• A fairy tale about how a boy offended animals. Tales about grievances. The magpie realized what was going on and flew through the forest to spread the news that the bear was hungry. The animals in the forest were kind and helped each other in trouble. And so a whole line of forest dwellers lined up to the den


    Anna Salnikova
    The Tale of the Boy Who Screamed and Stomped His Feet

    Tale of a Boy, who screamed and stamped his feet.

    Once upon a time there was boy. His name was Andreyka. He was very naughty boy. Most often he said, “I don’t want to, I won’t” and stomped his feet. In the morning, mom woke Andreika and called him to have breakfast. Andreika sat down at the table and said: “This is buckwheat porridge, but I wanted semolina. But I don’t want this!” If there was semolina porridge, then he wanted millet porridge. When his mother was getting him ready for kindergarten, he shouted:"I won't wear this sweater! I don't want these boots!" And when Andreika came to kindergarten, he took away the children’s toys, fought and fought at every turn shouted -"I do not want and I will not!"

    One day, mom picked Andreika up from kindergarten, and they went to the store. I needed to buy groceries for home. Andreika saw a beautiful toy in the store and began to ask his mother to buy this toy. Mother said: “Andreika, today we need to buy groceries, and tomorrow you and I will go and buy this toy.” Andreika shouted: “I don’t want tomorrow, I want it now! I don’t need your products!” And he became stomp and throw food on the floor. Mom was very upset, packed the groceries and they went home. They were silent the whole way home. Mom was hurt and ashamed for Andreika.

    But then one night, when everyone was sleeping, a real Fairy suddenly appeared in his room. Andreika opened his eyes, saw the Fairy and asked her - “Who are you and how did you get here?” She answered, “I am a Fairy, I flew here through an open window. I watched you for a very long time and decided to teach you a lesson. I am sending you to the island of Nekhochukhia.” “What is this island?” Andreika asked. "On this island live the same boys like you. They fight, call names and only say, “I don’t want to, I won’t.” You’ll have to look at yourself from the outside. And only if you change, then you can return home. "

    The fairy waved her magic wand and suddenly Andreika found himself on the island of Nehochukhiya. There were no adults on this island, only one boys, who were constantly fighting, shouted and called each other names. The whole day passed like this. When Andreika went to bed, he wanted his mother to read to him fairy tale, but my mother was not around. He cried and fell asleep.

    In the morning he woke up from the screams of children. Andreika wanted to have breakfast, but there was no one to cook the porridge, and he remained hungry. All day he hid from the pugnacious boys. In the evening Andreika went to bed, but he could not sleep. He thought, “How good it was to be next to my mother.” She told bedtime stories, covered me with a blanket. And in the morning I cooked delicious porridge and saw her off to kindergarten. There were good children and kind teachers there. And I was just being capricious shouted and stomped his feet. If I could go back, I would never hurt my mother again, I wouldn’t fight or take away toys from children. I want to be kind and obedient boy. "

    And as soon as he thought about it, he immediately found himself at home in his crib. He heard a voice moms: “Andreika, get up, go wash yourself and sit down to breakfast.” And Andreika joyfully said: “Okay, mommy.” He ate all the porridge, thanked his mom, got dressed, and mom took Andreyka to kindergarten. He played friendly with the children all day long, did not offend anyone, shared toys and obeyed the teachers. And when he came home with his mother, had dinner and went to bed, his mother began to read to him fairy tale, and Andreika lay with his eyes closed and thought - “Was it a dream or was he really on the island?” And he said, without opening his eyes, - “Mommy, I will always be kind and obedient boy, because I love you very much!" And my mother thought that it was him in a dream and kissed him. That’s how the Fairy helped Andreika become good boy.

