• The most romantic declaration of love. Declaration of love to a guy


    Confessing your love to your neighbor,
    We brighten our soul.
    Although we don't know for sure
    Let us console our feelings.

    And I want to tell you
    That I don’t regret the confession.
    And only the wind blows cleaner.
    And it became easier for me to breathe.

    I approach you in excitement,
    I timidly touch your hands,
    To be with you is written in fate,
    It’s hard for me without you, I’m in agony.

    The wind passed like rain across the ground,
    Evening fell unnoticed.
    More and more decisive confession to you,
    That I love you selflessly.

    Having passed all the obstacles and hundreds of paths
    I will meet you on this earth.
    And years are not sorrow, and children are not sin,
    You can't break love like a walnut.
    And may you not read my lines
    I love you! You understand this!

    I don’t complain, I don’t scream and I don’t cry,
    And I love you silently and quietly.
    Alas, I cannot do otherwise -
    I'll just simply leave.

    Why do you need my love?
    Why do you need my confessions?
    So what if being with you -
    My deepest wish.

    Please forgive my sadness
    I won't do this again.
    I'm leaving, and it's a pity -
    I won't forget you.

    My joy! You're in my heart!
    You've been living there for many years.
    And my love is a hot fire
    Warms you up like a blanket.

    For years now I have been day by day
    I'm still trying to forget you,
    I keep wandering, keeping hope
    That I can stop loving you.

    Only the heart does not want to be silent,
    After all, it is tired of its wounds...
    " I love you!" - I will scream
    Throwing the world at your feet...

    Spring days no need to wait
    So that I can open my heart to you.
    It's nice for me to enjoy love,
    And this is happiness - I envy myself.

    The days are filled with sunshine and light.
    Even though there is snow, I am warm now.
    Love warmed me like summer.
    And even at night I have plenty of light.

    Your eyes are like nothing else
    It’s like there’s an ocean of bright stars in them!
    It's impossible for me to love you
    You are better than roses!
    My life is impossible without tears,
    If you don't take me seriously.

    Who said that love needs to wait its time?
    My desires rush upward in blazing fire.
    I want to say that I love, my heart breathes,
    I ask you, accept it, accept my zeal.

    I won’t promise high mountains and centuries of happiness,
    Whatever happens, let it be, because the future is our joy.
    Let the feeling warm in your chest, flow into relationships,
    And we will be the happiest of all, there is no room for dispute here.

    Hello my dear man,
    How happy I am to see you.
    It used to be strange for me to think
    That I can love sometimes.

    Suddenly, like a wave, I was covered,
    And they didn’t give me time to figure it out.
    A miracle happens in the world,
    One cannot live without the other.

    Looks like a curse, but not among us,
    We are destined to be with someone.
    And it’s great that a joyful hour appears,
    When love soars in this parade.

    I'm so shy, there are no words,
    Lips are shaking, hands are suddenly sweating,
    The voice trembles and the light shines,
    The soul screams, let everyone admit it.

    I have something to tell you
    Please accept and agree,
    I love you - there is no doubt about it,
    I want them to always live together.

    Everything was as it was
    We lived and dreamed
    And life is serious
    Didn't perceive
    But life is such a thing,
    In a word, it’s just torment,
    Everything was as it was
    We lived in pain
    We dreamed about good things
    Each other
    How could they understand
    Everything was as it was
    The sun was shining,
    Life went on
    But you're far away
    Left from me
    Everything was as it was
    And what is there to hide here?
    Everything will be as it will be
    I will love!

    Not every man can confess his love so sensually... Ben Neil touched every corner of the soul with his confession. What does your loved one say when he confesses his feelings to you?

    In a universe of infinite possibilities, on a planet with 7 billion people, I want you.

    I love you. Not a day goes by that I don't say this to you.

    But the silent poetry that lurks in my chest cannot be expressed in just these three words or even three thousand words. No matter how I try to describe what I feel for you, not a single word can contain the power with which this fire burns in me.

    But I’ll try...Perhaps when I write this and you read it, these words will make sense for you too...

    When I say I love you, I mean I want you. From the very first time you ran your hand through my hair, I longed for you - your touch, your hug, your taste on my lips.

    You turn me. And I can't resist. This is chemistry.

