• How to feel feminine. How to learn to be feminine with a man



    Let's start with the hair. They should be long. This is necessary to emphasize gender differences as much as possible. Short haircuts suit very few people. And men, as a rule, don't like them. However, if the hair is excessively long - to the butt, below the butt, to the knees - this causes men to associate with old woman from the village.

    The following remark is addressed to women over forty years of age. During this period, menopause begins, and many decide to cut their hair length. This is absolutely impossible to do. Changes hormonal background, you begin to smell differently, and if you also cut your hair, you turn into a kind of asexual creature for men. They stop noticing you.

    It is very important that the eyes are expressive. If nature has not rewarded you with such a look, then you just need to resort to the help of competent makeup.

    Men are attracted to a small nose, like... But don't be upset if your nose is not so close to perfection. The most important thing is that it looks harmonious on the face.

    Lips should be plump and sensual. In men, on a subconscious level, there is a strong association between the lips on the face and the labia. Therefore, when girls use bright, newfangled shades of lipstick - purple, blue, yellow, dark brown, men get the impression that the girl is sick with something, that something is wrong with her. Even if the man is not aware of this. It is better to give preference to more natural shades. If you really want a bright lipstick, buy, for example, red.

    The neck is considered beautiful when it is long and flexible. It can be emphasized with the help of a spectacular, correctly selected neckline.

    Maximum contrast should be achieved between the hips and waist. If you are not very good by nature slim waist, you can use one secret. You need to tone up your shoulders and hips a little in the gym. This will make your waist appear narrower. Or choose clothes of the appropriate style.

    Men like long legs. That's why they are so attracted to girls in heels. However, it is interesting that some studies say that the longer a girl’s legs, the less temperamental she is.

    When it comes to clothing, we must emphasize gender differences as much as possible. Dresses and skirts are best helpers in the matter of manifestation of femininity. If you decide to wear jeans, then they should highlight your butt.

    Shoes. Since men like small feet, it is better to put aside oversized sneakers and shapeless UGG boots. There is no need to chase fashion too much. Don't forget who created it.

    Estrogen is the most important female hormone. It is thanks to him that our forms become so attractive. Estrogen levels can be influenced through a properly selected diet with a reduced content of meat products and by training intimate muscles.

    Men like unobtrusive and light scents. They associate heavy scents with very old women. You need to be careful with expensive perfumes as they are mostly heavy. After all, it can be very disappointing when you pay thirty thousand for a bottle with a precious aroma, and men will run away in different sides. It is preferable to wear a light, playful perfume.

    Talking about femininity is about as difficult as describing music or painting - it is perceived by us at the level of sensations and emotions, but at the same time it is difficult to define. It is not so easy to explain in a nutshell how exactly a feminine girl differs from an unfeminine one - this mysterious parameter has little in common with the length of legs, hair color and shade of lipstick, as well as with erudition or intelligence quotient. Men, when asked to decipher the concept of femininity, also give out various characteristics: softness, tenderness, harmony, attractiveness, charm, calmness. The elusive combination of all these qualities creates an aura around a woman, a special energy field, which is called femininity.

    Oscar de la Renta dress, earrings, bracelets, everything - RL Jewel

    Let's be honest: femininity is not very encouraged by laws modern world. Quite the contrary: in order to build a successful career, survive in a huge city, and become successful in our profession, we sometimes have to compete with men on an equal basis and show far from feminine acumen, willpower and perseverance. How to maintain balance in such conditions and not turn into an “iron lady”? It turns out that everything is not so complicated: femininity is a quality that can be “remembered” rather than developed. Initially inherent in us by nature, it only requires the opportunity to open up. Try to make at least some of the suggested methods a habit, and perhaps very soon you will feel how your mood changes and how much more harmonious your life becomes.

    Ask men for help

    This advice is especially useful for independent ladies who are accustomed to “putting out fires” with their bare hands and “stopping anything at a gallop,” without resorting to male help. Set a daily request rule for yourself: every day, ask a man you know (or don’t know) to help you - even if you think that you are quite capable of handling it yourself. Ask to sort out a frozen computer, carry a heavy box to a nearby office, pump up a tire, unload bags of groceries from the trunk and bring them to the apartment - there are a lot of options. Pay attention to your own emotions and the mood of the man who agreed to help you: you will be surprised to find that even strangers will, as a rule, be happy to be knights for you, even for five minutes - and you, in turn, will probably enjoy feeling like a fragile princess who is not shy and not afraid to ask for help and does not strive to put everything on her shoulders.

