• Policemen by the betrayal of friends and the devotion of new enemies. Statements and statuses about betrayal

    Aphorisms and quotes about betrayal

    Betrayal- this is, first of all, a violation of fidelity to someone, or failure to fulfill a duty to someone. Betrayal is present in the life of every person - on his part - only he can not notice it. Most people, when asked: “What would you not be able to forgive another person?” they answered - betrayal. The essence of betrayal is the violation of our trust in the things that are most important to us, and its beginning is exactly where our faith ends. You can do something and not to consider it a betrayal, but the other person will perceive it that way. The question arises: what to do? That’s why there are aphorisms about betrayal that will help you understand this. Betrayal is the real test of our humanity, tolerance and worthiness. We are betrayed, but on the contrary we are growing stronger!

    . The loyalty of scoundrels is as unreliable as themselves. - Pliny the Younger

    . Betrayal now promises many benefits. Devotion has become a feat for a person. - Visakhadatta

    . A woman in love would rather forgive a major indiscretion than a small infidelity. - La Rochefoucauld

    . Betrayal - payment for fear or beautiful life. - Victor Zubkov

    . Betrayal, although very cautious at first, eventually reveals itself. - Livy

    . Traitors betray themselves first of all. - Plutarch

    . The natural form of manifestation of truly popular democracy is denunciations and revelations. - Alexander Zinoviev

    . Snitch is a branch among the branches of lies and one of its varieties. - Ibn Hazm

    . They sell for a decent price worthy people. - Hot Petan

    . An honest politician does not oversell himself! - Arkady Davidovich

    . Other people only after selling are convinced that they had some kind of price. - Leszek Kumor

    . Believing the oaths of a traitor is the same as believing the piety of the devil. - Elizabeth I

    . Don Juan is the one who cheats on a woman, but not on women. - Spiegel Efim

    . The soul that has committed betrayal perceives any surprise as the beginning of retribution. - Iskander Fazil

    . Of all the living creatures on earth, I would like to have only a dog as a friend, only it is not capable of betrayal. - Tikhonov Alexander

    . Treason can be forgiven, but resentment cannot. - Akhmatova Anna Andreevna

    . He forgave betrayals with his body, but never betrayals with his soul and heart. - Afonchenko Valery

    . I love betrayal, but I hate traitors. - Caesar Julius

    . When indulging in memories, do not betray them. - Kolechitsky Vladimir

    . If a friend takes away your mistress, you should not quarrel with him completely, so that you can meet him when you feel grateful to him for it... - Albert Guinon

    . He has all the properties of a dog except loyalty. - Samuel Houston

    . If you keep a dog on a leash, do not expect affection from it. - André Wilmaitre

    . They only betray their own. - French saying

    . It’s a shame when you are Judas and they sell you like Christ. - Arkady Davidovich

    . Betrayals are most often committed not out of deliberate intention, but out of weakness of character. - Francois La Rochefoucauld

    . A golden man is easier to sell. - Slawomir Wroblewski

    . Selling out friends is not a sign of bankruptcy, but a sign of a career. - Leopold Nowak

    . It’s not so bad: we weren’t sold, we were given away for nothing. - Karel Capek

    . If you're not sure, don't betray it. - Maxim Zvonarev

    . Whoever abandoned a friend in trouble will himself know the bitterness of troubles. - Shota Rustaveli

    . Betrayal is a blow you don't expect. - Paulo Coelho

    . There is nothing to be done - either we indulge in love, or love betrays us. - Frederic Beigbeder

    . Men betray out of hatred, women out of love. - Moritz-Gottlieb Safir

    . Sending people to war untrained means betraying them. - Confucius

    . We do not fully forgive the giver. The hand that feeds may also be bitten. - Ralph Emerson

    . Some may like betrayal, but traitors are hated by everyone. - Miguel Saavedra

    . Cunning and betrayal only indicate a lack of dexterity. - Francois La Rochefoucauld

    . Be faithful to those who are faithful to you. - Plautus

    . Don't call an infidel a friend. Is a changeable person worthy of love? - Saadi

    . The faithful may sometimes deviate from the letter, even from the prescriptions of the Gospel, in fulfillment of a more sublime law - the law of love. - Milton John

    . No wonder women’s fidelity was given such great importance! Public good, public evil are associated with their behavior. Heaven or hell in a family is caused solely by the rumor that goes around about women, and the rumor depends only on them. - Beaumarchais P.

