• Red and striped. Book Red and Striped Read Online


    Andrey Belyanin

    Red and Striped

    Chapter first

    In the ancient family castle, on the right bank of the Pink Lake, there was a storm of activity. The fact is that two hours ago the wife of the owner of the castle, Mrs. Korzhikova, gave birth to three kittens. Two girls-cats and one wonderful red kitten - a son. The father of the family, Pan Korzhik, was a very impressive red cat with a graying mustache and a monocle in his eye. He was very happy about the birth of his son, because his mother had already brought daughters three times. The older ones were able to get married, the younger ones studied in various boarding houses, and the youngest ones were raised at home. As Mr. Korzhik put it, his daughters were like uncut dogs! So, I think it’s understandable why, in honor of the birth of Korzhik Jr., the house was shaken up from the basement to the attic. A gala dinner was being prepared, invited and uninvited guests were arriving. Numerous relatives were already in a hurry with gifts. Even from His Royal Majesty a special messenger arrived with a congratulatory dispatch.

    In all this fuss, Father Korzhik barely found time to consult with his wife about his son’s name. However, for him this question had long been clear.

    “Darling,” he began, pointing with his paw at a long row of ancient portraits of his worthy ancestors, “I’m sure you won’t mind if we give the baby the most beautiful and sonorous name, which in the best possible way would reflect his nobility and remind him of the glorious deeds of his grandfathers, great-grandfathers, uncles, cousins and other relatives.

    - No, not that! – Korzhikov’s mother waved her paw irritably. - I already know your quirks. Are you trying to convince me to give my child a twenty-word name again? All our daughters suffer from this. Just think, sweet little Lucy got such a name! After all, neither your husband, nor your family, nor even you yourself can fully pronounce it - Lucia del Lyapsusova Rolgardina and Meowplyuh fraction es squared Belvelgerskaya Korzhikova!!! And, given the nobility of the family, she did not respond to any reduction. No! Enough! My son will have a short and expressive name.

    - Allow me! - Dad protested. - But he is also my son! I will not allow my only boy to have a short, tailless name! His ancestors...

    “And I’m telling you that he will have one name.” And you better not piss me off! – Mrs. Korzhikova hissed with indescribable dangerous softness.

    Pan Korzhik was actually a brave cat on the battlefield, but for some reason he did not dare to get into scandals with his beloved wife. He quietly retreated to the door and smiled peacefully:

    - Why are you so worried, my dear? Of course, we'll call it whatever you say. I just clarified some details... Everything is fine, rest, my sweetheart, I won’t bother you.

    When Papa Korzhik left, Mama Korzhikova grumbled for another minute and, turning the sleepy kitten towards her, quietly purred:

    – My sweet baby, I’ll just call you Red. It will be a light, cheerful name. Sleep well. And these crazy ideas of your daddy...

    Almost at the same time, Pan Korzhik was sitting with a notary - and a new entry appeared in the book of births, deaths, marriages and other civil acts: “The son Willibald Knops Mur-Meau Gauft Ka-14 Pukhtilinsky Korzhik Jr. was born.”

    Chapter two

    In the evening of the same day, on the left bank of Pink Lake, in a strong, squat house, somewhat reminiscent of a short-tailed frigate without a bowsprit, a significant event also occurred. A retired admiral of the Royal Navy, the one-eyed cat Rumple, also has a son. Mrs. Rumpeleva was already a cat in years, and therefore the baby was born alone, without brothers and sisters. That is, of course, he had older brothers and sisters, but they grew up and left home long ago. Pan Rumple was retired, his past achievements were forgotten, he had few friends, no relatives at all. Or rather, there was almost none. Or, more accurately, they were, but because of a long-standing quarrel, all relations between them and Mr. Rumple were severed. In memory of his past exploits, the admiral wanted to call his son a big name - the Storm of the Striped Corsairs. After thinking about it, he decided that it was too pretentious, and shortened it to a more expressive and laconic one - the Striped Thunderstorm. After some further thought, he came to the conclusion that, perhaps, the name Groza is feminine and not very suitable for a boy. Having also decided that his son would certainly connect his fate with the Royal Navy, he christened the kitten with a simple and very nautical name - Striped.

    Chapter first

    In the ancient family castle, on the right bank of the Pink Lake, there was a storm of activity. The fact is that two hours ago the wife of the owner of the castle, Mrs. Korzhikova, gave birth to three kittens. Two girls-cats and one wonderful red kitten - a son. The father of the family, Pan Korzhik, was a very impressive red cat with a graying mustache and a monocle in his eye. He was very happy about the birth of his son, because his mother had already brought daughters three times. The older ones were able to get married, the younger ones studied in various boarding houses, and the youngest ones were raised at home. As Mr. Korzhik put it, his daughters were like uncut dogs! So, I think it’s understandable why, in honor of the birth of Korzhik Jr., the house was shaken up from the basement to the attic. A gala dinner was being prepared, invited and uninvited guests were arriving. Numerous relatives were already in a hurry with gifts. Even from His Royal Majesty a special messenger arrived with a congratulatory dispatch.

