• Leg lengthening. Tips for girls. Effective ways to increase leg length Leg lengthening


    Modern Western culture dictates its standards and requirements for people, especially in big cities. We look with envy at the covers of glossy magazines, where long-legged models with gorgeous bodies are depicted. Our subconscious whispers: the only way to be happy and successful is to become just like these stunning beauties with endlessly long legs.

    Consequently, one of the main problems of a modern fashionista is lengthening her legs.

    And what women are not ready to do to achieve their goal!

    Many do not even shun bone surgery. However, before you go to extreme measures, try using an equally effective gymnastic method.

    Yoga will help you get the figure of your dreams, as well as a set of special stretching exercises. Take advantage of leg lengthening techniques without painful surgery.

    Safe ways to lengthen legs

    List of exercises to lengthen legs without surgery

    Dear girls, if your doctor prohibits you from doing heavy work on your legs due to your health condition, refrain from doing the following set of exercises. This is especially true for people with varicose veins, plaques, and circulatory disorders. Take care of your health, better use yoga to lengthen your legs.

    Exercises to naturally lengthen your legs will only work if you do them immediately after a run, and then after a shower. This is a necessary measure, since lactic acid in the tissues will allow you to develop muscles well only after a long run (walk). Run smartly, vary the speed and difficulty of the distance.

    To begin with, be sure to stretch your muscles, not just your legs, but your entire body. Jump in place, raising your legs. Use light swings for 5 minutes.

    The warm-up is over, and you can begin the procedure:

    Should I have leg lengthening surgery?

    The possibilities of modern medicine in the field of increasing height are almost limitless: these include specific bone stretching exercises and adjusted hormonal diets. But it is worth remembering that after the closure of the bone growth zone, all these procedures are practically meaningless. How do you know if bone growth has finished?

    It's very simple: take an x-ray of your dominant hand.

    1. If you are lucky, the bone growth zones have not yet closed, doctors will offer you hormone therapy. However, there is a possibility that hormones will also not give the desired effect or will even be contraindicated for you. In this case, no matter what you do, the legs will not lengthen without outside intervention, and all the exercises in the world will not help.
    2. To create a pleasant appearance, it is enough for a woman to have legs that are slightly longer than the rest of her body. If the length of your legs is forty percent greater than the length of your torso, you can rightfully be considered a model. A more common ratio for women is 20%.
    3. But it happens that your legs are significantly shorter than the rest of your body, and this disproportion disrupts your inner peace and deprives you of self-confidence. Remember, short legs are completely natural, while love for long-legged girls is explained only by implanted stereotypes. Our biology and animal characteristics, as well as our choice of mate, have nothing to do with being long-legged.
    4. If, however, neither high heels nor waist-length skirts help, if you have tried all possible methods and have not received results, perhaps it is time for aesthetic surgery. Beauty clinics set up a conveyor belt for limb lengthening back in the fifties and still successfully use new technologies to change the height and proportions of the female body.

    Today, many people want to become at least 5-10 centimeters taller. Some were blessed with short stature by nature itself, while others faced this problem due to an acquired or congenital disease of the musculoskeletal system, which caused deformation of the lower extremities.

    To radically change their shape, you can use surgery. However, deficiencies can be masked in other ways, for example, by choosing clothes and using special exercises. It is worth taking a closer look at the most available options for how to lengthen your legs at home or in the clinic.

    Selection of wardrobe items

    As a rule, representatives of the fair sex are very afraid of lengthening their legs through surgery. And there is nothing surprising here, because this procedure is very expensive, painful and involves a long rehabilitation period. However, you can visually enlarge your legs through well-chosen outfits.

    To make them look longer, it is advisable to wear plain trousers with vertical stripes. Pants equipped with horizontal patterns and prints visually plump the figure, and make the lower limbs shorter, so it is recommended to avoid using such things.

    In addition, it is necessary to select the right models. The length of the trousers should be sufficient so that there is no gap between shoes and clothing. Shortened options and breeches are perfect for long-legged beauties because they visually make their legs look shorter.

    If a lady uses tights, then their color should match the shade of the shoes. For example, it is better to combine black tights with black shoes. In this case, you can immediately notice the lengthening of the lower limbs. It is not advisable to purchase dresses and sets of outfits that divide the silhouette into a couple of parts, for example, a dress with a blue bodice and a red skirt. For a similar reason, it is recommended to avoid application of broad and massive belts, as they also divide the silhouette into separate parts. It is better to opt for elegant and thin products.