    When I say I love you, I mean that you are beautiful. You look amazing in heels and dresses and all that tinsel, and even more amazing in pajamas and jeans. When you don't even try to be beautiful, when you are carefree, natural, it takes my breath away.

    When I say I love you, I mean I love your curves, your body, your curves. I love your neck, your chest, your back, your hips. You are the epitome of a pure woman from the locks of your hair to your ankles and toes. Like no one else, you awaken the man, the beast, the passion, the hunger and the lust in me.

    I love the way you move, your easy grace. I love the way you walk, your rhythm and the sway of your hips. I like the way you dance. I love the way we make love - the way we breathe, the way we feel each other. One pulse, one pleasure, one ecstatic climax. Complete unity.

    When I say I love you, I mean all of you, just the way you are. I love your recklessness and playfulness, how easily we can laugh at ourselves and at life. I love your courage, your strength. I love your jealousy and insecurity. I love your honesty (even though it hurts sometimes). I love how you can take responsibility for your words. I love your willingness to face your fears and grow.

    I love you for who you are, deep inside - the endless innocence that I see in your eyes. Behind everything you say and do, I see pure and selfless intentions, a kind and compassionate soul.

    When I say I love you, I mean that I trust you, that I respect you, that I admire you, that I adore you.

    When I say I love you, I mean I will forgive you. I apologize for those moments when I took you for granted. When I was too busy, too distant and self-absorbed to make time for you. I'm sorry for not being the man you deserve.

    When I say I love you, I mean that I love the way we love each other. How it motivates me to grow, to become better, to face my fears. I love sharing life with you: victories and defeats, laughter and pain.

    When I say I love you, I mean that my life is better with you in it. I am a better person thanks to you. And the more I get to know you, the more I want to know more. I miss you when you're not around. I am grateful for every moment together.

    Every man at least once in his life thinks about how to confess his feelings to his girlfriend. And do it beautifully, in your own words, so that the woman touches the soul. In order to assure your beloved of the sincerity of your feelings and intentions, it is not at all necessary to be a poet or a master of words. Short SMS or several kind words, written from the heart and independently, can do this no worse than laudatory odes copied from a book.

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    Preparing to explain

    A guy who has decided to openly declare his love to a girl must first think carefully about everything and understand for himself whether this is really a real feeling or just a hobby . After all, the impressionable girlish nature will definitely take the words of love seriously and begin to think about the wedding. A man needs to think through such things in advance so that a possible separation does not bring too much pain and disappointment to his current lover.

    If a young man is confident in himself and his feelings, he should approach his first confession very responsibly. One of the most important conditions for a declaration of love to be received favorably is appearance men, choice the right moment, romantic setting and the sincerity of the words spoken.

    How to prove to a girl that you love her

    How to choose the moment to confess?

    If a young man doubts whether he should confess his love right now, he needs to watch a little the development of his relationship with his beloved. Discussion of joint plans for the future, care and attention to each other, planning of common affairs - all this indicates that the time has come.

      The process of uttering words of love, beautiful and bringing to tears, is in itself very romantic. It is not appropriate to confess your feelings in everyday life. A man needs to create a special, gentle and sensual atmosphere so that his explanation is perceived correctly.

      Compliments to a girl

      Choosing and decorating a meeting place

      Decorating a house with candles and strewing flower petals is classic version preparation for declaration of love. A man can also cook romantic dinner or order it at a restaurant (if his culinary skills are not up to par). An optional but important attribute of dinner is wine or champagne. You shouldn’t skimp on it by purchasing a bottle of an expensive, high-quality drink for your table. A man who decides to pamper his beloved with delicious food needs to inquire in advance about the girl’s preferences in gastronomy. This will help avoid dissatisfaction and unnecessary stress.

      A romantic confession at home will allow the couple to feel comfortable and free, but this is far from the only option. Can:

    1. 1. Have a date on the roof. You first need to find a cozy place there and prepare it accordingly. Wine and rose petals will work here too.
    2. 2. Take your beloved to an unusual place (for example, to an ancient dungeon or picturesque ruins).
    3. 3. Invite a girl to the cinema for a romantic film. The ideal option would be an empty hall, then no one would interfere with saying sincere and heartfelt words of love.
    4. 4. Hire a limousine and ride it around the city. The pleasure is not cheap, but original date secured.

