• PAW Patrol read stories online. Children's book: PAW Patrol. My favorite fairy tales. PAW Patrol: read about the new adventures of the brave team



    The adventures of little Ryder and 8 cheerful dogs, who are ready to help those in need at any moment, are known to every child thanks to the popular cartoon. But reading about PAW Patrol is no less interesting than watching funny stories on the screen. See for yourself.

    PAW Patrol: read about the new adventures of the brave team

    When the alarm sounded, Ryder sat in the headquarters as usual and considered options for improving coordination between the patrol members. The boy wanted the puppies’ reaction in case of disaster to be instantaneous, because he saw the purpose of his life as saving others. He was so good-natured that he even helped the hooligan kittens from the “Catostropha” team, who all their lives did nothing but come up with dirty tricks for the puppy patrol.

    As soon as he heard the signal asking for help, the boy immediately announced the alarm over the phone and called on the rescuers to immediately arrive at the headquarters. This time, their help was needed by a small kitten, who climbed up a tree and could not get down to the ground. In a matter of minutes, all the puppies except Marshall appeared at the headquarters.

    “It’s very surprising that our companion is late,” Ryder was upset.

    “Maybe something happened to him, because it’s so unlike Marshal,” Gonchik hastened to stand up for his best friend.

    “We’ll figure it out later, now we have an obligation to save the unfortunate kitten,” Ryder commanded. – The pup squad is ready for action!

    The PAW Patrol rushed to the rescue. Within just a few minutes, the frightened kitten hugged its mother and promised not to climb trees anymore.

    - Brave puppies can handle anything! – Ryder repeated the team’s main motto. He was very pleased with how the patrol worked, but at the same time he was worried about where the Marshall might have gone. So the kid decided to find out everything. But he did not have time to go to the Dalmatian’s house, since Gonchik and Robo-Dog were ahead of him. The puppies had already visited Marshall, who was their best friend, and were in a hurry with bad news: the Dalmatian had caught a cold and was seriously ill.

    Fairy tale PAW Patrol: read about the importance of mutual aid

    The news that the brave rescuer and PAW Patrol member himself needed help spread instantly. While the dogs were deciding how to help their friend, a line formed at Marshal’s house: all the animals that the Dalmatian and his team had once helped were in a hurry to visit the sick man. The bunnies carried carrots, because vitamins are very useful for colds, the little bear came with a small barrel of honey, and farmer Al and farmer Yumi came with delicious raspberry jam.

    Ryder and the puppies did not expect such attention and were very grateful to everyone who decided to help their friend. But the Marshal himself was most surprised. He was very pleased, because even Mayor Goodway himself came to visit him, which, undoubtedly, was very honorable. Having learned about the brave Dalmatian’s illness, he first of all called Katie’s veterinarian to him, and then decided to find out about the puppy’s well-being on his own.

    Katie examined Marshall and prescribed him treatment. The puppy recovered very quickly, because his main medicine was the help and support of his friends.

    Little Ryder was very happy when Marshall finally recovered and came to the headquarters, ready to help others. The situation with a friend’s illness once again confirmed the importance of mutual assistance and the work they are doing.

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    Audio format

    PAW Patrol listen

    Listen to PAW Patrol Audio tales about a brave rescue team consisting of puppies can be found on our website. Audio tales based on the popular cartoon among children tell funny and instructive stories of adventures taking place in the Bay.

    A brave team of six puppies called PAW Patrol, led by a boy named Ryder, takes on everything, even very difficult tasks, without hesitation. While listening to tales about the Adventure Bay rescue team, the child will experience all the amazing stories along with the puppies.

    It’s very easy to listen to an audio story about puppies on our website. You need to select the PAW Patrol menu section and select the one you like from the list of audio tales that appears. The last thing left to do is launch the player and start listening.

    We have no doubt that listen to an audio story about PAW Patrol The child will really like it and he will return to the site again and again to listen to the next funny stories about the team of puppies.

