• Etiquette for a true lady. A real lady: code of manners and style


    What qualities distinguish a lady?

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    By definition, a lady is the wife of a lord, which means she belongs to the most privileged aristocratic stratum. But today we call a lady a woman who has a certain set of qualities, and blue blood has nothing to do with it.

    1. Style

    A sense of style always distinguishes a real lady. Usually this quality is innate, but it can also be cultivated. If from childhood you instill in a girl a taste for high art, give her a comprehensive education and show an example of elegance in everything, that is, the hope that she will become a real lady.

    Style is not only the ability to dress well. This is the presence of a special taste for life. This is the ability to surround yourself only with elegant things and selected people, the ability to radiate a special charm and attract others to you. And being stylish doesn't always mean being fashionable. Today, being stylish means being yourself and not losing your dignity under any circumstances.

    1. Manners

    One can hardly call a lady a woman who swears and behaves provocatively and cheekily. The lady knows how to hold herself correctly, moves gracefully and does not get lost in any situation. She will be at her best in any environment, and even when alone, she will not allow herself to relax.

    The easiest way to recognize a lady is by the way she speaks: her accent and poor pronunciation give her away instantly. That is why in all boarding houses for noble maidens, pronunciation is given paramount importance.

    1. Education

    A real lady speaks several languages. She is aware of all the news and can easily support a conversation on any topic. It is not true that a lady's destiny is home economics. A modern lady is an educated and intellectually developed woman.

    She may not have scientific degrees, but she will be up to date with the latest advances in science. And she never stops on the path of improvement.

    1. Music

    A real lady should not only be able to understand art. Music and dance accompany her all her life. Since childhood, the future lady has been taught music. She should be able to play musical instruments well and not be afraid to sing a couple of romances to her guests.

    If you think that lack of hearing exempts her from this duty, you are mistaken. Hearing develops over time. And even if an elephant steps on a girl’s ear, as she learns, she can begin to hear and feel music.

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    1. Ability to dance

    This skill is a must for a real lady. She must be confident while dancing, be graceful and rhythmic. Ballroom dancing are included in the mandatory program for future ladies. And it is at balls that a lady should be able to present herself with dignity in high society.

    1. Knowledge of etiquette

    This is not only the ability to eat with a knife and fork, but also knowledge of all the subtleties of behavior at the table and in society. How to communicate with royalty, how to receive guests, what to say and to whom, when to smile and when to show equanimity - a real lady knows all these secrets perfectly.

    1. Home Economics

    Even if a lady lives in a house filled with servants, she is an unsurpassed housewife. Cooking, setting the table beautifully, managing the household - the lady does all this to perfection.

    Cooking is an obligatory part of the educational program for ladies. She will always be able to pamper her guests with original and sophisticated dishes.

    1. Floriculture

    The ability to grow flowers and make bouquets is one of the most important components aesthetic development lady. This is the ability to see and feel beauty, unsurpassed taste and subtlety of perception.

    Flowers accompany a lady throughout her life, and a withered bouquet cannot be seen in her house. She composes her own compositions and decorates her home with them.

    1. Sewing skills

    And even if the lady dresses in best stores and sews outfits from the most famous tailors, she must be able to sew and understand all the intricacies of styles, stitches and fabrics.

    1. INhorse riding

    The ability to ride a horse, participate in hunting, and knowledge of all the intricacies of horse racing allow a lady to feel confident in high society.

    Women with good manners and impeccable taste are ladies whose endurance and grace are the envy of millions of ladies around the world. Such representatives of the fairer sex are always in the center of male attention; they know how to present themselves correctly, while maintaining an impeccable reputation. Trying to learn how to become a lady, a girl will have to learn not only the rules of etiquette, but also change her everyday behavior.

    How to become a real lady: 5 steps to success

    A lady is not just a girl who behaves manneredly with others and wears expensive clothes. First of all, these are ladies who are accustomed to behave in a certain way in public, maintaining nobility and decorum of manners even in those moments when no one is looking at them. So, how to become a real lady in the modern world?

    A lady with a good upbringing and impeccable manners will never show off her position in public. Typically, such a woman dresses stylishly and tastefully, using a minimal amount of jewelry in her look. She also prefers neutral tones in clothes, light makeup and low-heeled shoes.

    If a girl wants to become a lady, she needs to start with appearance, achieving perfection in every image. Ideal hair styling, neat makeup, a modest but at the same time feminine outfit - all these components of the image will help in creating a first impression, but then you will have to demonstrate your manners.

