• Make a frog from plasticine. How to make a frog from plasticine: animal master classes step by step with photos How to make a frog from plasticine


    We have already talked about how to make a green frog from plasticine on the pages of our website. Today we will slightly modify the amphibian and blind the hero of our favorite Russian folk tale, the Frog Princess. Children are always happy to respond to an offer to copy their favorite character and create it from paper or plasticine, or draw it. Plasticine is a very good material for any type of creativity. Even the smallest children can make something out of it, and parents do not need to fear for their safety, because the maximum that threatens them is to be smeared with the colored mass. If we are talking about paper, for example, then it should be processed with scissors, and this is already a dangerous process for inexperienced children’s fingers.

    Master class on sculpting the Frog Princess

    1. If your plans include creating a small composition, then first prepare a blue field, which will become a prototype of the reservoir in which the frog lived. Cut out a small rectangle from blue cardstock. Or take a piece of an ordinary box and stick a thin layer of blue plasticine onto the surface.

    2. Roll the future head of the green songbird into a small ball.

    3. Using your fingertips, make recesses for the eyes, draw a mouth with a crescent, and pierce two nostril points.

    4. Add two eyes - now the frog looks at us and smiles.

    5. Make the amphibian’s body slightly larger than the head, insert a piece of a match for fastening.

    6. Connect the two main parts.

    7. Attach the two hind legs to the sides of the body. Now our frog can sit comfortably on the water lily.

    8. Also mold two front legs with membranes at the tips and connect them to the finished craft.

    9. The frog itself is already ready, but we still need to sculpt a few additional details. For example, a crown, because without it she would not be a princess. Make an accessory from yellow plasticine. Plant the swamp princess on a green leaf.

    10. Make an arrow from brown, white and yellow plasticine using a match or toothpick as a base. Based on the fairy tale, Ivan Tsarevich shot this arrow from his bow, and the frog caught it.

    11. Finally, it remains to collect all the prepared elements into one composition.

    The final look of the craft.

    So, a fragment from your favorite fairy tale is ready. Place the craft in the refrigerator so that it gets stronger, and then direct the performance using a DIY workpiece.

    Of course, into a frog! Every child can do this if he follows the adult’s instructions step by step.

    Before making a frog, you need to make a soft, pliable mass out of it. How? It’s very simple - hold it for a while in a cup of warm water or in a warm place. It will be difficult to cope with hard children's fingers.

    Plasticine can be replaced with ready-made modeling clay, which is much easier to work with, but then all the individual parts of the craft will need to be secured with small sticks, otherwise they will fall off over time. In this regard, plasticine is more convenient for practicing with.

    To work you will need:

    Green and white;

    a wooden stick pointed at one end.

    In addition to the main colors, you will need a little black and red. A modeling board and wet wipes with which the baby can wipe his dirty hands will not be superfluous.

    Let's get started!

    We turn the green one into blanks: a stick, one large ball, two identical smaller balls and two very small identical balls.

    We attach smaller balls to the large ball on both sides, flattening them.

    We attach two small balls on top.

    We cut the “stick” in half, and divide one half into two again.

    We make the front legs from large pieces of sticks.

    From small pieces we make feet for the hind legs.

    The frog is almost ready.

    We use a stick on the paws to mark the membranes.

    We make the whites of the eyes from white plasticine, the pupils from black plasticine, and the mouth from red plasticine.

    Ready! Your child has learned how to make a frog from plasticine.

    At the same time, he learned to build the work process step by step, and this skill will definitely be useful to him in the future.

    Jump and splash along the path

    Head four legs.

    The head sang

    Very loudly: qua-qua-qua.


    Do you want to know how to make a frog from plasticine? Let's try to do this together, because crafts from plasticine are a very exciting activity. Now, together we will learn how to sculpt a frog from plasticine, are you ready? Then let's start:

    video on how to make a frog out of plasticine

    TORSO AND HEAD of our frog:

    1. Roll one large green ball from plasticine.

    2. Roll the resulting ball into a thick roller.

    3. In the upper part of the roller, make a small indentation with your finger - a mouth.

    4. Gently press the top of the roller above your mouth so that it flattens a little, settles and covers your mouth.

    TONGUE AND EYES of a frog:

    1. Roll a red ball the size of a small pea.

    Roll two small blue balls for eyelids, two larger yellow balls for eyes, and two tiny black beads for pupils.

    2. Roll out the resulting plasticine ball into a thick roller. Make two small rollers from two blue balls.

    3. Make a small cake from the roller - a tongue.

    Blend two yellow balls together. Attach one black tiny bead to each of them. Attach the eyelids to the top of the eyes.

    4. Insert the tongue into the frog's mouth.

    Flatten the blue rollers into small spindle-shaped cakes - eyelids.

