• Good words to apologize to a girl. If a girl is very offended: an apology plan


    Well, my love, stop sulking! Come on, finally, look at me with your shining eyes, smile with your incredibly beautiful, brilliant smile! After all, when you are gloomy, then the whole world is different! And the sun doesn't even shine that brightly! But you don’t want the sun to shine less brightly on the entire planet just because you’re angry with me! So come on, let out all your negativity and jump into my arms! I didn’t want to offend you at all and I didn’t know that this would happen. Come on, my chipmunk, stop blowing your cheeks! Let's start having fun already! Well, my love, forgive me for being a fool. This won't happen again!

    More than anything in the world, I don’t like those moments when my beloved princess frowns, then the whole world doesn’t appeal to me! And when I realize that I myself am to blame for this, I don’t even know what to do to correct the situation. Therefore, honey, don’t take what I did to heart, because I love you very much, and I don’t want your little defenseless heart to hurt because of me. Let’s make peace with you as soon as possible and nothing can stop you and me from becoming even happier! And further closer friend to friend. After all, my happiness is only where you are! And you know it. I love you my dear.

    Sunshine, swallow, flower, my beloved. Well, please forgive me, a fool, for acting like an idiot! I didn't do it on purpose. You know very well how much I love you. And that I will do everything for your happiness! And so that you don’t need anything! So please give me one more little chance to make you my queen! The one who won my heart forever! The one for whom I want to accomplish feats. You are my queen and my future! Do not be angry with me! And you will see what I am capable of for you! I am capable of a lot, if only you were next to me!

    You, dear, make my life brighter every day! Only you believed in me and my success when I had no hope! But you believed so convincingly that I believed it too. And I really don’t want this little stupid situation to become an obstacle to our future relationship with you! After all, I only want to see you in my future! You're the only one I need. After all, there is no one more dear to me than you! Forgive me, please, for my mistake, I stumbled, which happens to everyone. But the main thing I understood is that I want you to always just be next to me! The fact that you are my inspiration again and again to achieve the best!

    Our dear life consists of eternal attempts, of striving for something better, new. But these attempts do not always turn out exactly as we see them. And the result does not always turn out exactly as we imagine. Yes, this time everything turned out a little differently than we planned! I admit I'm wrong here. But let's not dwell on this. There are still a lot of opportunities, chances, options! The main thing is that you always just be by my side. I'm sorry it turned out like this. But know that I love you and don’t want to lose you. Just know that when you believe in me, we will definitely succeed!

    Mistakes only mean in a person’s destiny that he is alive and moving in the right direction! Honey, we all learn from mistakes! So let's quickly forget about this ridiculous situation and move on with our lives. After all, I didn’t want to disappoint you! I wanted everything to be good with us! And you know, I know for sure that it will be good. If only you would forgive me! Believe me, this will give me the strength to conquer new heights and go as quickly and further as possible! This will mean that you believe in me, in us, in our future! Forgive me my love, give me a chance to become better for you! And you will see that you were definitely not mistaken!

    My little girl, forgive me for not thinking a little before telling you this. I just said it out of spite, without even thinking about the words, I just said it and that’s it! Without thinking about the meaning of these words. I know that you have every right to be offended by me. But wouldn’t it be better for both of us if we live in harmony, without quarreling or swearing? After all, you are dearer to me than everyone else! Everyone's favorite and most beautiful! Let's quickly forget about this situation. I assure you that this will not happen again! I will do everything to make you happy! Everything so that your heart does not know sadness! And everything to make you always smile! Forgive me, my dear! You are my Everything!

    My love! I realized how guilty I am towards you! With this message I want to convey to you my most sincere apologies. I so want to see you again, I miss you so much! Please forgive me and let's not quarrel anymore. This ridiculous squabble cannot ruin our relationship. You are the meaning of my whole life and I cannot imagine existence without you. You brought so many new things into my life with your presence. With you I believe in miracles and eternal love. I want to live my whole life with you. Wake up and fall asleep with you, make coffee and cook breakfast together in the morning. Watching stupid TV series with you on TV, eating all sorts of goodies. I want to hug you and kiss every day the universe gives you. I need your presence so much, I probably just won’t be able to live without you. Just come back and never leave again.

