• How to boost your morale. Strength of spirit and its development. Why is all this needed?


    There are many forces and energies known. In science it is customary to talk about gravity, electromagnetic and nuclear interaction. They can be measured and recorded by instruments. In everyday life, physical force is often used, which is also easy to measure or feel. Even a strong character can be compared among different people. But there is one concept that scientists cannot measure or analyze. Even now it remains a mystery what fortitude is. What is its nature? Why is it needed at all? How can you develop this quality? Let's try to answer these questions.

    What is fortitude

    Fortitude is a state of consciousness in which a person becomes free from everyday problems, rising above the daily routine. It should not be confused with, or, although they are related. Fortitude refers to a higher, mental component of behavior. She appears in response to . Very often people associate this concept with. The latter means the desire to overcome obstacles. Strength of spirit arises when a person stops chasing after mundane goods.

    Let us illustrate this with the following example. Let's say a young warrior decides to become a professional fighter. He travels the world in search of opportunities to test himself. Agrees to fights with the most dangerous opponents. This demonstrates unbending will and determination. He creates obstacles for himself and rejoices at the opportunity to overcome them. Gradually he gets tired of it. He understands that there are many other, even more important moments around him and begins to develop spiritually. Boldness is replaced by fortitude, which does not at all mean a lack of courage. On the contrary, it gives you the courage to rise above routine.

    Will and fortitude have different vectors of movement. The first comes out, changing the world around us. The second is directed into a person, changing his attitude towards this world.

    In the context of what has been said, it is appropriate to update what spirit is. Unlike the physical world, this sphere is on a completely different plane. Supporters of esoteric teachings and religion claim that there is a “subtle” energy that cannot be detected by known instruments. This energy ensures a person’s connection with the Creator, strengthening through the development of spiritual strength. Just as people train their muscles, improve various skills and strong-willed qualities, it is also possible to strengthen a person’s spirit. But these exercises will be different from your usual workouts. The most basic difference is that spiritual strength is not depleted by exercise, like muscles. It cannot be retrained. Every lesson is beneficial. The more there are, the better.

    Why develop fortitude?

    Spiritual practices and teachings affirm the presence of intangible entities that interact with humans. Some help him, others, on the contrary, try to harm him. Strength of spirit is needed to contact the former and block the action of the latter.

    A spiritually rich person is able to project a mental request that will quickly reach his Guardian Angel and have a better chance of being realized. Also, fortitude helps fight energy vampires, the evil eye, damage, etc. The deeper and more developed a person’s spirituality is, the less susceptible he is to negative influence from the outside. Strength of spirit serves as energetic immunity, protecting against evil. The above reasons prove the need to develop this quality.

    How to develop mental strength

    Cultivating spiritual strength includes various exercises, performing which you can achieve enlightenment. Some of them are related to specific physical training, while others are aimed solely at mental strength, and may outwardly resemble inaction. But the effectiveness of these methods is impressive:

    • Control of internal energies;
    • Positive thinking;
    • Physical and breathing exercises;
    • Spiritual literature;
    • Meditation techniques;
    • Good deeds;
    • The ability to forgive.

    Let's look at these techniques separately.

    Control of internal energies

    Various energies continuously circulate in the human body. Some provide its connection with the cosmos, others appear as a result of the work of internal organs, or rather, individual cells. Each of them contains small energy stations - mitochondria, which ensure our vital functions. It cannot be said that fortitude depends on them. But the ability to control and direct one’s own is precisely what ensures the development of this quality. If a person learns not to waste his internal resources on negativity and harmful things, but devotes them to more lofty goals, then the person’s spirit will become stronger, and his effectiveness in life will noticeably increase.

    One of the first energies that you should learn to control is sexual. The famous American writer Napoleon Hill in his book “Think and Grow Rich” noted that for success it is necessary to subjugate your sexual energy, directing it in a creative direction.

