• How to reduce the size of a women's shirt at home. How to alter a men's shirt: ideas and master classes


    Question from Galina:

    I have a fitted short-sleeved shirt that I hardly ever wore due to the shallow armhole, and now it’s also a little tight for me. Maybe you can give me some advice on what can be done with it. There is no reserve in the seams.

    The photo shows Galina's shirt

    Reply from Nadezhda:

    Hello, Galina.

    The shirt can be expanded along the side seams by inserting any braid or ribbon made of natural (not synthetic) materials, which you can choose by color from the huge assortment available for sale.

    The sleeve is placed according to the same principle. To do this, you will have to rip the shirt open at the side seams. Separate the sleeve along the armhole 5-6 cm from the side seam in both directions. Overcast the side seams of the shirt and sleeves. Stitch the tape into the overlay. The same goes for the sleeve. Connect the sleeve to the armhole and overcast.

    This method will give you an arrangement of one size, so the tape that you will insert should not exceed two cm, because we join it with a seam into an overlay (this is important). It will turn out very beautifully and it won’t be obvious that the shirt has been altered :).

    When sewing, craftsmen have to go through trial and error, inevitably encountering shortcomings in designed patterns and finished products. Imperfections are also found on ready-made clothes - beautiful, but not always perfectly fitting. One of the most common problems is an incorrect armhole line, too small or, on the contrary, spacious, incorrectly modeled or not suitable for the figure.

    In most cases, shortcomings can be corrected by making adjustments to the drawing or altering part of the item so that it does not pinch under the arms or so that the shoulder does not “hang” on it. To understand how to reduce the sleeve opening in finished product, you need to determine the cause of the problem. It may be related to:

    • incorrect taking of measurements;
    • errors in calculations and drawing;
    • errors in cutting and assembling the product.

    Even experienced tailors make mistakes at one stage of their work. You can stitch and trim the armhole during fitting, but often you have to correct the “consequences” on the finished item due to defects that were made during the manufacturing process.


    The main defects associated with the armhole

    In self-sewn or ready-made clothing, there may be design defects and imperfections that appear during movement. When modeling a product, it is very important to calculate the size of the increases and distribute them, based on the physique and configuration of the model.

    If you set incorrect values ​​on key structural chords, the shape of the product will be distorted. Therefore, when creating an armhole, you need to carefully measure the circumference of your chest and determine the increase based on it. The quantities are related and change in inverse proportion. As the increases on the chest increase along the armhole, they are reduced in width. The required armpit depth is also taken into account. The larger it is, the smaller the increase in width should be.

    When putting on a thing, you can immediately detect a problem, but a number of shortcomings “appear” only in motion.

    The main static defects of the armhole

    • The shelves are too short, “turned up” or overlapping each other. To eliminate it, you need to correct the axillary line.
    • Deviation of the sleeve forward or towards the back, caused by incorrect definition of notches along the armhole. It is worth suturing and redoing the neckline to correct longitudinal, oblique or transverse creases.
    • Oblique folds under the axillary notch (towards the shoulder blade), resulting from too little inclination of the cuts along the shoulder. You will have to deepen the armhole while simultaneously adjusting the shoulder line.
    • Creases along the armhole, running obliquely along the front to the neckline (they appear if the flange on the side is too long). To fix it, you need to deepen the neckline, change the chest dart and shorten the seam on the side.


    Other disadvantages may appear when moving:

    • inconvenience when moving your arms forward - they are caused by excessive narrowing of the armhole - therefore, before suturing it, a careful fitting is performed;
    • unaesthetic shape of the armhole due to an incorrectly narrowed collar on the sleeve - the neckline is redesigned;
    • difficulty raising the arm - the depth of the cutout decreases, while the reserve is used (it is left along the bottom line).

    An incorrectly sewn sleeve can also wrinkle on a finished item - they correct the situation by adjusting it and the armhole. To correct this and other shortcomings, it is necessary to re-design the cutout line.

    How to adjust the armhole line

    When changing the contours of the neckline, they start from the position of the shoulder point and the mark on the axillary folds. To find them correctly, hold a ruler under your hand and mark the top line with a marker in front and behind. You need to measure the armpit marks especially carefully, since they are used to calculate how deep the neckline will be. The dots on the shoulder indicate the width and position of the upper border of the armhole. When adjusting lines, you need to take into account the type of fabric. The denser the material and the warmer the product itself, the wider the shoulders should be on it so that the thing sits beautifully and does not press.


