• Meaning of yin yang tattoo. Yin-yang tattoo Sketches of yin-yang tattoos for girls bracelet


    Yin Yang - masculine and feminine... Nowadays it’s even a shame not to know that all the things around us, and even we ourselves carry the masculine and feminine principles of yin and yang. Our entire boundless Universe consists of these two strong energies, which simply cannot exist without each other; they must always interact.

    Let's say the space that is inside the cup is yin, but it cannot exist without the cup itself, which means the cup is yang. Black coffee poured into this cup is calm Yin energy, but the heat that the coffee gives off is active Yang energy.

    Esotericists, lovers of the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui and psychologists speak about the merging of these principles, about their mutual transfusion and flow into each other, about the importance of taking this fact into account in solving life and internal problems.

    Moreover, anyone who is well versed in the meaning of this symbol knows that it is not just the masculine and feminine principles, the yin yang philosophy is much broader and deeper. This ancient Chinese philosophical concept is used in many areas of our lives, from medicine to music.

    As the yin yang philosophy teaches, the ultimate task for a person who wants to comprehend and understand the mysteries of the world around him and himself is to learn to control and correctly use the yin yang energies in order to come to true harmony with himself and the Universe.

    Yin is the feminine principle, it is the lunar, dark side, it is intuition, gentleness, wisdom. Every person needs yin in a certain concentration in order to develop creative abilities, show emotions, sense and sense the slightest changes within themselves and around them.

    Yin is our inner self, which we often do not listen to or take care of, which leads to disharmony. Passive feminine energy symbolizes chaos, the one that existed before the appearance of all material things.

    Yin, in search of harmony, strives for the opposite of yang. Therefore, a woman is advised to enhance her femininity, softness, and natural essence. Then the man will be attracted to her like a magnet. Experts who deeply study this issue are skeptical about such a statement, which contradicts the law of Tao.

    Yin is always peace as opposed to yang activity. Therefore, a true woman carries peace within herself. When female peace collides with male activity, merging, these two energies align and come to balance. This explains the harmony in some couples that seem ideal to us, but the relationship between them is incomprehensible.

    No one can teach a woman to be feminine, everything is already inside her, you need to be able to feel the yin in yourself. As soon as a woman begins to awaken the feminine principles in herself, it means that she will begin to act, and this is a matter of yang energy. As a result, there is no harmony again.

    Yang masculine

    Hot, assertive, active yang energy translates yin “ideas” into real life. Logic, intelligence, common sense, life direction - all this is inherent in masculine energy.

    Yang is the bright side, it is clarity, clarity, dominance. If yin is the moon, then yang is the sun. Frozen and calm yin energy provokes strong yang energy into action and external manifestations.

    It is important that in all their manifestations, yin and yang do not contradict each other, but rather complement each other.

    History of the Yin Yang Symbol

    The Chinese saw the Buddhist yin-yang symbol and transferred it to their philosophy. And this event happened in the first-third centuries AD. The black and white image of yin and yang originally imitated a mountain.

    On one side the mountain is illuminated by the sun, and the other side of the hill is in the shadow, that is, darkened. As you know, the sun changes its position, and that part of the mountain that was dark becomes light under the influence of the sun and vice versa. Thus, literally everything in life goes through its cycle.

    The symbol was understood as a confrontation between good and bad, good and evil, harmful and useful. However, experts who understand Taoism say that the symbol must be understood through the prism of opposites in nature. This has nothing to do with morality and ethics.

    Symbol meaning and philosophical concept

    The yin yang symbol is a circle divided into two equal halves, similar to droplets or fish. One side of an even circle is black and the other white, but in each drop there is a dot: inside the dark half there is a white dot, and on the light half there is a black dot.

    The circle itself is our Universe, and it is infinite. Inside this Universe, two energies live, interact and complement each other - yin and yang, masculine and feminine. They are different, but are able to penetrate each other - this is indicated by the dots inside each half. The fact that there is no clear boundary between these halves is indicated by the wavy line that separates them.

    If you look at this symbol, you will get the impression that the image inside the circle-Universe is moving, the halves smoothly flow into one another, the energies merge and separate again, and so on endlessly. Thanks to such metamorphoses, the Universe exists.

