• Patriotic feelings: boundaries of what is acceptable. Formation of patriotic feelings in preschool children


    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

    On the eve of the holiday of February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day, it’s time to talk about the patriotic education of youth. What do the concepts of “patriot” and “patriotism” mean these days, for example, for modern schoolchildren? The article contains the opinions of the guys themselves.

    If for you such concepts as “patriot”, “patriotism”, “feeling of patriotism” are an empty phrase or cause irony, irritation, etc., try to think about this unusual question: Is it profitable to be a patriot in our time?
    This question is especially appropriate to ask schoolchildren, among whom there are many cynics, in order to get them thinking about a difficult topic. And this can be done on the eve of a class hour or any other event dedicated to instilling a sense of patriotism.

    Such questions can attract children to a serious and constructive discussion. At first glance, the question seems rather strange, but it is as a result of this approach (as practice shows) that even a cynic can be forced to think and express his “thoughtful” opinion on this matter.
    It would be nice to organize a competition for the best answer to this strange question from the guys’ point of view. Let everyone share their opinions.

    For questions “How does patriotism manifest itself?” And “Is it profitable to be a patriot in our time?” The students gave very interesting answers. After generalization and systematization, they look like this.

    • Patriotism is manifested in respect for your country, to her past, to the memory of her ancestors; in interest in the history of their country, studying the experience of previous generations. And this leads to finding out the causes of many events, which in turn gives knowledge. He who is armed with knowledge is protected from many failures and mistakes, does not waste time correcting them, goes further and overtakes in his development those who “tread on the same rake.”
      Knowing your history and the experience of previous generations helps you navigate the world, calculate the consequences of your own actions, and feel confident. At all times, people relied on the experience of their predecessors. Without the historical past, neither the present nor the future is possible. According to many classics, “Forgetfulness of the past, historical unconsciousness is fraught with spiritual emptiness both for the individual and for all people.” It is the understanding of the failures and mistakes of the historical past that leads to the achievements and merits of the present, and helps to survive in difficult times. That's why It pays to be a patriot.

    • Patriotism manifests itself in the ability appreciate and take care of your homeland, striving to change it for the better, make it cleaner, kinder, more beautiful. For example, it is more pleasant and convenient to walk on clean, repaired roads. Shoes last longer and are less likely to fall. It is also much more pleasant to deal with decent people, rather than with boors and scoundrels. It's nice to enjoy the beauty of nature and human creations that are not at all difficult to preserve.
      If a person learns to ennoble himself and the area around him, life will become happier, psychological comfort will appear, which will allow him to spend his mental strength more effectively, enjoy life and achieve a lot. That's why It pays to be a patriot.
      True patriotism is manifested in the ability to be a moral person who creates beauty and goodness around himself.

    • be loyal and devoted to his country, his business, his family, his views and ideas, his dream. A patriot does not shout at every corner about his passionate love for his homeland; he silently does his job well, remains true to his principles, ideals and universal human values. Thus, he really helps not only his country, but also himself. A person who studied hard, gaining knowledge, and as a result got a good job, became socially active, built his future, created a full-fledged family, works honestly - has done much more for his country than the one who walks around with slogans, chants for patriotism and verbally defends the prestige of his country.
      People whose sense of patriotism is not developed have no future. They will destroy themselves because they do not develop and do not have a strong “core”. This is the law of life. Patriotism is needed for personal development, for survival. That's why It pays to be a patriot.

    • Patriotism is manifested in the ability be proud of your country, defend its values, first of all freedom and independence, honor and preserve centuries-old traditions. Traditions are the stronghold of any nation. A person, people, a country - those who renounce their traditions, their national values ​​and sacred sites risk losing their “roots” in history, their freedom and independence, since sooner or later they will begin to live in the space of traditions, ideals and values ​​of other nations . Where the cultural and historical past of a country is forgotten, the moral decay of the nation invariably begins.
      For a country to develop independently, it is necessary to protect and defend traditions, territory, culture, language, and beliefs. This can be done by those who competently builds its relationship with the country in which he lives and for the benefit of which he works. Thus, the formation of a Citizen of one’s country occurs. A person is engaged in self-knowledge and searching for his place in the country and life. A person, as a citizen of his country, develops a sense of responsibility for his actions, for loyalty to ideals and the preservation of his own traditions and values. And this educates the personality, makes it more perfect. That's why It pays to be a patriot.

    • Patriotism is manifested in the ability feel elevated to one’s own country, to its nature, culture. These feelings are manifested in experiences, involvement, and emotional responses to current events. Patriotism as a feeling of love for the Motherland, readiness to serve its ideals can be classified as the highest feelings considered among spiritual values. A sense of patriotism makes a person active, ready to defend the values ​​dear to his heart. The feeling of patriotism, like other bright feelings, is a necessary condition for the development and formation of a person as an individual. After all, the formation of feelings occurs through the comprehension and mastery of certain values ​​of society, as well as through the creative discovery of new values ​​by a person. Spiritual improvement of the individual takes place. That's why It pays to be a patriot.

    And here is the opinion expressed in his original work by Andrey Semin, a participant in our “I am a Writer” competition, from Nizhny Novgorod, a student of class 10 “A” of secondary school No. 45. Here is an excerpt from the author’s essay “Patriotism”.

    Patriotism! A feeling that any self-respecting person should have. A feeling of pride and empathy for your country, your country, together with your country. And it seems to me that the more a person loves his Motherland, is ready to give his life for it, to kill an enemy for the good of his Motherland during a treacherous attack or a daring foray into its camp, the more a person receives spiritual strength, moral impressions, direct contact with culture, history and heart of their homeland. It also seems to me that today a person not only can, but must, with all his soul and body, praise his Motherland. After all, it is she, the Motherland, who gives life. After all, it is she, the Motherland, who gives us the opportunity to express ourselves.
    You always need to be active and inquisitive about the riches of the holy Russian land. You need to prove yourself as a citizen, as a patriot - this is not just important. It's necessary.
    Russia. How much of this word. Rich history and great culture, bloody wars and revolutions and exploits of the Russian people. Many people died with this great word on their lips. We live in a great country with rich historical experience. And it is no coincidence that many poets and writers reflected on the fate of their Motherland. And if I had a chance to see Nikolai Vasilyevich now, I would answer his question “Rus', where are you going?” answered the following: “To that distance where light and life tremble, and where only the mind speaks to the soul.”

    I really want everyone to understand the following: “ Patriotism as a political, social and moral principle reflects the attitude of a person (citizen) to his country. This attitude is manifested in concern for the interests of one’s fatherland, in readiness for self-sacrifice for it, in loyalty and devotion to one’s country, in pride in its social and cultural achievements, in sympathy for the suffering of one’s people and condemnation of the social vices of society, in respect for the historical past his country and the traditions inherited from him, in a readiness to subordinate his interests to the interests of the country, in an effort to defend his country, his people. A patriot is one who works conscientiously for the good of his country and encourages those around him to do the same, who helps his fellow citizens improve. Without caring about others, you risk being left alone.”

    Let's think about it and answer the following questions:

    • Why has the “degree” of patriotism been greatly reduced in recent decades? And it, of course, influences all aspects of our lives, including sports, which is well proven by the “successes” of our team in Vancouver.
    • What are the similarities and differences between the concepts of “patriot” and “citizen”?
    • What does a schoolchild’s patriotism consist of and how should it manifest itself?
    Dear schoolchildren!
    • Do you agree with the thesis that Is it vital to be a patriot?
    • Please answer in the comments the question: “Which of the two groups presented in our article

    Gazimov Ildan

    Formation of a sense of patriotism among schoolchildren (with an educational program)



    Municipal autonomous educational institution

    "Lyceum No. 78 named after A.S. Pushkin"

    city ​​of Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan

    Scientific and practical conference "EUREKA"

    Section: psychology and pedagogy


    Work theme:

    Forming a sense of patriotism among schoolchildren

    MAOU "Lyceum No. 78 named after. A.S. Pushkin,

    6th grade, Naberezhnye Chelny

    Scientific adviser:

    Shaydullina Landysh Nakipovna,

    English teacher

    I qualification category

    Naberezhnye Chelny city


    Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

    Chapter 1. Patriotism as a quality of a real citizen…………………...7

    1. 1.1. The concept of the term “patriotism”……………………………………………………………..7
    1. 1.2. Advanced foreign experience in instilling patriotism………………22

    Chapter 2. Patriotic education of schoolchildren…………………………..26

    1. 2.1. Questionnaire of students and analysis of results………………………........26
    2. 2.2. Program “Patriot 2014” for lyceum students……………………………37


    List of sources used…………………………….…………………45



    The historical significance of every Russian person is measured by his services to his Motherland, his human dignity by the strength of his patriotism.

    The problem of patriotic education of youth is now becoming the most important problem, and today they are trying to solve it at the highest state level. For example, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke October 12, 2012 at Krasnodar with the following message: “We must build our future on a strong foundation. And such a foundation is patriotism. No matter how long we discuss what could be the foundation, a solid moral foundation for our country, we still can’t come up with anything else. This is respect for our history and traditions, the spiritual values ​​of our peoples, our thousand-year-old culture and the unique experience of the coexistence of hundreds of peoples and languages ​​on the territory of Russia.” [http://ros-idea.ru/site/163]

    Negative processes in society in recent years have resulted in the fact that a significant part of the population, and especially young people, have destroyed or lost such traditional moral traits as romanticism, selflessness and patriotism, readiness for heroic deeds, honesty, conscientiousness, faith in goodness and justice, the pursuit of truth. In the minds and actions of many adolescents and young people, such negative phenomena as selfishness, disrespect for the older generation and working people, the desire for profit, and a low cultural level are still persistent.

    In many ways, the sense of responsibility and duty to parents, family, team, society, and the Fatherland has been lost. Time makes its own adjustments to many factors in the formation of public consciousness at a new, turning point in Russian reality. A generation of young citizens has grown up who are not familiar with the best achievements of domestic and world culture.

    The need for the state and society to revive patriotism as an important social and moral value guideline aimed at the formation of Russian statehood is becoming increasingly obvious.

    Based on the identified problem, we formulatedtopic of our research: “Formation of a sense of patriotism among schoolchildren.”

    Relevance of the topic:patriotic educationof the younger generation is considered and approved at the highest state level. V.V. Putin at a meeting with public organizations said: “We must build our future on a solid foundation. And such a foundation is patriotism.” According to the new Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), educational institutions must educate citizens and patriots, reveal the abilities and talents of young Russians, and prepare them for life in a high-tech competitive world.

    Object of study– patriotism

    Subject of study: the process of forming a sense of patriotism among schoolchildren.

    Purpose of this study: to develop and experimentally test a program of patriotic education for students.

    The study was based on the following hypothesis : the sooner work begins on developing patriotic qualities in schoolchildren, the more stable they will be.

    Purpose, object, subject of research,and also the hypothesis put forward allowedoutline the following tasks:

    1. become familiar with the terms “patriotism” and “patriot” in different sources;
    2. study scientific literature on this topic;
    3. analyze important aspects of domestic and foreign experience in instilling patriotism among young people;
    4. create several questionnaires for different school ages;
    5. conduct a survey of students of Lyceum No. 78 named after A.S. Pushkin and the Ice Hockey Sports School;
    6. analyze questionnaire data;
    7. create a model of a patriotic student;
    8. draw up a program “Patriot-2014” for 1 year (2013-2014) to develop a sense of patriotism;
    9. submit the “Patriot-2014” program for consideration, adjustment and approval by the administration of Lyceum No. 78 named after. A. S. Pushkin;
    10. carry out activities under this program throughout the year;
    11. conduct a repeated survey after the pedagogical experiment and analyze its results;
    12. draw conclusions on the Patriot 2014 program;
    13. send the revised “Patriot-2014” program to the Education Department of the Central District Administration of the Executive Committee of Naberezhnye Chelny, to the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan, to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    Methodological basis of the study are general scientific provisions on the role of school in the formation of patriotic qualities of an individual and Federal Constitutional Laws.

    During the scientific work, the following methods were used:

    Theoretical: analysis of literature on the topic under study, comparison, analysis of the data obtained;

    Empirical: conversation, questioning, ranking of results, pedagogical experiment.

    This scientific work refers to empirical research, since it is focused on conducting your own experiment.

    Main research base: the study was conducted at the Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution “Lyceum No. 78 named after A.S. Pushkin”, as well as at the Children’s and Youth Sports School “Ice Hockey”.

    Scientific novelty and theoretical significanceresearch is as follows:

    Analyzed different terms of patriotism;

    We studied the methods of patriotic education of a foreign state;

    Studied the Federal Constitutional Laws of the Russian Federation;

    We have developed our own educational program “Patriot-2014” to develop patriotic qualities in schoolchildren.

    Applied value of the workconsists of questionnaires developed by primary school teachers and class teachers, as well as the use of the “Patriot-2014” program by the head teacher of educational work to develop patriotic qualities among lyceum students.

    Approbation of work:The Patriot 2014 program is designed for the 2013-2014 academic year, mainly for the initial level of the lyceum.