    Touching confession

    Choosing a place for a date and decorating it correctly is very important. But no less important are the words that will be spoken. The phrase “I love you” is already quite worn out and everyday. It is heard everywhere: in films, songs, conversations. A girl may perceive these three words in a completely different way than a man would like. An original love confession, beautifully spoken in your own words, is a completely different matter. It can be in prose, poetry, letter or SMS (the last two are suitable for recognition at a distance).

    Here are some examples of the best confessions:

    View Examples
    • Darling! There are many works in literature that glorify the love of a man and a woman. But even all of them taken together cannot compare with my feelings for you.
    • My heart stopped beating when I saw you and trembled with redoubled force as soon as you looked at me. My love for you is huge, like the universe, and at the same time, all of it fits in just one person. And it’s you, dear!
    • Before I met you, the word "love" meant nothing to me. Now I will give all the treasures of the world for you, my love
    PoetryGirls love it when people confess their love to them in poetry. To do this, you can use the works of great poets, or you can try to write a poem yourself. It's not as difficult as it seems:
    • I've never loved so much
    • So passionate, tender and boundless.
    • If I have enough strength now,
    • Recognition will be inevitable.
    LetterIn the age of high technology, letters have become archaic, but girls like to receive love messages written by hand. And some men find it easier to express feelings in writing:
    • My love! Sometimes I feel like I've gone crazy. I see your beautiful eyes in every drop of dew, I see your sweet image in every woman. In the whispering of the wind I hear your voice. Every minute of separation seems like an eternity to me.
    • My dear beloved! You can't even imagine how huge my love for you is. For the sake of your smile, I will take a star from the sky and go down to the very bottom of the ocean to get a beautiful pearl for you. I look forward to meeting you, counting every second and hoping to see your eyes as shining with love as mine shine.
    SMSA short confession sent in the form of SMS is perfect for those who are far from each other:
    • I don't need anything but your love. Happy to be with you.
    • In your arms I knew true happiness. I love you.
    • Kitten, you are my only joy. Far from you I can't enjoy life

    No matter how the recognition of the beloved is made, the main thing is that it is sincere and from the heart.

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    Declaration of love to your loved one: the most beautiful and romantic words It happens that love just breaks your heart and is very difficult to find Right words

    , to express the whole range of feelings and emotions, to show how strong and all-consuming it is...

    You are infinitely kind, extraordinarily sweet, very smart, damn attractive, exceptionally decent, insanely talented and crystal honest... a monster! Well, I am the same, like in a fairy tale, beautiful princess who is in love with you! 🙂

    Like a bird, my soul flies when you are near me. Now I understand the meaning of the words “wings have grown”, because if your loved one is with you, it’s as if you begin to fly. I was lucky enough to experience this feeling and meet my loved one. You have blinded my heart and I don't want to look at others. In my dreams there is only you and I want you to know how much I love you!
    Read tender and passionate declarations of love to your loved one

    It happens that love simply breaks your heart and it is very difficult to find the right words to express the whole range of feelings and emotions, to show how strong and all-consuming it is...

    We are ready to help you with this and offer declarations of love to your loved one, funny and touching, hot and timid, exciting and passionate - and you will definitely find that declaration of love to your loved one that reflects exactly your feeling! I want to make you the most happy man

    There are people you don’t want to part with even for a moment. They are like a drug: the more you recognize them, the less chance you have of forgetting about them. You want to comprehend such people, you want to dissolve in them. They captivate the heart and delight the mind. There are few such people, but they still exist. For me, you are such a person! And I love you very much!

    You are the dearest and most beloved person in the world. When you're away for a long time, the world becomes uninteresting. And when you are with me, there is no happier person in this world. You are the air that I breathe and without which I cannot live for a second. I love you more and stronger than anyone in the world!

    My dear, without you my heart was a cold piece of ice, my soul never saw the light... But you melted my heart, took it for yourself and became it yourself. I need you like air, I wither without you like a flower without water. You are my life, my ray of light. I love you! So strong, so crazy! You are my whole life, and I simply cannot live without you!

    When I read your messages, I want to hear you as soon as possible... so that the words from paper, from monitor and phone screens are warmed by the warmth of your voice. When I hear your voice, I dream of seeing you as soon as possible... because looks speak sincere words. When I look at your photo, I want to touch you... to feel the warmth of your hands. Let's meet soon!

