• Russia can be proud of hundreds of thousands of combat veterans


    The holiday, not marked in the state calendar, was designated by the military themselves and celebrated for the third time. Today in Russia there is still no date that would unite veterans of all military operations.
    February 15 is the day of the internationalist warrior, but those who fought in Chechnya, Tajikistan, Moldova, and other hot spots within our former country do not fall here.

    2. The mother of Evgeniy Rodionov, who died in Chechnya, Lyubov Vasilievna, came to congratulate the veterans on the holiday.

    3. Let me remind you that Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Rodionov (May 23, 1977 - killed May 23, 1996, near the village of Bamut, Chechnya) - private in the Russian army. During the war, together with a group of colleagues, he spent a long time in captivity, subjected to cruel torture, refused the offer to change his faith in exchange for freedom, for which he was brutally killed. For many, Eugene became a symbol of courage, honor and loyalty. Posthumously awarded the Order of Courage and the Order of Glory to Russia.

    4. There were no long and fiery speeches; after the mother’s words, veterans, wives and children laid flowers at the monument to the wars of internationalists.

    5. Lyubov Vasilyevna stood at the monument for a long time...



    8. From the monument, the children and their families headed to the summer cafe.

    9. Where the festive barbecue was already being prepared.

    10. At one table, warriors of one country.

    11. Alexey Pastukhov with his daughter and son.

    12. For little ones there is a separate menu...

    13. Yuri Trofimov

    14. Photo for memory.


    16. Drawings from Afghan, made with a pen, were included in the book of memory of the Moscow region.



    19. Dmitry Prudnikov, holder of the St. George Cross. One of the organizers of the meeting.

    20. We have something to remember and talk about.

    21. Veterans also accept into their circle and at their table on July 1 those whose wars Russia refuses to recognize as wars. Not all participants in conflicts are included in the register of veterans.
    “What difference does it make how he received the bullet - with or without subsequent inclusion on the list,” the veterans are surprised. “We are waiting for everyone, including the soldiers whom the country has officially forgotten.”

    22. 2009

    23. 2010

    24. 2011. Veteran's Day - TO BE!
    Combat Veterans Day was celebrated throughout Russia. Outside the capital live fighters from Chechnya and Afghanistan, who are well-known, but also from Transnistria, the Baltic states, Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Baku, Fergana, and Tajikistan.
    Such soldiers are rarely known. But bullets, wounds, dreams - they have in common. Now there is a general holiday.

    July 1, 2018 at Russian Federation Combat Veterans Day is celebrated. This date does not yet have official status in the country, but every year it only gains in significance. In other words, on this day people mourn veterans who died in combat.

    Veterans Day is not dedicated to a specific war. It concerns all veterans who fought for their homeland and fulfilled their duty to it. Also on this day, we should not forget about living veterans, because now they are the only ones who remember military operations and can tell younger generations about it.

    It has long been planned not only in the Russian Federation to mark a specific date for veterans who took part in hostilities. In many countries they also want to honor the memory of all fighters on a specific day and, in order not to forget about them, make a separate holiday. An important point it was a choice of date and month, no one wanted it to be connected with the date of some kind of war. After all, there were a lot of them and not all veterans took part in specific military operations. The best option there was a neutral date, which has nothing to do with wars or military conflicts.

    Thus, July 1 was chosen so that on this day everyone could remember the veterans who died during the fighting and congratulate those who are next to us. The first times when the holiday began to be celebrated unofficially were back in the 21st century. History contains in its memory many military events and many lives that remained on the battlefield. Residents of the country can bring flowers for them and leave them at the monument.

    Many people who died then could not even be identified. Therefore, many soldiers are buried far from their homeland, but on this day everyone nice words will be able to reach them. For many veterans, the dead guys are not just soldiers, but relatives and comrades. After all these years, it still hurts them to remember their losses and, especially on Veterans Day, to hold back tears. Veterans hope that the holiday will still be made official, although this is not currently the case. special significance. The main thing is that they will always remember that time and the day is not important for this.

