• Hair gets tangled in tangles. How to detangle and comb very tangled hair. Which comb to untangle a tangle?


    How to detangle your hair is a question that interests many girls. The problem is not only aesthetically unpleasant, but also takes a lot of time to solve. Although now you can find many products that help you untangle and tidy your hair easily and without losing your hair.

    What can cope with the problem of tangling strands? What do folk remedies and professional cosmetology developments offer?

    First: Why does hair get tangled?

    Before we begin to consider the issue, it is worth analyzing the reasons leading to this problem.

    Perhaps the most common cause of tangled hair is its weakening and fragility. The reason for this is improper or lack of hair care. If the curls are not moisturized and nourished, then keratin begins to “leave” from their structure, the hairs themselves become brittle, split, and the very nodules that lead to even greater tangling form at their ends.

    The next most common cause of tangling is frequent contact of hair with textiles, that is, with clothing or a pillow. It’s not for nothing that many girls complain that their hair is most difficult to comb in the morning; it is after sleep that it is most tangled.

    The problem presented above will also be aggravated if you wash your hair at night and go to sleep with your hair not dry. Then in the morning it will take even more time to comb.

    Women who like to wear their hair down know firsthand what tangled hair means, especially in windy weather. After walking in such weather, combing your strands is very problematic. Not only loose hair, but also hair gathered into a ponytail can cause inconvenience when combing.

    Girls who like to cover their hair with hairspray, mousse or styling foams also think about how to detangle their hair. And it seems impossible to comb hairstyles with a backcomb like that.

    Another reason for tangling can be constant contact of hair with your hands. We are talking about those who like to constantly twist their strands into strands or simply finger them in their hands (out of excitement, for example). Such an unpleasant habit can easily lead to a problem.

    Unraveling small knots

    How to detangle long hair, or more precisely, how to get rid of small knots that prevent it from being easily combed?

    1. Combing is carried out only on dry hair. Wetting them can significantly complicate the task.
    2. Take the “problem” strand in your hands and discard all loose hairs from it. And then they begin to untangle the knot, carefully removing one hair at a time from it. The entire process should be carried out from the bottom up, that is, moving from the tips to the location of the nodule.
    3. If the previous option is too long, then take the tangled strand and begin to comb it with a comb or comb with sparse teeth. To alleviate the situation, you can spray the tangled curl with a special detangling spray.

    Many people untangle such a small problem with a regular comb. Yes, the procedure is much faster, but this way you can easily damage your hair.

    What home remedies will help?

    How to detangle your hair at home? It's easy if you know a few effective recipes. For example, masks. At the same time, they will not only get rid of trouble, but also moisturize and nourish the curls. Here are some effective masks:

    1. The most popular mixture of three egg yolks, lemon juice and 50 ml of cognac. Leave the mask on your hair for half an hour and then wash it off with water and shampoo.
    2. Mask of yogurt: apply yogurt evenly to washed and damp hair, collect the hair at the crown and wrap it with a towel. Wear for 30 minutes and then wash your hair again.
    3. A mixture of colorless henna and several quail egg yolks is applied to the strands, wrapped and waited for 20 minutes. Then wash it off.

    Products based on herbal decoction:

    1. A ready-made decoction made from equal parts of coltsfoot, nettle and birch leaves is used to rinse washed hair. Moreover, the decoction itself does not require rinsing.
    2. A simple chamomile infusion will not only help blondes lighten their curls even more, but also make them manageable and prevent hair tangling.
    3. A mixture of infused black tea and peppermint (20 grams of each product) is poured with a liter of boiling water and left for half an hour. After this, the freshly washed curls are rinsed with the prepared product.

    Homemade sprays

    You can untangle very tangled hair as quickly as possible using homemade sprays, which are prepared from available ingredients. Moreover, such products can easily replace expensive professional sprays.