    . Anyone who is accustomed to making white out of black and black out of white is capable of any deception. -

    . Getting married without committing yourself to anything is a betrayal. - Michel Montaigne

    . A wise friend will not abandon his friend, despite all the hardships. - Rustaveli Sh.

    . Intelligence and courage are an empty sound if devotion is forgotten. - Visakhadatta

    . Cheating on a friend is a crime. Without justification, without forgiveness. - Lope de Vega

    . The loyalty of a coward or a fool is not a support for the master. - Visakhadatta

    Loyalty is a direct confirmation of the sincerity of feelings and relationships. Be it friendship or love, if they are real, then you will never know what betrayal is. And this manifests itself not only in relation to people, but also to preferences, views, interests. Following your position in life and observing the principles dictated by your own “I” means being true to yourself. We are offering to you interesting selection quotes, aphorisms and sayings about devotion and betrayal. Let the phrases of classics and contemporaries inspire you to be inspired by your work and sensitive to those close to you.

    You cannot rely on female fidelity; Happy is he who looks at it indifferently. (A. Pushkin)

    Adultery brings more evil than good marriage. (Balzac)

    Be true to yourself, and then, as surely as night follows day, loyalty to others will follow. (Shakespeare)

    In fidelity there is a little laziness, a little fear, a little calculation, a little fatigue, a little passivity, and sometimes even a little fidelity. (Etienne Rey)

    Loyalty is the greed of the owner. We would willingly give up many things if it were not for the fear that someone else would pick it up. (O. Wild)

    In this world I value only loyalty. Without this, you are nothing and you have no one. In life, this is the only currency that will never depreciate. (V. Vysotsky)

    True love helps you endure all hardships. (Friedrich Schiller)

    Just loyalty and devotion are forgotten virtues in our time. (Jude Deveraux)

    I want to continue to live in a world where loyalty still exists, and vows of love are made forever... (Paulo Coelho)

    A woman remains faithful in two cases: when she believes that her man is not like anyone else, or when she believes that all men are the same. (Konstantin Melikhan)

    The bank called “loyalty” is a very serious bank. All you have to do is make one deposit on the side and that’s it - your account is closed. (From the film Family Man)

    To remain faithful to an unloved person means to betray yourself. ( Konstantin Melikhan)

    There are feelings that can only be tested by time. And among them is fidelity to love. (Anne and Serge Golon)

    Loyalty in love is entirely a matter of physiology; it does not depend at all on our will. Young people want to be faithful - and they are not, old people would like to change, but where can they be? (O. Wild)

    A woman's loyalty is tested when her man has nothing. A man's loyalty is tested when he has everything!

    Loyalty is a sign of laziness. (O. Wild)

    Loyalty is such a rarity and such a value. It is not an innate feeling: to be faithful. This is the solution!

    Honesty and loyalty are an expensive gift that you should not expect from cheap people. (B. Shaw)

    Cheating with your eyes is the most pleasant way to remain faithful. ( Frederick Beigbeder)

    When you love, you don’t want to drink any other water than the one you find in your favorite source. Loyalty in this case is a natural thing. In a loveless marriage, after less than two months, the water of the source becomes bitter. (Stendhal)

    Treason can be forgiven, but resentment cannot. (A. Akhmatova)

    For a man to admit cheating means to forgive himself. (Etienne Rey)

    How can you deal with someone you can't trust? If a cart doesn't have an axle, how can you ride it? (Confucius)

    Treason begins in the heart before it manifests itself in action. (J. Swift)

    Readers can cheat on the writer as much as they want, but the writer must always be faithful to the reader. (W. H. Auden)

    Betrayals are most often committed not out of deliberate intention, but out of weakness of character. (F. de La Rochefoucauld)

    Loyalty is a matter of conscience. And betrayal is a matter of time...

    A woman gets more pleasure from cheating than a man: for him it’s not God knows what event, but for her cheating always means revenge, or passion, or sin. (Etienne Rey)

    I love betrayal, but not traitors. ( Gaius Julius Caesar)

    Treason is a more shameful thing than murder. (Ernst Heine)

    Quotes from poets (classics and contemporaries)

    Loyalty is a straight road without loops,
    Loyalty is a virtue of a mature soul,
    Loyalty - August glory and smoke,
    Heat, young people cannot understand it,
    Loyalty - we walked under bullets together,
    Faithful friends were buried together.
    Sadness and courage - I won’t tell you.
    Loyalty to the bread and fidelity to the knife,
    Loyalty to death and fidelity to insults.
    I won’t remember the delirium of my heart, I won’t betray it.
    Aim for the heart! They will walk over you
    Loyalty to the heart and loyalty to fate. (Ilya Erenburg, “Loyalty”)

    Children are a confirmation of the loyalty and love of their parents...