    The theory of Taoist philosophy, described in the “Book of Changes,” is that everything in the Universe moves, changes, penetrates each other, one does not exist without the other, despite the opposite. The communication of these two energies gives birth to the elements. There are only five of them: wood, earth, fire, water, metal, from which matter appears.

    The forces of yin and yang in everyday life

    Wherever we look, we will see the presence, manifestation, interaction of yin and yang. This applies to natural and everyday manifestations, as well as the internal state of a person, his spiritual fullness.

    Yin is silence, darkness, cold, death, passivity. Yang is lightness, action, life. But literally everything has both yin and yang. Another thing is that one energy can be expressed more strongly than another, and a person’s task is to balance these elements.

    That is, if you imagine that you put yin on one side of the scale and yang on the other, it is important that there is no overweight, the scales must be in balance, in this case we find harmony. The harmonious manifestation of yin and yang should be in our inner essence, in our apartment, in what we do and even in what we eat.

    According to psychologists who are inclined to perceive reality based on the Taoist movement, they say that people in whom yang predominates are quite aggressive, assertive, they try to take a lot from life, they are bright, energetic people.

    If a person has more Yin, then he is usually lazy, often sad and bored, and often depressed. These people are very calm, creative, and have well-developed intuition.

    If both energies are brought into balance, the standard of living will become much better. It is important to understand yourself here. A person who understands what yin and yang are begins to look at the surrounding reality differently, he becomes very observant and sees how one can affect the other.

    Some people tend to consider the manifestation of yin and yang only in the relationship between a man and a woman. This is not entirely correct, but if we look at this issue from different angles, this is how yang and yin manifest themselves in love: these energies must complement each other and balance.

    For example, if a woman is too bright, noisy, proactive, talks a lot, laughs loudly, behaves demonstratively, then there is a lot of yang in her.

    If she is not able to find balance within herself, then in order for a woman to have a harmonious relationship with a man, the chosen one must carry a lot of yin, that is, be calm and cold. If, with such a woman, a man strives to dominate, command, and show yang energy, he will receive yin from the chosen one - isolation and depression.

    During childbirth, a woman spends a lot of energy, giving birth to a new life. Yang energy is mainly involved in this process. After childbirth, a lot of yin remains inside the mother, which helps the woman take care of the baby and show kindness.

    If you go on a diet and eat, for example, only vegetables or proteins, then by default you will upset the balance of the Universe, which means you will not achieve results or will achieve them for a very long time and in a stubborn struggle with yourself.

    Yin Yang Talismans

    If a person decides to wear a talisman or amulet in the form of a black and white circle, then he must well understand the meaning of yin and yang.

    Without this understanding, the talisman will not work, and it must help its owner maintain and balance these two energies within himself in order to be in harmony with himself and the world around him. That is, a person must tune in to his thing in a certain way in order for a connection to be established between them.

    Magicians and esotericists advise holding your talisman under water before releasing it into your biofield. The energy of the Yin Yang talisman should be only yours, otherwise the symbol will not work for you.

    They say that you need to talk to your talisman and share everything that worries you. So you activate your amulet, your Yin Yang sign

    Meaning of tattoo

    A tattoo in the form of this mysterious symbol can be applied by both men and women. The desire to have this sign on the body indicates that a person is in search of harmony, strives to fill the space around him with meaning. They say that for people who constantly doubt and cannot come to terms with themselves, such an icon on the body will help them understand their life and change it for the better.

    The girls are sure that when they leave the tattoo parlor with an Inyang image, they will immediately find a life partner. Experts advise hiding such an emblem-tattoo from the eyes of strangers. Therefore, it is better to apply the image on the stomach, chest, spine, although this is everyone’s business. The main thing is that the tattoo parlor is legal and has good artists, otherwise, instead of harmony, you can get diseases.

    If we consider that Tao is a path, then the essence of Taoist teaching is the search and finding of one’s life purpose. This means that by finding it and following it, a person finds that same harmony, that very balance of yin and yang energies. Living other people's lives, in pursuit of fame and money, we behave destructively, incorrectly, which means there can be no talk of any harmony. According to the sages, a person should live simply, and confusion takes away the Tao. Listen to yourself, and then you will understand where your Yang begins and your Yin ends.

