, it is necessary to take into account all the little things and show attention to detail. Invitation cards sent to relatives, friends, the color of the tablecloth at a banquet - everything should correspond to a single concept.

    To make the wooden holiday beautiful, all guests should follow the dress code, for example, dress up in a suit or dress in brown shades, have something wooden with them - rosary beads, beads, cufflinks, and other accessories. Let the event participants be met by a druid, a forest fairy, or another character associated with life in the forest - this will help the organizers create a real fairy tale at a wooden wedding.

    Decorations for the venue

    The event can be organized in a warm home environment or out into the countryside, weather permitting. The decoration of the place depends on where the wooden wedding will be held:

    • Outdoors. For an away anniversary, a wooden dacha, an estate owned by the celebrants or rented is perfect. In this case, the main decoration will be nature, which perfectly matches the concept of a wooden wedding. All kinds of rustic decorative elements - rustic things - are suitable. These are coarse burlap fabric, wood, tin dishes, wild flowers, old grandmother's things. Such a celebration will be cozy and will delight everyone with its unique warm atmosphere.

    See what an ideal rustic design looks like using a wedding celebration as an example:

    • At home or in a restaurant. Especially in winter, when the temperature reaches its lowest levels, it is important to organize a warm wooden celebration that will symbolize the love of the spouses, the warmth of their family hearth. Decor elements that are ideal for a wooden wedding: tables, wooden chairs, wooden walls, warm beige, cream, brown colors present in all accessories. Natural decorations are also suitable - beautiful fir cones, twigs, dried flowers.

    Musical accompaniment for the anniversary

    Music for a wooden wedding includes songs with folk and other wooden instruments (balalaika, guitar, violin, flute, cymbals). You can download similar compositions from websites or call a musical team that will give the holiday a fresh sound. Guests will be able to dance properly to the cheerful, fast folk rhythms. Musicians can also perform calmer tunes that will accompany cozy conversations at the table.

    Scenario for a wooden wedding

    Below is a wedding anniversary scenario. The bride's friends, her mother, other relatives or a professional toastmaster can play the role of host.

    The guests gather and take their places. Participants in the process of celebrating a five-year wedding anniversary hand out wooden spoons to guests; the husband and wife are not yet at the celebration. The presenter begins to speak:

    – Hello, dear friends, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandparents! A wonderful day has come - the fifth year since the marriage of the beautiful (Name of the bride) and (Name of the groom). We all sincerely love this couple, so let's all call them together, knock the spoons!

    The host’s assistant plays a cheerful folk song, the guests knock dishes, the newlyweds come out, the host continues:

    – Hello, our beloved heroes of the day! For five whole years now, you have been a wonderful example of pure, beautiful love for us. We sincerely wish for a union as strong as a tree, so that your souls are intertwined with roots, and your age is as long as that of forest oaks. And now, dear heroes of the day, it’s time for you to congratulate each other on the significant date of your fifth anniversary!

    – Beloved (Name of the bride), for so many years now I can’t think about anyone but you. Days, months, years pass, and my love only grows and strengthens. You are the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me in my life.

    – Dear (Name of the groom), I see that every day we are becoming better, and our marriage is stronger. Even if there are minor quarrels and troubles, all this does not matter when I am with you. I love you!

    The host calls for applause, the guests shout Gorko!, the spouses kiss. Then the presenter continues:

    – Well, it was not for nothing that the tree became a symbol of the fifth year of the couple’s life. This is the first durable material in the symbolism of wedding anniversaries, which means your family has become truly strong. Wooden objects create coziness, and you can’t find a modern home without wooden furniture: we throw firewood in the fireplace to keep it warm during the cold winter, and food tastes better in wooden bowls than in glass ones. Our guests have prepared gifts for you that contain this unique material - wood.

    There is a ceremonial presentation of gifts for the wooden wedding from the guests. After this there is a cool competition that will entertain those present:

    – Dear guests, we see before us a wonderful couple who are only at the beginning of their long journey, despite the fact that they have already spent so much time together. Let's hold an interesting competition between you that will express your attitude towards the couple! Divide into several teams, and then say epithets that suit our wonderful spouses.

    Guests are divided into two to four teams, depending on the number, and call out the words in turn. The condition of the competition is to come up with a compliment-epithet in two seconds. A team that misses its time is eliminated. The last team left wins. The host gives small prizes to the winning guests: natural soaps, wooden figurines or candies.

    – Congratulations to the winning team!