    A tale of grievances

    In one city, in the most ordinary family, there lived the most ordinary boy. He lived with his father and mother, who loved him very much (after all, all parents love their children). This boy, just like all children, went to school, after school he walked in the courtyard of the house, and in the evening he went to bed in his warm, cozy bed. But in his soft bed, he did not fall asleep, like all children, in a sweet sleep, but began to sort through his memory and experience all those little grievances and grievances that he had accumulated over the past day. I can tell you that this boy was different from others in that he knew how to accumulate a great many of these grievances. It seemed to him that he saw his classmates looking askance in his direction (and he was offended by this). It seemed to him that the girls in the yard were whispering bad words after him - and he was offended by this too. Often it seemed to him that no one loved him, not even his mom and dad (because they work so hard and give him so little time and attention). And this is what he was most offended by.

    That's how many grievances this boy had. He collected them every day, and so every evening he lay in bed and went over all his grievances in his memory. And, of course, he felt terribly sorry for himself because everyone was offending him, he felt very unhappy about it. And he didn’t tell anyone about his misfortune, about his grievances. It seemed to him that everyone should already see that he was offended.

    This is how the boy lived: he chewed on his grievances and swallowed them. Every evening. And I didn’t want to part with any of my grievances.

    Eventually, incredible changes began to happen to the boy. With each new insult he began to inflate like a balloon. As he gets offended, he becomes more and more inflated. And finally he swelled up so much that he turned into a balloon. The wind blew and carried the ball high into the sky. The little ball boy got scared and wondered what to do? It’s scary and uncomfortable to fly like this to where the wind is blowing, further and further from mom and dad, friends, classmates. Even the girls in the yard now seemed good and family to him. Let me, he thinks, I’ll kick my legs and fall down - but there are no legs. Then, he thinks, I’ll wave my arms and fly wherever I want, but there are no arms. There is nothing! There is only a hole through which the balloon was inflated with insults, and that’s all! And this hole is tied tightly with a red rope so that insults do not fly out. It is tied tightly, the gap is small, small, barely visible. The boy strained himself, pulled himself together and released one, the tiniest offense into this small gap. He feels that the rope has loosened a little. It doesn't hold as tightly anymore. Then he found an even smaller offense and released it. The rope is still loose. Here the wind began to subside, not twisting and chattering as much as before. And then the ball boy began to let out insults and insults, first small ones, then bigger ones, then the biggest ones. And when he let go of the biggest, biggest insult, lo and behold, he was standing in the courtyard of his house, the same as before, in trousers and a jacket. And in his hands hangs a red rope, with which the ball was tied. Yes! Affairs! The boy became thoughtful, wanted to remember at least one insult, but couldn’t find one - he released all the insults there, in the sky. Nothing left. I just felt lightness throughout my body. And he felt so good and pleased, he so wanted to say something good to everyone (this, it turns out, is so easy to do when you are not offended). The boy looked at the string in his hand and thought that he no longer wanted it to bind him with grievances. He went and burned it. And now, when he was offended, he easily let go of all the grievances. And over time, he stopped being offended altogether: what’s the point of being offended if the grievances are not retained. And he began to live easily and freely, so much so that over time he even forgot about this story.


    Resentment, a small animal, looks completely harmless. When handled correctly, it does no harm. If you don’t try to domesticate it, resentment lives well in the wild and doesn’t bother anyone.

    But all attempts to take possession of it end in failure... This animal is small and nimble, and can accidentally end up in the body of any person. A person feels it immediately. Then he becomes offended.

    The animal begins to shout to the man: “ I accidentally got caught! Let me out! It's dark and scary for me here! I want to leave! Let go!“But humans have long forgotten how to understand the language of animals. Although there are people who immediately let go of the offense, while it is small - this is the best way to say goodbye to it.

    But there are also those who never want to let her go. They immediately call her theirs and rush around with her like a white sack. They constantly think about her, take care of her, begin to pamper and cherish her... But she still doesn’t like the person.