    I love you, and I want the whole world to know about it, but at the same time it was our little secret. I want to read you like an open book, but at the same time try to unravel the secret that is hidden inside you...

    When I feel bad, I know that when I see you, I will feel good. When I feel good, I know that I will see you and I will feel even better! Love makes people optimistic. She gives them wings and makes them fly towards their dreams. I've already reached mine. After all, my dream is you, my most beloved person!


    Like a bird, my soul flies when you are near me. Now I understand the meaning of the words “grew wings”, because if your loved one is with you, it’s as if you begin to fly. I was lucky enough to experience this feeling and meet my loved one. You have blinded my heart and I don't want to look at others. In my dreams there is only you and I want you to know how much I love you!

    You are infinitely kind, extraordinarily sweet, very smart, damn attractive, exceptionally decent, insanely talented and crystal honest... a monster! Well, I am the same, like in a fairy tale, beautiful princess who is in love with you! :)

    Beloved, you know, they say that love is like war: easy to start, difficult to finish and impossible to forget! So I confess - I can’t forget you!

    I want to tell you that you are an extraordinary and amazing mystery! We crossed paths on the road of life, we were united by the energy of love, imbuing every moment of our lives with a special feeling! Our hearts beat in unison, our gazes are turned to each other, like endless galaxies! Love envelops us in a soft haze, making the fuss around us invisible... It is happiness to know and feel that we have each other!

    When you are near, a fire burns inside me, I like its warmth and the way it warms me. I feel comfortable with you when you hug me. Your kisses are sweet and tender, and your lips are soft and inviting. You are my little world, which even the whole universe cannot replace. I love you and that says it all!

    You know, I don’t love you anymore... I love you very much!

    If you live a hundred years, I want to live a day less, so that I don’t have to live a day without you... If you jump from a bridge, I won’t jump after you, I’ll catch you under the bridge... And let everyone hear what you’re talking about, but only I will hear what you are silent about, because I truly love you...

    There are only two infinite things in this world: the Universe and my love for you! Although I'm not sure about the Universe...

    I love you every second, minute, hour, day, and night. For weeks, months, years and centuries... We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart. If you don’t think so, then I won’t be able to live anymore, because my heart can’t beat only half...

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    Also see:

    Confessions in verse for her, her beloved girl!!!


    I would never, for anything in the world,
    I won't leave you on pain of death!
    Let the sun shine, let the wind rage,
    But you will always be dearer to me,
    More precious than the rustling underfoot,
    More precious than words from forgotten songs.
    Love will remain with us forever,
    And we will only be together all our lives...

    And love will only help us with this.
    We will be together, we will be close,
    And no one can separate us!!!

    Everything is filled with anxiety -
    After all, you were left there alone.
    I really miss you -
    I'm going crazy without you.
    I want you to always know -
    I will only be happy with you,
    My life is empty without you...
    Wait for me, my dear,
    My love, my destiny.

    I'm sorry, because, without knowing it,
    I came on your way.
    Almost by accident... Running past,
    I was walking somewhere, but I couldn’t get through.
    I couldn’t get through... But I probably should have
    I had to stop myself at that moment.
    And do everything as it is right and true.
    But I didn't. Having loved you.

    Without you - waiting for spring,
    The heart is cold and anxious.
    I would like to enter your dreams
    Unnoticed and careful.
    Who came up with you like this?!

    I'm burning with passion, loving
    These hair, lips and hands.

    And I need your smile
    And the elasticity of the skin is inviting!

    I care about everything about you:
    A face, a smile, the rustle of a dress.
    How grateful I am to fate
    For these tender hugs!
    Because I can kiss
    Eyelashes, hair and neck.
    For the roses of sweet lips
    They bloom and glow gently!

    I love you more than the Sea, and the Sky, and the Singing,
    I love you longer than the days I have been given on earth.
    You alone burn for me like a star in the silence of the distance,
    You are a ship that does not sink in dreams, or in waves, or in darkness.
    I fell in love with you unexpectedly, immediately, accidentally,
    I saw you - like a blind man suddenly widens his eyes
    And, having regained his sight, he will be amazed that in the world sculpture is welded together,
    That turquoise poured down excessively into the emerald.
    I remember. Having opened the book, you rustled the pages slightly.
    I asked: “Is it good that ice is refracted in the soul?”
    You flashed your eyes towards me, instantly seeing the distance.
    I love, and love sings about love for the beloved.

