• Wedding of Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina. Bondarchuk canceled his wedding with Andreeva. Fyodor Bondarchuk knows nothing about his own wedding


    The romance between 48-year-old Fyodor Bondarchuk and 27-year-old actress Paulina Andreeva has become the most discussed topic in the press recently. Despite the fact that the artists do not comment on this matter, close friends of the couple are sure that there are real feelings between them. It was even rumored that the famous couple was preparing for the wedding in full swing, however, according to the latest data, the celebration had to be cancelled.


    Relatives of Bondarchuk, who broke up with Svetlana after 25 years life together, opposed such a quick marriage. “He has not yet formalized the divorce,” the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes friend Sergei Bondarchuk. “As for the wedding with Paulina, Fedor canceled it. Although it was really planned!”

    The film director’s mother, Irina Skobtseva, added that she had not heard about the upcoming holiday. “I don’t know anything about this and I don’t give interviews,” she said. “Fyodor Bondarchuk is not getting married! He didn’t make any statements about the wedding,” Sergei Bondarchuk’s wife Tata said sharply.

    One of the famous director’s colleagues also announced that the lovers had called off the wedding. According to him, Bondarchuk generally denies the fact that he was preparing for the celebration. “The other day we were gathering as a group at his Moscow restaurant “Golden,” said one of Fedor’s business partners. “Someone asked with a laugh: say, when are we going to go to your wedding?” But Fedor, usually cheerful, reacted sharply. He said: “There’s no talk of a wedding, why did they come up with that?” He suggested changing the subject.”

    It is noteworthy that the relatives of 27-year-old Paulina refuse to comment on the personal lives of Andreeva and Bondarchuk. “I can’t say. If Fyodor Sergeevich wants, he will make a statement himself,” the actress’s brother said about the wedding. He added that if Paulina really got ready to get married, she would definitely tell about it. “And our parents don’t know. The wedding is not planned yet,” he said.

    At the same time, they say in the celebrity circle that the beautiful Paulina, who has a difficult character, herself insisted on formalizing a relationship with the director. “Paulina is not one of those girls who will be content with little,” said a mutual friend of the artists. “Bondarchuk gave her a diamond set - good. She moved to live with him in one of his apartments - good. Any young actress would dream of being in her place. But Paulina is one of those ladies who make it clear: I don’t agree with anything less. She is not satisfied with the position of a mistress, she wants the maximum from Bondarchuk, including the status of a legal wife. dramatic changes. Not wanting to lose his beloved, he went for a divorce.”

    Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva

    If Fyodor Sergeevich asked me whether he should marry Paulina Andreeva, then at first glance it seems that the correct answer would be: “Of course, yes.” Venus and the Moon, responsible for the psychological ideal of a woman, in the birth chart of the famous director and producer are located in the “young” signs Gemini and Taurus, which are astrologically related by the “student zone”. This means that unconsciously Fyodor Bondarchuk is waiting in his life for a soft, sociable, friendly young lady who does not burden her with housework and responsibilities and plays the role of a girlfriend and student.

    If you choose a good date for a wedding, then the sky promises harmony and good luck if the celebration takes place at the end of June this year, especially on the 29th-30th-31st, when the grand trine from the Moon-Jupiter-Pluto (a powerful combination of the principles of “family” + “expansion and fertility” + “wealth and popularity”) is projected onto the sun of Fedor and the Venus-Paulina node conjunction.

    Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk

    But if you look at history more deeply, you can see that Fyodor Bondarchuk is not distinguished by strong-willed qualities (despite the external image of a macho man) and is pathologically dependent on women (especially strong ones who command him).

    Contrary to the generally accepted version of “he left his old wife for a young one,” according to the birth chart, most likely, the initiator of the divorce was Svetlana (who is several orders of magnitude stronger in character and more decisive).

    The combination of reasons is Fedor’s spinelessness, the complete discrepancy between the external mask of a brutal man and the real behavior of a soft chick who lives in a parallel reality and cannot make a single decision himself, being forever dependent on something or someone. Svetlana, as a bright, clear, unambiguous person, with a powerful vector for development, according to my hypothesis, is tired of living in lies and mirages.

    Cosmogram of Fyodor Bondarchuk

    Cosmogram of Paulina Andreeva

    As for the wonderful actress Paulina Andreeva, her appearance in the director’s life is most likely episodic. And it’s not Fedor’s fault. Like his ex-wife, Paulina is many times stronger than Bondarchuk in character and temperament. She knows how to manipulate, is not a stranger to aggression and is prone to provocations. If the marriage does take place, it will exist according to the model of the first: the real man in the couple will be Paulina, who will drink all the juices from Fyodor and find herself a new useful alpha male, leaving the famous director depressed.