    Oscar de la Renta dress, earrings, ring, everything - RL Jewel

    PHOTO Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

    Show healthy selfishness

    If you are surrounded by ladies who exude femininity, then you have probably noticed how they have an amazing ability to put their interests as a priority. Neither family nor work pressures prevent them from regularly finding time for fitness and going to the cosmetologist; they are constantly passionate about something - a new book, interesting hobby, a theater premiere - and fantastically find time and energy for these hobbies. At the same time, they cannot be called narcissistic egoists - oddly enough, neither family nor career suffers from the lack of their care; rather, on the contrary: only by charging herself with pleasant impressions, devoting sufficient time to her desires, a woman is ready to give attention to her family and be fully realized in her life. work. Conclusion: learn to please yourself and pay attention only to yourself, at least for a short time, every day. Make a list of what gives you pleasure - this could be listening to your favorite music, walking around the evening city, aromatic bath or reading an exciting book. Even if this “me time” lasts only 30-40 minutes a day - but one thing should become your mandatory ritual.

    Watch your speech

    Get creative

    Creativity, even the most “useless” one, is an emotional “battery” for a woman, helping her maintain femininity and be in harmony with herself. Take the time to find the time and choose the type of creativity that is close to you - there are a huge number of options: it could be handicrafts, creating websites, drawing, singing, sculpting, scrapbooking, making bouquets or origami... A separate item worth highlighting is pair dancing ( remember the film with JLo, Susan Sarandon and Richard Gere “Let's Dance”): in addition to smooth movements and grace, they teach you to trust your partner, give him the role of the leader - which means that each dance class can safely be considered a mini-training on the topic of femininity.

    Oscar de la Renta dress, Aquazzura sandals, earrings, ring, everything - RL Jewel

    PHOTO Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

    Feminine appearance does not necessarily mean pastel colors, floor-length dresses, ruffles and bows. Rather, it is the ability to look not boring and constantly find new shades of the image. If you've been faithful to the same style for years, try experimenting with silhouettes, colors, accessories, and hairstyles. Ideally, of course, a consultation with a professional stylist would not hurt, but you can completely limit yourself to the advice of friends whose taste you trust. Well, in fairness, dresses and skirts are worth paying attention to Special attention- they really add femininity to the image.


    Preserve femininity at a frantic pace big city very difficult: traffic jams, deadlines, constant rush and chronic lack of sleep successfully instill in us self-discipline and multitasking, but not femininity. To avoid emotional breakdowns, not to become “hardened” and not to turn into a “man in a skirt”, find at least five minutes a day for simple meditation - even such a minimal “feeding” will help you relax and maintain spiritual harmony, despite stress and force majeure.

    Production, style: @rljewel

    Makeup, hair: Lena Yasenkova

    Models: Gulsina, Nastya Tarasava

    When describing the ideal representative of the fair half of humanity, guys often mention such a characteristic as femininity. This quality is glorified by singers and writers, and portrayed by artists and composers.

    What does femininity look like? Perhaps it’s all about the right clothes and makeup? Or does a beautiful figure play a special role? Of course, external data plays an important role in the concept of “femininity,” but young people value inner female strength more.

    Beautiful girls, who do not understand at all why the opposite sex considers them more like friends, sooner or later begin to ask the right question: what is femininity and is this not what men expect from young ladies?

    According to numerous sources, femininity is a combination of characteristics that are usually attributed to the weaker sex or expected from girls, for example, sensitivity, honesty, devotion, tenderness, gentleness.

    All this makes representatives of the stronger half of humanity feel like men. Of course, different cultures and eras have interpreted femininity in completely different ways. However, the qualities listed above are inherent, perhaps, in every time and people.

    But! Modern ladies are becoming more and more confident in their own capabilities, free and desiring independence. To cope with difficulties, women make their own efforts without asking men for help. Femininity is gradually disappearing...