    Well, we quarreled again. I don't know exactly who is to blame. Probably both, but I know that you are my proud girl and will not ask for forgiveness first, so I will do it. I really appreciate you and value our relationship. Therefore, I want to apologize for the words that I said to you in a fit of rage. Don't be angry with me, because you know how much I love you and value you and our relationship. I know that now you also repent of the hurtful words you said to me, but I am not angry with you, because I understand that in the heat of the moment you can say a lot. And it doesn’t mean that you really think so, it just so happened that we quarreled and said stupid things to each other. This happens and will happen between us, because we are different people and have different opinions. Let this little quarrel become a lesson for us and teach us to treat each other more carefully and appreciate the time spent together.

    Today it has been raining all day, I am sitting by the window and with a lazy gaze I follow a drop of water flowing down the glass, following another drop. This suggests that we are very similar to these raindrops that chase each other, but cannot meet in any way, no matter how quickly they roll on the glass. In the end, they will bring their race to the end, hitting the window frame and breaking into many small splashes, without having time to say anything to each other and without even shouting a word of apology after them. But I believe that the fate of raindrops does not await us. If you stop running away from me, I can catch up with you and stop you. Say everything I want and ask for an apology for everything I did. Because I don’t want to lose you forever because of some stupid offense and not find you again. I ask you for a meeting so that we can calmly talk and sort out our relationship.

    My dear, today I greatly offended you in the heat of the moment, but I want to ask for your forgiveness and I hope that my apologies will resonate in your soul and you will forgive me, because I cannot live without you. Every day I thank fate for giving me you. Let's forget all the grievances and try to fix everything. I really appreciate your presence in my life, because you make it brighter and more interesting, and it takes on meaning. I love you very much. Your eyes are so beautiful that when I look into them, they take my breath away. Your features are so sweet that I always want to protect and protect you from all adversities and misfortunes. Let's no longer quarrel and insult our strong love petty squabbles. After all, we are each other’s most precious thing and we must appreciate and thank God for every new day given to us by the universe.

    Today I offended the most gentle and kind creature who has ever walked this earth. I don’t know what came over me, because I didn’t want to intentionally offend you. Now I’m so sorry for what I said to you in the heat of the moment that unsolicited tears are welling up in my eyes. I can imagine how hard it was for you to listen to all the abuse that I brought down on you. It must be so painful to hear such words from a person who just recently swore his love for you and promised to protect you from any misfortunes. But my love, all my promises to you are valid, it’s just that your boyfriend is a fool who couldn’t restrain himself and told you all sorts of stupid things. I still love you, and I will never betray you, no matter what happens between us. Please forgive me for the offense that I caused you and let's never quarrel again.

    You should know that you are the most dear and beloved to me and that I really repent of you for offending you. I still love you selflessly, and I want to spend my whole life with you. I don’t know how those hurtful words addressed to you came out today. After all, there is no one more precious than you in my life. I regret so much now what I said then and you, my dear, do not deserve such treatment. You deserve all the flowers in the world thrown at your feet. After all, you are the most beautiful and sweetest girl I have ever met. Only you occupy all the space in my heart, and if you are not in my life, I will simply die, because I need you like air, like water in an arid desert. I know that you can forgive me because you love me so much. I want us to make peace and never quarrel again.

    My yellow magnolia, how slowly the hours of melancholy creep without you. I realized what I did and I want to ask your forgiveness for what I did. If you can't forgive me, I'll just die. How will I live without my affectionate girl? I hold your photographs in my hands, and my tears are dripping on them, and I don’t understand how I could offend such a wonderful creature like you, how I could offend such an innocent girl? All the guilt fell on my head, and I really want you to try to forgive me and understand how much and selflessly I love you and want to be near you, no matter what. Let's always be together, and let's never quarrel or insult each other again. I want to hug you and kiss you so hard that you realize all the love and tenderness that I feel for you and how much I ask for your forgiveness.

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    Forgive me if possible, because my repentance knows no bounds. My soul is restless, and my conscience has simply gnawed at my consciousness, reminding me of the strength of my guilt...

    I may not be worthy of being forgiven by you. But I know how generous you are. You have a big and kind heart, which cannot remain indifferent to my requests for forgiveness.

    Asking for forgiveness in words is easier than sincerely repenting in your soul. Believe me, I deeply regret what happened. Don't be angry with me, you are dear to me.

    Apologies to the girl

    I don’t need anything else except your forgiveness now! Just don’t get angry, let go of the offense, cool down from your anger. A smile addressed to me suits you so well!