    The behavior of a real lady as the main characteristic of her status

    How to become a lady in a week? Many unscrupulous writers or journalists publish manuals, thanks to which you can supposedly become a lady from high society in just a few days.

    But in reality, to acquire the appropriate manners in such short term impossible. To achieve this, a woman has to work on herself throughout her life. A real lady is distinguished by the following behavioral traits:

    Tips on etiquette become a reference book for such a girl. At the same time, a lady should not look like a prude, demonstrating her superiority compared to everyone else. Rather, on the contrary, such a person’s manners do not irritate or cause discomfort to others.

    Many women try to learn how to become a lady just to please men. Representatives of the stronger sex really value women who can speak well and have decent manners and taste. However, it is also important to learn how to communicate correctly with guys so as not to question your reputation. The following rules come into force here:

    Many modern people They believe that ladies are too cold in communication, but in fact, such ladies simply give the reins of power to the interlocutor during the dialogue. A man should ask questions, and a girl can only give comments and ask something in response.

    It is simply impossible to become a lady in 2-3 days, since this is a special way of thinking that allows a woman to always behave impeccably. And yet, a girl can learn this unique skill of behavior by adhering to basic rules and not forgetting about practice.

    Ekaterina, Volgograd

    Elegance is a very multidimensional concept. This includes the cut of clothing, wardrobe style, and demeanor. And also a special state of mind.

    Elegance is charming. Always attracts attention. They admire and admire her. She is always remembered.

    At the same time, not everyone manages to look elegant, and this is not a question big money. Elegance does not depend on the degree of ideality of the figure, on the cost or even the style of clothing.

    We will tell you a few rules, following which you will always be an elegant lady.


    No matter how sophisticated and noble you are, people will still judge you by your appearance. Even the modest and sweet Cinderella did not dare to go to the ball in an old tattered dress, but asked her godmother to conjure her a beautiful and impeccable outfit.

    It just so happens that people want to communicate with neat and stylishly dressed people, and if you come to a meeting in a faded dress, then there may not be anyone willing to appreciate your rich inner world.

    Therefore, it is not enough to dress stylishly, fashionably and beautifully; you need to ensure that your clothes are always ironed so that they are free from stains, pilling, protruding threads, loose seams, scuffs and faded areas of fabric.

    I don’t think it’s worth saying at all that clothes should fit you well and match your size. Just as there is no need to remind you that in addition to clothes and shoes, your entire appearance should be impeccable: skin condition, manicure, pedicure, makeup.


    An elegant girl always intuitively feels where and how to dress. She knows that dressing for the office and dressing for an important business meeting are completely different things. She understands that you can’t come to work in a mini, just like you can’t show up in a fashionable one. night club in a strict business suit.

    Knowing exactly how to dress in a given situation is a sign of an elegant woman. Dress very smartly for a meeting with ordinary people who cannot afford accessories from your image - this is also unacceptable. In this case, an elegant woman will dress modestly, but tastefully, without chic, gloss or expensive details.

    In addition, elegant women never allow themselves to dress inappropriately for their age. A young girl in a granny's coat will look just as ridiculous as an older woman wearing a miniskirt. Therefore, you should not look too young, or, on the contrary, add years to yourself with the help of clothes - you still won’t achieve what you want, but you will cause surprise among those around you.


    Full closets that cannot be closed from overflowing clothes are not always good. If they are filled with stylish fashionable wardrobe, then this is all right. But when full wardrobe its owner does not know what to wear every day, then appropriate measures must be taken.

    Make it a rule to regularly clean out your closet, during which you will go through your things and throw away those that are already out of fashion, that no longer fit you in size, that you no longer like, or that have become inappropriate and cannot be repaired.

    If the item is expensive, but there is a hole or a stain that is difficult to remove, then send the item for repair or dry cleaning. Always make sure that the heels on your shoes are not knocked down, and if the toes of your shoes turn out to be scratched, then buy yourself new shoes in time, because it is precisely such little things that spoil your entire appearance, and it will be difficult to call you an elegant woman.

    In addition, you should always check the strength of sewn buttons so that you don’t have to look for them later where they came off. The same applies to lightning - they should not diverge, the “dogs” should be intact.

    If you wear clothing decorated with rhinestones, beads, sequins or decorative stones, then make sure that they do not get lost, otherwise the half-present rhinestone appliqué is a pitiful sight. The same can be said about half-blooming embroidery.


    It is almost impossible to look elegant in very bright clothes. Therefore, give preference to basic colors and their shades, calm colors, muted tones. If you want to look interesting, then choose interesting shades of familiar colors. And never wear more than three colors at the same time (this applies not only to clothes, but also to shoes, accessories, and jewelry).