    It is important to choose the right skirt. Long skirts shorten your legs, so they should not be worn by short-legged girls. Pencil skirts are great for this situation. They give a slim figure and allow achieve good proportions, lengthening the legs.

    To visually increase your height, you need to choose the right dress. It is advisable to prefer monochromatic models, without contrasting ornaments and patterns. Large stripes and spots, of course, draw attention to them, but at the same time they shorten the legs.

    The simplest and most popular shoe option is shoes with high heels. A lady wearing such shoes becomes more graceful and taller, but she also needs to learn how to walk in such shoes so as not to look ridiculous or even funny. In addition, shoes must be selected in accordance with the outfit to avoid excessive contrast.

    Physical exercise

    You can also enlarge your legs using a special gymnastics complex. Such exercises allow you to get rid of extra pounds, making your figure slimmer and your lower limbs thin, that is, they will look much longer. Among other things, regular physical loads can cause the growth of the femur, but this is often encountered by people under twenty-five years of age.

    Before starting training, you should make sure there are no contraindications. For this purpose, it is better to consult a general practitioner and undergo all the necessary tests. If the doctor approves, then you can safely start exercising.

    It is recommended to start them gradually, taking into account your physical fitness, that is, beginners should not immediately take on professional complexes, you still won’t be able to lose weight quickly, but the risk of injury will be very high.

    The most effective and easiest exercise to perform is running. It is recommended to start every workout with it. To lengthen your legs and make them slim, you need to run for at least half an hour every day. You can do this anywhere:

    • in the park;
    • on a special path at home;
    • in gym.

    The training must be long enough. After thoroughly warming up the muscles, you should sit on some high chair or chair so that your ankles do not touch the floor. Weights need to be attached to the legs.

    To weigh it down at home, you can take ordinary soda bottles and a ribbon of sufficient width. You need to sit in this position for no more than ten minutes. The procedure should be repeated every other day.

    Swings with weights are also useful. Such exercises need to be performed quickly and actively.

    You can also stretch your calves and make your legs longer by doing exercises on your toes. It is recommended to walk on them daily. The advantage of such activities is that they can be done anywhere.

    Lunges are also highly effective. For beginners, their body weight is enough to perform; more experienced ones can use additional weights.

    You can also lengthen your legs (at a young age) through hormonal therapy. It is selected by a specialist on a purely individual basis, depending on the state of health and age. However, here it is necessary to understand that the introduction of hormone stimulants can harm the body, since they are characterized by a lot of side effects.

    Surgical intervention

    The operation is performed using the so-called Ilizarov apparatus. A specialist manually makes a fracture in the hip or tibia area, and then the bones begin to recover. At the same time, the length in the fracture area begins to increase.

    Surgeries are often prescribed for patients with impaired leg growth and deformity. This procedure is very expensive and time-consuming, and the recovery period after it lasts about one year. In addition, surgery aimed at lengthening the lower limbs is completely prohibited in cases of poor blood clotting, pathologies of the skin, chronic forms of diseases and disorders of the central nervous system.

    The operation consists of several stages:

    • On the first, special fixing rods are placed in the limb.
    • At the next stage, the medical specialist performs an osteotomy, that is, cuts through the bone tissue.
    • A week later, the device is installed on the leg. The limb lengthens by about one millimeter per day, and the entire process will take from fifty to one hundred and fifty days.
    • The device is not removed until the bone has completely healed.

    This operation can guarantee excellent results; your legs will certainly become longer. However, after it a long recovery is required. In addition, there is a risk of complications that can negatively affect the quality of subsequent life or even contribute to the patient’s disability. Therefore, surgical intervention is resorted to in exceptional situations.

    Rehabilitation period

    After the procedure, recovery occurs, which lasts from six months to a year. Due to the fact that the patient experiences a lack of physical activity, his muscles weaken significantly and need to be strengthened through physical education. If the rehabilitation period does not proceed very well, then bone fractures and other damage in the area of ​​osteosynthesis are likely in the future.

    The doctor also prescribes physiotherapeutic procedures that will help accelerate the healing of tissue fibers, and massage that improves nutrition and blood circulation. During rehabilitation, the patient must adhere to a special diet that will speed up the process.