    The scientific research is planned to be carried out in 3 stages:

    1. analysis of scientific literature and Internet sources (theoretical);
    2. analysis of the survey and development of the Patriot 2014 program (theoretical, partly empirical);
    3. control, testing the program and conducting a repeated survey of students (empirical).

    The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and an appendix.

    Chapter I. Patriotism as a quality of a real citizen

    1. The concept of the term “patriotism”.

    Patriotic education of Russian citizens

    “Russia will not exist when the last patriot is gone”

    N.M. Karamzin

    In Tsarist Russia, in the Russian national identity, the concept of patriotism was often associated with the traditions of Orthodox culture and consisted of a willingness to abandon oneself, to sacrifice everything for the sake of the country. Many public and government figures, such as N.M. Karamzin, S.N. Glinka, A.I. Turgenev, A.S. Pushkin called through their creativity to “lay down their lives for the Fatherland.”

    In Soviet times, speaking about patriotism, they relied on the interpretation of V.I. Lenin: “Patriotism is love for the Motherland, one of the deepest feelings, consolidated by centuries and millennia of isolated fatherlands.”

    Hegumen Nektary (Morozov) believes: “...that person who is not a patriot of his homeland is its potential traitor. There is no average. When the time of trial comes, every person either becomes a patriot and makes sacrifices to save his country, or betrays it. Therefore, we must decide: who are we?” [ http://www.pravoslavie.ru]

    During the Great Patriotic War, when the question of the fate of our Fatherland was being decided, the people and the army showed unprecedented patriotism, which was the basis of spiritual and moral superiority over Nazi Germany. Remembering the difficult days of the battle for Moscow, G.K. Zhukov noted that “it was not the mud or the frost that stopped Hitler’s troops after their breakthrough to Vyazma and reaching the approaches to the capital. Not the weather, but the people, Soviet people! These were special, unforgettable days, when the common desire for the entire Soviet people to defend the Motherland, and the greatest patriotism, raised people to heroic deeds.”

    What is “patriotism”? What definition do scientific sources give us?

    Patriotism is love for the Fatherland and the willingness to subordinate one’s private interests to its interests, the defense of the Motherland from enemies. Patriotism presupposes pride in the achievements and culture of one’s Motherland, the desire to preserve its character and cultural characteristics, the desire to protect the interests of the Motherland and one’speople. The historical source of patriotism is the existence of separate states established for centuries and millennia, forming an attachment to their native land, language, traditions.

    Patriotism (from the Greek Patriotes - compatriot - patris - homeland) - love for the homeland; attachment to the place of one’s birth, place of residence.

    Education is the process of purposeful, systematic formation of personality in order to prepare it for active participation in social, industrial and cultural life. In this sense, education is carried out in the process of organized joint activities of family and school, preschool and out-of-school institutions, children's and youth organizations, and the public.

    Parenting is closely related to learning; many of its objectives are achieved mainly through the process of teaching, as the most important educational means. At the same time, the entire way of life of society, the development of science and technology, literature, art, the media and propaganda - the press, radio, television - have an educational impact on a person. At a certain level of spiritual development of the individual, a person’s need for self-improvement arises, which largely depends on self-education.

    Education plays a leading role in the individual moral, mental and physical development of a person.

    Lyceum student – This is a student, a pupil of the lyceum. When we hear the word “lyceum student,” each of us will probably first of all remember Alexander Pushkin in his youth - in the famous Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, surrounded by faithful comrades - just as young and daring, ardent and talented...

    In our understanding, patriotism is a moral quality, it is an intimate feeling that is located deep in a person’s soul. Patriotism is judged not by words, but by a person's deeds.

    We think that a patriot can be considered a person who constantly strengthens his physical and moral health, is well brought up, educated and enlightened, has a normal family, honors his ancestors, raises and educates his descendants in the best traditions, keeps his home (apartment, house, yard) and constantly improving their way of life, lifestyle and culture of behavior, working for the benefit of their Fatherland, participating in public events or organizations of patriotic orientation.

    Patriotism includes:

    · a feeling of attachment to the places where a person was born and raised;

    ·respect for the language of one’s people;

    ·caring for the interests of the Motherland;

    · awareness of duty to the Motherland, defending its honor and dignity, freedom and independence (defense of the Fatherland);

    · manifestation of civic feelings and maintaining loyalty to the Motherland;

    ·pride in the social and cultural achievements of one’s country;

    ·pride in one’s Fatherland, in the symbols of the state, in one’s people;

    · respectful attitude towards the historical past of the Motherland, its people, its customs and traditions;

    ·responsibility for the fate of the Motherland and their people, their future, expressed in the desire to devote their work, abilities to strengthening the power and prosperity of the Motherland.

    Patriotic education, being an integral part of the general educational process, is a systematic and purposeful activity of government bodies and public organizations to form in citizens a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional responsibilities to protect the interests of the Motherland.

    Let us turn to the history of the education of patriotism in our country. Russia has always been a spiritual country with highly developed cultural traditions.

    The development of culture and education of the peoples of Russia has a long history. Even in Kievan Rus, the first mention of the organization of education and upbringing of children dates back to the 10th century. An important stage in the history of education is associated with the reforms of Peter I.

    Already during the time of Peter I, patriotism was considered higher than all virtues and practically became the Russian state ideology; the words “God, Tsar and Fatherland” reflect the main values ​​of the time. The Russian soldier served not for the sake of his honor or the emperor’s, but in the interests of the Fatherland. “The hour has come that will decide the fate of the Fatherland,” Peter I addressed the soldiers before the Battle of Poltava. - And so you should not think that you are fighting for Peter, but for the state entrusted to Peter, for your family, for the Fatherland... And about Peter, know that his life is not dear to him, if only Russia lives in bliss and glory, for prosperity your his…". This approach to military service was enshrined in the Military Charter of 1716, Russian laws, as well as in the “Institution for Combat” and the “Military Article” written personally by Peter I.

    In pre-revolutionary Russia there was a system of educational institutions that made it possible to effectively solve the problems of patriotic education. These institutions successfully trained specialists in both military affairs and civil service for the Russian state. We are talking about the system of cadet education and imperial lyceums.

    Cadet corps in Russia began to be created in the 18th century to prepare young people, primarily for military and civil service. On the initiative of Peter I, the “Navigation School” was established in 1701, which later became the Naval Cadet Corps.

    In addition to the cadet corps, the so-called Imperial Lyceums developed. The most famous of them is the Imperial Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum, which operated in Tsarskoe Selo since 1811, and since 1843 was located in St. Petersburg. In Russian history, the Lyceum is known, first of all, as the school that educated A.S. Pushkin. The Lyceum was founded by order of Emperor Alexander I and was intended to educate noble children. The program was focused primarily on training high-ranking government officials.

    One of the most striking examples of the education of patriotism in history is the era of Peter the Great.

    Peter I became Tsar in 1682, when he was only 10 years old. Russia at that time was going through a difficult moment in its history: it was very far behind other European countries in its development.

    There were almost no engineers and scientists in Russia, the army was poorly armed and trained, and there was no navy at all.

    The young tsar understood that it was necessary to bring Russia out of backwardness and build factories. It was necessary to return to Russia the lands on the shores of the Baltic Sea captured by Sweden. To solve all these problems, Russia needed, first of all, educated people. He constantly studied himself and forced others to learn.

    Peter I brought a lot of new things into the life of Russia: the order of government changed, a large number of plants and factories appeared, and many new educational institutions opened. An army and navy were created, which won the war with Sweden for access to the Baltic Sea. Addressing the soldiers before the battle, Peter said: “You are fighting not for Peter, but for the state entrusted to him, for the Fatherland... And about Peter, know that life is not dear to him, if only Russia would live in glory and prosperity.”

    As a result of all these multifaceted activities of Peter I, Russia turned into a great European power.

    In 1721, for outstanding services, the Senate solemnly awarded the Tsar the title (title) of Peter the Great, Father of the Fatherland and Emperor of All Russia. Russia was proclaimed an empire - this is what large and strong states were called.

    In 1782 In the center of St. Petersburg, a monument to Peter I was erected, who is depicted galloping on a rearing horse. Fifty years later (1833) A.S. Pushkin wrote a wonderful poem “The Bronze Horseman”. The poem reveals the theme of freedom, love for the fatherland, and the image of Peter becomes a symbol of willful, autocratic power.

    Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin left a fundamental mark on history. The topic of protecting the homeland and native history worried Pushkin the lyceum student. A.S. Pushkin, covering the topic of Peter I, wrote: “Russia entered Europe like a deflated ship, with the sound of an ax and the thunder of cannons. But the wars undertaken by Peter the Great were beneficial and fruitful. The success of the people's transformation was a consequence of the Battle of Poltava, and European enlightenment landed on the shores of the conquered Neva.".

    Love for his Motherland, the Russian people, freedom - it was with all this that Pushkin made Russian literature GREAT, forever raised our literature to a new, high level.

    Pushkin’s ardent love for his fatherland:

    While we are burning with freedom,

    While hearts are alive for honor,

    My friend, let's dedicate it to the fatherland

    Beautiful impulses from the soul!

    In the poet’s understanding: a person can comprehend the joy of life and happiness only in a free society. Therefore, the poem brings to the fore the idea of ​​the fatherland, service of which becomes the need of the poet’s soul.

    In my understanding, patriotism, courage, heroism are words that are close in meaning.

    Patriotism is to be ready to defend the Motherland from enemies.

    Courage means to be valiant, persistent, strong, courageous, courageous, decisive.

    Hero – a person who performs feats, unusual in his courage, valor, and dedication.

    The strength of the patriotism of our people was especially clearly manifested during the Great Patriotic War; the war had the character of a people's war. “Get up, huge country, get up for mortal combat!” - sang our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who did not spare their lives for the sake of victory.

    In the history of Russia, during the Great Patriotic War, the Great Victory over fascism was achieved thanks to the heroism of the Russian people, which was massive in nature and was a natural manifestation of the patriotic spirit of our people.

    On June 22, 1941, German fascists attacked our homeland. They attacked like thieves, like robbers. They wanted to seize our lands, our cities and villages, and either kill our people or make them their slaves. The Great Patriotic War began. It lasted 4 years.

    The path to victory was not easy. The enemies attacked us unexpectedly. They had more tanks and planes. Our armies were retreating. The battles took place on the ground, in the sky, and at sea. Great battles thundered: Moscow, Stalingrad, the Battle of Kursk. Heroic Sevastopol did not surrender to the enemy for 250 days. For 900 days, courageous Leningrad held out under a terrible siege. Millions of people, including children, worked at factory machines and in the fields of the country. In the most difficult days, the people firmly believed: “The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be ours!"

    And then the day came when the advance of the invaders was stopped. The Soviet armies drove the Nazis out of their native land. Our soldiers reached the borders of Germany and stormed the capital of the Nazis - the city of Berlin. The Nazis admitted their complete defeat on May 9, 1945. On the roof of the Reichstag, at the very top, the Victory Banner confidently fluttered - a symbol of the invincibility of Soviet weapons. Since then, this day has become our great holiday - Victory Day.

    Our people showed miracles of patriotism, heroism, and courage while defending their native land from the Nazis.

    Teenagers and even children took part in the fight against enemies. Many of them were awarded military medals and orders for their bravery and courage. Valya Kotik, at the age of twelve, joined a partisan detachment as a scout. At the age of fourteen, for his exploits he became the youngest Hero of the Soviet Union. .

    Patriotism is still relevant in our time. This is a feeling that makes the people and every person responsible for the life of the country. Without patriotism there is no such responsibility. If I don’t think about my people, then I have no home, no roots. Because a home is not only comfort, it is also responsibility for the order in it, it is responsibility for the children who live in this house. A person without patriotism, in fact, does not have his own country.

    It is possible that it is education in the spirit of patriotism that awakens in us the choice of such noble professions as a soldier, doctor, teacher, educator, scientist...

    When Georgia unceremoniously invaded South Ossetia in August 2008, a young conscript soldier, Ivan Antsiperovich, was wounded in the shoulder while defending civilians. The bullet that got stuck was not a simple one, but an explosive bullet. Despite this, risking his life, Ivan’s colleague took the wounded soldier to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, the friends came under fire, but Ivan’s friend did not lose his head and knocked out the enemy. The doctors were faced with a difficult task: to amputate the arm? The decision was made: to operate! Nurses and patients were evacuated to a safe distance. Surgeons in camouflage uniforms and helmets carried out a complex sapper operation. This happened on August 11, and now Ivan celebrates his birthday on this very day, because he was saved three times thanks to the courage, heroism, and patriotism of his friend and the surgeons who fought for his life!

    Ivan chose to work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations (Nowadays, working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is becoming very popular among young people, this is a very difficult job, dangerous, for real men, it is necessary to have good physical training), decided to devote his life to serving the people, defending the homeland, explaining this by the fact that even at school, visiting the sports section, the coach gave them moral guidelines every day: to be brave, courageous, cultivated the spirit of patriotism in his charges, never ceasing to remind them how It is important and necessary to love your family, hometown, republic, country. The spirit of patriotism was always present: during training, at away tournaments, and sports competitions for the honor of our hometown and republic. According to the coach: sports education develops in an athlete such qualities as perseverance, courage, discipline, the ability to endure the most severe trials, education in the spirit of pride in one’s native country, which are necessary to achieve victory.

