• Why are cats afraid of water and basic recommendations for swimming. Why cats don't like water

    28 Oct 2012,

    For some reason, many people think that our cats don't like to bathe . We think they afraid of water ?

    Why then do jaguars and tigers swim very well, since they also belong to the cat family? Jaguars even hunt crocodiles by diving into the river.

    And domestic cats abandoned by their owners can fish in a lake or river for food. But please don't do such experiments.

    Cats are animals that “walk on their own” or also say “on their own.”

    Depending on the mood, our pets can play with tap water, splash in a puddle or swim in the bath. But only when they want it. You can't force them, they will scratch and pull out.

    But they don’t want to swim because they reason roughly like this: “Well, I’ll splash around in the water for about five minutes (besides, the water is also wet), and then I’ll have to strain for half a day: dry myself, lick myself with my tongue (by the way, the tongue is not official) . No, it’s not a cat’s business.”

    Cats are obsessed with cleanliness, constantly lick their fur coat , but at the same time terribly lazy. Have you noticed how they shake their paws with disgust if, God forbid, they step on something wet?

    Well, now, seriously.

    It is believed that washing cats is not necessary. They lick themselves.

    Cat saliva contains special substances (enzymes) that destroy all bacteria and dirt in all inaccessible places.

    In addition, cat fur is covered with natural lubricant, which is washed off after bathing. And if the cat is healthy, then it is clean itself and does not need to be bathed.

    Usually it is enough to bathe 2-3 times a year, and then only in the warm season. The exception is kittens and older cats, which need to be bathed after consultation with a veterinarian.

    Cats never get cold and never suffer from heat due to the structure of their coat. The undercoat forms a thin air cushion. This thermoregulation is disrupted if the cat's fur is wet.

    Therefore, even in the warm season, a wet cat can catch a cold and get sick. Not to mention swimming in the cold season.

    In fact, cats are not afraid of water.

    Cats swim quite well, but in water they feel helpless and therefore, obeying the instinct of self-preservation, they avoid the water. Cats need trees and open space, not water.

    But we can gradually teach our pet not to be afraid of water, and then take a bath.

    How to do this, you ask?

    First, leave the water in the bathroom tap open a little (if you don’t have a water meter).

    The sound of water will attract her attention, and cats are very curious by nature. She will be interested to know what is murmuring there, and she will definitely carefully approach closer and closer to the water.

    But all this will not happen in one day, you need to be patient and not interfere with the cat mastering the bath.

    If she sees that she is being watched, she will leave out of a sense of self-preservation, even though she will be very interested. Don't bother her.

    If you grab it and push it into the water, the cat will be very scared and will never go near the water again, it will always be afraid of it.

    So how do you get her used to water?

    First she will watch the water.

    Then, seeing that nothing threatens her, he will come closer.

    Then he will catch a stream of water with his paw and try to drink it. She'll love it. The cat will feel that the water in the apartment is safe.

    In a few days she will calmly jump into the bath and drink water from an open tap. It is very funny.

    Over time, the cat will become completely comfortable and will not be afraid to approach the water even in your presence.

    Then you can pour a little water into the bath just to wet her paws. Leave the tap slightly open.

    When this becomes a habit, you can add a little more water. And so gradually the cat will get used to it and will not be afraid of water and swimming in it.

    Well, we found out “Why don’t cats like to swim?” Or do they like to swim? You decide.

    Or maybe there is something else you want to know? Write. I'll be glad to answer.

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    Everyone knows what cats are more afraid of than dogs. Yes, yes, we are talking about water. And everyone who has these cute purrs at home knows well what kind of clawed constructs they can turn into when the time comes to give them a bath - it’s rare that one of the owners was not decorated with scratches after that.

    The more we are amazed by photographs or videos in which cats swim with visible interest and even pleasure. So why are cats so afraid of water? What is more here - genetics, the consequences of evolution, personal hostility, phobia? What is the reason for the seemingly irrational fear inherent in these brave creatures?

    This question, of course, could not be ignored by zoologists. And it turned out: it’s not a matter of fear, but a reluctance to get wet for completely rational reasons, the main one of which is the instinct of self-preservation.