    Tattoo on shoulder blade

    Yin and yang are a famous ancient sign of Chinese culture. Its popularity throughout the world has found its place among tattoos. This is a universal design that can be painted by both a young man and a girl.

    Placement of different parts of the body. The tattoo can be done on the neck, on the ankle - in any chosen place it will look impressive.

    History and symbolism of the yin yang sign

    Initially, these two symbols were considered as a designation of light illuminated by the sun. The luminary moved in an endless cycle, the mountain alternately falling under the sun's rays or into the shadow.

    The cycles replaced each other, which meant a constant cycle of life in nature. The two opposites are inseparable. Being one whole, the parts fight with each other, winning and losing alternately, either to the light or to the dark side.

    These symbols laid the foundation for two opposing eastern cultures - Confucianism and Taoism. Taoists believed that the world was ruled by yin - the feminine principle, adherents of the second religion argued that yang decides the fate of a person.

    Yin was interpreted not only as a female symbol. This is the dark side of life, which is characterized by paranormal phenomena. The symbol is attributed to:

    • deceit
    • secrecy
    • intrigue.

    Yin philosophy is responsible for even numbers. Yang was associated with masculinity, logic, and practicality. It is characterized by:

    • activity
    • life
    • bravery.

    Rational properties and parity of numbers are attributed.

    Yin is the moon, yang is the sun. There are still no clear definitions of yin and yang. These two opposites can be interpreted differently depending on what religion or culture a person adheres to.

    Yin yang tattoo meaning

    The meaning of the yin yang tattoo fully reflects the symbolism that experts of Japanese culture put into the mandola. But those who stuff it bring their own meaning depending on their goals, the meaning of life.

    A tattoo can mean the following:

    • - a person adheres to one of the religions of the East;
    • — harmony is the main thing that prevails in the life of the tattooed person;
    • - the desire to see positive and bright moments among the negative dark sides of life;
    • — a person strives to find peace of mind, to achieve internal balance in life;
    • - acquire certain character traits - strength, activity, self-confidence.

    Tattoos are characterized by two primary colors, black yin and white yang. But there may be color images of tattoos. Especially if the symbols are in the form of animals:

    • tiger and dragon,
    • two fish,
    • wolves, owls

    When attributing yang properties to the sun, yin properties to the moon, you need to remember that just as you can see the moon during the day, a yin-yang tattoo is ambiguous.

    In yin there is a light point of yang and vice versa. This is a sign that there is no good without evil, and there is no light side without the dark; they exist together, complementing each other.

    The meaning of tattoos for men and girls

    The tattoo is universal, suitable for both women and men. The meaning with which this tattoo is tattooed by representatives of both sexes is similar.

    Rethinking the past, they draw a tattoo to achieve internal balance. Guys get tattoos to achieve peace. Their tattoos often mean the struggle of opposites in the soul and the desire to find peace in life.

    Girls are characterized by stylized sketches in color. The feminine principle requires airiness, which can be reflected in the openwork tattoos of the symbol. Men prefer monochrome.

    Location of the sketch on the body

    When choosing a place to apply a tattoo, focus on the size and design. Not all monochrome tattoos look good in volume.

    When choosing a large design, make it in color. This sketch will suit guys if you place it on the chest, side, upper back, shoulder.

    Classic symbol tattoos are more suitable for girls. Small yin yang patterns can be printed on the neck, wrists, and ankles. It would be interesting to look at a tattoo on a woman’s lower back, lower back or tailbone.

    Young people should not experiment with these places. A tattoo on the shoulder or forearm is suitable for both girls and boys.

    And it will look better on men’s legs. On the arm, especially on the inner side, compositional tattoos look impressive - color images of the sun - moon, fire - water.

    Fans of Eastern cultures can choose the location of the tattoo, focusing on the person’s chakras.

    Options for combining yin yang tattoos with other symbols

    Tattoos are found in various styles and techniques:

    • - in realism (a pair of wolves, two dogs fighting each other), such tattoos or birds are often filled in color;
    • — monochrome, classic black and white tiger tattoos;
    • — finishing work or graphics, drawing dots or lines from which a pattern with open edges is formed;
    • — animal sketches (cats, wolves, dolphins);
    • - watercolor, suitable for large bright drawings (tattoos in the form of dragons with their rich colors) or small sketches for girls (symbol of the opposite in lotus flowers)

    Classic Yin and tiger as a symbol of perseverance and courage.