    Form a muzzle for the frog. The eyes should be at the top. In the right place, cut two holes - nostrils.


    1. Roll two green balls.

    Roll two smaller green balls.

    2. Make rollers out of them.

    3. Bend the rollers and slightly flatten their ends.

    On the flattened part of the legs, make two small notches - membranes.

    The Frog Traveler is a good old animated film that tells about the incredible adventures of one very inquisitive frog.

    Watch cartoon Frog traveler

    Enjoy watching!

    And despite the fact that this cartoon first appeared on TV screens back in 1965, many children, as well as their parents, continue to like it today.

    As part of today's lesson, we will look at how to make a frog from plasticine, and in order to make the lesson as exciting as possible, we will give it the appearance of the main character of an old instructive cartoon. However, before we start sculpting, we note that our frog will consist not only of large, but also some small elements, which means that it is better to make it together with the child, that is:

    • entrust the child with the production of large elements of crafts, and do small ones independently;
    • do not forget to prepare a stack (can be replaced with a toothpick) for cutting out the toes on the frog’s paws;
    • Knead the material well before starting to make the figurine.

    PHOTO step by step - How to make a frog from plasticine

    First, let's take a little mass of a bright green hue and knead it thoroughly. After which we will give it the shape of the head of our future frog, not forgetting to make a slightly pointed mouth, plump cheeks and slightly raised places for the eyes.

    After this, we frame the lower part of the frog’s head with yellow, not forgetting to make a cut for the mouth.

    We make the eyes using white material, and for the pupils themselves we use a blue tint interspersed with black. In this case, it is better to make the pupils of different shapes, which will make the image of the fairy-tale frog especially funny and cheerful.

    To make the frog's body, you can use green or a mixture of different colors available in stock, which will then need to be covered with a thin layer of green material. The body should be slightly rounded at the bottom (pear-shaped), and cover its front part with a layer of yellow, thus highlighting the frog’s abdomen.

    Using a stack, carefully and slowly make the fingers and toes of the frog, and then give the limbs the necessary curved shape.

    We connect all parts of the body with each other. To securely fasten the head, use a match or half a toothpick.

    Plasticine frog updated: April 30, 2019 by: i7allia

      Children love to play with animals, so you and your child can try to make a frog. Here are samples of a plasticine model of a frog

      You can try to make such a cute frog like in the picture

      To sculpt a frog, we start with the head, the frog’s head will be oblong in shape, then we sculpt the eyes, the frog’s eyes are large, first we sculpt two white circles for the eyes, and then we glue two smaller black circles to the white circles. We add pink cheeks and a small red mouth to our frog. Our frog is a princess, so we will make a crown for our frog, then we begin to sculpt the remaining parts of the body - the body, here in the diagram it is smaller than the head, and we finish our sculpting by attaching the legs to our frog.

      Roll out the ball and make a hole (mouth). We make a sausage from a small ball and flatten it (tongue). Two yellow balls (eyes), two black very small balls (pupils), blue sausages arched (eyebrows). We sculpt limbs from four balls, use a toothpick to make fingers, and press through the nostrils. We attach the limbs to the body.

      Modeling from plasticine is a very fun and educational activity, but you can sculpt almost anything. Consider a master class showing how to make plasticine frog. First, we sculpt the body from green plasticine:

      After that, we sculpt a yellow live one, which we attach to the green body:

      From green plasticine we roll four thin sausages - front and hind legs - and attach them to the body:

      Now we start sculpting small details - we sculpt round red eyes with black pupils, toes on the paws from orange plasticine, you can also make thin blue stripes on the stomach. And that’s it, the plasticine frog is ready!

      Cute frogs can be made like this, as shown in the pictures.

      And these are just options for creative ideas.

      You can also make the frog on some kind of stand, as if it were on the grass. I also think it will look interesting.

      I found this interesting master class on sculpting a frog on a water lily. True, I haven’t tried to sculpt on it myself yet, but I think the result should be very beautiful!

      As you can see, this master class offers sculpting 3 parts of a beautiful composition at once: a water lily on which a frog sits, a flower and the frog itself. All together it comes together into a charming picture. I think the children will be pleased with this choice of modeling work.

      This frog can be made from plasticine.

      You need to make a lot of green plasticine balls, 2 black plasticine balls for the pupils, 2 white plasticine balls for the eyes.

      Then we roll out sausages from a certain number of balls, and leave the top row of balls alone for now.

      The next step is to assemble the frog base (see photo).

      I would like to offer a very easy option for sculpting a frog. You need to roll out a ball of plasticine and make a cut, this will be the mouth. To make it more colorful, insert a red tongue into the cut. We stick two balls on top, these will be the eyes (see picture). And at the bottom we attach four oblong pieces of plasticine, these will be the paws. And the final touch is to squeeze out the toes and nostrils on the paws. This is such a cute guy we got.

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