    First of all, there is the risk of hypothermia. Between top layer There is a “layer” of air in the fur and skin of a cat - the so-called air cushion, a protective layer heated by the heat of the cat’s body. Thanks to this, the animal does not freeze. As soon as the wool gets wet, all these thermal insulation properties disappear.

    But why then are dogs not afraid of water? To understand, you need to remember the lifestyle of these two animals. A dog is a pack animal. And in a flock, if you are freezing, you can snuggle up to your neighbor. When chasing prey, the dog runs a lot. If she gets wet, she runs around and dries off. And most importantly, dogs know how to shake themselves off, but this is not at all typical for cats.

    Another factor is that when it gets wet, it begins to emit a very strong odor. But the hunter’s instinct cannot agree with this: the prey can smell it. There is no prey - you will be hungry. And this is a real threat to life.

    The other side of the coin: the “fragrant” wet fur not only scares off prey, but also makes the cat noticeable to larger hunters who can attack at any moment. And here you can’t concentrate, because you need to carefully lick every centimeter of the fur coat! The dog will be warned about the danger by a fellow tribesman, but the cat has no one to count on.

    Another one possible reason is that raw wool is collected a large number of dust and dirt that gets into the cat's stomach while washing. In addition, a humid, warm environment is ideal conditions for the development of all kinds of bacteria, microorganisms, fungi and other “illegals”.

    It seems incredible that many zoologists believe that one of the reasons why cats do not like to bathe is an intuitive “awareness” of the listed consequences water procedures.

    Doesn't an imaginary fear of water make cats defenseless against this element? Can cats swim? Of course yes. Moreover, felines are excellent swimmers by nature, capable of covering considerable distances with their faces stretched out in disgust above the water and their sparkling eyes wide open in horror. It is interesting that cats can swim almost from birth - even one-month-old kittens actively work with their paws, scooping up water like a dog.

    But why would cats, who hate water, need this skill? It's not hard to guess: cats can swim, like most warm-blooded animals, literally just in case. What if there is a flood? Or will the pursuing enemy drive you straight to the river?

    Strange but true: many wild cats are not afraid of hypothermia, overheating or germs. They are not even afraid of the smell, which makes the cat more noticeable to prey and potential enemies. Wild cats that love to swim happily frolic in the water, dive and catch splashes, absolutely not thinking about the consequences of getting their fur wet: tigers, servals, jaguarundi, Sumatran cats.

    Domestic cats that are not afraid of water are not that uncommon. Many pets enthusiastically play with the stream running from the tap, catch droplets of rain, and stir up the water poured into the pan with their paws. Some even cool down on hot days by putting their heads under the stream flowing from the tap.

    Very roughly, we can name the breeds of smart cats that love water: Bengal, Turkish Van, Sphynx, Rex, Kuril Bobtail, Savannah. However, these are only general trends, since all cats have an individual character. And, more importantly, the attitude towards water is often formed during the first “meeting” with the mysterious element.

    Why are some cats not afraid of water? November 5th, 2017

    Yes, I myself remember how we tried to bathe our cat and left the bath all scratched. And one day we took her to the sea and she just jumped out of the water like a bullet and didn’t come close anymore.

    However, look at the video, the cat swims with interest and feels quite comfortable in the water. Why do cats behave so differently?

    First, let's find out why cats don't want to get wet. Zoologists at one time paid close attention to this issue. Probably just out of curiosity, but it was worth it: it turned out that the mustachioed hunters are not afraid of water at all, and do not want to get wet for completely rational reasons.


    Between the top layer of fur and the cat’s skin there is a “layer” of air - the so-called air cushion. This is a protective layer that is heated by the warmth of the cat's body and prevents the pet from freezing. When wet, wool loses its insulating properties. But why are cats afraid of water and dogs are not? To understand, you need to remember the lifestyle of these two animals.

