• How to please a man with your own hands. How to be close from a distance


    Men are different. What a woman likes in bed is not necessarily what she likes stronger sex. ? Which erogenous zones more sensitive? You can caress not only with your lips and tongue, but with your fingertips and whispering. Even if whispering and blowing cause tickling, this does not mean that the partner is unpleasant. When choosing a sensitive spot, you need to remember that the stronger sex has a low pain threshold. After trying a new caress technique, you should ask your loved one whether you liked it or not. When arousing your boyfriend, you should not forget that men, like ladies, love compliments.


    How to caress a man correctly: from below or from above? Not only in the groin area, but also on the face there are many erogenous zones. You can whisper tenderness in your ear, and then unexpectedly bite or blow. Some men like it when their lady of the heart touches her face, drawing every feature. One of the sensitive areas on the face is the lips. Often, if a couple has been together for a long time, little attention is paid to the lip area. But men just love to kiss. By the way, few people know. Lips can be touched with lips, fingertips, and tongue.

    Gentle hands

    How to caress a man correctly? Which part of the body should I start with? It's no secret that there are many nerve endings on the hands. Therefore, while caressing your partner, you can hold his hands. You can gently stroke his hand along the fold line. Of course, such a touch will not cause frenzied passion, but it will undoubtedly be pleasant. Massage is also considered affection. Erotic massage involves the whole body: from the tips of the fingers to the tips of the toes. You can learn to do Erotic massage to a man. An aromatic oil is applied to the body, which enhances the stimulating effect.


    Looking for an answer to the question, how to caress a man correctly, many young ladies think that they must start from the bottom. The physiological structure of the male breast is similar to that of the female breast, excluding the function of milk production. Of course, male breasts are less sensitive due to constant exposure to the sun, wind and other natural factors. But it can be warmed up, for which you need to actively and tangibly stimulate it. First you need to do a light massage, then move on to caressing the areola and nipple. The reaction will not come immediately. Once your nipples become firmer, you can move on to other areas, such as the shoulders, back, sides and lower back. Then you can return to the chest again.

    Back and lower back

    An important part of the body for sexual arousal is the back. In general, the entire body can be considered an erogenous zone. There are many sensitive points in the back, lower back and sides. In a fit of passion, you can squeeze a man’s back and scratch him a little. This behavior will show that the partner is on on the right track. If a man does not see a response to his touches, then no manipulation can excite him. Your lover will love it if you run your fingers along his back, sides and lower back. Perhaps he will feel a slight tickling, which will be very pleasant and new.

    Oral secretions

    As statistics show, only a quarter of women resort to oral sex, while such caresses are simply a must in the daily sexual menu. Alas, there is no universal recipe for how to caress a man’s inner thigh and groin area. But there are some requirements for the technique of this art. For a man, the variety of movements is not so important as the pace. To enhance the sensation, you can use tasty treats, such as chocolate or whipped cream. It is not necessary to try to grasp the entire organ. The pace needs to be increased gradually. Squeezing the lower part of the penis delays sperm production and prolongs the onset of climax.

    1. Affections, i.e. foreplay to sex must be complete. Don't rush and get down to business quickly. Research by American scientists from the University of Washington has shown that the physiological reactions of men to external stimuli differ little from those of women. The difference between caresses is not in their quality, but in the fact that the opposite sex reacts faster;

    2. In an effort to please your partner, it is important not to jump from place to place. Sexologists believe that one should focus on one organ and sexual action. Thanks to this method, you can discover new facets of pleasure;

    3. Feeling the moment of approaching orgasm, you need to put pressure on this area. Sexologists say that the pressure that is transferred to the prostate gland delays orgasm and prolongs pleasure. This advice especially recommended for couples whose partner is prone to premature ejaculation;

    4. You can caress a man with your body. To do this, experts recommend choosing certain ones in which the female and male genital organs are closely pressed to each other. One of these positions is the missionary erotic position. In addition, in this position you are most likely to receive simultaneous satisfaction.

    It's more difficult with guys

    Surprises, of course, are loved by everyone, regardless of age and gender. It is much easier to surprise a girl than a guy. Here fantasy can run wild: and soft toy It will do, and beautiful earrings will make you happy, and a new handbag will come in handy. But millions of loving ladies are scratching their heads over this.

