• How to interest a man: the right ways. Psychological techniques on how to interest a man


    I listen to women and understand how difficult it is for them and men sometimes. Women simply don’t know where to go from the advances of men they don’t like at all. And then another situation arises when it is difficult to captivate the man you like. He doesn’t react to a woman and that’s it.

    Then the opposite question arises: how to stir it up? In this article I will talk more about how to attract a man for the first time, but also for those couples who already live together long years, I think it will be interesting to read this article.

    You can probably say that seducing a man is as easy as shelling pears, because the psychology of men in relationships with women is simple and primitive. You just need to wear a tight-fitting red dress above the knees with a large cutout on the chest, put on good makeup and walk around in such an outfit for a while in front of a man, “accidentally” touching him.

    If we are talking about mature men, about those men with whom you can build a long-term relationship and get married, then this is not only not enough - it can generally lead in the other direction. It's a myth that long legs And big breasts- that's all you need to attract a man's attention and seduce a man.

    Not all. If everything were so simple and unambiguous, then the article would not have to be called"How to attract a man"

    , but for example “How to choose a dress in order to seduce a man.” So, what is the list of the most important things that a man takes into account? to follow a woman and start courting her? I wrote about this in great detail in my new book.“23 mistakes with men. Mistakes on first dates" and in the book"Psychology of men in love"

    . But in this article I will still try to cover in some detail the topic of how to captivate a man.

    The first and most powerful criterion for a man to court a woman is whether the man himself feels that he can please a woman or not? The first rule is that if a man feels that he can please and seduce a woman, then he will court her

    and achieve, if he doesn’t feel it, he won’t.

    How to behave in such a way that a man feels that he has at least a minimal chance of success with a woman? I have already written about this many times, but I will repeat it again.

    First, this is coquetry. If you want to seduce or captivate a man, then flirt with him.

    Second, compliment the man.. But compliments should not be flattery just to attract a man's attention. G tell him what you really like about him, and most importantly, what is important to the man himself. If he plays sports, tell him that he has a great figure and that at his age it’s rare for anyone to look like that.

    If he drives well, tell him that you like the way he drives. Etc. Think, general principle understandable.

    Third. Hear about his exploits. But don't listen with irony or boredom. Try to also understand what is important for a man in these stories and admire his heroism.

    If he reinvented the wheel, then admire new part, which he attached to the frame or steering wheel. Find out how he came up with this “brilliant idea.”

    If he installed a door at his friend’s dacha, and even though the house itself is already falling apart, but now he tells everyone he meets about the door, ask where he learned this. Tell him that it must be difficult to install a door alone, but he managed it. Etc.

    The rule always works. Even if it seems that it does not work, these are just errors in the perception of men and women. A man may incorrectly believe that he has chances, although he does not have them. It may be the other way around, the man will consider that he has no chance, although there are more than enough.

    The second rule is this. If a man immediately achieves everything from a woman, then interest in her is largely lost.

    What I mean by “get it all” is get all the attention, all the admiration, all the time, all the love of a woman, etc.

    More than once I have compared the thinking of men with the thinking of a hunter or thinking during a game. This is the basic type of thinking of a man. If the game (hunt) is over and cannot be continued, then interest in it is gradually lost. If the game can continue, then interest in it can remain until the end of life.

    Let's remember the basic postulates of the game, in which interest remains. First, in the game a man wins more often, but sometimes he loses. This is an axiom of the game, no matter whether it is communicating with a woman or working.

    What follows from this? How can you use this feature of men in such a way as to captivate them and retain them?

    The answer is already almost obvious. In your relationship, the man should win most of the time, but not always. Every now and then a man has to lose.

    So, for the most part, support the man’s initiative and actions. But sometimes a man needs to refuse, sometimes to disagree with him, sometimes to persist so hard that you cannot be moved. That is, let a man lose sometimes. This is quite important. And this is especially important in order to keep a man in love for a long time.

    A woman who always agrees, is always in love, is always available, always admires a man will inevitably lose the man's interest. And this happens not because men are bad, but this is a manifestation of the laws of nature in action.

    That’s why you shouldn’t agree to everything, not always be accessible and not always admire a man. I wrote about this in great detail in my book. “How to make a man fall in love with you for life? Or Never run after a man, let Him run after you"(the first part of the book), but the main meaning, I think, is already clear.

    On the other hand, if a man always loses in a relationship with a woman, then interest in the game (the woman) is lost with the same pattern as in the first case. What is losing? This is when a woman is always right, always wins in arguments, a woman always has the last opinion in household and non-household matters, this is when no matter what a man does, it is always bad, etc.

    Therefore, you don’t need to make your man lose too often in your relationship. Otherwise, gradually the man’s interest in the woman is also lost. IN best case scenario the man will find another safe game (computer, work, fishing) where he will get satisfaction, then the relationship can survive. But in any case, it will be impossible to keep a man for a long time and keep his love and interest in a woman.