    She spins around, looking for a way out, but since she has only one eye, and her eyesight is poor, she can’t find a way out herself. Such an unlucky little animal. And the man too... He shrank all over, shrank, shrank and never let go of his insult.

    But the animal is hungry, it wants to eat - so it begins to slowly eat whatever it finds. And a person begins to feel this over time. Sometimes it hurts here, sometimes here... But the person still doesn’t let go of his resentment. Because I'm used to it. And she eats and grows..., eats and grows... She finds something tasty inside the person in her opinion, sucks it and gnaws it. It’s not for nothing that people say: “Resentment gnaws.”

    And, in the end, it grows to something in the human body and against its will becomes part of it. A person becomes weaker, begins to get sick, but the resentment inside continues to grow... And the person doesn’t realize that all he needs is to take the resentment and let it go! Sincerely and without pity say goodbye to her! Let him live for his own pleasure! And she is better off without a person, and it is easier for a person to live without her...

    Resentment is a state of mind. And the soul is the source from which we drink. Is it worth polluting this source? Or is it still better to keep it as crystal clean as possible? After all, its purity and strength depend only on the person himself. Calm perception of any events that happen to us, without irritation or offense, is a matter of training and emphasizing. And, in fact, we always make the decision ourselves to either be offended or not.

    And the next time you want to be offended, think: is it really so nice to feel sorry for yourself and be a victim? The predator always senses the weak and attacks him. It’s not for nothing that people say: “They carry water for the offended.”

    Let go of the grudge, let him run and live in freedom!

    The Tale of the Bear Who Was Saved by Friendship

    Once upon a time there lived in a forest an ordinary brown bear. He lived all summer without bothering. I ate berries in the forest and took honey from the bees. Then autumn came. The bear saw that all the animals were preparing for winter. Some people store nuts and cones, some build holes. But the bear still didn’t know what to do for winter? He didn’t know any bears—there was no one to ask. And he couldn’t think of anything better than to just lie down in the den to sleep. So the bear slept all winter and sucked its paw.

    And suddenly strange sounds began to reach him. The magpie shouted: “Spring has come! Winter is over! Hooray!" The bear peeked out of the den with one eye. And there... the streams are murmuring, the sun is shining, the snow is melting. A squirrel galloped past:

    - Bear! It's time to get up! Spring is just around the corner!

    He wanted to stretch, but there was not enough space, his paws were numb, and he could not move. The bear cried:

    - What to do? I can't walk now. All paws rested.

    The magpie saw that the bear had woken up and flew up to him:

    - Spring came! Come out to our forest!

    - I can’t, magpie! - the bear wailed. – My legs can’t walk, I have no strength! I haven't eaten all winter!

    The magpie realized what was going on and flew through the forest to spread the news that the bear was hungry. The animals in the forest were kind and helped each other in trouble. And so a whole line of forest dwellers lined up at the den with food. The hares brought carrots. The hedgehogs rolled the apple. The squirrels were treated to cones. But the bear was still unhappy. He lay and roared:

    - I want honey!

    Then the magpie began to persuade the bees to bring honey. But the bees did not want to help the bear, because in the summer he offended their family and stole honey from the hive. But one kind bee says:

    “And let the bear promise that he will not take honey from us without permission.” After all, you can come and ask politely: “Bees! Please give me some honey! And we’ll treat you, we don’t mind.”

    The animals began to persuade the bear so that he would ask the bees for forgiveness for his summer pranks. The bear had to do it. The bees, of course, did not believe him, but they brought a whole barrel of honey. Maybe the bear has matured in a year and become kind?

    The bear ate all the honey, crawled out of the den and roared:

    - Hooray! Spring came!

    Of course I will be kind

    I won't forget the promises.

    I will take care of everyone in the forest

    And don't be afraid to meet with me.

    The animals in the forest were glad that everyone was happy about spring and ran to do their urgent business. Birds need to build nests. Hares and squirrels need to change their fur coats. But you never know, there are still urgent things to do in the forest... But the bear realized that it is impossible to offend anyone: neither small nor big. You have to live together, then everyone will help you in trouble.