    In all this fuss, Father Korzhik barely found time to consult with his wife about his son’s name. However, for him this question had long been clear.

    “Darling,” he began, pointing with his paw at a long row of ancient portraits of his worthy ancestors, “I’m sure you won’t mind if we give the baby the most beautiful and sonorous name that would best reflect his nobility and remind him of his glorious deeds.” his grandfathers, great-grandfathers, uncles, cousins ​​and other relatives.

    - No, not that! – Korzhikov’s mother waved her paw irritably. - I already know your quirks. Are you trying to convince me to give my child a twenty-word name again? All our daughters suffer from this. Just think, sweet little Lucy got such a name! After all, neither your husband, nor your family, nor even you yourself can fully pronounce it - Lucia del Lyapsusova Rolgardina and Meowplyuh fraction es squared Belvelgerskaya Korzhikova!!! And, given the nobility of the family, she did not respond to any reduction. No! Enough! My son will have a short and expressive name.

    - Allow me! - Dad protested. - But he is also my son! I will not allow my only boy to have a short, tailless name! His ancestors...

    “And I’m telling you that he will have one name.” And you better not piss me off! – Mrs. Korzhikova hissed with indescribable dangerous softness.

    Pan Korzhik was actually a brave cat on the battlefield, but for some reason he did not dare to get into scandals with his beloved wife. He quietly retreated to the door and smiled peacefully:

    - Why are you so worried, my dear? Of course, we'll call it whatever you say. I just clarified some details... Everything is fine, rest, my sweetheart, I won’t bother you.

    When Papa Korzhik left, Mama Korzhikova grumbled for another minute and, turning the sleepy kitten towards her, quietly purred:

    – My sweet baby, I’ll just call you Red. It will be a light, cheerful name. Sleep well. And these crazy ideas of your daddy...

    Almost at the same time, Pan Korzhik was sitting with a notary - and a new entry appeared in the book of births, deaths, marriages and other civil acts: “The son Willibald Knops Mur-Meau Gauft Ka-14 Pukhtilinsky Korzhik Jr. was born.”

    Chapter two

    In the evening of the same day, on the left bank of Pink Lake, in a strong, squat house, somewhat reminiscent of a short-tailed frigate without a bowsprit, a significant event also occurred. A retired admiral of the Royal Navy, the one-eyed cat Rumple, also has a son. Mrs. Rumpeleva was already a cat in years, and therefore the baby was born alone, without brothers and sisters. That is, of course, he had older brothers and sisters, but they grew up and left home long ago. Pan Rumple was retired, his past achievements were forgotten, he had few friends, no relatives at all. Or rather, there was almost none. Or, more accurately, they were, but because of a long-standing quarrel, all relations between them and Mr. Rumple were severed. In memory of his past exploits, the admiral wanted to call his son a big name - the Storm of the Striped Corsairs. After thinking about it, he decided that it was too pretentious, and shortened it to a more expressive and laconic one - the Striped Thunderstorm. After some further thought, he came to the conclusion that, perhaps, the name Groza is feminine and not very suitable for a boy. Having also decided that his son would certainly connect his fate with the Royal Navy, he christened the kitten with a simple and very nautical name - Striped.

    Thus, two new names appeared in the notary's book: Red (for Mrs. Korzhikova nevertheless caused a scandal to her husband) and Striped.

    Both kids grew by leaps and bounds, although completely different conditions. Willibald Korzhik received a diverse humanitarian and physical education befitting a kitten from a high family. In particular, he was inimitable in the complex game “Bow on a String,” sang romances about love on the roof passably, and knew how to smile delightfully at any yard cat without losing the dignity of a nobleman. In general, he was a kind and brave kitten, whose only weak point was his love for everything romantic.

    But if governesses and invited teachers were involved in raising Red, then the admiral himself took on the upbringing of Striped. The striped one slept in a hammock, walked in any weather, dashingly dealt with fish, sang pirate songs, could list the advantages of any ship and had a good command of the basics of English boxing. He was a strong, practical kitten, ready for any blows of fate and able to strike blows himself. The two heroes never met, as they lived on different shores of the Pink Lake. Long walks along the coast and in the forest were prohibited for Red, and Striped had simply not yet reached the outskirts of the castle.

    It should be noted that these festivities were quite risky. In the forests there were gangs of stray dogs - rangers, and stray cats scurried along the coast, pretending to be beggars, but in reality not much different from robbers.