    So, don’t always agree with a man, don’t always be available, don’t always be in love (outwardly), don’t always admire a man and he won’t lose interest in you.

    And on the other hand, don’t always defeat a man in arguments, don’t always insist on your own in household matters, don’t always redo what a man did, even if he didn’t do it the way you think is right.

    Distance, time.

    All other things being equal, it is several times easier to captivate and seduce a man with whom you constantly or periodically communicate and with whom you spend some time together. Than someone with whom you don’t communicate and are practically never together. This seems obvious.

    What conclusion follows from this rule? If you have the opportunity and time, then at first it is not at all necessary to even flirt and flirt with a man. It is enough to start communicating with him more and closer.

    This communication does not even have to be romantic or consist of positive emotions at all. Even a small conflict or argument (but not hysteria) is better than no communication. (Once again, I advise you to watch the beginning of the movie “Girls,” where it was the conflict that marked the beginning of the relationship.) Some aggressiveness of a man at the beginning of a relationship can even serve as one of the signs that a man likes you. (An analogue of boys pulling the pigtails of girls they like)

    However, too close a distance is not the best. Colleagues sitting at adjacent tables are, of course, better than a man and a woman in different cities, but far from the best option.

    So, come up with or use an existing excuse and start communicating closer (but not too close) with the man you like. Just don’t show excessive initiative in this matter; I have already written more than once that men themselves like to take the initiative and win the woman they like.

    Competition between men and women.

    In total, competition between men for women. No matter what they say, this technique works, but it is too often misunderstood. Therefore, first read this paragraph carefully three times before trying to apply it. When using this technique, women often make many mistakes and often make things worse. In summary, a description of the reception.

    Organize so that men compete for you and interest in you can increase significantly.

    Men seem smart and reasonable, but when they get together, they often behave like a herd of sheep. This usually manifests itself in the fact that if one of the men who enjoys authority among a given herd, some kind of thing (game) appears, or he at least begins to achieve something or do something, then everyone else does the same they want the same thing or they also begin to achieve something and do something.

    Accordingly, this can be used somehow. A classic example of the use of this technique is the film “The Most Charming and Attractive.” None of the men paid attention to the main character of the film. However, when, on the advice of her friend, he began to look after her a little well dressed man(a friend’s husband), who had a new “Six”, which in modern times is similar to some 7 model of WWII (that is, to be courted by an authoritative monkey), then all the men from her department and neighboring ones began to pay attention to her.

    That is, in principle, the technique works, but its use in practice is not so simple and is fraught with errors.

    The first and most blunder, which I already wrote about in the article “How to keep a man in good shape? How to make a man jealous? "- this is a woman’s flirting with other men when she already has a regular partner and in this way she tries to arouse his jealousy. This is a very serious mistake. Note that even in the film “The Most Charming and Attractive” the main character did not flirt with the authoritative “male”, but it was he who tried to court her, and according to her, not very successfully.

    Second common mistake may be in the definition of an “authoritative” man. An authoritative man for one group may not be so for another group. Money, power and outwardly confident behavior are universal tools, but are not always important for some group of men. But it is not so easy for a woman to determine on her own.

    The third mistake is that you cannot focus on a man’s interest, which he shows in competitions with other men. After all, when the competition is over, interest in a woman may decrease significantly. You need to understand this.

    If I haven’t scared you too much yet, then you can use this technique.


    It’s not for nothing that there is such a thing as “ a holiday romance" What is a “holiday romance”? This is the time when a man is forced to get closer to other women, and most importantly, he has forgotten about his worries for a while.

    You can even derive a law that might look something like this: “A man’s attraction to women (as well as vice versa) is directly proportional to his carelessness.”

    What is the benefit of this rule? A man who has a lot of big worries in life is not predisposed to courting women, even if he likes the woman and there are conditions for further development of the relationship.

    If, for example, a man unexpectedly loses his job, business, apartment (is under a real threat of loss) or at least simply chronically fails to fulfill some plan at work, he chronically lacks money, is seriously ill, experiences betrayal by friends, etc. .d., then it’s better not to approach him.

    A woman’s advances, which in another situation he would gladly support, will only irritate him. Therefore, it is better not to approach such a man until he has solved his problems. You can listen to his problems and sympathize with him, and that's enough.

    I'm not talking about married men. No matter what they write or say, if everything is normal in the family, married man will never create problems for himself.

    And, accordingly, vice versa. Look for those moments in a man (or men in general) who are relatively successful in handling their affairs, no matter how insignificant they are. And avoid men who have problems they can't handle.

    Of course, man differs from man. For some, a temperature drop of 3 degrees outside can cause universal worries, while for others, loss of work, family, etc. Causes only minor stress.