    Guys love with their eyes, as you know, which is why for them a feminine lady is one whose figure and appearance evoke desire. This is the so-called external femininity, which creates a certain set of impressions in the stronger sex just at one glance at a girl.

    How to become feminine and desirable for a man? Is your figure and selectivity in clothing important?

    1. A feminine woman, according to many men, has long hair. Historically, young ladies with thick, waist-length manes are considered more attractive than girls with short haircuts. However, the most important thing is well-groomed and natural hair, it is better to do without high and overly complex hairstyles.
    2. Beautiful figure- not just a tribute to fashion. You shouldn't think about beauty standards, it's better to think about normal weight, exercise and nutrition. A slim body, optimal body weight - signs of femininity.
    3. Femininity through men's eyes is the presence of dresses in a girl's wardrobe, high heels, transparent blouses. In clothing, it is preferable to use materials that are soft to the touch, flow and give the figure lightness and airiness. Excessively brutal things destroy the feminine essence.
    4. Surveys on men's forums show that, not particularly understanding the intricacies of using cosmetics, guys subconsciously consider excessive “coloring” on the face to be vulgar. In their opinion, a feminine woman prefers soft and delicate shades in makeup.
    5. The figure, of course, is important, but an equally essential condition for the external attributes of femininity is a well-groomed and neat appearance. Beautiful skin, clean, smooth hair, neat manicure- the most feminine signs of a true lady.

    It is extremely difficult to explain and talk about what inner femininity is through the eyes of men. Every representative of the stronger sex realizes what a feminine woman she is, but rarely anyone can express it in words.

    This is not a figure, not hair, but something so personal that it can motivate a guy to action, make him want to get a girl.

    Let's turn again to men's forums. What do guys mean by the concept of “femininity”?

    1. A feminine woman is relaxed and calm. Irritability, nervousness and hysteria do not decorate a lovely lady. She is like a cat who is lying on a soft surface, but at any moment she is ready to gather herself, concentrate and go out to “hunt”.
    2. The ability to trust a man is an important quality for girls. A commanding tone, numerous lectures and a hard look are unlikely to decorate a woman. Guys, looking at a young lady, should want to stand up for her, hide her behind their back and in every possible way protect her from any problems.
    3. True femininity is the ability to listen and communicate. This means both the ability to feel and be “infected” by the emotions of the interlocutor, as well as general erudition, possession of certain knowledge and speech skills. In addition, it is important for a girl to be able to keep secrets.
    4. Emotionality is also a sign of femininity, so you should not succumb to feminist sentiments and forget about your nature. But! Excessive expression of feelings can transfer you to the rank of an unbalanced person and a hysterical person. Important rule– naturalness and, oddly enough, reasonableness in emotional manifestations.
    5. Figure, pretty face, good taste in clothes? No. Women have long been associated with motherhood. Not a single beauty can compare in femininity with a future mother, with a girl raising a child. This is a natural instinct, if you like, a woman’s destiny.

    Men's forums are replete with opinions and comments regarding feminine essence, femininity and ideal image other half. So, what kind of feminine woman is she?

    She is charming, distinguished by sophistication, good manners, and the ability to present herself favorably, which produces an incredible effect. What is femininity through the eyes of men?

    This image includes criteria such as:

    • internal softness;
    • trust and respect for the partner;
    • ability to avoid conflicts;
    • affectionate character;
    • love for the child;
    • a slim body;
    • long hair in natural shades;
    • love and desire for purity in all aspects;
    • desire for self-development;
    • absence of bad habits.

    Of course, some guys are crazy about girls with a strong character, purposeful and able to solve their problems on their own.

    However, these men still prefer to cast their lot in with feminine girls who are distinguished by their weakness and softness.

    How to become more feminine?

    True femininity lies in simple truths that are accessible to every girl. But as is usually the case, simplicity is an extremely complex thing. The men's forum and comments from guys show what they expect from potential life partners.

    So, what should a girl change about herself so that a man considers her feminine?