    A little imagination!

    Practice shows that everything is not so difficult, the main thing is to think carefully about what the young man loves and is interested in. What can give him maximum pleasure? The surprise does not have to be material. You can simply send him a nice note at work with an invitation to visit some romantic place or prepare a chic dinner with candles and think about a chic continuation of it: in bed or a bath full of aromatic foam. A twinkle in the eye and good foreplay are a must. There is such an option. He returns home after a hard day at work, and his beloved is waiting for him in the kitchen, preparing a delicious dinner. So what? And the fact that she’s wearing a cute apron right on naked body and adorable stiletto heels. A pleasant surprise In this case, the guy is simply provided for.

    Hello to the receiver

    Imagine this situation. He is at work (at home, in the car, in a traffic jam - underline what is appropriate) and listens to the radio. Suddenly, your voice unexpectedly comes out of him with confessions and warm greetings to him, his beloved. A good mood for the whole day is guaranteed to him and you, thanks in the evening.

    Give beautifully!

    Presenting a finished gift beautifully is also not an easy task. For this you can find big box(for example, from under a TV), stick it on it beautiful paper, ribbons, joint photos And nice wishes guy. And then hide inside this miracle along with a gift. All that remains is to imagine his surprised eyes and joyful expression on his face when you appear from a huge box with a smaller box in your hands, in beautiful dress(or without it - at your discretion) and words of love and tenderness on the lips.

    Old idea

    Our mothers and grandmothers knew how to please a guy. An old idea, but no less original, is the idea of ​​notes that sequentially point him to the place where the gift is hidden. An option with accompanying declarations of love and short poems in the same notes will revive the idea. And even better - with wishes that he must fulfill in order to receive the next clue. And what kind of desires these will be, only your imagination can tell.

    One more thought

    Is he an ardent football fan? Then we know the answer to the question: “How to please a guy?” On the eve of the World or European Championship, or maybe just an important match with the participation of his favorite team, buy him good beer and everything that goes with it. Don't like beer? No problem. Ball and football paraphernalia (T-shirt, scarf, whistle, etc.)

    will truly delight any fan. Just don’t forget to clarify which team he supports, because a Manchester United fan is unlikely to like the Chelsea kit. By the way, if the game is taking place in your city, this is a good reason to buy a ticket for it in advance and solemnly present it.

    The main thing is care!

    Still haven't decided how to please a guy? Surround him with attention and care (within reason, of course). Prepare delicious sandwiches for work, put a note in your pocket or purse with kind words, record on a disc or flash drive the songs that he likes to listen to on the road. Rest assured, he will appreciate it.

    18 ways to make a man happy in bed As the author of the “Sex” column in XXL magazine and sharing with the male population of the country the opinions of sexologists about what women want from us, I regularly receive letters not only from readers, but also from female readers.

    The young ladies unanimously insist: “Stop writing about what to do in bed for a man, write about what to do in bed with a man!”

    I usually answered something like: “Great idea. But completely out of the question. I'm afraid that our readers will not like to see messages in their men's magazine like: “Feel free to play with your partner’s penis...”

    But the idea of ​​such an article still haunted me. I discussed it with competent specialists. With colleagues. With friends at the bar. Analyzed my own experience. And I found out one very interesting thing: deep down, every man is sure that he would make an ideal femme fatale. First of all, he would really love to have sex. And secondly, he would know perfectly well how to make sure that after a night spent with such a woman in bed, her partner would have one desire: to kiss her feet around the clock, howling with delight.

    Ladies don't move!

    Who said that anything is required from a woman in bed? Most men are sure: the main thing is that she ends up there, and then he himself will figure out what’s what. The British, for example, somehow survived the entire nineteenth century under the motto “the lady does not move.” And nothing, they created the world’s first demographic crisis, despite the fact that the ladies honestly didn’t move...