    Possible complications

    After such surgery there is a risk of the following complications:

    • infections;
    • hematomas and heavy bleeding;
    • painful sensations;
    • swelling;
    • muscle tissue atrophy;
    • individual intolerance.

    These conditions require prompt and proper treatment. During surgery there is also a risk of damage to the articular apparatus. In this case, the operation will need to be performed again.

    Every woman dreams of beautiful long legs - few girls are satisfied with the length of their legs, even if they are lucky with the shape. We are accustomed to the idea that we can exercise our legs, waist, chest, buttocks, arms, but few people thought that height in general and leg length in particular can also be changed.

    Of course, your legs are unlikely to grow ten centimeters, but Almost any girl can achieve 2-5 cm in six months of training , especially if she is not yet 25 years old (at a more mature age the process is also possible, but it will require more time and effort). It is relatively easy to lengthen the lower leg with exercises; it will be more difficult to “grow” the thigh.

    What will help lengthen your legs?

    What can you use to achieve the desired lengthening of the limbs? First of all, through regular physical activity. Movement-based techniques provide excellent results without any trauma or surgical intervention.

    Regular dancing, swimming, ballet and kickboxing will help your legs grow. This also includes kibo aerobics, in which vigorous kicks and kicks are simulated. will constantly irritate muscles and bone tissue, and if after training you do one simple action or a whole set of exercises for growth (described below), the result will begin to be felt after a few months of training.

    At all All exercises that actively work your legs have the potential to lengthen them. : running, jumping rope, repeated swings and kicks in each direction. High-quality stretching may not directly affect the length of the legs, but by tightening the buttocks, it will make the back surface of the legs visually longer.

    Posture is something without which all the exercises described below will be useless. will ruin even the most beautiful and long legs, making their owner clumsy and unattractive. A straight back will give grace to the entire silhouette and add a couple of centimeters to the legs. So, in parallel with special exercises for the legs, it is necessary to do yoga or perform a certain complex to stretch the spine and strengthen correct posture.

    Vitamins and more vitamins. Take vitamin complexes and don’t forget to walk as much as possible in the warm sun during the day – We need vitamin D for normal bone growth and development.

    Important! Before any significant change in routine and physical activity, it is necessary to consult with specialists.

    Exercises to lengthen your legs

    Interval running is the first thing that will help you lengthen your legs. Alternate as fast as possible with leisurely jogging. Tiny microcracks form on the bone tissue, which the body will have to fill with new tissue if given the opportunity.

    Basic exercise

    Therefore, immediately after jogging, you need to sit on a high chair or table, having previously fastened a weight to your ankles, and sit for half an hour with a straight back, you can lightly dabble your legs. At this moment, you can read, watch TV, cram notes - in general, do what is convenient.

    The weight is selected individually, it can be purchased in a store or made independently by sewing stones into a “bag” with pockets, the main thing is that both weights are of the same mass, and this mass does not exceed two to five kilograms. Of course, you need to start with less weight and gradually, once you get used to the exercise, increase it.

    This is the main manipulation that starts the process of leg growth. If you just sit or lie down after training, the microcracks in the bones will heal and your height will remain the same. By hanging weights on our legs, we force the body to fill microcracks with new cells, which, when strengthened, will turn into normal bones. Performing this “dangling of the legs” after the correct load five times a week will ensure the elongation of the lower leg by 2-3 cm. Don’t let the number confuse you by its smallness – visually this is a lot!

    When performing the exercise, after a few minutes a slight burning and tingling sensation begins to be felt in the lower leg area.– this is the body that is engaged in “building up” new tissues. But there should not be severe pain. If pain is felt, immediately remove the weights or change them to smaller ones.

    Before and after sitting on a desk you need to approach the crossbar and hang on it(with the same weights on your legs) for as long as you can - at least two to three minutes. Repeated hanging on the horizontal bar will not only help stretch the spine, but will also put stress on the hip bones - the hips will also begin to lengthen.

    With each exercise, don’t forget to imagine how your legs lengthen, how they grow, and how you become taller and slimmer. Visualization of future success is the most important element of any sports achievement. (ask the professionals). So, your legs are slender and long. When “growing” your legs mentally, concentrate on this process.


