• How to dress for a rock concert in winter. Stylish outfits to wear to a rock concert


    Concerts, like any other cultural events, have their own atmosphere: favorite music, a darkened hall with lighting effects, general euphoria and jubilation. If you are planning to go to a concert of your favorite performer, then you will probably be faced with the question of choosing a clothing style, because you really want to look perfect and original!

    The event is really important, so you don’t want to look “” at all, you never know, maybe at the concert you will be able to make interesting acquaintances or, more seriously, meet your soulmate!

    If you are wondering what you can wear to a concert, then you are most likely going to such an event for the first time, because experienced fans solve such questions quickly.

    Naturally, first of all, it is necessary to understand the direction in which the concert will take place; for example, a rock festival and a jazz fest will be very different not only in the style of music, but also in the contingent present.

    Showing up to a rock concert in a glamorous pink blouse with rhinestones will be a kind of bad manners, in the same way, torn jeans and a T-shirt with crosses will not be accepted at a concert of a classical performer.

    Therefore, first, decide on a style from which your future image will be based. But, be that as it may, it is always important to feel comfortable in what you put on yourself, otherwise you will not get pleasure and will waste money on unnecessary clothes.

    Rock concert

    A rock concert is a huge event in the world of all fans of this genre! Sometimes true fans spend months preparing for such an event: they search for or book with their favorite performer, memorize the words of songs and even sometimes imitate the image created by their favorite rock performer.

    If it is difficult for you to call yourself a true fan or a fan, and you are going to a concert for company or by invitation, then the most discreet, but at the same time appropriate option would be black, a light dark blouse or T-shirt, preferably.

    The look can be complemented with a light fitted jacket or, and don’t forget about shoes: it is advisable that they have heels or wedges, for example, black ankle boots or ankle boots, decorated with chains, studs or other grunge drapery.

    Don’t forget about accessories; in such an “average” look they can play a significant role: metal or leather bracelets, pendants, large rings with thematic symbols and, of course, a small elegant clutch.

    If you are a more risky girl, then you can go further: torn or faded jeans “ala Varenka”, perhaps models with embroidered designs, naturally themed, flowers and hearts would be inappropriate here. Decoration from rivets, spikes, small shards or chains is possible.

    Recently, fashion has returned to jeans with high waist, the ideal option is skinny leather pants or revealing shorts, of course, if your figure allows it. If you decide to plunge headlong into the “rock look,” you can complement the shorts with large mesh tights or bright contrasting leg warmers.

    Next - a T-shirt or shirt, preferably in a dark color - black, dark blue, gray, purple and so on. The prints are chosen, naturally, on the theme of “”, and these are skulls, they can be either creepy or humorous, various inscriptions or symbols of the group, its name, the names of the participants, and so on.

    In general, when choosing clothes for such an event, you need to forget everything “girly”, cute and glamorous, otherwise you may be misunderstood. As you might guess, rockers love everything related to dark side life, and, therefore, the image should be appropriate.

    The ideal complement to the rocker look is a biker jacket or riveted jacket, complemented by massive zippers or studs. Male version- long leather coat.

    Shoes and accessories - here you can give free rein to your imagination. Starting from multi-colored sneakers, boots with thick soles and ending with stilettos or Roman-style sandals. All that remains is to do the appropriate hairstyle, and the brutal rock look is ready!

    Pop concert or classical concert

    For such events, you can dress as casually as possible, although a lot depends on the location of the concert. For example, if a performer performs solo in a city club, then you should dress like a disco, and if the concert takes place at a local opera or a prestigious concert hall, then, naturally, a certain dress code must be observed.

    A semi-sports option is also quite suitable for a club, perhaps it will be jeans, a spectacular blouse or T-shirt, a classic set of accessories - several bracelets, earrings, the main thing is to maintain harmony and comfort. Another option is a short, tight one, which is also complemented by accessories, the obligatory heeled shoes and a mini handbag.

    If you decide to go to a concert of a solo performer, then you shouldn’t take any special liberties with your own outfit, otherwise you may catch the puzzled glances of the rest of your entourage all evening.

    The idea is simple: you should look modest, stylish and, most importantly, elegant. Typically, a midi-length cocktail dress with sleeves is used for this, or, if the style involves thin straps, you need to wear a fitted jacket or jacket on top.

    You shouldn’t experiment too much with colors; usually these are traditional colors: black, red, beige, green or brown. Shoes should also be formal and classic, usually with stiletto heels or square heels.

    For accessories, you can have a small scarf, a string of pearls around your neck or a pendant, small earrings, preferably precious ones, and a small leather bag.

    By choosing any of the above, you can be sure that you will feel comfortable and at ease, and the evening, one hundred percent, will go with a bang! Who knows, you might even be able to get caught on video or camera!