    Chapter Three

    Pan Korzhik Sr. repeatedly told Red that walking without security was dangerous. However, his young son was stubborn, like d’Artagnan, and, twirling his barely visible mustache, arrogantly declared that his noble blood did not know what fear was. Both got excited, and gradually the atmosphere in the house became tense. Mrs. Korzhikova suppressed such disputes when the passions of father and son reached their climax. She acted quickly and decisively, as a result of which Korzhik Sr. retired to the kitchen to console himself with a glass of something soul-saving, and Red, having received a slap on the head, flew like a bullet into the nursery. There he gave several slaps to the toy soldiers and poured out his sadness by hugging the neck of a wooden horse.

    One of these evenings, he decided that this could not continue. “I’ll leave home,” he thought, “I’ll leave and become a great traveler. I'll discover or conquer something. And here, at mommy’s side, you won’t be able to endure even the most seedy adventure. So, it's decided. I will become a knight errant!" With these thoughts he fell asleep. The next morning, Red had breakfast alone (his parents, like all decent cats, slept almost until lunch) and began to carefully get ready for the trip. He put on new boots and a hunting jacket and, tightening his belt, looked at himself in the mirror. After thinking, he put on a hat with a plume. Now a real adventurer was looking at him from the mirror. So, at least, it seemed to Red. After thinking a little more, he decided to pick up a weapon. None of Pan Korzhik's swords or sabers suited him - they were too bulky and heavy. Kitchen knives are sharp, but inconvenient. Sighing, he selected an elegant silver fork and decided that his equipment was complete. With desperate determination, Red pulled his hat down over his eyebrows and softly jumped from the windowsill onto the flowerbed. Climbing over the fence was also not difficult. Red went out to the coast and, not having a firm plan of where to go, simply walked forward. If he knew where he was going...

    That same day, Striped, walking in the forest, played Indians. He put on a headband with a feather, smeared his face with soot and, taking the admiral's naval hatchet as a tomahawk, rushed through the bushes with his tail raised, announcing the surrounding area with the chilling war cry of the Hurons. However, something soon caught his attention, and he fell silent and hid in the grass. Three hefty cats with the most gangster faces came out into the clearing. They quietly discussed something and, looking around furtively, headed towards the coast. On the way, they were joined by four more strong cats and one on a crutch. This lame man was the smallest, oldest and most inconspicuous. But the rest obeyed him unquestioningly. Tabby immediately guessed that these were stray cats and they were going for some dirty deed. Admiral Rumple often told his son about such entities and insisted that he stay away from them. Tabby usually obeyed his father, but this time curiosity got the better of him - like a real redskin, Tabby crawled after the stray cats, eager to find out what these wicked beasts were up to!

    Chapter Four

    Red walked briskly along the shore of the lake. The weather was wonderful, the sun was a little hot, the flowers bowed, and he answered them with a happy smile. A little later, Red turned towards the forest, chose the largest daisy and stuck it in his buttonhole. Oh, how good everything was! The poor kitten didn’t even notice how someone’s black paw poked out from behind the bushes and tripped him. The noble Pan Korzhik Jr. rolled head over heels across the grass. When he, surprised and dumbfounded, raised his head, seven ragged cats stood around him with crooked grins.

    -Are you hurt, little one? – someone’s nasal voice said with mocking affection.

    Red got to his feet and saw another, lame, impudent cat.

    “Thank you, everything is fine,” he answered, shaking himself off.

    “Where is such a noble young man going?” - Khromoy continued brazenly.

    – I am a knight errant and go to distant lands.

    – Why, if it’s not a secret?

    - Not a secret. “I’m looking for adventure,” Red answered proudly.

    “Well, at least you’ve already found one thing,” noted Lame.

    - Which one?! – Red was joyfully surprised.

    “Robbers attacked you, grabbed you and robbed you,” the old cat finished with a quiet laugh.

    At the same moment, the other cats rushed at Red, grabbed him tightly by the paws, took away his fork, and took off his hat. Out of surprise and surprise, the kitten did not even resist. However, a second later the noble blood of Korzhikov began to rage within him.

    - Vile scoundrels! How dare you raise your hand against a nobleman?! Let me go now, or I'll kill you all here! – he screamed in a voice that was not his own.

    The lame cat looked skeptically at the indignant nobility and, spitting, demanded:

    - Take off your boots!

    - Pipes! – Red snapped.

    “Take off your boots, little one,” hissed Lame.

    Even if the kitten wanted to do this, he still couldn’t - his front paws were held tightly by the cats. The lame man quickly bent down and tried to pull the boot off Red. Squealing, the kitten jumped up and hit Lame in the nose with the heel of his boot. He flew off into the bushes without a sound. The cats were taken aback. The lame man crawled out of the bushes on all fours - his nose looked like a large ripe tomato. He looked at Red with hatred and screamed shrilly:

    - In the forest! Everyone into the forest! Hang the puppy from the nearest tree!