    The initiators of the creation of Veterans Day are fighting for the date of July 1

    The date that is now celebrated in an unofficial status was adopted back in 2009. It is intended for those veterans who fought after World War II. To select the date, special surveys of veterans were conducted and July 1 was given greatest number votes. Such information was collected and recorded in an official document. These documents were sent to the Government of the Russian Federation more than once with a request to assign Veterans Day the status of an official holiday.

    Indeed, this holiday should have its own date, because veterans took part in so many battles that took place not only on Russian territory. The government of the Russian Federation has not yet made a final decision, citing the fact that the state has a similar holiday and it is held on February 15. On this day, the memory of all those who died outside their homeland while performing their duty to the fatherland is honored.

    The organizers of Veterans Day do not agree with the statements of the government of the Russian Federation. February 15 and July 1 will have different purposes and the end of the war in Afghanistan cannot be combined with honoring veterans taking part in other hostilities. Still, each date should have its own specifics so that people can delve deeper into what is happening and understand the essence of each holiday.

    Veterans Day begins to be celebrated in many Russian cities

    Now the Veterans Day holiday is unofficial, but despite this, many residents of the country are beginning to develop a tendency to popularize it. Every year, all residents are sure to honor the memory of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, but do not forget about veterans of other military operations. It is for this purpose that the organizers are trying to achieve official recognition of Veterans Day.

    For all residents of the country, this is a good day to delve into the history of the country, and for veterans to remember all their comrades in arms. In many cities of the Russian Federation, Veterans Day becomes permanent with respect to the memory of fallen soldiers at the memorial. In some cities, concert programs are organized in the evening in which Russian performers take part.

    On July 1, Russia celebrates a memorable date - Combat Veterans Day.

    And although it does not yet have official status, it is becoming more and more famous in our country every year. Since 2009, this holiday has also been called “Day of Remembrance and Sorrow of Combat Veterans.” This is a day of remembrance for everyone who fought for Russia, no matter in what wars and armed conflicts, fulfilling their duty to defend the Motherland. As a tribute to them - the veterans who live next to us, and to the memory of those who are no longer alive.

    The idea of ​​creating a single holiday among combat veterans who took part in numerous wars and armed conflicts on the territory of the Russian Federation and other countries has been circulating for a long time. And they began to celebrate it informally at the beginning of the 21st century. This was caused by their desire to gather on one day, not tied to this or that event of the numerous wars in which they were destined to become participants (at present in our country there are separate memorable dates– Days of military glory and other holidays dedicated to the history of specific military operations). And so, in 2009, July 1 was celebrated as a day of remembrance for all participants in hostilities that took place after 1945 (and this is fighting in Afghanistan and Chechnya, in many countries of Latin America, Asia and Africa), more than 3,000 veterans voted. This was recorded in a special document, and an appeal was sent to the Government of the Russian Federation with a request to officially establish such a Day.

    However, this issue has not yet been resolved, since, according to the authorities, such a holiday already exists - its function is performed on February 15 (the Day of Remembrance of Russians who performed official duty outside the Fatherland). But the initiators new date do not give up - they are sure that all veterans should have their own common date, not wanting to confuse the date of the end of the Afghan war and honoring other veterans. And, for example, unlike June 22 (the Day the Great Patriotic War began), it should be dedicated to local conflicts. This will allow you to maintain the specificity of the dates.

    We all remember and honor the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, of whom there are fewer and fewer every year. But in our country there remain many relatively young veterans who risked their lives and health in the interests of the Motherland after the Great Victory over Nazi Germany. They also deserve recognition and respect. Therefore, a separate date will be an occasion to congratulate not only the military, but also employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, as well as other participants in combat operations who are not military personnel, on Combat Veterans Day, and for all of them to once again get together and remember their fallen comrades. It must be said that, despite the lack of official status, on July 1, Combat Veterans Day is already celebrated in an organized manner in a number of Russian regions.

