• Origami basic bird shape. The basic shape is a bird. Basic Paper Folding Techniques


    Basic origami forms are the basis of all paper figures made using this technique. It will be very cool if your child learns to fold such “semi-finished products.” But putting them together just for the sake of learning is boring. They will be remembered themselves, in the process of working on models for which these are the basis. basic forms will serve. Here we will look at quite complex basic origami shapes: Basic origami shape “Double Triangle” Basic origami shape “Fish” Basic origami shape “Catamaran” Basic origami shape “Square” Basic origami shape “Bird”

    You can see other, simpler models in the article “Basic origami forms for children 4-6 years old.”

    Basic origami form “Double triangle” for children from 6 years old

    Place the square in front of you, colored side down. Fold the square diagonally and straighten it. We repeat the same action in the other direction.

    Turn the sheet over so that the colored side is facing up. Fold the sheet in half, connecting the top and bottom sides of the square. Let's straighten the sheet.

    We have all the lines necessary for folding. Let's add our figure according to them. She herself will strive to take the desired form.

    The basic form of origami “Double Triangle” is ready. Usually in the literature on origami there is another way of folding this basic model. But our experience suggests that the method described above is easier for children to do. Despite this, we present a diagram of the second folding method. Perhaps you will find it more interesting.

    Folding diagram of the basic origami form “Double Triangle”. Tables of symbols adopted in origami will help you “read” the diagram correctly.

    Basic origami form “Fish” for children aged 7-8 years

    We present two ways to fold this basic origami shape.

    The first option for folding the basic “Fish” shape

    General diagram of folding the basic form of origami “Fish” (first option).

    Now we will show in detail how this is done.

    Fold the square of paper diagonally and unfold it to mark the middle line.

    Fold two edges to the middle line - we get the basic “Kite” shape.

    Let's bend the figure back, matching the opposite corners. For convenience, you can turn the figure over. The picture also shows a rear view.

    Let's open the “pockets”.

    Now let’s “flip” one of the two triangles from right to left. Let's turn the figure over.

    The basic form of origami “Fish” is ready.

    The second option for folding the basic “Fish” shape

    General diagram of folding the basic form of origami “Fish” (second option)

    1. Fold the square diagonally and unfold it.

    2. Fold the upper sides to the marked line. Let's expand the figure.

    3. Repeat the operation, folding the lower sides towards the middle.

    4. Fold the square diagonally down, turning it into a triangle and unfold it too. We ended up with a whole network of lines outlined by folding.

    Let's start folding along the marked lines. To do this, grab the edges of the model with the thumb and forefinger of both hands, squeezing two layers of paper at once, and bring them to the middle. The basic origami “Fish” model is ready.

    Basic form of origami “Catamaran” for children from 8 years old

    1. Fold the square diagonally and unfold it. Let's repeat the same thing in the other direction. We get two lines outlined by folds.

    2. Now let's outline two more folds. To do this, fold the square in half in two directions and straighten it.

    3. Let's outline four more lines. To do this, fold the corners to the middle of the square and then unfold it.

    4. All lines are outlined. We begin, in fact, by folding the basic shape. Fold the sides towards the center.

    5. Now fold the top and bottom sides of the resulting rectangle towards the center.

    6. The most difficult part remains. From the inside, you need to take the corner of the top layer of paper with your fingers and pull it to the side until it stops.

    We do this with all four corners.

    The basic form of origami “Catamaran” is ready.

    Basic origami shape “Square” for children aged 6-7 years

    1. Place a square of paper in front of you, colored side down. Fold the square in half, connecting the top and bottom sides. Let's straighten it back out. Now fold and open in the same way, but connecting the sides.

    2. Turn the figure over so that the square is the colored side up. Fold it diagonally and straighten it.

    3. We have marked all the necessary folding lines. Now the figure will fold itself along them; it only needs a little help.

    The basic origami shape “Square” is ready. As in the case of the basic shape “Double Triangle”, there is also alternative way folding We provide only a diagram for it. Try both methods and decide for yourself which you like better.

    Folding diagram of the basic origami “Square” shape. Tables of symbols adopted in origami will help you “read” the diagram correctly.

    Basic origami form “Bird” for children 10-12 years old

    The Basic Bird Shape is built on top of the Basic Square Shape (see above). Fold into a basic “Square” shape. Place the model in front of you so that the side that “opens” faces up.

    Fold the sides towards the center. Fold only the top layers of paper.