    Positive thinking

    The feedback principle is one of the most powerful in this world. A person receives a result equivalent to his thoughts and actions. Evil is rewarded with evil, good is rewarded with good. A person’s spirit grows stronger if actions and thoughts are aimed at its development. attracts appropriate situations. Of course, sometimes negative events happen, but the stronger the fortitude, the easier it is to cope with them. An important rule that everyone needs to adopt is to always think about the positive.

    Physical and breathing exercises

    Even the ancients noted that “in a healthy body there is a healthy mind.” This is not surprising, because the body is the vessel of the soul. By strengthening his body, a person increases his strength of spirit. It is not for nothing that a number of theological schools supplemented the training of their followers with physical exercise. First of all, it is appropriate to remember the Shaolin monks. In parallel with spiritual development, they improved their bodies, showing real miracles of physical and combat training.

    But unlike most sports sections, the Shaolin monks practiced not only muscle development. An important part of their training is breathing exercises, since a person who has mastered his breathing is able to control almost all physiological functions of the body. One of the striking examples of such practice is the qigong technique, which came to us from Chinese culture.

    Spiritual literature

    Understanding the spiritual world requires the same knowledge as studying the surrounding reality. Reading special books helps you quickly tune in to perception and understand what actions you need to take on the path of your spiritual formation.

    The choice of some leans in favor of the Holy Scriptures of the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism), others profess less well-known directions, even local cults. In any case, reading such literature increases the strength of the spirit, helping to connect to a certain information flow, which further provides them with support.

    Meditation techniques

    Unlike usual research work, this practice is directed “inward” and is based on deepening into one’s own. Supporters are confident that the human mind contains all the answers he needs, to obtain which there is no need to rush somewhere. It is enough to take a comfortable position and temporarily detach yourself from the world around you.

    With regular practice, it is possible to enter a special altered state of consciousness, when a person clears his thoughts and completely relaxes his muscles (relaxation). A calm train of thought helps you look at familiar things differently, step away from the everyday hustle and bustle, thereby strengthening your fortitude.

    One type of meditation is concentration on, when a person monotonously repeats a certain sound or phrase, literally putting himself into a state of trance. Other methods are known, including focusing on the heartbeat or breathing.

    Good deeds

    It's hard to come up with a better rule than doing good deeds. When something like this becomes fundamental in the process, the strength of the spirit increases to unprecedented heights. If a person strives to do good and help his neighbor, his connection with the forces of light strengthens. This does not mean that one cannot act in “undemocratic” ways. Even a show of strength can be appropriate when standing up for the weak and stopping injustice. Goodness should also be with fists, only use them exclusively in cases where it is impossible to do otherwise. In general, help can consist of a variety of actions, from giving alms to those in need to participating in a volunteer organization. Concern for the welfare of humanity is called philanthropy. Such people, strengthening their fortitude, also occupy a worthy place in society.

    The ability to forgive

    is one of the main reasons why spiritual strength can weaken. Grudgers, first of all, destroy themselves. This is true both on a mental level and from a physiological point of view. cause the release of stress hormones, which gradually destroy the body. To protect yourself from their negative influence, you just need to learn to forgive. This same technique helps strengthen the strength of the spirit. You should let go of all the grievances and disappointments of the past. The saying that the hatchet of war should be buried with the enemy is nothing more than humor. Very often, people offend not out of malice, but simply because they don’t know how to do otherwise. You should rather feel sorry for such people than be angry with them and hold a grudge. Sometimes, having learned to forgive, a person is surprised to discover that he has no enemies.

    Strength of spirit is necessary for everyone, because with its development a person improves himself. This helps not only him to become better, but also to transform the surrounding reality. Spiritually rich people block the way for evil to enter this world, regardless of what they do: actively promote goodness, or retire to the mountains and meditate.

    So, tell me, have you been interested in what a Real man should be like for a long time? What qualities should you have? How to look, what to do, what to feel. How long have you been researching this topic? I admit, I spent more than ten years of my life researching it. No, this is not bragging, just a statement of fact. But, you see, the period is quite decent.