    Perhaps that's enough for today. Of course, I haven't mentioned many more important factors. However, I wrote separate articles about many of them on the “Sunny Hands” website and will not repeat the content.

    Sincerely, Rashid Kirranov.

    A skirt, such as a cuff for the butt, a bust falling out of the neckline, bright cosmetics - with such means, of course, you can seduce a man. But, just to seduce, and only for one or two nights, and not everyone. It won’t be possible to captivate a man so that he thinks, if not about a wedding, then at least about a serious relationship; it requires a long siege, a smart strategy and the right tactics.

    Before moving on to the strategy, I advise you to read one important piece of advice - how to make a man fall in love with you, so as not to make the most important mistake!

    Who shouldn't waste time on?

    • Inability to communicate. It is very difficult to captivate a man who is at a decent distance from you, for example, lives in another city. Of course, there are also cases when distance only fuels interest, but this only happens when this interest is already there. But it is difficult to win and captivate a man whose meetings are rare and irregular. Therefore, you should not waste time on a man with whom you do not have the opportunity to see often. You can only interest someone who sees you often and can communicate.
    • A man with problems. If you know that the subject of your interest is preoccupied with some serious problems (debts, major troubles at work, illness, large loans that he cannot pay), that is, any major troubles, do not try to captivate such a man - nothing will work. A man can become interested in someone only if at the moment everything in his life is more or less in order. Major problems simply won’t allow him to think about something else, and at best he won’t notice your interest; at worst, such attention will irritate him. You can sympathize with him, try to help, but you should not try to captivate him, wait until he copes with his problems.

    Several rules and ways to captivate a man

    So, the subject of your sighs is in the same circle of communication with you and is not burdened with any serious problems. You can begin the “siege of this fortress.” Whether this siege will be successful or not depends almost 100% on you.

    Common interests and interest in his person

    It is necessary to collect as much as possible more information about the subject of your hobby: what he likes, his social circle, his hobbies, how he likes to spend free time, what he is successful in, and so on. Having collected such a unique dossier, you can interest him by casually mentioning your preferences in leisure, music, car brand, books. Yes, about anything, as long as it matches his hobbies.

    You need to talk about this in passing, unobtrusively, without drawing his attention. It is important to be in the zone of his interests so that the man understands that he can discuss with you everything that interests him, that is, you are a person spiritually close to him.

    Men love it when sincere interest is shown in their person, interest in their views on life, hobbies, opinions about other people. But there are also taboo topics about which you should not show curiosity; it is impossible to captivate a man by asking about the size of his salary, about his previous novels, about some of his past failures.

    After such curiosity, he will quickly relegate you to the category of an obsessive fool, and the relationship will end happily before it even begins.

    Confidence, but not aplomb

    A confident woman is always able to attract at least the attention of a man at first. This is not about business or life confidence, but about your conviction in your attractiveness to men. You may not be the brightest and most attractive in appearance, but you are sure that:

    • always arouse male interest,
    • any man, not the last one in your life,
    • you are sexually attractive
    • understand men, and can conquer almost anyone

    Just don’t confuse such confidence with aplomb, based on the fact that her appetizing forms and “legs from the ears,” coupled with a completely empty head, are capable of conquering any man. Such self-confidence, based only on external data, can only arouse fleeting sexual interest. Men often call such girls “dolls with monkey brains.”

    Verbal perception

    It is an axiom that a man loves with his eyes, but many of us understand it incorrectly. A man, indeed, at the first meeting evaluates a girl externally. But he pays attention to her appearance as a whole. That is, he is unlikely to notice her expensive jewelry, bright makeup, complex hairstyle, fashionable clothes. Men, as it were, see the whole picture, that is, how the girl looks in all this, her neatness, grooming, taste.

    A simple example: he will not pay attention to a skirt and beautiful tights, but will appreciate slimness female legs, will not admire a thoughtful hairstyle, but will see how beautifully the hair is framed woman's face. And so on, but all this can be a minus sign if she does not pay enough attention to her appearance.

    Enchanting laughter and enchanting aroma

    The fact that a man “loves with his eyes” does not exclude his other senses. In the verbal perception of a woman, both hearing and smell are involved in men. The way she talks and laughs also influences a man’s interest in her.

    It is impossible to captivate a man with a lady with a sharp, commanding voice and a loud, unpleasant laugh (such a laugh is also called “neighing”). A pleasant, soft, gentle voice, a charming smile, a cheerful facial expression, an infectious but not loud laugh - this is what can attract a man at first sight.

    And the unique aroma of a woman is also immediately perceived by representatives of the stronger sex, from the very first minutes of acquaintance. No matter how good a girl looks, if she emits a pungent odor of sweat, which she tried to drown out with an equally pungent perfume, such an aroma can immediately repel a man.