    Since the boy and the puppies only had sports activities planned for that day, no one was in a hurry to get out of bed. However, the mayor's voice was concerned:

    - Ryder! Animals are coming to our city today!
    The boy, awake, didn’t even understand what he was talking about:
    - What animals, mer? Are we going to have a zoo again?
    - No!– Mer Goodway shouted so loudly that Ryder even had to sit up in his bed. - We will not have a zoo, but an Elephant Academy!

    - What other Academy?– Ryder was surprised.
    - Exactly! Imagine what it was like for me to hear this news, - exclaimed the mayor. “I just got a call from the city of Misty Lowlands and said that at a general meeting of mayors, to which Cipoletta and I were not invited for some reason, it was decided that an Elephant Academy would be opened in Adventure Bay. Ryder, the elephants will arrive in the city in a few hours, and I can’t even imagine where to start preparing for such an important event! - Don't worry, Mer Goodway. The puppies and I are always ready to come to your aid. Leave this matter to us.

    After a conversation with the mayor, Ryder recruited puppies using the puppy phone and announced a general gathering at the Base in fifteen minutes.

    PAW Patrol is waiting for command

    When the puppies arrived, yawning and some ( such as) also with his eyes closed, Ryder attracted their attention with the loud sound of a gong coming from the equipment speakers.
    - What is this?– asked in fear
    -This is what elephants usually trumpet when they are unhappy., said Ryder. - Soon there will be several dozen of the smartest elephants in the world who will come from all over the world to undergo training at our Academy. We only have a few hours to organize everything,” Ryder explained.
    - The PAW Patrol is waiting for your command!- the puppies barked in unison, and

    Ryder began to distribute responsibilities. The strong man had to set up a huge tent for the elephants. Mer Goodway allocated several hundred meters of canvas material, which was so well suited for a waterproof elephant tent.

    And they had to organize a training base on the field, along with obstacles and circus tracks. We were entrusted with a very responsible task - to develop the main program of the Academy and submit everything to the approval of Mayor Goodway.

    Get to work!

    The strong man dug a deep pit where the elephant’s tent was supposed to fit. This was the easiest way to secure it from bad weather and strong winds. Together with the Racer, they covered the bottom of the pit with dry leaves and hay so that it would be soft for the elephants, and only then they put in a canvas folded several times. The walls of the tent were supported by strong narrow supports that were left in Adventure Bay after the arrival of the traveling circus last year.

    The enterprising puppies decorated the pointed top of the tent with a figurine of a small golden elephant, which a boy named Alex kindly brought as a gift to the Academy. He also really wanted to be useful to the common cause.

    At the same time, Rocky, Marshall and Zuma were organizing the training area of ​​the future Academy. Oh, and it was hard work - inventing such obstacles that clumsy giants could do. And given the weight of the elephants, it was necessary to strengthen the buildings so that each invented structure would not crumble under their weight.

    To begin with, the puppies turned for help to Krepysh, who, although he was terribly busy, could not refuse his friends. He quickly dug several shallow holes, over which the puppies passed thick metal ropes. The holes were not so deep that the elephants could hurt themselves if they fell, but they were excellent for training tightrope walking.

    The puppies collected the remains of the earth, which lay next to the holes and spoiled the whole view, into one large pile. It turned out to be a real mountain. From a huge round pipe, which was quickly sawed in two, the puppies easily made a slide. Almost the same as those on playgrounds. The elephants had to slide down a slide and perform special tricks.

    At this very time, Ryder rolled up to the work site in Mr. Potter's old van. The van had been sitting idle in his garden for a long time, so Mr. Potter did not mind at all donating it for the benefit of the newly opened Academy. The puppies instantly repainted the van in the elephants' favorite colors - yellow, green and blue. It turned out to be an excellent car for transporting animals and performing tricks while driving fast.
    Meanwhile, Skye had already finished her program and was now discussing it with Mayor Goodway.