    A dog is a pack animal; if it gets cold, it will cuddle up to its fellow tribesman and warm up. The dog hunts, chasing prey - it ran and dried up. The dog tracks game, covering long distances - it walked and dried. In addition, they also know how to shake themselves off - droplets of water literally slide off the fur covered with sebum. Now it’s obvious why cats don’t like to swim: there’s no one to snuggle up to, they wait for prey almost without moving, they rarely leave the territory (almost never, to be precise), and they don’t know how to shake themselves off. She lay there and froze while the dog frolicked and dried out. Of course, a pet is unlikely to become hypothermic if it dries out in an apartment, but at the genetic level it “remembers” that wet fur will not protect against the cold.


    The same air cushion also protects the cat from overheating, preventing the sun's rays from penetrating deep into the fur. The dog loves to swim, because in hot weather it can breathe by sticking out its tongue. But cats can't do this.


    As written above, the cat lies in wait for its prey, frozen in a shelter. But everything will go down the drain if the prey smells the hunter. Wet wool smells much stronger because the body temperature rises as it dries. Hunger is a real threat to life and a perfectly reasonable explanation for why cats don't like water.


    The other side of the coin: the “fragrant” wet fur not only scares off prey, but also makes the cat noticeable to larger hunters who can attack at any moment. And here you can’t concentrate, because you need to carefully lick every centimeter of the fur coat! The dog will be warned about the danger by a fellow tribesman, but the cat has no one to count on.


    Damp fur collects a large amount of dust and dirt, which gets into the cat's stomach during washing. In addition, a humid, warm environment is ideal conditions for the development of all kinds of bacteria, microorganisms, fungi and other “illegals.” It seems incredible that many zoologists believe that one of the reasons why cats do not like to swim is their intuitive “awareness” of the listed consequences of water procedures.


    Doesn't an imaginary fear of water make cats defenseless against this element? Can cats swim? Of course yes. Moreover, felines are excellent swimmers by nature, capable of covering considerable distances, disdainfully stretching out their faces above the water and opening their sparkling eyes in horror (apparently, they are going through the consequences of getting wet in their minds). It is interesting that cats can swim almost from birth - even one-month-old kittens actively work with their paws, scooping up water like a dog.

    But why would cats, who hate water, need this skill? It's not hard to guess: cats can swim, like most warm-blooded animals, literally just in case. What if there is a flood? Or will the pursuing enemy drive you straight to the river?

    Strange but true: many wild cats have no fear of hypothermia, overheating or germs. They are not even afraid of the smell, which makes the cat more noticeable to prey and potential enemies. Wild cats that love to swim happily frolic in the water, dive and catch splashes, absolutely not thinking about the consequences of getting their fur wet: tigers, servals, jaguarundi, Sumatran cats.

    Domestic cats that are not afraid of water are not that uncommon. Many pets enthusiastically play with the stream running from the tap, catch droplets of rain, and stir up the water poured into the pan with their paws. Some even cool down on hot days by putting their heads under the stream flowing from the tap. Special unique ones jump into the bathtub when the owner is taking a shower: either for company, or out of curiosity, but on their own, voluntarily!

    Very roughly, we can name the breeds of smart cats that love water: Bengal, Turkish Van, Sphynx, Rex, Kuril Bobtail, Savannah. However, these are only general trends, since all cats have an individual character. And, more importantly, the attitude towards water is often formed during the first “meeting” with the mysterious element.

    Those. It turns out it all depends on the character of the cat and the first experiences of communicating with water.

    The sight of a cat swimming in a pond always arouses interest and delight. It’s not clear how this is possible, because all furry creatures are terrified of water. We've all heard about it, but no one knows why cats are afraid of water.

    Why are cats afraid of water?

    They are naturally good swimmers, but why are cats afraid of water? Even bathing in the bathroom causes them to simply panic. Many owners ask this question, but no one has a reliable answer. It is necessary to eliminate this gap and explain to the owners what this fear is associated with.

    b"> Stories and legends about cats and water

    History says that cats come from North Africa. It was there that their descendants of the dun (Nubian) cat breed lived. Their habitat suggested remoteness from bodies of water. For the ancient cat, water was a dangerous, even deadly element. This breed could not swim, unlike modern species.