    Each person, including the fair sex, has their own individual smell, meaning the smell of a healthy, clean body. Choose perfume or eau de toilette, which go well with your natural scent, and the man you want to captivate will always enjoy being around you.

    Easy accessibility with a minus sign

    When a lady is available almost from the first meetings, this will rather cool a man than help captivate him. This refers not only to sexual availability, which will be discussed below, but to the availability of a woman in general.

    When from the very first meetings she gives a man all her time, attention, admiration, love, the man quickly loses interest in such a person. Men are hunters by nature, and in their subconscious they associate a woman with game that needs to be chased and caught. And if the game itself rushes into the arms of the hunter, what is the interest in that?

    By the way, even when the relationship is already quite serious or legalized, a man will not lose interest and attraction to his soul mate, who continues to imitate his hunt for her, that is, a man should not be sure that he has forever caught and subdued his beautiful game.

    Also, easy availability in sex can push a man away. It's very easy to attract a man for one night, but this cannot be a guarantee. long term relationship. Sex and love begin and end in the head. And if it affects only the genitals, this is ordinary lust, which does not make your head spin and disappears immediately after its satisfaction, leaving nothing in either the heart or the head.

    If a girl gives herself to a man on the very first day of their acquaintance, he can imagine that she behaves the same way with all men and will perceive her as a “one-night stand.” Of course, there are men who do not take such “little things” into account, but when the partner’s character and preferences have not yet been studied, can one vouch for his perception of hasty sex?

    Admiration and compliments

    Most people are partial to praise, admiration for their merits or actions, and men are no exception. Admire and compliment the man you're trying to attract, but do it wisely. This should not be empty flattery, based on nothing, or admiration for virtues that your chosen one does not possess.

    For example, the most narrow-minded man will understand that a lady, admiring his figure (which is very far from ideal, and he himself knows this very well), openly and stupidly flatters him, trying to please him. Admiration and compliments should be based on the man's real merits and achievements, even if you do not consider these virtues and achievements outstanding.

    Admire his computer skills, ability to drive a car, always look neat and stylish, his good manners, his perseverance and determination, for example, in mastering a foreign language, his athletic figure - you can find a lot of things in any man that he himself is proud of. That is, by the virtues that he possesses and to which he himself attaches importance.

    Here are six techniques or rules with which you can captivate a man.

    These techniques work on almost all men. But all people are different, including men, and it may well be that you want to captivate a man who has some special preferences in choosing women.

    For example, there are such slaves of the stomach that the most desirable for them will be a woman who knows how to cook deliciously, or some men don’t like kind, flexible women, give them a person with a slight bitch in character, someone may like a woman just because others like her men.

    To find out this and become exactly the way (or pretend that you are) what he likes, the first rule “interest in his person” will help. When you find out what qualities he likes most in a woman, you will be fully equipped to capture his imagination with exactly what he likes.

    And then all that remains is to understand whether the man is really seriously interested in you? How to do it -

    Apply the rules of conquering the stronger sex to the man you want to captivate, and he will not be able to resist your love and purely feminine enterprise.

    First of all, a woman can attract a man due to her bright appearance. But if a young man pays attention only to this, then he is unlikely to need long and serious relationship. If a girl wants to interest a guy, then external data alone is not enough. She should reconsider her behavior and learn to communicate with the opposite sex. It is enough to unobtrusively indicate your sympathy for the young man to want further communication.

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      How to get attention

      Most often, it is the woman who chooses the man. And she does it carefully and unnoticed. They come from her nonverbal cues, thanks to which she attracts attention to herself, and the young man begins to single her out from the crowd.

      However, modesty and indecision are inherent in both girls and young people. Therefore, representatives of the stronger half of humanity do not take the initiative into their own hands so often. After all, it is important for them to realize that the lady would also not mind getting to know each other.

      In order for a guy to pay attention and become interested in a woman, she needs to do the following:

      1. 1. Make eye contact. A girl can look at the man she likes, holding her gaze for a few seconds, then take him to the side and repeat everything after 5 minutes. It must be taken into account that the contact must convey a positive attitude. If a guy reads arrogance in his eyes, it will only push him away.
      2. 2. The young lady is recommended to smile and laugh more often. After all, it is much more pleasant to deal with a positive person. Communication with a dissatisfied person usually does not evoke joyful feelings. But we must remember that the smile should not be fake. You need to laugh from the heart, because sincerity is an effective weapon for the fair sex during seduction.
      3. 3. You can accidentally drop a scarf or some object while being next to a man. The young man will want to pick up the item and give it to the lady. After such an act, the gentleman should be praised and thanked. Also, you should ask the guy how to get to some famous place.