    In sports, young people achieved success and world victories not for dollars and material wealth, but for the desire to be first and glorify their Great Motherland. Therefore, there has been a surge in world achievements in hockey, football, rhythmic gymnastics and other sports.

    Sport is life, it is health! And the goal of sport is to achieve victory at the largest sporting competitions: world or Olympic. In honor of the winners, the anthem is performed, the anthem of the native country, which is an integral part in the education of patriotism.

    A bright, unforgettable event of our country, our Republic of Tatarstan, were the sports games of the XXVII World Summer Universiade 2013. The Russian team at the Universiade in Kazan once again showed the best result, winning 292 medals, of which 155 were gold, 75 were silver, 62 were bronze.

    It was at the first World Summer Student Games in 1959 in Turin that the decision was made to perform the anthem in honor of the winners of the Games.

    The state anthem of the Russian Federation is one of the main official state symbolsRussian Federation, along with flag And coat of arms(Federal Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation of December 8, 2000 “On the National Anthem of the Russian Federation”). (See Appendix 1)

    This Federal Constitutional Law establishes the National Anthem of the Russian Federation, its description and the procedure for official use. During the official performance of the National Anthem, those present listen to it standing, men without hats. If the performance of the anthem is accompanied by the raising of the State Flag of the Russian Federation, those present turn to face it.

    The development of children's sports to create not only a healthy nation, but also the education of the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, in the spirit of pride in their native country, is considered and approved at the highest state level.

    V.V. Putin noted in his message that the theme of patriotism is becoming one of the dominant ones in the state, and therefore it is necessary to popularize a healthy lifestyle among the children and youth generation, the need to attract them to sports. It is necessary to educate the younger generation healthy, brave, courageous, in the spirit of patriotism, without ceasing to remind them how important and necessary it is to love your family, hometown, republic, country. Sports and physical activity develop in children such qualities as perseverance, courage, discipline, the ability to endure the most severe trials, and education in the spirit of pride for their native country, which are necessary to achieve victory. V.V. Putin also stated the need to develop mass sports, sports of high achievements, since this is closely related to both patriotic education and preparation for service in the Armed Forces.

    I would like to draw your attention to such a sport as hockey. Why hockey? Let's try to explain. Hockey is undoubtedly an exciting and spectacular sports game, but the important thing is that the boys get great pleasure from chasing the puck, events unfold rapidly, masterful power wrestling, masterly skating... And what joy fills a young hockey player when he manages to score his first life the puck into the opponent's goal! This is a sport that develops endurance, instant reaction, agility, flexibility, confidence... Hockey is a team game, and above all, it teaches cooperation, interacting with each other, only in this case can you achieve your goals. Teamwork is the ability to competently interact with each other, attentive and respectful attitude towards each other, the ability to avoid conflict situations, team cohesion.

    Hockey is not only a popular and entertaining game, but above all, smart, subtle calculation; it is a game akin to chess, where the best players calculate their actions on the court 3-4 moves ahead. When the whole team plays in such a clearly calculated, well-established rhythm, it looks like a single, highly organized and trouble-free mechanism. A long and grueling path to victory: with many hours of intense training, numerous injuries and dedicated work. Real men really play hockey. And following the coach’s instructions, athletes go to victory confidently and decisively, taking first places on the podium.

    Today it is difficult to imagine modern sports without hockey. Ice hockey is the most spectacular winter sport and one of the most spectacular among all sports in general. Ice hockey has become widespread in America, Europe, and Russia. The history of hockey dates back to the Middle Ages, when in Holland in the 16th century, games with sticks and balls on ice became widely popular among people. However, over time, this entertaining game lost its popularity in Holland and gradually migrated to England, where local residents also enjoyed playing with a stick and ball.

    The development of hockey did not stop, and in 1899 the world's first ice palace was built in Montreal, which then accommodated ten thousand spectators, which was a huge figure at that time. In 1914, the National Hockey League was formed, which included all professional clubs in Canada and the USA, the winners of the annual championship within the NHL received the Stanley Cup, this tradition has survived to this day. The first hockey match at the Olympic Games was played in 1920, the Canadians became champions, and the Canadians also won the world championships in 1924 and 1928. In 1936, the title of world champions went to the British. Soviet hockey players made their debut at the World Championships in 1954 and immediately won it, beating the Canadian team in the final with a score of 7:2. The USSR (Russian) team became the Olympic champion most often - 9 times.

    The program created for hockey players is aimed at creating conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, physical and spiritual improvement of the individual, strengthening the physical and moral condition of the nation, and patriotic education of Russian citizens.

    Without the formation of the patriotic consciousness of Russian citizens, the unity of the people, the preservation of the nation and a single state is impossible.
    Hockey veterans who valiantly defended the sporting honor of the country should be actively involved in modern life. Their invaluable experience, their patriotism, their devotion to their homeland must be passed on to subsequent generations.
    The example of the veteran stars of domestic hockey, our great winners, can become an incentive in the desire of the current generations of athletes to achieve new heights and new victories in the fight for gold medals at world championships and the Olympic Games.

    Tar and sov Anatoly Vladimirovich - Soviet athlete, one of the founders of the Soviet school of ice hockey, Honored Master of Sports, Honored Coach of the USSR, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Colonel

    The legendary hockey player Valery Kharlamov, a student of Tarasov, is an indisputable example for young hockey players.

    The Russian feature film “Legend No. 17” tells the story of the rise to fame of a Soviet hockey playerValeria Kharlamovaand about the first matchSuper Series USSR - Canada 1972.

    Vladimir Putinattended a special screening of the film, which was organized on the eve of the World Junior Ice Hockey Championship. In addition to young hockey players, veterans of the Soviet team were invited to the premiere (Boris Mikhailov, Vladimir Petrov, Vladislav Tretyak,Vyacheslav Fetisov), Tatiana Tarasova, Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko, Minister of DefenseSergei Shoiguand other prominent figures from the world of sports, culture and politics.

    The head of state and his guests liked the film. Putin noted that “Legend No. 17” is a good movie that will certainly find its audience among sports fans and among those who are proud of the achievements of our country.

    Our victories in hockey should become an example and role model in the pursuit of new victories and achievements not only in other sports, but also in any other areas of activity, defending the national interests of Russia.

    Children's hockey is our tomorrow. Mass amateur hockey is the soil from which future Olympic champions grow.

    I would like to remember how in 2012, at the Youth World Hockey Championship, the Russian teambeat Canada with the score – 6:5. Despite all the difficulties and not always objective refereeing, the hockey players of our team survived the dramatic ending and deservedly defeated the Canadians. I was also pleased by the fact that after the match the guys sang the Russian anthem, looking incredibly tired, but happy for their country...

    The head coach of the Russian national team, Valery Bragin, in an interview with Sportbox.ru noted that the Canadians beat us without hesitation. “The best test is matches like this, stressful situations, where you need to be able to fight and endure until the end, to do everything for the sake of victory.”

    It is pleasant to note that Russia is gradually restoring its status as a sports power. We again feel the taste of great victories on the international stage. This time, young guys were involved in this, who are ready to “bite the ice with their teeth” in order to then shout the Russian anthem together in Canada! They are heroes, they are patriots of their country!

    We would also like to note that the reason for the success of the Russian national team at the World Hockey Championships in Sweden and Finland in recent years is the appointment of Zinetula Bilyaletdinov as the head coach of the hockey team - this is a very wise decision.

    The coach plays a decisive role in the successful performance of the team. He is both the author of the hockey match and the main fan of the team.

    Bilyaletdinov was a wonderful defender: everyone remembers how in Soviet times he was allowed on the field when our team had to play in the minority. And he helped out more than once! But perhaps the most important thing is that Bilyaletdinov played at a time when the main advantage of Soviet hockey was creative, mesmerizing, lacy team play. Hockey combined the best of sport and art. Bilyaletdinov still remembers what hockey patriotism is. And he knows how to light up the team with it!

    I would like to note that in our city of Naberezhnye Chelny much attention is paid to the development of children's sports, since the mayor of the city Vasil Shaikhraziev is a supporter of a healthy lifestyle.

    Concluding the topic “Sports Patriotism,” I can’t help but write a few lines about my coach, Evgeniy Vyacheslavovich Molchanyuk, who for us, for young hockey players, is not just a coach, but an older friend, a mentor who believes in us, worries about us. Not only advanced physical fitness is important to him.a hockey player, and above all a flexible mind, subtle calculation, because hockey is a game akin to chess, where the best players calculate their actions on the court 3-4 moves ahead.

    According to the coach: sports education develops in an athlete such qualities as perseverance, courage, discipline, the ability to endure the most severe trials, education in the spirit of pride in one’s native country, which are necessary to achieve victory.

    It is the coach who confidently leads us to victories. In the successful performance of the CHELNY team in the 2012-2013 seasonThe coach played a decisive role. Taking first places in traditional tournaments, as well as having passed all stages of the Zonal Russian Ice Hockey Championships, becoming champions of the Republic of Tatarstan among youth in 2001, we were happy that we were proudly defending the honor of our hometown with dignity and pride!

    1. Advanced foreign experience in instilling patriotism

    Love It or leave It (Love Her or leave Her)

    American proverb

    The words “patriot” and “patriotism” sound similar in all European languages ​​and are based on the Greek words: patriotes - compatriot and patris - homeland. For everyone living on earth, these words mean affection and love for their place of residence or for their place of birth, for their homeland. Americans have a wonderful saying “Love It or leave It” - “Love Her or leave Her”, this is how they respond to any talk that America is not an ideal country. A wise saying, short, simple, clear and most importantly - uncompromising .

    An American is not shy about being a patriot. Southerners of the United States hang flags of the losing side in the Civil War everywhere - on houses, streets and cars. This is their manifestation of patriotism. Graduates of US schools, colleges and universities proudly wear T-shirts and sweaters with the names of their educational institutions. This is their personal patriotism. Residents of cities and towns happily wear clothes with their names and coats of arms. This is their geographical patriotism. And they are absolutely not worried about the fact that others may not rate this or that university or city highly. Their patriotism is based on the feeling: “This is my city, my university, etc.” Americans generally love to talk about the places where they live and work. For them, it is important not so much to tell what they do, but to tell the story of creation - when it was founded, who built it, who founded it, how many years it was in operation, etc. This is connected, I think, with the fact that Americans try to be proud of their history, and even half a century is already ancient times for them.

    But it’s hard to imagine an American who will buy a T-shirt from, say, Harvard University and walk around pompously in it if he graduated from another educational institution. Although Harvard is, of course, cool. This is what foreign tourists usually do. They are the ones who buy T-shirts with the symbols and emblems of prestigious American universities and cities, the names of companies, and proudly flaunt them. In fact, they pay their own money for the right to advertise the same Harvard or Stanford, New York or San Francisco. Universities, cities and counties make good money selling symbols. However, for most Americans, this is not just business, but a manifestation of loyalty and patriotism.

    An American teenager, from childhood, encounters people with a different skin color, a different religion, speaking English with different accents and representing a completely different culture. In a sense, he grows up in an environment of strong cultural and ethnic diversity, which he perceives as normal. This determines his limits of tolerance towards others from childhood. However, any American child understands that all these people came from their countries to his country. Because his country is better. The best. He knows that everyone strives here, because life here is better, salaries are higher, you can achieve a lot that people there, overseas, never dreamed of. In other words, he begins to develop a feeling that the world outside his country is worse, poorer, more dangerous, etc. At the same time, the American teenager for many years has been the object of the education system in the country, based on the principles of political correctness, humanism, charity, and the desire to do good and helping people - in a purely American interpretation of all these concepts.

    Of course, national sport, which is one of the main components of American everyday, information and entertainment culture, does not remain aloof from patriotism. Sports in the United States are a multi-billion dollar business and an integral part of the lifestyle. It is divided into professional and student, and Americans take both seriously - for them, sport has long become another reason for national pride and patriotism (in this, of course, they are not much different from residents of other countries).

    The vast majority of Americans either participate in one sporting event or another, depending on their age, hobbies, or financial means, or follow them with great interest. All newspapers in the country have huge sports sections, which, as a rule, far exceed the volume of news, and even more so international pages. Especially a lot is written about the sports that Americans love - American football, basketball, hockey and golf.

    The American model of patriotism is to a large extent not of a state nature, but of a personal, purely private nature. Nobody forces Americans to hang national flags on their houses or rehearse patriotic songs in amateur orchestras - they do this based on their own needs. The numerous, American-style parades and spectacular processions that take place on Independence Day and other holidays across the country are voluntarily funded by local businessmen and staffed by volunteers. For the country's main fireworks display, which takes place in Washington, people come from all over and take place at the National OBR in the center of the capital almost in the morning. I'm not even talking about presidential inaugurations!