    Suddenly, sitting on the spire of the city hall, she cackled loudly - “Kudddka! Cuddah-da! They’re going kuddah-da!”.

    We've arrived

    Everyone began to fuss terribly. Three large trucks full of elephants stopped in a field near the training ground. The elephants, and with them the little elephant calves, pompously came out of their pens and, scattering around, looked with interest at the opening picture.

    Mayor Humdinger was the last to get out of his car. He was grinning. After all, it could never have occurred to him that Adventure Bay would have time to organize everything for the Academy!!!

    - Good afternoon, dear elephants! Ryder began his solemn greeting.– We are very glad to see you all here! You are probably tired from the road? Let us take you to your holiday apartment.

    All the elephants, tired after a long journey, followed Ryder in single file to the tent.
    Leading the elephants away, Ryder gave a secret sign intended only for Skye. The terrier girl quietly whispered “The sky is calling you to fly!”, and quickly headed towards her helicopter. By the time the elephants had almost reached the tent, Skye was in the air right above them.

    Ryder deliberately slowed down when Skye fired a volley of confetti into the air. Thousands of silver and gold tiny elephants fell from the sky, covering the guests of the Academy like rain. The elephants were delighted. But Mayor Humdinger is not. He just gritted his teeth in displeasure and hoped that further in Adventure Bay everything would not go according to plan.
    While the elephants were resting, Mer Goodway and Mr. Potter carried treats around the tent for each of them - buckets of juicy peanuts and peanut butter in basins.

    Towards evening, when the elephants had rested, the first training stage began for them. After stretching their legs a little during a run organized by the Racer, the elephants headed towards the obstacle course. But

    Ryder did not allow them to attend classes. He spent an hour telling the elephants the rules of safe behavior on the playgrounds:

    they had to walk very carefully and only one at a time on the ropes, not push each other on a high slide, not trip up their comrades while they were performing acrobatic tricks, sliding down the pipe. But most importantly, the elephants had to use safety harnesses while standing on their heads in the back of Mr. Potter's car, because without harnesses they could be seriously injured in the event of an unexpected accident.

    Surprisingly, the elephants listened to Ryder very carefully. And some even managed to make notes with small pieces of stylus, grasping them with their proboscis.

    Having exercised to their heart's content, the elephants returned to their tent and immediately fell asleep. So soon the rhythmic snoring of several dozen hefty animals was heard around the training base.

    The next six days of the Academy flew by very quickly. The puppies worked tirelessly. Each of them tried to teach the elephants one of their tricks. And in between active classes, Skye taught the elephants the History of the Elephant State in Africa.

    Time to say good-bye

    The last day came when trucks arrived to pick up the elephants. Now they were ready for serious work, and each was looking forward to meeting their new owner.

    - Goodbye, elephants!- the puppies screamed. - See you again! Come again!
    - Definitely!- the elephants boomed in unison.
    When the trucks disappeared on the horizon, Mer Goodway, who was wiping away tears of joy with a handkerchief, along with Zipaletta on her shoulders, turned to Ryder:
    - I don’t even know how to thank you all. You once again saved my reputation and Adventure Bay.
    - No problem, - Ryder answered cheerfully. - If you are in trouble, just whistle!
    - Aw-aw!!!– the puppies supported him in unison.

