• Energy Engineer's Day in Russia. Electrician's Day: history of the holiday History of the holiday and traditions


    In Russia there is a large number of holidays that are dedicated to people of one profession or another. This is housing and communal services workers, Fireman's Day and so on. One of these holidays is Electrician's Day, which we will talk about now.

    It is worth noting in advance that this holiday is in no way a day off. Electrician's Day is celebrated on December 22. An interesting fact is that this is perhaps the shortest of the entire year. Accordingly, it is on December 22 that the work of the power engineer becomes most noticeable. By the way, Energy Engineers Day is celebrated by all those who are in one way or another connected with the industry, which covers the generation, transmission and further sale of thermal and electrical energy to consumers.

    This holiday was approved back in the USSR. This happened in accordance with the decision of the Presidium of May 23, 1966. What was the reason for issuing such a decree? Famous This plan was adopted back in 1920 during the Eighth All-Russian Congress of Soviets. Most of all, the GOELRO plan was remembered by the common man as “Ilyich’s light bulb.” Such equipment is still used in some places today. “Ilyich’s light bulb” is an ordinary household one that is used without a lampshade. This concept arose in the same 1920, when the leader of the world proletariat himself attended the opening of a power plant in the village

    Kashino. That was only the very beginning of the implementation of the GOELRO plan. Together with the power plant in Kashino, it was planned to build 30 power plants throughout the country. Vladimir Ilyich planned the reconstruction of absolutely all sectors of the national economy. To the satisfaction of the leadership of the country of Soviets, the plan was completed over the next 11 years. And after 15 years, by 1935, it was exceeded three times.

    Returning directly to the holiday, we can recall another significant date. On November 1, 1988, a government agency such as the PVS issued a decree regarding Energy Engineers Day. In accordance with this decree, its celebration was postponed, now it was a day that fell on the third Sunday in December. But recently, this decision was secretly canceled, and December 22 again became Energy Worker’s Day. But at the same time, some organizations maintained their adherence to the PVS decree.

    In addition to the fact that December 22 is celebrated as Electrician's Day in Russian Federation, it is also celebrated in some countries. These are Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine and Belarus.

    As for such an aspect as congratulations for Energy Engineer's Day - most of them must certainly be cheerful, perky and interesting. In itself, such a holiday does not particularly stand out, but if you congratulate your friend with a funny poem or an amusing parable, it will definitely be remembered. For example, congratulations on Energy Worker’s Day, which was very relevant in 2012: “You canceled the end of the world once again and gave light to people again! Thank you for that!".

    IN modern world It is impossible to imagine a person’s life without consuming electricity, therefore the work of power engineers is important for the economic development of the country, maintaining high level life. Today we have learned to extract energy from environmentally friendly sources, for example, from the sun or wind. This has led to increased interest in this area.

    In 1920, at the Eighth Congress of Soviets, a plan was drawn up and the stages of electrification of the entire USSR were spelled out. After about 15 years, a large area of ​​the country was supplied with electricity, but only on May 23, 1966, it was decided to approve a holiday in honor of the GPER.

    For a long time it was celebrated on the third Sunday last month per year. This tradition is still preserved in some CIS countries. For this reason, in Kazakhstan, specialists in this field of industry and related industries will be congratulated on December 27 in 2019.

    In Russia, Energy Day falls on December 22- the shortest daylight hours of the year, when the activities of specialists become especially noticeable in the Northern Hemisphere. At the same time, ceremonial events take place in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Ukraine. Even after the collapse of the USSR, many countries did not give up holding the holiday, understanding the importance of the work of energy industry specialists.

    It should be noted that Nuclear Energy Day is celebrated in the fall. This division did not occur immediately and was not accidental. With its help, it was possible to highlight the enormous contribution made by Atomic industry in the development of our state. For this reason, the holiday falls on September 28th. It was on this day, but only in 1942, that an order was approved to carry out work on uranium and the grand opening of a special laboratory for the development of the atomic nucleus.

    Who is customary to congratulate on December 22?

    IN Energy Engineer's Day 2019 All workers in the industrial sector, which includes the production and transmission of thermal and electrical energy to facilities and people, will receive congratulations. These include:

    • energy engineers;
    • thermal power engineering;
    • mechanics;
    • electricians;
    • industrial automation engineers.

    The operation of equipment and the uninterrupted supply of light and heat to objects depend on them. Without attention in Energy Engineer's Day 2019 Drivers, operators, controllers, dispatchers and some other specialists will not remain either.

    Like any other holiday, this day acquired its own traditions over time. Therefore, it is celebrated by awarding the best employees with certificates, diplomas, and valuable gifts.