    Without you - waiting for spring,
    The heart is cold and anxious.
    I would like to enter your dreams
    Unnoticed and careful.
    Who came up with you like this?!
    Meetings of the desired happy torments -
    I'm burning with passion, loving
    These hair, lips and hands.
    Maybe a friend, maybe not a wife,
    Only there is nothing dearer to the heart in the world.
    And I need your smile
    And the elasticity of the skin is inviting!

    I am delighted by your beauty
    And the warmth of all forms, and a look at the ground.
    Don't pass by, I beg you to wait,
    I love you so much, I just listen to your features.
    I want to look into your innocence eyes
    Go crazy, give yourself up to be torn to pieces,
    Experience captivity from your hands at least once.
    How sick I am of you, beautiful creature.
    I dream of being together with you,
    Chat, dream, laugh, dissolve,
    I really want to burn with your fire,
    And if not, can you dream about me?
    I can't avoid my stupidity,
    Sentimentality cannot be broken by water.
    I always want to want you so much,
    All the subtle features, all the wild nature.
    Don't pass, please wait,
    My gentle angel, let love drink,
    Fill my heart, I'm empty
    And if not, let me dream.

    I can't do much with you -
    I don't know how to be at a distance
    Get enough of your beauty
    And be with you, yours on schedule.
    I don't know how to love coldly
    Say goodbye with a kiss across the threshold.
    I can't live without you
    And hug the other one behind her back.
    I will never help you -
    Forget that I love you
    And on your enthusiastic soul,
    I won’t write with false grammar.
    I can't do much with you -
    Don't give up your whole self.
    I don't know how to find peace
    When you are in misfortune.

    I haven't called you for so long
    With your only charm.
    The path is not endless, but there is a stop
    There is no strict schedule.
    Tight backpacks are holding us down
    And acrid sweat flows between the shoulder blades.
    It's dark in the eyes, but it's nothing.
    A little more, another decay.
    While I hear your voice behind me,
    While trail after trail we pass over the quagmire,
    I am not afraid of either heaviness or heat,
    Not the stench of a swamp with impassable mud.
    But neither the heat nor the passable blockage
    They don’t even serve as a timid excuse
    Something I haven't mentioned for a long time
    You are the only charm.

    I was looking for you, looking at you passionately,
    Sun-bearing, unrepeatable.
    I've been looking for twenty years, twenty for long years
    In the long nights, in the dark nights.
    All strangers to me - you, my dear!
    Everyone is ordinary - you are my favorite!
    Like two souls, like two wings -
    You made me tremble!
    Do I fall asleep, do I wake up -
    Thoughts about you haven’t left me
    My sober mind is intoxicated in love -
    It's like doves are making nests in the heart...
    Now! My God! I'm smitten, love!
    I found you... I love you...

    I love you! - Believe it!
    Can not live without you.
    There's nothing more painful than loss
    Than the loss of teyuya.
    I love you! -Do you hear!
    The heart is quietly calling.
    I love you! -Do you believe it?
    You live in my heart.
    I love you! -Do you know?
    The world is empty without you.
    You fill it up
    Bright joy day!..

    There are some roads from you,
    There are some ways from you,
    I'll stop again without you
    Without you I will forget how to walk.
    There is no you and there is no sun,
    There is no you and no one to love,
    For you my innocent smiles,
    I only want to live for you!

    Darling! Everything without you is hateful:
    Moon and stars, midnight and dawn...
    And even the sun shines sadly on me,
    When you are not next to me.
    So may only happiness accompany you,
    Luck will overshadow you with its wing.
    And may my love, hope and participation
    They protect and preserve your home.

    You are surrounded by men's attention
    On the street everyone is watching,
    Your holy charm
    Gives light to all people's souls.
    You are so sweet, always beautiful,
    So spontaneous, smart,
    You always loved your life,
    Your whole life is full of love.
    Once again I admire kindness
    What do you radiate with your soul,
    With your natural beauty
    Only a saint can compare.
    You are happy, loved by everyone,
    Your character is endowed with blessings,
    I'm ready to believe with all my heart
    That even God is in love with you.