    For example, in Moscow, the traditional meeting place for veterans of all years, places, countries of hostilities is Poklonnaya Hill, where commemorative events begin with laying flowers at the memorial to the internationalist soldier, and then a cultural program is organized with the participation of famous artists. In other cities, event participants also begin this day by laying wreaths at the Eternal Flame, at monuments to internationalist soldiers and other memorials. In addition, recently this date has been receiving increasing attention from the media, which also contributes to the recognition and spread of the holiday. At the same time, regional authorities in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation also support the very idea of ​​holding the Day of Veterans of Combat Actions and Local Conflicts.

    Every morning, waking up under a peaceful sky, listening to the singing of birds, and not bomb explosions, walking with a confident step on the ground, covered with green grass, and not ashes from fires, we sometimes forget whose merit it is.

    Fearless, strong people, risking themselves, entered into the fight against the enemy and prevented any encroachments of the enemy towards our Motherland. Many military conflicts of local and global significance were resolved thanks to these courageous people - combat veterans. Having exerted a lot of health, strength and combat skill, they earned a worthy right to respect.

    Combat Veterans Day is celebrated in Russia on July 1. The holiday is unofficial, but among all other unofficial dates its importance is actually difficult to overestimate.

    The holiday began to be celebrated in the Russian Federation only a few years ago. At the general meeting, more than 3 thousand veterans voted to celebrate the memorial date on the first day of the second summer month. According to combat veterans, all participants in armed conflicts that occurred after 1945 should be united common day. And so that on this day we can honor not only veterans Armed Forces, but also combatants from the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other law enforcement agencies.

    It must be said that, despite the lack of official status, Combat Veterans Day is celebrated in an organized manner in a number of Russian regions. Thus, in Moscow, commemorative events begin with the laying of flowers at the memorial to the internationalist soldier on Poklonnaya Hill, and then concerts are held with the participation of famous artists.

    In other cities, events begin with the laying of wreaths and flowers at the Eternal Flame and memorials: from Sevastopol to Vladivostok, from Makhachkala to Murmansk.

    In Azov, on this day in 2004, a monument to fallen internationalist soldiers was inaugurated on Victory Square. The names of thirty-four city residents who laid down their lives in various conflicts that our country had to face are carved in gold letters on the monument: from conflicts on our own territory to military operations outside the country to provide international assistance to those who were officially considered allies.

    It is important to note that such participation was often secret: Korea, Vietnam, African countries. Many names of deceased combat veterans remain classified secret to this day. This back side defense of the Fatherland, when the family of the deceased may not know for decades where their son/husband/brother/father died and was buried.

    Over the ten years of war in Afghanistan, about 750 thousand soldiers, officers, sergeants and warrant officers were involved. This is a whole army, many of whose representatives rightfully celebrate the holiday of military veterans today.

    These people carried out their assigned tasks with outstanding courage and knowledge of their craft. More than a third of the internationalist soldiers received state awards for military merits, and 90 people were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union and - later - Hero of the Russian Federation.

    After the collapse of the USSR, a “favorable” situation was created for the development of new military conflicts and brutal wars. It was created, it must be admitted, not without external “help”. The Caucasus, the Balkans, Central Asia, and Transnistria caught fire. Millions of families found themselves separated by borders, new ideological principles, or a complete lack of ideas other than imposed pseudo-freedom. How many human destinies these conflicts have crushed is no longer calculable. How many people have lost relatives and friends, how many have become refugees, how many have been eaten up by the antisocial environment - as a variant of the syndrome of participation in hostilities.

    Our people have their own history of participation in wars and armed conflicts, have their own list of names of heroes, both those who fell on the battlefield and, fortunately, those who lived to see the end of the armed confrontation. I would like to believe that the names of veterans of the fight against terrorism, internationalist fighters - those who gave peace - will never go down in history.

    Today's holiday is something that reminds us all of the participants in combat operations living next to us, and those who are no longer nearby. This day in the calendar of memorable dates is a tribute to everyone who defended the Fatherland with arms in their hands and went through severe trials during the war.