    Return the paper to its original position. Now take one layer of paper by the upper corner and pull it down, while folding the figure along the lines outlined in the previous step.

    Turn the figure over and repeat the operation on the other side.

    Basic origami form “Bird”

    General diagram of folding the basic form of origami “Bird”

    Origami is ancient art, which came to us from Japan. Now millions of children and adults around the world are interested in origami.

    Try to create your own collection of funny figures, toys and entire compositions that will become a worthy decoration for your interior.

    But don’t rush to immediately choose beautiful but complex models; start with simple models. And then move on to complex models and modular origami.

    Having learned it yourself, involve your children, family and friends in this. After all, things made with your own hands are always highly valued.

    You can give beautifully made models, especially flowers, to your family and friends.

    Gather required tools and materials necessary for origami.

    Basic Paper Folding Techniques

    Surely you can’t wait to start making beautiful models, posted on our website or those that you saw on other sites, but take your time, let’s first understand the basic technical techniques of origami.

    Get acquainted with simple symbols that explain the principle of folding any product using the origami technique. This is a kind of origami language, having learned which you can easily fold not only the figures proposed in this book, but also thousands of others. Most of symbols was put into practice in the middle of the 20th century by the famous Japanese master Akira Yoshizawa. IN last decades several new ones have been added to them.

    Useful advice from an experienced master

    The paper must be folded on a smooth, level surface. Free space should be enough to completely accommodate a sheet of paper and still have a small margin of space. Do not twist the figure in your hands or turn it unnecessarily - otherwise you will get confused, especially when folding complex models.

    Methods and techniques for folding figures are presented in the diagrams using lines, arrows and auxiliary signs. Sometimes one picture shows not one, but several actions. You can always check the correctness of their implementation using the following figure. In order to get acquainted with origami techniques, prepare several small squares, follow the steps indicated in the pictures on the left, checking the result according to the pictures on the right. As a matter of fact, there are only two main ways to fold paper - either make a concave fold on it (“valley”), in which a corner, edge or pocket is in front, or a convex (“mountain”), in which part of the paper goes to the front. back side leaf. All other methods of folding paper are simply derivatives of two basic techniques. So, always fold the paper as shown in the figure, while trying to make the folds firm and sharp. Remember: the straighter and sharper the fold, the greater the chance that the finished model will be correct and attractive to the eye. Never rush to finish a figurine. Origami should not be work for you, but relaxation. Remember to relax and do not take failures to heart if they happen to you. Better take a new sheet of paper, smile and start over.

    Origami symbols and notations

    Basic origami shapes. Manufacturing

    Since ancient times, there have been some forms in origami that are considered basic. These are standard, easy-to-fold blanks, from which you can subsequently create hundreds of different figures.

    The folding of many origami figures begins with well-known simple structures called vase shapes. There are not many of them - about a dozen. All of them are obtained from a square sheet of paper using simple techniques. For folding flowers using the origami technique, the basic shapes “square” and “hat” are most often used. These forms need to be studied as carefully as the basic folding methods and techniques discussed above. You must master them and make each basic workpiece automatically, knowing each of its folds and sequence of operations. Without knowledge of these basic forms, no one can seriously engage in the art of origami; they are for origami artists what scales are for musicians. However, not all figures in modern origami are made from a square sheet of paper; some are made from regular polygons - pentagons and hexagons. Having mastered the production of basic forms, you will successfully fold not only the figures given in this book, but also your own.

    The basic shape is "square". Manufacturing

    This basic shape has two visible planes, a closed "blind" corner formed in the center of the original shape (square), and an opening corner located opposite the "blind" corner.

    1. First, fold the square along two diagonals, matching opposite corners.

    3. Fold in opposite corners, folding them in half.

    4. Smooth out creases. As a result, you have a basic origami “square” shape.

    The basic "hat" or "water bomb" shape. Manufacturing

    The “hat” has two triangular planes. A closed “blind” corner is formed in the center of the original square.

    1. First, fold the square along two diagonals, matching opposite corners.

    3. Press from below into the center of the square. Bend the side triangles, folding them in half.

    4. So, the basic “hat” or “water bomb” shape is ready.

    To make flowers, you need to have a regular pentagon and a regular hexagon as a base. How to make them? We'll tell you.

    Pentagon based on a square. Manufacturing

    Cutting a symmetrical, neat pentagon is not as easy as it seems. The easiest way: using successive techniques, fold the square and cut off the excess with scissors.