    There is no place in the world for fidelity,
    Be prepared for his deceptions.
    Know: our world is an old bride
    With a countless crowd of suitors. (Hafiz Shirazi)

    You will remain in memory - these calm pines,
    And the night Pakhra, and the smoke over the distant raft.
    You will remain in my heart, my springs near Moscow,
    No matter what happens to you, no matter what happens to me later... (Yu. Drunina “Loyalty”)

    Happy monogamous people
    Are they fellow believers?
    The soul does not decline
    Half measures are alien to her.
    To fall in love once and for all -
    This is neither less nor more
    Decide in life
    Choose your path. (Yashin, “Happy Monogamous People”)

    Photography remains faithful to the past...

    I saw people go blind
    I saw how they lived in hell,
    I saw the ground beating.
    I saw the sky in ashes.
    I don't believe in faith.
    Bad? Say it's bad.
    Right? Say what's true.
    No boasting, no begging,
    I only believe in you, Loyalty,
    Age, people, fate.
    If you endure without a fairy tale,
    If they ask, answer directly,
    If to a post, without a bandage, -
    Loyalty knows how to look. (Ilya Erenburg, “Loyalty”)

    Quotes from great thinkers, philosophers, aphorists

    Consider as faithful not those who echo your words, but those who oppose what you say incorrectly. (Isocrates)

    If you are in your right mind, do not dream that the one who fell into your arms with such speed will be faithful to you. (Ovid)

    Loyalty in love requires abstinence, but only with its help can one learn the innermost charm of love. (R. Tagore)

    Loyalty is like a wife. You always need to know who it belongs to. (Scott Becker)

    Loyalty is like air. You don’t think about her while she’s there. (S. Yasinsky)

    To be faithful is a virtue, to know fidelity is an honor. ( Ebner-Eschenbach)

    Loyalty is the punishment for love. (Ewa Radomska-Vitek)

    (W. Churchill)

    Trust is a sign of courage, and loyalty is a sign of strength. (Maria Ebner Eschenbach)

    If there is trust and no loyalty, there is a family, but if there is loyalty and no trust, there is no family. (Veselin Georgiev)

    Quotes and sayings about loyalty to the homeland

    The best purpose is to defend your fatherland. (Derzhavin)

    To betray the homeland requires extreme baseness of soul. (N. Chernyshevsky)

    Everyone’s duty is to love their homeland, to be incorruptible and courageous, to remain faithful to it, even at the cost of their lives. (J.-J. Rousseau)

    While we are burning with freedom, While our hearts are alive for honor, My friend, let us dedicate our Souls to our homeland with wonderful impulses! (A. Pushkin)

    You cannot forget your homeland. There is no more noble disease than homesickness. (I. Gaman)

    Love for the homeland is the first dignity of a civilized person. (N. Bonaparte)

    The true courage of enlightened peoples lies in their readiness to sacrifice themselves in the name of their homeland. (G. Hegel)

    Motherland... We owe it our strength, inspiration, and joys. (A. Blok)

    It is joyful and honorable to die for the fatherland. (Horace)

    You cannot be a hero while fighting against your fatherland. (V. Hugo)

    Is it possible to run away from yourself by leaving your homeland? (Horace)

    If the holy army shouts: “Throw away Rus', live in paradise!”, I will say: “No need for paradise, Give me my homeland.” (S. A. Yesenin)

    True patriotism is not the kind that fusses and swaggers in solemn moments, but the kind that daily and tirelessly cares about the common good and does not boast about it. (A. Graf)

    Love for the fatherland is compatible with love for the whole world. (C. Helvetius)

    Fatherland and smoke is sweet and pleasant to us. (A. S. Griboedov)

    If your wife cheated on you, then be glad that she cheated on you and not on your fatherland. (A.P. Chekhov)

    There is only one crime that cannot be atoned for - treason against one's state. The homeland cannot be changed, it can only be betrayed. A person who truly loves his homeland always knows its value... (E.V. Gushchina)

    About friendship

    Cheating on a friend is much more painful than cheating on a loved one, because you expect it less from him. (Etienne Rey)

    Whoever abandoned a friend in trouble will himself know the bitterness of troubles.