    1. Unavailability. A girl is a goal for the stronger sex, because they still remain warriors and hunters. A man wants to conquer a fortress, conquer the peak. A feminine woman is valued for her inaccessibility and ability to be proud (of course, without unnecessary fanaticism).
    2. Happiness. Joyful carelessness, smiling and easy communication give the girl more femininity. Many men strive for such a young lady. However, today's ladies enjoy little things and little surprises less and less, acquiring detachment and masculine character traits.
    3. Weakness. Modern girls enter into tough confrontation with men for social dominance, equal rights and more significant social roles. Such a struggle does not contribute to femininity, because by their nature, lovely ladies are weak creatures who need a man’s shoulder. Men on forums are sure that a woman’s charm lies in her weakness.
    4. Effectiveness. An attractive and charismatic girl stands out from the crowd. A sweet young lady seems more feminine than a beauty whose clothes are dominated by men's style. Figure-flattering dresses and additional accessories always attract guys.
    5. Romance. Who said that sentimentality is not in fashion these days? Admiring the sunset, walking and kissing under the moon, watching a melodrama together - romance, which, unfortunately, is gradually disappearing due to the oversaturation of impressions and emotions in our lives.
    6. The ability to love. The uniqueness of a woman lies in her desire and ability to love, give her feelings and take the emotions of her chosen one. How beautiful is the girl in love! Especially when the love is mutual. However, some modern young ladies prefer short-term relationships that do not involve deep feelings.
    7. Ability to inspire. Inspiration forces representatives of the stronger half of humanity to write poems and poems, perform feats, and improve themselves. However, only a feminine girl can inspire with her figure, voice, love - any accessible ways. There is an interesting phrase that says that behind every great man there was a great woman.
    8. Thrift. The ability to create comfort in a home, maintain a home and the desire to raise a child are qualities inherent in a business woman. However, they are also present in a feminine girl, since both of these characteristics are taken into account by men when choosing a future wife.
    9. Moderation. Femininity does not imply the desire to fill all the living space of a guy. Don't forget that a real woman is somewhat inaccessible and mysterious. She is a mystery that a man wants to solve. You should not open up completely at the very beginning of dating, simultaneously demanding the same step from your partner.

    Femininity through the eyes of men is a combination of multiple factors. Beautiful figure, romance and softness...

    We answer the question: how to become feminine in our difficult times? The eternal struggle of women for the expansion of their rights in personal and public life bore fruit. If in Muslim countries, due to religious traditions, the role of women in society is not yet so noticeable, then in the rest of the world the situation is different. Women, like men, manage business structures and government bodies, earn money and support families. There is, undoubtedly, positive sides. But a woman who is forced to earn her daily bread on her own or even together with her husband, to be torn between work and everyday life, to manage everything, to keep up with the modern hectic rhythm of life, often forgets about her nature, about the feminine principle.

    And the grandmothers on the benches are surprised: “Why is such a beautiful, smart, successful woman who has achieved everything still not married or raising a child alone? Probably a walker...” But in fact, absorbed in work and problems, this beautiful and smart woman simply cannot attract a man. After all, representatives of the stronger sex want to see in their lady of the heart, first of all, a Woman, whose soft, warm and gentle image caresses the eyes and soul. That is, a man is attracted to femininity.

    What is femininity

    Femininity– this is far from only biological sex and the ability to bear children. This is the ability to maximize your nature, attract men, while maintaining your strength and independence.

    There are several signs that define this truly feminine trait:

    • love for yourself, your appearance, the ability to take care of yourself, to emphasize your advantages and hide your shortcomings;

    • special gait, beautiful posture, good manners;

    • gentleness and flexibility in communication;

    • the ability to be a playful coquette. However, “portions of coquetry” are dispensed in doses and always to the point;

    • acceptance of the opposite sex, respect and love for men, the desire to please.

    For some, femininity is innate and manifests itself even in childhood. A girl may have a discreet appearance, but they say about her: “Vibes emanate from her.” And if this is not typical for you at the moment, you shouldn’t be upset. More often than not, women are not born, but rather become. The main thing is to want it.

    What to do to become feminine

    First you need to accept yourself. Clearly realize that with such an appearance, character, mentality, and temperament, you will have to live for as many years as you are given. This does not mean that you do not need to engage in self-improvement. But what cannot be changed in oneself must be accepted and loved.