    • Without stretching there’s nowhere here! We perform several simple and toning exercises for joints and cartilage.
    • "Butterfly". We sit on the floor with our feet together in front of us. We flap our knees like the wings of a butterfly, then smoothly lie down on our feet.
    • Longitudinal and transverse. Even if you've never done it, it's time to learn how to do the splits. This exercise starts very active work in the legs.
    • Standing straight, we try to reach our palms to the floor, and having done this, we hold the stretch for 30 seconds.
    • We sit in the Lotus position.
    • We do deep lunges with dumbbells on each leg.
    • We kneel down, palms and elbows on the floor. We stretch one leg parallel to the floor, pull the heel back and feel a strong stretch in the leg. The exercise will also perfectly tone your buttocks.

    Kicks and kicks

    We swing our legs (you can use weights on the shins up to 1 kg) in different directions.

    Kicking is an even more tiring and energy-consuming exercise. Thai boxers always have long legs - the intense punches they do every day for months cause their legs to grow. should be performed in the gym under the guidance of an instructor, but you can get by with a punching bag in the garage. The number of blows per workout increases from 200 to 1000. Gradually, because it will be very difficult. But it's worth it.

    With such regular exercises you can really lengthen the bones of your legs and solve your global problem. When working out your legs, don't forget about your whole body. A slender, fit person always looks taller and his legs are visually longer.

    Many women and men dream of becoming at least a few centimeters taller. Nature has blessed some people with short stature, while others have suffered a severe congenital or acquired disease of the musculoskeletal system, which resulted in deformation of the legs.
    It is possible to radically change the shape of the legs, remove deformities and lengthen them only through surgical intervention. But every person can hide imperfections with the right clothes, and also become athletic and fit by doing physical exercises. Let's consider all methods of leg lengthening in detail.

    How to increase the length of your legs is a question that worries many women of different ages. Leg lengthening through surgery usually frightens women, because the procedure is painful, expensive and requires long-term rehabilitation. But every woman can achieve visual enlargement of her legs with the help of the right clothes.

    To lengthen their legs, women are recommended to wear trousers, preferably plain or with vertical stripes. Pants with a horizontal print make your figure look fuller and your legs shorter, so you should avoid such clothes altogether.
    In addition, it is very important to choose the right model; the trousers must fit well and be long enough so that there is no gap between the clothes and the shoes. Breeches and cropped styles are suitable for tall women with long legs, as they visually shorten the legs.
    The combination of clothes and shoes also plays an important role. If a woman wears tights, they should be matched to the color of her shoes, that is, black tights should be worn with black shoes. The lengthening of the legs in such a set is noticeable immediately. You should not buy sets of clothes and dresses that visually divide your figure into 2 parts, for example, a dress with a red bodice and a blue skirt. For the same reason, you should avoid wide belts; they visually divide the figure into two parts; it is better to choose thin, elegant models.
    It is very important to choose the right skirts. If long trousers lengthen the legs, then long floor-length skirts, on the contrary, make them visually shorter, so it is not recommended for women with short stature to wear them. In this case, graceful pencil skirts to the knee are suitable; they make the figure slender, proportional, and the legs appear longer.
    To become taller visually, you need to choose the right dresses. It is recommended to wear plain models, without bright or unusual patterns; it is better to choose fitted and feminine dresses. Large flowers, spots, stripes attract attention to the dress, while the legs appear shorter. Also, you should not choose models in which there is a sharp separation of the upper and lower parts of the dress.
    The most famous and simple method of increasing leg length is wearing high heels. A woman wearing heels becomes taller and more graceful, but it is very important to learn how to walk in such shoes so as not to seem ridiculous. In addition, shoes should be matched to the color of clothing so as not to create contrast.


    Many women and men decide to enlarge their legs using a set of leg lengthening exercises. Exercising will help you get rid of excess weight, make your figure slim, your legs thin, and they will visually appear longer. In addition, constant physical activity can cause the femur to grow, but this is more common in young people under 25 years of age.