    Increasing the monthly allowance for combat veterans in 2018. Last news

    The State Duma proposes to increase monthly payments to combat veterans to an amount that will be at least half the average subsistence level in Russia. The corresponding bill has been submitted to the House and is available to the Parliamentary Gazette.

    Let us recall that it was previously proposed to increase payments to combat veterans exactly to the level of the subsistence level! Now - only up to half! Soon it will be up to 1/3... But they won’t accept that either!

    The document was developed by a group of State Duma deputies from the LDPR, led by First Deputy Chairman of the House Defense Committee Alexander Sherin.

    The authors of the bill note that the total amount of cash payments to combat veterans, taking into account the replacement of a set of social benefits in kind with monetary compensation is about 2.85 thousand rubles.

    It is indicated that, according to latest changes, since February 2018, this amount includes the following set of social services: provision of medicines - 828.14 rubles; sanatorium-resort treatment - 128.11 rubles; travel - 118.94 rubles. The monthly cash payment is about 1.78 thousand rubles.

    It is noted that the initiators of the draft law propose to establish monthly payments to combat veterans, taking into account the replacement of a set of social benefits with monetary compensation based on a level of at least half of the average subsistence level in Russia. It is indicated that this approach largely follows from the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    “When determining the amount of payments to participants who fulfilled their duty and defended their country, we believe it is justified to assign it to an indicator of at least half the average level of the living wage in Russia, which for the first quarter of 2018 was set at 10,328 rubles, namely 5,164 rubles ", says the explanatory note.

    According to the explanatory note, currently the number of combat veterans in Russia is about 1.3 million people. Accordingly, to implement the bill, according to the calculations of its authors, about 37 billion rubles will be required.

    The initiators of the bill also note that this initiative is aimed at the long term. They admit that its implementation will be extremely costly for the federal budget, but, according to them, this is a case when the end justifies the means.

    The authors emphasize that increasing the size of subsidies and adding a number of benefits for this category of citizens is a very important step towards improving them financial situation, as a result of which their purchasing power also increases, which is one of the factors stimulating the economic development of the country.

    Previously, regarding proposals to increase the monthly allowance for combat veterans, we wrote

    From February 1, 2018, the size of the EDV was indexed by 2.5% and amounted to 2850.26 rubles. That is, the increase was limited to 69 rubles 52 kopecks.

    How many combat veterans are there in Russia?

    According to some, unverified data, the number of combat veterans in Russia:

    2006 - 1 023 400

    2007 - 1 097 482

    2008 - 1 140 639

    2009 - 1 177 219

    2010 - 1 209 037

    2011 - 1 238 820

    2012 - 1 270 661

    2013 - 1 290 629

    2014 - 1 296 235

    2015 - 1 312 071

    2016 - 1 323 472

    2017 - 1 335 776

    And almost one and a half million people is a very serious figure and a large percentage of voters. If the Message contains at least a hint of the upcoming increase in the size of the monthly allowance to the subsistence level, which from May 1, 2018 will be 11,163 rubles, then combat veterans will perceive this as a truly important step towards improving their financial situation and, - will truly appreciate the show of care for veterans who, over the years, have been somewhat deprived of this small amount of payments and fairness in their indexation. Many combat veterans will also appreciate this when deciding to vote for one of the candidates.

    Let us remind you that a message appeared in the Parliamentary newspaper that combat veterans could have their monthly cash payments increased to the minimum subsistence level. The corresponding bill is being developed by the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense, Alexander Sherin (LDPR). In particular he says:

    “The government says that a person cannot live on money less than the subsistence level, but at the same time it gives military veterans compensation in the amount of slightly less than 3,000 rubles,” said Alexander Sherin. “I don’t understand why they assigned such an amount.”

    Combat veterans are the face of our country, and we don’t want them to beg on the porch or need anything.