    Seven cats, taking the daring adventurer in their arms, rushed towards the forest. The cats chose a suitable branch and fished out a rope from somewhere. The lame cat carefully held his nose and commanded:

    - Faster! Faster! Don't mess around, you fools! Seven big fools can't hang one brat!

    Indeed, Red was kicking like an imp, trying to kick, bite, hit or scratch his opponents. The lame man once again opened his mouth to hurry his robbers, but then the naval hatchet, whistling in the air, dug into the tree above his head. The lame man fell off his face. At the same moment, a long, shimmering battle cry of the Indians hovered over the forest.

    Chapter Five

    The little leader of the redskins stepped into the clearing with a determined look. The eagle feather and war paint made him especially formidable. With a proud step, he walked towards Red and, taking him by the paw, pulled him out of the cats’ claws. They didn’t even try to object - what was happening seemed too incredible. The lame cat, gurgling something unintelligible, spread his paws and stood on the road, trying to detain the liberator. The imperturbable “Indian,” without saying a bad word, shined a light in his eye. The lame man fell backwards, and Red and his savior rushed forward at a gallop. The stunned cats did not immediately come to their senses; several minutes passed before Lame’s screams brought them to their senses:

    – Why are you standing there, idiots?! It's just two little kittens, grab 'em you idiots! Give chase or I'll kill you all!

    Having picked up Lame, the cats rushed after him. At this time, Admiral Rumple unsuccessfully tried to call Striped. He had been looking for him for about five minutes and was terribly angry.

    - I’ll tear out the nasty boy if now, a thousand devils, he doesn’t show up! - the admiral muttered, climbing through the bushes.

    It was time for dinner, and without the baby, Mrs. Rumpeleva did not set the table. The old sea wolf was hungry and angry.

    Red and Striped talked as they ran.

    - Who are you? – Red was the first to shout.

    - My name is Striped, and I live on the shore of the lake, and you?..

    – Full name Willibald Knops Mur-Meow Gauft... ugh! Better just Red. I also live on the shore of a lake, in a castle.

    – Ahh... I immediately realized that you are from a noble family. Is your dad the owner of the castle?

    - Yeah. And your?

    - Mine is the admiral of the fleet.

    - Wow! Are you just playing Indians?

    - Sometimes. I followed these bandits just out of interest. And then they suddenly grabbed you.

    - Accident! They attacked from behind, otherwise I would have shown them.

    - Press faster! - Striped suddenly shouted.

    - What is it? – The redhead turned around and immediately increased his pace.

    Stray cats rushed behind, growling. The situation was becoming desperate... Quickly assessing the inevitability of a fight, the young sailor turned sharply and clenched his fists. The red-haired man flew a few more meters by inertia, but turned around and rushed to the aid of his new friend - what, he was not a coward!

    Two little heroes stood back to back, surrounded by running cats. True, now the robbers were in no hurry to attack; their chieftain’s broken nose and black eye served as a good warning. Besides, those who attack seven against one are always cowards. Finally, Lame tried to take the initiative into his own hands.

    - Hey, little ones! – he yelled, hiding behind the backs of his comrades. - Well, give up before we make cutlets out of you!

    The cats laughed nervously, trying to cheer each other up. Reasonable Striped remained silent, but frowned, but Red, flushed with indignation, immediately intervened in the squabble:

    “You yourselves are shabby rugs for fleas!” They won’t even hire you to use cloths to wash the floors. For the last time I say - get out of here! Pickled gophers! Otherwise I’ll unscrew everyone’s tails!..

    Striped already grunted with pleasure, and Red looked around proudly, enjoying the effect produced. The “pickled gophers” were silent in shame. Then one turned to Lame and said guiltily:

    - Come on! Let them go... And why did we get involved with the small fry?

    The lame man squealed angrily and hit the cat in the face with a flourish:

    - Be silent! Come on, take them! I’ll make mittens out of them – one red, the other striped. Take them, I said!

    The cats sullenly took a step forward.

    - Polundra! - Striped suddenly screamed and rushed at the enemies.

    A small pile was formed. Dust flew in all directions, the young heroes fought like lions. It was impossible to make out who, where, whom, with what and in what place. However, in the end, Red and Striped were still tied up and presented to Lame.

    - Well, well, the chicks have jumped! – Lame hissed sarcastically. “Well, we’ll talk to the red-haired one later, but you, little vest...

    And he reached out with his clawed paw to Striped’s nose. At that same moment, some unknown force lifted Lame by the collar and, swinging him, threw him into the bushes. Behind, menacing and powerful, stood an old sailor - the one-eyed cat Rumple.

    Chapter Six

    The cats immediately ran away. The lame man climbed out of the bushes and ran faster than anyone else. Now he didn't even limp - apparently, Mr. Rumple was a good doctor. This time the friends were saved.

    Red and Striped stood in front of the admiral with their heads down.