    Nevertheless, time passes, moral laws change, and today the idea of ​​female virtues has changed radically. At the end of the nineteenth century it was opened female orgasm. Before this, it was taken for granted that a woman sacrifices herself to male lust solely for the good purpose of having a child. And she suffers terribly, both morally and physically, during the inelegant process of procreation. After this discovery, all men passionately desired women with orgasms. And they still want it. Give us free rein, we would design the female body in such a way that during climax, the partner would begin to flash multi-colored lights and display “BINGO!!!” on the board. (So ​​that we can see that this time we hit the target accurately and all our efforts were not in vain. What can I say, we wouldn’t mind if the whole stadium started chanting: “What the hell!!!”)

    However, I got a little distracted... So, this is all I mean: modern men there is a clear preference for women with temperament. With passion. Who do this to us in bed!.. And what, by the way, are they doing there?

    During the preparation of the material, I interviewed 165 men of different ages, professions and social status. Everyone was asked one question: “What kind of behavior do you like most from a woman in bed?” And the answers showed: there are about two dozen things that men dream about. (It was decided not to take into account thoughts on the topic of group sex with two black women and one dildo.)

    Before starting to list them, I consider it my duty to make the following statement.

    I'm not saying that a woman SHOULD do this. She doesn't owe anyone anything. It’s just that if one day she wants (completely by accident) to please her man (if he deserves it, of course) and to experience something new herself, then this list will be at her service.

    And don't hit me please...

    1. Wear nice lingerie

    Yes, we men have taste like elderly cocottes. This is true. We love the lace, red and black color combination, stockings with garters and ruffles on the sides. Elegant unisex sportswear turns us on much less than this disgrace with roses on different places. And if the young lady also crawls into bed in high-heeled shoes...

    2. Leave the lights on

    Unfortunately, only one man in a million has nyctlopia - the ability to see in the dark as in light. And everyone else is terribly jealous of this one. Because men, unlike women, are much more turned on by visual images than by sound and tactile ones. We need to see the front of the work, you know... At the same time, we do not at all require that the room be lit like an operating room. A night light will suffice. And, by the way, if this night light has a pink or orange lampshade, then the woman’s skin and figure will greatly benefit from this: the warm color will mask any unevenness or spots.

    3. Leave something to chew and drink next to your bed.

    Every second man immediately after sex often experiences bouts of animal hunger. This is fine. This doesn't mean he's a stupid animal. He just needs to gain strength for the second run.

    4. Lengthen foreplay

    A man's instincts are like those of a chicken. If a chicken sees a worm crawling away from it, it gives chase. If the potential prey, on the contrary, crawls towards a small yellow bird, the chicken prefers not to get involved with the aggressor and retreats. No, of course, we, unlike the chicken, have intelligence, will, life experience... But no one has yet canceled the instinct of pursuit. Therefore, we are especially excited when we are slightly repulsed. But only slightly.

    5. Ask what he wants

    Each of us has our own little fantasies, which we rarely manage to put into practice. And it doesn’t have to be sadomasochistic games or sex with camels - no, most of us have much more modest needs. For example, someone may dream of sex with a woman in a nurse's coat with a stethoscope. Some people get an erotic thrill at the thought that their partner might spank them with a jump rope. Some people dream about sex in water. But, fearing to frighten off the sensitive and timid doe snoring under our left armpit, we prefer to remain silent about our great ideas in a rag. No matter what, they won’t mistake us for maniacs.

    6. Move

    Any man, except a necrophiliac, likes it when a woman moves during sex. Moreover, the more active the better.

    7. Caress his chest

    We also love having our nipples licked and bitten. True, if you do this too energetically, the exciting sensations will be replaced by tickling and difficult to bear. And if you do it for too long...

    At least one man in the world has fallen victim to his girlfriend's addiction to his nipples. Thirty-eight-year-old Englishman Robert S., after two years life together with a new girl friend appeared breast milk. And the guy was then treated with hormones for a long time. Lactation mechanism - breastfeeding- is still quite mysterious. It is known that in some animals (for example, rats and cats), males can sometimes feed their offspring if they are left without a mother and persistently tug at the male’s nipples for a long time. Therefore, experts advise not to overuse stimulation of male nipples, allowing yourself this pleasure for no more than an hour and a half a day.

    And also sigh, whisper, mutter, eat, squeal, moan, beg for mercy and sing the Russian anthem. For a man, the screams of his partner (except for those cases when old parents, children and cousin from Vitebsk) are always pleasant. This again comes from the realm of instincts - the screams of the female indicate that the penis has entered deep enough so that after ejaculation, fertilization occurs with maximum probability.