    When changing the outline of the neckline during the fitting, you need to wear the same underwear that you were wearing when taking measurements (or the one that you intend to wear under the finished item).


    1. Pin the sides and fasteners (if any) and align the half-skid.
    2. Place pads on the shoulders (if the model provides them) and attach them with pins.
    3. Mark the width along the shoulder, front and armhole along the right half of the back.
    4. Keeping a ruler handy, mark the ends of the armholes. If the product has sleeves, the dots are placed not at the top, but 2 cm below (to measure the coat, you must first put on a sweater or other thick, bulky clothing).
    5. Remove the item and fold it in half along the center seam, place the left neckline into the right one and align the cuts along the shoulders and sides.
    6. Pin the edges, sides, neckline and armholes using pins.
    7. Using the marks already made, draw the oval outline of the armhole.
    8. Trim off excess fabric without touching the tracing line.
    9. Put on the item and pin the finished sleeve.

    For accuracy, all marks must be made with a special disappearing marker or a sharpened piece of chalk or soap. You should not make the armhole too low, otherwise you will limit freedom of movement. To make clothes comfortable, you also need to correctly calculate the width along the upper edge on the sleeve and along the back in the shoulder blade area.


    Layouts for armholes

    When sewing in sleeves, you may encounter various difficulties - folds along the edges, tightening of the fabric in the armhole. Without control notches, part of the part moves up or down. Therefore, having found your “ideal” basis for the bodice and sleeves (it is usually single-seam), it is worth creating a layout for the armhole according to your measurements. It will allow you to make all the adjustments in advance, and there will be much fewer mistakes during fitting.

    The drawing does not take much time and fits on a standard A4 sheet. Once you've made a basic diagram, you can use it to create various clothes- jackets, dresses with long sleeves, coat. You will simply need to attach the layout in the “working” pattern and determine whether it needs to be expanded, deepened or reduced. It will help solve many problems even at the drawing design stage.

    Possible shortcomings

    • Inconsistency between armholes and sleeve lines (for example, if the gathering allowance is not made or is too large, or the magazine pattern does not suit you personally). You need to move the top point along the edge to suit the features of your figure.
    • The difference between a layout and a ready-made “alien” scheme, which does not take into account individual sizes and body features. If you use a standardized drawing rather than an individual one for cutting, you will have to change its armholes (adjust the depth, the slope of the seam along the shoulder).
    • Violation of the length of the side seam. When changing the size of the armhole, place the parts of the drawing side by side and make sure that the designations for the back and front waist are on a single line.


    Correction of armhole and sleeve drawings

    Incorrect armhole that does not allow a sleeve to be sewn in the desired shape, adjusted with seam allowances. If they are not on the pattern, do not forget to increase the required values.

    How to change the height of a sleeve where it touches the shoulder

    1. Determine the fit allowance - subtract the length of the armhole from the length of the sleeve at the seam.
    2. Cut the sleeve pattern at the top according to the level of the marks.
    3. Arrange or align the sleeve parts by overlapping them - the height should coincide with the measurements of the finished product.
    4. Adjust the sleeve line according to the marks and make a smooth roll.
    5. Determine the size of the new armhole - subtract the initial increase for a loose fit from the length of the hem along the seam.
    6. On two-seam parts, the top and bottom are aligned along a single seam line from the edge of the hem. A line is drawn perpendicular to the thread in the shoulder part of the sleeve - through the lower sewing point in the armpit.

    Reducing the armhole on a sleeveless pattern

    1. Reduce the width of the bodice in the basic drawing along the front and back by 1 centimeter across the bust.
    2. Connect the resulting marks with segments to the points on the side cut at waist level.
    3. Continue the segments upward and smoothly draw the outlines of the armhole from the resulting vertices.
    4. If you need to lower the neckline, then increase the shoulder cut (the standard is 1.5 centimeters, this way you won’t have to correct the cuff along the sleeve).
    5. Transfer the basic patterns onto paper and continue the shoulder cut along the front and back in a smooth arc.
    6. Set aside 1.5 centimeters from the original armhole and smoothly connect the new mark with the neckline at the same width as the chest and back.


    If the sleeve is set-in, then you can only lower the neckline to a certain level. If a significant indentation is needed, use a kimono-type cut pattern. On items without sleeves, you will need to lengthen the shoulder along the cut on the front and back - up to 4 cm.

    Checking the correspondence between the armhole and the sleeve drawing

    It would be useful to check how well the cut and basted sleeves correspond to the base pattern in the fitting area. It is better to adjust the armhole of the front and back of the product in advance, before trying it on.