    US patriotism is as democratic as possible. In Russian-speaking regions, Victory Day is celebrated on May 9 or the old New Year, although these dates have nothing to do with the United States. In America, there is a law according to which immigrants can take a day off on the occasion of a national or religious holiday in their home country. The personal patriotism of an American, even a “new” one, is higher than collective responsibilities.

    In other words, personal patriotism has long become part of everyday US culture, and not a government program. The Founding Fathers of the American state, elevated not without reason to the rank of political geniuses, did the main thing in this area: they gave the people the ideology of personal freedom, the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary, a stable constitution and faith in the effectiveness and superiority of the American system of government. All this has been working for more than one generation. This is precisely the basis of American patriotism, and not some educational and patriotic projects invented by officials. American children grow up in this atmosphere and, with all the natural skepticism that characterizes young age, they quickly become patriots of the country, the system that exists in it, its principles and fundamental ideas. As a result, American teenagers for the most part grow up to be more patriotic than teenagers in many other countries.

    Of course, Russia has its own great history and its own political culture. Her path was different. And America is far from the ideal it would like to be. Just two or three generations ago, Americans bribed police officers, judges were caught corrupt, and local elections were won by members of the mafia. The country was split by a number of seemingly insurmountable contradictions - from the Vietnam War to racial conflicts. Some of these contradictions still manifest themselves from time to time. However, the United States managed to pull itself together and overcome most of its internal conflicts in a relatively short time. The patriotism of multinational, multi-religious America turns out to be to look for what is common to everyone, rather than what is different, and to rely on this commonality. The absence of a monopoly on power at the top, common values ​​at the bottom and the rule of law changed the country relatively quickly.

    Chapter 2. Patriotic education among schoolchildren

    2.1. Questionnaire of students and analysis of results

    We must build our future on a strong foundation.

    And such a foundation is patriotism.


    The great teacher A.S. Makarenko, considering the goals of education in a Soviet school, noted that every student “must be a brave, courageous, honest, hardworking patriot.” .

    At the beginning of our research, we put forwardThe purpose of this study is to develop and experimentally test a program of patriotic education among students.

    It would not be enough to just study the literature on developing a sense of patriotism among schoolchildren. To identify the forms and methods of patriotic education, it was also necessary to obtain practical data. For this purpose, we conducted a survey among students of 2nd, 6th and 11th grades of MAOU “Lyceum No. 78 named after A.S. Pushkin" (61 people) and pupilsChildren's and Youth Sports School "Ice Hockey"(19 people).

    A total of 80 people took part in the survey. The date of the survey was October 29, 2013.

    Questions in questionnaire 1 (see Appendix 5) were answered by young respondents - 2nd grade students (22 students) of Lyceum No. 78 named after. A. S. Pushkin."

    1. To the question “What is the Motherland?” Interesting comments were received:

    The answer “I don’t know” was single.

    1. To the question “What is the name of your homeland?” The following responses were received:

    Russia (19 students, 86.4%),

    Naberezhnye Chelny (1 student, 4.5%),

    Don't know (2 students, 9.1%).

    3. To the question “Who is a patriot?” students of class 2 “A” mostly answered “I don’t know” (18 students, 81.8%), two answered that a patriot is a defender of the Motherland. There were some interesting answers:

    Patriot is an iron man (1 student),

    A patriot is someone who writes poems and songs (1 student).

    4. To the question “Who is an antipatriot (not a patriot)?” Students of class 2 “A” mostly answered “I don’t know” (17 students, 77, 3%).

    An interesting answer: an antipatriot is a person who knows nothing about his Motherland and does not love it.

    Funny answer: anti-patriots are those who protect us from patriots.

    5. To the question “Do you love Russia?” the whole class unanimously answered “YES.” To the question “Why?” many students responded:

    Because this is my homeland, I was born and live here.

    The answers were interesting:

    Our country is very large and has a lot of interesting things, rich in nature;

    Because it contains me, my mom, my dad, in general, the whole family!!!

    Our country is beautiful and there is no heat here.

    6. To the question “Are you a patriot of your country?” The following responses were received:

    I don't know (15 students),

    Yes (5 students),

    No (2 students), this is the answer given by those students who, to the question “Who is a patriot?” gave the answer: iron man; one who writes poems and songs.

    Questionnaires 2-L and 2-X (see Appendices 6 and 7) are intended for 6th grade students:

    questionnaire No. 2-L - for 6th grade students of Lyceum No. 78 named after. A. S. Pushkina

    (19 people), questionnaire No. 2-X - for members of the hockey team “CHELNY” (19 people) (see Appendix).

    1. To the question “What is the Motherland for you?”

    It turned out that both lyceum students and hockey players consider our huge country Russia to be their homeland. In second place for the hockey players is the answer “Naberezhnye Chelny”, because they stand for the honor of the city, the team is called “CHELNY”, the coat of arms of Naberezhnye Chelny is depicted on the sports uniform.

    2. To the question “Do you feel a sense of pride for the country when the anthem plays?” both the students of the Lyceum and the students of the Sports School answered “YES” (100%).

    1. To the question “How should one listen to the anthems of Russia and Tatarstan?”

    Thus, the majority of hockey players (89.5%) gave the full answer: “You must listen to the anthem while standing, taking off your headdress, and looking at the flag of the Russian Federation or the Republic of Tatarstan.” This is explained by the fact that the “CHELNY” team listens to the anthems of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan during traditional tournaments, zonal championships, throughout the year, before each game with an opponent.

    1. To the question “What would be your choice if you were offered to move to another class (to another hockey team)?”

    lyceum students

    hockey players

    1. I am a patriot of my class, I would never move to another (78.9%, 15 students)

    1. I am a patriot of my team, I would never move to another (89.5%, 17 students)

    2. would move to another class, but would really regret such an action (10.5%, 2 students)

    2. would move to another team if it is stronger than mine (10.5%, 2 students)

    3. - if I was allowed, I would study a little in another class, and then return to my own (5.3%, 1 student)

    Would switch without hesitation (5.3%, 1 student)

    Thus, more than half consider themselves patriots of their class, their team. Two students from the Lyceum could not decide or are in doubt.

    1. To the question “Are your teachers (trainers) an authority for you?” responses received:
    1. To the question “Which teacher do you trust? Why?" and “Is your coach an authority for you? Why?" The following answers were given:

    lyceum students

    hockey players

    1. Razina Gabdulkhaevna (54%) – kind, responsive, finds a solution in a difficult situation, always listens and helps, the best class teacher

    1. Evgeniy Vyacheslavovich - 89.5% (17 students), responded that the coach is fair, honest, strict, will help and support, a friend and mentor, like a second father who teaches us to be patriots of his team, hometown, republic, country

    2. Lily of the Valley Nakipovna (16.7%) - honest, fair, good friend, always helpful, ideal teacher, interesting in class - fascinating dialogue

    2. I don’t know (10.5%, 2 students).

    3. Sergey Ivanovich (12.5%) - kind

    The following answers were also given:

    Sofya Salikhovna

    Fanisa Aminovna

    I equally value and respect all teachers and trust all teachers equally, since they teach us only what is good and necessary.

    For most students of Lyceum No. 78 named after. A. S. Pushkin teachers are an authority for students. For most hockey team students, the coach is an authority figure for the guys.

    Thus, most students consider themselves patriots. 1 student from the Lyceum and 1 student from the Sports School have doubts or cannot decide. These students answered the questions: “Do you love Russia?” and “Do you feel proud of your country when the anthem is played?” the answers were “YES”.

    Questionnaire 3 (see Appendix 8) was proposed for completion by 11th grade students of the Lyceum. A. S. Pushkin" (20 people).

    1. To the question “What is patriotism, in your opinion?” The following responses were received:
    1. Love for the Motherland (28.3%)
    2. Respect for one's homeland, pride in one's country (23.3%)
    3. Love for national culture (15%)
    4. Love for your family, loved ones (10%)
    5. Love for hometown, home (8.3%)
    1. To the question “What is the most appropriate definition of patriotism, in your opinion?” the students replied:

    1. 35% (7 students) - Patriotism is a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the fatherland, pride in its past and present, willingness to subordinate one’s interests to the interests of the country, the desire to defend the interests of the homeland and one’s people. (Encyclopedia of Sociology).
    2. 30% (6 students) - Patriotism is devotion and love for one’s fatherland, for one’s people (Ozhegov and Shvedova’s Dictionary).

    3. 15% (3 students) - Patriotism, in which the main thing is love for one’s country (that is, separating oneself from other states and peoples), is therefore the cause of incessant wars, which, in fact, gives the right to one country or nation to oppress another in the name of its own power, wealth and glory. Patriotism cannot be good. Patriotism is an unnatural feeling, artificially instilled in a person. (L. Tolstoy).

    3. To the question “What do you think shows true patriotism?” responses received:

    1. In strengthening the family and raising children in the spirit of patriotism - 45% (9 students);

    2. In constructive criticism of shortcomings in the country - 20% (4 students);

    In the celebration of historical events - 10% (2 students),

    Working with full effort in their specialty - 10% (2 students).

    4. To the question “Which areas of patriotic education influenced you personally?” the students replied:

    7. Media – 10%.

    To summarize, we can say that the greatest influence is exerted by works of a patriotic nature, the example of family, school, sports, and the media.

    5. To the question “What should the state do, in your opinion, to instill patriotic values ​​among young Russians?” responses received:

    1. improving the living conditions of the population (creating jobs, increasing wages, providing housing);

    2.creation and screening of more patriotic films, distribution of fiction on patriotic themes;
    3. increasing the authority of the army in society (creating a positive image of military personnel in the media, films, literature);
    personal example, examples of war heroes;
    4.carrying out military-patriotic games;
    5. fostering a sense of patriotism from kindergarten;

    6.creation of patriotic circles, organizations, clubs;
    7. Raising the prestige of the country (increasing the role of Russia in the international arena).
    6. To the question “At what age, in your opinion, is it most effective to begin instilling a sense of patriotism and love for the Motherland in a young citizen?” the students replied:

    1 . 7-10 years (40%, 8 students),

    2. 1-3 years (20%, 4 students), 11-14 years (20%, 4 students),

    3. 3-6 years (15%, 3 students)

    7. To the question “Where do you thinkto a greater extentIs a sense of patriotism being fostered?” the students replied:

    1. in the family (65%, 13 students),
    2. at school (30%, 6 students),
    3. in additional education institutions (5%, 1 student).

    To summarize, we can say that the greatest influence on the development of a sense of patriotism occurs in the family and at school.

    8. To the question “Who among your relatives or acquaintances do you consider a true patriot? Why?" responses received:

    1. My family, grandparents, father;

    2. Friend (he served, he is a blood donor);

    3. Everything;

    4. Nastya Pastukhova.

    9. To the question “Who, in your opinion, is called an anti-patriot?” responses received:

    The one who

    1. Indifferent to native nature (18.3),

    2.Tries to avoid military service (16.6%),
    3. Does not know the history of his country (15%),
    4. Goes to live and work abroad (15%),

    5.Does not go to elections (11.7%),
    6.Does not know the text of his country’s anthem (10%),
    7. Prefers foreign rather than domestic literature and

    Art (10%).

    10. To the question “Who among your relatives or friends do you consider to be an anti-patriot? Why do you think so?" responses received:

    1. Among my relatives and friends there are no such people (80%, 16 students);

    2. Some classmates who want to go abroad (20%, 4 students).

    11. To the question “Do you think the residents of your republic differ from the residents of other regions of Russia?” the students replied:

    1. no different (40%, 8 students);
    2. differ for the better (35%, 7 students);
    3. I find it difficult to answer (20%, 4 students).

    12. To the question “Do you think a sense of patriotism is developed among the students of your school?” the students replied:

    1. yes (55%, 11 students),
    2. no (25%, 5 students),
    3. I don’t know (20%, 4 students).

    More than half of the students believe that the Lyceum students have a developed sense of patriotism.

    13. To the question “Are, in your opinion, the teachers of your school patriots?” responses received:

    1. yes (80%, 16 students),

    2.don’t know (15%, 3 students),

    3.not all (5%, 1 student)

    To the question “Why do you think so?” the students replied:

    It is enough to attend geography lessons;

    They work, teach and educate us,

    Teachers work on patriotic topics.
    14. To the question:

    the students replied:

    1. Sports Games in Kazan (Universiade 2014), Olympic Games (75%, 15 students).
    2. When reading works about the Great Patriotic War (2 students).
    3. Military actions in Georgia (2008), the Syrian issue (Russia offered a diplomatic way out of the situation), achievements of Russian scientists.

    the students replied:

    1. Yes (no comments) – 3 students.
    2. When foreigners consider Russia a drinking and uncultured country (2 students).
    3. When the football team lost at the championship.

    Single answers were given regarding bad roads, in the area of ​​politics.

    15. To the question “Please write down the first three associations that arise in you when you hear the word “Motherland”,” the answers were given:

    1. Russia,

    2. Home, family,

    3. Patriotism, V.V. Putin.

    Thus, the greatest importance is attached to such concepts as: love for Russia, home, family.
    16. To the question “Do you love Russia?” The following answers were given:
    1. yes (85%, 17 students),

    2. I don’t know (10%, 2 students),

    3. no (5%, 1 student).