    A fairy tale is our best friend and educator! The child, identifying himself with the main character, experiences all the emotions and situations, draws conclusions and gains experience. Therefore, the power of fairy tales should not be underestimated! This story about a little pugnacious bear cub is especially for those kids who love to fight.

    This happened in one kindergarten, where various forest animals went. Every morning the forest woke up from the warm rays of the sun warming the earth, and the songs of birds woke up the forest animals, and their parents took them to the forest kindergarten.

    Not far from this kindergarten lived Little Bear. None of the animals were friends with him, because he fought with everyone. “Everyone wants to offend me, make me feel bad. I need to defend myself, because if I don’t fight, other animals will offend me,” thought the Little Bear.

    He was sad to always be alone, and then one day he went for a walk. He walked and walked and came to a kindergarten where animals were playing.

    Look, Little Bear is coming towards us. Maybe he will be our new friend,” said Squirrel.
    “But look,” shouted the Bunny, “he clenched his fists and is going to fight us!”

    The little bear did not hear the animals’ conversation and, clenching his fists more and more, thought:
    “They agree to start hurting me, and I will have to defend myself.”

    “We want to be friends with him, but he wants to fight with us,” the animals shouted. - We will defend ourselves! And they ran to Little Bear. The little bear, seeing the animals running up, was very scared. He clenched his fists even tighter and prepared to fight.

    Oh you! “We wanted to be friends with you, but you want to fight with us,” the animals said. “We thought you were our new friend, but you!..” they shouted. - We will not be friends with you!

    And they left Little Bear alone. The little bear felt that he was very ashamed that he wanted to fight with these animals. Sadness filled Little Bear's heart and he began to cry. He felt very bad because everyone was afraid of him and he had no friends. “What should I do, how can I make friends with the little animals?” - thought Little Bear. And suddenly he saw that his fists were still clenched and tears were dripping onto them.

    “I realized that I need to unclench my fists, because, probably, because of them, the animals thought that I would fight with them!” - Teddy Bear decided. The next day, Little Bear came to the animals in kindergarten and did not clench his fists. The animals saw that he did not want to fight, and decided to be friends with him. The bear cub and the animals began to play various fun games together, sing songs and dance. They laughed and told each other interesting stories. And Little Bear, playing with the little animals, thought: “I will never again clench my fists and fight for no reason, because the other little animals never thought of offending me. It’s so good that I unclenched my fists and realized for myself that it’s bad to be a brawler!” And this thought made Little Bear feel great.

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    The boy Slava, from our fairy tale, took it into fashion to offend children. What started where is unclear. Did Slava want to change himself? Has he gotten better? Let's not rush things, let's start reading a fairy tale...

    The Tale of Slava Obizhaikin

    Once upon a time there lived a boy, Slava Umnikov. Slava, like Slava, he did many things well. For example, he ate well, ran fast, and even tried to write poetry.

    But Slava had one feature that was far from being the best. He bullied other children. He will take away someone’s car, pull someone’s braid, say an offensive word to someone.

    Nobody said anything bad to Slava, but in their hearts the children were offended by him. And then one day the children went on an excursion to the Museum. And Slava too.

    At the Museum, teacher Natalya Vasilievna told the children about the great poet Pushkin. Slava listened attentively, because he also tried to write poetry.

    “Maybe I’ll be a famous poet too,” he thought.

    — Glory to Umnikov is our pride! A man to follow by example! - Slava daydreamed.

    Suddenly, behind the portrait of Pushkin, Slava saw a little man who was winking at him.

    “Let’s go pull the girls’ braids and step on the boys’ heels,” suggested the little man.

    “Let’s go,” Slava agreed.

    They approached Zoya Kruglova. The little man stopped, and Slava pulled Zoya’s braid with all his might. But Zoya did not scream. It seemed like she didn't even feel Slava's touch.