    Performing a check

    1. Align the bottom marks on the armhole and collar along the front parts.
    2. Stepping back from the alignment by 60-70 mm, put two marks (one on each element) and fasten the parts with a pin.
    3. Move the edging along the cutout line to a distance of about 9 cm (according to the size of the item) and put two more marks - the pin with which you pinned the first points must be removed and the second strokes pinned.
    4. Determine the allowance for gathering - it is advisable that it does not exceed 2 centimeters.
    5. Make small notches on the control marks so that the sewn sleeve does not warp and is symmetrical.

    Similarly, you can check whether the elements on the back and back match. They are corrected according to one control mark - there will be two notches, which are placed 10-12 cm from the bottom point of the parts.

    Almost every person in life has had a situation when they bought a luxury item at a sale for mere pennies, and only at home it was discovered that the item was too big. Perhaps you bought a dress for prom in advance, and because of the stress during exams, you lost weight, losing several kilograms, and beautiful thing simply hung on you. Don't be discouraged, there are several ways to adjust the item to your figure. Of course, these methods will work if the product needs to be reduced by 1-2 cm, and not by 3-4 sizes - in this case, enjoy your beauty and treat yourself to a new thing. This information is published on the website.
    The first and easiest way to reduce your clothing size- it's wash and dry! Yes, yes, don't be surprised! Various fabrics shrink under certain influences of water and temperature. The most important thing to do is to look at the composition of the product that needs to be reduced.

    - If the item is cotton, then it is easiest to reduce it. To do this, you need to wash it in washing machine at a temperature of 60 degrees and be sure to use the spin mode.
    - Woolen items should be washed by hand (in the washing machine you risk making them suitable only for dolls) in hot water, then rinse them thoroughly in cold water. Under no circumstances should they dry on a rope, so as not to stretch. Place them on the table on a thick towel or blanket.
    - Silk items should also not be trusted washing machine and drying - in best case scenario the thing will lose its original appearance, or at worst, it will simply tear. It is better to wash them by hand in warm water and dry them in the open air.
    - To reduce polyester and nylon clothing, they should be washed in cold water and dried in the dryer.
    Second option Applicable only to cotton items. A new cotton product should be thoroughly ironed and steamed. Then you will quickly receive an item reduced by several centimeters.
    Third option suitable for those, who is not afraid to hold a thread and a needle in their hands and be familiar with a sewing machine.

    1. Measure your hips, waist and chest. Determine the size of the clothing to be sewn - fold the item in half, measuring the half-circumference of the hips, chest and waist, and multiply the resulting numbers by 2. Then calculate the difference between your sizes and the clothing sizes. Please note that clothes should not be close to each other, so add 1 cm to each measurement of your figure, except for the waist circumference for trousers and skirts - in this case, things should fit snugly.
    2. Reduce the size of a straight skirt with a set-in belt - this is the easiest thing to do. First, we rip off the belt by removing the hooks and buttons. Then we rip out the side seams of the skirt, ironing all the elements of the product. We add 1 cm to the volume of your hips and divide it by 4, the hip circumference on the product is also divided by 4. Set aside the difference between these values ​​​​from the previous seam to the middle of the skirt - there you will stitch the product in a new way. We do the same with measurements for the waist, but do not add 1 cm to your size. By placing another measurement from the old seam deep into the product, we can draw a chalk line parallel to the old seam. After sewing the seams on the machine, cut off the excess fabric and edge the edges of the material. You can also shorten the belt or simply rearrange the buttons, leaving the loops in the same place.
    In the same way, you can reduce the volume of trousers and jeans.
    3. Reduce the dress size. To do this, we again rip out the side seams and iron the details of the product. Please note that the armhole size will change as you sew the garment, so first adjust this part of the dress on a mannequin or on your own body with the help of an assistant. If the dress has sleeves, then it is also reduced using the side seam: first open the sleeves, then the side seams. Sew the armhole and sleeves, then sew a new seam. Cut off excess allowances, edge the edges and iron the product.
    4. The size of a blouse and dress can be reduced by using darts, removing excess fabric from them.
    It’s not worth reducing the product by more than a couple of sizes, otherwise you’ll have to alter the whole thing. Isn’t it easier then to sew a new one?
    Well, if all these options seem unacceptable to you or for some reason do not suit you, but you don’t want to say goodbye to the item, you should contact a atelier or a clothing repair specialist, where they will definitely fit the item to your figure.