      Don’t be upset if you didn’t manage to interest a man right away, because he may be preoccupied with some problems. But first you need to find out if he is married. And if the place next to him is occupied, then it is better to give up trying to attract his attention.

      How to get your husband's attention


      Some girls, when they want to achieve the favor of a certain man, go to various extremes. They are demanding of their appearance and consider themselves too thin or too fat. Ladies can either completely hide their figure under a heap of clothes or expose themselves excessively. These options should be avoided. In the first case, the young man will pass by, and in the second he will decide that in front of him is a cheeky, easily accessible woman. Must select golden mean and always stick to it:

      1. 1. Choose feminine things and try to wear trousers or jeans less often.
      2. 2. With a tight-fitting outfit, highlight only one of your advantages: Beautiful legs, lush breasts or thin waist.
      3. 3. Choose light flowing dresses or other clothes in bright colors.
      4. 4. Give preference to barely noticeable makeup and natural hair styling.
      5. 5. Exercise regularly, because an elastic body is attractive to everyone.

      All your complexes must be left aside, since guys can easily determine a girl’s low self-esteem. In addition, a young lady who is used to taking care of herself is always attractive. Women are encouraged to experiment with beautiful clothes, pick up gentle makeup, do the styling, then success will be just around the corner.

      How to attract a man

      The body and its signals

      The human body is capable of giving nonverbal signals and communicating obedience or dominance. If a young lady wants a guy to show interest in her, her appearance should speak of vulnerability. This can be done as follows:

      1. 1. Open your neck as much as possible. You can bow your head or look up. And if you periodically look into the eyes of your interlocutor, he may perceive this as an incentive to action.
      2. 2. Show off the beauty of your legs. It is recommended to place one foot on top of the other and swing it slightly. If a young lady is wearing a short skirt, she can sit halfway, showing their length.
      3. 3. When communicating with a young man, lean forward a little. Thanks to this movement, the most vulnerable places, such as the neck and chest, will become visible.
      4. 4. Keep your lips slightly parted. In this way the girl shows her desire for dialogue. If the mouth is too tight, this indicates nervousness and anger.
      5. 5. Sometimes touch yourself with your hands. You can touch your cheek or neck. You need to move smoothly and easily. But you should avoid stroking, because it looks too provocative. It is allowed to stretch a little (if the couple is not at the table), thus, all the advantages of the figure will become even more visible.
      6. 6. Sometimes adjust your hair. It should be borne in mind that touching your hair looks advantageous if it is clean and well-groomed. It is acceptable to twirl a curl of hair around your finger, as if unconsciously, or to tighten the elastic band on the tail. Such manipulations are an ancient method of seduction.

      You must remember that you must always remain yourself in order to intrigue a man. If a girl is used to staying at home, then she shouldn’t pretend socialite. Even if the guy is interested, then one day the lady will have to take off the mask. Therefore, it is better to initially be sincere and open, then there is every chance that the woman will attract the chosen one.

      You can interest a man only if you are not afraid to show your sympathy. To do this, there is absolutely no need to behave defiantly or directly state this. It’s better to get by with a fascinating conversation, a friendly look, a pleasant laugh at his joke, and further actions should come from the man.

      How to seduce a man

      Rules for communicating with a guy

      You need to learn how to talk to a man. Communication with guys is different from communication with girls, at least at the initial stage.

      To intrigue a young man, a young lady must work on her own intonation, voice, and give preference to the right topics for conversation. The girl is recommended to follow some rules:

      • pronounce words clearly and slowly;
      • avoid hysterical notes;
      • intonation should be calm;
      • choose only positive topics for conversation;
      • ask more often and listen carefully;
      • It is advisable to read a lot, because it is not difficult for well-read young ladies to carry on a conversation.

      For a guy to start wooing a girl, she needs to follow some tips:

      1. 1. If a guy is confident that he can please a girl, he will pursue her. If he does not feel this, then it is unlikely that active actions can be expected from him. A woman must clearly understand that she needs his courtship. Then both will be sure that they are suitable for each other. Light coquetry on the part of the lady is appropriate so that the young man understands that he will not be denied a date if he approaches first.
      2. 2. It is recommended to praise the guy, because not only girls love compliments. But you must not overdo it, because rude flattery can ruin everything. Let the young lady approve of the young man’s ability to drive a car or cook a delicious dinner.
      3. 3. You need to listen carefully to a man and admire his actions. It is strictly forbidden to show irony or condescension. Only admiration should come from a girl. And if she asks leading questions, then success is almost guaranteed.

      How and what to talk about?

      The psychology of men is such that it is much easier to interest them if the young lady communicates with him more often. But this does not mean that the young man will have to be wooed. Positive communication brings the couple closer. A girl can, under any pretext, approach the guy several times and ask questions. It is recommended to try to be closer to him, but not to bother him too much. It must be remembered that it is he who must win the lady, and not she him.