    “Dad,” Striped began guiltily, “I honestly played Indians...

    – Did I tell you not to mess with stray cats? - Rumple interrupted him, slapping his son on the back of the head.

    - Dad! But they attacked...

    “And your mother is waiting for you for dinner, and I’m running around here in the bushes like a scalded cabin boy.”

    Striped silently accepted the second slap on the head.

    - But, dad, I just wanted to explain...

    - Be silent when elders talk to you! – the admiral snapped and raised his paw again.

    But the slap on the head did not take place - Red hung on his paw.

    “I won’t let you,” he squealed, desperately trying to kick Rumple in the stomach. - I won't let you hit my friend!

    - I'm sorry, what? - Pan Rumple asked, taken aback with surprise. -You won't let me? You to me?! Yes I...

    He tried to lift his second paw, but could not - Striped was hanging on it.

    - Dad! - he yelled. – Dad, don’t – he’s my friend!

    - Caramba! – the admiral growled, throwing both of them into the grass with a wave. - Come on, march home, pygmies! Alive!

    The kittens did not force themselves to ask twice and, holding their paws, flew like a bullet to the frigate house. Striped showed the way, but Red didn’t care where to go.

    Besides, I really wanted to eat. And later, in the evening, the fed and washed heroes were put to bed. Mrs. Rumpeleva carefully tucked a blanket for everyone and kissed both of them on the forehead - she was a very gentle and kind cat, although she sometimes entered into short arguments with her stern husband, by the way, always gaining the upper hand. When the kittens fell asleep, Mrs. Rumpeleva quietly went down to the living room. There, by the fireplace, the old admiral sat and, looking thoughtfully at the fire, smoked a pipe. Mrs. Rumpeleva sank into a chair and took up her knitting. Both silently waited to see who would speak first. Pan Rumple was the first to break down:

    End of introductory fragment.

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    In the ancient family castle, on the right bank of the Pink Lake, there was a storm of activity. The fact is that two hours ago the wife of the owner of the castle, Mrs. Korzhikova, gave birth to three kittens. Two girls-cats and one wonderful red kitten - a son. The father of the family, Pan Korzhik, was a very impressive red cat with a graying mustache and a monocle in his eye. He was very happy about the birth of his son, because his mother had already brought daughters three times. The older ones were able to get married, the younger ones studied in various boarding houses, and the youngest ones were raised at home. As Mr. Korzhik put it, his daughters were like uncut dogs! So, I think it’s understandable why, in honor of the birth of Korzhik Jr., the house was shaken up from the basement to the attic. A gala dinner was being prepared, invited and uninvited guests were arriving. Numerous relatives were already in a hurry with gifts. Even from His Royal Majesty a special messenger arrived with a congratulatory dispatch.

    In all this fuss, Father Korzhik barely found time to consult with his wife about his son’s name. However, for him this question had long been clear.

    “Darling,” he began, pointing with his paw at a long row of ancient portraits of his worthy ancestors, “I’m sure you won’t mind if we give the baby the most beautiful and sonorous name that would best reflect his nobility and remind him of his glorious deeds.” his grandfathers, great-grandfathers, uncles, cousins ​​and other relatives.

    - No, not that! – Korzhikov’s mother waved her paw irritably. - I already know your quirks. Are you trying to convince me to give my child a twenty-word name again? All our daughters suffer from this. Just think, sweet little Lucy got such a name! After all, neither your husband, nor your family, nor even you yourself can fully pronounce it - Lucia del Lyapsusova Rolgardina and Meowplyuh fraction es squared Belvelgerskaya Korzhikova!!! And, given the nobility of the family, she did not respond to any reduction. No! Enough! My son will have a short and expressive name.

    - Allow me! - Dad protested. - But he is also my son! I will not allow my only boy to have a short, tailless name! His ancestors...

    “And I’m telling you that he will have one name.” And you better not piss me off! – Mrs. Korzhikova hissed with indescribable dangerous softness.

    Pan Korzhik was actually a brave cat on the battlefield, but for some reason he did not dare to get into scandals with his beloved wife. He quietly retreated to the door and smiled peacefully:

    - Why are you so worried, my dear? Of course, we'll call it whatever you say. I just clarified some details... Everything is fine, rest, my sweetheart, I won’t bother you.

    When Papa Korzhik left, Mama Korzhikova grumbled for another minute and, turning the sleepy kitten towards her, quietly purred:

    – My sweet baby, I’ll just call you Red. It will be a light, cheerful name. Sleep well. And these crazy ideas of your daddy...

    Almost at the same time, Pan Korzhik was sitting with a notary - and a new entry appeared in the book of births, deaths, marriages and other civil acts: “The son Willibald Knops Mur-Meau Gauft Ka-14 Pukhtilinsky Korzhik Jr. was born.”

