• Smart words about women. Quotes about women

    • Women usually hate those whom their husbands love, not out of malice, but by nature. Thomas More
    • Women's intuition is the result of millions of years of not thinking. Rupert Hughes.
    • A beautiful face is a silent recommendation. Bacon F.
    • A woman's dream is to be the woman of her dreams. – E. Sevrus
    • A woman is the most powerful being in the world, and it is up to her to guide a man where God wants him to go. Heinrich Ibsen
    • All women are lovely, and what gives them beauty is the love of men. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - Quotes about women.
    • The feminine instinct is worth the foresight of great people O. de Balzac
    • Every woman's mistake is a man's fault. Herder I.
    • Woman is sacred; the woman you love is doubly sacred. Alexandre Dumas - father
    • A woman is both an apple and a snake. Heinrich Heine
    • A divinely beautiful woman often has a devilish character. E. Sevrus
    • A woman will always sacrifice herself if given the right opportunity. This is her favorite way to please herself Somerset Maugham
    • A smart woman is one in whose company you can act as stupid as you like. Paul Valéry
    • If you want to know what a woman really thinks, look at her, but don't listen. Oscar Wilde
    • The female sex is another part of our human race: however, due to its weakness, it was born more secretive and crafty. Plato.
    • Women's guesses are much more accurate than men's undoubted facts. Rudyard Kipling.
    • Beauty is also a virtue; a beautiful woman cannot have flaws. Schiller F.
    • A man can give everything to his true friend, - everything, but not the woman he loves. Heinrich Ibsen
    • Without a woman, the dawn and evening of life would be helpless, and her noon would be without joy. Pierre Buast
    • A woman has all her heart, even her head Jean Paul
    • Many women come to performances only to become part of the spectacle themselves. Ovid.
    • Intuition is what replaces common sense in a woman. English wisdom.
    • A woman who everyone considers cold has simply not yet met a person who would awaken love in her. Labruyère J
    • U loving woman the heart is always full of hope; To kill them, you need more than one blow with a dagger, she loves until the last drop of blood. Honore de Balzac
    • Grumpy women see life as a boxing match. They fight with their chests, butts, and always feint.
    • Women disdain those who love them and love those who disdain them. M. Cervantes.
    • A woman has only one opportunity to be beautiful, but there are a hundred thousand opportunities to be attractive. Montesquieu
    • An outfit is a preface to a woman, and sometimes the entire book. Chamfort
    • A woman inspires a man to great accomplishments, the implementation of which she then makes difficult. Alexandre Dumas - son
    • A woman must manage to look so wise that her accidental stupidity turns out to be a real gift for a man. Karl Kraus.

    It is better for a beautiful woman not to be too smart, so as not to distract attention from her own appearance.

    A woman’s refusal often means “no.” Only if she begins to explain it to you in an abstruse way, it means she is waiting to be convinced.

    A beautiful woman is a delight for the eye, torment for the soul and a vacuum cleaner for the purse.

    Even the most naive girl can learn to lie if she is put within strict limits.

    Best status:
    Success, irresistibility and enjoyment of life are further evidence that this woman succeeded thanks to the desire to prove something to someone...

    Find mutual language Even the most narrow-minded woman can communicate with an intelligent man, but only the smartest woman can successfully communicate with a fool.

    Only a smart woman understands that it is more profitable to take care of herself, and not of her man.

    A woman is designed this way by nature - she constantly tries to find disadvantages in worthy men, and in their complete opposites tries to pay attention to the existing advantages...

    If intelligence is reflected on your face, then there are enough smart thoughts in your head.

    You need to return to the woman as soon as possible, before she has time to understand that she is fine without you!

    Women lie to hide their feelings, men - to show feelings that do not exist.

    You only need to kneel in front of the woman who will then iron your pants.

    Silence is the only thing made of gold that women don't like.

    A woman should not live the life of a man if he does not live the life of a woman.

    Women's hatred is, in fact, the same love, only changed direction.

    Women are not the weaker sex, the weaker sex are rotten boards.

    A woman would rather love a person she hates than someone she is indifferent to.

    Being completely sincere for a woman means the same as appearing in public without a dress.

    We live in the 21st century - century feminine men and courageous women.

    Ten men are piled at the woman's feet, and she chooses the eleventh, who stands and looks in the other direction.

    Nature told the woman: be beautiful if you can, wise if you want, but you must certainly be prudent.

    A woman is an invitation to happiness.

    A woman is created in order to love her, and not in order to understand her.