    1. Lemon spray. The preparation is simple: mix the juice of 1 lemon and 200 ml of clean drinking water. Afterwards, the finished liquid is heated on the stove and removed as soon as the first signs of boiling appear. Reduce the heat to a minimum level and return the liquid to the stove again. Wait until 1/2 of the contents of the container has evaporated. As soon as this happens, remove the lemon water from the stove completely and cool. Pour into a spray bottle and use before each combing.
    2. Herbal spray. It is prepared from the following phytocomponents (a teaspoon of each): stinging nettle, string, hop cones, chamomile and green tea leaves, as well as 200 ml of clean water. This product will be even more effective when used daily.

    Professional products to make combing easier: shampoos

    Most girls know how to untangle tangled hair using cosmetics. They can be purchased at a regular cosmetics store or a boutique selling professional cosmetics.

    These include shampoos. Although it is worth saying that there are not so many shampoos that make hair easier to comb. The most popular is Constant DELIGHT. It is effective and completely harmless.

    Balms and conditioners

    Easy detangling balms easily solve the problem of how to detangle your hair. Although, it is more correct to say that they prevent tangling with regular use. After washing your hair, squeeze out the water and apply balm to the ends, leave for 10 minutes and rinse. For greater effectiveness, it is better to use a balm of the same brand as the shampoo.

    Conditioners for curls. In their action they resemble balms, but unlike them they not only make combing easier, but also have an antistatic effect. They can be applied to both wet and dry hair. Plus, most of them do not require rinsing.

    There are also various professional sprays, masks, liquid crystals and serums that can solve the problem of how to untangle hair tangles.

    How to get a strand of hair out of a brush?

    Those who use a round brush for styling have encountered the problem of it getting stuck in their hair. Getting it out can be difficult and even painful. How to detangle your hair and get the brush out of it?

    First of all, it is worth noting that a brush with plastic teeth leads to the appearance of such a problem.

    1. First, lubricate the tangled strand with any vegetable oil. This will make manipulation much easier. Leave the hair and comb in this state for 25 minutes.
    2. After the specified time, the comb begins to move along the line of the strands, that is, as if continuing the unfinished process. There is no need to move from side to side or rotate the brush.
    3. You can free your hair “from captivity” not entirely, but in parts, moving only the comb in one direction.


    In order not to suffer from tangled hair, the problem is easier to prevent than to solve. This can be done using preventive measures:

    1. Brush your hair as often as possible (we are talking about times a day).
    2. If your hair is thin, then avoid wearing your hair down.
    3. Trim your ends once a month.
    4. Nourish and moisturize your hair with masks.
    5. Do not comb wet hair, and do not go to bed with wet hair.
    6. Use leave-in conditioners or oil sprays more often.
    7. Wash your hair in the shower. When you bend over your pelvis and return to the opposite position, you tangle your hair.

    Detangling Instructions

    1. Dry, tangled hair should not be combed beforehand. First you need to wash your hair with shampoo.
    2. After this, apply a balm to the ends or apply a mask to the entire hair. Keep for 20 minutes.
    3. After rinsing off the products, dry the hair a little and separate the strands, starting from the ends and moving towards the roots. Experts have identified several poses for this manipulation: hanging your head, lying on the sofa; sitting on a chair, lowering your head between your knees (a little higher); standing with his head tilted to the side.
    4. After unraveling the tangles, apply the mask again.
    5. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask and pat hair dry with a towel. Dry and then comb.

    Thick and incredibly long curls are the envy of rivals and the subject of admiration for the stronger sex. But sometimes a girl with gorgeous hair suddenly decides to get a short haircut and mercilessly part with her strands. The reason is simple: long hair is difficult to comb.

    Why does my hair get tangled?

    Indeed, women often face the problem of tangled strands. Most often the reason lies in improper care.