    Today, the date of the Energy Engineer's Day is not a day off, which is why many specialists receive congratulations at their workplace. Every large organization has departments that deal with energy supply. Currently, more than a million people work throughout the country, acting as intermediaries between energy producers and consumers. Each of them deserves to receive congratulations on December 22.

    For everyone who is interested in the question: “What date is Power Engineer’s Day in Russia in 2017?”, we answer. The official Energy Engineer's Day in the Russian Federation in 2017 will be celebrated on December 22.

    This holiday applies to everyone who in any way comes into contact with the energy sector: auxiliary and maintenance personnel of thermal power plants, repairmen, installers, engineers, employees of the State Generating Company, nuclear power plants and thermal power plants. Also included in the celebration are residents of populated areas, graduates of specialized educational institutions, students and teachers for whom energy production is a city-forming industry.

    On this day, power engineers receive congratulations from the country's president and ministers. The best employees are awarded cash rewards, diplomas and certificates. If there are high achievements in the energy sector, the employee is awarded the title “Honored Energy Engineer of the Russian Federation.”

    The achievements and historical facts of major energy facilities are constantly broadcast and voiced in the media.

    The celebration takes on a wide scale in cities and other settlements that are directly related to a nuclear power plant, hydroelectric power station or gas generating plant.

    History of Energy Engineer Day

    The holiday was first introduced into the calendar in 1966 on December 22. It was on this day that the GOELRO plan was approved. In 1980, it was decided to celebrate on the third Sunday in December. But unofficially they continued to celebrate it on the 22nd. And only in 2015, by presidential decree, the holiday was moved to December 22.

    The work of an energy engineer is very responsible and dangerous to health and life. Their work must often be done in snow and frost. We sincerely congratulate all energy sector workers on their professional holiday and wish them health, endurance and professional prosperity.

    Below is some background information.

    Every year on December 22 in Russia, workers in the energy industry celebrate their professional holiday - Power Engineer's Day. It was established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on May 23, 1966. In memory of the day of adoption of the State Plan for the Electrification of Russia (GOELRO), the date of celebration of Power Engineer's Day was set on December 22 (the opening day in 1920 of the VIII All-Russian Congress of Soviets, which adopted the GOELRO plan). By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 1, 1988 professional holiday was moved to the third Sunday in December. The purpose of this change was to move its celebration to a weekend. However, due to the continuous work schedule of power engineers, Sunday has always been a working day for the majority of industry workers. Moreover, they continued to consider December 22 as Energy Engineer's Day.

    In order to restore the historically justified date for the celebration of Power Engineer's Day and at the request of the All-Russian Industry Association of Electric Power Industry Employers and the public association "All-Russian Electrical Trade Union", by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2015, the date of the professional holiday was returned - December 22.

    The electric power industry is a basic sector of the Russian economy, providing electric and thermal energy to the internal needs of the national economy and population, as well as exporting electricity to the CIS countries and non-CIS countries. Sustainable development and reliable functioning of the industry largely determine the country’s energy security and are important factors its successful economic development.

    The GOELRO plan became the starting point in the creation of a domestic electric power system, as well as the first scientifically based long-term economic development program in the country. It was designed for 10-15 years and provided for a radical reconstruction of the national economy based on electrification (construction of large enterprises, construction of 30 regional power plants, including ten hydroelectric power stations (HPPs), with a total capacity of 1.75 million kilowatts and an annual output of 8.8 billion kilowatt). The plan was completed by 1931.

    In the 1950s, the industry received an additional boost from scientific developments in atomic energy and the construction of nuclear power plants. In subsequent years, large-scale development of the hydropower potential of Siberia took place.

    The main energy capacities and electrical power facilities of Russia were built in Soviet period. However, already at the end of the 1980s, signs of a slowdown in the pace of industry development began to appear: the renewal of production capacity began to lag behind the growth in electricity consumption. In the 1990s, the volume of electricity consumption decreased significantly, while at the same time the process of capacity renewal practically stopped. In terms of technological indicators, Russian energy companies seriously lagged behind their counterparts in developed countries, the system lacked incentives to increase efficiency, rational planning of electricity production and consumption modes, and energy saving; due to reduced control over compliance with safety rules and significant deterioration of assets, there was a high probability of major accidents.

    In addition, due to the difficulties of restructuring the economic and political systems of Russia, there was no payment discipline in the industry (the so-called “crisis of non-payments”), enterprises were informationally and financially “opaque,” ​​and access to the market was denied to new, independent players.

    From 2001 to 2008, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 11, 2001 “On reforming the electric power industry of the Russian Federation,” transformations were carried out in the electric power industry.

    Currently, there are wholesale and retail electricity markets in Russia, the prices of which are not regulated by the state, but are formed on the basis of supply and demand.