    The assumption that a woman, having the opportunity to choose, will immediately settle on one thing, clearly goes beyond the bounds of common sense.

    Two fools meet... Of course! If they were smart, they would date girls.

    A smart person changes his mind, but a fool never does.

    A woman is a flower. The way you take care of it is how it blooms.

    A woman is your shadow: when you follow her, she runs away from you; when you leave her, she runs after you.

    How more woman spins around the mirror, so more men hanging around a woman! – Statuses about women

    God created a woman from a man's rib to protect his heart

    Exercise, not rest, gives strength to the mind.

    You shouldn't argue if a woman wants something. We need to give it to her. Otherwise, the result will be the same, but more time will be spent.

    A woman puts on lipstick to mark the man she likes!

    Stupid people are not always safe: they are smart enough to say just enough to insult or slander their neighbor.

    Women - how much they mean in the lives of men. That is why so many thoughts and statements have been created in their address, from flattering to critical. After all, starting from childhood, it is women who raise us, both girls and boys. We differ not only in external signs, but also in terms of internal content and perception of the world. The masculine is rational, and the feminine is sensual, unknown. Many men go crazy over this so-called female logic, which, however, should be given another name, not logic. Because it is the prerogative of men to think logically and linearly. In the aphorisms below you can learn quite a bit about women.

    Thinkers about women...

    J. Labruyère

    American saying

    Oscar Wilde

    Gibran Gibran

    Friedrich Nietzsche

    Helen Rowland

    Jean Rostand

    Denis Diderot

    Erich Maria Remarque

    Ambrose Bierce

    Belinsky V. G.

    Bernard Fontenelle

    - Girls learn to feel faster than boys to think.


    - There are so many girls in the world to whom their extraordinary beauty has given nothing but hope for extraordinary wealth.

    J. Labruyère

    - If you want to know a girl’s shortcomings, praise her in front of her friends.

    Benjamin Franklin

    - A girl who opens her soul and body to her friend reveals the mysteries of the entire female gender.

    Lichtenberg G.

    - Before you fall in love with a woman in a girl, love the person in her.

    Vasily Sukhomlinsky

    - Before, girls blushed when they were shamed; but now they are ashamed when they blush.

    M. Chevalier

    - The girl who laughs is already half won.

    English proverb

    - Most clever man becomes a fool when he loves; The most empty girl, having fallen in love, becomes smart.

    M. Safir

    “The girl’s future is not in the hands of her mother.”

    George Bernard Shaw

    - In college, a girl spends four years learning how to behave in good society, and spends the rest of her life trying to find that society.

    American saying

    - A man always wants to be a woman’s first love. Women are more sensitive in such matters. They would like to become a man’s last love.

    Oscar Wilde

    - A woman is not only a car of pleasures, but also 3, or even 4 tons of problems.

    Henry Ford

    - Women can be endlessly faithful, or, more precisely, endlessly intrusive.

    Guy de Maupassant

    - Women talk about love and are silent about lovers, men do the opposite.

    Marina Tsvetaeva

    - A woman considers someone smart who shares her opinion, and not the opinion of her husband.

    Jean Rostand

    - Friendship between a man and a woman weakens very much when night falls.

    Otto von Bismarck

    - This married woman so beautiful that we would despise her a little if she did not have a lover.

    - The woman never stops talking about her age and never mentions it.

    Jules Renard

    - A woman who everyone considers cold has simply not yet met a person who would awaken love in her.

    Jean La Bruyère

    - Men who do not forgive women for their small shortcomings will never enjoy their great virtues.

    Gibran Gibran

    - He wants two things a real man: dangers and games. That is why he needs a woman - as the most dangerous toy.

    Friedrich Nietzsche

    - For a woman, the greatest sin is to be next to a man when he wants her; There can only be one thing worse: being there when he doesn’t want her.

    Helen Rowland

    - Anyone who tells a woman something under the condition of maintaining the strictest secret is an ordinary sadist.

    Marcel Achard

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the elder)

    - A woman loses herself in our eyes not when she gives herself to others, but when she gives herself to us.

    Jean Rostand

    - Women drink flattering lies in one sip, and bitter truths in drops.

    Denis Diderot

    - Of all the paths leading to a woman’s heart, pity is the shortest.

    D. Byron

    - The heart requires one woman; feelings - many; vanity - everyone.

    Jean Rostand

    - Women can only keep secrets together.

    E. Sevrus

    - Ideal man must speak to women like goddesses and treat them like children.

    Oscar Wilde

    - Forget peace, whoever decided to rule a woman.