    When thinking about how to dress for a rock concert, feel which direction of rock is closer to you, and arrange your wardrobe in accordance with it. It’s great if you have things in this style in your closet, otherwise you’ll have to buy them or “borrow” them from friends.

    Rock clothes are as diverse as musical movements within a style: only the challenge posed to society remains unchanged.

    Hard rock

    When going to a concert with hard rock bands, look for straight jeans or leather trousers, denim shirts, jackets and vests, as well as monochrome tops or loose T-shirts with prints (skull, cross, wolves, Celtic patterns, photos of soloists and popular bands) ).

    Suitable footwear would be army boots, grinders, Cossacks, sneakers and sneakers. As an accessory, you can grab a backpack, wear a bandana, leather collar, bracelet or mitts. A high-quality leather belt with a massive metal buckle will also come in handy. The more accessories there are in clothes - spikes, zippers, rivets, chains - the better.

    Feel free to wear silver earrings, chains, rings and bracelets. This is exactly the case when an earring in a guy’s ear will look quite appropriate.

    Short hair should be disheveled, and long hair should be tied up. ponytail or dissolve. Smokey makeup Eyes can be enhanced with a bold lipstick color: black, brown, cherry, lilac and purple.

    Glam rock

    The English word “glamorous” has become defining for the music and clothing of a new style, the brightest representative of which is the American group “Motley Crew”.

    Protesting against the excessive brutality of rock performers, Motley Crew, followed by Jim Morisson and David Bowie, dressed in tight outfits with an abundance of rhinestones and feathers, appearing on stage with outrageous makeup and huge piles of dyed hair.

    Glam rock style has become a way of life for young people around the world. If you want to put together a Motley Crew outfit, invest in tight leather pants, leggings, or jeggings. Don't forget about mini shorts, mini skirts and corsets.

    A girl should think about an ensemble of a romantic dress and a leather jacket. A guy just needs to wear a fitted jacket with torn jeans, complementing the look with black sunglasses.

    For glam rock, any shoes (platform or heel) with spikes and rivets are suitable. As for footwear, boots, Cossack boots, sandals, sneakers and rough boots will also work.

    Prints - skull, heart, leopard, cross, panther, rose, dragon, guitar and bat.

    If you have already decided how to dress for a rock concert, complement the look with accessories: a clutch, a backpack, a dark neckerchief and sunglasses. Please note that this style, in addition to silver jewelry, is characterized by gems and large jewelry.

    Hair can be loose, pulled back into a ponytail, or combed high. Makeup is simple: arrows on the upper eyelid or smoky eyes, bright lips.

    Punk rock

    These clothes value creative combinations: a cocktail dress with sneakers, torn jeans with an expensive tie, a plaid miniskirt with fishnet stockings. Welcome leather jackets with lots of rivets.

    You can wear bandanas with skulls, baubles, earrings and wristbands to the concert. The hair is styled in a mohawk or combed into a “tower”, dyed extremely boldly: scarlet, blue, pink and similar colors.

    Makeup is made frighteningly bright or done without it.

    Indie rock

    Supporters of this style do not care about the label: they value simple and comfortable clothing, often unisex. They love checkered shirts.

    Dresses and skirts often give way to jeans and short shorts. Indie rock implies comfortable shoes: moccasins, tennis shoes and sneakers.

    You can't go to a concert without a voluminous one. fabric bag, hat and glasses (dark or transparent). Hair is collected in a random bun or loosened. Makeup is natural or absent.


    The most romantic of all rock styles with a focus on exciting femininity. Dresses are figure-hugging, shirts are fitted, plain stretch T-shirts are allowed. Here they wear flared and half-sun skirts, stockings with arrows, light blouses and dresses with full skirts. Girls prefer sandals and high-heeled shoes.

    The clothes are characterized by cheerful colors, including white. Accessories are kept to a minimum: bright earrings, hairbands, beads, straps. The emphasis is on perfectly styled hair and neat but noticeable makeup with red or pink lipstick.

    How to dress for a rock concert

    Rock fashion is very democratic. There are no dictates or strict boundaries here, either gender or age: a 60-year-old rocker can dress like a teenager and not look ridiculous. A girl can wear her boyfriend's riveted vest and no one will laugh at her for it.

    If you are young and love rock, the question “what to wear to a concert?” will never be unsolvable for you. True rock fans ignore conventions and dress like true rebels, shocking others and trampling on their opinions.

    It doesn’t matter whether you are fat or thin, tall or not very tall, and whether flaws are noticed in your figure: in clothes you are focused on your inner world, over which only Rock has power.

    Everyone needs some form of entertainment from time to time. After all, not only work and study, but also fun are integral attributes of any normal person. Everyone has their own outlet, some like to watch movies, some read books, and some, quite possibly, go to rock concerts. But for some reason he chooses very strange outfits for this. It’s clear that in a stuffy club, hardly anyone will appreciate smokey eyes and heels, but shouldn’t a girl still be a girl in any situation?