    The friendship of two women is always a conspiracy against the third

    The friend can't leave. He can only leave...

    Nothing replaces old friendship. Years do not add friends, they take them away, take them along different roads. Time tests friendship for rupture, fatigue, and loyalty. The circle of friends is thinning, but there is nothing more valuable than those that remain.

    Friendship has changed so much that it allows for betrayal, does not require meetings, correspondence, heated conversations, and even allows for the presence of one friend. (M. Zhvanetsky)

    Cheating on a friend is a crime without justification, without forgiveness.

    At the height of greatness, do not forget that a friend is in need. (Johann Schiller)

    Friendship is a feeling that comes from childhood...

    Trust is the first condition of friendship; it can be said to serve as the threshold of the temple, while the willingness to make sacrifices is the temple itself. (Jean Labruyère)

    The most vile crime is abusing a friend's trust. (Henrik Ibsen).

    It's good if the dog is a friend, and not the friend is a dog. (L. Sukhorukov)

    About animal devotion

    Loyalty is a quality that people have lost, but dogs have retained. (A.P. Chekhov)

    A dog is the only creature on earth that loves you more than itself. (J.Billings)

    The only one true friend in Washington it's a dog. (G. Truman)

    If the soul is the ability to love, be devoted and grateful, then animals possess it to a greater extent than many people. (James Herriot)

    Loyalty is not for sale. Still from the film "Hachiko"

    In the history of civilization there are many more examples of canine fidelity than human ones. (A. Pope)

    Only a faithful dog is faithful to us to the end. (K. Lorenz)

    The dog is the only animal whose loyalty is unshakable. (J. Buffon)

    Unlike people, dogs never pretend: they love their friends, but they bite their enemies. (Giles Rowland)

    About loyalty to your ideals and principles

    When you love, you don’t want to drink any other water than the one you find in your favorite source. Loyalty in this case is a natural thing. (Stendhal)

    Be true to yourself, and then, as surely as night follows day, loyalty to others will follow. (William Shakespeare)

    To be authentic means to be true to yourself. (Osho)

    A stupid person is the one who never changes his opinion. (W. Churchill)

    Liveliness of mind is not very attractive to a person if it is not accompanied by correctness of judgment. It's not the good watch that goes fast, but the one that shows the exact time. (Vauvenargues)

    To change or not to change is entirely up to you. The main thing is not to cheat on yourself, not to waste money on what is really not needed, and to be able to preserve what is truly valuable. (O. Roy)

    Loyalty is not a feeling. This is the solution. (Sergey Yasinsky)

    I can't be faithful to a flag if I don't know whose hands it is in. (Peter Ustinov)

    The word “loyalty” has done a lot of harm. People have learned to be “faithful” to a thousand injustices and lawlessness. Meanwhile, they should have been true only to themselves, and then they would have rebelled against deception. (Mark Twain)

    The modern concept of “friendship” is so different from its real meaning: it forgives betrayal, accepts lies, does not allow frankness, and real communication has been effectively replaced by electronic correspondence.

    A betrayed best friend hurt me much more than a betrayed boyfriend...

    When he betrays best friend It’s hard to cope with the doubts that torment your soul: forgive her or lose her forever?...

    Love is the great art of building close relationships, and friendship is the ability to keep distance.

    Best status:
    If you have neither grandparents, it’s time to solve this issue radically - make them your parents!

    Friendship and Love are empty, faceless words, an absurd farce, if there is no trust and respect in them. But sometimes even with these worthy qualities, feelings turn into a game. So choosing what to invest in a relationship is up to you.

    The best way to preserve friendship is not to betray it.

    We have already dotted the dots and finished our story... but when he comes to the site, my heart treacherously shrinks... and if he also writes “how is life?” - begins to jump out of my chest... How? Nothing without you...

    Thank you for the betrayal and insight! Now I know that my friend is a reptile...

    If your friend is constantly jealous of you, then send her on a walk!

    How faithful you are, in between betrayals!

    It’s hard when they play your favorite songs and treacherously remind you of him... and you will never be together...

    I despise cowardice in people when, for their own benefit, saving their WOLF SKINS, they SLANDER FRIENDS!!!