    Pavel Andreev, astrologer and astropsychologist, financial consultant, teacher at the School of Astrology at the Laboratory of Life, specialist in mathematical forecasting methods.

    She has been practicing astrology professionally for more than 7 years. He has an education in the field of astrology and a higher education in the field of applied computer science, and considers astrology to be an exact science.

    He actively strives to bring astrology out of the state of abstract fairy tales that developed towards the end of the twentieth century, turning it into a logical applied science, as it was in the hands of Kepler, Newton, and Einstein. Currently working on an astrological textbook.

    Specializes in financial astrology, personnel selection, and fate correction. Conducts in the Laboratory of Life individual consultations, practical lessons and master classes on all sections of astrology.

    "about Fyodor's attitude towards Paulina, jealousy and secret wedding.

    He replied that he was not forcing things yet, he was waiting for his ex-wife to completely calm down and get used to the idea that it was all over for them. He says it would be vile to arrange a wedding with another woman immediately after their separation, throwing a feast for the whole world. After all, in the end, Svetlana is not a stranger to him, and her emotions are not indifferent to him. But most importantly, he wants the children to get used to it and accept his new chosen one. In general, Fedor said that, most likely, they would just go with Paulina to the registry office and sign quietly. In general, Fedor does not like to talk about personal things. But from his individual remarks it became clear to me that he was madly in love. And, like a creative person, he takes care of Paulina in every possible way: flowers, romantic dinners candlelight, gifts, romance...

    Out of respect for ex-wife Fedor does not want to make the wedding public. We wrote about that earlier. Not everything is as rosy for her as for Fedor. According to rumors, he finally found what he was looking for.

    He is the driving force. Paulina is forced to adapt to him in some way. Fedor said about her that this is the woman who does not bother him in any way, but only gives him joy. WITH ex-wife Bondarchuk was on equal terms, and Paulina gives him the opportunity to feel like a support, strong man. He also noticed that he was jealous of her. While we were meeting and talking, he kept calling her several times, asking: where are you?

    Who would have thought that an adult 49-year-old man could fall so completely unconscious in love? But it's true. For the sake of Paulina Andreeva, Fyodor Bondarchuk crossed out a 25-year marriage with two children and even grandchildren. It is interesting that 28-year-old actress Paulina Andreeva herself does not feel any guilt and does not consider herself a homewrecker.

    She doesn't feel any guilt about herself. But he already recognizes himself as a star and behaves appropriately. Although she is tender next to Fyodor, she is attentive and flirtatious towards him, looking into his eyes... Looking at her, one gets the feeling that she is getting from Fyodor what she would like.

    We are waiting for new messages about the solemn event in the lives of Fyodor and Paulina. In the meantime, let us remind you that everyone is discussing now.

    Is Fyodor Bondarchuk marrying Paulina Andreeva?

    A famous Russian director who recently announced a divorce from his wife is marrying a young actress.

    “There’s no special Paulina - she’s gorgeous, that’s all! I first saw her at “Number 13D”. I was simply blown away because some kind of absolute beauty performed in a conservative theater. Stunning! Wow! It was a strong impression", - director Fyodor Bondarchuk spoke about Paulina Andreeva relatively recently.

    And then rumors appeared that Bondarchuk was ready to walk this “chic and stunning” 27-year-old actress down the aisle.

    According to sources close to the director, they have been with Paulina for about six months. That is why his 25-year marriage with Svetlana was dissolved. Allegedly, it was Paulina who raised the issue of the director’s divorce so that he would demonstrate the seriousness of his attitude towards her. And he obeyed.

    Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva

    As it became known, the romance between Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva began last fall.

    The actress became famous after starring in TV series "Thaw" And "Method". She also appeared in the first Russian erotic thriller "Locust".

    Andreeva has already attracted the interest of not only directors and film producers, but also fashion designers, and has also been included in various ratings of the sexiest celebrities.

    Fyodor Bondarchuk is preparing for his wedding with Paulina Andreeva

    So far, neither Fedor, nor Svetlana, nor Paulina have commented on the rumors that it was Andreeva who insisted on the divorce.

    On March 29, Paulina appeared alone at the awards ceremony of the Association of Film and Television Producers.

    As for, having announced a divorce from her husband, she and her friend Olga Slutsker went to the Maldives to take a break from what had happened.

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