    It is the cultivation of self-love that will be the next step towards the development of femininity. Every time you stand in front of the mirror, mentally say to yourself pleasant words, praise yourself. You can list all your strengths on paper. Re-reading them, you will probably be surprised at how beautiful, smart, economical, etc. you are. Focus on what is better in your appearance than others, what you can do better than others. The attitude of others towards you depends on your self-esteem.

    Love taking care of yourself. Remember that a real woman should look good in any environment, even when she stands at the stove at home or runs around with a mop, even when she takes out the trash can. If you look great at work and in society, in a brand new suit, with a spectacular hairstyle, and at home you wander around the apartment in a well-worn terry robe, old slippers and with an unwashed hair - you take care of yourself not for yourself, but “for show”. This is how many women maternity leave, spending almost all their time at home with the child, they stop taking care of themselves. And then they wonder why their husbands cheat on them, or even leave them altogether.
    Don’t be lazy to take care of your face and body, be interested in the latest cosmetics and perfumes.

    Review your wardrobe. What kind of clothes does he wear? If there, except for a couple business suits, mostly elongated sweaters, shapeless T-shirts and unisex overalls, what kind of femininity can we talk about? Go shopping and treat yourself to elegant dresses, skirts, blouses, and, of course, high-heeled shoes.
    Next, having updated our wardrobe and armed ourselves with cosmetics, we create our own image. Finding yourself, creating your own unique image is the task of every woman. Wear clothes that suit you and highlight your best features. Choose your makeup type. This will, of course, take some time. Mistakes also cannot be avoided. But the result will be harmony between your inner self and your appearance. And femininity implies harmony in everything.

    Try to develop grace and good manners. This is the key to successful self-presentation. Men believe that a woman’s beauty is determined not so much by her facial features and figure, but by her gait and posture. If you have hunched shoulders and a “soldier’s gait” - be at the same time perfect face And chiseled figure, you won't be attractive.

    Eliminate unnecessary movement. Eliminate any unnecessary waving of your arms, tapping your feet on the floor, etc. Any, even the most “standard” movement can be performed in different ways. And the opinion about you will depend on how you performed this or that gesture. Movements should be natural, smooth, unfussy, not constrained, but not provocative.

    Do not forget pay attention to your self-education and self-development and use the acquired knowledge in communication. At the same time, you should not strain your brain and strive to comprehend something that is deeply uninteresting to you. After all, you are not studying in order to amaze the opposite sex with your knowledge. Read about what you like. But try to learn something new every day, study, reflect, attend trainings. An interesting person is one who is constantly developing.

    Are of great importance communication skills. In the Middle Ages, the training of courtesans took long years. And one of the important components was learning the art of communication. These ladies were popular, first of all, for their ability to carry on a conversation. And they did it so subtly and tactfully that men felt like real supermen in their company. This allowed the courtesans to have famous politicians, writers, and artists as their admirers.

    Watch your speech, know how to listen carefully, without interrupting, treat your interlocutor with respect. But at the same time, tactfully stop any attempt to “cry into your vest.” Be sociable, but keep your distance. With an arrogant " snow queen“I don’t really feel like communicating. But if you are “your best friend,” you will be perceived that way, but not at all as a woman.

    And of course, use one of the main women's weapons– smile. But again, remember appropriateness. You will smile all the time, or, for example, when they tell you about troubles, you will be considered inadequate. Just try to “keep your face” in any situation, no matter whether you are in public or alone. So that this skill can be practiced until it becomes automatic. After all, if a person has a gloomy expression on his face, knitted eyebrows, a heavy gaze “to nowhere”, you don’t even want to talk to him, let alone communicate. And when the face is open, the gaze is lively and sparkling, when interest in this world and love for it is felt throughout one’s appearance, such a woman becomes magically attractive.

    And most importantly, know how to make a man feel his masculine essence. Don't be afraid to show your fragility and defenselessness. Show that you need male help and support.

    All this can be achieved through self-discipline and tireless work on yourself. But the effort is worth it! It’s not for nothing that psychologists believe that in order for happiness to come to you, you need to create the conditions for it. Therefore, change yourself and change the world. And the world will answer you with gratitude.