      In addition to positive communication, a little discussion will be beneficial. In some cases, even conflict (without raising your voice or shouting) can be helpful. It's better to argue a little than not communicate at all. If at the beginning of a relationship a man is somewhat aggressive, this should not repel the woman, because it is not for nothing that boys pull girls’ pigtails in childhood.

      Competition between two fans

      This method is often criticized, but it must be admitted that it works. It is necessary to quietly force two men to compete with each other for one girl. The meaning of this action is quite simple, because men, at their core, tend to show the primitive instinct of a conqueror and compete with each other. And if one of them has a female, then others try to attract her attention.

      To interest a guy in this way, you must meet some conditions:

      • A young lady cannot flirt with another man if she already has a partner, because this will only cause resentment and aggression. It is necessary for the boyfriend to sometimes show signs of attention that cannot go unnoticed by the rest of the stronger sex. The lady should refuse, feigning slight indignation.
      • From now on, you can no longer be sure that you managed to really interest a man. After all, if a rival disappears from the horizon, then the guy’s interest may immediately disappear, since he appeared only thanks to the competition.

      Any young man would want to win a beautiful and smart girl, especially if he had the chance to watch other guys show her signs of attention.

      How to choose the time to flirt?

      But every person has days when he should not be disturbed. If a man has difficulties at work, stress, chronic fatigue and other worries, then he will not have time for dating for some time. He must deal with the basic problems, after which he will become interested in flirting. It is recommended to simply leave it alone for this period. If a girl chooses good timing, when a man’s affairs are going well, he is succeeding in business, then he will almost certainly turn his attention to her.

      These methods are universal for most situations. But it is necessary to take into account that all young people are different. Sometimes a woman can overdo it and a man will have no choice but to avoid a relationship with her. In other cases, the lady will not show any initiative, and the man will not like it. In everything it is worth observing moderation, and to everyone young man you need your own approach.

      A girl should always be beautiful and well-groomed, interesting and sociable. Let the man study it with pleasure like an unread book. A little charm, cunning and intelligence - then everything will certainly work out.

      And a little about secrets...

      The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

      I was especially saddened by my eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

      But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelifting? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

    We share with you, free of charge, effective secrets on how to captivate a man and settle in his soul forever, becoming the permanent mistress.

    1. Conspicuous adoration

    A very effective way. Perfect for those girls who have chosen a work colleague. Because ideally a man should be available most of the day.
    We persistently show interest in the chosen object, without being embarrassed by anyone around. It is important that this interest be in moderation and with humor, but not offend the man. We treat him with cookies, ask him how his day was, gently reproach him for coming without a scarf (hat), give him compliments, call him for any reason, ask for his opinion. Whatever the person, such close attention to his person will flatter him. This is a great way.

    You yourself have probably noticed that as soon as you mention to someone that a certain young man is in love with you, he immediately grows in your eyes. You want to get to know him better, an inexplicable sympathy appears, even if before you didn’t pay attention to him at all. This happens because each of us needs recognition. Therefore, you should not hide your feelings, show that you sincerely admire him, and he is guaranteed to be interested in you.

    This method should not be used on spoiled men female attention and with a highly developed hunting instinct. Such a representative of the strong half of humanity may pay attention to you, seeing your interest, but you should not expect that the interest will be long-lasting.

    2. Press for pity

    This method of attracting a man is designed for knights and gentlemen. You will be surprised, but there are plenty of such specimens in our time. Most men cannot refuse a woman in trouble. It is enough just to shed tears and start talking about your failures, remembering your unhappy childhood, being fired from your job, and the eternal lack of money. You can casually mention that you grew up without a father, and how difficult it was. Or remember how you wanted that toy as a child, but your mother couldn’t afford it because there was barely enough money for food. The main thing is not to overdo it, because most people don’t like whiners either and avoid them.

    You've probably seen stories on TV about disabled women who are happily married and have several children. And usually the husband of such a lady is quite an attractive and interesting man. The ugliest woman in the world, was married (!!!) three times. And one girl I know with an incurable disease that does not even allow her to leave the house, having posted a profile on a dating site, she simply did not have time to answer everyone who wanted to meet her. Now she has been in a relationship with a wonderful young man for three years.

    But you must understand that once you use this method, you yourself can fall into a trap. After all, then you will have to play the victim all the time. You won’t be able to simply lure a man into your life, pressing for pity, and then suddenly suddenly become self-sufficient strong woman. What to do? Smoothly transition from the Victim stage to the Naive Child stage (also in need of constant care and guardianship, but joyful laughter male more to my liking than bitter tears).