    Perhaps yes, but the statistics are not reassuring. Very often at rock concerts you can meet people in stretched T-shirts, torn jeans, kedah. This is partly correct, because what could be more appropriate at such an event than punk style. However, this should not be taken so narrowly.

    In order not to make a mistake when choosing an outfit, it would be nice to first delve into the very essence of the punk movement and their style. Turning to history, it is easy to understand that punk is, first of all, propaganda of sex and violence. Naturally, not in the literal sense, you don’t need to change your behavior pattern, just a few hints, deliberately careless and at the same time slightly vulgar details are enough, and the image of a fashionable rebel is ready.

    Tight short dresses, tabernacle jeans, and corsets that slightly resemble lingerie will be an excellent help in creating an outfit for a rock concert. You can complement all this splendor with knee socks, although real punks would most likely choose stockings. Yet in combination with a dangerous mini, this is not best idea, therefore, to create the desired flavor, knee-high socks are quite enough; they will not allow you to go too far beyond the limits.

    Shoes are no less important, they complete the look. You can choose regular sneakers, shoes with a massive platform, or even rough boots. For self-confident people, there are also over the knee boots, however, they are not always appropriate, but only in the colder seasons.

    The final touch is makeup. It may well be bright and even provocative. Since this is still a rock concert, there are no clear guidelines. The most amazing shades of lipsticks, from red to almost black, perhaps all options except pink are acceptable, and at the same time, rich eye makeup, you should not be afraid of going overboard. False eyelashes, lots of mascara, eyeliner and dark shadows- exactly what is needed.

    In such a specific look it is easy to stand out from the crowd. When choosing an outfit, you need to pay attention to your own comfort; you should not chase mini and tight-fitting ones if a person feels uncomfortable in such clothes. And yet you definitely need to throw out the idea of ​​wearing ordinary clothes, it's just too boring.

    When thinking about how to dress for a rock concert, feel which direction of rock is closer to you, and arrange your wardrobe in accordance with it. It’s great if you have things in this style in your closet, otherwise you’ll have to buy them or “borrow” them from friends.

    Rock clothes are as diverse as musical movements within a style: only the challenge posed to society remains unchanged.

    Hard rock

    When going to a concert with hard rock bands, look for straight jeans or leather trousers, denim shirts, jackets and vests, as well as monochrome tops or loose T-shirts with prints (skull, cross, wolves, Celtic patterns, photos of soloists and popular bands) ).

    Suitable footwear would be army boots, grinders, Cossacks, sneakers and sneakers. As an accessory, you can grab a backpack, wear a bandana, leather collar, bracelet or mitts. A high-quality leather belt with a massive metal buckle will also come in handy. The more accessories there are in clothes - spikes, zippers, rivets, chains - the better.

    Feel free to wear silver earrings, chains, rings and bracelets. This is exactly the case when an earring in a guy’s ear will look quite appropriate.

    Short hair should be tousled, and long hair should be tied into a ponytail or loosened. Smoky eye makeup can be enhanced with a catchy lipstick color: black, brown, cherry, lilac and purple.

    Glam rock

    The English word “glamorous” has become defining for the music and clothing of a new style, the brightest representative of which is the American group “Motley Crew”.

    Protesting against the excessive brutality of rock performers, Motley Crew, followed by Jim Morisson and David Bowie, dressed in tight outfits with an abundance of rhinestones and feathers, appearing on stage with outrageous makeup and huge piles of dyed hair.

    Glam rock style has become a way of life for young people around the world. If you want to put together a Motley Crew outfit, invest in tight leather pants, leggings, or jeggings. Don't forget about mini shorts, mini skirts and corsets.

    A girl should think about an ensemble of a romantic dress and a leather jacket. A guy just needs to wear a fitted jacket with torn jeans, complementing the look with black sunglasses.

    For glam rock, any shoes (platform or heel) with spikes and rivets are suitable. As for footwear, boots, Cossack boots, sandals, sneakers and rough boots will also work.

    Prints - skull, heart, leopard, cross, panther, rose, dragon, guitar and bat.

    If you have already decided how to dress for a rock concert, complement the look with accessories: a clutch, a backpack, a dark scarf and sunglasses. Please note that this style, in addition to silver jewelry, is characterized by precious stones and large jewelry.

    Hair can be loose, pulled back into a ponytail, or combed high. The makeup is simple: arrows on the upper eyelid or smoky eyes, bright lips.

    Punk rock

    These clothes value creative combinations: a cocktail dress with sneakers, torn jeans with an expensive tie, a plaid miniskirt with fishnet stockings. Leather jackets with lots of rivets are welcome.