    Children's book: PAW Patrol. My favorite fairy tales" (Puppies Save Turtles, The Biggest Baby, Puppies in the Pool)

    To open the book Online click (52 pages)

    Text only:

    Puppies save turtles
    Katie, Rocky and Zuma were relaxing on the beach. Katie built a sand castle and Rocky surfed... right on dry land! Because he didn't like getting his paws wet. Little Alex played with them. Suddenly he threw the ball to the other side of the road leading to the city. Baby
    ran across the road without looking around. But there are cars driving there! Luckily, Rocky caught up with him and stopped him.
    - Before crossing the road, look carefully both ways! - the puppy said to the boy.
    Rocky ran to look for the ball himself. And I found it - behind the sandbox, near the summer cafe. And suddenly the puppy saw that something was moving under the sand. A moment - and a small green head emerged from the ground.
    Who is this?
    - It's a turtle! - Katie explained. — She hatched from an egg that her mother laid on the beach a few months ago.
    The remaining eggs also hatched into turtles one after another. They headed straight to the sea in friendly ranks. But how to get across the road along which cars are rushing?
    - Let me move them! - Rocky volunteered.
    - It is forbidden! - Katie answered. - Don't touch the turtles!
    - I know who will help us! PAW Patrol! - Zuma exclaimed.
    Rocky and Zuma hurried towards Ryder. He immediately called the rest of the puppies. Soon everyone gathered at the base. Even Marshal came, although he had a little misfortune on the way - he accelerated too much and crashed into
    elevator wall. But I did!
    Ryder outlined his plan:
    The racer will direct the traffic to other routes, and the turtles will be able to cross the road safely.
    - Feel free to get down to business! - Gonchik barked.
    And Strong will dig a tunnel through which the lagging turtles will pass under the road.
    - Duty calls - Sturdy, forward! — the construction puppy responded cheerfully.
    It's time to get to work! Ryder and the pups got behind the wheel of their cars and hurried to the beach. They made it on time! The first turtles had already walked across the road, and seagulls began to gather above them, dreaming of a meal!
    - Get away, get away! - Katie and Alex drove away the harmful seagulls.
    - Poor things, they are scared! — Ryder felt sorry for the kids.
    The racer blocked the track with his car. Suddenly a boy appeared on the other side of the road. He rode quickly on his scooter. The racer grabbed traffic cones from the back and placed them in front of the scooter. The turtles crossed the road one after another. Another minute - and they will be at sea.
    But Alex saw that the turtles were stomping towards the water and got scared. What if they drown? They're so small! He collected the turtles and brought them back to the sandbox.
    - Don't pick them up! - Katie reminded. “And don’t be afraid, they won’t drown in the sea.” After all, there is their home!
    - Why did the turtles lay their eggs here?
    - Because this is their home. They laid eggs here even before the road was built.
    - If we dig a tunnel, turtles will be able to swim here every year! - Alex was happy.
    Meanwhile, Ryder discovered that there was already a tunnel under the road, but it was full of sand. We must free him! But it's not that simple. Because the entrance to the tunnel is too small, and Krepysh’s excavator will not fit there...
    - Strong guy, can you remove this sand? - asked Ryder.
    — My excavator won’t get through here! - Krepysh shook his head, and suddenly it dawned on him.
    - Invented! Where a large excavator cannot fit, a small one is needed!
    The tough guy took a portable excavator out of his backpack and started digging.
    But the troubles didn’t end there! Alex found Zuma's sailboard and decided to give it a try. But the wind tore the sail out of his hands. An instant - and a strong gust lifted the board into the air. Alex flew sailing high, high in the sky.
    - I'm flying! Help! - the boy screamed in fear. We need to bring Alex back to earth before he gets carried away too far!
    “Sky, this is the job for you,” Ryder said.
    - The sky is calling! - the flying dog yapped joyfully.
    Skye spread her wings, turned on the engine and in an instant caught up with Alex. She hooked the board on the rope and turned the sail towards the beach.
    - Don't be afraid! We will save you! Rider shouted to Alex.
    After this, the board began to slowly and smoothly descend onto the beach. Oh, Alex was scared!