    8. Depilate your bikini area

    165 men have opinions on the topic: what women should look like pubic hair, were divided as follows:

    Removed completely -15

    Depilated in the "bikini area" - 144

    Grew naturally - 6

    10. Don't call the police

    If he suddenly offers you anal sex. The idea of ​​such sex excites the vast majority of men because: a) it is taboo, b) they are interested in experiencing new, perhaps very painful sensations, and c) for men themselves this area is much more erogenous than for women. Because we have a prostate - a very sensitive organ located close to the rectum. (For some diseases, doctors massage our prostate. And all patients experience an erection, and some even ejaculate.) It’s not surprising that we think women should like anal sex. Although, according to statistics, only one woman out of five likes him.

    11. Drink a liter before sex

    It’s not necessary to use Dom Perignon; you can get by with mineral water. The fact is that when filling Bladder stimulation of the point (located on the front wall of the vagina) during sexual intercourse occurs more actively - and you will get more pleasure from sex. And we really like it when a woman feels good with us. Perhaps this is the main thing that makes us happy - we are so brutally noble.

    12. Improve your technique

    We're all big fans of oral sex. Even if a woman does it with a D plus, of which the plus is solely for enthusiasm, but not for the technique of execution. Even if she pays all her attention to the hole in the center of the head and completely ignores the frenulum - the strip of skin that holds the foreskin. Although it would be worth doing the opposite! The oral sex technique itself is a very simple thing. To drive your partner into a frenzy, it is absolutely not necessary to perform tricks in the spirit of Cicciolina the Sword Swallower. (What have we not seen in these tonsils!) Using the penis as a cocktail straw, trying to apply a vacuum to it, is also a waste of time. The easiest way to act is not with your mouth, but with your tongue and palms.

    13. Give him a compliment

    Even the most macho men are not always sure that they are doing everything right. We are actually afraid that you will not like us - even if our meeting was short and without prospects for the future. Therefore, any compliment to our modest contribution to the common cause will be received with sincere gratitude. It is absolutely not necessary to look for lush images and weighty praises. It is enough to simply say: “I have never had anything like this before!” (Even if the true part of this statement refers to the fact that no one has ever had sex with you in socks.) 14. Kiss his ears and neck

    The ears and neck are erogenous zones not only for women and cats. In this we are no different from you.

    15. Play with his best part

    We are proud of our penis. We talk to him, we give him affectionate nicknames. But this does not mean that the penis is everything to us. In addition to this, men also have two more very important paired organs, packaged in one container. we really like it when they are touched, fingered and probed. By the way, on both sides of the penis there are special “pockets” into which the testicles are sometimes hidden during any extreme events. Mechanically, they can also be attached, although this is not so easy - they always try to slip out of there. But your man will probably like the process.

    16. Smile

    Many women, even those who sincerely love sex, consider it their duty to do this in bed, as if next to them is not an attentive and sensitive partner, but an eagle pecking out their liver. At the same time, when a man stops and begins to ask: (are you feeling bad, has a pea rolled under the feather bed? - they answer him that everything is amazingly good. After which - again! Twenty-five: grimaces of horror and crying faces. I don’t know who taught them that it’s sexy and that you can’t smile and be happy during sex. Yes, you can, but!!! Men don’t really want to feel with torturers and rapists - we would like a more friendly interface much more.

    17. Hang a mirror in the bedroom

    In paragraph 2 it was already said that for a man! Visual images are very important. And when there are twice as many of these images...

    18. Stop him from having an orgasm

    You want more, but he’s clearly already reaching the finish line? And I would be glad to stop, but can’t I? Help the person. There is an old, quite effective “stop tap”: if at this time you pull a man’s testicles down, ejaculation will be delayed. You just need to pull without much fuss - otherwise she risks staying too long.

    If a woman loves another person, or is generally in any relationship, then the desire to please a man, her chosen one, and the question - how to please a man and please him, is quite natural and normal.