    Tired. from lies, falsehood, unnecessary actions, anger, aggression... the heart wants warmth, tenderness... without betrayal...

    Friendship does not rust for a long time if you regularly wipe it with vodka.

    Today, the concept of resentment has become vague, it can mean the event itself... but in my concept, resentment is a feeling when you want to smash everything to hell... it is a feeling of betrayal, a taste of irritation and eternal lies...

    I swear to never fall in love again, because my heart can no longer stand the betrayal.. I swear!! I want to forget the word PAIN forever... I can... you hear, I CAN!!!

    The deepest friendship gives rise to the bitterest enmity

    Oleg came to the polls and stares blankly at the ballot: he’s still looking for where the hearts and the tell friends button are.

    It is very difficult to say “I love you” after many betrayals, lies, insults and zero reactions. It’s hard to say “I believe” after you’ve been abandoned by your most loved ones and Dear people who once swore that they would never leave you

    Friendship? What is friendship? For many, it's just something to wipe their feet with.

    One of the greatest joys of this life is Friendship: one of the joys of friendship is that there is someone to trust with a secret.

    No vocabulary can express what a friendly hug says...

    I’m writing a term paper, I can’t express my thoughts in scientific language, but the line is treacherously spinning in my head: “Words aren’t enough? Give it to Raffaello!”)

    Now you eat lunch alone. You used to have a lot of friends, now you have none at all.

    An honest politician does not oversell himself! – Arkady Davidovich

    Betrayal is a blow you don't expect. Betrayal of aphorisms – Paulo Coelho

    A friend is not the one who will give you a hand when you fall, but the one who will fall next to you and laugh.

    When no one needs you, this is not loneliness... it is self-deception...

    The most wonderful gift given to people after wisdom is friendship!

    We so often deceive ourselves that we could do this for a living...

    Don't call an infidel a friend. Is a changeable person worthy of love? Betrayal of a friend of the aphorism – Saadi

    Decent people are also sold for a decent price. – Hot Petan

    A good friend is better than a hundred relatives.

    May retribution strike with misfortune Those who paid for friendship with enmity. Jalaleddin Rumi

    I love to look into your eyes and listen to how you lie... And you don’t even realize that I know the truth...

    So what if I believed you, loved you, got used to it - I was a fool, but thanks to you I became smarter!

    By the time you realize that there are only wolves around, you will already be eaten.

    A friendship that ended never really began. Publilius Syrus

    Snitch is a branch among the branches of lies and one of its varieties. – Ibn Hazm

    Again, comforted by that deception, I believed in your ridiculous story... But I knew there was no more faith, not for the first time...

    The loyalty of scoundrels is as unreliable as themselves. – Pliny the Younger

    Marrying without tying yourself to anything is a betrayal. Betrayal aphorism - Michel Montaigne

    A friend is someone who calmly bears your successes.

    Cheating on a friend is a crime. Without justification, without forgiveness. – Lope de Vega

    An old friend is better than the new two, he knows how to ruin the mood

    A true friend is someone who will hold your hand and feel your heart.

    I love betrayal, but not traitors. - Julius Caesar

    Don't have 100 friends, have all your enemies!

    Betrayal is like a blow below the belt...always unexpected and very painful...

    Betrayal is the price to pay for fear or a beautiful life. – Victor Zubkov

    He has all the properties of a dog except loyalty. The Betrayal of the Aphorism - Samuel Houston

    A friend is a person who knows absolutely everything about you and still loves you!

    When indulging in memories, do not betray them. – Kolechitsky Vladimir

    Betrayals are most often committed not out of deliberate intention, but out of weakness of character. – La Rochefoucauld

    We look for new friends when old ones get to know us too well.

    Money can't buy a friend, but you can buy better enemies.*-)

    War tests the brave, anger tests the sage, need tests the friend.

    I tear up my life like a piece of paper, together with those who did not want to go further with me... And I begin to write it from a clean piece of paper...

    Whoever abandoned a friend in trouble will himself know the bitterness of troubles. – Shota Rustaveli

    A deceitful face will hide everything that a treacherous heart has in mind.

    Where friendship weakens, ceremonial politeness increases.

    She was - devoted, and became - betrayed... just one letter that can break a person...

    It is better to be at enmity with a smart person than to be friends with a fool.

    The loyalty of a coward or a fool is not a support for the master.