    Femininity is a special energy that attracts men. It comes from representatives of the fair half of humanity, who managed to preserve this quality in themselves and not suppress it under the weight of everyday life. In Buddhist mythology, the concept of femininity is attributed to the energy of “yin”, which releases and supports masculinity - “yang”.

    True femininity cannot lie solely in gait, clothing, figure or character. This is a special sexual impulse, natural seduction, tenderness and charm, which can awaken the best aspects of a man’s character. Therefore, the task of every lady is to learn to develop her inner qualities, sensuality and spiritual charm, and then improve her body.

    How to develop feminine energy

    In order to understand how to become feminine and attractive to men, you need to learn to treat everything with love. You need to put your soul into everything you have to do and encounter every day. To cultivate a real woman within yourself and inspire men to great deeds, you need to:
    1. , your appearance, manners, figure and inner world. A woman is a magnet that attracts to herself the energy that fills her. Therefore, the secret of happiness lies in self-love, which will certainly return in the guise of an affectionate husband, children and others.
    2. Practice singing and develop your voice. Our ancient ancestors believed that vocal lessons could cleanse the throat chakra of negativity. This is a kind of rebirth and cleansing from dark energy. The daily practice of singing helps to find inner harmony, develop the ability to control emotions and cope with anger.
    3. Dance to learn to feel your sexuality, gain grace and increase libido. A man loves with his eyes, so the special dance you give him can be more eloquent than any words. Do the dance exercise every day and the results will not take long to arrive.
    4. Master the skills of yoga, which is based on meditation, mastery of one’s own body and esoteric techniques of self-acceptance. The art of yoga is especially beneficial married women, because it helps to awaken inner peace, restore psycho-emotional balance and gradually get rid of negative thoughts.
    5. Independently master arts and crafts, which helps to eradicate inner fear, feel calm and discover new talents.
    6. Learn to love your body and enjoy your own touch. Each geisha spent 2-3 hours a day meditating while receiving an incense massage. The mastery of satisfying tactile hunger allows you to look rested, irresistible and attractive. Well-groomed body is absolute femininity through the eyes strong men who are accustomed to admiring the graceful curves of the hips, waist and chest.
    To reveal your femininity and enhance its manifestations, start decorating your bed. Sprinkle it with flower petals, replace a hard mattress with a soft one, make a beautiful set of linens, or place incense sticks at the head of the bed that will exude an exquisite aroma. This will allow you to enjoy your vacation, put your thoughts in order and fill yourself with bright energy.

    Visual expression of femininity

    Femininity is manifested in the ability to control your body, emotions and control your mind. In order to develop it, you need:
    • Let go of the situation. The most common mistake a girl or woman makes is the desire to keep everything under control. Of course, representatives of the fair sex are considered the best leaders and bosses, but at home and alone with the man you love, you need to forget about your social calling. Nature has endowed ladies with powerful weapons - the ability to gently persuade, give unobtrusive advice and emphasize masculine importance.

    For example: a wife asks her husband to buy her a fur coat, and then reproaches her husband for not having enough money to live on. Issues of providing for the family should be decided by the man, so there is no need to humiliate his dignity and convict him of insolvency. Give thanks for what he gives you and you will receive much more in return.

    • A lady's task is to show a man how much she depends on him. Don't be afraid to attract attention with requests, flirtatious charisma and natural weakness. Remember - you are that little girl whom you don’t want to raise at all, but only protect and pamper. The Vedas say that the strength of “yin” lies in weakness.

    For example: ask your companion to help you carry your bags, drive that nail, or fix the sofa. The feeling of your helplessness will captivate and attract real heroes who are ready to perform feats for their charming beauty.

    • Unlearn arguing, commanding and giving orders. This is a masculine approach to solving situations. Feel your uniqueness, contained in the ability to open any door with a smile, kind words or a smooth gesture.

    Example: You start yelling at your man and reproaching him for not keeping his promises. It will be much more effective to hug him and whisper in his ear that you are very upset that you still haven’t bought the shoes you like. This psychological method will be more effective and will allow you to achieve the desired result.