    Most students answered affirmatively that they love Russia.

    17. To the question “Do you consider yourself a patriot of your country?” the students replied:
    1. yes (55%, 11 students),

    2. no (25%, 5 students),

    3. I don’t know (20%, 4 students).

    Thus, the majority of students (55%) consider themselves patriots. 20% have doubts or cannot decide.

    Based on the studied literature and analysis of questionnaires, we compiled a program for the patriotic education of lyceum students “Patriot 2014”.

    Our the hypothesis (The sooner work begins on the formation of patriotic qualities in schoolchildren, the more stable they will be) has so far been confirmed theoretically; in June 2014 we plan to draw conclusions on the effectiveness of the educational program"Patriot 2014".

    1. “Patriot 2014” program for lyceum students

    My friend, let's dedicate it to the fatherland

    Beautiful impulses from the soul!

    A.S. Pushkin

    A school graduate is not only a Person - an intellectual, a family man, a comrade, a friend, a city dweller, a successful person, a student, a healthy person, but Patriot Man . We believe that Patriot Man is priority forming the model of a school graduate, specifically our lyceum (see Appendix 7).

    The Patriot 2014 program is a program to develop a sense of patriotism among schoolchildren. The “Patriot 2014” program was compiled specifically for students of “Lyceum No. 78 named after A.S. Pushkin” based on an analysis of the results of a survey of grades 2, 6 and 11.

    Monitoring the Internet space has shown that many advanced Russian schools already have similar patriotic programs.

    The basis of the “Patriot 2014” program is a statement by Academician D.S. Likhachev: “Cultivating love for the native land, for the native culture, for the native city, for the native speech is a task of paramount importance, and there is no need to prove it. But how to cultivate this love? It starts small - with love for your family, for your home. Constantly expanding, this love for one’s native turns into love for one’s state, for its history, its past and present, and then for all of humanity.”

    Purpose of the program: contribute to the formation of deep patriotic feelings for their Fatherland from primary school age.


    1. Primary school students must know by heart the words of the national anthem of the Russian Federation;
    2. Students in grades 1-4 should develop the skill of correctly listening to the national anthems of Russia and Tatarstan;
    3. Primary school students should know the state symbols (flag, coat of arms) of Russia and the national symbols (flag, coat of arms) of the Republic of Tatarstan;
    4. Primary school students must provide the last name, first name and patronymic of the President of the Russian Federation and the last name, first name and patronymic of the head of the Republic of Tatarstan;
    5. Students in grades 1-4 should know such concepts as “patriot”, “anti-patriot”, “Motherland”, “Fatherland”, “power”, “president”, “coat of arms”, “flag”, “hymn”, “veteran” , "Eternal flame";
    6. Pupils from primary school should know such important dates as June 22, 1941, May 9, 1945, April 12, 1961, etc.;
    7. Young lyceum students should be proud of the anthem, school uniform and traditions of the lyceum.
    8. Pupils in grades 4-6 must know the lyceum charter by heart.

    Approximate program implementation plan:

    1. 2013-2014 academic year.Each solemn and/or official event in the assembly hall of the lyceum begins with the national anthems of Russia and Tatarstan (the anthems are played in the assembly hall).
    2. 2013-2014 academic year.Important dates for the country and the republic begin with the national anthems of Russia and Tatarstan - for all classes before the start of the 1st lesson (the anthems are played on the Lyceum radio).
    3. Place flags/posters with the flags of Russia and Tatarstan in each classroom of the elementary block.
    4. Place the flags of Russia and Tatarstan in the assembly hall of the lyceum.
    5. November December.Master classes in the initial block on the topic “How to correctly listen to the anthems of Russia and Tatarstan.”
    6. November December. Every Friday in the initial block 1st lesson begins with the Russian anthem (with words). Gradually, students develop the ability, and then a stable skill, to correctly listen to the Russian national anthem, and knowledge of the text is brought to automatism (the anthem is played in the classroom).
    7. January February.Class hours for grades 1-4 on the topic

    “Patriotism = love + pride + care.”

    1. January. Competition for the best performance of the Russian anthem among primary school students based on parallels.
    2. January. Class hours on the topic: “The Lyceum Charter - a mini-constitution.” (grades 4-6).
    3. February. Competition for the best performance of the Tatarstan anthem among primary school students based on parallels.
    4. February. Creative presentation of the lyceum uniform “My school image” (grades 2-6).
    5. March. Competition for drawings of symbols (flag, coat of arms) of Russia and Tatarstan.
    6. March. Watching a series of patriotic filmsStanislav Schubert(a talented young screenwriter, director of Russian patriotic and anti-fascist films) - for grades 5-11 (http://www.patriot-nsk.narod.ru, see Appendix 10).
    7. April. Class hours in grades 1-4 on the topic “I am a healthy citizen” (about the consequences of smoking).
    8. April. Visit to the interactive museum of military glory in GDTDM No. 1 (grades 5-6).
    9. May. Competition for the best performance of military songs among primary school students (grades 1-2, grades 3-4).
    10. May. Class hour for grades 5-6 (May 9. Win at any cost!” (see Appendix 13)
    11. May. Laying flowers at the Eternal Flame.
    12. June. (work of the teaching group and Timurovites) Day of Memory and Sorrow (June 22) - an event for grades 1-4. (see Appendix 14)
    13. June. (work of the teaching group and Timurovites) Visit to the interactive museum of military glory in GDTDM No. 1.


    From childhood, the foundation of a future personality, a citizen of one’s country, is laid. One of the main tasks facing a teacher is to promote love for the Motherland, for the native land, for one’s people. These feelings, from which patriotism can grow, are formed in the family, in a group of peers, and at school.

    The educational traditions of Ancient Rus' date back more than two thousand years. Historical elements of patriotism in the form of attachment to the native land, language, and traditions began to form in ancient times. Pedagogical thought in Rus' of the 10th – 13th centuries puts forward the individual personality as the goal of education, instilling faith in victory, in the invincibility of Russian heroes.

    The core of all Russian education is patriotism. The concept of “patriotism” includes love for the Motherland, for the land where one was born and raised, pride in the historical achievements of the people.
    Academician D.S. Likhachev wrote: “Love for your native land, native culture, native speech begins small - with love for your family, for your home, for your kindergarten, school. Gradually expanding, this love turns into love for the native country, for its history, past and present, for all humanity.”

    Spiritual, creative patriotism must be instilled from early childhood. But like any other feeling, patriotism is acquired independently and experienced individually. It is directly related to a person’s spirituality, its depth.

    At the beginning of our research, we put forward the following hypothesis: the sooner the work on developing patriotic qualities in schoolchildren begins, the more stable they will be.

    To prove it, it was not enough just to study the literature on patriotic education, the Constitutional laws of the Russian Federation and foreign experience in this matter. To confirm our hypothesis, it was also necessary to obtain practical data. For this purpose, we conducted a survey among students of the MAOU “Lyceum No. 78 named after A.S. Pushkin" (61 people) and pupils of the youth sports school "Ice Hockey" (19 people). (see Appendices 5,6,7 and 8)

    As a result of a survey of 2nd grade students at Lyceum No. 78

    them. A.S. Pushkin,” we came to the conclusion that junior students do not know who a patriot is, and therefore, to the question “Do you consider yourself a patriot of your country?” the majority (68.2%) answered “I don’t know,” which once again confirms our hypothesis. However, interesting answers were givento the question “What is the Motherland?”:

    Homeland is the country in which we were born and live (13 students answered this way, 59%).

    The Motherland is our green home (3 students answered this way, 13.6%)

    The homeland is the native land (2 students, 9%).

    As a result of a survey of 6th grade students at Lyceum No. 78

    named after A.S. Pushkin and pupils of the hockey team “CHELNY” to the question “Do you feel a sense of pride for the country when the anthem plays?” both students of the Lyceum and students of the Sports School answered “YES” (100%).

    To the question “What is patriotism, in your opinion?” the following answers were given:

    1. love for the Motherland (24.1%), respect for the Motherland, pride in one’s country (24.1%);
    2. love for family and loved ones (13.8%);
    3. love for hometown, home (10.3%).

    Thus, the greatest importance is attached to such concepts as: love for the Motherland, respect and pride for one’s country, love for family, hometown.

    To the question “Do you love Russia?” An unequivocal answer “YES” was received - 100%.

    To the question “Are you a patriot of your country?” The following responses were received:

    1. Yes (94.7%, 18 students);
    2. Don't know (5.3%, 1 student).

    Thus, the majority of young Russian citizens aged 12-13 consider themselves patriots.

    As a result of a survey of 11th grade students (20 people) of the Lyceum

    No. 78 named after. A.S. Pushkin" it turned out that 11th grade students, as well as middle-level students, have the greatestimportance is attached to such concepts as: love for the Motherland, respect and pride for one’s country, love for family, hometown.

    To the question “Which areas of patriotic education influenced you personally?” Interesting answers were given:

    1. Patriotic literature – 20%,

    2. Example of family and friends – 18.3%,

    3. Meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War - 16.6%,

    4. Sports, sports competitions – 15%

    5. Military sports games – 10%,

    6. School, example of teachers – 10%,

    7. Media – 10%.

    Thus, the greatest influence on young people is exerted by works of a patriotic nature, the example of family, school, sports, and the media.

    To the question “At what age, in your opinion, is it most effective to begin instilling a sense of patriotism and love for the Motherland in a young citizen?” Most students noted their age: 7-10 years, i.e. 1-4 grades.

    To the question “Where do you think the sense of patriotism is fostered to a greater extent?” students notedthat the greatest influence on the development of a sense of patriotism occurs in the family and at school.

    To the question “Do you think the students at your school have a developed sense of patriotism?” students responded, more than half of the students (55%) believe that a sense of patriotism is developed among Lyceum students.

    To the question “Do you consider yourself a patriot of your country?”the majority of students (55%) consider themselves patriots.

    To summarize, it is important to note the great significance of all four questionnaires, since they made it possible to outline a program for the development of patriotic feelings among schoolchildren “Patriot-2014”.

    We would like to thank our class teacher Siraeva Razina Gabdulkhaevna, scientific supervisor Shaidullina Landysh Nakipovna, our parents, lyceum students and my classmates who took part in the survey for the assistance provided in the work done.

    The work done allows us to conclude that the patriotic education of a child occurs mainly in the family and at school, and from a very young age. That's whyEducators and parents need to work together to raise a small citizen into a big patriot.

    Only through the joint efforts of school and family can one cultivate effective love for loved ones, for the small Motherland, for Russia. It is important to awaken in schoolchildren a sense of pride for our Motherland, which gave the world great commanders and thinkers, doctors and teachers, liberators of the world from fascism and space pioneers.

    We have something to be proud of!

    The concept of patriotism should become “fashionable” and “stylish” for modern youth. The younger generation must understand that it is cool to be healthy, courageous, smart, confidently go towards the intended goal, love and respect your home, your city, your Fatherland, but drink beer, smoke cigarettes, show disrespect for the older generation, etc. – this is the lot of weak and uneducated people.

    From the moment of birth until death, any person is given a name. A person’s name has a serious impact on the character and fate of its owner.

    The name Ildan translated fromTurkic means “Glory and pride of the country, people”. Perhaps this somehow influenced the choice of this topic, and maybe in the future I will be able to glorify my country with sports or professional victories. But for now I’m just studying at school, and my goal is to glorify my city and republic at sports competitions and my lyceum at city scientific conferences.

    List of sources used

    1) Antonova M.V., Lomokhova S.A. Issues of patriotic education in Russian and foreign education systems // Proceedings of the State Pedagogical University named after. V.G. Belinsky. 2006. No. 6.

    2) Large dictionary of foreign words, Russian Language publishing house, 1992. Moscow

    3) Large universal school encyclopedia publishing house "World of Encyclopedias", Moscow, 2006

    4) Zharikov A.D. Raise your children to be patriots. M., 1980.

    5) Zhukovskaya R.I., Vinogradova N.F., Kozlova S.A. Native land, M., 1990.

    6) Korovina V. Ya. Pushkin at school. M., “Enlightenment”, 1978. 303 p.

    7) Korovin V.I.A.S. Pushkin in life and work. M., “Russian Word”, 2004.

    8) Krasnobelmov A.V. I explore the world: Sports. M., Astrel Publishing House LLC, 2003.-397 p.

    9) Kondrykinskaya L.A. Where does the Motherland begin? M., 2004.

    10) Kumanev G. A. Hour of courage. M., Onyx Publishing House, 2008, 192 pp.; 1941-1945. M., Publishing house of political literature, 1982.

    11) Kukushin V.S. Theory and methods of education. V.S. Kukushin. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2006. – 508, p.: ill. - (Higher education)

    12) Kunitsyn A.P. Instruction for pupils // Anthology of pedagogical thought in Russia in the first half of the 19th century. M.: Pedagogy, 1987. –S. 141-145.