    “Oh,” the little man screamed, “I forgot that there is some kind of magical power at work in the Museum that does not allow people to be offended.”

    Slava was surprised.

    - So, there is a place in the world that is magical? - he thought.

    - And now, guys, I will read my poems to you.

    What started here! The girls and boys made noise, started shouting, and said that they didn’t want to listen to the poems of Slava Obizhaikin (the children came up with his last name).

    “We don’t need the poems that Obizhaikin wrote,” said Zoya Kruglova.

    Slava stood red as a lobster. He thought to himself:

    “I won’t offend anyone anymore.” It's not smart. And my last name is Umnikov, not Obizhaikin. And in general, what if I really become a famous person, and then one of my childhood friends will say that I offended him. This cannot be allowed.

    Since then, Slava has stopped offending the guys. And in general he became friends with them. Famous people must have many friends!

    Questions and tasks for the fairy tale

    What bad things did Slava do?

    What was the favorite thing for the main character of the fairy tale?

    Which territory in the fairy tale was magical?

    Did the children like Slava’s poems?

    Has the boy's behavior changed at the end of the story?

    What proverbs fit the fairy tale?

    As it comes back, so will it respond.
    Whatever you do, it will come back.
    Do good and expect good.

    The main meaning of the fairy tale is that if you treat people kindly, then they will come to you with kindness. And if you don’t respect people, then they won’t respect you and won’t show interest in you.

    A fairy tale about a hedgehog for children who fight.

    In that forest lived a fighting hedgehog. The hedgehog was very harmful. I couldn’t walk past the animals calmly. Either he will kick someone, then he will bite, then he will hit someone in the ear, then in the eye, then in the nose, then he will crush a paw, then he will also give him a slap on the back of the head. Everyone was afraid of this hedgehog, even wolves. Because he loved to roll under his paws and prick all the pads on his paws with his needles. Everyone was so afraid of the hedgehog that they told scary tales about him. They said that he was huge, black, smoke poured out of his nostrils, and his eyes sparkled like lightning.

    The hedgehog liked these stories. He walked through the forest and sang: “And I’m scary, and I’m scary, I’m not afraid of anyone, I’m terrible, harmful, disgusting, I inject myself very painfully!” And the animals were all afraid and hid, some behind a bush, some under a leaf, some under a mushroom, some behind a pine tree.

    So the hedgehog walked alone. And he whistled so... like a businessman. Somehow he walks along and whistles. Suddenly he sees some creature lying on a piece of paper. Such a strange creature. Slippery, blurry. He has nowhere to even move. You'll only get your paws dirty.
    And the creature opened its eyes and said:
    - Oh, how beautiful!
    - What? - the hedgehog didn’t understand. - Who is beautiful?
    - You. You are very beautiful. You have such needles... Ah! Just beautiful.
    The hedgehog frowned. Hit this slob, or what? So that she doesn't talk nonsense?

    And in the sun, your needles probably cast like steel,” the creature sighed. - No, you are incredibly handsome!
    “Yeah, of course, I’m beautiful,” the hedgehog muttered.
    I wanted to go further, but the creature said:
    - And probably also kind.
    - Yeah! - the hedgehog responded angrily. - Very kind!
    - That's what I'm saying! - the creature was delighted, - I immediately guessed that you were kind! Because beautiful people are always kind!
    “Well, you are a miracle,” the hedgehog marveled. - Everyone is afraid of me. But you don't.
    - Why are they afraid of you? - the creature was surprised. - You are so beautiful and kind.
    - Because I...