    You can wear bandanas with skulls, baubles, earrings and wristbands to the concert. The hair is styled in a mohawk or combed into a “tower”, dyed extremely boldly: scarlet, blue, pink and similar colors.

    Makeup is made frighteningly bright or done without it.

    Indie rock

    Supporters of this style do not care about the label: they value simple and comfortable clothing, often unisex. They love checkered shirts.

    Dresses and skirts often give way to jeans and short shorts. Indie rock means comfortable shoes: moccasins, tennis shoes and sneakers.

    You can't go to a concert without a bulky fabric bag, a hat and glasses (dark or clear). Hair is collected in a random bun or loosened. Makeup is natural or absent.


    The most romantic of all rock styles with a focus on exciting femininity. Dresses are figure-hugging, shirts are fitted, plain stretch T-shirts are allowed. Here they wear flared and half-sun skirts, stockings with arrows, light blouses and dresses with full skirts. Girls prefer sandals and high-heeled shoes.

    The clothes are characterized by cheerful colors, including white. Accessories are kept to a minimum: bright earrings, hairbands, beads, straps. The emphasis is on perfectly styled hair and neat but noticeable makeup with red or pink lipstick.

    How to dress for a rock concert

    Rock fashion is very democratic. There are no dictates or strict boundaries here, either gender or age: a 60-year-old rocker can dress like a teenager and not look ridiculous. A girl can wear her boyfriend's riveted vest and no one will laugh at her for it.

    If you are young and love rock, the question “what to wear to a concert?” will never be unsolvable for you. True rock fans ignore conventions and dress like true rebels, shocking others and trampling on their opinions.

    It doesn’t matter whether you are fat or thin, tall or not very tall, and whether flaws are noticed in your figure: in clothes you are focused on your inner world, over which only Rock has power.

    What to wear to a classical music concert? What women usually wear to a concert Nice dress, makeup, putting shoes on high heels getting their hair done in a beauty salon. Previously, in tsarist times, visiting theaters and concerts was a duty. Ladies and gentlemen in secular society showed their secular upbringing and etiquette, intelligence and charisma. Women wore elegant dresses, jewelry, gloves, and men wore suits. IN winter time ladies and men did not mind wearing sable coats and coats. But what to wear now?

    Richard Gere and Julia Roberts in the movie "Pretty Woman"

    Nowadays, not many people visiting the theater know such a thing as “dress code”. This concept was reproduced in England and translated means “code of clothing.” This special clothing to attend special events. They usually come to the concert at casual wear. It has become normal to wear baggy clothes, jeans, and sneakers. We are trying to speed up our lives in everything. At the moment, only the largest theaters and concert halls write in back side ticket uniform. For women - Evening Dress, for men - tuxedo.

    La Scala

    In theaters in different parts of the world, they wear clothes that are popular in that area. This gives us an insight into what secular people wear in this country. In such theaters they are picky about appearance each other. Therefore, with such an “inspection” you need to comply.

    Well, how should you dress?

    If you are going to beautiful event such as a classical music concert or play, take advantage of tips from the site.

    Pretty haircut. It is imperative that your hair is clean. If the old dye has come off from your hair, dye it again.

    Makeup should be evening. But don’t overdo it, otherwise you will look vulgar.

    The dress should be evening, but there should not be any feathers, a lot of rhinestones or prints. Also, it is strictly forbidden to wear T-shirts, jeans, mini skirts, or too short dresses. Everything should be restrained, but feminine and elegant.

    In order not to be a black sheep, you need to remember that a lot of decorations are harmful. Although a cute ring and necklace will add charm to your look.

    Shoes should match the look; heels will complement an elegant dress. Under no circumstances should you wear flip flops, sneakers, or sneakers.

    The handbag should be compact, preferably classic color. It’s even better if it’s an elegant clutch in which you can put your phone, wallet, or cosmetic bag.

    A beautiful hat can complement your look. This is exactly the case in which a hat may be appropriate.


    A man should wear a jacket with trousers, a tie and a shirt. If you don't have a jacket, you can replace it with a jumper worn over a shirt.

    Shoes should be neat and clean. Boots or other closed shoes are best. Wearing sneakers to a concert is not recommended.

    How to behave correctly at a classical music concert or in the theater?

    1. You can only be at a theater or concert with tickets;

    2. If a person came to the concert late, you can only come to the hall during intermission. If you are late for the entire concert, your ticket money will not be refunded.

    3. You need to arrive at the concert 20 minutes before the start.

    4. You cannot come to the concert while intoxicated, with food or in outerwear.

    5. You cannot make noise during the concert.

    6. You need to turn off your mobile phones.

    7. If you behave provocatively, theater workers have the right to remove you from the hall and not return the money for the ticket.

    Going to concerts and theaters is an important cultural and educational activity. It takes several weeks to prepare for it. Smart and educated people visit theaters; try to look appropriate not only externally, but also internally.

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