    Chapter two

    In the evening of the same day, on the left bank of Pink Lake, in a strong, squat house, somewhat reminiscent of a short-tailed frigate without a bowsprit, a significant event also occurred. A retired admiral of the Royal Navy, the one-eyed cat Rumple, also has a son. Mrs. Rumpeleva was already a cat in years, and therefore the baby was born alone, without brothers and sisters. That is, of course, he had older brothers and sisters, but they grew up and left home long ago. Pan Rumple was retired, his past achievements were forgotten, he had few friends, no relatives at all. Or rather, there was almost none. Or, more accurately, they were, but because of a long-standing quarrel, all relations between them and Mr. Rumple were severed. In memory of his past exploits, the admiral wanted to call his son a big name - the Storm of the Striped Corsairs. After thinking about it, he decided that it was too pretentious, and shortened it to a more expressive and laconic one - the Striped Thunderstorm. After some further thought, he came to the conclusion that, perhaps, the name Groza is feminine and not very suitable for a boy. Having also decided that his son would certainly connect his fate with the Royal Navy, he christened the kitten with a simple and very nautical name - Striped.

    Thus, two new names appeared in the notary's book: Red (for Mrs. Korzhikova nevertheless caused a scandal to her husband) and Striped.

    Both kids grew by leaps and bounds, although in completely different conditions. Willibald Korzhik received a diverse humanitarian and physical education befitting a kitten from a high family. In particular, he was inimitable in the complex game “Bow on a String,” sang romances about love on the roof passably, and knew how to smile delightfully at any yard cat without losing the dignity of a nobleman. In general, he was a kind and brave kitten, whose only weak point was his love for everything romantic.

    But if governesses and invited teachers were involved in raising Red, then the admiral himself took on the upbringing of Striped. The striped one slept in a hammock, walked in any weather, dashingly dealt with fish, sang pirate songs, could list the advantages of any ship and had a good command of the basics of English boxing. He was a strong, practical kitten, ready for any blows of fate and able to strike blows himself. The two heroes never met, as they lived on different shores of the Pink Lake. Long walks along the coast and in the forest were prohibited for Red, and Striped had simply not yet reached the outskirts of the castle.

    It should be noted that these festivities were quite risky. In the forests there were gangs of stray dogs - rangers, and stray cats scurried along the coast, pretending to be beggars, but in reality not much different from robbers.

    Chapter Three

    Pan Korzhik Sr. repeatedly told Red that walking without security was dangerous. However, his young son was stubborn, like d’Artagnan, and, twirling his barely visible mustache, arrogantly declared that his noble blood did not know what fear was. Both got excited, and gradually the atmosphere in the house became tense. Mrs. Korzhikova suppressed such disputes when the passions of father and son reached their climax. She acted quickly and decisively, as a result of which Korzhik Sr. retired to the kitchen to console himself with a glass of something soul-saving, and Red, having received a slap on the head, flew like a bullet into the nursery. There he gave several slaps to the toy soldiers and poured out his sadness by hugging the neck of a wooden horse.

    One of these evenings, he decided that this could not continue. “I’ll leave home,” he thought, “I’ll leave and become a great traveler. I'll discover or conquer something. And here, at mommy’s side, you won’t be able to endure even the most seedy adventure. So, it's decided. I will become a knight errant!" With these thoughts he fell asleep. The next morning, Red had breakfast alone (his parents, like all decent cats, slept almost until lunch) and began to carefully get ready for the trip. He put on new boots and a hunting jacket and, tightening his belt, looked at himself in the mirror. After thinking, he put on a hat with a plume. Now a real adventurer was looking at him from the mirror. So, at least, it seemed to Red. After thinking a little more, he decided to pick up a weapon. None of Pan Korzhik's swords or sabers suited him - they were too bulky and heavy. Kitchen knives are sharp, but inconvenient. Sighing, he selected an elegant silver fork and decided that his equipment was complete. With desperate determination, Red pulled his hat down over his eyebrows and softly jumped from the windowsill onto the flowerbed. Climbing over the fence was also not difficult. Red went out to the coast and, not having a firm plan of where to go, simply walked forward. If he knew where he was going...

    The fleas were absolutely delighted - they had not seen such a wonderful game for a long time. After all, everyone knows what passionate jumpers fleas are! Don’t feed them bread, just let them jump further and higher. Finally, the largest flea exhaled happily:

    - Wow, great! We haven’t had this much fun for a long time, I’m absolutely overjoyed with happiness!

    - Such a joke! – the rest of the fleas immediately happily supported. – It’s just some kind of holiday!

    “Hey, kittens,” the large flea turned to his friends, “did you come up with this entertainment yourself?”

    Red and Striped nodded silently. They have more than once heard terrible stories about how fleas, rushing en masse on a cat or dog, tortured it almost to death. The kittens were trembling. However, this time the fleas had the most peaceful intentions. They were having fun. Gradually, the kittens, having calmed down, began to exchange jokes with their “neighbors.” It even occurred to the redhead original idea.