    Therefore, they try to avoid meeting water. All breeds have carried such panic fear through the centuries, and this is one of the explanations for such a feeling. Although wild cats on the islands in the Irish Sea are absolutely not afraid of water and willingly go into it to “fish”. Bobtails love water and are exceptional swimmers, but these are the exception.

    Officially, many veterinarians explain the fear of water by the special structure of the coat. Wool is an insulating material, but not an object of admiration. It protects the cat not only from cold, but also from heat. When wet, these properties are lost and the cat freezes. Our furry friends are great at caring for their fur coats on their own. The desire to redeem is inherent only in the owner, who absolutely does not care about the feelings and fears of the pet itself.

    One has only to remember in what form a cat can come home in March after a week-long binge. It’s scary to let him into the house; this is only possible through the bathtub. But you shouldn't do this. He will eat, sleep and tidy up his coat on his own. He had to endure a lot of stress on the street; there is no need to add another one to him in the form of swimming.

    A loving owner will understand and tolerate bad smell. To the question “why?” legend provides the answer. According to legend, cats enter the water only when there is danger and there is a need to escape. Maybe it is the instinct of self-preservation that causes them to have a panicky fear of water.

    Official reasons for fear of water

    Cats and cats. Are they afraid of water?

    • wet fur increases body odor, which negatively affects hunting. This smell repels potential prey;
    • fear of a predator who will determine the cat’s location by smell;
    • Water getting into the ear can cause deafness. This fact also causes fear;
    • fear of water is an instinct of self-preservation.

    Well, everything seems to be clear here, but how to teach a cat not to be afraid of water? This cannot be called care, rather mockery. Cats don't need bathing. But if the desire is stronger than common sense, then it is necessary to accustom him to water while still a kitten. Then there is an opportunity to overcome this cat phobia.

    d"> How to wash an adult cat?

    Many owners, having forgotten common sense in their care, still wonder how to wash a cat if it is afraid of water. Be patient, wear protective gloves and wash. Obviously, someone else will need help. It will be quite difficult to contain a raging animal. There is an opinion that cats do not allow themselves to be washed because people have recently begun to drown kittens. But this is nothing more than a legend.

    Before washing your cat, you need to check the water temperature. It should be close to the animal's body temperature. This is 38-39°C. But even in this case, the procedure is a difficult test for the animal. What gives pleasure to a person is extremely unpleasant for a cat. This must be remembered before bathing your pet. He will not get pleasure from this.

    Of course, there are situations when it is simply necessary to bathe a cat. For example, if one of the household members is allergic to a cat. Cat fur does not cause allergies. Such a reaction may be to dead epidermal cells that crumble in the places where the cat lives. These scales are strong allergens. Only in this case is bathing necessary. Moreover, doctors recommend doing this twice a week.

    It is advisable to use unscented shampoos when washing cats. You can get used to water using a few simple rules:

    1. Only bathe your cat when absolutely necessary. Cats can clean their fur on their own until it shines.
    2. There are special dry shampoos for cats that are used without water; if you really need to clean them, use such products.
    3. Take your first bath with protective equipment. The cat will definitely scratch.
    4. To prevent the animal from slipping, place a diaper or towel on the bottom of the bathtub.
    5. It is better to fill the bathtub first. The water level should reach the animal's belly. The sound of water can be scary.
    6. An animal that is in the bathtub must be held tightly. As soon as the cat feels that his arms are weak, he will try to slip out of the bathroom.
    7. Do not spend more than 10 minutes on water procedures. In rare cases, when the cat enjoys this, the time can be increased.
    8. Make sure that water does not get into your eyes and especially your ears. This can cause deafness.
    9. After bathing, wrap your pet in a soft towel. Wet wool can cause hypothermia.
    10. You can use your favorite toys while bathing. This will dull the feeling of fear a little.

    Cat breeds that are not afraid of water

    It should already be clear that cats are not afraid of water. As soon as the fur becomes wet, the animal loses its heat-conducting properties. It causes:

    • risk of overheating;
    • hypothermia;
    • increased odor.