    - If a woman belongs to another, she is five times more desirable than the one that can be obtained - an old rule.

    Erich Remarque

    - The inaccessibility of women is one of their outfits and accessories to enhance their beauty.

    Francois de La Rochefoucauld

    - If a woman truly loves dogs, there is no doubt that she has become disillusioned with her love for men.

    Max Beerbohm

    - To win a man, a woman only needs to awaken the worst that is in him.

    Oscar Wilde

    - Women, of course, are smarter. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has Beautiful legs?

    Faina Ranevskaya

    - A beautiful woman is listened to not so much with her ears at first, but with her eyes and an enthusiastic soul.

    Leonid S. Sukhorukov

    - One woman never recognizes the beauty of another.

    Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

    - Not no beautiful women- there are only women who don’t know that they are beautiful.

    Vivien Leigh

    - Plain women know more about men than beautiful women.

    Katharine Hepburn

    - Good woman When she gets married, she promises happiness, the bad one waits for it.

    Klyuchevsky V.

    - A woman only needs one man to understand all men; a man can know all women and understand none.

    Helen Rowland

    - A decent woman is a treasure hidden from everyone; Having found it, a reasonable person will not boast about it.

    Francois de La Rochefoucauld

    - Without women, the beginning of our lives would be deprived of support, the middle - of pleasure and the end - of consolation.

    N. Chamfort

    “Give a woman a few days to live a life that you cannot offer her, and you will probably lose her.”

    Erich Maria Remarque

    - Don’t even try to point out a woman’s shortcomings.


    - The strength of women is in the weaknesses of men.


    - Robbers demand your purse or your life, women demand both.

    Butler S.

    - A woman must be idolized or left behind.

    Erich Maria Remarque

    - A woman never sees what a man does for her, but she sees very well what he does not do for her.

    Georges Courtelin

    - If a woman wants to refuse, she says “no”. If a woman starts explaining, she wants to be convinced.

    Alfred Musset

    - They taste gold with fire, a woman with gold, and a man with a woman.

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca (younger)

    - Only those who can do without them have success with women.

    Ambrose Bierce

    “There is nothing more dangerous than to connect one’s fate with that of a woman simply because she is beautiful and young.”

    Belinsky V. G.

    - There is nothing sadder than the life of women who only knew how to be beautiful.

    Bernard Fontenelle

    - A woman is the most powerful being in the world, and it is up to her to guide a man where the Lord God wants to lead him.

    G. Ibsen

    - Women do not love each other, and the reason for this dislike is a man.

    J. Labruyère

    “With bad women you don’t know peace, but with good women you feel bored.” That's the whole difference.

    Oscar Wilde

    - A woman who talks about her husband with a stranger surrenders more or less to his power.

    Knigge A.F.

    - You can find women who have never had lovers; but it is difficult to find those who have only one.

    Francois de La Rochefoucauld

    - A woman who tries to look like a man is just as ugly as an effeminate man.

    Tolstoy L. N.

    - Don’t tell a woman that she is lovely: tell her that there is no other woman like her in the world, and all doors will open for you.

    I. Rekar

    - Building relationships correctly is most difficult with women and low people. If you bring them closer to you, they will become cheeky; if you move them away from you, they will hate you.



    Social exchange...

    What moments were the most important in your life, you find out when it’s too late. Agatha Christie 13

    Men have a sincere respect for everything that causes boredom. Marilyn Monroe 6

    A man in love is a pitiful sight. Agatha Christie 13

    Don't have a hundred rubles, but have two breasts. Faina Ranevskaya 19

    Useful gifts are best. Let's say I give him handkerchiefs, he gives me a mink coat. 15

    There is nothing more tiresome than a person who is always right. Agatha Christie 18

    I was not used to being happy and therefore did not consider happiness something obligatory for myself. Marilyn Monroe 8

    Nowadays, you can’t live with a man for even six months without being declared a bride. Brigid Bordeaux 11

    Husbands tend to be good in bed when they cheat on their wives. Marilyn Monroe 16

    If trouble arises, rest assured that the man will stay away. Jane Austen 12

    I don’t know why women demand everything that men have.
    After all, women, among other things, have men. Coco Chanel 11

    Hollywood is a place where they pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul. Marilyn Monroe 10

    – What do you wear at night?
    - Beloved man. Brigid Bordeaux 10

    Fashion is something that goes out of fashion. Coco Chanel 11

    I don’t think that discoveries are born out of necessity - discoveries directly come from idleness, and perhaps even from laziness. Agatha Christie 10