    - Ah-ah-ah, you want to run away! - the flea sagaciously guessed.

    “We want to,” admitted Red and Striped honestly.

    - A couple of trifles! – the fleas chuckled arrogantly. “Knock on the door and let those furry fools come in.” We will delay them, and you tick.

    - And you won’t get anything for this? – just in case, Striped clarified.

    - Us? For biting a couple of dogs? - the fleas laughed. - Yes, if we want, we will eat them all, along with their collars! Come on knock on the door, don't be afraid!

    Striped rushed to the door and banged on it with his paws. The redhead ran away and kicked the door a couple of times with his boot. There was a rattle of bolts, and the flabby muzzle of the bulldog guard glanced into the camera.

    - Riot?! I'll rebel at you! Paws on the head, face to the wall! No talking! Alive!

    The fleas rushed silently, in a heap. The bulldog, squealing in pain, began to roll around the dungeon, waving its paws and unsuccessfully trying to bite at least one flea. The kittens jumped over him, rushed up the stairs and ran out into the yard. Yes... they had never seen so many dogs at once! The dogs looked at the kittens in surprise. A moment later the terrible persecution began! Two little kittens scampered around the yard, pursued by a snarling pack of dogs. Red and Striped were exhausted. This couldn't go on for long. The friends grabbed their paws and, closing their eyes, prepared for death. Some terrible force picked them up, turned them over and threw them up. The kittens fell onto something soft. Carefully opening their eyes, Red and Striped saw that they were lying on the back of a huge St. Bernard, Boom. The king himself stood next to him.

    Chapter Thirteen

    When General Gram learned that Boom had secured a meeting with the king and Doberman Gaft the Third was incredibly angry, he did not wait for the worst and fled, taking the plan of the fortress. About a mile from the fort he came across cat scouts and surrendered to them without resistance. The cat king (and he really took part in the campaign) received the general very kindly. The ingratiating Grram immediately handed the cats a plan for the defense of the fort, for which he received a lot of thanks. After which the insidious Murmiauskas ordered the general to be tied up and prepared to be sent further to the rear, where he would be given an honorable hanging upon the army’s return from the campaign. Suspecting that they would be looking for General Grram, the cat king ordered to dig more “wolf holes” and set traps. Small detachments of scouts were still combing the area.

    The fort was raised on alert. They were looking for a general. Not found. But they discovered that secret documentation was missing. Just in case, the fortress garrison took up combat posts. The good King Doberman expressed a desire to guide the kittens to the coast himself. He responded to Boom’s admonitions with only a shrug:

    – My good Pum, you are a good dog, but you shouldn’t worry too much about me. I myself accompanied my little friends to the water. Danger is the sport of kings! In case I myself beat everyone through English boxing.

    Red and Striped said a warm farewell to Boom. The royal cook gave them a backpack with provisions, and the security officer gave them two light swords from the arsenal. The other dogs, having learned about the heroic deeds and loyal friendship of the kittens, began to respect them and no longer tried to chase them around the yard. Frankly, the attitude towards them became so warm and sincere that Red didn’t even want to leave. Anyway, at home, except for spanking, nothing was expected. Having thought this way, he reported this to Striped. He answered briefly:

    - Mom is waiting for me.

    - Mein kinder! – he began soulfully. “I’m especially sad that we have to part.” I don't have a prince boy, I have one daughter. Six pieces! Oh, mein lieben gott! How can I marry them off?! This is my sick problem... However, enough politics. Vater and Mutter are waiting for you. I kiss you on the nose and you run home, home. Don't forget your old one good friend Doberman. If you will be my guest again, I am very glad. I am…

    The king did not finish. A large fishing net flew out from behind the nearby bushes and covered His Majesty headlong. At the same moment, twenty selected cats from intelligence hung on the net, trying to completely confuse the dog king. Red and Striped were simply thrown aside so as not to get in the way. Doberman Gaft III defended like a lion, and more than one cat flew through the air, struck down by a powerful uppercut or right hook. His Majesty knocked out at least a dozen teeth alone, but, unfortunately, the combat units of the cats were too close. In the end the king was tied up...

    Chapter fourteen

    There was great excitement in Murmiauskas's camp tent. Pan Cookie Monster and Admiral Rumple were finally able to hug their prodigal children. Pan Korzhik was also notified that the king himself wanted to see his heroic son. It smelled like a big reward! However, all this fuss did not please Red and Striped at all. Why? The kittens felt sorry for the dog king. Maybe this was a terrible crime against their homeland, relatives, friends and all cats in general, but... neither Red nor Striped would probably be able to explain why they so regret the capture of one of the most important opponents of the cat people. Doberman Gaft the Third was kind to them and that’s all...