    You were offended, and my world collapsed, the sky around me darkened, and clouds of black melancholy gathered overhead. Forgive me, give me back the light and joy of life!

    * * *

    You are wise and kind girl, please try to understand and forgive me like a woman. And I will try never to do that again.

    With the hope of a speedy reconciliation with the sweetest girl in the world, I offer my most sincere apologies.

    I know that you have a wide soul and a huge heart in which there is no place for resentment and anger, so you will definitely forgive me, right?

    Apologizing to a girl in your own words

    I can’t understand how it happened that I managed to offend you! I am very sorry. Let's make peace already, please?

    If only I knew how to make amends to such a sunny creature like you, but I don’t know, and so I just ask for forgiveness.

    Darling, I admit my guilt, I swear that this will not happen again, and I apologize a thousand times, just stop looking at me with such offended eyes, my soul can’t stand it!

    I just want to tell you: “I’m sorry.” It would be a sin to offend such a girl. I'm a sinner, I repent.

    Please forgive me for upsetting you. Your resentment is a stone on my heart.

    Saying “sorry” is difficult, but it is even more difficult to forgive. I hope that you will meet me halfway...

    * * *

    Please accept my apologies for the hurt you suffered because of me. I look forward to your step towards me more than anything in the world.

    Girls are very vulnerable creatures, and even the slightest rudeness or incorrectly spoken word can greatly offend your chosen one. And even if you think you are right, even if you don’t want to, it still needs to be done. Moreover, you need to do it really beautifully, otherwise all your words risk going nowhere.

    Apologizing to a girl in your own words works best. The girl should see that you speak from the heart. Only in this case will she be able to feel your shame and desire to reconcile. You, in turn, do not need to be afraid to apologize. Apologies are the weapon of the powerful, not the other way around. Only weak people unable to admit their mistakes. And if you are ready to apologize to a girl in your own words or send one, then you have come right to the address.

    We are ready to offer you many ready-made options an apology that will bring success to your venture. You can say whatever you think, and do it beautifully. Spend just a few minutes on this issue and you're guaranteed to find an apology that's perfect for that particular occasion. Please your girlfriend and erase all the grievances that stand in the way of your happiness.

    There are times in life different situations. Sometimes, a word can deeply hurt someone close to you. It’s so difficult for me without you, my love, I fully admit my mistake and ask you to forgive me. Let's forget this quarrel forever. You are kind, gentle, affectionate, just an angel in the flesh. I want us to always be together, so that our love flares up brighter and brighter every day. More than anything else, I yearn to lose you, my love. Therefore, for the hundredth time I ask you for forgiveness, my angel.

    Congratulations on mobile

    Well, my love, stop sulking! Come on, finally, look at me with your shining eyes, smile with your incredibly beautiful, brilliant smile! After all, when you are gloomy, then the whole world is different! And the sun doesn't even shine that brightly! But you don’t want the sun to shine less brightly on the entire planet just because you’re angry with me! So come on, let out all your negativity and jump into my arms! I didn’t want to offend you at all and I didn’t know that this would happen. Come on, my chipmunk, stop blowing your cheeks! Let's start having fun already! Well, my love, forgive me for being a fool. This won't happen again!

    Every day lived without you is simply an unbearable test. I think about you every minute, my joy. I miss your ringing laughter so much, your cheerful beautiful eyes. I miss you, my sunshine. Please forgive me for offending you. After all, it was not out of malice. I love you more than life. Don't be offended by me anymore. Let's keep our love, because it's so good for us to be together. Darling, I breathe you, I live by you. I need you like I need air, you are the best on the entire planet.

    You, dear, make my life brighter every day! Only you believed in me and my success when I had no hope! But you believed so convincingly that I believed it too. And I really don’t want this little stupid situation to become an obstacle to our future relationship with you! After all, I only want to see you in my future! You're the only one I need. After all, there is no one more dear to me than you! Forgive me, please, for my mistake, I stumbled, which happens to everyone. But the main thing I understood is that I want you to always just be next to me! The fact that you are my inspiration again and again to achieve the best!

    Love is the brightest feeling. A person who loves is the happiest in the world. Today I feel remorse for offending you. Forgive me, my sunshine. Forget the insult, like the most horrible dream in your life. You are my light in the window, my golden ray of warmth. Only next to you, I feel like the happiest person. After all, you inspire me with love, give me hope for the future. Darling, forgive me and don’t hold grudges anymore, let’s keep our love.