    3. Snow Queen

    The method is the opposite of the first. If you notice that your chosen one has a highly developed hunting instinct, then this is only to our advantage. Under no circumstances should you give such a man smiles. On the contrary, when you get into a company where he is, communicate with everyone except him. He is nothing to you. Answer his questions addressed to you personally in monosyllables. And if you notice his increased interest in yourself, quickly say goodbye and leave.

    Under no circumstances should you agree to his first offer to go somewhere together. Overcome yourself, no matter how much you want it, believe me, you will get triple for it. You cannot relax with such a man, especially if he is good-looking and popular with the opposite sex. You will have to remain a little impregnable for him until you are old, or at least until your wedding. You cannot relax with such a Casanova, because as soon as he feels that you are in love with him, he will immediately lose interest in you.

    In principle, any girl should use this method at least occasionally Everyday life. The main thing is not to confuse arrogance and coldness. You shouldn’t humiliate a man, you need to act as if you’re simply not interested in him and you’re only communicating with him out of politeness.

    4. Through the stomach

    If you are an amazing cook, and your loved one is not averse to eating delicious food, then this method is ideal for you. The main task is to lure him to your place for dinner. This doesn’t have to be a date; you can invite a group of friends over and feed them properly. Feed him wherever you can. Wrap him lunches for work, treat him to pies - and he’s at your feet.

    My friend never went on dates with her future husband empty-handed. Pots with cutlets, bags of pies and containers of pancakes took up permanent residence in her bag. In the end, I think she had to throw the bag away because of the smell of food. But a year later, a gold ring was already on her finger. True, her chosen one has gained at least ten extra pounds this year.

    Even if you don’t know how to cook and you never plan to stand at the stove, I still recommend that you practice a few signature recipes. It is desirable that they are not only tasty, but also fast. You never know how life will turn out, what if the man of your dreams suddenly decides to run over to you in the evening, and you have a ball rolling. There will be a reason to please him and show your talents in the kitchen. And for what you have planned, you can order complex dishes in a restaurant.

    5. Crush with intellect

    Men, regardless of intellectual development, fall for smart girls. NOT ABSOLUTELY or BOREDLY, but educated, well-read and erudite. Calmly express your opinion on any issue, especially if you understand it well, sprinkle with aphorisms famous people(you can read them before the date itself, if you are afraid of forgetting), titles of recently read books and abstruse words, such as: addiction, coherence, congruence. The main thing is not to overdo it, a girl who is too smart can also push a man away. At the end of any discussion, always take the man's side. Let him decide global issues, but you can decide such vital issues as which registry office to sign in and where to go on your honeymoon yourself.

    In any case, you should always be aware of the latest book and cinematic novelties in order to always be able to carry on a conversation with an interesting man. If you don’t have time to read books, then you can listen to them on the way to work or home, in public transport.

    6. Naive child

    Oddly enough, silly women attract no less male attention. And the labor costs on your part will be much less than in the previous method. The main thing is not to try to say as much nonsense as possible, but to reverently listen to the man, batting your eyelashes with delight. “You are so smart!”, “And how do you know all this?”, “I would never have thought!”. Let him look at you condescendingly, feeling his superiority, now he won’t be able to get away, because how are you without him now? You'll be lost, stupid!

    Ask his opinion on any matter, discuss with him every movie you watch, and let him see that you always take his advice.

    7. Straight to the forehead

    Suitable for very confident girls who are attracted to an unremarkable man. You just need to tell him one day that you have decided to marry him. Perhaps he will even be glad that the decision was made for him, and now he does not have to work to win a wife, court her and propose. Or maybe his first reaction will not be joy at all, but anger (resentment, shock) at the fact that he was not even consulted when making such an important decision. By the way, the biggest stubborn people are just such quiet ones. It seems like they smile at you, agree on everything, but when it comes down to it, it turns out that they had no intention of fulfilling the terms of the agreement. But it’s okay, a girl who has set a goal for herself will certainly achieve it.

    Did you like the guy??? She came up, threw it over her shoulder and took it away! They are gentle, indecisive creatures among us. - Unknown author

    Make all decisions for him yourself. For example: “In the evening, let's go to that Japanese restaurant that opened on the corner. You love rolls, don’t you?” or “Today we meet my parents. Buy cake and wine." A marriage in which the woman always makes the decision is often very happy. Long gone are the days when the man was in charge of the family. Nowadays it's the other way around.

    8. Give compliments

    For some reason, it is believed that only women like compliments. But this is not true at all. Men, no less than us, need to hear that they are admired. After all, no matter what you think, he spends days in the gym, not because he cares about his health, but because he wants to hear how strong and beautiful his muscles are, how sculpted and toned his abs are. Admire him physical strength, sharp mind, laugh at his jokes, and the man will appreciate it. He will want to spend more time with you - it’s always nice to communicate with a person who appreciates you.

    But you should not flatter him openly, because no matter how vain he may be, your loved one may suspect you of dishonesty. And then you're almost guaranteed to scare him away.