    If the amount of compensation increases three times, it will not be too much of a cost for the state budget, says Alexander Sherin. He plans to introduce the bill by February 23.

    The State Duma proposed introducing monthly payments to veterans and disabled combatants in the amount of at least half of the subsistence level of the average for the Russian Federation, as follows from the bill included in the database of the lower house of parliament.

    The authors of the bill propose to fix monthly payments for veterans and disabled combatants in the amount of at least half of the average subsistence level in Russia, which for the first quarter of 2018 is set at 10 thousand 328 rubles. Thus, the amount of payments should be at least 5 thousand 164 rubles. At the same time, the bill proposes to establish monthly cash payments combat veterans, taking into account the replacement of a set of social benefits in kind with monetary compensation.

    The set of social services (NSS) currently amounts to 1075 rubles 19 kopecks per month, and its natural form includes medicines, medical products, vouchers for sanatorium treatment for the prevention of major diseases, free pass on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to and from the place of treatment.

    According to the explanatory note to the bill, currently the number of combat veterans in Russia is about 1.3 million people. Accordingly, to implement the bill, according to the calculations of its authors, about 37 billion rubles will be required.

    “We can talk about significant budget expenditures, but in the medium term there is an obvious increase in the standard of living of combat veterans, an increase in their purchasing power and, as a consequence, a certain increase in budget revenues. Despite the increase in the burden of the expenditure item for the federal budget, the draft law has important social significance, and the costs of its implementation are justified and necessary,” says the financial and economic justification for the bill.

    The authors of the bill were deputies from the LDPR: Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense Alexander Sherin, Head of the Committee on physical culture, sports, tourism and youth affairs Mikhail Degtyarev, first deputy chairman of the committee on control and regulations Alexander Kurdyumov and first deputy chairman of the committee on natural resources, property and land relations Vladimir Sysoev.

    Every morning, waking up under a peaceful sky, listening to the singing of birds, and not bomb explosions, walking with a confident step on the ground, covered with green grass, and not ashes from fires, we sometimes forget whose merit it is.

    Fearless, strong people, risking themselves, entered the fight against the enemy and prevented any encroachments of the enemy towards our Motherland. Many military conflicts of local and global significance were resolved thanks to these courageous people - combat veterans. Having exerted a lot of health, strength and combat skill, they earned a worthy right to respect.

    Combat Veterans Day is celebrated in Russia on July 1. The holiday is unofficial, but among all other unofficial dates its importance is actually difficult to overestimate.

    The holiday began to be celebrated in the Russian Federation only a few years ago. At the general meeting, more than 3 thousand veterans voted to celebrate the memorial date on the first day of the second summer month. According to combat veterans, all participants in armed conflicts that occurred after 1945 should be united by a common day. And so that on this day we can honor not only veterans of the Armed Forces, but also combatants from the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other law enforcement agencies.

    It must be said that, despite the lack of official status, Combat Veterans Day is celebrated in an organized manner in a number of Russian regions. Thus, in Moscow, commemorative events begin with the laying of flowers at the memorial to the internationalist soldier on Poklonnaya Hill, and then concerts are held with the participation of famous artists.

    In other cities, events begin with the laying of wreaths and flowers at the Eternal Flame and memorials: from Sevastopol to Vladivostok, from Makhachkala to Murmansk.

    In Azov, on this day in 2004, a monument to fallen internationalist soldiers was inaugurated on Victory Square. The names of thirty-four city residents who laid down their lives in various conflicts that our country had to face are carved in gold letters on the monument: from conflicts on our own territory to military operations outside the country to provide international assistance to those who were officially considered allies.

    It is important to note that such participation was often secret: Korea, Vietnam, African countries. Many names of deceased combat veterans remain classified as secret to this day. This is the other side of protecting the Fatherland, when the family of the deceased may not know for decades where their son/husband/brother/father died and was buried.

    Over the ten years of war in Afghanistan, about 750 thousand soldiers, officers, sergeants and warrant officers were involved. This is a whole army, many of whose representatives rightfully celebrate the holiday of military veterans today.