    Also remember that not everyone can successfully wear an all-black look, so it’s better to dilute your clothes with some other color. The same applies to white, especially when worn by an older woman. Women over 40 are better off choosing not clean White color, and, for example, color Ivory, cream, light beige, milky.


    Even very expensive Nice dress paired with chic shoes will look somehow wrong if you don’t complete the look with suitable accessories. Elegant wide-brimmed hat, long gloves, beautiful stole, a stylish scarf - these things will add a “zest” to your image, make you unique and recognizable in the crowd. After all main principle elegant woman: dress like everyone else, but with an individual approach and unique details.

    Buy high-quality and expensive accessories, and then no one will replace you with a simpler and inexpensive dress.


    An elegant girl will not wear very bright makeup. Ideally, you should look like you're wearing minimal makeup. Natural makeup must complement the perfectly smooth and beautiful skin face, neck, décolleté, beautiful manicure and pedicure.


    An elegant girl must know all the rules of etiquette by heart and follow them impeccably everywhere and with everyone. She won’t be caught off guard in a prestigious restaurant with several different cutlery laid out on the table at once. She knows how to properly greet people of different status and gender, and will not kiss her business partners on the cheek.

    Elegant girls have good manners and are always happy to demonstrate them. And even when alone at home with herself, a true lady will not put her hands on the dining table while eating, loudly stir the tea with a spoon, or slurp or slurp. Elegant women have good manners in their blood, and not playing to the public.


    Those who think it's decent clad women Those who get out of expensive cars should act proudly and pompously, they are mistaken. Elegance is the ability to be polite and friendly with everyone, even those who are much lower in status and level of wealth.

    Greeting cleaners and janitors while holding the position of director of a large company is a sign of true elegance. And arrogance and overly inflated self-esteem, demonstrated where it is necessary and where it is not necessary, speaks of a woman’s insufficient upbringing.


    Why do you think many people want to communicate with elegant women? No, not because being friends with them is a privilege and a sign of good connections. In fact, real elegant women always listen to their interlocutor, they participate in the conversation, try to understand what they are told about, remember what they are told about, and show participation in the problems of others.

    If you learn to notice subtleties in a conversation, for example, remember the birthday of the daughter of a business partner who accidentally mentioned her in your informal conversation, and then over time congratulate him on the birthday girl, you will see how his opinion of you will change. People who don’t just listen and ignore everything, but remember and analyze, are highly valued in society, in any society.

    This is why an elegant woman will never invite her colleague to a cat show if he once accidentally admitted to her that he is allergic to cat fur. An elegant woman will never praise her children to a woman who has long dreamed of them, but has certain health difficulties and cannot conceive.

    An elegant woman will not advise low-income people where it is better to buy expensive Jewelry, will not give them recommendations regarding the choice of quality delicacies, etc. Always be tactful with everyone and you will see how highly people will value you and how well they will speak of you.


    Elegant girls have a good education, they are well-read and erudite. The ability to support any conversation, knowledge in various fields, a subtle sense of humor, the ability to joke and tell stories correctly Interesting Facts about everything - this is what distinguishes an elegant girl from an ordinary one.

    In addition, when talking with others, you should not actively gesticulate or show violent facial expressions - you are not performing in a theater, and therefore should be restrained. You should not loudly sort things out in public, solve problems with the help of threats and manipulation, use foul language and laugh loudly with your mouth open.

    Complying with all of these rules is not easy, and achieving compliance may take long years, but it's worth it. Not everyone is born a noble lady, elegant by nature, but absolutely everyone can learn to be elegant.

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    To become a lady, a girl should first learn in theory what this term means and what qualities a real lady should have.

    Who is a lady by definition...

    "Lady" - this is how the British used to politely address married woman in bourgeois society. Initially, a lady is the wife of a lord. As we understand, from there it moved to modern world the tradition of calling “ladies” those girls and women who possess traits, patterns of behavior and style that were once characteristic of the wives of English nobles. And today “blue” aristocratic blood has nothing to do with it.

    A set of qualities of a real lady

    To understand how to become a lady, and to get closer to this image in reality, you must strictly adhere to the following fundamental points.