    A color or black and white image of two owls means two people who are close in spirit, the symbol in the center speaks of harmony between them. Koi carps looking up and down are a symbol of the cyclical nature of life and the balance of feminine and masculine energies.

    A common image is the image of trees intertwined with roots or from different seasons. Such tattoos speak of the wearer’s philosophical mood, understanding of the inevitability of life and death. Sketches with Indian or Chinese motifs are popular.

    Original elements for tattoos, compatibility. Tattoos where the symbol of two principles can only be guessed look unusual. The wearer of the tattoo creates a kind of intrigue.

    Images of life and death in the form of two angels or skulls look impressive. Such sketches are performed in monochrome.

    In classic tattoos, the central points can be replaced with stylized images of the moon and sun, air and earth. The symbol can be hidden in a tattoo, for example, a dragon or a toad holding a coin in its mouth.

    Video on the topic

    Perhaps one of the most famous and widespread symbols for tattoos in our time is Yin-Yang, which came from ancient Chinese cultural traditions.

    All sorts of interpretations of this sign are often found in various areas of the human body, both in its original form and as a concept or element of composition. For example, the image of a dragon embodied in yin-yang gained great popularity towards the end of the 90s of the previous century.

    Tattoo meaning

    The fundamental meaning of a yin-yang tattoo is the harmonious unity of two opposing energies, symbolizing the balance of forces such as light and darkness, earth and sky, life and death, man and woman. The symbol looks like a single circle, clearly divided in half by an uneven line. One half - Yin - is black, containing the symbolism of the feminine principle; the other part is Yang - white, which means male energies.

    These two elements, harmoniously inscribed in a single circle, together form unity and harmony. This is precisely the fundamental meaning of this ancient symbol. One component cannot exist without the other; they give rise to and continuation of each other.

    Another meaning of tattoo (tattoo) can be interpreted as the eternal struggle between evil and good, which is an endless, natural process that underlies everything that exists. The interaction of two opposing energies must be the embodiment of harmony, otherwise, if one of the forces can surpass the other, this will certainly upset the balance, and then the order of all nature.

    Also, one of the meanings of a tattoo can be the desire to find peace of mind and inner harmony with oneself. Black and white Yin-Yang can also characterize optimistic views on life and its stages: after adversity and failure, happiness always comes.

    Styles and zones for Yin-Yang tattoos

    Yin-Yang tattoos are good because they are universal and equally suitable for people of both sexes and different age groups. For example, large-scale designs made in the form of various compositions on the back or chest are most suitable for men, while smaller designs on the arms, neck, back of the head, and legs are best suited for women.

    Another good thing about this symbol is that its sacred meaning is perfect for people belonging to various religious movements, and its monochrome design makes this symbol ideal for skin of all types and colors.

    The execution of a tattoo (tattoo) with Yin-Yang symbols is not limited by anything and depends, by and large, only on the wishes of the customer and the imagination of the artist. However, the execution of this sign can be divided into several types.

    • Classic. A neatly and proportionally executed tattoo, not complemented by unnecessary elements, perhaps remains the most popular of all. It can be of absolutely any size and located on absolutely any part of the body.
    • Mandala. The fusion of two symbols is a great idea for a tattoo, especially if you take into account the deep sacred meaning and spiritual roots.
    • Animal shapes. Such tattoos remain popular in our time, and the huge selection of various forms is limited only by the artist’s imagination.
    • Watercolor and brushstroke. Quite original styles for performing the Yin-Yang symbol. The simplicity, lightness and calmness exuded by such tattoos complement and somewhat transform the classic meaning of the symbol.
    • Others. This category includes all other tattoos based on the Yin-Yang symbol. These can be whole, three-dimensional compositions depicting nature, made on the basis of an oriental symbol, or compositions, the main element of which is this sign. This could be a play of colors, a mixture of styles, or the inclusion of elements of pop culture. Quite interesting styles are good because they allow you to make a tattoo (tattoo) only relying on your own imagination.