    These people carried out their assigned tasks with outstanding courage and knowledge of their craft. More than a third of the internationalist soldiers received state awards for military merits, and 90 people were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union and - later - Hero of the Russian Federation.

    After the collapse of the USSR, a “favorable” situation was created for the development of new military conflicts and brutal wars. It was created, it must be admitted, not without external “help”. The Caucasus, the Balkans, Central Asia, and Transnistria caught fire. Millions of families found themselves separated by borders, new ideological principles, or a complete lack of ideas other than imposed pseudo-freedom. How many human destinies these conflicts have crushed is no longer calculable. How many people have lost relatives and friends, how many have become refugees, how many have been eaten up by the antisocial environment - as a variant of the syndrome of participation in hostilities.

    Our people have their own history of participation in wars and armed conflicts, have their own list of names of heroes, both those who fell on the battlefield and, fortunately, those who lived to see the end of the armed confrontation. I would like to believe that the names of veterans of the fight against terrorism, internationalist fighters - those who gave peace - will never go down in history.

    Today's holiday is something that reminds us all of the participants in combat operations living next to us, and those who are no longer nearby. This day in the calendar of memorable dates is a tribute to everyone who defended the Fatherland with

    A memorable date is celebrated in Russia - Combat Veterans Day. And although it does not yet have official status, it is becoming more and more famous in our country every year. Since 2009, this holiday has also been called “Day of Remembrance and Sorrow of Combat Veterans.”

    This is a day of remembrance for everyone who fought for Russia, no matter in what wars and armed conflicts, fulfilling their duty to defend the Motherland. As a tribute to them - the veterans who live next to us, and to the memory of those who are no longer alive.

    The idea of ​​creating a single holiday among combat veterans who took part in numerous wars and armed conflicts on the territory of the Russian Federation and other countries has been circulating for a long time. And they began to celebrate it informally at the beginning of the 21st century. This was caused by their desire to gather on one day, not tied to this or that event of the numerous wars in which they were destined to become participants (currently in our country there are separate memorable dates - Days of Military Glory and other holidays dedicated to the history of specific military actions).

    But the initiators of the new date are not giving up - they are confident that all veterans should have their own common date, not wanting to confuse the date of the end of the Afghan war and honoring other veterans. And, for example, unlike (), it should be dedicated to local conflicts. This will allow you to maintain the specificity of the dates. We all remember and honor the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, of whom there are fewer and fewer every year. But in our country there remain many relatively young veterans who risked their lives and health in the interests of the Motherland after the Great Victory over Nazi Germany. They also deserve recognition and respect.

    Therefore, a separate date will be an occasion to congratulate not only the military, but also employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, as well as other participants in combat operations who are not military personnel, on Combat Veterans Day, and for all of them to once again get together and remember their fallen comrades.

    It must be said that, despite the lack of official status, on July 1, Combat Veterans Day is already celebrated in an organized manner in a number of Russian regions. For example, in Moscow, the traditional meeting place for veterans of all years, places, countries of military operations is Poklonnaya Hill, where commemorative events begin with laying flowers at the memorial to the internationalist soldier, and then a cultural program is organized with the participation of famous artists.

    In other cities, event participants also begin this day by laying wreaths at the Eternal Flame, at monuments to internationalist soldiers and other memorials. In addition, recently this date has been receiving increasing attention from the media, which also contributes to the recognition and spread of the holiday. At the same time, regional authorities in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation also support the very idea of ​​holding the Day of Veterans of Combat Actions and Local Conflicts.

    You have passed the combat points
    In Afghanistan and Chechnya,
    In Egypt, in Syria, in Lebanon,
    Fighting for peace in war.

    They honestly deserved their awards
    For hard, backbreaking work.
    Because they didn’t spare their lives,
    In the Fatherland they call you heroes.

    Thank you, dear veterans,
    For dedicating your life to the fight,
    And we will not forget your names,
    And let your glory thunder everywhere!

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