    The following factors can lead to a mat on the head:

    • Systematic use of a hair dryer, which provokes a violation of the hair structure. Along its entire length, scales open and cling to each other;
    • Irregular combing, especially before bed, also provokes tangled hair;
    • Neglecting a headdress leads to deterioration of the condition of the strands. They are constantly exposed to stress due to the influence of low temperatures and ultraviolet radiation;
    • Lack of brushing skills when styling with a hairdryer;
    • Abuse of mousses, varnishes, gels leads to brittleness, dryness and sticking of curls;
    • Curly hair looks great, but requires extra care. In its absence, tangles on the head are inevitable;
    • Washing your hair with hard water is another cause of tangles. Mineral particles contaminate the strands and cause them to become sticky. If the water hardness coefficient is constantly too high, it is worth carrying out the procedure by first settling the water.

    Sometimes the strands are so tangled that it hurts not only to comb, but even to simply touch the head. Tangles in strands, attempts to quickly solve the problem by tearing out unruly hairs lead to tension in the scalp muscles, which is why it becomes painful to comb your hair.

    To correct this annoying misunderstanding, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations on how to properly comb your hair if it is tangled.

    Basic ways to solve the problem

    First of all, if you find a tangled clump, you should not try to tear it apart with a massage brush. In this way, you can simply pull out an unruly lock by the roots.

    There are methods that do not lead to injury and allow you to correct the situation in less radical ways:

    Today there are special sprays on sale that make combing easier. However, they contain aggressive chemicals that negatively affect the condition of the hairstyle. Therefore, they should be used only as a last resort, if other gentle measures do not help.

    Prevention of tangles

    In order not to face the problem of how to comb very tangled hair, you need to take several preventive measures to ensure proper care of your curls and scalp.

    First of all, you need to comb your strands several times throughout the day. In the summer, be sure to use sunscreen sprays. Otherwise, your hair will become dry. And it is known that it is thinning, dry curls that tangle most easily.

    After washing your hair, be sure to apply balm to damp hair, especially for girls with curly locks. It is recommended to make a mask once a week to strengthen your hair.

    Before going to bed, it is advisable to braid the locks into a loose braid. This will significantly reduce the risk of matting. You shouldn't walk around with loose hair at home. They quickly become dirty, which also provokes the formation of tangles.

    You should take care of your hair and not use cosmetics to style it every day. If on this day it was necessary to create a hairstyle and fix it with mousse or gel, be sure to wash your hair at night. It is better to use combs made of wood. Metal and plastic brushes electrify hair and increase its fragility.

    Combing each curl 100 times is a common advice that absolutely cannot be practiced with thin and dry strands. You should learn how to properly comb and care for different types of long hair.

    Do not use detergents that remove grease harshly. Dry strands are more prone to tangling. Therefore, it is not recommended to use alcohol-containing hair care products.

    Curls that are prone to tangles should not be combed. When braiding a braid or styling a ponytail, do not hide your curls under clothes. In this case, they are more susceptible to static electricity and become tangled very quickly.

    By following simple recommendations, you can achieve excellent condition of your curls. The strands will become unusually obedient, smooth and elastic, so you can forget about the problem of how to comb heavily tangled hair forever.

    Sometimes the hair becomes so tangled that some girls decide to cut off the resulting tangle, but I do not advise you to do this. First you need to try to detangle your hair, but if none of the suggested methods help you, then scissors are in your hands.

    Why does hair get tangled?

    There are many reasons. Particularly susceptible to entanglement Thin hair, they become tangled easier and more difficult to untangle.

    Very much in second place in terms of tangling, coloring, blow-drying and hot hair accessories dry out and thin the hair, it becomes damaged and more easily tangled with each other, as the hair scales cling to each other.

    The reason for tangling hair is also the cold season, firstly, in winter the hair itself becomes drier, it has almost no moisture, and secondly, the situation is aggravated by winter clothes, all kinds of hats and scarves. Hair can also get tangled when drying your hair with a round brush. And another question arises, how to untangle hair from a comb? Or are you familiar with the situation when you can hardly comb your hair after a heavy backcomb or complex hairstyle?

    I will try to describe all the known and unknown methods of detangling hair that I found on the Internet.

    How to detangle your hair?