    I don’t want to be silent and think
    My heart is ready to scream
    You know I love you!
    I love you, I love you, believe me!
    There is no strength to wait like this, to suffer like this.
    Why is fate cruel?
    I want happiness, joy
    And only be with you

    Oddly enough, but one of the most strong feelings the hardest thing to put into words. We will help you with this! This article contains the most romantic declarations of love.

    • I choose you. And I will choose you again and again. Without hesitation, without doubt. I will always choose you. Unknown
    • I swear that I cannot love you more than in this moment, and yet I know that I will - tomorrow. Leo Christopher
    • Not to be loved is just failure, not to love is misfortune. Albert Camus
    • Love is like mercury: you can hold it in an open palm, but not in a clenched hand. Dorothy Parker
    • Because I looked at you for just one minute and saw a thousand things I love about you
    • I decided that I would choose love. Hatred is too heavy a burden to bear. Martin Luther King
    • I saw that you were perfection and fell in love with you. Then I saw that you are not perfect, and I loved you even more.
      Angelita Lim
    • The heart wants what it wants. There is no logic in such things. You meet someone and you fall in love and that's it.
      Woody Allen
    • If I know what love is, it's thanks to you.
      Hermann Hesse
    • There is only one remedy for love - to love even more.
      Henry Thoreau
    • There is no duty to love. There is only freedom to love, and this freedom can be discovered in yourself again and again.
      Vladimir Levi
    • When thoughts of you come, I realize that I have woken up. When I dream about you, I realize that I have fallen asleep. When I see you next to me, I understand that I am alive.
    • And remember what they say: to love someone means to see the face of God.

    V. Hugo, “Les Miserables”

    • Everything I understand in life, I understand only because I love. Lev Tolstoy
    • Nothing can replace the great love that says: “No matter what happens to you, you always have a place at this table.” Tom Hanks

    • Stop looking at love through the peephole, open the door. Leo Christopher
    • This is a very dangerous condition. It's not that nice really. I don't know who the hell wants to be in a situation where you can't stand one hour without that person being there. Colin Firth
    • Love is not enough. She has happiness, but wants heaven. Possesses paradise - wants heaven! O lovers, all this is in your love! Just be able to find it. Victor Hugo
    • A touch of love can make anyone a poet. Plato
    • When you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want that rest of your life to begin as soon as possible. "When Harry Met Sally"
    • I realized that I was thinking about you, and I began to remember how much time you were in my thoughts. Then I realized: since I met you, you have never left them. Unknown
    • The pleasure that love brings lasts a moment. The pain of love lasts a lifetime. Bette Davis
    • To love means to constantly struggle with thousands of obstacles around us and in ourselves. Jean Anouilh
    • When love is not madness, then it is not love. Pedro Calderon de la Barca
    • One word frees us from all the heaviness and pain of life. This word is love. Sophocles
    • You will know it is love when all you want is for that person to be happy, even if you are not a part of their happiness. Julia Roberts
    • Where there is love, there is life. Mahatma Gandhi
    • All you need is love. But a little chocolate won't hurt. Charles Schultz
    • I hope you know that every time I tell you “have a nice trip,” or “have a nice day,” or “good night,” I am actually telling you that I love you. I fucking love you so much that it steals the meaning from all other words. Open-365


    There are so many words about love, so many thoughts in your head that it’s easy to get confused. My precious, affectionate, most tender in the world. I come to you again today with fiery greetings. I want to talk about love again. You will say: well, here it is again. And what have you done that you shine with your sincerity? And I will answer you, my dear. There is no reason more important than the fact that I truly, with all my heart, love you! Just trust me. You are a ray of light through the window, illuminating me every morning. It’s not difficult for me to understand you when you become sad. I am always ready to support you, to help you choose a dress. After all, you are my gentle, beautiful princess, My love knows no boundaries, there is no limit to my feelings. My happiness is to see you from morning to morning, every day. You are in my soul, inside my heart. Believe me, I will never leave you, I have nowhere to escape from my love.