    The thing is that my father did not pass on much knowledge to me on this topic. And his personal example, alas, did not at all dispose me to imitate. Finding your place in this life, developing a style of behavior that is expected from a man and (most importantly) makes him happy - I had to implement all this myself. The place in society that I occupied then did not suit me. But, alas, I did not know how to rise to another level. And there was no one to ask. Now I think this is even good. Otherwise, if everything was handed to me on a silver platter - just watch and repeat, I would not have become what I am. A person who searches, finds and transmits knowledge valuable to men.

    In general, for many years I asked myself questions and found answers to them myself.

    And there were more than enough questions and answers. They appeared literally out of nowhere every day. But it’s worth noting that I found one answer much more often than the others. This is the answer to the question of what a Real man should have. What is the main quality, attribute? What is his most important character trait? From the lips of friends, acquaintances, girls and women, from the pages of magazines and books, one quality was most often mentioned that was always required of him, and without which a man has never been perceived by anyone, and will not be perceived as a man. The real one is his strength of mind.

    Agree, a real man must have fortitude.

    And there is nothing surprising or supernatural in this. After all, a man with a strong spirit is able to overcome the most difficult obstacles, achieve the most incredible goals, resist any vicissitudes of fate, and in general, such a man moves through life like an atomic icebreaker - when the goal is chosen, he breaks his way through unimaginable obstacles. Ice, storms, winds and storms. As if by inertia. If he chose a goal and began his movement towards it, we even understand at the level of instincts that all he needs is time. He will certainly cope with the task.

    And this is one of the most important conclusions that I came to as a result of my searches.

    A real man must be strong in spirit.

    But, I admit, this conclusion was not enough for me. Because, in my opinion, this is not an answer, but only the beginning of a new question. A new question that sounds something like this: “Is fortitude an innate quality or an acquired one? And if not innate, then how can it be acquired and developed? . After all, admit it, if this quality of a man is transmitted exclusively by inheritance, then, on the one hand, there is no point in fluttering around and hoping for a better lot ( if you didn’t get a similar set of genes), and on the other hand, it’s stupid to strain yourself once again ( if you are lucky, and this quality will not go anywhere).

    I found the answer to the first part of the question for myself immediately and forever. I didn’t want to live with the idea that some of the character traits I needed were exclusively innate. In recent years, I have lived and continue to live by the rule that I wrote about in my book “Masters of Illusions or Real Tools for Managing Your Own Life.” This rule is - " Believe only in what makes you stronger" I am sure you will share my opinion that the thought that I cannot do something will not make me stronger. And that’s why I don’t believe in it. Strength of spirit can be acquired. It remains to understand how.

    Let me brag, this winter I started jogging every morning. To strengthen the body, fill it with energy, develop willpower and simply improve your well-being. At first I had difficulty covering 2 km. I got up, went out on the treadmill and did at most 4 laps of 500 meters. And, what a nightmare, even this was not easy for me. On the one hand, because my endurance was still low. On the other hand, warnings from people who prefer watching TV to sports constantly rang in their heads that running in the morning is bad for the heart. In general, I woke up and ran with difficulty. But, fortunately, I didn’t quit.

    After a few weeks I was already easily running 3-5 km. And a month later I began to truly enjoy long-distance running. At first it was 7 km, then 8, 9, 10, a little later 11. After 11, I planned to stop progress. Even without that, this figure frightened even me and made me feel genuine pride. This was more than all the guys I knew ran! But suddenly my friend Alexey Malmygin joined the process. In winter, we started morning runs together, but until now he had not been particularly keen to increase the distance he ran, and was quite satisfied with two kilometers. And then he got stuck. I can, but he can't. And one fine day he ran 15 km.

    Agree, the distance is still the same. Especially for a person who six months ago considered 2000 meters a decent distance. But I was always happy about the passion of sports and was ready to take on any challenge thrown at me. And so, having prepared for 2 weeks, I ran 16 km. One kilometer more than his friend.