    Quite often we buy things without trying them on, and only when we bring them home do we realize that we have done something stupid. Most often, such a purchase turns out to be the wrong size and is simply sent to the closet. In fact, it is not at all necessary to do so.

    If you show a little patience, you can easily adjust the wrong size item. In our article we will try to tell you how you can sew a shirt in at the waist at home, shorten its length and adjust the armhole.

    How to sew and alter men's and women's shirts one size smaller?

    We alter men's and women's shirts one size smaller

    As practice shows, even a novice needlewoman can easily cope with such a task. All you have to do in this case is to correctly mark the excess material, which will eventually have to be cut off. Therefore, make sure in advance that you have 15-20 pins and sharp scissors on hand.


    • At the initial stage, you will need to turn the shirt inside out and put it on the person who will subsequently wear it. The item should be as well laid out on the body as possible and must be fastened with all the buttons.
    • Next, take the pins in your hands and begin to carefully lay the fabric along the entire seam. If you need to suture the sleeve, then reduce it in the same way. During this procedure, make sure that the new basted seam is as even as possible. If you grab more material in one place and less in another, the shirt will eventually become deformed when worn.
    • Once the new silhouette line is laid out, you will need to remove the person's shirt, sew new seams, and then carefully cut off any excess. To prevent the fabric from fraying during wearing, be sure to overcast its edge with a sewing machine.
    • At the final stage, you will need to thoroughly steam all the seams with an iron and the shirt will be ready to wear.

    How to sew a men's and women's shirt at the waist?

    We suture the male and women's shirt at the waist

    There are two ways to sew a shirt at the waist. If you bought a product from European manufacturers with a seam in the center of the back panel, then you will have to sew up the sides. This can be done the same way as we taught you a little higher, but in this case the seam will be made to the line of the sleeve, and it itself will remain untouched.

    Yes, and in this case new seam doesn't have to be perfectly straight. If you want to create the most fitted silhouette, then you can make it slightly arched.


    • Turn the product inside out and put it on a person or a special mannequin
    • Starting from the very bottom of the seam, begin pinning the fabric so that you get a barely noticeable rounding at the waist.
    • Pin the fabric in this way approximately 10-15 cm above the waist line
    • Make sure that at the top you get a smooth transition from the new seam to the old one
    • Sew everything with a machine, cut off all excess and overcast the fabric

    If the above-mentioned seam is not in the middle of your product, you can try sewing the shirt in at the waist using darts. In this case, you will simply need to put the shirt on the person, and then form 2 small undercuts on the back of the shirt just above the waist area. After this is done, make sure that the product lies perfectly and you can safely stitch them.

    How to sew in the sides of a men's and women's shirt?

    Sewing men's and women's shirts on the sides

    If you do not have the opportunity to put the shirt on the person who will wear it, then try sewing it on the sides in a slightly different way. However, remember that in this case you will need to know the exact body parameters of a man or woman.

    In view of this, be sure to measure them in advance using a sewing tape measure. You will need to measure your chest and waist circumference. If the shirt is long, then you will definitely need to take into account the size of the circumference of the hip line. After you receive all the data, proceed to the main work.


    • Lay the product out on a flat surface and mark out the new dimensions.
    • Using chalk or a bar of soap, draw lines along which the new side seams will be sewn
    • Pin the fabric in these places with pins
    • Sew the seams and then use scissors to remove excess fabric
    • Serve the fabric and you can start ironing the shirt

    How to sew a men's and women's shirt at the shoulders with and without steaming?

    A way to sew a shirt without steaming:

    • Put the shirt on the person and use a sewing meter to measure the distance from the collar to the outer shoulder line
    • Draw a line in this place and you can take off your shirt
    • Lay it out on the table and use chalk to draw the future seam (to the edge of the armpit line)
    • Carefully fold the product exactly in half, and then cut the fabric along the drawn line
    • If you did everything correctly, then in the end you will have the sleeves and the main part of the shirt lying separately on the table
    • At the next stage, all you have to do is pin all the parts together.
    • Keep in mind that the holes for the sleeves are now larger than before, so try to pin everything together in such a way that you do not have large holes
    • If necessary, you can make one tuck from the inside of the sleeve
    • Having connected all the parts together, stitch them and the product will be ready to wear.