    1. Fold the square in half, matching two opposite sides.

    2. Make tucks by folding the resulting rectangle in half.

    3. Make a tuck on one side, aligning the bottom of the rectangle with the center right tuck. Align the bottom left edge of the rectangle with the imaginary line between the two tucks.

    4. Check the result and expand the rectangle, returning to the original square.

    5. Fold the square so that the fold line begins at point B, and point A touches the edge of the sheet - place points D and C, as shown in the figure.

    6. Fold the resulting figure so that point B touches the central fold line (made in step 1), 6 place point E at this place.

    7. Fold the left edge of the figure into a mountain.

    8. Using a ruler and pencil, connect points E and D. Cut with scissors along the marked line. Open the figure completely - you get a regular pentagon.

    Hexagon based on a square. Manufacturing

    A hexagon is made in much the same way as a pentagon.

    1. Fold the square sheet in half, aligning two opposite sides.

    2. Fold the resulting rectangle in half, as shown in the figure.

    3. Align the right side of the rectangle with the center fold line

    4. Fold the rectangle so that the lower right corner A touches the fold line made in step 3.

    5. Check the result and fold the right edge into a “mountain”, with corner B aligned with corner C.

    6. Using a ruler and pencil, check the horizontal line connecting corners B and A.

    7. Using scissors, cut off the top of the shape along the marked line.

    8. Open the resulting figure. The regular hexagon is ready.

    What materials and tools are needed for origami

    Origami flowers. Chamomile

    Basic origami shapes

    At the initial stage, many origami figures are folded the same way, that is, they have one base - a basic shape. Combining figures according to basic shapes systematizes a huge number of models and contributes to a more successful acquaintance with origami.

    You should definitely pay attention to this section and try to remember how the main basic forms look. Many novice masters often find themselves in a stupor at the initial stages of schemes, precisely because they cannot determine the type of basic form, or are not even aware of them.

    Basic shape "catamaran"

    There are several ways to fold the basic catamaran shape based on different basic shapes. This model can hardly be called basic

    Basic book form

    This is another simplest basic form of origami. Fold the square sheet in half and... and that's it, the basic shape of the door is ready. Don't forget to rest.

    Basic bird shape

    The basic bird shape is folded over the basic double square shape.

    Basic origami triangle shape

    One of the simplest basic forms of origami. Its diagram might not have been posted (however, when I wrote this, the diagram was already on the site), but suddenly it appears somewhere in the diagrams.

    Basic frog shape

    The basic “frog” shape got its name from the figurine from this blank - an inflatable frog.

    Basic fish shape

    The basic form is formed on the basis of another basic form - “kite”.

    Basic double triangle shape

    "Double Triangle" is not the only name for this basic shape. Another name - "water bomb" - comes from the origami model of this basic form. At the basic double triangle shape two visible triangular planes. A closed (“blind”) corner was formed in the center of the original square.

    Basic double square shape

    Basic form of double house

    Named because of its appearance, is rarely used but let it be for the sake of completeness of the collection. 🙂

    Basic door shape

    I also sometimes call this basic form of origami “cabinet” because of its external similarity. I don’t know whether this basic form will be useful to you, but if it exists, it should probably be used in some schemes.

    Basic kite shape

    The model is also named due to its external resemblance to a classic kite.

    Basic pancake shape

    Another elementary Basic Form that is very easy to remember due to its simplicity.

    The basic forms of origami are the basis of all paper figures made using this technique. It will be very cool if your child learns to fold such “semi-finished products.” But putting them together just for the sake of learning is boring. They will be remembered themselves in the process of working on models, for which these basic forms will serve as the basis. Here we will look at some fairly complex basic origami shapes:

    Basic origami form “Double triangle” for children from 6 years old

    Place the square in front of you, colored side down. Fold the square diagonally and straighten it. We repeat the same action in the other direction.
    Turn the sheet over so that the colored side is facing up. Fold the sheet in half, connecting the top and bottom sides of the square. Let's straighten the sheet.
    We have all the lines necessary for folding. Let's add our figure according to them. She herself will strive to take the desired form.
    The basic origami form “Double Triangle” is ready
    Usually in the literature on origami they give another way of folding this basic model. But our experience suggests that the method described above is easier for children to do. Despite this, we present a diagram of the second folding method. Perhaps you will find it more interesting.
    Folding diagram of the basic origami form “Double Triangle”. The rules adopted in origami will help you “read” the diagram correctly.