    The hedgehog hesitated. It's one thing to get into a fight, and another thing to confess. It's not very simple.
    “Okay, I’ll tell you,” the hedgehog decided. - What am I, some kind of coward?.. In general, I love to fight!
    He confessed and was embarrassed. He even closed his eyes.
    - And why? - asked the creature.
    The hedgehog opened one eye:
    - What "Why?
    - Why do you like to fight?
    - Because I'm strong!
    “It’s true,” the creature nodded, “very strong.”
    - And because I'm brave!
    - Very brave! Walk through the forest alone and don't be afraid!
    “Well, and also because,” the hedgehog said quietly, “my heel hurts.” I rubbed it. It's a long time ago. The shoes are very tight, but the others are not. And when you have a callus on your heel, it really hurts. I want to beat everyone at once. Here I go. Bew.
    - Why beat everyone if you can pick a plantain?
    - And beat him?
    - Why beat him? Put a tight one in your boot! Where the callus is. And it won't rub.
    - Is it true?
    - Well, yes. There is an excellent plantain here, I sunbathed on it yesterday.
    - And who are you?
    - Snail. She lost her shell.
    - And how are you... completely without needles, ugh, that is, without a shell?!
    “Okay,” the snail stretched, “if only you knew how tired I am of carrying this weight on my back.” So, let's not get distracted. We need to find a plantain. Here, take me in your paws. Just don't prick me, please. I'll show you where the plantain grows.

    The hedgehog carefully lifted the creature. It turned out to be not very sticky. Rather, soft and warm.
    - Over there, see, on the right? No, no, lower!
    - Ay! It hurts!
    - What are you talking about, this is a burdock! Poor thing, let me see... does it hurt? Well, that’s okay, now we’ll stick the plantain here too. Here it is, see?
    The hedgehog picked a dense green leaf and pressed it to his paw. Then he tore off another one and began stuffing it into his shoe.
    - Why so big! - exclaimed the snail. - It will stick out like a sail! You are not a ship, hedgehog, dear, why do you need a sail? It needs to be folded several times. Yeah, great! Now put it in! Well, how?
    “It still hurts,” the hedgehog grumbled, “both the upper and lower paws.”
    “My poor, poor hedgehog,” the snail sighed, “I can imagine how painful it is for you... How strong you are... You can endure such pain!” I couldn't.
    “Why endure it,” the hedgehog waved it off, “and it doesn’t hurt very much.”
    - You are a real hero! - exclaimed the snail. - Hey, animals, did you hear! Our hedgehog is a hero!
    “Yeah,” the hare responded from behind the nearest bush, “of course!” Why! He's a hero. He's the hero now. And then - how it moves!
    - Come on, the hedgehog is not like that! He is handsome and kind!
    “Nonsense,” the roe deer responded from behind the tree, “he’s handsome and kind now.” And then it crashes!
    - Well, I’ll show them now! - the hedgehog got angry. - I’ll move and hit!
    - Wait, wait! - asked the snail. - You better show them your strength!
    - That's what I was planning...
    - But that’s not where strength lies! And in order to…..

    The snail whispered something in the hedgehog's ear.
    - Exactly! Then everyone will immediately understand that you are strong!
    “Actually,” the hedgehog chuckled, “I’ve never done that.”
    - It's time to start!
    The hedgehog straightened up, folded his paws into a mouthpiece and shouted:
    - Hey, animals! Please forgive me! I won't fight anymore!
    “Of course,” the snail added quietly, “your paw doesn’t hurt anymore!”
    First the hares looked out, then the squirrels, roe deer, ferrets, and many other animals looked out. So incredulous.
    - He definitely won’t do it again! - the snail shouted. - I'll follow up!
    Then the animals began to smile. And they ran away in all directions.
    For a long time in that forest they told a fairy tale about a hedgehog-fighter who stopped fighting. And who carried with him everywhere on a plantain leaf a small snail without a shell.

    From book "Tales about Harmful"

    Illustration: A. Stolbova

    The site contains a fragment of the book, permitted (no more than 20% of the text) and intended for informational purposes only. You can purchase the full version of the book from our partners.

    Yulia Kuznetsova "Tales about Harmful"

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