    Any woman, if she has at least some pleasant feelings for her partner, can periodically spin such thoughts in her head. For some, this only happens on holidays, when they definitely need to give something or prepare something for a man, and some women who are happy in a relationship constantly think about how to do good to their chosen one.

    Do you know what secret words Will they help you make a man fall in love with you very quickly?

    To find out, click on the button below and watch the video to the end.

    Ways and opportunities to please a man

    Let's look at the many options and paths a girl can take to make her man happy and surprised. There are actually thousands of them, and we will talk about only a few, but quite interesting options.

    1. Prepare a delicious dinner

    One of the most simple recipes- this is to cook goodies for a man. Here you can either be guided by his tastes and preferences, if you know them (perhaps you know his favorite dish), or experiment, or prepare your own signature dish, which you think is awesome.

    After all, the way to a man’s heart undoubtedly lies through his stomach, so a woman who prepares delicious food for a man, and even does it with love, will definitely convey her feelings through food, and this will be an additional factor that will tie a man to you and make its more “homey”.

    At the same time, try to cook something truly original, because if you, in your desire to please a man, all you get is a simple scrambled egg, or his usual diet - it is unlikely that such a surprise will cause him a great feeling of joy.

    2. Say good and kind words

    Despite the fact that they say that it is a woman who loves with her ears, men are also greedy for beautiful words in their direction, and they really love it when their beloved girl says these words. This is a simple, and one might say not at all expensive, way to please your chosen one.

    Find best expressions, speak from the heart, thank the man for everything he does - and in this case it will definitely find a response in his heart. It is even possible that you will not need to give expensive gifts or make serious material investments - your smile and sincere gratitude will be more than enough for a man to be delighted with the communication with you and the time spent.

    In fact, the best thing you can think of is to thank the man for his actions. If these are really real things that he worked on, it will definitely sink deep into his soul. And he will understand that his efforts for your sake were not in vain, and in the future he will do the same, or even better.

    3. Please your man in bed

    If you have a close relationship with a man and have an intimate connection, then one of the best gifts is to somehow surprise the man in bed. There are a lot of options here, as they say - just use your imagination, and you will definitely find a way to please your partner.

    How to find the key to a man's heart? Use secret words, which will help you conquer it.

    If you want to find out what you need to say to a man to charm him, click on the button below and watch the video to the end.

    Perhaps you will do some unusual pranks or demonstrate new positions that you have not used before. You can impress a man with new intriguing lingerie, or a revealing home outfit. Maybe you will please him by showing extraordinary ardor and passion.

    It all depends only on your imagination and desire. Well, and your feelings for the man.

    4. Think about his hobbies

    Your man probably has some activities that greatly interest him, his hobbies to which he is willing to devote a lot of time. Perhaps this particular sport, say football or basketball, or maybe computer games, or music... Each person is individual, and here you need to look at specific hobbies.

    If your hobbies are clear, then choose a gift and give pleasing to a man It’s quite simple - you just need to find something that is related to his favorite activity.

    Let’s say if he loves a sports club, you can give him some souvenirs from the club. A T-shirt, mug, souvenir ball, or something similar. If he loves computer games, please him new box with the latest cool hit, or maybe pay him for an annual account in some gaming service.

    Use your knowledge of men's whims and hobbies - you can find many options on how to please a man.

    5. Spend the evening together by attending an interesting event

    You can also go somewhere with your man, say to a new movie that he has long wanted to see, or a game of his favorite team. Perhaps the man is crazy about music group, and just on the day on which you want to please him - this group is performing in your city. You should carefully study the poster.

    Well, a simpler option is to just spend the evening together, light candles, create a cozy and romantic atmosphere, and then watch a good movie at home that he likes. By doing this you will undoubtedly please him, especially if you are beautifully dressed, in good mood, and you will delight him with your energy, radiate positivity and healthy, joyful emotions.

    6. Give birth to your beloved child

    Well, what can I say - this heroic act of a woman will not only bring pleasant sensations to a man, but should lift him to heaven! After all, children are the most beautiful thing that can happen in our lives, and for a man to feel that he will have a child from the woman he loves is an incomparable joy and pleasure.