    Basic origami form “Fish” for children aged 7-8 years

    We present two ways to fold this basic origami shape.

    The first option for folding the basic “Fish” shape

    General diagram of folding the basic form of origami “Fish” (first option).

    Now we will show in detail how this is done.

    Fold the square of paper diagonally and unfold it - mark the middle line.

    Fold two edges to the middle line - we get the basic “Kite” shape.

    Let's bend the figure back, matching the opposite corners. For convenience, you can turn the figure over. The picture also shows a rear view.

    Let's open the “pockets”.

    Now let’s “flip” one of the two triangles from right to left. Let's turn the figure over.

    The basic form of origami “Fish” is ready.

    The second option for folding the basic “Fish” shape

    General diagram of folding the basic form of origami “Fish” (second option)

    1. Fold the square diagonally and unfold it.
    2. Fold the upper sides to the marked line. Let's expand the figure.
    3. Repeat the operation, folding the lower sides towards the middle.
    4. Fold the square diagonally down, turning it into a triangle and unfold it too. We ended up with a whole network of lines outlined by folding.

    Let's start folding along the marked lines. To do this, grab the edges of the model with the thumb and forefinger of both hands, squeezing two layers of paper at once, and bring them to the middle.
    The basic origami “Fish” model is ready.

    Basic form of origami “Catamaran” for children from 8 years old

    1. Fold the square diagonally and unfold it. Let's repeat the same thing in the other direction. We get two lines outlined by folds.
    2. Now let's outline two more folds. To do this, fold the square in half in two directions and straighten it.
    3. Let's outline four more lines. To do this, fold the corners to the middle of the square and then unfold it.
    4. All lines are outlined. We begin, in fact, by folding the basic shape. Fold the sides towards the center.
    5. Now fold the top and bottom sides of the resulting rectangle towards the center.
    6. The most difficult part remains. From the inside, you need to take the corner of the top layer of paper with your fingers and pull it to the side until it stops.
    We do this with all four corners.
    The basic form of origami “Catamaran” is ready.

    Basic origami shape “Square” for children aged 6-7 years

    1. Place a square of paper in front of you, colored side down. Fold the square in half, connecting the top and bottom sides. Let's straighten it back out. Now fold and open in the same way, but connecting the sides.
    2. Turn the figure over so that the square is the colored side up. Fold it diagonally and straighten it.
    3. We have marked all the necessary folding lines. Now the figure will fold itself along them; it only needs a little help.
    The basic origami shape “Square” is ready
    As with the basic Double Triangle shape, there is an alternative folding method. We provide only a diagram for it. Try both methods and decide for yourself which you like better.
    Folding diagram of the basic origami “Square” shape. Tables of symbols adopted in origami will help you “read” the diagram correctly.

    Basic origami form “Bird” for children 10-12 years old

    The Basic Bird Shape is built on top of the Basic Square Shape (see above).
    Fold into a basic “Square” shape. Place the model in front of you so that the side that “opens” faces up.
    Fold the sides towards the center. Fold only the top layers of paper.
    Return the paper to its original position. Now take one layer of paper by the upper corner and pull it down, while folding the figure along the lines outlined in the previous step.
    Turn the figure over and repeat the operation on the other side.
    Basic origami form “Bird”

    General diagram of folding the basic form of origami “Bird”

    The basic Bird shape is created using .

    1. Make a basic Double Square shape from a square piece of paper. Place it in front of you so that the multi-layered side of the figure is directed towards you (you will get an equilateral rhombus).


    2. On the top layer of the workpiece on the right, make a valley fold, aligning the bottom right side a rhombus with a central vertical fold line of the workpiece relative to its lower corner.


    3. Repeat the same operation for the left side of the workpiece - you will get two flap folds located along the center line of the workpiece fold.


    4. Make a valley fold by folding the top corner of the piece down relative to the top sides of the flap folds. Note: the top of this corner should be on the central vertical fold line of the workpiece.


    5. Open all the flap folds that were obtained during the operations described in steps 2-4.


    6. Lift upper layer the basic “Double Square” shape, slightly holding the fold line obtained after bending the upper corner of the workpiece (operation described in point 4).


    7. Open the top fold (appearing after transforming the top fold of the workpiece) of the top layer of the workpiece as much as possible, as shown in the photo, until its opposite sides are completely straightened and connected at the center line of the workpiece fold. Record the result on the plane.
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