    Before starting training, you should make sure that a person has no contraindications. To do this, it is best to visit a therapist and take blood and urine tests; if everything is normal, then you can start exercising.
    It is very important to start training gradually, taking into account your physical fitness; beginners should not perform the complex for professionals; they still won’t be able to lose weight faster, but they can get injured. The following exercises provoke leg lengthening.
    The simplest and most effective exercise is running, and you should start all your workouts with it. To make your legs long and slender, you need to run every day for at least 30 minutes. You are allowed to exercise anywhere, in the gym, at home on a treadmill, or in a park near your home. It is very important that the training is long, that is, it is better to run at a slow pace, but for half an hour, than quickly, but for 15 minutes.
    After warming up, you need to sit on a high chair, you can use a table at home, but you need to make sure that it is strong enough. In this case, you should not touch the floor with your feet; weights should be attached to your ankles.
    At home, instead of equipment, you can use ordinary plastic bottles and wide tape, and the weight should be gradually increased. It is recommended to sit with weights for no more than 10 minutes, and repeat the procedure every other day. After the exercise you need to perform swings.
    Leg swings with 1-2 kg weights help a lot, depending on your physical fitness. The exercises must be performed quite actively, the swings must be performed quickly.
    A simple exercise on your toes will help you stretch your calf muscles and lengthen your legs. It is necessary to walk on your toes every day and simply stand by raising your feet on your toes and lowering your feet on your heels.
    Lunges are very effective. Beginners need to perform these exercises on their own weight, and over time they need to use weights.
    You can also lengthen your legs at a young age, when the bone growth zone has not yet completely closed, using hormonal therapy. It is selected individually by the doctor, depending on the age and condition of the patient. But you should understand that hormones can harm the body, since such drugs have many side effects.

    Training (video)


    The surgery is performed using the Ilizarov apparatus. The surgeon makes an artificial fracture in the area of ​​the leg or thigh, depending on the indications and desire of the patient, after which the bones are restored, while the distance at the fracture site is constantly increasing.

    As a rule, surgery is prescribed for people with medical indications, severe leg deformities and growth disorders. It is very complex and expensive, and rehabilitation after such a procedure takes about a year. In addition, leg lengthening surgery is prohibited in case of bleeding disorders, various chronic diseases, pathologies of the skin and the central nervous system.
    Leg lengthening is performed surgically in several stages:
    • At the first stage, special rods are inserted into the leg to fix the bone.
    • The next step is to perform an osteotomy, which means cutting the bone.
    • A week after the operation, a leg traction apparatus is installed, which helps to lengthen the leg. The leg lengthens by 1 mm per day, and the legs will lengthen from 50 to 140 days, depending on the desired result.
    • Once the desired length is achieved, the device is fixed until the bone heals.

    Leg lengthening surgery guarantees results; the size will be increased, but long-term rehabilitation is required after surgery. In addition, serious complications are possible that can affect a person’s future life and even lead to disability. For this reason, surgery is performed only in extreme cases and not for cosmetic purposes at the request of the person.


    After leg lengthening surgery, a rehabilitation period begins, its duration ranges from 6 months to a year. Since the patient was in a passive state for a long time, the muscles were weakened, they need to be strengthened through proper physical therapy. If rehabilitation goes poorly, bone fractures at the site of osteosynthesis are possible in the future.
    Patients are also required to undergo physical therapy, which will speed up tissue recovery, and massage to improve blood circulation and nutrition to the affected area. The patient is recommended a special diet aimed at restoring bone tissue, and it should be low-calorie to prevent excess weight gain.


    After leg lengthening surgery, the following complications are possible:

    • Bleeding and hematomas;
    • Infections;
    • Severe pain;
    • Individual intolerance;
    • Severe swelling;

    All these conditions require timely treatment, sometimes surgical intervention, for example, to remove large hematomas. Also, during leg augmentation, the device may break down, in which case the surgical intervention will have to be repeated.

    The fashion for high growth creates a demand for long legs, and supply follows: more than a dozen methods of both surgical and non-surgical changes in the length of the lower leg have already been developed. To understand how to lengthen the lower leg, you need to understand what anatomical structures it consists of and what exactly determines its length.