    Meanwhile, Strongman finished his work! Now turtles can reach the sea through a tunnel!
    Hooray! Mission accomplished! Ryder thanked the puppies, and they all went to the beach together to relax and have fun playing.
    The biggest baby
    It was a beautiful sunny day in Adventure Bay and the puppies were playing in the park. To make playing more fun, the puppies turned an ordinary slide into a water slide!
    The marshal watered her with his fire hose, and Rocky spread out an orange rubber
    mat and made a super slippery “landing strip”.
    - Uh-uh! What a slide! — Skye admired, driving along the water path far, far away!
    But Gonchik had no time for self-indulgence. Ryder brushed his fur to make the puppy even more beautiful!
    - Thank you, Ryder. Keep it up! - said the happy puppy.
    The day was quiet and calm. But suddenly a call came to Ryder’s puppy phone. Captain Halibut needs help!
    - We have a misfortune! - said the captain, - the Baby Whale got lost and ran aground on the beach. Without water, his skin will quickly dry out. Poor thing!
    - Give me a helping hand, Ryder! asked the captain.
    A hand and a few more paws! — Ryder smiled in response.
    We must act quickly! Ryder sent a call to all the puppies playing on the playground and asked them to immediately gather at the base!
    In no time, the puppies were ready for action!
    - Feel free to get down to business! - Gonchik barked.
    - Thank you for coming! - Ryder thanked them
    and explained that the baby whale was in trouble. We must help him return to the sea as quickly as possible! Ryder immediately came up with a plan. He told the puppies what to do.
    The strong guy will dig a canal on the beach. When the tide rises, the water will reach the whale and it will be able to swim out to sea. Meanwhile, Marshall will hose down the baby whale to keep its skin moist.
    - The baby whale will be wet! - Marshall promised.
    Ryder, Marshall and Strong immediately ran to the beach to help the unfortunate whale. Meanwhile, Captain Halibut took a bucket and began to pour water on the whale. But this was not enough! The baby was hot.
    - I can’t pour water all over this “baby”! - Halibut complained.
    - If the whale cannot get into the water, we will deliver water to it! - said Ryder.
    - I'll do everything! — Marshall answered and turned on the fire hose of his fire truck. A powerful stream of water poured onto the baby whale. The baby immediately felt better! The water helped him cope with the heat.
    The strong guy got behind the wheel of an excavator and dug a channel around the whale to help him return to the sea. The tide has begun. The water rose and filled the mouth of the canal. A little more and the baby will be saved! But that's where it all ended. The water still did not reach the baby whale.
    “I’m afraid the water won’t rise here...” Krepysh said sadly. He did a great job, but it wasn't enough. We must find another way! A small push would be enough to move the baby whale closer to the sea.
    - Let's push him all together! - suggested Ryder.
    Friends leaned in with all their might...
    - One-two, they took it!
    Nothing works! The baby whale didn’t move even a centimeter! In addition, another one appeared on the horizon
    problem... The mother whale is swimming here! She is looking for her baby! If she gets too close to the shore, she will run aground too! We need to stop her!
    Captain Halibut has an idea! He knew that whales didn't like loud noises. So, you need to make some noise, and the whale will leave! Friends began to shout, clap, and stomp, but this was not enough. Halibut then asked Marshall to turn on his fire truck's siren.
    the siren blared. Happened! The mother whale has left, but will probably return for her baby.
    Meanwhile, Ryder has come up with a new plan! We need to drag the baby into the water. Rocky always has something useful! He brought
    to the beach with his own rubber mat - the same one from which he made the descent for the water slide.
    Rocky and Marshall got down to business! Rocky placed a rubber mat near the whale's tail, and Marshall poured water on it to make it slippery. Then everyone gave the whale a good push. He slid down the mat straight into the sea. Hooray!
    The baby said goodbye to his friends, thanked him for saving him and swam to his mother. She was waiting for him nearby.
    - Goodbye, little whale! We will miss you! - Marshall shouted after him.
    Mission accomplished! The pups waved goodbye to the whales and stayed on the Adventure Bay beach to watch the sunset.