    These are the main and most effective ways to captivate a man. Experience and enjoy the adoration of your loved one!

    Many women, having met in their lives interesting man, would like to attract his attention, but do not know how to do it. How to interest the man you like so that it looks natural and unobtrusive? How to take the first steps towards a new relationship and cope with the fear of failure?

    To interest any person, first of all you need to think - what might interest him? What can attract attention and make you stand out from the crowd? After all, every day any man meets a large number of women – at work, in transport, on the street, in various in public places. What can distinguish you favorably from all these women to arouse his interest?

    What kind of women attract men?

    To answer all these questions, you need to look at what kind of women are actually interesting to men?

    It is unlikely that a man will be interested in a woman with a dull look, tired of many endless problems, not noticing anyone around, withdrawn and not sociable. Is it true? From here we draw conclusions - in order to interest a man, you should present the complete opposite of this unattractive image.

    Create an attractive appearance

    Even if you think that you are quite attractive, you should pay attention to all the details that may interest the man you like. Of course, it’s worth starting with your own appearance. Appearance is what a man first sees and evaluates. Even if you have the deepest inner world, you are unlikely to be able to demonstrate it to a man if the man is not interested in your appearance. We conclude - you need to look your best!

    1. We sign up for the nearest fitness center and tighten our figure, go to the solarium, to the beauty salon and get ourselves in order.
    2. After that adjusting the wardrobe and leave the most elegant items of clothing that highlight your assets.
    3. You nice legs? Choose a dress or skirt just above the knee or with an intriguing slit at the thigh.
    4. You a slim body? We select a dress of a single color with a tight-fitting cut.
    5. You beautiful breasts? We choose a blouse with a neckline!

    The main thing is not to overdo it. Everything - from clothes to cosmetics - should be natural and not too flashy so as not to look vulgar.

    Believe me, well-groomed, neat clothed woman with discreet makeup, she radiates health and beauty, attracting the attention of surrounding men and arousing natural interest.

    Attracting a man's attention

    If you have already coped with the task of creating an attractive appearance, now you need to move on and try to start a conversation with the man you like. To do this, you can use purely feminine tricks - for example, a glance.

    A very effective way to arouse the interest of any man you like has long been known - we look to the side, then we look at the man with an interested glance, and when he notices the look, we lower our gaze downwards.

    This will not go unnoticed - any man will pay attention to a woman who looks at him with interest. The main thing is to do everything so that he notices it.

    In addition, a friendly smile is of great importance. Smile at the corners of your lips while looking at the man, and this will greatly enhance the effect.

    Many women make the fatal mistake of pretending to be unavailable ladies who look down on men. This behavior is likely to cause hostility in most men. But a friendly female look is a completely different matter!

    Such a look not only arouses interest, but also shows that you do not suffer from hypertrophied arrogance, and an attempt to communicate with you will not stumble upon an impenetrable ice wall.

    Also, do not forget such simple, but quite effective ways talking to a man like an object accidentally dropped from your hands, while the man is nearby and like a gallant gentleman will help you pick him up, or asking for help with some insignificant problem or question.

    Communication as a way to interest a man

    And now you look your best, you attracted attention the right man and spoke to him. Now the most important thing begins! The further development of the relationship will depend on your ability to communicate. Will your first communication sink into a man’s soul or will he forget about this conversation in five minutes?

    What makes an interlocutor interesting and pleasant to communicate with? Remember - who is usually pleasant to communicate with? And with whom is it not so good? Surely you know people who, when you see them, make you want to cross to the other side of the street. Why doesn’t communicating with them bring any joy?

    Everything is very simple - in order to become a pleasant conversationalist, you just need to be sincerely interested in the person with whom you are communicating - his hobbies, views on life, empathize with him, be able to support him at the right moment, find the right words, to encourage and, of course, share his opinion and be able to express your approval.

    No one is interested in communicating with a person who, when asked “How are you?” begins to pour out on you his problems, difficulties, doubts, seasoned with negative emotions. Nobody likes whiners, losers who take up our time and, like vampires, suck out our life energy.

    When communicating, be as friendly, kind and unobtrusive as possible. If a man helped you pick up a dropped handkerchief or fallen papers, thank him for his gallantry, and note that this quality is rarely seen these days. Make him stand out from the crowd - highlight his features. He will definitely appreciate it!

    If you turn to a man with a question, listen carefully to the explanation, and do not forget to express your admiration for his intelligence in the meantime. This is very important for a man - after all, everyone wants to hear confirmation of their exclusivity, of what sets them apart from other people. He will be very grateful to you for these good words and this will surely arouse his interest in you.

    In the future, when talking with a man, try to sincerely express your joy from communicating with him. Emphasize it positive traits, show that you share his opinion and smile more often.

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