    Beware of originality; V women's fashion originality can lead to masquerade. Coco Chanel 12

    The most beautiful day of my life? It was night. Brigid Bordeaux 11

    Love and work are the only worthwhile things in life.
    Work is a unique form of love. Marilyn Monroe 13

    Every woman has the age she deserves. Coco Chanel 13

    Mutual affection between a man and a woman always begins with the stunning illusion that you think the same about everything in the world. Agatha Christie 17

    There are people who have money and there are rich people. Coco Chanel 17

    I never tan - I like to be completely blonde. Marilyn Monroe 14

    It's a pity that I didn't invent sex. Brigid Bordeaux 15

    Damn nineteenth century, damned upbringing: I can’t stand when men are sitting. Faina Ranevskaya 25

    It's a small world: in the end we will all meet in bed. Brigid Bordeaux 14

    About his work in cinema: The money was eaten up, but the shame remained. Faina Ranevskaya 21

    Perpetuum male. Faina Ranevskaya 16

    There are not as many rich men in the world as there are beautiful women who deserve them. Jane Austen 23

    nothing ages a woman more than a too rich suit. Coco Chanel 18

    Ten years ago I wore a sweater for the first time, and ever since then people have looked at me like I have two heads. Marilyn Monroe 7

    • It's better to be alone than unhappy with someone. © Marilyn Monroe
    • Crazy love passes quickly, but the love of two crazy people never! © Angelina Jolie
    • Hands - business card girls. The neck is her passport. Chest - international passport. © Coco Chanel
    • Happiness always comes to the diligent. © Marlene Dietrich
    • Women, of course, are smarter. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs? © Faina Ranevskaya
    • Quotes smart women– My fear of something usually means that I have to do it. © Madonna
    • In this life, it doesn't matter how you fall. It's how you rise that matters. © Sharon Stone
    • No matter how strong a woman is, she is waiting for a man stronger than herself... and not so that he limits her freedom, but so that he gives her the right to be weak. © Angelina Jolie
    • I’m not sure that the highest manifestation of intelligence is kindness. Good people can also be full of fools. © Maya Plisetskaya
    • Hugs can do a lot of good - especially for children. © Lady Diana
    • It is not at all necessary to agree with the interlocutor in order to find a common language with him. © Margaret Thatcher
    • There are no ugly women, only lazy ones. © Coco Chanel
    • If a girl is incredibly beautiful in her youth, but is absent-minded and does not complete anything, her beauty will quickly go away. If she has very modest external data, but a strong character, her charm will increase over the years. © Sophia Loren
    • To understand how you live, you have to live. Don't think about it, but live with it. © Helena Bonham Carter
    • The one thing you want most in life, as a rule, cannot be bought with money. © Marilyn Monroe
    • Restraining yourself when it’s offensive and not making a scene when it’s painful - that’s what it’s all about ideal woman. © Coco Chanel
    • “If you endure it, you will fall in love.” I love this phrase, but in reverse. © Marina Tsvetaeva
    • God created women beautiful so that men could love them, and stupid so that they could love men. © Faina Ranevskaya
    • Elegance is the only beauty that never fades. © Audrey Hepburn
    • Beauty for a woman becomes a problem only in two cases: when it is not there, and when there is nothing but beauty. © Monica Bellucci
    • When a woman shows character, they say “bitch” about her. When a man shows character, they say he is a “great guy.” © Margaret Thatcher
    • Women die later than men because they are always late. © Faina Ranevskaya
    • It is better to be unfaithful than to be faithful without the desire to be. © Brigitte Bardot
    • Women want to change. They are wrong. Happiness lies in consistency and in not betraying yourself. © Coco Chanel
    • Life is not heaven, you don't have to be perfect. © Gia Carangi
    • There are no keys to happiness. The door is always open. © Mother Teresa
    • Experience has taught me that if people do things against you, it will ultimately benefit you. © Indira Gandhi
    • Anger and anger cannot solve any problem. © Grace Kelly
    • Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you get one, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family. © Faina Ranevskaya
    • It is much easier to make people cry than to laugh. © Vivien Leigh
    • It takes great courage to stand up to your enemies, but much more to go against your friends. © JK Rowling
    • People can forgive a person for intelligence, even talent, but never for beauty. © Monica Bellucci
    • Sometimes you need to destroy everything, burn everything to the ground, and then start all over again. © Natalia Vodianova
    • It doesn't matter at all. That's why it's so interesting. © Agatha Christie
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