    Yin and yang are a laconic symbol of the universe. Its image, like the concept itself, came to us from Chinese philosophical teachings, but the meaning is intuitively clear to a European. Yin Yang tattoos, the meaning of which we intend to find out today, are quite popular, because this symbol is truly comprehensive, it reflects the essence of existence, so it is quite difficult to be original in this case. But human imagination knows no bounds.

    History of the symbol

    According to one version, the essence of the yin and yang symbol was borrowed from Buddhists about two thousand years ago. In the Chinese “Book of Changes” this sign was used to represent fundamental opposites: light and dark, heat and cold, hard and soft. With the further development of philosophical teachings, the Celestial symbol began to play one of the key roles, explaining the concept of the universe.

    The black and white halves symbolize the indestructible relationship of opposite principles: destruction and creation, earth and sky, moon and sun, feminine and masculine energy. Both the dark and light parts contain inclusions of the opposite color. This indicates that in nature there is no absolute good and evil, “black” and “white”. Even the impenetrable darkness of the night will be dispelled by the sun's rays, and the winter cold will be replaced by spring warmth. Both energies are in constant motion, when one of them reaches its peak, it is replaced by the other. How deep the interpenetration of these energies is is indicated by their separation not by a straight line, but by a wavy line. It also speaks of ambiguity and constant movement.

    The idea of ​​dualism of everything in nature underlies many movements in Eastern philosophy. However, in the Chinese tradition, it is precisely the metaphysical meaning of the symbol, the dualism of the original nature of the world and reality, that is considered, while Japanese philosophical schools focus on the physical aspect of the sign: fire and water, man and woman.

    The meaning of the symbol in the tattoo

    The meaning of a yin yang tattoo is naturally associated with the symbolism that is embedded in this sign by followers of Eastern philosophical movements:

    • Harmony. The main designation of a yin yang tattoo is the harmonious interaction of opposites, thanks to which the origin and development of life in a broad sense is possible. Such a tattoo indicates a person who is following the path of achieving harmony with his inner and surrounding worlds, who has come to terms with all the contradictory aspects of his essence and existence as a whole. It can speak of a deep understanding of the concept of the universe.
    • Unity. Everything that exists in the Universe has a certain meaning. Even the elements that oppose each other and are in eternal struggle are in their places, their confrontation has its own deep meaning, without which the world we know is impossible. The sky is one with the earth, day with night, light with darkness, without one the other simply cannot exist. So it is with a person: every trait of his character, every impulse plays an important role in the formation of a single and unique whole. A yin yang tattoo means in this context the cessation of the struggle with oneself, the awareness of this unity or the desire for awareness.
    • Infinity and cyclicity. An unbroken circle, which contains two opposing forces, suggests that life in the Universe is endless. Stars, planets, plants, animals, people - these are its parts set in motion by energy that does not come from nowhere and does not go to nowhere, it only transforms, completing the old and starting a new life cycle.
    • True love. Paired yin yang tattoos speak of deep and sincere feelings between two people. This is not just a sudden passion or a short-term hobby. Such a tattoo indicates a bond cemented by mutual understanding, respect and deep emotional attachment.

    Composition solutions

    Yin Yang tattoos are suitable for men just as they are for women, because the symbol indicates the unity and inextricable connection of the two principles. The symbol itself looks quite simple, one might even say that its classic image has practically no artistic value. However, the art of tattooing knows no boundaries, so it is worth considering different options for stylizing the sign without losing its original meaning.

    Small watercolor tattoos with a yin yang symbol on the wrist or ankle, depicting fire and water, are quite simple, do not require much space, but look very impressive. Violent tongues of red flame and blue streaks of water fully reflect the philosophical concept of the sign. Small black and white yin yang tattoos can also look original if, for example, decorate the image with floral ornaments.

    Larger yin yang shoulder works, for example, may consist of many small elements. The drawings depict a pair of animals whose bodies form a regular circle look interesting: black and white cats, owls, fish. If you are planning a large-scale tattoo, for example, on your back, the yin yang can depict the change of seasons if you divide the design into a winter half with snow-covered spruce trees and frozen ponds and a summer half with green grass and bright sun. Another interesting option is changing the time of day. This could be a large yin yang tattoo on the arm, in which the sign itself acts as the center of the composition, dividing the sleeve into two parts: a light one with clouds and birds soaring in them, and a dark one - the starry sky.