    How to sew a shirt at the shoulders with steaming:

    • Using a meter, determine what the shoulder length should be
    • Place the result on the fabric and draw a line parallel to the sleeve seam
    • Double-check whether the lines are laid out symmetrically
    • Next, carefully open the side seams and unpick the sleeves
    • Lay the product on the table and trim off excess fabric
    • In the next step, first pin the side seams and then connect the sleeves and the resulting openings
    • Double stitch everything and smooth it out thoroughly.

    How to sew the armhole of a men's and women's shirt?

    If you need to sew in the armhole, you will first need to rip the sleeves away from the main product. After this is done, put on a shirt and see how many centimeters you have to reduce the opening. Next, take a needle and thread and, stepping back from the edge of the sleeve seam to the required distance, lightly sew the fabric in one place.

    Double-check that you have the correct size of the armhole and you can sew it along the seam. Once the opening has been reduced, you can proceed to sewing on the sleeve. More detailed tips You can see how to stitch the armholes in the video posted a little higher.

    How to sew in the sleeves of men's and women's shirts?

    Sewing a shirt sleeve

    If you need to sew in the sleeves literally by 3-5 mm, then you can simply turn them inside out, lay them out so that the inner seam does not deform the fabric, and then carefully measure the required distance and draw a line along which the new seam will go. Yes, and remember, if you need to remove 3 mm, then you only need to remove 1.5 mm from the old seam. Since the fabric will be cut on both sides, you will end up with the desired 3 mm.

    Once the line is drawn, all you have to do is pin it and sew a new seam. If you have to remove a lot, then you will need to reduce not only the sleeve itself, but also the armhole into which it is attached. To sew the opening, you will have to slightly rip the side seam under the sleeve, cut off any excess, and then carefully sew everything back together.

    How to shorten the sleeves of men's and women's shirts with cuffs?

    If you need to shorten the sleeves of a shirt with cuffs, then proceed as follows:

    • Initially measure the length of your arm from the shoulder to the hand line
    • If you like the sleeve to extend slightly onto the hand, then add 5 mm to the data obtained
    • Next, take a sewing meter and take measurements of the sleeve
    • Mark a line on it to which the cuff will subsequently be transferred
    • Take small scissors and carefully cut out the cuffs
    • Using scissors, cut the fabric along the previously drawn line
    • Next, attach the cuff to the sleeve and see how much it needs to be sutured
    • Sew along the existing seam, and then stitch the cuffs to the sleeve

    How to shorten a men's and women's shirt in length?

    Shorten men's and women's shirts in length

    Shortening a shirt to length is considered the simplest process. If you wish, in this case you can do without sewing machine. Since there is no load on such a seam, you can simply take the thinnest possible needle and hem it with neat small stitches.


    • Put on a shirt and estimate how much fabric you need to remove
    • Mark this area with chalk or soap
    • Take off your shirt and lay it on the table
    • Use a meter to measure how many centimeters of material need to be cut.
    • Subtract 1-1.5 cm from the data obtained and lay one continuous line along the entire bottom of the shirt
    • Trim off the excess fabric and then use pins to pin a new seam.
    • Stitch it and iron it

    Video: How to shorten the sleeves of a men's shirt and make a one-piece cuff

    Of course, ideally you should have your shirts made to order or buy shirts that fit you well. However, it happens that you like a shirt, but it doesn’t fit very well; It happens that you were given a shirt that doesn’t really fit, or you ordered a shirt on the Internet, and it turned out that it doesn’t fit you very well. What to do in this case? How can you adjust a shirt, what exactly can be fixed and what can’t? Let's figure it out.


    It is almost impossible to increase or decrease the size of a shirt collar. Why "practically"? Because something can be done, but... the result will most likely be sad. For example, some tailors may reduce the size of the collar, but there will be vertical stitching at the back of the collar where it is visible. Do you need it? In addition, you can rearrange the button on the collar, but this will inevitably lead to an inharmonious, and in the worst case, an outright cartoonish look.

    If the collar suits you, but is a little tight (or became tight after the first/second wash), then you can try stretching it (the method is described by Pierre Duboin here). If the collar is a little too big for you, it will probably shrink a little after the first three washes. However, I categorically do not advise buying shirts with collars that you obviously unsuitable. Not every tailor will undertake to correct such a problem, and the one who does can charge a lot of money for the services; in addition, the result may be sad.

    One possible way to solve the problem is to completely replace the collar on the shirt. However, of course, there are limitations here too. One of the most obvious is the fabric, because you will need the exact same color and texture of the fabric that your shirt is made from. Finding an analogue can be very difficult, so often the solution is to install a white contrasting collar. However, such a collar is not always appropriate (see article about “”), and for a white shirt you will need to choose exactly the same white fabric...