    Structure of the lower leg

    Anatomical structure of the ankle

    So, the lower leg is an intermediate formation, which consists of the following structures:

    • Tibia. A tubular bone that has two growth zones located slightly central to the diaphyses. The diaphysis is the extension of the bone at one end. The joint, ligaments, and periarticular bursae are usually attached to it. The diaphysis is covered with cartilage tissue, which ensures reliable attachment of the ligamentous-articular apparatus to the bone.
    • The fibula is also tubular, but of smaller diameter. It is located lateral to the tibia. This bone also has two growth zones near the diaphysis and a large number of ligaments.
    • Knee-joint. A complex articulation that consists of the articular surfaces of three bones. It is a mistake to think that stretching it will lead to lengthening of the legs. Constant mechanical stretching of the knee joint ligaments will only lead to habitual instability.
    • Ankle joint. Its basis is the talus bone, on which the ankles of the tibia and fibula rest.
    • The calf muscles are one of the anatomical structures whose length is easiest to change. About a million exercises have already been invented and developed for stretching, pumping and shaping the muscles of the lower leg.
    • Ligaments and tendons are dense, hard-to-change structures that hold bones and muscles together. It is possible to stretch ligaments at home and in the gym, but this requires a little more time than working with muscles.

    Exercises to lengthen the lower leg

    Calf stretching exercises

    Lengthening the lower leg without surgery is only possible up to 12-14 years of age. Then the bone growth zones are still well developed and can be influenced.

    As you can see, most gymnasts are short in stature with short legs relative to the body. This is due to the peculiarity of the training process in the gym.

    During the majority of gymnastics training, athletes run, jump and work on developing the speed and strength qualities of the muscle, which increases its tone and volume. Lack of proper stretching often results in stunted bone growth.

    Exercises for lengthening and straightening the lower leg without the Ilizarov apparatus:

    1. Feet together. Standing on a flat surface, bend down and try to touch your palms to the floor.
    2. Sitting on the floor, grab your toes with your hands. Slowly pull your foot towards you until you feel a characteristic pain in the calf muscles.
    3. Sitting on the floor, take your right leg in your hands. Maintaining the position of the leg straightened at the knee, gradually raise the leg up to the nose.
    4. Sitting on the floor, grab your heels with your hands and try to touch your stomach to your hips. It is better to make springy, gentle movements until your nose touches your knees.
    5. Standing on a step or step platform (or simply on some kind of elevation), put your feet together. Make springy downward bends, trying to lower your hands below the level of the supporting surface.
    6. Standing on the wall bars on one leg, we focus on the front of the foot. Hands hold the bar at waist level. We try to rise on our toes, moving our body along the stairs. The knee of the leg must be straight. The exercise is performed only using the strength of the calf muscle, do not use your hands. The greater the amplitude of movement of the heel up and down, the greater the effect of the exercise.
    7. Squatting, we bring one leg forward. We pull the toe of the straightened leg towards ourselves. We make small springy bends, trying to touch the thigh of the straightened leg with our stomach. The knee of the second leg is bent, the body weight is on the heel of the bent leg. To enhance the effect of the exercise, you need to pull your heel towards you as much as possible with your hand or straighten your leg to an elevation.

    Lengthening the lower leg using exercise machines

    Inversion table for ankle stretching

    A specific lengthening machine has not yet been invented, but an inversion board is now used instead. This is a specific simulator for developing the muscles of the spine, hip and other large joints.

    The point is to relieve the axial load on the spine and joints, which helps improve blood circulation and trophism of soft tissues. Gradually, the cartilaginous formations grow to a sufficient level. This is enough to increase the height and length of bones by 5-10% of the original size.

    The inversion board is an improved Evminov board. It allows you to turn a person upside down without much effort and change the angle of the body in any direction.

    To stretch your spine, straighten your posture, and visually lengthen your height and leg length, it is not necessary to use only the Evminov apparatus or an inversion board. It’s enough just to hang on the horizontal bar for 10-15 minutes every day.

    You can start with 1-2, gradually increase the time and after a month and a half, hang for 20-25 minutes.

    It is believed that if you hang on a bar for a few minutes a day for three weeks, you can increase your height by 4-5 cm.

    Do not forget that to consolidate the result, you need to do exercises for static muscle tension in a horizontal position. For example:

    • Boat – lying on your stomach, raise your arms and legs above the floor at the same time.
    • Plank – standing in a position, lying on straight arms and feet, maintain a horizontal position of the torso for several seconds, constantly increasing the duration of the exercise.

    You should not expect a miracle: physical exercises can lengthen your lower leg at home only if performed correctly, coupled with taking a large amount of vitamins and minerals for up to 15 years. In adults with a formed skeleton, the legs cannot be lengthened in this way; you will have to consult an orthopedic traumatologist. Rehabilitation after surgical leg lengthening lasts about 6 months.

    You can visually lengthen your lower leg using heels and appropriate clothing.

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