    It was pretty hard. 16 km. - this is a third more than the previous record. It is difficult not only physically, but also psychologically. However, I was able not to give up, not to leave the race. And he was very proud of it.

    And after another 2 weeks, Alexey ran 21 km.

    Horrible! 21 km. - that's half the marathon distance! Doesn't this distance scare you? It scared the crap out of me. And it instilled genuine horror in my soul. What if I can’t? Will I get down to business and embarrass myself? Six months ago I was clutching my side after running 1.5 km. And here it’s 16 times more!

    But I’m not used to losing, much less giving up. And so after a week I decided and ran 25 km.

    My muscles and heels still ache even though it's been almost 10 days. But that's not what this is about. It's about something else. From this moment the most important thing begins. What I want to tell you about.

    When I ran the twenty-second kilometer, my muscles stopped obeying me. I could hardly lift my legs. My throat is dry. And only one thought was spinning in my head - that's it, you've already run more than him, why run further, stop and rest!

    Indeed, there seemed to be no more serious reasons to run further. And it was really difficult. But the fact is that I had to run more only because I DECIDED SO. I decided before going to the race. And so I kept running. To run, despite the fact that I had lost my physical strength and psychological incentives. I continued to run simply because I was determined to conquer this distance.

    And when I got to the finish line, I understood. I understood what fortitude is. And how to train it.

    Remember, physical strength is trained when we lift heavier and heavier weights. Endurance develops as we run longer and longer distances or do more and more repetitions. Accuracy, flexibility, coordination - any of our qualities develops only through steady progress and constant training. It’s the same with fortitude.

    But unlike other qualities, fortitude cannot simply be loaded with weights or stretched on machines. Because it is not always clear in what exercises this fortitude works.

    When I ran 25 km. I understood when it worked.

    The strength of the spirit comes into play when all other forces - mental and physical - end. When all the resources from which we draw energy run out - finances, physical strength, emotional motivation. Internal and external incentives. Confidence based on past victories, etc. Strength of spirit begins to work only when there is no longer any strength, desire or resources to complete what is planned. When all that remains is the memory of the decision made. You simply remember your decision to do what you set out to do, and therefore you follow through with it. Against all odds.

    If you are determined to develop fortitude, you don’t have to run a quarter of a hundred kilometers. This was relevant for me, but perhaps it will not bring any benefit to you. The best way to develop mental strength is to challenge yourself. To challenge or accept it from another is not important. But it is important that the challenge you accept forces you to do something that previously seemed simply impossible to you. A challenge, to answer which you would have to mobilize and use every available resource to the last. EVERYTHING TO THE LAST AND A LITTLE BIT MORE. And then, when your strength runs out, when you exhaust all internal sources, at this (and only at this) moment you will have a choice - to refuse further movement towards the goal or to connect the last, your reserve resource - the power of the spirit. And then it will start working. The strength of spirit begins to work, train and develop.

    What kind of challenge you will accept, decide for yourself. Perhaps it's another kilometer, as in my case. Perhaps this is another date with a girl who does not want to perceive you as a man and this is driving you to despair. Another danger in life. Another serious relationship. One more job. One more repetition of the bench press exercise. Another attempt to sell the product. Another day in business with no guaranteed income. Another attempt to make the woman I love happy. One more step after there is nothing left to force you to take it.

    It is at this moment that you become stronger in spirit. It is at this moment that you develop your main quality. It is at this moment that you become a Real Man!

    And at this moment it doesn’t even matter whether you achieve your goal. Can you get richer, make one more sale, get one more date, do one more rep on the bench press. It is important that you become stronger in spirit. Take this one step further. Take another step and become stronger in spirit.

    That's all I would like to talk to you about. I wish you great challenges and amazing achievements.

    If you observe nature, you can be surprised every day. A duck is building a nest, a blade of grass is breaking through the asphalt, ants are scurrying around underfoot. Everyone is working at full capacity. This strength is the strength of the spirit - innate quality of living organisms. We must live, we must develop, we must improve our “anthill” - this is the motto of all nature. Or almost all of it.