    13) Lenin V.I. Valuable confessions of Pitirim Sorokin. – Full. REV. Soch., T.37. – pp. 188-197.

    14 ) Makarenko A.S. Problems of school Soviet education // Op. – M.: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the RSFSR, 1951. – T.5. – P. 109-225.

    15) Mishchenko L.I. Patriotic education of junior schoolchildren: Ph.D. Ped. Sci. – M., 1982. – 208 p.

    16) Journalism of the period of the Great Patriotic War and the first post-war years. M., “Soviet Russia”, 1985.

    17) Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. V. I. Dal. M., EKSMO Publishing House, 2005. – 736 p.

    18) Textbook on literature. I. O. Rodin. M., LLC Publishing House Onyx21vek, 2003.–416 p.
    19) Shumilova, E.F. In the native land / E.F. Shumilova. – Ustinov: Udmurtia, 1987. – 195.

    1. What is Motherland?
    1. What is the name of your homeland?


    1. Who is a patriot?


    1. Who is an antipatriot (not a patriot)?


    1. Do you love Russia? (circle 1 answer):
      1) yes

    2) no

    3) I don’t know

    Why? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    6. Are you a patriot of your country? (circle 1 answer):
    1) yes

    2) no

    3) I don’t know
    Thank you!

    Questionnaire 2-L

    You need to select ( circle

    1. What is the Motherland for you?(choose 1 answer option)
    1. my school
    2. home, family
    3. Russia
    4. Naberezhnye Chelny city
    5. home village
    6. my sports team
    7. Republic of Tatarstan
    8. my class
    1. ? (choose 1 answer option)
    1. Don't know

    (write your answer)


    (choose 3 answer option)

    4) glorification of the victories of the Motherland
    5) collective way of life

    7) love for the Motherland

    15) love for the people

    5. What would be your choice if you were offered to move to another class? (choose 1 answer option)

    1) I would transfer to another class without hesitation, even if it is weaker than mine

    2) if I were allowed, I would study a little in another class, and then return to my own

    3) I would move to another class without hesitation if it is stronger than mine

    4) I am a patriot of my class, I would never switch to others

    5) would move to another class, and then would very much regret such an action

    1. Yes all
    2. yes, some
    3. Don't know

    7. Which of your teachers do you trust most? Why?

    (write your answer).


    1) yes

    2) no

    3) I don’t know

    9. Are you a patriot of your country? (choose 1 answer option)
    1) yes

    2) no

    3) I don’t know

    Thank you!

    Questionnaire 2-X

    We ask you to help us by answering these questions very honestly.

    You need to select ( circle ) one/several answer options, where necessary - write your answer.

    The questionnaires are anonymous; you do not need to sign your last name or first name.

    1. What is the Motherland for you?(choose 1 answer option)
    1. my school
    2. home, family
    3. Russia
    4. Naberezhnye Chelny city
    5. home village
    6. my sports team
    7. Republic of Tatarstan
    8. my class
    1. When the anthem plays, you feel proud of your country? (choose 1 answer option)
    1. Don't know
    1. How should one listen to the anthems of the Russian Federation and Tatarstan?

    (write your answer)



    1. What is patriotism, in your opinion?

    (choose 3 answer options)

    1) the desire for social justice

    2) love for national culture
    3) love for your family and loved ones

    4) glorification of the victories of the Motherland
    5) collective way of life

    6) the desire for a safe global world
    7) love for the Motherland

    8) love for one’s hometown, village, home
    9) the religious faith that I profess

    10) revival of the traditions of the Soviet state

    11) revival of the traditions of the Russian state

    12) love for one’s native ashes, love for one’s father’s tombs
    13) love for all humanity, humanism

    14) respect for one’s homeland, pride in one’s country
    15) love for the people

    16) patriotism in the context of globalization is losing its meaning

    5. What would be your choice if you were offered to move to another hockey team? (choose 1 answer option)

    1) I would move to another team without hesitation, even if it is weaker than mine

    2) if I was allowed, I would play a little for another team, and then return to my own

    3) I would move to another team without hesitation if it is stronger than mine

    4) I am a patriot of my team, I would never switch to others

    5) would move to another team, and then would very much regret such an action

    (choose 1 answer option)

    1) yes

    2) no

    3) I don’t know

    7. Why?

    (write your answer).


    8. Do you love Russia? (choose 1 answer option)

    1) yes

    2) no

    3) I don’t know

    9. You - patriot of your country? (choose 1 answer option)
    1) yes

    2) no

    3) I don’t know

    Thank you!

    Questionnaire 3

    Dear lyceum student!

    We ask you to help in our scientific work by answering these questions.

    You need to select (circle) one/several answer options, and write your answer where necessary. The big request is to answer honestly.

    1. What is patriotism, in your opinion? (choose 3 answer options)

    1) the desire for social justice

    2) love for national culture
    3) love for your family and loved ones

    4) glorification of the victories of the Motherland
    5) collective way of life

    6) the desire for a safe global world
    7) love for the Motherland

    8) love for one’s hometown, village, home
    9) the religious faith that I profess

    10) revival of the traditions of the Soviet state

    11) revival of the traditions of the Russian state

    12) love for one’s native ashes, love for one’s father’s tombs
    13) love for all humanity, humanism

    14) respect for one’s homeland, pride in one’s country
    15) love for the people

    16) patriotism in the context of globalization is losing its meaning

    2. Choose the most appropriate, in your opinion, definition of patriotism

    (choose 1 answer option):

    1) A patriot is not one who glorifies the country, but one who can say extremely harshly... something very difficult about the country... patriotism is not an endless eruption of molasses of love, but this is completely different. (V. Posner).
    2) Patriotism is love for the fatherland, arising from the consciousness of the solidarity of interests of citizens of a given state or members of a given nation. (Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron).
    3) Patriotism is a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the fatherland, pride in its past and present, the willingness to subordinate one’s interests to the interests of the country, the desire to protect the interests of the homeland and one’s people. (Encyclopedia of Sociology).
    4) Patriotism, in which the main thing is love for one’s country (that is, separating oneself from other states and peoples), is therefore the cause of incessant wars, which essentially gives one country or nation the right to oppress another in the name of its own power , wealth and fame. Patriotism cannot be good. Patriotism is an unnatural feeling, artificially instilled in a person. (L. Tolstoy).

    5) Patriotism is devotion and love for one’s fatherland, for one’s
    to the people (Dictionary of Ozhegov and Shvedova).

    3. What do you think shows true patriotism?

    (choose 1 answer option):
    1) in conversations and conversations with friends on patriotic topics
    2) in voting in elections for patriotic parties
    3) in participation in the activities of patriotic organizations
    4) in the celebration of historical events and anniversaries
    5) in constructive criticism of shortcomings in the country
    6) work with full dedication in your specialty
    7) in strengthening the family and raising children in the spirit of patriotism

    4. Which of these areas of patriotic education influenced you personally?? (choose 3 answer options)

    1. activities of patriotic clubs, centers, including children's and youth centers
    2. festivals, patriotic competitions
    3. sport, sports competitions
    4. example of family and friends
    5. patriotic literature
    6. patriotic exhibitions
    7. school, example of teachers
    8. meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, local wars
    9. mass media
    10. military sports games
    11. Internet
    12. youth actions, traditions of the native city

    5. What do you think the state needs to do to instill patriotic values ​​among young Russians? (choose 5 answer options)
    1) instilling a sense of patriotism from kindergarten;

    2) instilling a sense of patriotism from the early grades of school;

    3) assisting in the emergence of a larger number of patriotic topics in the media;
    4) the introduction of censorship for the media when printing materials and showing youth programs;
    5) creation of patriotic circles, organizations, clubs;
    6) holding military-patriotic games;
    7) creating and showing more patriotic films, distributing fiction on patriotic themes;
    8) increasing the authority of the army in society (creating a positive image of military personnel in the media, films, literature);
    9) improving the living conditions of the population (creating jobs, increasing wages, providing housing);
    10) raising the prestige of the country (increasing the role of Russia in the international arena);
    11) organization of leisure time for youth;

    12) personal example, examples of war heroes;
    13) development of youth organizations;
    14) getting children used to sports, creating accessible sports sections, supporting initiatives for the development of children's sports;
    15) financing of patriotic events and people involved in them;
    16) creation of new and support of existing military-patriotic museums

    6. At what age, in your opinion, is it most effective to begin instilling a sense of patriotism and love for the Motherland in a young citizen?

    (choose 1 answer option):

    1. from birth - 1 year
    2. 1-3 years
    3. 3-6 years
    4. 7-10 years
    5. 11-14 years old
    6. 15-17 years old
    7. 18-22 years old

    7. Where do you thinkto a greater extentIs there a sense of patriotism being fostered?

    (choose 1 answer option):

    1. in the courtyard
    2. in family
    3. At school
    4. in kindergarten
    5. in institutions of further education
    6. abroad

    8. Who among your loved ones or acquaintances do you consider a true patriot? (write one person). Why do you think so? (2-3 reasons)


    9. Who, in your opinion, is called an anti-patriot? (choose 3 answer options)

    The one who

    1) Criticizes the government of his country
    2) Tries to avoid military service
    3) Doesn’t know the text of his country’s anthem
    4) Indifferent to native nature
    5) Doesn’t know the history of his country
    6) Doesn't go to elections
    7) Prefers foreign rather than domestic literature and art
    8) Goes to live and work abroad

    10. Who among your relatives or friends do you consider to be an anti-patriot? (write one person). Why do you think so? (2-3 reasons)


    11. Do you think the residents of your republic differ from the residents of other regions of Russia? (choose 1 answer option):
    1) differ for the better;
    2) for the worse;
    3) do not differ;
    4) I find it difficult to answer.

    12. Do you think that the students of your school have a developed sense of patriotism?

    (choose 1 answer option):

    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know

    13. In your opinion, are the teachers of your school patriots?

    (choose 1 answer option):

    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know

    Why do you think so?______________________________________________________________________

    14. Please answer the following questions:

    a) Have you ever felt a sense of pride for our country? When?


    b) Have you ever felt a sense of shame for our country? When?

    (please give examples):


    15. Please write the first three associations that arise in you when you hear the word “Motherland”:

    16. Do you love Russia? (choose 1 answer option):
    1) yes

    2) no

    3) I don't know

    17. Do you consider yourself a patriot of your country? (choose 1 answer option):
    1) yes

    2) no

    3) I don't know

    Thank you!

    “Like a small tree that barely rose
    above the ground, a caring gardener strengthens
    the root on whose power life depends
    plants for several ten -
    anniversary, so the teacher should take care of the resurrection
    feeding your children a feeling of boundless
    love for the Motherland."

    In modern conditions, when profound changes are taking place in the life of society, patriotic education has become one of the central areas of work with the younger generation. Now, in a period of instability in society, there is a need to return to the best traditions of our people, to its age-old roots, to such eternal concepts as clan, kinship, and Motherland.

    The feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in its content: it is love for one’s native places, pride in one’s people, a feeling of inseparability with others, and a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of one’s country.

    To be a patriot means to feel like an integral part of the Fatherland. This complex feeling arises even in preschool childhood, when the foundations of a value-based attitude towards the world around us are laid, and is formed in the child gradually, in the course of nurturing love for his neighbors, for kindergarten, for his native places, his native country. Preschool age, as a period of personality formation, has its own potential for the formation of higher moral feelings, which include the feeling of patriotism.

    In the draft of the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation

    It is emphasized that “the education system is designed to ensure the education of patriots of Russia, citizens of a legal democratic, social state, respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual, possessing high morality and showing national and religious tolerance”

    The implementation of such an education system is impossible without knowledge of the traditions of one’s homeland, one’s region. “Only those who love, appreciate and respect what has been accumulated and preserved by the previous generation can love the Motherland, recognize it, and become a true patriot.” (S. Mikhalkov). The basis of this complex pedagogical process is the development of feelings. Much attention has always been paid to the education of moral feelings in the history of pedagogy. V. G. Belinsky, K. D. Ushinsky, N. A. Dobrolyubov and others believed that raising a child as a citizen of his homeland is inseparable from nurturing in him humane feelings: kindness, justice, the ability to resist lies and cruelty. V. A. Sukhomlinsky believed that from an early age it is important, when cultivating feelings, to teach a child to balance his own desires with the interests of others. Anyone who, in the name of his desires, throws aside the laws of conscience and justice will never become a real person and citizen.

    Appeal to the paternal heritage fosters respect for the land on which the child lives and pride in it. Therefore, children need to know the way of life, everyday life, rituals, beliefs, the history of their ancestors, their culture.

    Knowledge of the history of one’s people and native culture will help in the future to treat the history and culture of other peoples with great attention, respect and interest.

    Young children should know: the name of their street and the one on which the kindergarten is located. The attention of older children needs to be drawn to objects that are located on the nearest streets: a school, a post office, a pharmacy, etc., talk about their purpose, and emphasize that all this was created for the convenience of people.