    Betrayals are most often committed not out of deliberate intention, but out of weakness of character. – Francois La Rochefoucauld

    There is nothing to be done - either we indulge in love, or love betrays us. – Frederic Beigbeder

    Only a true friend can rejoice at your success!

    Don Juan is the one who cheats on a woman, but not on women. – Spiegel Efim

    Be faithful to those who are faithful to you. – Plautus

    Men betray out of hatred, women out of love. (Aphorisms about betrayal) – Moritz-Gottlieb Safir

    Some may like betrayal, but traitors are hated by everyone.

    Friendship is more tragic than love - it takes much longer to die.

    Yes, sometimes I lost friends, not because I was rotten, but because there are friends who CANNOT be lost!!!

    This means that they never existed.

    Nothing hurts more than devotion. – Christy A.

    A woman in love would rather forgive a major indiscretion than a small infidelity. – La Rochefoucauld

    The natural form of manifestation of truly popular democracy is denunciations and revelations. – Alexander Zinoviev

    It's not so bad: we weren't sold - we were given away for nothing. Betrayal of aphorisms – Karel Capek

    Sending people to war untrained means betraying them. Betrayal of a friend aphorisms – Confucius

    The richer your friends are, the more it costs you.

    Friend, it’s not your status; changing your status is harmful...

    Sometimes lies merge so closely with the truth that it’s hard to live in the remaining gap.

    The basis of friendship lies in complete agreement of will, tastes and opinions.

    There are many friends; friendship is only rare.

    A bad friend is like a shadow: run on a sunny day and you won’t run away; on a cloudy day you won’t find him.

    You know, why the hell should I put pressure on you if, because of stupidity, you lost the main happiness of life?

    A wise friend will not abandon his friend, despite all the hardships. Betrayal of a friend of aphorisms – Rustaveli Sh.

    Never judge a person by his friends. Judas's were perfect.

    Evil enemies are not as annoying as cunning friends.

    The faithful may sometimes deviate from the letter, even from the prescriptions of the Gospel, in fulfillment of a more sublime law - the law of love. – Milton John

    Friendship between a man and a woman is sex postponed until later.

    I love betrayal, but I hate traitors. – Caesar Julius

    They only betray their own. – French saying

    Believing the oaths of a traitor is the same as believing the piety of the devil. – Elizabeth I

    Sometimes friends are the last people you can trust.

    There are such friends - and there is no need for enemies.

    People call each other friends, but there’s just users and those being used!

    It's not good to change friends every now and then.

    It's a shame when you are Judas and they sell you like Christ. – Arkady Davidovich

    Other people only after selling are convinced that they had some kind of price. – Leszek Kumor

    Betrayal, although very cautious at first, eventually reveals itself.

    Friends are like stars, they are not visible, but they are there.

    If you're not sure, don't betray it. – Maxim Zvonarev

    Who has deceived you as often as you have?

    A lie is fiction, fiction is art, which means all art is a lie.

    Friendship and tea are good when they are strong and not too sweet.

    Friends are the support of life. By multiplying supports, we prolong life!

    Friendship can only unite worthy people)))

    If a friend takes your mistress away from you, you should not quarrel with him completely, so that you can meet him when you feel grateful to him for it... - Albert Guinon

    Traitors betray themselves first of all.

    Treason can be forgiven, but resentment cannot. – Akhmatova Anna Andreevna

    Don't have 100 friends, but have an impudent face!

    And our statuses in contact are not a hoax, those two were simply lost somewhere among dreams.

    You don’t need to ask a friend for anything, trouble is not terrible with him, a friend is your third shoulder, will always be with you...

    When you know what to talk to a person about, this is a sign mutual sympathy. When you have something to keep silent about together, this is the beginning of true friendship!

    Friends appear and then disappear, like waiters in a restaurant.

    Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends. Everyone will give 2 rubles, you will have 200!!! :-P

    Of all the things that wisdom provides for the happiness of life, the most important is the acquisition of friendship.

    Again, consoled, I believed in your ridiculous story, although I knew there was no more faith, not for the first time...

    A golden man is easier to sell. – Slawomir Wroblewski

    Betrayal already indicates love. You can't betray someone you know. – Marina Tsvetaeva

    Quotes about betraying friends

    The best way to keep your friends is not to betray them...

    False friends, like shadows, follow us on our heels while we walk in the sun, and immediately leave us as soon as we enter the shadow.