    The presenter applauds and makes a toast:

    – Now let’s raise a glass to the wooden celebrants, because everything the guests said about them is true!

    The guests drink, say congratulations, and communicate with the heroes of the day. After a long pause, the presenter says:

    -Dear birthday people! Yes, yes, birthday people, because we are celebrating nothing more than your family’s birthday, already the fifth in a row. We see how much you love each other, how you support each other from the very day of your wedding. Show us this again, because it’s not a sin to learn this again! (Bride's name), here's a paper napkin. You need to tear it without using your hands.

    The wife tears the napkin.

    -And now you, dear husband, need to find a way to glue it together.

    The husband puts the napkin together, gluing the parts together with improvised means. Even a small amount of salad dressing is suitable as glue for such a light material. The presenter says:

    – I see that you are truly an amazingly understanding couple who will always come to each other’s aid. We wish you, our dear heroes of the day, a wooden wedding, never tear anything, so that you don’t have to glue it together! Bitterly!

    The spouses kiss, and the presenter's assistants bring balloons equal to the number of guests into the hall.

    –The official part of the wooden wedding event is coming to an end. Here is the last gift for you, the fortune teller balls. You need to pop the balloon and read the contents of the note that will determine your future! Dear heroes of the day, be happy. Honorable guests, continue to delight the birthday people with toasts and congratulations!

    The host returns to the guests, cheerful music sounds, the guests burst the balloons, and the celebration continues.

    Competitions for 5 years of married life

    Play several original competitions during your wooden wedding celebration:

    • Lumberjack This competition is held outdoors. Participants need to cut the maximum number of logs for a while. The one who manages to chop the most in 5 minutes wins.

    • Wooden songs. The organizers need to find backing tracks of songs that mention trees, and then play 4-8 songs for each team. Those who recognize the melody faster, starting to sing along, win.
    • Collect a matryoshka doll. A competition for a temporary wooden wedding is held for bachelors or currently childless men. In the basket, the presenter mixes three or four sets of wooden nesting dolls, the participants stand around the basket, and the start is announced: in a minute, the men must try to assemble the entire nesting doll. The winner is the one who assembled the toy first, or who correctly folded the most nesting dolls.
    • Men's dance competition. The presenter gives the male participants long skirts, scarves on their heads and in their hands. In five minutes, they need to split into two teams, change clothes, and discuss what the dance moves will be. In this dance battle, the team that manages to make the guests laugh or surprise the most wins.

    We should also touch upon the topic of prizes at a wooden wedding. These are small souvenirs that the presenters will give out to guests after winning competitions. Prizes can be symbolic, for example, candy, or more expensive souvenirs - wooden figurines, medals, bottles of delicious wine.

    Advantages of celebrating a wooden wedding at home and outdoors

    For those who have not decided where to hold a wooden wedding, a short list of advantages has been compiled during a celebration outdoors and at home.

    The husband must wear a formal suit, which should be decorated with a flower. The wife can dress up in a white dress. You can put a symbolic veil on your head.

    guests) :
    Hello, dear guests! Good afternoon, heroes of the occasion! (Addresses the anniversaries.) Today is your holiday - the five-year anniversary of your life together. On behalf of everyone present here, I congratulate you on your triumph. May love and joy never leave you, may happiness, kindness, prosperity, fidelity and respect accompany you! Let your family union be friendly and strong!

    Husband: For five years now I haven’t been able to look at anyone, I just admire my star (points to my wife sitting next to me) and I still can’t stop looking at it. Thank you for your faithful love, for your affection, for your attentiveness and patience! I want to thank you for everything on this special day!

    Wife: In response, I also wish to utter words of praise and address them to my beloved husband. Thank you for being with me! Thank you for the past five years of married life, which, thanks to you, did not bring us grief and troubles. Let our family path remain bright! (Addresses the guests.) So let's raise our glasses to our family happiness!

    The first toasts and congratulations sound.

    Leading: As you know, today we are celebrating the five-year anniversary of the couple’s married life (names the names of the heroes of the day, husband and wife), or a wooden wedding. Wood is one of the most durable materials. In addition, various things that are so necessary in household use are made from wood, houses are built and furniture is made. Thus, the tree can be considered a true symbol of the hearth. In addition, wood is a fuel material that brings comfort and warmth to the house.

    Products made from wood have long been used to decorate homes. These are the pieces of furniture I have already mentioned, and kitchen utensils (for example, cutting boards, containers for storing cereals, etc.), and decorations, and souvenirs that give the interior of the house uniqueness and originality. These are the gifts we have prepared for our dear anniversaries.