    My dear, bright! Today is the best day for you best gift. Today I hasten to tell you that there is a storm in my heart from crazy love. I love you, period! No! There is also such a thing as reciprocity. I ask you, my beautiful lady, to be a little kinder to me. Trust my feelings. Let me make you the happiest. How? Just! Tell me the size of leggings you wear. Oh, that’s me out loud, well, I’ll have to apologize now. Because I am not a ripe burdock, but my heart beats for you! I'm all for you! I will do everything as your soul desires! Do you want to be happy? Well then you will have to be with me forever. Dear, I want to hug you tightly, kiss you, so that you laugh. Your ringing and cheerful laughter will instantly lift my spirits. I am the happiest with you and no one can take that away from me! Let sadness and melancholy not know the way to you. Now you have me, I will protect you from all troubles.

    If someone asks me, suddenly. What is happiness friend? I will answer without a doubt. There is no one happier in the world when you are near me! This means that you don’t need much to be happy, just one person. But how sincerely a person smiles when his loved ones are nearby. I love you! You are my happiness. To see your smile and that’s it, that’s sincere happiness. My feelings for you are filled only with goodness! My dear, you are brilliantly beautiful! You are not dearer to me, but this is just enough for me to live with a purpose! For you I am ready to do anything and even more. My sun never stop shining for me. You are my angel, you take care of me! Thanks to your love, I feel that I am needed. I need you, not much at all. Just give loving looks and passionate kisses! You deserve the best in the world. Your beauty is amazing! Stay like this! Be nice! Forget about all your troubles with me, I will do everything for your smile. My dear, I am crazy about you!

    Girl, I’m in a hurry to come to you! All love songs are just for you. The day will come when I’ll write my own! I love you sincerely, purely! There is a huge place in me for you! Be the most tender and kind with me, I will make you the happiest in return. If you want, I will make your wishes come true every day. Think about it. Then answer. Can you guess so much? You and I still have many years to watch each other. I will never leave you! I know this for sure! Without you there is no me, without me there is no me, well, that’s the point. All over again! I'll tell you now. My love for you comes from the heart. My love will strive deeper in my heart for you! You will never betray me, I know that for sure! Rest assured, I will become the most reliable support for you! I want to make all your dreams come true. all wishes! There is no one more precious to me, only you, who occupy a huge place in my heart! I want to see your happy eyes, I want to see your smile.

    I love you! Trite? Yes, so what? I will never stop telling you how important you are to me. I want to find for you the most good words! Be smart, be with me! You are the most beautiful in the world, you are kind, the most cheerful and I am proud of it. I'm proud that I had the chance to make you happy! My dear, I won’t take a step back, I will make you the happiest! I am happy with the days when we spend together next to you. I'm sad when I can't look at you. you are so dear to me! I will give everything in the world for you. Be mine forever and trust me. I love you, and my heart beats only for you! You are my queen, for you I am ready to find all unearthly happiness. My dear, my tenderness, my happiness. I want to please you and always see a sweet smile on your face. I want to share everything with you and mostly it’s just joy! I always want to see you only joyful and successful!

    My dear, beloved. For you my love is immense. I want to tell you how much I love you! For you, my soul has all my attention. If you say I'm not good, I'll prove the opposite. Believe my words, don’t chase fear. I want to see you close and happy. I want you to be the most successful. Darling, I love these lines in my heart. forever my love, I know for sure. Don't be shy, express yourself. Together with me. there are no barriers for anyone if there is love. You are so cool, funny, brave. I love you for everything that is only in you. There is no one more precious than you, you are like a precious amulet, you bring me good luck! I am confident and brave with you! I want to carry you in my arms. Sorry if I didn’t skillfully, let me offend you at least in some way. I'm sorry dear, I have an excuse, I just love you! I love you very much, absolutely, absolutely, you are the joy of my life!

    I love you! I'll whisper in your ear. My little bunny! There is no place for me without you. When you're not around, I feel sad, I want to hug you. I became somehow romantic after I met you. I'm happy when you call me just like that. I like sharing my dreams with you. I want you, my dear, to not know sorrow or resentment. I will try to be the most ideal of men for you. Never be bored. Know that I love you. Call when you feel sad, and you will hear again how strong my love is. You are the best in the world! I won't tire of repeating it. I was very lucky that I was able to meet you. Always be by my side, we will grow great Love together. I promise you, I will accept all your crazy desires as mine! I will never let yours beautiful eyes, fill with tears of pain, and let only happiness be there! Love you!

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