    A friend who has achieved power is a lost friend.

    Draw a circle of friends.
    Don't open your arms to everyone:
    Sometimes the span of wide arms
    very convenient for crucifixion.

    Quotes about betraying friends with meaning

    The worst of crimes is not theft or even murder, but betrayal. Never betray the person who trusted you...

    Only friends betray, enemies deprive you of hope.

    If a friend suddenly turns out to be neither a friend nor an enemy. Otherwise... put him in the category of bitches, let him stay there for now...

    I've seen so much grief from friends
    And washed away so many troubles and torments with tears,
    That in the hour of death it is better to die,
    How to survive and be friends again.

    Statuses about betrayal of friends with meaning are short

    Don't be afraid of your enemies, be afraid of your friends. Friends betray, not enemies!!!

    It is better to believe a traitor than to alienate a comrade. More dangerous, but ultimately worth it.

    The one who left you once will leave you again. If a friend betrays you, don’t expect him to do anything different.

    We get used to lies
    We just betray each other...
    So why should we, tell me,
    Daily pretend?

    Words sayings about betrayal of friends with meaning

    A friend is the one whose betrayal is most surprising.

    The betrayal of your best friend is like a blow below the belt - just as unexpected and painful.

    Found in every moral system
    an idea common to everyone:
    You can’t be with those and with those
    without betraying both.

    Betrayals are most often committed not out of deliberate intention, but out of weakness of character.

    Betrayal, like the law, has no retroactive effect.

    An instructive article with the topic: quotes about friends of traitors...

    I wanted to get out of your shadow. You understand? But when I came out of it... there was no sunlight, no sunlight anywhere.

    It’s not so bad: we weren’t sold – we were given away for nothing. Karel Capek

    Cunning and betrayal only indicate a lack of dexterity.

    If you keep a dog on a leash, do not expect affection from it. Andre Wilmaitre

    He has all the properties of a dog except loyalty. Samuel Houston

    Getting married without committing yourself to anything is a betrayal.

    Anyone who has never experienced the ecstasy caused by betrayal does not know what ecstasy is. Jean Genet

    A golden man is easier to sell. Slawomir Wroblewski

    The blow is fatal to that hand that caressed us.

    Major betrayal feels like devotion. Japanese proverb

    Selling out friends is not a sign of bankruptcy, but a sign of a career. Leopold Nowak

    I love betrayal, but not traitors. Augustus, Roman Emperor

    betrayal, although very cautious at first, eventually reveals itself.

    People tend to betray...

    Betrayal is a blow you don't expect.

    Many people like betrayal, but no one likes traitors themselves.

    Traitors betray themselves first of all.

    A person is pushed into a new betrayal by a sense of conscience for the old, which corrodes the soul!

    The betrayer will never forgive us for his betrayal.

    You can’t call someone you never trusted a traitor.

    Betrayal is hard, but betraying a child is doubly hard.

    He sold everyone who bought him. Walking review of Talleyrand

    A brave soul will not become treacherous.

    Dangerous citizens do not break into a house. They live in it.

    The traitors sell themselves first. Plutarch

    It’s a shame when you are Judas and they sell you like Christ. Arkady Davidovich

    The betrayer will never forgive us for his betrayal. Nicholas Gomez Davila

    It is impossible to betray a person with whom you have nothing in common.

    Traitors are always distrustful.

    Men betray out of hatred, women out of love.

    Betrayals are most often committed not out of deliberate intention, but out of weakness of character.

    There are no small betrayals.

    Some may like betrayal, but traitors are hated by everyone.

    I love those who are about to betray, but I hate those who have already betrayed. Antigonus III

    They only betray their own. French saying

    He who betrays himself loves no one in this world!

    Is there at least one person who has never betrayed?.. Loyalty is an exclusively dog ​​quality!

    A traitor cannot succeed because then he becomes a founding father. Saul Alinsky

    The one who plans betrayal always suspects others.

    Life taught me a very important lesson: the one who once betrayed Hard time will cheat on you again.

    Time always has circumstances and a coherent logical thread so that low betrayal can be explained in high words.

    If you don’t know who betrayed you, look around, he’s nearby.

    He has all the properties of a dog except loyalty.

    Giving out someone else's secret is treason, giving out your own is stupidity.

    Most often, it is best friends become traitors. Probably because we trust them too much.

    Throw a stone at a stray dog ​​and he will never accept food from you again!

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