    Man, you see, is a “biosocial” being, the crown of the universe. We can lie around and scroll through the news instead of doing productive work. In modern society we do not have a spark that pushes us towards development. We become weak, our body overpowers us.

    For a normal person, this goes against conscience (spirit, nature), so depression occurs and self-esteem decreases. We are losing control over life, we are controlled by desires, fashion and simply stronger people.

    To regain power and become the sole owner of your life, in this article we will look at 4 areas of activity. You will learn how to develop steely fortitude and “squeeze” maximum results out of it.


    Strength is generated only through pain. In the gym, in life – it doesn’t matter. It’s as if you are fighting with yourself, forcing yourself to do something or resist. This is standard growth rate, which all athletes chase. They understand that pain is a sieve through which the weak are eliminated and the strong rise.

    Pain appears due to the fault of the brain. It is difficult for him to break an ingrained habit and choose the difficult path instead of the easy one. This causes dissonance, a state of unwillingness and...

    To cultivate fortitude, you need to be a champion accept this state and learn to use it for development. Below we will look at 3 ways to cause and overcome pain in yourself.

    #1 Act without sparing yourself

    When you feel sorry for yourself, you reinforce the habit of giving up. Your body acquires power, you indulge its desires. The next time you have a choice - to do or not to do - you will be guided by past behavior. This means that your piggy bank will gradually be replenished with negative experiences and excuses. The feeling of guilt will dull accordingly, you will allow yourself to be a rag and will not give your best.

    • “Okay, I’m not ready yet...”

    • “Oh, weakling, it didn’t work out again. Okay, this is all because of......"

    • “It’s okay, it’ll work out next time”

    Don't feel sorry for yourself, fight habits. Love the process of overcoming. The more often you do according to the inner voice(conscience, soul), the more you develop fortitude. Remember that you are only as happy with yourself as you can control your life.

    #2 Run into problems

    Instead of a shameful and negative experience, in the piggy bank better put your victories. You can overcome habits and develop as much as possible, or you can artificially create discomfort. This way you will quickly start moving and develop arguments to increase your self-esteem.

    If you have accumulated anger and no longer have the strength to tolerate your weaknesses, this is the ideal way to release energy. Place yourself in extreme conditions. As soon as you move, strength will come, and the desire to live and develop will return.

    You can try for example:

    • Start with the little things. Watch your posture, stop “carrying pieces”, .

    • Extreme. Sit on a fast, get up at 6 am, run 3 km every evening, open your own business.

    After such feats, you will be able focus on your victories. They will give you the confidence to further develop your fortitude.

    #3 Start over with a clean slate

    Sometimes you just don't have the courage to take a decisive step. You seem to understand the destructiveness of the problem, but any endeavors quickly end. , not enough torque to get moving.

    In such cases, you need to make a small revolution with yourself. Ruthlessly break down everything old and start building something new in its place. In this way you will instantly break into real life and feel the pleasant pain of change.

    If you do it conscientiously, it will be painful and difficult. But there are a number of advantages:

    • Massiveness of changes

    • Instant release of energy and anger towards yourself

    • Feeling full of life

    • Increasing confidence in your abilities

    • Feeding changes from each other (for example, running in the morning - getting up at 6:00)

    Don't wait for the moment, live here and now, as the Pepsi advertisement says. Your life is not a rehearsal for something important, so don’t be afraid to change and release your reserves of strength. It is at such moments that strength of spirit and strength of character are trained.


    To develop mental strength, you have there must be a motive. Without a strong reason, you will use only willpower, at some point you will break down and reproach yourself more than before. Therefore, the first priority will be to set goals.

    We hear about this from every word, but we write them reluctantly. A piece of paper with goals lies in some nightstand for months and forgets what its owner looks like. But this is bad: we are like an airplane that flies as long as there is kerosene, and does not know its direction. Someday the kerosene (motivation) will run out and it will fall down.