    All cats are excellent swimmers, but there is a breed of cats that are not afraid of water. Not even one breed, there are several of them. They enjoy playing in the water, frolicking, and some hunt. This:

    • serval;
    • Sumatran cat;
    • jaguarundi;
    • sphinx;
    • rexes;
    • Siamese.

    f"> How to make a domestic cat a waterfowl?

    Many people have seen simple kittens frolicking near basins of water somewhere on the lawn near the house. This does not mean that in front of you domestic cat, which is not afraid of water. Simply, if this practice is carried out regularly, the animal will grow up with no fear of water. Bathing an adult who has been accustomed to water since childhood will not cause any trouble.

    Such cats calmly climb into the shower or bathtub, where the owner takes water procedures. Play with trickles of water or raindrops. Some of them happily climb into containers of water during the summer heat.

    This situation is easy to explain. A cat is a freedom-loving animal. She does not tolerate violence. She developed an independent interest in water as a child. No one forced her or used violence. Therefore, there is no fear of water. She herself does only what she likes.

    Cats are magnificent, graceful animals. They are ready to pay for care from their owner with boundless love and affection. But the concern is not bathing. If the cat doesn't like it, then you shouldn't do it. Otherwise, she will stop trusting you and won’t give in to you.

    In addition to water itself, cats may not like scented cleaning products: they are disgusted by the smell of even not very scented soap, regular shampoos which the owners use can cause allergies in the cat

    A March cat that accidentally wanders home during a break between sprees is not the most pleasant sight for its owners. You want to bathe an emaciated and dirty animal first, and then feed and caress it.

    In addition to water itself, cats may not like scented detergents: they are disgusted by the smell of even not very scented soap; ordinary shampoos used by owners can cause allergies in the cat

    But the cat has his own point of view on this procedure: first he should eat, then sleep, and bathing can be completely excluded from the program. Why cats are afraid of water is a question of all times and peoples, to which felinologists give a somewhat unexpected answer: cats are not afraid of water, they just don’t like it.

    When the animal's fur becomes wet, heat exchange is disrupted, when water gets into the ears, the cat's hearing is dulled, and it can become disoriented in space, which is undesirable for nocturnal predators.

    Cats can swim too, but they don't float...

    The instinct of self-preservation, inherent in all living beings by nature, involves leaving the comfort zone and overcoming any obstacles for the sake of survival. For a cat to leave her comfort zone means to come into contact with moisture that is so unloved and unpleasant for her. Moreover, it is not necessary to swim, but also to get caught in the rain, walk through dew or a small puddle - the mustachioed do not like water in any of its manifestations.

    But why are cats afraid of water? Who said that? Little kittens can happily wallow in a bowl of water in the heat. Adult cats, saving their life or the life of their baby, are able to overcome water distances of impressive length; they even stoically endure water treatments periodically arranged by loving owners.

    “I’m afraid” and “I can’t stand it” are different attitudes towards water. Cats have developed disgust and distrust for her over the centuries; with all their appearance they demonstrate precisely dislike, but not fear. But in case of danger, small animals bravely rush into a pond and stubbornly swim towards their goal. Even kittens. True, not everyone has the strength to swim.

    There is a version that cats’ aversion to water became established after people began to show extreme cruelty towards animals and began to drown the extra kittens from the litter, or even all of them.

    Attention! A cat may have a fear of water if it falls into a large body of water - for it this is an unknown element, it does not know how to behave, so the animal’s fear is completely justified.

    Human-induced contact

    The procedure of bathing a cat deserves a separate discussion, it is difficult for both the animal and the person. Why are cats afraid of warm, pleasant water, after which they turn from hopeless dirty creatures into neat, cute pets with silky fur? Here you need to take into account the fact that a cat is a freedom-loving animal that does not tolerate anything imposed. She even goes into arms only when she wants it.

    And here, not only was the animal grabbed against its will and began to squeeze (showing tenderness is a standard preparation for bathing), but a tub of water was also poured on its head.

    What people consider pleasant and comfortable (warm water, fragrant shampoo), cats consider unpleasant and useless (and a tongue that can perfectly lick itself, why then?).