    Of course, such a “gift” will require much more effort from you than if you simply prepare dinner, or surprise a man by appearing before him in underwear after returning from work - but the emotions that it will evoke will be a hundred times stronger :))

    Just remember that you need to prepare for such an event much in advance - before 9 months, no matter how hard you try, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve your plans :)

    7. Pay attention to yourself

    Quite an unusual point - after all, the article is about how to please a man, and what I’m talking about here is that you need to pay attention to yourself. Yes, but this is a really very important point. After all, the main joy and joy for a man is his woman. And if she feels good, if she looks great, she buys herself beautiful clothes, does good makeup- and sparkles and shines - then the man will be satisfied and in a good mood.

    Many women, in pursuit of pleasing a man, completely forget about themselves, about caring about their appearance, mood, and energy. Believe me, if you spend an extra two or three days to “get yourself in order”, do your favorite things, finally relax and just lie on the couch - and after that surprise a man with your radiant smile and joy - it will make a great impression on him. Especially if you previously rushed like a victim to work and back, in an attempt to earn money, then do something very important in your career, and so on.

    After all best gift for a man, this is his woman, happy, healthy and in a good mood. Don't forget about this.


    Remember, there are thousands of answers to the question - how to please a man and please him, and it all depends on your imagination and attention to your beloved man.

    In some cases, it will be enough to whisper in your ear in a languid voice, a couple of nice words- and the man will blossom, and then for a week he will almost jump from the joy and energy that you conveyed to him. In other cases, you will have to really try.

    But in any case - if a man is dear to you, he is for you close person, whom you greatly appreciate and love, your efforts will definitely pay off. After all, the more we give in a relationship, the more we ultimately receive. Even if we don’t think about getting something. Your efforts will return to you a hundredfold - the attention and care of a man, his love and heartfelt affection for you.

    There are only a few secret words, upon hearing which a man will begin to fall in love.

    Discover a secret that only a few women know. Click the button and watch the video to the end.

    Maintenance happy marriage and improving relationships in it is work, but pleasant work. The ability to fill the life of your chosen one with warm emotions will allow you to count on similar reciprocal actions, because paying good for good is inherent in all people.

    This also increases satisfaction from life itself in general. The most interesting thing is that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel here. In order to please your beloved husband, there are a lot of techniques.

    Sense of masculinity

    From the point of view of women, male principles look like complete childishness. But the vast majority of men adhere to them, consciously or unconsciously.

    Married people who respect their spouse and her opinion may be especially sensitive to this feature. Therefore, recognition of the husband’s merits, even minor ones, must take place. By playing on your sense of manhood, you can please your chosen one as much as possible. To do this, it is recommended to use special techniques.

    Little trick

    Let your husband feel that he and only he is the head of the family. To do this, you should create a situation in which he will need to force you to take one action or another. This could be a banal refusal to cook dinner with an offer to just drink tea.

    You shouldn’t say you’re sick or tired, otherwise he’ll take pity on you. Everything should look like there is a “reluctance to follow accepted rules.” After expressing his will (desire), this should be done as if out of respect for his words.

    The main thing here is not to go too far and take into account the personal characteristics of your man, otherwise you can get a completely opposite result.

    Controversial point

    It will be much more effective and safer to let your husband know that he is very smart and that this is recognized in the family. To do this, it is enough to create a controversial situation by repeating the expression of one of the famous figures in politics or show business.

    The statement must be erroneous so that the husband has a desire to refute it, but not delusional (there are plenty of both). Then you should support the argument (not a quarrel!), forcing the husband to give arguments against it. It is important to end the discussion correctly with the recognition that your loved one is completely right.

    It should look as if his words were understood and truly accepted as the only true ones. In small, unimportant everyday issues, it is also advisable to argue a little, and then once again “make sure” that the husband is right.


    In addition to satisfying psychological needs, you can please your spouse by satisfying physical needs. One of the main ones is sex. It is advisable to know about the ideas and desires of your other half regarding the bed and try to implement them.

    All of the above in no way means that it is necessary to constantly adapt to all the whims of your husband. This way he will quickly become spoiled. And absolute obedience in our time is no longer as valuable as it was during the Middle Ages.

    Develop internally, realize your callings. Organize common leisure time. Believe me, being with such a woman is already pleasant in itself.

    You can also learn a lot about this topic in our article.

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