    At least write again now, why do you need all the changes. This small investment of time will help you “lock in” the desired result so that there is no opportunity to slip away. When you write down what you want, you will receive documented evidence of your real priorities. It will “prompt” how to direct events so as not to succumb to them as before.

    Internal mood

    Strength of spirit is an internal state. If earlier we looked at how to develop it through outside intervention, now we will look at how to synthesize it spiritually. The connection between external and internal influences will quadratically strengthen our inner core.

    #1 Principles

    You don't have to appear super-confident, try to please everyone and be a leader. It is enough to have a firm position in life. When you act in accordance with it, you feel your “backbone”, the presence of character.

    To be independent and like yourself you need:

    To develop a firm position in life, you need to find your principles. To do this, you need to delve into your head and understand what you would like. always do and wouldn't want to never do. You can also analyze current behavior and take a couple of examples from there. For example, for me it's:

    1. I strive to achieve my goal with all my might.
    2. I don’t get lost or embarrassed in front of others
    3. I don't touch if they don't touch me
    4. I don’t make fun of friends to gain another person’s authority.
    5. Other

    Find your principles for yourself. They will become a framework for your behavior, a guide for your decisions. They will help you gain understanding of yourself, thereby strengthening your fortitude.

    #2 Cleansing

    Nothing is worthy of your worries. No fear, no emotion should oppress your life. Today you are alive - tomorrow you are not, all this is empty.

    While you live, you must give yourself to the fullest, because for infinity it makes no difference whether you die in a day or in 1000 years. Everything will be forgotten, everything will go nowhere. Compared to the Universe, your fear is a small thing, it will not change anything and will not contribute anything. You alone amuse yourself with it at the everyday level, when so many amazing and beautiful things are happening around you.

    Get rid of all grievances, forgive, forget about the past. Become a new person who lets go of all the petty issues. Of course, in life it won’t turn out as beautiful as in the text, but at least ease your soul a little. After all, what is inside you will be the material for building strength.

    #3 Material for construction

    As history shows, strength must be based on goodness. All sorts of Hitlers and Mussolinis were convinced of this by their own example. Their fascism could not last long enough and sank into oblivion.

    It's the same in our lives. You must become a kind, pleasant and positive person, only then can you fully develop fortitude. Those around you will feel your warmth and dedication and this will help you grow faster. By filling yourself with love for the world, you will provide yourself with the building blocks of a powerful and pleasant character.

    A small disclaimer: you don’t have to be gentle to be kind. Be strict, don't let others take advantage of your kindness. Let them know that you know how to give, but only of your own free will.

    #4 Live life to the fullest

    Live the way they show in the movies. Position yourself like superman. Give it your all now.

    A weak person locks himself in his closet and lives according to a schedule, when a strong-willed person gives everything he has to achieve results. If there is a Ferrari in the world, then you need to ride it. If there is Paris, then you need to visit it. You were born into this world with a 1 in 400,000,000,000,000,000 chance, and if there is something worthwhile here, you should try it.

    When you work at full capacity, self-belief, confidence, and success come. The whole body is excited by the busy rhythm of life, character is tempered by endless problems, and strength of spirit increases from their solutions. Feed your soul with action and strength will come as a side effect.

    To become a fully-living person you need:

    • Never give up

    • Work to the maximum everywhere (training, work)

    • Don't be afraid of risk

    • Concentrate on your desires, do not look or listen to others

    • Know what you want

    • Never be afraid of anything

    • Find a source of energy - books, a loved one, authority

    Act as if you have already gained mental strength. Don’t try to develop it - it takes a long time, try to immediately plunge into the transformation. By changing something today, you will see results faster. Of the 100 people who read the article, be the one who not just a waste of time to read, but will radically change your life.


    And this is a very small addition that cannot be ignored. Your physical condition determines your internal. In most cases, thin or overweight people do not have enough self-confidence (although there are funny people who are overweight). This results in weakness and imbalance of character.