    Guests present gifts to the spouses.

    Leading: The first five years of your married life have passed! You probably didn’t even have time to blink an eye. There was everything during this time: quarrels, resentments, troubles and difficulties. However, together you were able to overcome them, right? Otherwise, we would not have gathered here today, at this festive table. I would like this evening to be repeated in another fifty years and all of us present at the celebration would see you again sitting hand in hand.

    In order for the guests to like our holiday and want to come to you for another anniversary, say a golden wedding, you need to cheer them up. Fun games and comic tasks will help our guests not to get bored. Here's one of them. A competition for the best epithets is announced. These may not only be definitions relating to husband and wife. All adjectives that have a positive meaning are accepted. Guests complete the task, taking turns naming epithets. The winner is the one who names the most words.

    Leading: While you were naming epithets, I remembered the story of the birth of this (points to the celebrants) family. However, I forgot all the adjectives. Now the words you mentioned will come in handy.

    The presenter reads “The History of the Birth of the Family (names the celebrants of the day)”, prepared in advance and written on a piece of paper. He replaces the missing words with epithets named during the previous competition.

    “The history of the birth of a family” could be like this: “For a long time, no (—) events took place in (—) city N. However, the (—) day has come (names the date of the wedding of the heroes of the day). At first glance it was an unremarkable day. In a word, day like day (—) the event occurred at (names the hour of the wedding ceremony of the heroes of the day). It was then that the heroes of the (—) celebration met in the hall of the (—) registry office to unite their destinies forever.

    But this (—) event was preceded by something else. One day (—) in the spring (—), our (—) acquaintance (says the name of his husband) was walking through the (—) park. Suddenly he saw a (—) beautiful girl (—) walking towards him. It was (says his wife’s name). Perhaps they would have passed by each other, but (—) Cupid did not sleep. He shot his arrows at the (—) young man and (—) girl. At that same (—) second, their hearts, pierced by Cupid’s arrows, reached out to each other, which was the cause of the event that soon exploded (—) the silence of our (—) city.

    The wedding feast was (—) and noisy. How many (—) words were said to the newlyweds on this day! All the wishes of the (—) guests came true.”

    Leading: This is the story of creating a family, the fifth birthday that we are celebrating here today. I join the congratulations that sounded to you several years ago, at your first wedding. Now I want to add a few more to them. I wish you to preserve and carry through life that feeling that served as the reason for uniting your destinies. (Addresses the guests.) Let's raise our glasses to the love of husband and wife!

    Guests raise their glasses, congratulations and festive toasts are made.

    Leading: At our evening, the words “mutual understanding”, “support”, “friendship”, “mutual assistance” were heard more than once. Now the time has come to find out whether our heroes of the day are as capable of helping each other as was said in the congratulations. (Addresses his wife). You need to take a paper napkin and quickly tear it into several pieces without using your hands.

    The wife is completing the task.

    Host: And now the husband must collect all the pieces of the napkin and quickly glue (sew) them together.

    The husband is doing the task.

    Leading: Indeed, this (points to the celebrants) is a friendly family, in which the husband always comes to the rescue of his wife, and she, in turn, helps her husband. Another competition is for guests. Everyone needs to take a napkin, arm themselves with scissors and, within a certain time, cut out a flower with a stem and leaf from the napkin.

    Guests honor the winner of the competition, raise their glasses, congratulate the winner and the heroes of the day.


    Picks up balloons according to the number of guests.

    Look what beautiful balls I have in my hands. But these are not ordinary balls. They are magical. These are fortune teller balls. If they burst, then inside you can find a note that tells about the future of the one who chose this or that ball.

    Guests choose balloons, pop them and read the notes.

    Guests are divided into two teams and then line up in two columns. At some distance from them you need to place chairs, and on them - bottles of wine or vodka, glasses or shot glasses, a bowl of salad. The first participant should run up to the chair, pour vodka into a glass or wine into a glass, return to the starting position, the second participant should also run to the chair and drink vodka or wine, the third should eat a spoonful of salad, the fourth should again pour wine into the glass or vodka into a glass, the fifth should drink what was poured, the sixth should have a snack, etc.

    Leading: At the end of the relay, the first (second) team became the winner. Congratulations to the winners! (Applause sounds.) With this, I consider the official part of the holiday completed. However, we should not forget to honor our heroes of the day! Congratulations to them on their occasion!

    Congratulations and toasts are heard, guests raise glasses to the health and happiness of the heroes of the occasion.

    The holiday continues.

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