    Finally, not every tailor is able to create a really good, elegant collar. If you go to a studio where good cutters work, then it may turn out that it will be more profitable for you to return the shirt to the store and order a bespoke shirt from this studio, rather than bother with adjusting a shirt that frankly doesn’t fit well.

    In general, I don’t recommend buying shirts with collars that are not your size.

    Shirt length

    As a rule, there is nothing complicated here: reducing the length of a shirt is quite easy; probably any tailor can do it. The cost of such an operation can range from 500 to 1200 rubles. It will be most expensive to fit a hand-hemmed shirt (c). Not everyone is capable of creating a beautiful, thin roll, and those who are able can charge a considerable fee for such a service.

    It is impossible to increase the length of the shirt.

    Change sleeve length/shorten sleeves

    You can reduce the length of the sleeves, but lengthen the sleeves - not. Accordingly, if the sleeves of the shirt are short, refuse the purchase / issue a return. Shortening the sleeves of a shirt is a completely realistic procedure, but it can cost you 1.5-2 thousand rubles (of course, some studios charge less).

    The sleeve can be shortened “from above” (through the armhole) or “from below” (but “from below” – just a little, and not always). It is better to ask an unfamiliar tailor right away how he (she) is going to shorten the sleeves, otherwise there is a small chance of getting a surprise in the form of a sleeve with an ultra-short placket above the cuff.

    If the sleeve is shortened “at the top”, and initially it was partially sewn by hand (as in), then you need to pay the tailor’s attention to this point... and, most likely, pay more.

    Change sleeve width/narrow sleeves

    Reducing the width of the sleeves is also a very real operation; increase - no. The price, as in all cases, greatly depends on the studio; at best, changing the width of the sleeves will cost you 400-500 rubles.

    A nuance: if the long seams on the sleeves are sewn with one needle (), not every tailor will then be able to sew them in the same way (and some will even consider this an unimportant point). Check with the studio to see if they are capable of this.

    Fit a shirt / change the width of a shirt

    Probably the most popular way to fit a shirt is to give it two darts at the back. However, if there is a central fold on the back of the shirt (as on American models), the darts will look bad.

    An alternative method is to change the width of the shirt by unpicking the side seams, cutting off excess material and adding new side seams. A nuance: if the side seams are sewn with one needle, not every tailor will then be able to sew them in the same way. And if it turns out that the tailor can do this, be sure to then check the quality of the work: inexperienced tailors sometimes sew shirts with one needle very crookedly.

    An operation to fit a shirt can cost from 500 to 1200 rubles. Of course, it is possible that you will find a studio where they perform this operation cheaper or more expensive.

    Cuff adjustment

    If the cuffs are too wide for you, you can rearrange the buttons on them. The cost of the operation is symbolic, about 100 rubles (sometimes even less, sometimes more). Why does it make sense to go to a studio for this? For several reasons:

    • The studio will see how much the buttons on the cuffs can be rearranged without compromising the harmony.
    • The tailor should select tone-on-tone threads - the same as these and other buttons on the shirt were sewn on (be sure to ask the tailors about this if the threads are not white).
    • In a good tailor shop, they can sew a button using a “chicken foot” (“crow’s foot”) stitch and on a good “leg” (“shaft”).

    Shoulder adjustment

    If the shoulders of the shirt are frankly narrow, there’s nothing you can do about it; it’s better to return the shirt to the store. If they are too wide, they can be adjusted, but... there is such a nuance. It is very likely that in this case, not only are your shoulders wide, but your collar is also too big, your shirt is too wide in general, and your sleeves are wide... and maybe also long. Accordingly, the shirt actually needs to be recut to suit you and almost completely altered, and good tailors charge a considerable amount for this. In other words, if a shirt is too big for you in most respects, it is better to return it to the store (or not buy it at all).

    Another nuance: after adjusting the shoulders, it may turn out that the sleeves are too short for you. To avoid this, be sure to discuss this issue with the tailor and pay attention to all his advice and comments. Well, if the shirt is partially hand-sewn, then do not forget to ask the tailor if he is ready to reproduce all the hand stitches (and if he is ready, ask him to do hand stitches as neat and tight as possible).

    Additional tip

    Before going to the atelier, be sure to wash your new shirt at least once, but twice is better. The fact is that during the first washes, shirts can shrink... and this is important, because if you bring a completely new shirt straight from the store to the tailor, this shirt may, for example, have the sleeves shortened a little more than it should be.

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