    1. The first method is to comb your hair in small strands. To do this, take a wide-toothed comb, and you begin to slowly comb your hair, starting from the very ends. This method is not suitable for all hair types, and it is also easy to tear and damage the hair.

    2. If your hair has formed a small tangle, use your fingers to pull out a small amount of hair from the main tangled area. The method is very painstaking and requires special care and patience.

    3. The most popular method of detangling (it is especially often used to detangle hair after a hairstyle or backcombing): get in the shower, wet your hair with water and wash it with shampoo, it is better to have a lot of foam (this is necessary to get rid of the remnants of hairspray and styling products, without them hair will detangle faster). Then we apply a balm or mask to the hair and especially to tangled areas (apply generously, do not skimp on the product).

    Lightly massage the hair, keep it for the prescribed time and rinse. Thanks to the balm, the hair should become slippery and easier to untangle. This way you can detangle most of the hair. But remember that wet hair is more fragile! So don't try to pull them, they may break.

    4. If you have a small strand tangled, you can take a two-phase hair spray and spray it. After that, try to unravel.

    5. If your hair is wrapped around a round comb, then moisten the strand with oil or shampoo and begin to slowly rotate the comb.

    What to do to prevent your hair from getting tangled?

    Moisturize and nourish your hair, it will be soft, smooth and this will prevent tangling.
    - Try to dry your hair less often and use hair straighteners
    - As soon as you notice that your hair has started to tangle, untangle it; if you don’t do this right away, your hair will get even more tangled.
    - If you have long hair, try not to let it down in unfavorable weather conditions (cold, strong wind).
    - Also, long hair should not be left loose under outerwear, because of this, it rubs against each other and gets tangled).

    You shouldn’t consider tangles in your hair as a “dignity,” to put it mildly, of an unkempt person who doesn’t care about her appearance. They can appear in any of us - under certain circumstances. What are the causes of tangles in a person’s hair, how to comb it and prevent it from appearing?

    What is a mat on a person’s head? This is a kind of tangle, difficult to comb, tangled strands that resemble felt, accumulating dust, dirt, and in the worst case, insects.

    Medicine believes that the inflammatory processes of the sebaceous glands on the head are to blame for everything, which results in the “gluing” of hair into a single mass. This phenomenon, in turn, also has its provocateurs. So, where does a person get a mat (another version of its name is “Kovtun”)?

    Hair tangles: reasons for their appearance in humans

    Prose of life

    Lack of proper hair care. Everything is very clear here: if you don’t comb it, your hair will form into tangles that are difficult to return to normal. Quite often, tangles appear in bedridden patients, which is not surprising, since their head is constantly in mechanical contact with the pillow.

    • Paradoxically, the reason why tangles appear in the hair is often due to numerous cosmetic and other procedures aimed at improving appearance. We are talking about those that dry out and weaken the condition of our locks. This may include, for example:
    • perm;
    • colorization;
    • bouffant;
    • exposure to high temperatures.

    As a result, the curls easily tangle, become matte and split at the ends.

    • The hairball, which is difficult to comb, especially “loves” porous and dry hair. Over-dried hair begins to become frizzy, tangled and actively tangled.
    • Another answer to the question why tangles form in the hair on the head is the influence of weather conditions: wind, heat or frost - in the absence of proper protection of the head from all this.


    To the question of why tangles appear in hair, folk signs give their answer. The magical reason for this phenomenon is the settling of an evil spirit in a person, which, by the way, “nests” not only in the hair. If the correct approach was not found to him, then this unfriendly creature took revenge by the appearance of tangles. According to the signs of the Slavs, it was possible to acquire them, and if a carelessly discarded hair was picked up and used to build a nest, a bird. It was believed that the strands could get confused in this way due to melancholy, worries, fear, and bad heredity. In any case, this did not mean anything good and required special rituals for eliminating tangles.

    How to prevent tangling of strands?