    General Graram was also brought into the tent. The nobles and commanders of the cat army were only waiting for the king to come out. Murmiauskas ascended the throne to the accompaniment of solemn music and cries of delight. He was fat, pompous and malicious... With a wave of his paw, lined with rings, he called Red over to him. Having made a graceful bow, Red approached the king.

    – The little hero is the son of worthy parents! The Korzhikov family has always been famous for its brave cats. We decided to reward you!

    - For what, Your Majesty? – Red was surprised.

    - What modesty! – the king softly admired. “However, you have something to be proud of.” Bring in the prisoner here!

    The guard cats brought a tightly bound Doberman into the tent. The Dog King, even in captivity, retained his pride and greatness. His eyes burned, his teeth were clenched, and his muscles rippled under his shiny fur. Murmiauskas the Fifth looked arrogantly at the prisoner and affectionately addressed Red:

    – Kid, for the cunning assistance provided to the state in capturing the king of a hostile country, we, Murmiauskas the Fifth, award you the honorary Order of the Clawed Paw. Order to the hero!

    Music started playing. The young “hero” looked stunned from the king to his father, from his father to Striped, until suddenly he met the eyes of His Majesty Doberman. The captive king looked contemptuously at Red and said expressively:

    - You are a petty traitor!

    The Order floated before Red's eyes. But those around him took his tears as a sign of gratitude to their monarch. Red staggered and almost fainted. Striped Man managed to lend his shoulder and support his friend. In the ensuing silence, Red’s wild cry was heard:

    - I’m not pre-yes!


    In the ancient family castle, on the right bank of the Pink Lake, there was a storm of activity. The fact is that two hours ago the wife of the owner of the castle, Mrs. Korzhikova, gave birth to three kittens. Two girls-cats and one wonderful red kitten - a son. The father of the family, Pan Korzhik, was a very impressive red cat with a graying mustache and a monocle in his eye. He was very happy about the birth of his son, because his mother had already brought daughters three times. The older ones were able to get married, the younger ones studied in various boarding houses, and the youngest ones were raised at home. As Mr. Korzhik put it, his daughters were like uncut dogs! So, I think it’s understandable why, in honor of the birth of Korzhik Jr., the house was shaken up from the basement to the attic. A gala dinner was being prepared, invited and uninvited guests were arriving. Numerous relatives were already in a hurry with gifts. Even from His Royal Majesty a special messenger arrived with a congratulatory dispatch.

    In all this fuss, Father Korzhik barely found time to consult with his wife about his son’s name. However, for him this question had long been clear.

    “Darling,” he began, pointing with his paw at a long row of ancient portraits of his worthy ancestors, “I’m sure you won’t mind if we give the baby the most beautiful and sonorous name that would best reflect his nobility and remind of his glorious deeds.” grandparents, great-grandparents, uncles, cousins ​​and other relatives.

    No, not this! - Korzhikov’s mother waved her paw irritably. - I already know your quirks. Are you trying to convince me to give my child a twenty-word name again? All our daughters suffer from this. Just think, sweet little Lucy got such a name! After all, neither your husband, nor your family, nor even you yourself can fully pronounce it - Lucia del Lyapsusova Rolgardina and Meowplyuh fraction es squared Belvelgerskaya Korzhikova!!! And, given the nobility of the family, she did not respond to any reduction. No! Enough! My son will have a short and expressive name.

    Let me! - Dad protested. - But he is also my son! I will not allow my only boy to have a short, tailless name! His ancestors...

    And I'm telling you that he will have one name. And you better not piss me off! - Mrs. Korzhikova hissed with indescribable dangerous softness.

    Pan Korzhik was actually a brave cat on the battlefield, but for some reason he did not dare to get into scandals with his beloved wife. He quietly retreated to the door and smiled peacefully:

    So why are you so worried, honey? Of course, we'll call it whatever you say. I just clarified some details... Everything is fine, rest, my sweetheart, I won’t bother you.

    When Papa Korzhik left, Mama Korzhikova grumbled for another minute and, turning the sleepy kitten towards her, quietly purred:

    My sweet baby, I’ll just call you Red. It will be a light, cheerful name. Sleep well. And these crazy ideas of your daddy...

    Almost at the same time, Pan Korzhik was sitting with a notary - and a new entry appeared in the book of birth, death, marriage and other civil acts: “The son Willibald Knops Mur-Meau Gauft Ka-14 Pukhtilinsky Korzhik Jr. was born.


    In the evening of the same day, on the left bank of Pink Lake, in a strong, squat house, somewhat reminiscent of a short-tailed frigate without a bowsprit, a significant event also occurred. A retired admiral of the Royal Navy, the one-eyed cat Rumple, also has a son. Mrs. Rumpeleva was already a cat in years, and therefore the baby was born alone, without brothers and sisters.

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