    People with strong character are often said to have willpower or fortitude. This trait allows a person to achieve his goals, regardless of any obstacles in life. Strength of spirit helps a person to withstand difficult situations. Therefore, the question of how to develop willpower is quite logical. But before doing anything, you should directly understand the definition of the very psychological concept of will.

    From a psychological point of view

    Will is one of the most difficult concepts to understand in psychology. But, despite this, in order to know how to develop willpower, it is necessary to clarify for yourself what willpower is. This concept is formulated differently in different sources, so you need to understand it intuitively. The psychology of will is related to the fact that human behavior and all activities are based not only on emotions and feelings. When making decisions, will is required. This means fortitude is a prerequisite for success.

    According to its structure, human volitional behavior can be divided into the following stages:

    • Decision-making;
    • Implementation of plans.

    In psychology, there are several types of will:

    • Inviting or initiating. It is conscious decision making that helps you move towards your goals.
    • Stabilizing. These are the efforts that a person needs to maintain his active activity.
    • Brake. These are actions aimed at limiting the most powerful desires that prevent the achievement of a goal.

    Psychologists say that the essential components of fortitude and willpower are:

    • Desires, which are the motivation that discards everything secondary. They initially indicate to a person where to strive in order to achieve his goals.
    • Belief in your own strength. It is this that allows you to move in the right direction to make your dream come true.
    • Courage responsible for making important decisions. It gives impetus to the desire to realize your own desires.
    • Decisiveness, allowing you to make a choice in a timely manner without hesitation.
    • Patience, which allows you to remain faithful to your goals and not give up, no matter what.
    • Discipline. It forces a person to make decisions in accordance with the rules and norms of society.


    Strength of spirit guarantees a person’s determination and organizes his life. Therefore, the question of how to develop willpower is not idle. Without such a character trait it is impossible to become a successful person. Strength of spirit makes a person free and independent. He becomes an active member of society, and the ability to self-regulate makes him resistant to negative external circumstances. When faced with obstacles on the way to a goal, a person is able to make the right decision about whether to choose a different way to achieve what he wants or increase his efforts to overcome the obstacles that have arisen.

    The question of how to develop willpower often arises in people during difficult periods of life. But it does not apply to complex dilemmas. This is due to the fact that every person has the desire to become strong by nature itself. As a result, when wondering how to cultivate willpower in yourself, you should not immediately resort to the first exercises and trainings you come across. Initially, formulate for yourself what fortitude is in your understanding. Then evaluate how this character trait can affect your life.

    If after this the desire to learn how to train willpower or how to strengthen willpower does not disappear, then in order to tune in to effective work on yourself, follow these steps:

    • State your goals briefly and precisely in writing. Analyze each goal and predict how much faster you will be able to achieve your goal if the willpower training is successful and you learn to overcome yourself.
    • Write down those traits of your own character that the development of will will allow you to modify. It doesn’t matter how many shortcomings you plan to get rid of, the main thing is to take them all into account. If you know how to develop mental strength, you will be able to successfully overcome them in the shortest possible time.

    This approach will allow you to better understand what willpower represents in your particular case and how to develop and strengthen it.

    Types of training

    If you are interested in how to strengthen your fortitude, you must first of all understand that for a long time you will need to make certain efforts every day, without doing yourself any favors. You can train willpower with special exercises, which are as follows:

    • In keeping a diary. It is necessary to record your plans and monitor their implementation. Planning will ensure greater efficiency in the life process and will help cultivate commitment. You should not note your own achievements in a diary.
    • In developing the habit of acting purposefully. To do this, strive to observe all your actions, as if from the outside. The development of willpower involves an objective assessment of one’s own actions. You cannot exaggerate your achievements and flatter yourself. Any failure should become an incentive to successfully take the next step.
    • In getting rid of the desire to fight and destroy. A trained will makes a person transform and build. To do this, learn to treat your own mistakes strictly, but always wisely. This will allow you to develop the strong-willed side of your character associated with the desire to become better.
    • In the correct formulation of tasks, taking into account the fact that you need to move from simple to complex. Strengthening character cannot be associated with the desire to embrace the immensity.