    The range of objects that older preschoolers are introduced to is expanding: this is the region and the city as a whole, its attractions, historical places and monuments. The children are explained in whose honor they were erected; the older preschooler should know the name of his city, his street, and the streets adjacent to it; Who are they named after? They explain to him that every person has a home and a city where he was born and lives. This requires excursions around the city, into nature, observations of the work of adults, where each child begins to realize that work unites people, requires them to be coherent, mutual assistance, and knowledge of their business. And here, acquaintance of children with the folk crafts of the region and folk craftsmen becomes of great importance.

    By the end of the preschool period, the child should know: our country is inhabited by people of different nationalities; every nation has its own language, customs and traditions, art and architecture; Every nation is talented and rich in craftsmen, musicians, artists, and so on. To be a citizen, a patriot, is certainly to be an internationalist. Therefore, nurturing love for one’s Fatherland and pride in one’s country should be combined with the formation of a friendly attitude towards the culture of other peoples, towards each individual, regardless of skin color and religion. Of course, a humane attitude towards people of different nationalities is created in a child primarily under the influence of parents and teachers.

    Based on this, this work includes a whole range of tasks:

    • nurturing in a child love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city;
    • formation of a caring attitude towards nature and all living things;
    • instilling respect for work;
    • developing interest in Russian traditions and crafts;
    • formation of basic knowledge about human rights;
    • expanding ideas about Russia, its capital;
    • introducing children to the symbols of the state: coat of arms, flag, anthem;
    • developing a sense of responsibility and pride for the achievements of the Motherland;
    • the formation of tolerance, a sense of respect and sympathy for other people, nations, and their traditions.

    These tasks are solved in all types of children’s activities: in classes, in games, in work, in everyday life, etc., since a child’s entire life develops a patriot: in kindergarten and at home, his relationships with adults and peers.

    Thus, when solving the problems of moral and patriotic education, each teacher must build his work in accordance with local conditions and characteristics of children, taking into account the following principles:

    • “positive centrism” (selection of knowledge that is most relevant for a child of a given age);
    • Continuity and continuity of the pedagogical process;
    • A differentiated approach to each child, maximum consideration of his psychological characteristics, capabilities and interests;
    • A rational combination of different types of activities, an age-appropriate balance of intellectual, emotional and motor stress;
    • Activity approach;
    • Developmental nature of learning based on children's activity.

    To implement the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers, it is necessary:

    • Creation of favorable material, technical and social conditions;
    • Updating the content of education, selecting the most interesting and accessible material based on the experience and feelings of children;
    • Consistent orientation towards cultural conformity of education, designed to ensure the formation of a person’s spiritual world;
    • Close contact on this issue with the family, relying on its traditions and experience.

    The system and sequence of work on moral and patriotic education of children can be presented as follows:

    Of course, this diagram does not convey the fullness of the work on this issue: all these tasks are present, as it were, within the work on moral and patriotic education.

    It is much more important to create conditions for solving the problems of patriotic education, for developing in children the feelings and attitudes that ultimately constitute patriotism: affection, loyalty, a sense of ownership and the feeling that you belong, that you are needed.

    The feeling of the Motherland... Raising it in a child begins with attitude

    to the family, to the closest people: mother, father, grandparents. This

    roots connecting him with his home and immediate environment.

    The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the child sees in front of him, what he is amazed at and what evokes a response in his soul... And although many impressions are not yet deeply realized by him, but, passed through the child’s perception, they play a huge role in the formation of the personality of a patriot.

    From infancy, the child hears his native speech. Each nation has its own fairy tales, and they all pass on from generation to generation the basic moral values: kindness, friendship, mutual assistance, hard work. “These are the first and brilliant attempts of Russian folk pedagogy,” wrote K. D. Ushinsky, “and I don’t think that anyone would be able to compete in this case with the pedagogical genius of the people.” He introduced the term “folk pedagogy” into Russian pedagogical literature, seeing in folklore works the national identity of the people, rich material for instilling love for the Motherland.

    Thus, works of oral folk art not only form a love for the traditions of their people, but also contribute to the development of personality in the spirit of patriotism.

    Gradually, preschoolers develop an “image of their own home” with its way of life, traditions, and style of relationships. The child accepts his home as it is and loves it. This feeling of “parental home” forms the basis of love for the Motherland, the Fatherland. If a family has its own, unique habits and rules (celebrating certain dates, preparing surprises for each other, relaxing together, etc.), then all this gradually and thoroughly becomes part of the child’s social experience and remains as pleasant childhood memories that you want to experience again. Everyone has memories, but they are dear to a person and firmly tie him to his home, his family.

    The task of the teacher and, of course, parents is to make sure that the child has more such “warm” memories.

    The life of children in a preschool institution should also provide them with emotional comfort. A kindergarten should become a home in which a child would feel good. In order for a preschool institution to help foster patriotic feelings, the life of children there must be interesting, rich, and memorable. It is very important that the child loves his kindergarten. This happens if educators treat each child with respect, know their strengths and promote their development through games, holidays, interesting activities, etc. If educators manage to make the kindergarten the child’s second home, then the feeling of attachment is strengthened and over the years passes into the realm of pleasant and dear memories.

    Any region, region, even a small village is unique in its nature, people and their work, wonderful folk art. The selection of appropriate material allows preschoolers to form an idea of ​​what their native land is famous for.

    Hometown... You need to show the child that your hometown is famous for its history, traditions, sights, monuments, and best people.

    In moral and patriotic education, the example of adults, and especially close people, is of great importance.

    Such important concepts as “duty to the Motherland”, “love for the Fatherland”, “feat of labor”, etc., must be instilled in specific facts from the lives of older family members - participants in the Great Patriotic War, their front-line and labor feats. It is important to bring the child to understand that we won the Great Patriotic War because we love our Fatherland. The Motherland honors its heroes who gave their lives for the happiness of people. Their names are immortalized in the names of cities, streets, squares, and monuments have been erected in their honor.

    The task of instilling in children a sense of affection about some part of their hometown in relation to preschoolers is difficult to achieve. You can tell your children about your favorite places in the city, try to show them not only the entire panorama of the city, but also individual places through illustrations, photographs, postcards. You can have several conversations, for example, about parks, monuments, etc. The teacher selects the content himself, based on local conditions. It is only important that the educational material is understandable to children, arouses interest, and a desire to visit these places. In the general conversation “Why I love my city,” children will remember what they learned about it.

    It is necessary for children to take part in the celebration of City Day or other events so that they have the opportunity to plunge into an atmosphere of general joy and fun. This can be done in such forms as reflecting impressions from excursions in drawing, designing, making models or gifts that children give to former soldiers on Victory Day, just on the street, in the park, etc.

    When instilling in children a love for their hometown, it is necessary to bring them to the understanding that their city is a part of the Motherland, since all places, large and small, have much in common:

    • Everywhere people work for everyone (teachers, doctors...)
    • Traditions are observed everywhere: the Motherland remembers the heroes who protected it from enemies
    • People of different nationalities live everywhere, work together, help each other
    • People take care of and protect nature
    • There are common professional and public holidays

    A continuation of this work is to introduce children to other cities of Russia, to the capital of our Motherland, to the anthem, to the flag and coat of arms of the Russian Federation (it should be emphasized that the proposed system of moral and patriotic education can be modified depending on specific conditions).

    Cultivating attitudes towards one’s country relies more on the cognitive component: children are given information that they should and can learn. Knowledge should be emotional and encourage the child to practice.

    When getting acquainted with the nature of your native country, the emphasis is on its beauty and diversity, on its characteristics (by which tree you can immediately identify Russia, what flowers bloom in Russian meadows, what animals live in our forests...)

    The means of patriotic education is art: music (Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev), works of art (poems by Blok, Yesenin), fine art (paintings by Levitan, Shishkin). It is necessary that the works be highly artistic.

    An important part of the work of instilling love for the Motherland is the formation in children of an idea about the people of their native country, those people who glorified our Motherland (artists, composers, inventors, scientists, travelers, doctors - the choice depends on the teacher). It is also necessary, using specific examples, through specific people, to introduce children to the “character” of the Russian people (creativity, skill, songfulness, hospitality, responsiveness, ability to defend their homeland, etc.). Looking at illustrations, listening to works of art, conversations, as well as drawing, excursions, travel games - all this helps to solve the problem.

    Solving the problems of patriotic education largely depends on the teacher and parents. If adults truly love their Motherland, are devoted to it, and know how to notice and show attractive sides to the child along with criticism, we can hope for the effectiveness of educational work.


    Patriotism is the highest moral feeling. Expressed in sincere love for the Motherland, one’s people, family and loved ones. Over the past centuries, true patriots have proven to the whole world the purity of self-awareness in this aspect. In the history of the people, actions caused by the patriotic idea are reflected as self-sacrifice for the good of society. The character of a patriot is unshakable and firm.

    Positive moral character traits are shaped by society and human behavior. Education, historical literacy and spiritual values ​​influence the formation of patriotism.

    Three components of this feeling:

    History of the people, the country.
    Accurate knowledge of national rituals, culture and language.

    Since ancient times, the idea of ​​patriotism has been interpreted as an inexplicable generalized behavior based on moral concepts.

    Positive feeling of patriotism

    A person’s positive sense of patriotism is associated with the state, nationality and region.

    Speaking about the positive feeling of patriotism, it is worth noting that the scale of this moral foundation is different. At the level of an entire state, true patriotism is not possible without a cohesive, fair society. It must know that it holds the future, the fate of the homeland and the upbringing of the younger generation.

    People's love for the country does not lie in statements, philanthropy and compliance with all laws. This is an interest in folklore, leading religions and personalities who changed everyone's lives for the better.

    Using the example of world wars associated with the Russian Empire. You can clearly see the unity of real citizens. It is positive feelings that give such results. And the position in society becomes unimportant when hostilities are of a protracted nature. People who understand everything without words on a subconscious level become one big family. Where respect for age is held in high esteem, raising a strong young generation.

    A good level of patriotism is set in higher military educational institutions. The officer elite of any country has no meaning without honor and respect for the history of the state.

    A simple person who works for the benefit of his native land, without a positive sense of patriotism, is not capable of good deeds. This state is defined as civil patriotism. A proper society, brought up on traditions, provides a chance to pass on knowledge through generations and preserve the purity and nobility of the nation. There is nothing to do in work, craft and science without a good moral school.

    It is necessary to cultivate a positive attitude in a person as early as possible. Educational systems have been created for this purpose. They provide the basis for strong-willed patriotic thinking. With age, despite the economic situation in the region, sensible patriots do not look for a better share on the side. This is a somewhat craven stage for them.

    The feeling of patriotism, as one of the brightest in life, contains experiences of a moral nature. That is, by changing his native region or country to a more comfortable standard of living, a person leaves spirituality in relation to nature and people as a “bargaining chip”. In the age of financial values, this is not of sufficient importance to the large circle of people interested in the imposed culture. However, without knowing your native speech, you cannot feel someone else’s. Societies that do not accept everyone who strives for a better life at the expense of others will retain only a positive and real attitude towards patriotism for their descendants.

    Negative feeling of patriotism

    This feeling is called anti-patriotism. The complete opposite of a noble, established feeling.

    May be caused by the reaction of a person or society to changing conditions of existence. Economic consequences, migration or emigration. When a person finds himself in an unusual, unstable society, a negative feeling of patriotism stems from rejection of the culture of another community.

    There is often a complete denial of spiritual native values. In this case, traditions, speech culture and attitudes towards society are negative. A person or a group of people deny the moral values ​​given by their relatives and with maximalism promote the principles that are comfortable and fashionable at the moment.

    In modern history, the replacement of the values ​​of Russian society with cosmopolitanism is clearly visible. In this historical cycle, it was clearly shown how the anti-religious, propaganda rudiments of reason are awakening. People who voluntarily and forcibly abandoned their families and property devoted themselves to false intentions. This behavior among the masses of people is caused not only by anti-patriotism, but also by the denial of spiritual feelings. The humanity of society towards others in this form is minimal. It is based not on fair perception, but on the propaganda attitude of certain sections of society.

    There is a fairly large level of negativity in counter-patriotism. This feeling is based on the ideal representation of the native country, the common nation. It is also mistakenly called nationalism. In essence, nationalism does not provoke action towards other nationalities. On the contrary, relying on culture, fundamentals and spirituality, it carries within itself love only for one’s homeland and moral values.

    Bottom line

    Subconsciously, every person has a civic position that should be supported as a personal opinion on the issue of love for one's neighbor. For a positive key in relationships between people in society, be sincere with yourself and your loved ones. A true patriot does not promote his ideals. He demonstrates by personal example how one should relate to one’s homeland, religion and traditions. By observing this, any society will earn respect!

    30 March 2014, 18:36

    Types of patriotism

    Patriotism can manifest itself in the following forms:

    1. polis patriotism- existed in ancient city-states (policies);
    2. imperial patriotism- maintained feelings of loyalty to the empire and its government;
    3. ethnic patriotism- fundamentally has feelings of love for one’s ethnic group;
    4. state patriotism- the basis is feelings of love for the state.
    5. leavened patriotism (jingoism)- it is based on hypertrophied feelings of love for the state and its people.