    In order not to wonder how to get rid of mats in a person, you need to minimize the risk of their occurrence. What can be done for this?
    To prevent tangles from appearing, you should:

    • Regularly, every day, morning and evening, comb your hair with a brush. This will remove any contaminants trapped there;
    • moisturized and smooth hair rarely becomes tangled - you need to regularly pamper your hair with masks with nourishing and moisturizing substances.

    It is worth using cosmetics containing keratin, which penetrates deeply into the hair structure, smoothing out the scales and giving the hair elasticity. Lubricating with oil or using silicone serum also provides a positive effect.

    • You should also pay attention to the way you dry your hair after washing. Do not vigorously rub it with a towel - just apply it lightly;
    • if the problem of tangles is the result of the strands rubbing against the pillow at night, their freedom should be limited by braiding them;
    • Often tangles in humans appear on the ends. The best option to avoid this is to trim the ends regularly (twice a year). Thanks to this, your hair will grow faster and become healthier.

    A person has tangles - how to get rid of them?

    Preventive measures are, of course, right and good, but if the tangle has already appeared, what to do? Often unable to comb out the tangle, people take the drastic step of cutting off the unruly strands. However, cutting is not a good idea. This allows you to get rid of a single tangle, but does not solve the problem of subsequent knocking down. And also, according to the same folk superstitions, illiterate circumcision of a mat threatens with even more unpleasant consequences than itself (for example, mental disorder).

    Thus, if there is a lump on your head, you still need to be patient and try to untangle it. How to comb a person's mat?

    • Hair gathered into a fist is combed not with the first comb that comes along, and certainly not with a massager, but with a comb with thick and widely spaced teeth. You can also disassemble them with your fingers.
    • Before untangling the tangles in your hair, it is better to wash your hair first, but not completely dry it.
    • Combing tangles begins from the middle of the hair length or from the ends - depending on the location of the problem formation. However, in any case, you should not start combing from the roots.
    • If the strands are very tangled, you can apply a little moisturizing conditioner or hair silk to them.

    Once you become the owner of a tangle in your hair, a person should definitely think about the reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon. Even if it is not an evil and vengeful spirit, as popular beliefs claim, some problem will make itself known again and again in this way, spoiling the appearance of hair and appearance in general.

    If your hair is very tangled, do not immediately run to the salon and cut off the entire length. There are several simple solutions for such a problem!

    Sometimes after washing, curling or evening hairstyle, hair becomes very tangled, especially if it is long and thick. Combing them seems impossible and very painful. But there are several ways to untangle the tangle without harming your curls.

    Small tangled clump of hair

    In this case, you can try to untangle the hair with your hands. It is necessary to carefully separate the curls into small strands with your fingers, and then use a flat comb with sparse teeth to run along the ends and gradually higher, to the roots. The tangled clump needs to be slightly dispersed with your fingers and pulled up a few hairs at a time. You can’t pull it down: you can tear it out with the onions!

    Very tangled long hair

    On this topic

    First, wash your hair with shampoo without combing the strands. Detangling dry hair is strictly prohibited, otherwise you will tear it out by the roots or tangle it even more!

    Then we apply a balm or mask on them. Let the product stand for 20 minutes.

    Carefully begin to separate the wet strands with a wide-tooth comb or your hands, starting from the ends and gradually moving up to the root part, while holding the strand at the roots. However, wet hair is very fragile, so you need to take it apart slowly and do not pull it down! Ideally, you need to lie on the sofa with your head hanging down, or sit on a chair with your head between your knees. But even if you remain in a standing position, you need to bow your head.

    Having untangled all the knots and tangles, lubricate the strands with the mask again and wait another 15 minutes. Rinse your hair with cool water.

    Hair wrapped in a round comb or roller with Velcro

    In this case, it is necessary to soak the strand wound on the brush in the balm and slowly rotate it so as not to pull out the hairs. Before unwinding the tangle, it is useful to sprinkle with oil. At the end of the procedure, you need to smoothly comb your hair with a comb to get rid of torn hairs.

    Text: Polina Yanulova

    Photo: open internet sources

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