    In addition, among character-strengthening methods, you can focus on the fact that you need to strive to make real promises to yourself. Moreover, they must be fulfilled. This will teach you to keep your word given to other people.

    It is also important to train yourself to never quit something you start. It must be brought to its logical conclusion, even in cases where enthusiasm has disappeared or an understanding of the meaninglessness of the activity has come. In this situation, you need to take a little rest and wait until your “second wind” opens. The habit of giving up what you start has a detrimental effect on a person and quickly stops his further development.

    Understanding the question of what willpower is, you need to realize that this character trait is incompatible with laziness. Not wanting to do anything is a serious hindrance. Laziness can destroy a person’s will and force him to give up his most cherished desires. Therefore, the strengthening of character developed during training is always associated with the fight against laziness. To do this, it is recommended to praise yourself for any overcoming. You need to force yourself to enjoy even the smallest positive result in your activity. When doing difficult or unpleasant work, never regret it. Discard even the thought that your hobby or communication with friends would be much more enjoyable for you.

    An effective way is self-hypnosis. It is only very important to use specific incentives for this. For example, during the auto-training process, prepare yourself for the fact that you are quite capable of achieving your goals. Remember that thanks to a strong character, each of us can become the manager of our own strengths, which are given to us by nature. In other words, this will allow a person to become the master of his own destiny.

    Strength of spirit is the most valuable quality of human character. Without willpower, a person becomes lethargic and apathetic. Firmness and inflexibility can help you win over physical desires. The weaker the willpower, the more difficult it is for a person to resist bad habits and weaknesses.

    Overcoming difficulties is the first step towards victory

    If you notice any shortcomings in yourself, it is best to start fighting them immediately. Without willpower, a person loses direction in life and tends to choose the wrong path in life. Willpower guides a person and becomes his guiding thread. Without strength of character and fortitude, you can miss your opportunities.

    Signs of a strong will in a person

    Having a strong, strong-willed character, it is easy to cope with the burden of accumulated problems. Strength of spirit helps to overcome difficulties even in the most unfavorable situations. Thanks to hidden resources, a person is ready to fall and rise again.

    Only courage will help you overcome all obstacles. Believing in yourself is an excellent recommendation for those who want to become invulnerable. Patience will develop in you a strong personality, ready to withstand the blows of fate.

    What to do if laziness gets in the way

    We often have a great desire to do something, but are stopped by the fear of possible failure. Laziness is born where there is no specific motivation. Indifference and apathy prevent you from taking any concrete steps.

    Energy reserves increase if you tend to change areas of activity frequently. For example, your favorite activity can be combined with dancing, painting, and sports training.

    Exercises to develop strong-willed qualities

    1. Strengthening your fortitude. The point of the exercise is constant physical activity. Morning jogging and swimming are suitable for this. Developing the body greatly trains the spirit. If sport becomes a part of your life, a lot will change.

    2. Get rid of laziness. If you don't want to do something, you need to force yourself to take the initiative. If you don’t want to exhaust yourself with workouts in the gym, throw away all the “don’ts” and do it! Getting up early in the morning is also a big deal and you need to learn to develop firmness in yourself.

    3. Planning things. Give yourself clear instructions on which things need to be given priority attention and what can be left for later. Planning your affairs will save you from a chaotic life schedule.

    10. Search for hidden power. Train your skills. If you take something, be sure to put it back in the same place. The next day you will know exactly where it is. You allow yourself to feel the volitional tension. Success and well-being depend on this.

    Do what you like correctly and clearly move towards your goal. Exercises to develop willpower require serious preparation. Training volitional qualities increases the need to change your usual lifestyle. You need to gather your willpower and force yourself to reconsider some habits. Learn to be demanding of yourself and don't forget to push the buttons and

    25.07.2015 09:45

    To grow above yourself and become more successful, sometimes you just need to take a few simple steps. Enough...

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