    • The lady never swears or loses her temper. The lady is calm and calm in public, even if a hurricane of emotions and feelings is raging in her soul.
    • The lady does not behave provocatively and cheekily. She is well brought up and knows how to behave properly in society.
    • The lady never relaxes, there is like an unbending steel rod inside her, she will not get confused in any situation. Even being in a difficult provocative environment, the lady will show her composure, intelligence, and calmly and confidently accept fast decision. Her credo is to steadfastly and calmly withstand all the blows of fate. But do not think that the lady is a callous nature. Not at all, know moderation in everything. You can often see a smile on a lady's face! We repeat, the main thing is to know when to stop.


    Sorry, but without a good education, you won’t become a lady. This does not have to be a prestigious educational institution; a good education can be provided by both the family at home and an ordinary modern university. The main thing is the result of learning!

    And the result is that the lady will be able to support a conversation on any topic, will be interested in news in different areas of our life (art, science, politics, literature, etc.), and will be considered an intellectually developed girl by those around her. A constant striving for perfection and self-development, even in home economics (if this is the wife of a socialite).


    Sense of style - important feature, which distinguishes a lady. How to become a real lady if you dress like a multi-colored parrot, and your wardrobe is considered bad taste! A sense of style is an innate human quality. But even if nature has deprived you of it, then be sure to listen to the stylish people around you, find an adviser and assistant in this difficult matter for you. Believe me, these rules apply to all ladies, of course, if you are not wondering how to become Lady Gaga :)

    • A real lady is elegant.
    • Her style is not always fashionable, but it exudes a certain charm.
    • The lady dresses discreetly, but stylishly.


    Knowledge of etiquette involves not only the ability to properly handle cutlery while eating. Etiquette includes:

    • rules of behavior in society, at the table, at special events,
    • the ability to receive guests at home,
    • a sensitive understanding of what, to whom and in what situation you can say, and when it is better to keep your mouth shut,
    • also understanding in what situations it is possible to smile and when it is necessary to strictly demonstrate equanimity.


    The lady is never lazy to take care of herself. A pleasant appearance is created precisely thanks to proper care for your face, hair, body, nails.
    • Always get your manicure done on time.
    • Regularly use lotions and creams to care for your face and body. The skin should glow with health, it should be silky and soft.
    • Hair is perfectly clean! Don’t be lazy to wash your hair or put your hair up if you have unruly, fluffy hair. How to become a lady if you are disheveled and your hair is fluffy in all directions.
    • The makeup is not vulgar, but appropriate to the situation.

    How to become a business lady

    A businesswoman is a successful woman who has all of the above qualities. However, pay attention to some tips for a business woman...

    • Punctuality!
    • Correct prioritization: It is more important for you to think about a business plan or meet a promising candidate for a vacancy in your office than to go shopping with your friends.
    • Know your limits in relationships with colleagues. Do not allow yourself to be treated informally. We understand that it’s very nice to work surrounded by friends, but someday it will backfire on you.
    • Business suits, strict but modern and stylish dresses- your style.

    Many people believe that a real lady can only be born. But in fact, the ability to be one takes years to develop. In order to become a lady, you must not only remember the basic rules of behavior and appropriate lifestyle, but also fully follow them.

    Manners of a real lady

    A real lady will never allow herself even what an ordinary average girl with a good upbringing can sometimes afford. What should a real lady be like? Here are ten key behaviors:

    1. A lady will never allow herself to chew gum and swear.
    2. The lady doesn't fix her makeup in public. She will appear in public in impeccable form.
    3. The lady does not allow her emotions to get the better of her; she is always restrained and confident.
    4. The lady does not discuss other people, does not brag about her achievements and does not talk about intimate relationships in society.
    5. A lady does not communicate with people depending on their status. In communication she is equal with everyone.
    6. The lady is distinguished by her constancy, so one-night stands are not for her.
    7. The lady talks little and listens a lot. She does not allow herself a high tone of voice.
    8. The lady behaves with her man with dignity, without showing off her personality. She easily allows him to communicate with his friends.
    9. A lady is never interested in a man's salary on the first date.
    10. The lady is always proud, but not excessively. She never imposes her persona.

    The code of a real lady also includes features of a girl’s appearance:

    1. Too short skirts and deep necklines for ladies are taboo. It has exquisite taste.
    2. Smoking is something incompatible with the lifestyle of a real lady.
    3. A lady's gait is always graceful and light.
    4. Haste is not for ladies. She always does everything calmly and measuredly, but in a timely manner.

    If you think that the rules of a real lady end with this list, then this is far from true. The lady is educated, she is an unrivaled mistress of her home. In addition, he is well versed in art and loves horse riding. She is musical - she loves music and dances wonderfully. How true woman, a real lady has a luxurious flower garden and takes care of it herself.

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