    My little girl, forgive me for not thinking a little before telling you this. I just said it out of spite, without even thinking about the words, I just said it and that’s it! Without thinking about the meaning of these words. I know that you have every right to be offended by me. But wouldn’t it be better for both of us if we live in harmony, without quarreling or swearing? After all, you are dearer to me than everyone else! Everyone's favorite and most beautiful! Let's quickly forget about this situation. I assure you that this will not happen again! I will do everything to make you happy! Everything so that your heart does not know sadness! And everything to make you always smile! Forgive me, my dear! You are my Everything!

    Today the white light is dear to me, because you are not next to me, my beloved, gentle, unique, and the most best girl in the world. I can't forgive myself for hurting you. Believe me, dear, I didn’t want to hurt you at all, but it just happened. I am ready to suffer the greatest punishment, if only you would forgive me, my joy. Let's make peace and be together again, as before, because we are made for each other. I love you more than life itself, my dear, and I want to see you at your happiest.

    Sorry, dear, it’s my fault,
    But time cannot be turned back.
    I'm so embarrassed for myself
    I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart!

    You know how much I love you
    Why I offended you - I don’t understand.
    I didn't even think close
    To offend you like that!

    Let's erase the offense
    We will be happy together again.
    Love flourishes in the hearts of those,
    Who sincerely forgives others!

    Forgive me, my dear,
    My dear, I'm sorry!
    I'm very guilty, I know!
    Let go of your grudge
    And don't be angry, please, you are more
    Just know and make sure
    That I miss you very, very much
    I love you, my baby!

    Sorry, my love,
    I'm so sorry, I'm sorry,
    Yes, I acted so stupidly
    But in agony I repent for it.
    Sorry, my love, for
    That I really offended you.
    Ready to give, probably everything,
    To see your smile again.

    You are my beloved angel,
    With you I understood how to be happy.
    But then I accidentally offended you,
    Please, please forgive me.

    I didn't mean to do this
    Time cannot be returned.
    I won't do this again, I promise
    Please forgive me, I beg you.

    Because I love you, my beloved,
    I want you to always be happy.
    Forgive me, forgive me, you fool,
    I'll tell everyone, I only love you.

    I have no forgiveness, I know it’s my fault,
    I didn’t offend you on purpose,
    I didn't want it to happen like this
    It sounds hackneyed and banal.

    But think about who I am without you,
    Who will need me like this?
    Forgive me, please, my love,
    After all, I’ve had a cold with you for a long time.

    And there is no cure for this disease,
    I am forever sick with love,
    Please give me one more chance
    You are the most beloved in the world!

    I don't understand myself, I don't understand
    After all, I love you, but I offend you greatly.
    I'm probably jealous of others,
    Then I scold and curse myself.

    Forgive me, my love
    About hurting you
    I didn't even think about it.
    Sometimes I don’t recognize myself at all.
    Forgive me for my stupidity.

    I'll try to keep myself under control in the future.
    I can no longer offend you, my love!

    Sorry for my stupid actions
    There is no forgiveness, I know it myself.
    I don't deny it: it's very stupid
    I entered, beyond my years.

    But I don't deny guilt
    I only ask: understand me.
    Cause I love you, you know
    And if you can, I'm sorry.

    Forgive me, I was wrong
    I admit my mistake.
    I won't do this anymore
    I'll give anything for your smile.

    You know that I love you
    And I will never offend you again.
    Forgive me, I beg you,
    I hate myself for the quarrel.

    Sorry, my love, for being rude,
    For misunderstanding and stupidity,
    I don't want you to be sad
    I want you to forgive me for everything.

    I will work on myself
    Give you warmth and peace,
    Joy, pleasant impressions,
    Attention and kind attitude.

    Forgive me, I was wrong
    This is how I like it.
    Sometimes I can be rude, harsh,
    Sometimes I can be cocky.
    But this is not because
    That I don't love you.
    No, I love you so much
    That I will lay down my life.
    I'll change for you
    Forgive me for being a fool.

    Stop being offended
    Forgive me, I pray,
    They shouldn't argue with you
    I love you very much!

    I was wrong, I know it
    I'm sorry, I beg you,
    I offended you, I understand
    I didn't do it out of malice!

    The whole world is miserable without you,
    Became gray in a moment,
    I beg you, listen
    There is no better person in the world!

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