    In addition to water itself, cats may not like aromatic washing products: they are disgusted by the smell of even not very fragrant soap; ordinary shampoos used by owners can cause an allergy in the cat, manifested in dryness, peeling and redness of the skin (symptoms are not visible under the fur, but they are very annoying to the pet), as well as sticking and dulling of the fur.

    When asked why cats are afraid of water, Wikipedia gives the answer that moisture negatively affects the air cushion located in the cat’s undercoat area - it literally washes it away. And until the animal dries out after water treatments, it feels very uncomfortable - after bathing, the cat’s body temperature drops by 5-7 °C, and the animal constantly trembles even under a towel.

    Wet wool smells bad

    The video clearly demonstrates why cats are afraid of water: watch any of the popular videos - a wet cat either screams, or breaks out, or freezes and shrinks, as if trying to shrink in size, appear small and invisible.

    Why does she react this way? Apparently, because the animal’s hunting instinct or self-preservation instinct is triggered: while waiting for prey or hiding from ill-wishers, cats hid and tried not to give themselves away, not even by smell.

    Attention! Wet fur has a very strong smell that not only the cat can hear. So the animal protests - it is afraid of being noticed.

    Water is stress

    The cat begins to experience stress even before the bathing begins - when it is brought into the bathroom. The animal, with its excellent olfactory abilities, detects the smell of the shampoo with which it is associated discomfort Since the last bath, the murmur of water also does not cause delight in the cat - she understands what is about to happen to her and is scared.

    Advice! To at least partially calm the animal, wash it with special shampoos for cats without fragrance.

    Owners are not very good at keeping their pets under running water for the time necessary for a quality wash - some cats start hysterical even before the bath begins, others hold out for 2-5 minutes, and only a few patiently wait for the end of the unpleasant procedure.

    But this does not mean that the most seasoned of animals are calm about bathing and water in general. Monitor the condition of your pet during washing: if he is pinched, his heart is pounding, calm the cat down, distract him with his favorite toy or favorite treat, so that the animal develops pleasant associations associated with bathing: after plunging into the water, something will definitely happen something interesting (game), or something tasty (meat).

    Cat breeds that are comfortable with water

    It is somewhat strange that fish lovers cannot stand water - the element in which their food floats. Even an ordinary yard cat can sometimes take a risk and catch a careless fish that has washed up on the shore, and there are animals from the cat family that, due to their breed, are not afraid of water and are constantly engaged in fishing.

    One of these is the Kurilian Bobtail. Cats of this breed not only boldly enter the water, not only swim, but also dive and hunt underwater.

    Siamese cats also take water absolutely calmly. These pets do not fish, but they allow themselves to be washed and even enjoy the procedure. This reserved behavior is explained by a legend - in ancient times, Siamese cats were allowed into the baths where royalty washed. Animals close to the august people watched the bathing and allowed their tails to be used as temporary storage for precious rings. Felinologists have a more prosaic explanation - Siamese cats have a love of water at the genetic level.

    How to train a cat not to be afraid of water?

    If the cat has an extremely negative attitude towards water and has no predisposition to bathing, the owner will have to work a little, calling on all his patience and training abilities to help. And if there are none, then you will have to develop them, and at the same time understand why the cat is afraid. Some methods for bathing your pet:

    1. Accustom your animal to water gradually - first pour a little liquid into the container - 2-3 cm and try to let the cat in there.
    2. Immerse your pet’s favorite toy or treat in water and watch how the cat reacts to it - he should definitely become interested.
    3. Increase the depth of the basin with each bath and carefully monitor the cat's behavior.
    4. When bathing an animal in a large bath, always place a wooden partition across it so that the cat can get out of the water as soon as it feels uncomfortable and insecure.
    5. Throw a lot of bright colors into the cat bath funny toys so that the animal gets the impression of hunting - this will make it much easier for the pet to endure the hardships of forced bathing.

    Observe how the animal reacts to water: it freezes, screams, breaks out, scratches - this will help you determine the degree of the animal’s aversion to water and develop a strategy for dealing with cat fears.

    Isn’t it clear why cats are afraid of water and don’t like to swim? was last modified: September 6th, 2016 by Ekaterina Efimova

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