    Summer is in full swing in Adventure Bay. Hot! It's so hot that Sturdy and Rocky don't even want to play. They just lay in the shade and moaned quietly:
    - Oh, how I want to take a swim!
    Fortunately, a new one has opened in the city
    pool! As soon as the news of this spread over Adventure Bay, all the children of the city and all the puppies from the patrol came running to plunge into the cool water.
    But for some reason there was no water in the pool! What's happened? Why is the pool empty?
    -Where did the water go? - the children asked each other in confusion. And no one knew what to do...
    We need to call Ryder soon! If the Paw Patrol doesn't come to the rescue, the children will be very sad.
    Sturdy and Rocky ran to look for Ryder. He was visiting Alex. With difficulty catching their breath, the puppies told what happened.
    - What do we do? - Alex asked in fear.
    Ryder took out the puppy phone and sent a signal to the other puppies:
    - Calling the PAW Patrol! The pool needs to be fixed urgently!
    The puppies came running in no time! They lined up in front of Ryder and waited for instructions.
    A picture appeared on the screen: re-
    lousy pool and sad kids around.
    - How can we swim if the pool is empty? - Krepysh drawled sadly.
    “We need to find out why the pool is empty!” - Marshal barked. Everyone wanted to figure out why the water disappeared from the pool.
    The rider explained that the water was being supplied
    from the city water tower. But why doesn't she get into the pool? We need to go to the tower and figure out what happened!
    To get to the top, you need a Marshall - he will expand his fire escape. And Krepysh with his tools will be able to fix the pipes. Maybe they are clogged?
    - PAW Patrol, let's get to work! - Ryder exclaimed, and the puppies yelped joyfully. The three friends got into their cars and drove at full speed towards the water tower.
    A minute later they arrived at the tower and looked around. Why did the tower lean? Yep, that's the thing! One of the supports slipped off the base and bent the pipe leading to the pool. We need to fix both the support and the pipe!
    There is a lot of work. Helpers needed! Ryder called Racer and Rocky.
    - We'll arrive now! — the environmentalist puppy responded joyfully.
    Meanwhile, in the pool, the children of Adventure Bay were waiting for the water to return. They didn't know what to do. It was really hot.
    “There’s still no water in the pool...” they sighed.
    The puppies tried their best to help the unfortunate babies. Zuma brought a whole box of popsicles for the kids.
    - Hooray! I love popsicle! - one boy shouted.
    And Sky flew to the top of the mountain and brought snow.
    — Fresh snow will give you coolness! - she said. And at the height of summer, the children made a snowman! That was fun!
    Meanwhile, the PAW Patrol gathered near the water tower.
    - Puppies, get to work quickly! - Ryder ordered. And the work began to boil. The racer gave Marshall the tow rope of his winch, and Marshall attached it to the tower. Then Gonchik turned on
    winch, and the tower slowly, slowly, little by little, rose.
    Then Sturdy filled the hole in the ground where the support stood with sand, and Rocky put his lift into action and installed the concrete base of the tower.
    The time has come to return the tower to its place. Gonchik ^
    turned on the winch and very, very carefully lowered the tower. Click! The support rested on the base.
    - Fantastic! — Ryder admired the work of the puppies.
    Now it's time to fix the pipe. Rocky is at it again! He always has in his truck what is needed for repairs. He took out his tools and replaced the bent piece of pipe with a new one.
    - The pipe is fixed! - Rocky reported. No wonder they called him a jack of all trades!
    - Great! - said Ryder. - Now the pool will be filled again!
    He turned the tap, and water from the tower briskly flowed through the pipes. All you have to do is wait until she reaches the pool!
    There you go! The pool filled with water. The children jumped into the water in complete happiness and began to splash around. Now you won't be afraid of any heat! Thank you PAW Patrol!
    Ryder waved cheerfully to the kids.
    - Help is needed? Just call! - he said, and then thanked the puppies: - You, as always, are great!
    And he let the puppies go to play. They also plopped into the pool and started a fun romp. How great it is to swim on a hot day!

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