    The structure of the industry also changed: a separation was made between naturally monopolistic (electricity transmission, operational dispatch control) and potentially competitive (electricity production and sales, repair and service) functions; Instead of the previous vertically integrated companies that performed all these functions, structures specializing in certain types of activities have been created.

    Trunk networks came under the control of the Federal Grid Company, distribution networks were integrated into interregional distribution network companies (IDGC), the functions and assets of regional dispatch departments were transferred to the all-Russian System Operator (SO UES - System Operator of the Unified Energy System).

    During the reform process, generation assets were united into interregional companies of two types: wholesale market generating companies (OGKs) and territorial generating companies (TGKs). WGCs united power plants specialized in the production of almost exclusively electrical energy. TGCs include mainly combined heat and power plants (CHPs), which produce both electricity and thermal energy. Six of the seven WGCs were formed on the basis of thermal power plants, and one (RusHydro) was formed on the basis of hydro-generating assets.

    The Unified Energy System of Russia (UES of Russia) consists of 71 regional energy systems, which, in turn, form seven unified energy systems: East, Siberia, Urals, Middle Volga, South, Center and North-West. All power systems are connected by intersystem high-voltage power lines with voltages of 220-500 kilovolts and higher and operate in synchronous mode (in parallel). The electric power complex of the UES of Russia includes about 805 power plants with a capacity of over five megawatts. The network infrastructure of the UES of Russia includes more than 10,700 power transmission lines with a voltage class of 110-1150 kilovolts.

    In 2018, electricity generation by Russian power plants, including electricity production at power plants of industrial enterprises, amounted to 1091.7 billion kilowatt-hours. The increase in the volume of electricity production in 2018 was 1.7%.

    According to the System Operator of the country's Unified Energy System (SO UES), in January-August 2019, electricity generation in the Russian Federation as a whole amounted to 715.8 billion kilowatt-hours. Electricity consumption in Russia as a whole in January-August 2019 decreased by 0.2% compared to the same period last year and amounted to 702.5 billion kilowatt-hours.

    If we consider the dates of professional holidays, we can see two options for how they are established. The first is that the holiday is established at the legislative level on a certain day of the week of a specific month. For example, the third Sunday in August, the second Saturday in October, and so on. The dates of such professional holidays are called “floating”.

    As for what date is Energy Engineer's Day in 2017, the date does not change from year to year, that is, at the legislative level it is established according to a specific second scheme, when a specific number is assigned to the holiday, which from year to year is an omen arrival Thus, December 22 is Energy Engineer’s Day in 2017, what date is it in Russia.

    Whom should we congratulate?

    In 2017, the holiday date, December 22, falls on a Tuesday. Even if it is a working day, the middle of the week and the time closest to the New Year, you must not forget to congratulate people for whom the date is a professional holiday. These are friends, relatives and acquaintances whose professions are directly or indirectly related to the generation, transmission, and sale of electrical and thermal energy.

    From the history of establishing the date

    We know that Energy Engineer's Day in 2017 is celebrated on December 22. This has been the case since 1920, when at the 8th All-Russian Congress of Soviets this holiday was established in memory of the day of the State Plan for Electrification of Russia, which was briefly called “GOELRO”, and with that name it remained in history.

    True, as for the dates of celebration, they differed. In 1988, it was decided to celebrate Energy Worker's Day on the third Sunday of December. In modern Russia, this first approach to establishing dates was maintained for a long time. But energy workers began to complain that due to the floating date of the celebration it was inconvenient to hold, and many people completely forgot about this event. Then a new decision was made that Energy Engineer’s Day in 2017, which date will be celebrated every year, is December 22. On festive table relevant.

    About the meaning of the holiday

    Separately, we can talk endlessly about the meaning of each professional holiday. First of all, of course, this is an incentive for every employee in a certain field. The incentive to feel especially acutely once a year how important their work is for the country as a whole.

    It turns out that the main meaning of Energy Worker’s Day is to pay tribute, to show respect and respect to workers in the energy industry. Their work, of course, is hard, but it is thanks to it that we have light and warmth in our houses and apartments, at work and in public institutions. This holiday is aimed at expanding the public’s understanding of the energy profession and telling them that it is prestigious and worthy to be one.

    Another interesting fact due to the fact that December 22 is celebrated as Energy Engineer’s Day in 2017, what date. This is the day of the winter solstice, that is, the shortest day of the year, as well as the most long night. It is on December 22 that in our country, and throughout the world, the work of power engineers is especially in demand. So, those who are on duty on this day do not need to be greatly distracted by congratulations; it is better to postpone the festive events to the weekend. In honor of the holiday you can do

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