    Patriotism in history

    A car magnet is a popular way to demonstrate patriotism among all parties in the United States in 2004.

    The concept itself had different content and was understood differently. In antiquity, the term patria ("homeland") was applied to the native city-state, but not to wider communities (such as "Hellas", "Italy"); Thus, the term patriota meant a supporter of one's city-state, although, for example, a sense of pan-Greek patriotism existed at least since the Greco-Persian Wars, and in the works of Roman writers of the early Empire one can see a peculiar sense of Italian patriotism.

    Imperial Rome, in turn, saw Christianity as a threat to imperial patriotism. Although Christians preached obedience to authority and offered prayers for the well-being of the empire, they refused to take part in imperial cults, which, according to the emperors, should contribute to the growth of imperial patriotism.

    The preaching of Christianity about the heavenly homeland and the idea of ​​the Christian community as a special “people of God” raised doubts about the loyalty of Christians to the earthly fatherland.

    But subsequently in the Roman Empire there was a rethinking of the political role of Christianity. After the Roman Empire adopted Christianity, it began to use Christianity to strengthen the unity of the empire, counteract local nationalism and local paganism, forming ideas about the Christian empire as the earthly homeland of all Christians.

    In the Middle Ages, when loyalty to the civil collective gave way to loyalty to the monarch, the term lost relevance and regained it in modern times.

    In the era of the American and French bourgeois revolutions, the concept of “patriotism” was identical to the concept of “nationalism”, with a political (non-ethnic) understanding of the nation; for this reason, in France and America at that time, the concept of “patriot” was synonymous with the concept of “revolutionary”. The symbols of this revolutionary patriotism are the Declaration of Independence and the Marseillaise. With the advent of the concept of “nationalism,” patriotism began to be contrasted with nationalism, as commitment to the country (territory and state) - commitment to the human community (nation). However, often these concepts act as synonyms or similar in meaning.

    Rejection of patriotism by universalist ethics

    Patriotism and Christian tradition

    Early Christianity

    The consistent universalism and cosmopolitanism of early Christianity, its preaching about a heavenly homeland in contrast to earthly fatherlands and the idea of ​​the Christian community as a special “people of God” undermined the very foundations of polis patriotism. Christianity denied any differences not only between the peoples of the empire, but also between the Romans and the “barbarians.” The Apostle Paul instructed: “If you have been raised with Christ, then seek the things that are above (...) putting on the new<человека>“where there is neither Greek nor Jew, neither circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free, but Christ is all and in all.”(Colossians 3, 11). According to the apologetic "Epistle to Diognetus" attributed to Justin Martyr, “They (Christians) live in their own fatherland, but like strangers (...). For them, every foreign country is a fatherland, and every fatherland is a foreign country. (...) They are on earth, but they are citizens of heaven.” The French historian Ernest Renan formulated the position of the early Christians as follows: “The Church is the homeland of the Christian, just as the synagogue is the homeland of the Jew; Christians and Jews live in every country as strangers. The Christian hardly recognizes father or mother. He owes nothing to the empire (...) The Christian does not rejoice at the victories of the empire; He considers social disasters to be the fulfillment of prophecies dooming the world to destruction from barbarians and fire.” .

    Contemporary Christian Authors on Patriotism

    Patriotism is undoubtedly relevant. This is a feeling that makes the people and every person responsible for the life of the country. Without patriotism there is no such responsibility. If I don’t think about my people, then I have no home, no roots. Because a home is not only comfort, it is also responsibility for the order in it, it is responsibility for the children who live in this house. A person without patriotism, in fact, does not have his own country. And a “man of peace” is the same as a homeless person.

    Let us remember the Gospel parable of the prodigal son. The young man left home, and then returned, and his father forgave him and accepted him with love. Usually in this parable they pay attention to what the father did when he accepted the prodigal son. But we must not forget that the son, having wandered around the world, returned to his home, because it is impossible for a person to live without his foundations and roots.

    <…>It seems to me that the feeling of love for one’s own people is as natural for a person as the feeling of love for God. It can be distorted. And throughout its history, humanity has more than once distorted the feeling invested by God. But it is there.

    And here one more thing is very important. A feeling of patriotism must in no case be confused with a feeling of hostility towards other peoples. Patriotism in this sense is consonant with Orthodoxy. One of the most important commandments of Christianity: do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you. Or as it sounds in Orthodox doctrine in the words of Seraphim of Sarov: save yourself, acquire a peaceful spirit, and thousands around you will be saved. Same thing with patriotism. Do not destroy others, but build yourself. Then others will treat you with respect. I think that today this is the main task of patriots: building our own country.

    Alexy II. Interview to the newspaper "Trud"

    On the other hand, according to the Orthodox theologian Abbot Peter (Meshcherinov), love for the earthly homeland is not something that expresses the essence of Christian teaching and is obligatory for a Christian. However, the church, at the same time, finding its historical existence on earth, is not an opponent of patriotism, as a healthy and natural feeling of love. At the same time, however, she “does not perceive any natural feeling as a moral given, for man is a fallen being, and a feeling, even such as love, left to oneself, does not come out of the state of fall, but in the religious aspect leads to paganism.” Therefore, “patriotism has dignity from a Christian point of view and receives church meaning if and only when love for the homeland is the active implementation of God’s commandments towards it.”

    Contemporary Christian publicist Dmitry Talantsev considers patriotism an anti-Christian heresy. In his opinion, patriotism puts the homeland in the place of God, while “the Christian worldview implies the fight against evil, upholding the truth completely regardless of where, in what country this evil occurs and departure from the truth.”

    Modern criticism of patriotism

    In modern times, Leo Tolstoy considered patriotism a feeling “rude, harmful, shameful and bad, and most importantly, immoral.” He believed that patriotism inevitably gives rise to wars and serves as the main support for state oppression. Tolstoy believed that patriotism was deeply alien to the Russian people, as well as to working representatives of other nations: in his entire life he had not heard from representatives of the people any sincere expressions of feelings of patriotism, but on the contrary, many times he had heard expressions of disdain and contempt for patriotism.

    Tell people that war is bad, they will laugh: who doesn’t know that? Say that patriotism is bad, and most people will agree, but with a small reservation. -Yes, bad patriotism is bad, but there is another patriotism, the one we adhere to. - But no one explains what this good patriotism is. If good patriotism consists in not being aggressive, as many say, then all patriotism, if it is not aggressive, is certainly retentionist, that is, that people want to retain what was previously conquered, since there is no country that would not have been founded by conquest, and it is impossible to retain what has been conquered by other means than those by which something is conquered, that is, by violence, murder. If patriotism is not even restraining, then it is restorative - the patriotism of the conquered, oppressed peoples - Armenians, Poles, Czechs, Irish, etc. And this patriotism is perhaps the worst, because it is the most embittered and requires the greatest violence. They will say: “Patriotism has united people into states and maintains the unity of states.” But people have already united into states, this thing has been accomplished; Why now support the exclusive devotion of people to their state, when this devotion produces terrible disasters for all states and peoples. After all, the same patriotism that brought about the unification of people into states is now destroying these very states. After all, if there was only one patriotism: the patriotism of some Englishmen, then it could be considered unifying or beneficial, but when, as now, there is patriotism: American, English, German, French, Russian, all opposite to one another, then patriotism is no longer connects and separates.

    L. Tolstoy. Patriotism or Peace?

    One of Tolstoy's favorite expressions was Samuel Johnson's aphorism: Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in the April Theses, ideologically branded the “revolutionary defencists” as compromisers with the Provisional Government. University of Chicago professor Paul Gomberg compares patriotism with racism, in the sense that both presuppose moral obligations and connections of a person primarily with representatives of “their” community. Critics of patriotism also note the following paradox: if patriotism is a virtue, and during the war, soldiers of both the parties are patriots, then they are equally virtuous; but it is precisely for virtue that they kill each other, although ethics prohibits killing for virtue.

    Ideas for the synthesis of patriotism and cosmopolitanism

    The opposite of patriotism is usually considered cosmopolitanism, as the ideology of global citizenship and “homeland-world”, in which “attachment to one’s people and fatherland seems to lose all interest from the point of view of universal ideas.” . In particular, similar oppositions in the USSR during the time of Stalin led to the fight against “rootless cosmopolitans.”

    On the other hand, there are ideas of a synthesis of cosmopolitanism and patriotism, in which the interests of the homeland and the world, one’s people and humanity are understood as subordinate, as the interests of the part and the whole, with the unconditional priority of universal human interests. Thus, the English writer and Christian thinker Clive Staples Lewis wrote: “patriotism is a good quality, much better than the selfishness inherent in an individualist, but universal brotherly love is higher than patriotism, and if they come into conflict with each other, then preference should be given to brotherly love”. The modern German philosopher M. Riedel finds this approach already in Immanuel Kant. Contrary to neo-Kantians, who focus on the universalist content of Kant’s ethics and his idea of ​​​​creating a world republic and a universal legal and political order, M. Riedel believes that in Kant, patriotism and cosmopolitanism are not opposed to each other, but are mutually agreed upon, and Kant sees both in patriotism, so in cosmopolitanism manifestations of love. According to M. Riedel, Kant, in contrast to the universalist cosmopolitanism of the Enlightenment, emphasizes that man, in accordance with the idea of ​​world citizenship, is involved in both the fatherland and the world, believing that man, as a citizen of the world and the earth, is a true “cosmopolitan” in order to “contribute to the good of all peace, must have a tendency to be attached to his country." .

    In pre-revolutionary Russia, this idea was defended by Vladimir Solovyov, polemicizing with the neo-Slavophile theory of self-sufficient “cultural-historical types.” . In an article on cosmopolitanism in ESBE, Soloviev argued: “just as love for the fatherland does not necessarily contradict attachment to closer social groups, for example, to one’s family, so devotion to universal human interests does not exclude patriotism. The only question is the final or highest standard for assessing this or that moral interest; and, without a doubt, the decisive priority here must belong to the good of the whole of humanity, as including the true good of each part.”. On the other hand, Solovyov saw the prospects of patriotism as follows: Idolatry towards one’s own people, being associated with actual enmity towards strangers, is thereby doomed to inevitable death.(...) Everywhere consciousness and life are being prepared to assimilate a new, true idea of ​​patriotism, derived from the essence of the Christian principle: “by virtue of natural love and moral duties to his fatherland, to place his interest and dignity mainly in those highest goods that do not divide, but unite people and nations.” .


    1. in Brockhaus and Efron contains words about P. as a moral virtue.
    2. An example of public opinion polls shows that the majority of respondents support patriotic slogans.
    3. “Culture shock” from August 2, discussion about Russian patriotism, Viktor Erofeev, Alexey Chadayev, Ksenia Larina. Radio "Echo of Moscow".
    4. on the VTsIOM website.
    5. An example of the interpretation of patriotism: “Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov: “Patriotism is love for one’s own country, not hatred of someone else’s” - Interview of Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov of the Russian Orthodox Church with Boris Klin, Izvestia newspaper, September 12. Among the theses of the interviewee: patriotism is not related to a person’s attitude to state policy, patriotism cannot mean hatred of others, patriotism is cultivated with the help of religion, etc.
    6. Information material from VTsIOM. Report on a 2006 public opinion poll on the topic of Russian patriotism. In this report, there is no common understanding of society about patriotism and patriots.
    7. An example of the interpretation of patriotism: Virus of Betrayal, unsigned material, an article from a selection of the website of the far-right nationalist organization RNE. Contains the opinion that the duties of a true patriot include supporting anti-Zionist actions.
    8. Georgy Kurbatov The evolution of polis ideology, spiritual and cultural life of the city. Archived from the original on November 19, 2012. Retrieved November 12, 2012.
    9. See English Wikipedia
    10. http://ippk.edu.mhost.ru/content/view/159/34/
    11. http://kropka.ru/refs/70/26424/1.html
    12. Epistle to Diognetus: Justin Martyr
    13. E. J. Renan. Marcus Aurelius and the end of the ancient world
    14. Alexy II. Interview with the Trud newspaper / November 3, 2005
    15. O. Peter (Meshcherinov). Life in the church. Reflections on patriotism.
    16. D. Talantsev. Heresy of Patriotism / Treasure of Truth: Christian Magazine
    17. http://az.lib.ru/t/tolstoj_lew_nikolaewich/text_0750-1.shtml
    18. Paul Gomberg, "Patriotism is Like Racism," in Igor Primoratz, ed., Patriotism, Humanity Books, 2002, pp. 105-112. ISBN 1-57392-955-7.
    19. Cosmopolitanism - Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
    20. "cosmopolitans". Electronic Jewish Encyclopedia
    21. Clive Staples Lewis. Just Christianity
    22. http://www.politjournal.ru/index.php?action=Articles&dirid=67&tek=6746&issue=188
    23. Universalism of human rights and patriotism (Kant’s political testament) (Riedel M.)
    24. Boris Mezhuev
    25. [Patriotism]- article from the Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
    26. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional ones). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

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