    • It is important to develop the ability to speak beautifully. These lessons in absolute femininity will allow you to expand your vocabulary, while you will learn to disarm your opponent with the way you communicate. A mysterious look, softness of voice and calm timbre - this is what makes men admire their companion, who clearly expresses her thoughts.

    Advice! Femininity should manifest itself in calmness. There is nothing worse than a lady who allows herself to express herself in “strong words”, adding to this screams and sudden movements of her hands. Wife, mother, housewife - these concepts imply wisdom and calm.

    Therefore, learn to speak in epithets, read more and develop your horizons. Then any man will want to spend time with you, share your opinion and love.

    • U a real lady elegant, graceful movements that can give birth to the wildest fantasies in the male imagination. Her every gesture is a seductive mystery, so try to avoid haste and fuss. Learn to return the primitive softness to your movements, as if Venus is emerging from the water. Let your energy fill every cell of your body with love, then you will be able to move with grace and ease.

    If you want to become a muse for your man, then learn to take the right pauses. This means that you need to remain silent in the midst of a conflict, or allow your chosen one to make a decision on his own. Femininity is inner beauty, the ability to rule without words and open the way to a man’s heart through your wisdom.

    Appearance and manner of dressing - creating a charming image

    “The standard of beauty and elegance” is the ability to dress stylishly, walk gracefully and present oneself with the best side. Vedic astrology says that a woman should emphasize her tenderness and sexual energy, return to her roots and move away from male habits.

    Flowing skirts, flared trousers, Jewelry and exquisite jewelry are those wardrobe elements that can transform the figure and emphasize the sensuality of the image. Do you want to discover the real woman within you? Then buy yourself a cool sweater with a deep neckline, tight jeans, and replace the wedges with heels. Discreet sexuality is main feature femininity, which your husband or beloved boyfriend will appreciate.

    Here is the main list of what needs to be done for creating a lung and a flirtatious image that attracts admiring glances from passers-by:

    • See photos of fashion shows and explore new items. Famous designers create models of things that emphasize the seductiveness of the figure and allow you to express the individuality of character.
    • Avoid bulky items that hide your silhouette.
    • Give preference to fabrics in bed colors, because they are the ones that make you want to touch a woman’s body.
    • Change your haircut by studying photos current trends season.
    • Admire yourself in front of the mirror wearing new clothes. The main secret of an attractive image is the ability to praise yourself in private. A mantra such as: “I am a beautiful lady who attracts men”, “My image is admirable!” will help with this.
    Also good for the development of femininity are the following:

    I am happy that I was born a Woman.
    I Thank my Inner Woman for giving me the opportunity to live a full, bright, rich Life.
    I enjoy taking care of myself.
    My Inner Woman is my softness, kindness, tenderness, affection, sensitivity, responsiveness.

    I discover and accept my Inner Woman.
    I lovingly grow the flower of femininity and beauty in my mind and body.
    I am the source of boundless love that expands to the whole world.
    I am a wise and beautiful Woman.
    I enjoy everything I have.

    I love myself exactly the way I am. I'm always attractive.
    I deserve all the best. I open myself to happiness and love.
    My femininity blossoms every new day.
    Love in my life begins with myself.

    I'm sweet and attractive.
    I am talented and unique.
    I am a luxurious expensive woman.
    I am a magnet for love.
    I radiate love.

    I am a beautiful flower.
    I'm sweet as honey.
    I am walking the path of femininity.
    I know how to love and enjoy.
    I follow my feminine nature.

    Remember: you should always look elegant, starting from underwear and ending with a manicure. Give preference to lace, airy fabrics and bright accessories. This is the only way music will play in your soul that will attract fans and make you irresistible!
    • “Some Like It Hot”, the role of the main character is played by Marilyn Monroe, who has always been considered the standard of femininity;
    • Anouk Aimee in the Film “A Man and a Woman” is where femininity is over the top;
    • Fragile and graceful Audrey Hepburn in the film “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”;
    • Michel Mercier in the film "Angelique";
    • A striking example real woman represented by Vivien Leigh in the film Gone with the Wind;
    • And the film “The Honest Courtesan” is a real textbook of femininity.
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