    Tattoos in the oriental style with yin yang on the legs, arms or back look cool. Usually the sign itself acts only as one of the elements of the composition; its center can be a dragon, tiger, carp, a portrait of a brave samurai or a beautiful geisha against the backdrop of dark waves and other scenery:, or.

    The location of the tattoo can be chosen according to the teachings about the psychoenergetic centers of the human body, which is reflected in Buddhism, Hinduism and some types of alternative medicine. Thus, the image of yin yang on the neck, at the location of the Vishuddha chakra, which is responsible for expressing a person’s will through speech, can indicate harmony between thought and word, truthfulness, agreement between internal motives and the outside world. A tattoo with a yin yang symbol on the chest can promote emotional liberation, since the Anahata chakra, which is responsible for our feelings, is located in the center of the chest. It is also called the love chakra or the heart chakra.

    It's no secret that tattoos can really influence our lives. It happens that sincere faith in the power of a symbol helps to overcome obstacles on the path of life and gain self-confidence.

    Photos and sketches of yin yang tattoos

    This symbol was given to the world by Chinese philosophers, who saw the model of the universe this way - in the interaction of light and shadow. Tattoos with this symbol have become widespread among representatives of other countries, because the meaning of the Yin Yang tattoo is understandable at the level of intuition.

    Here are the main interpretation options:

    • harmony - this meaning lies on the surface of the image. The harmony of two opposite principles is the basis of life. A person with a Yin Yang tattoo sign certainly strives to achieve harmony - both with his inner self and with the world around him. The tattoo speaks of a philosophical view of life and an attempt to comprehend the foundations of the universe;
    • struggle and unity. In nature, everything is arranged in such a way that even opposing elements are in some kind of unity and interconnection with each other. A tattoo in the form of Yin Yang is just the same schematic and reflects this unity of opposites - darkness and light, good and evil, male and female energy. Just as in the world every phenomenon creates its unity, so in every person each of his character traits or appearance is an important component of a single whole. A tattoo can be interpreted as acceptance of oneself with all the pros and cons;
    • infinity. This is evidenced by a vicious circle in which opposites are contained. The Yin Yang symbol tattoo in this context suggests that everything in life has its own cycle, but nothing disappears without a trace. Everything is reborn and transformed - this is the principle of infinity.

    You can often see such tattoos as paired Yin Yang tattoos. They do not talk about ardent love, but about deep feelings, understanding, harmony and affection between a man and a woman.

    The Yin-Yang tattoo says that in nature there is no ideal, there is no absolute good and no absolute evil, there is a harmony of these, which are constantly in motion, interaction, replacing and complementing each other. This is the basis of our existence.

    The principle of dualism in nature and human nature can be expressed in a tattoo in different ways:

    • Yin Yang fish tattoo – carp occupy a special place in Chinese culture. They symbolize strength, resilience, luck and spiritual development. Yin-Yang carp tattoo is a dual symbol made in the form of two fish swimming in different directions. These fish are different colors. The classic version is black and white, but it can be yellow and blue, etc. Two fish in a tattoo are considered a symbol of harmonious relationships;
    • Yin Yang tiger tattoo. The image of this symbol in the form of animals is very popular. The tiger is the carrier of feminine Yin energy. Most often it is adjacent to the dragon - a mythological symbol of strength and power, which personifies the masculine principle. Such a tattoo looks very impressive, but a person not versed in symbolism will understand its essence;
    • wolf Yin Yang tattoo is also an interesting variation on the theme of the dual structure of the world. Depicted as two wolves - black and white. One of the unusual and non-trivial options. Just like the owl version of the Yin Yang tattoo - black and white birds merge into a well-known oriental symbol. For the sketch, you can take any other animals or birds.

    Whatever option you choose, the main designation of the Yin Yang tattoo will remain unchanged. This is the idea of ​​the world as the unity and harmony of opposing concepts and phenomena.

    The tattoo can be done either in monochrome or in color. Colored Yin Yang tattoos are often chosen by representatives of the fair half of humanity. Men's tattoos are usually more laconic and discreet.

    The leading styles are minimalism, realism, oriental, and linework.

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